RIBA Plan of
Work 2013
First developed in 1963, for half a century the
RIBA Plan of Work has been the definitive UK
model for the building design and construction
process, also exercising significant influence
on an international stage.
The RIBA Plan of Work has been a bedrock
document for the architects’ profession
and the construction industry, providing a
shared framework for the organisation and
management of building projects that is
widely used as both a process map and a
management tool, and providing important
work stage reference points used in a
multitude of contractual and appointment
documents and best practice guidance. It
has been amended and updated over time
to reflect developments in design team
organisation, changes in regulatory regimes
and innovations in procurement arrangements,
although these changes have generally
been incremental and reactive to changing
circumstances rather than strategically driven.
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 builds on this
fantastically valuable heritage and represents
the most comprehensive review and
development of the RIBA Plan of Work to
be undertaken since its inception. It reflects
the very best principles in contemporary
architectural project and design management,
and demonstrates the commitment of the
RIBA to undertaking continuous improvement
of its core guidance and to providing strategic
leadership at a time of rapid change in the
construction industry.
Through its Construction Strategy, the UK
Government has identified the need for a
construction industry which is better integrated
and more efficient and which enshrines
principles of sustainability as a matter of
course. By developing a new generation RIBA
Plan of Work that incorporates sustainable
design principles, provides the infrastructure to
support Building Information Modelling (BIM),
promotes integrated working between project
team members, including the construction
team, and provides the flexibility to match
procurement approaches to client needs, the
RIBA seeks to make an important contribution
to this transformation of the construction
sector in the UK; one which we feel will also
have great relevance in the international arena.
Developed alongside this Overview, the
RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Online is an easy to
customise electronic document that can be
adapted to the specific needs of any practice,
team or project. Traditional and non-traditional
procurement models are both accommodated
in this edition, which has been designed to
meet the needs of businesses and projects of
every size and degree of complexity. Whether
your work is predominantly focused on small
domestic projects or larger projects, the RIBA
Plan of Work 2013 is an essential component
in practice management and a product I am
happy to endorse and promote on behalf of
the RIBA.
Angela Brady
RIBA President
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 is endorsed by the following organisations:
Industry Council
Chartered Institute of
Architectural Technologies
Royal Incorporation
of Architects in Scotland
Royal Society of Architects
in Wales
Royal Society of
Ulster Architects
© RIBA 2013. Editor: Dale Sinclair. Published by RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London, W1B 1AD.
ISBN 978 1 85946 519 6
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owner.
While every effort has been made to check the accuracy and quality of the information given in this publication, neither the Editor nor the Publisher accept
any responsibility for the subsequent use of this information, for any errors or omissions that it may contain, or for any misunderstandings arising from it.
Introduction to the RIBA
Plan of Work 2013
Concept and comparison to the
RIBA Outline Plan of Work 2007
Task bars 1–8
Project stages 0–7
RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Online
Read in conjunction with...
Frequently asked questions
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Introduction to
the RIBA Plan of
Work 2013
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 organises the
process of briefing, designing, constructing,
maintaining, operating and using building
projects into a number of key stages. It details
the tasks and outputs required at each stage
which may vary or overlap to suit specific
project requirements. The RIBA Plan of Work
2013 template is enclosed as a fold out at the
end of this document.
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013:
— acts across the full range of sectors and
project sizes
— provides straightforward mapping for all
forms of procurement
— integrates sustainable design processes
— maps Building Information Modelling (BIM)
processes, and
— provides flexibility in relation to (town)
planning procedures.
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 itself is not a
contractual document: it directs readers
to various tools and supplementary core
documents used by a project team, including
documents relating to professional services
contracts, Schedules of Services and
project protocols, which may or may not
be contractual, and to the various forms of
commonly used Building Contracts.
Using the RIBA Plan of Work 2013
This Overview document provides a simple
introduction to the RIBA Plan of Work 2013.
Further detail is provided in RIBA
Publishing’s Guide to Using the RIBA Plan
of Work 2013, which can be obtained at
Within this document, terms included in
the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 and defined in
the glossary are set in bold type and the
RIBA Plan of Work 2013 stages begin with
capital letters.
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Online is available
at www.ribaplanofwork.com. This has been
developed as a flexible tool that enables the
creation of a bespoke practice or project Plan
of Work containing the relevant procurement
(tendering), programme and (town) planning
activities. The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 is
suitable for many forms of procurement and
can be tailored to accommodate specific
project and client requirements.
The continuous cycle
Buildings are refurbished and reused or
demolished and recycled in a continuous
cycle. If building outcomes are to improve,
better briefing processes will be required.
