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Review Number: 2140 Publish date: Thursday, 27 July, 2017 Editor: Reinhold C. Mueller Alfredo Cosco Date of Publication: 2016 Publisher: Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia Publisher url: Place of Publication: Venice Editor: Alfredo Cosco Linda Guzzetti Reinhold C. Mueller Date of Publication: 2016 Publisher: Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia Publisher url: Place of Publication: Venice Reviewer: Georg Christ
Il convegno del 2021 si terrà il 18-20 febbraio 2021 a Venezia. Tema: Attraversare lo Stato da mar. Transiti di persone, navi, merci, idee. Scadenza: 15 novembre 2020 / Venice, February 18-20, 2021. Theme: Crossing the Stato da Mar. The Movement of People, Ships, Goods, Ideas. Deadline: November 15, 2020.
10.30-11.00 Registration Umberto Eco Room (Campus A, 2 nd Floor) 11.00-11:30 Opening Umberto Eco Room (Campus A, 2 nd Floor) 11:30-12:00 Keynote lecture Umberto Eco Room (Campus A, 2 nd Floor) 12.00-12:15 Coffee break Umberto Eco Room (Campus A, 2 nd Floor) 12:15-13:15 Keynote lectures Umberto Eco Room (Campus A, 2 nd Floor) 13:15-15:30 Lunch break Umberto Eco Room (Campus A, 2 nd Floor)
The association has found a way to present the gondola from an innovative point of view. El Felze has brought together all the craftsmen that contribute to the construction of gondolas, not forgetting those who contribute to the gondolier's appearance
Il convegno si terrà il 7-9 aprile 2022 a Venezia. Temi: Incroci di sguardi. Lo stato da mar nello sguardo degli altri - gli altri nello sguardo dello Stato da mar / Intersecting Gazes. Outsider Perspectives on the Stato da Mar / Perspectives of Outsiders from the Stato da Mar e Culture e identità nello Stato da mar / Cultures and Identities in the Stato da mar
Проблемы истории, филологии, культуры №1 (59) / Гл. ред М.Г. Абрамзон. – Москва – Магнитогорск – Новосибирск, 2018. – С. 123 – 145.
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