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Exam Chaucer resit 2018

EXAM-LEO006P05-20180702 - Exam - Chaucer resit 0207-2018 Exam instructions This is a closed-book, three-hour exam. The exam will count for 67% of your final mark. Exam inspection hours will be announced on Nestor. Answer either Questions 1-3 OR answer Question 4 in a single essay. Do NOT answer Questions 1-3 and 4. Do not repeat significant parts of your essays. For Questions 1-3, choose option A or B. NB: Throughout the exam you must make explicit reference to at least two secondary (that is, critical) texts set for this course. For the purpose of the exam each tale, the Wife of Bath's Prologue, and the General Prologue counts as an individual text. The Book of the Duchess, The House of Fame, and Troilus and Criseyde are also considered individual texts. General instructions for students: You must be able to identify yourself by presenting your student card at the invigilator’s request. Mobile phones must be switched off in the examination hall; there must be complete silence during the exam. Cheating and plagiarism will be penalised You may not enter the examination hall more than 30 minutes after the start of the exam. You may not leave the examination hall during the first half hour of the examination. You may NOT leave the examination hall during the last half hour of the examination. This is a courtesy to others, so please do not ask for an exception. If you have urgent reasons to leave the examination hall, please ask the invigilator for permission to do so Question 1 Points Possible: 10 Read the extract below and answer either Question A or B. Your answer must address the text from which it is taken and make specific reference to the formal aspects of the Middle English in the quoted passage, in addition to locating it in the context of the narrative. A. Discuss the role of gender in this passage. B. Discuss the role of humour in this passage. 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Telle me also, to what conclusion Tell me also, to what purpose Were membres maad of generacion, Were members of generation made, And of so parfit wys a [wright] ywroght? And by so perfectly wise a Workman wrought? Trusteth right wel, they were nat maad for noght. Trust right well, they were not made for nothing. Glose whoso wole, and seye bothe up and doun Interpret whoever will, and say both up and down That they were maked for purgacioun That they were made for purgation Of uryne, and oure bothe thynges smale Of urine, and both our small things Were eek to knowe a femele from a male, Were also to know a female from a male, And for noon oother cause -- say ye no? And for no other cause -- do you say no? The experience woot wel it is noght so. The experience knows well it is not so. So that the clerkes be nat with me wrothe, Provided that the clerks be not angry with me, 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 I sey this: that they maked ben for bothe; I say this: that they are made for both; That is to seye, for office and for ese That is to say, for urination and for ease Of engendrure, ther we nat God displese. Of procreation, in which we do not displease God. Why sholde men elles in hir bookes sette Why else should men set in their books That man shal yelde to his wyf hire dette? That man shall pay to his wife her debt? Now wherwith sholde he make his paiement, Now with what should he make his payment, If he ne used his sely instrument? If he did not use his blessed instrument? Thanne were they maad upon a creature Then were they made upon a creature To purge uryne, and eek for engendrure. To purge urine, and also for procreation. But I seye noght that every wight is holde, But I say not that every person is required, That hath swich harneys as I to yow tolde, That has such equipment as I to you told, To goon and usen hem in engendrure. To go and use them in procreation. Thanne sholde men take of chastitee no cure. Then should men have no regard for chastity. Question 2 Points Possible: 10 Answer either Question A or B. A. Discuss the genre of The Clerk's Tale and and The Wife of Bath's Tale. B. Is class a relevant aspect of The Franklin's Tale and The Miller's Tale? Question 3 Points Possible: 10 Answer either A or B. A. Chaucer is not an author. Discuss. B. Chaucer is a original writer. Discuss. You must make reference to at least three primary texts studied for this course. You may not answer in detail on more than one text on which you have already answered in Questions 1 and 2. Question 4 Points Possible: 10 [Do NOT answer this question if you have answered Questions 1-3.] 'And it is for us—writers, thinkers, journalists, philosophers—to undertake the task of rebuilding our readers’ belief in reality, their faith in the truth. And to do it with new language, from the ground up'. Salman Rushdie Discuss Chaucer as a narrator in the light of this statement. You may refer to any of Chaucer's works but you must include at least three of his texts studied for this course.