More importantly, feedback from completed
projects must be available to inform
subsequent projects. The RIBA Plan of Work
2013 recognises the stages that a building
project goes through and promotes the
importance of recording and disseminating
information about completed projects.
Which of the following common
procurement routes do you
frequently use?
One stage
Design and Build
Two stage
Design and Build
Private Finance
Initiative (PFI)
Figure 1: RIBA members’ online survey 2012
Development from earlier versions
The RIBA Plan of Work framework has served
both the architects’ profession and the wider
construction industry well.
The major strength of the RIBA Outline Plan
of Work 2007 is the simplicity of its stages and
the clarity of the stage descriptions. Although
the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 may initially
appear quite different from the RIBA Outline
Plan of Work 2007, its use of stages and task
descriptions has not altered fundamentally.
The definition of the project stages is pivotal,
because the stages act as milestones for
agreeing deliverables, establishing fee
agreements and determining the activities
of the many parties involved in the design,
construction and supporting activities of
a project.
The RIBA Outline Plan of Work 2007, however,
only aligns to a single (traditional) procurement
route and makes assumptions about the timing
of planning applications.
The Plan of Work consultation with members
(the detail of which can be viewed at
undertaken by the RIBA in 2012, showed that
traditional contractual arrangements remain
the most prevalent form of procurement, used
to some extent by 86 per cent of architects’
practices that responded to the survey (Figure
1). However, other forms of procurement are
also commonly used. Design and build forms of
procurement have grown in popularity, with 40
per cent of responding practices indicating that
they use both one stage and two stage variants.
Management contracting and private finance
initiative (PFI) procurement routes are less
frequently used by practices but are important
procurement approaches on larger projects.
It is also clear that, with certain forms of
procurement, a number of common variants
exist. This is particularly true for design
and build forms of procurement, where the
information used to form the Employer’s
Requirements, and the subsequent
Contractor’s Proposals, can vary significantly
from project to project.
The town planning process also emerged from
the RIBA’s member consultation as a key topic.
Common trends identified were:
— more frequent requests from clients for
planning applications to be submitted earlier
in the design process, typically using an
enhanced Concept Design
— not all members of the design team being
appointed during the initial design period
— the need to recognise the increasing amount
of supporting information required for a
planning application and the benefits derived
from early community consultations on
some projects, and
— the requirement, particularly on conservation
projects, for very detailed design,
specification and construction information to
be approved before, or during, construction.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Concept and comparison
to the RIBA Outline Plan
of Work 2007
The RIBA Outline Plan of Work 2007 is part
of the mind set of every architect and most
other professionals involved in the construction
industry and is woven into their processes.
This section sets out the conceptual shift from
the RIBA Outline Plan of Work 2007 to the new
RIBA Plan of Work 2013.
Task Bars
In the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 eight task bars
replace the ‘Description of key tasks’ in the
RIBA Outline Plan of Work 2007.
Some task bars are fixed, some are variable
(containing options specific to a practice or
project specific Plan of Work) and others are
selectable (able to be ‘switched’ on or off).
The RIBA Outline Plan of Work 2007 consists
of eleven stages defined by the letters A–L,
a description of key tasks and reference to
former Office of Government Commerce
(OGC) Gateways ™.
The fixed bars ensure consistency across all
RIBA Plan of Work 2013 documents.
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 consists of eight
stages defined by the numbers 0–7, and eight
task bars as illustrated in Figure 2.
The ability to switch certain task bars on or
off and to vary the content of others provides
a flexible ‘kit of parts’ that can be used to
produce a focused and bespoke practice or
project specific version via the RIBA Plan of
Work 2013 Online.
Figure 2
8 stages
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 organises the process of briefing, designing, constructing, maintaining, operating and using building projects
into a number of key stages. The content of stages may vary or overlap to suit specific project requirements. The RIBA Plan of Work 2013
should be used solely as guidance for the preparation of detailed professional services contracts and building contracts.
and Brief
and Close Out
Identify client’s Business
Case and Strategic Brief
and other core project
Develop Project Objectives,
including Quality Objectives
and Project Outcomes,
Sustainability Aspirations,
Project Budget, other
parameters or constraints and
develop Initial Project Brief.
Undertake Feasibility Studies
and review of Site Information.
Prepare Concept Design,
including outline proposals
for structural design, building
services systems, outline
specifications and preliminary
Cost Information along with
relevant Project Strategies
in accordance with Design
Programme. Agree
alterations to brief and issue
Final Project Brief.
Prepare Developed Design,
including coordinated and
updated proposals for
structural design, building
services systems, outline
specifications, Cost
Information and Project
Strategies in accordance with
Design Programme.
Prepare Technical Design
in accordance with Design
Responsibility Matrix and
Project Strategies to include
all architectural, structural and
building services information,
specialist subcontractor
design and specifications,
in accordance with Design
Initial considerations for
assembling the project team.
Prepare Project Roles Table
and Contractual Tree and
continue assembling the
project team.
In Use
*Variable task bar
Establish Project Programme. Review Project Programme.
The procurement strategy does not fundamentally alter the progression
of the design or the level of detail prepared at a given stage. However,
Information Exchanges will vary depending on the selected procurement
route and Building Contract. A bespoke RIBA Plan of Work 2013 will set
out the specific tendering and procurement activities that will occur at each
stage in relation to the chosen procurement route.
Review Project Programme.
*Variable task bar
(Town) Planning
Pre-application discussions.
Pre-application discussions.
Review Feedback from
previous projects.
Prepare Handover Strategy
and Risk Assessments.
Key Support
Agree Schedule of Services,
Design Responsibility
Matrix and Information
Exchanges and prepare
Project Execution Plan
including Technology and
Communication Strategies
and consideration of Common
Standards to be used.
Conclude administration of
Building Contract.
The procurement route may dictate the Project Programme and may result in certain
stages overlapping or being undertaken concurrently. A bespoke RIBA Plan of Work
2013 will clarify the stage overlaps. The Project Programme will set out
the specific stage dates and detailed programme durations.
Prepare Sustainability
Strategy, Maintenance and
Operational Strategy and
review Handover Strategy
and Risk Assessments.
Review and update
Sustainability, Maintenance
and Operational and
Handover Strategies and
Risk Assessments.
Review and update
Sustainability, Maintenance
and Operational and
Handover Strategies and
Risk Assessments.
Undertake third party
consultations as required
and any Research and
Development aspects.
Undertake third party
consultations as required
and conclude Research and
Development aspects.
Prepare and submit Building
Regulations submission and
any other third party
submissions requiring consent.
Review and update Project
Execution Plan.
Review and update Project
Execution Plan, including
Change Control Procedures.
Review and update Project
Execution Plan.
Consider Construction
Strategy, including offsite
Review and update
fabrication, and develop Health Construction and Health and
and Safety Strategy.
Safety Strategies.
Review Construction
Strategy, including
sequencing, and update
Health and Safety Strategy.
Review and update
Sustainability Strategy
and implement Handover
Strategy, including agreement
of information required for
commissioning, training,
handover, asset management,
future monitoring and
maintenance and ongoing
compilation of ‘Asconstructed’ Information.
Carry out activities listed in
Handover Strategy including
Feedback for use during the
future life of the building or on
future projects.
Updating of Project
Information as required.
Conclude activities listed
in Handover Strategy
including Post-occupancy
Evaluation, review of Project
Performance, Project
Outcomes and Research
and Development aspects.
Updating of Project
Information, as required, in
response to ongoing client
Feedback until the end of the
building’s life.
Update Construction and
Health and Safety Strategies.
Checkpoint — 0
Checkpoint — 1
Checkpoint — 2
Checkpoint — 3
Checkpoint — 4
Checkpoint — 5
Checkpoint — 6
Checkpoint — 7
Strategic Brief.
Initial Project Brief.
Concept Design including
outline structural and building
services design, associated
Project Strategies,
preliminary Cost Information
and Final Project Brief.
Developed Design, including
the coordinated architectural,
structural and building
services design and updated
Cost Information.
Completed Technical Design
of the project.
Updated ‘As-constructed’
Information updated
in response to ongoing
client Feedback and
maintenance or operational
Not required.
Not required.
Not required.
As required.
(at stage completion)
UK Government
*Variable task bar – in creating a bespoke project or practice specific RIBA Plan of Work 2013 via www.ribaplanofwork.com a specific bar is selected from a number of options.
Administration of Building
Contract, including regular
site inspections and review
of progress.
Undertake In Use services
in accordance with
Schedule of Services.
Planning applications are typically made using the Stage 3 output.
A bespoke RIBA Plan of Work 2013 will identify when the planning
application is to be made.
*Variable task bar
Offsite manufacturing and
Handover of building and
onsite Construction in
conclusion of Building
accordance with Construction Contract.
Programme and resolution of
Design Queries from site as
they arise.
The stages are represented by numbers
to avoid confusion with the stages in the
RIBA Outline Plan of Work 2007, which were
represented by letters.
The shift to numbers also allows the stages to
be aligned with a set of unified industry stages
agreed through the Construction Industry
Council (CIC). Aligning the stage numbers in
the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 with this structure
helps to achieve one of the core objectives of
the RIBA Plan of Work 2013, namely greater
cohesion within the construction industry.
The eight stages of the RIBA Plan of Work
2013 are derived as follows:
Stage 0 Strategic Definition is a
new stage in which a project is
strategically appraised and defined
before a detailed brief is created.
This is particularly relevant in the
context of sustainability, when
a refurbishment or extension, or
indeed a rationalised space plan,
may be more appropriate than a
new building. Certain activities in
Stage 0 are derived from the former
(RIBA Outline Plan of Work 2007)
Stage A – Appraisal.
Stage 1 Preparation and Brief
merges the residual tasks from the
former Stage A – Appraisal – with the
Stage B – Design Brief – tasks that
relate to carrying out preparation
activities and briefing in tandem.
Stage 2 Concept Design maps
exactly to the former Stage C –
Stage 3 Developed Design maps
broadly to the former Stage D –
Design Development – and part
of Stage E – Technical Design.
The strategic difference is that
in the RIBA Plan of Work 2013
the Developed Design will be
coordinated and aligned with the
Cost Information by the end of
Stage 3. This may not increase the
amount of design work required, but
extra time will be needed to review
information and implement any
changes that arise from comments
made before all the outputs are
coordinated prior to the Information
Exchange at the end of Stage 3.
Stage 4 Technical Design comprises
the residual technical work of the
core design team members. At the
end of Stage 4, the design work of
these designers will be completed,
although they may have to respond
to Design Queries that arise from
work undertaken on site during
Stage 5. This stage also includes
and recognises the importance of
design work undertaken by specialist
subcontractors and/or suppliers
employed by the contractor
(Performance Specified Work in JCT
contracts) and the need to define
this work early in the process in the
Design Responsibility Matrix.
Stage 5 Construction maps to the
former Stage K – Construction to
Practical Completion – but also
includes Stage J – Mobilisation.
Stage 6 Handover and Close Out
maps broadly to the former Stage
L – Post Practical Completion –
Stage 7 In Use is a new stage
which includes Post-occupancy
Evaluation and review of Project
Performance as well as new duties
that can be undertaken during the In
Use period of a building.
Procurement and tendering
Although the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 does
not include a stage corresponding to Stages
G, H and J of the RIBA Outline Plan of Work
2007, which relate to the tendering activities
associated with traditional procurement, it
includes these activities in the Procurement
task bar.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Task bars 1–8
Each of the eight task bars that replace
the single description of key tasks in the
RIBA Outline Plan of Work 2007 has a
specific purpose. These are detailed below
demonstrating the degree of flexibility possible
when generating a bespoke practice or project
specific Plan of Work.
Task bar 1: Core Objectives
In this task bar, the Core Objectives and the
principal activities for each stage are set out.
This task bar is fixed and is used in all versions
of the RIBA Plan of Work 2013.
Task bars 2, 3 & 4: The three Ps:
Procurement, Programme
and (Town) Planning
Procurement, programme and (town) planning
activities vary widely from project to project
and resolving this conundrum has been one
of the biggest challenges in the creation of
the RIBA Plan of Work 2013. To overcome this
variability, the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 allows
users to generate their own bespoke practice
or project specific Plan of Work (available at
www.ribaplanofwork.com). During the process
of generating a bespoke Plan, the user
selects a specific task bar for each of these
three tasks from a pull-down list and their
customised Plan of Work is generated. The
specific activities in these task bars generated
in a bespoke RIBA Plan of Work 2013 can be
seen in RIBA Publishing’s Guide to Using the
RIBA Plan of Work 2013.
Task bar 2: Procurement
To allow for a number of forms of procurement,
the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 template has a
generic Procurement task bar. Users generating
their bespoke RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Online
can select the type of procurement from a
pull-down list. Once the procurement route is
selected, the practice or project specific Plan
of Work that is generated will contain a task
bar that includes the specific procurement and
tendering activities at each stage.
The activities for Stages 2 to 4 that would be
contained in a bespoke RIBA Plan of Work
2013 vary depending on the procurement route
selected. The options available are:
— traditional contract
— one-stage design and build contract
(with Employer’s Requirements defined at
Stage 3)
— two-stage design and build contract
(with Employer’s Requirements defined at
Stage 4)
— management contract
— contractor-led contract
— a ‘To be determined’ option where the
programme and (town) planning strategies
are agreed but further flexibility is required
in terms of procurement.
These options may be reviewed and extended
in the future in line with feedback received.
A fundamental part of determining the
procurement strategy for assembling
the project team is defining the timing of
contractor involvement. The RIBA Plan of Work
2013 advocates establishing the project team
during Stage 1. A project specific Plan of Work
would typically be generated during Stage 1;
however, the variable task bars have options
available that allow a Plan to be generated, or
finalised, during a later stage.
Where architects’ practices, clients or other
participants involved in the processes
frequently use a specific form of procurement,
such as traditional or two-stage design and
build Building Contracts, they will be able to
produce a practice specific Plan of Work that
can be used from the outset of each project.
Task bar 3: Programme
Task bar 4: (Town) Planning
The stages of the RIBA Plan of Work 2013
are generally sequential and follow the
progression of a project from commencement
to completion and beyond. However, the
procurement strategy, or certain client
demands, may dictate that a number of
stages have to occur simultaneously or
overlap. The Programme task bar allows a
bespoke practice or project specific Plan
of Work to illustrate and highlight these
stage overlaps. The option inserted into a
bespoke practice or project specific Plan of
Work is automatically selected based on the
procurement route chosen. It is accepted that
a multitude of further options may be possible.
However, where detailed circumstances
specific to a given project require an alternative
approach, this should be dealt with using the
Project Programme.
The town planning process was identified
as a key topic to be addressed by the RIBA
Plan of Work 2013. To embrace this, the
pull-down options available when generating
a bespoke practice or project specific RIBA
Plan of Work 2013 Online allow the user to
determine whether the planning application
will be made at the end of Stage 2 or Stage
3 (the recommended stage for submitting a
planning application) and highlight the need to
conclude planning condition submissions prior
to work commencing on site. Notwithstanding
the two options available for selection, it is
acknowledged that in some instances the
resolution of planning conditions may need
to be undertaken earlier (for example, where
it is a contractual imperative to do so before
a client enters into a Building Contract). It is
also acknowledged that on certain projects
(conservation projects, for example) other
planning matters may have to be concluded
during Stage 5. In both scenarios, the Project
Programme should be utilised to clarify these
specific durations.
This task bar underlines the need on every
project for a Project Programme that sets out
the duration of each stage and any supporting
activities. This programme should dovetail
with the Design Programme(s) prepared
by the lead designer, with contributions from
the other designers, and the more detailed
Construction Programme prepared by
the contractor. A Project Programme has
been a core requirement of collaborative
contracts for some time as it ensures that each
party is involved in the process of agreeing
timescales and is fully aware of the risks that
the programme generates in relation to their
specific Schedule of Services.
Where planning applications are made at
the end of Stage 2, the project lead and
lead designer will have to consider the level
of detail to be prepared for the Stage 2
Information Exchange. On certain projects,
where it is uncertain that consent will be
granted, the client may not appoint all of the
designers or may appoint them on a restricted
Stage 2 Schedule of Services. In these
circumstances it may be necessary to
include some additional activities for the
project team at the start of Stage 3. A project’s
Risk Assessment should consider the
individual project circumstances, identifying
the risks created and setting out how they
will be managed.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Task bar 5: Suggested Key Support Tasks
Task bar 7: Information Exchanges
The Suggested Key Support Tasks task bar:
This task bar provides guidance on the
information that would typically be delivered at
the Information Exchanges at the end of each
stage. The importance of agreeing the precise
extent of information and, crucially, the specific
level of detail, is discussed in the Guide to
Using the RIBA Plan of Work 2013. Preparation
of the Design Responsibility Matrix and
Schedule of Services are also key tasks as
these impact who will produce what and when.
— clarifies the activities required to achieve the
Sustainability Aspirations, reducing the
carbon emissions related to the building,
and those required to embed Building
Information Modelling (BIM) into the
— sets out key tasks in relation to statutory
requirements, such as those relating to
Building Regulations submissions and
project and design management protocols,
roles and responsibilities
— ensures that the project team is properly
assembled, and that buildability, health
and safety and other construction
considerations and logistics are considered
early in the process by using the Project
Execution Plan, Construction Strategy
and Health and Safety Strategy in the
The tasks that are listed are not mandatory;
however, they do provide an appropriate level
of management and assist in achieving the
stated objectives at each stage.
This task bar is fixed and used in all versions of
the RIBA Plan of Work 2013.
Task bar 6: Sustainability Checkpoints
This task bar has been developed from the
Sustainability Checkpoints included in the
2011 Green Overlay to the RIBA Outline Plan
of Work 2007.
The Sustainability Checkpoints task bar is
selectable and can be switched on or off in
a practice or project specific Plan of Work.
This topic is new to the RIBA Plan of Work
and also to the RIBA appointment documents.
However, given the degree of variability
between practices and between projects, it is
appropriate for the RIBA to provide guidance
on this essential subject.
This task bar is fixed and used in all versions of
the RIBA Plan of Work 2013.
Task bar 8:
UK Government Information Exchanges
The UK Government Information Exchanges
task bar has been introduced to encourage
consideration of the stages that the UK
Government requires information to be
exchanged. This task bar highlights the fact
that the UK Government has its own particular
views on this important subject, derived from
its 2011 Construction Strategy.
The UK Government recognises that, as a
client, it does not need to be involved in every
Information Exchange. It requires particular
and specific information at certain stages in
order to answer the questions pertinent to a
given stage. Furthermore, the UK Government
is seeking data-rich information that can be
used post occupancy to manage its entire
estate and to allow stringent benchmarking
activities to occur.
This is a developing subject and further
information is best obtained from
www.bimtaskgroup.org, including details
of COBie, which will be the principal vehicle
for delivering information to the UK
Government as client on projects instigated
in the near future.
This task bar is selectable and can be
switched on or off in a bespoke practice or
project specific Plan of Work.
Project stages 0–7
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 consists of eight stages
identified by the numbers 0–7.
While the stages generally follow in sequence, on
certain projects some aspects of the design will have
to be developed earlier than others, or the constraints
of the procurement strategy may make it necessary to
overlap certain stages.
In this section italic text represents guidance that does
not appear in the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Template.
of of
Stage 0
Task Bar
Core Objectives
Identify client’s Business Case and Strategic Brief and other core
project requirements.
Initial considerations for assembling the project team.
Variable task bar
Establish Project Programme.
Variable task bar
(Town) Planning
Variable task bar
Pre-application discussions mayberequiredtotesttherobustnessofthe
Strategic Brief.
Suggested Key
Support Tasks
Review Feedback from previous projects.
(at stage completion)
Strategic Brief.
UK Government
Not required.
Stage 0 is used to ensure that the client’s
Business Case and the Strategic Brief
have been properly considered before the
Initial Project Brief is developed.
The Strategic Brief may require a review
of a number of sites or alternative options,
such as extensions, refurbishment or new
build. By asking the right questions, the
consultants, in collaboration with the client,
can properly define the scope for a project,
and the preparation and briefing process
can then begin.
Mapping to RIBA Outline Plan of
Work 2007
Stage 0 is a new stage in which a project
is strategically appraised and defined
before a detailed brief is created. This
is particularly relevant in the context of
sustainability, when a refurbishment or
extension, or indeed a rationalised space
plan, may be more appropriate than a new
building. Certain activities in Stage 0 are
derived from the former (RIBA Outline Plan
of Work 2007) Stage A.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Stage 1
and Brief
Task Bar
Core Objectives
Develop Project Objectives, including Quality Objectives and Project
Outcomes, Sustainability Aspirations, Project Budget, other parameters or
constraints and develop Initial Project Brief. Undertake Feasibility Studies
and review of Site Information.
Variable task bar
Prepare Project Roles Table and Contractual Tree and continue assembling
the project team.
Review Project Programme.
Variable task bar
(Town) Planning
Variable task bar
Suggested Key
Support Tasks
Pre-application discussions mayberequiredduringthisstagetodiscussand
determinethesuitabilityof Feasibility Studies.
Prepare Handover Strategy and Risk Assessments.
Agree Schedule of Services, Design Responsibility Matrix and Information
Exchanges and prepare Project Execution Plan including Technology
and Communication Strategies and consideration of Common Standards
to be used.
•Confirmthatformalsustainabilitytargetsarestatedinthe Initial Project Brief.
parametersarestatedinthe Initial Project Brief.
•CheckthattheprinciplesoftheHandover Strategy andpost-completion
servicesareincludedineachparty’sSchedule of Services.
(at stage completion)
Initial Project Brief.
UK Government
Several significant and parallel activities need
to be carried out during Stage 1 Preparation
and Brief to ensure that Stage 2 Concept
Design is as productive as possible. These
split broadly into two categories:
— developing the Initial Project Brief and
any related Feasibility Studies
— assembling the project team and defining
each party’s roles and responsibilities and
the Information Exchanges.
Mapping to RIBA Outline Plan of
Work 2007
Stage 1 merges the residual tasks from the
former Stage A with the Stage B tasks that
relate to carrying out preparation activities
and briefing in tandem.
The preparation of the Initial Project Brief is
the most important task undertaken during
Stage 1. The time required to prepare it will
depend on the complexity of the project.
When preparing the Initial Project Brief, it is
necessary to consider:
— the project’s spatial requirements
— the desired Project Outcomes, which may
be derived following Feedback from earlier
and similar projects
— the site or context, by undertaking site
appraisals and collating Site Information,
including building surveys
— the budget.
A project Risk Assessment is required
to determine the risks to each party. The
development of the procurement strategy,
Project Programme and, in some instances,
a (town) planning strategy are all part of this
early risk analysis.
The importance of properly establishing the
project team cannot be underestimated,
given the increasing use of technology that
enables remote communication and project
development using BIM. For Stage 2 to
commence in earnest, it is essential that the
team is properly assembled.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Stage 2
Task Bar
Core Objectives
Prepare Concept Design, including outline proposals for structural design,
building services systems, outline specifications and preliminary Cost
Information along with relevant Project Strategies in accordance with
Design Programme. Agree alterations to brief and issue Final Project Brief.
Variable task bar
route determined during Stage 1.
Review Project Programme.
Variable task bar
(Town) Planning
Variable task bar
due regard to the associated risks.
Suggested Key
Support Tasks
Prepare Sustainability Strategy, Maintenance and Operational Strategy
and review Handover Strategy and Risk Assessments.
Undertake third party consultations as required and any Research and
Development aspects.
Review and update Project Execution Plan.
Consider Construction Strategy, including offsite fabrication, and develop
Health and Safety Strategy.
also essential.
Sustainability Aspirations hasbeenreportedandagreed.
(at stage completion)
Concept Design including outline structural and building services design,
associated Project Strategies, preliminary Cost Information and Final
Project Brief.
UK Government
During Stage 2, the initial Concept Design is
produced in line with the requirements of the
Initial Project Brief.
The project team also develops, in parallel
with the Concept Design, a number of
Project Strategies. Their importance at
this stage will depend on how they are to
influence the Concept Design. For example,
the Sustainability Strategy is likely to be
a fundamental component of the Concept
Design, whereas a security strategy may have
minimal or no impact and can therefore be
developed during a later stage.
Mapping to RIBA Outline Plan of
Work 2007
Stage 2 maps exactly to the former
Stage C.
It is essential to revisit the brief during this
stage and it should be updated and issued
as the Final Project Brief as part of the
Information Exchange at the end of Stage 2.
In parallel with design activity, a number of
other related tasks need to be progressed in
response to the emerging design, including
a review of the Cost Information, the
development of a Construction Strategy,
a Maintenance and Operational Strategy
and a Health and Safety Strategy and
updating of the Project Execution Plan.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Stage 3
Task Bar
Core Objectives
Prepare Developed Design, including coordinated and updated proposals
for structural design, building services systems, outline specifications,
Cost Information and Project Strategies in accordance with Design
route determined during Stage 1.
Variable task bar
Variable task bar
(Town) Planning
Variable task bar
this stage.
Suggested Key
Support Tasks
Review and update Sustainability, Maintenance and Operational and
Handover Strategies and Risk Assessments.
Undertake third party consultations as required and conclude Research and
Development aspects.
Review and update Project Execution Plan, including Change Control
Review and update Construction and Health and Safety Strategies.
DuringthisstageitisessentialtoreviewtheProject Strategiespreviously
(at stage completion)
Developed Design, including the coordinated architectural, structural and
building services design and updated Cost Information.
UK Government
During this stage, the Concept Design is
further developed and, crucially, the design
work of the core designers is progressed
until the spatial coordination exercises have
been completed. This process may require
a number of iterations of the design and
different tools may be used, including design
By the end of Stage 3, the architectural,
building services and structural engineering
designs will all have been developed, and will
have been checked by the lead designer, with
the stage design coordinated and the Cost
Information aligned to the Project Budget.
Mapping to RIBA Outline Plan of
Work 2007
Stage 3 maps broadly to the former Stage D
and part of Stage E. The strategic difference
is that in the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 the
Developed Design will be coordinated and
aligned with the Cost Information by the
end of Stage 3. This may not increase the
amount of design work required, but extra
time will be needed to review information
and implement any changes that arise from
comments made before all the outputs
are coordinated prior to the Information
Exchange at the end of Stage 3.
Project Strategies that were prepared
during Stage 2 should be developed further
and in sufficient detail to allow the client to
sign them off once the lead designer has
checked each strategy and verified that the
Cost Information incorporates adequate
Change Control Procedures should be
implemented to ensure that any changes to
the Concept Design are properly considered
and signed off, regardless of how they are
While specialist subcontractors will undertake
their design work at Stage 4, they may provide
information and guidance at Stage 3 in order
to facilitate a more robust developed design.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Stage 4
Task Bar
Core Objectives
Prepare Technical Design in accordance with Design Responsibility Matrix
and Project Strategies to include all architectural, structural and building
services information, specialist subcontractor design and specifications, in
accordance with Design Programme.
route determined during Stage 1.
Variable task bar
Variable task bar
(Town) Planning
Variable task bar
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 suggests that any conditions attached to
site during Stage 5.
Suggested Key
Support Tasks
Review and update Sustainability, Maintenance and Operational and
Handover Strategies and Risk Assessments.
Prepare and submit Building Regulations submission and any other third party
submissions requiring consent.
Review and update Project Execution Plan.
Review Construction Strategy, including sequencing, and update Health
and Safety Strategy.
AfurtherreviewoftheProject Strategiesanddocumentationpreviously
•ArebuildingHandover Strategyandmonitoringtechnologiesspecified?
(at stage completion)
Completed Technical Design of the project.
UK Government
Not required.
The architectural, building services and
structural engineering designs are now further
refined to provide technical definition of the
project and the design work of specialist
subcontractors is developed and concluded.
The level of detail produced by each designer
will depend on whether the construction on
site will be built in accordance with the
information produced by the design team or
based on information developed by a specialist
subcontractor. The Design Responsibility
Matrix sets out how these key design
interfaces will be managed.
Using the design coordinated during the
previous stage, the designers should now
be able to develop their Technical Designs
independently, with a degree of autonomy.
The lead designer will provide input to certain
aspects, including a review of each
designer’s work.
Mapping to RIBA Outline Plan of
Work 2007
Stage 4 comprises the residual technical
work of the core design team members. At
the end of Stage 4, the design work of these
designers will be completed, although they
may have to respond to Design Queries
that arise from work undertaken on site
during Stage 5. This stage also includes and
recognises the importance of design work
undertaken by specialist subcontractors
and/or suppliers employed by the contractor
(Performance Specified Work in JCT
contracts) and the need to define this
work early in the process in the Design
Responsibility Matrix.
Once the work of the design team has been
progressed to the appropriate level of detail, as
defined in the Design Responsibility Matrix
and the Design Programme, specialist
subcontractors and/or suppliers undertaking
design work will be able to progress their
design work. The lead designer and other
designers, where required as part of their
Schedule of Services, may have duties to
review this design information and to ensure
that specialist subcontractor design work is
integrated with the coordinated design.
By the end of this stage, all aspects of the
design will be completed, apart from minor
queries arising from the site during the
construction stage. In many projects, Stage 4
and 5 work occurs concurrently, particularly
the specialist subcontractor design aspects.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Stage 5
Task Bar
Core Objectives
Offsite manufacturing and onsite Construction in accordance with the
Construction Programme and resolution of Design Queries from site
as they arise.
Administration of Building Contract, including regular site inspections and
review of progress.
Variable task bar
Variable task bar
(Town) Planning
Variable task bar
conditions, such as monitoring of noise levels.
Suggested Key
Support Tasks
Review and update Sustainability Strategy and implement Handover
Strategy, including agreement of information required for commissioning,
training, handover, asset management, future monitoring and maintenance
and ongoing compilation of ‘As-constructed’ Information.
Update Construction and Health and Safety Strategies.
included in the Construction Strategy?
•HasthedetailedcommissioningandHandover Strategyprogrammebeen
continuity of insulation.
•Hasthe ‘As-constructed’ Informationbeenissuedforpost-construction
(at stage completion)
‘As-constructed’ Information.
UK Government
Not required.
During this stage, the building is constructed
on site in accordance with the Construction
Programme. Construction includes the
erection of components that have been
fabricated off site.
Mapping to RIBA Outline Plan of
Work 2007
Stage 5 maps to the former Stage K –
Construction to Practical Completion – but
also includes Stage J – Mobilisation.
The procurement strategy and/or the
designer’s specific Schedule of Services will
have set out the designer’s duties to respond
to Design Queries from site generated
in relation to the design, to carry out site
inspections and to produce quality reports.
The output of this stage is the
‘As-constructed’ Information.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Stage 6
and Close Out
Task Bar
Core Objectives
Handover of building and conclusion of Building Contract.
Conclude administration of Building Contract.
Variable task bar
Variable task bar
(Town) Planning
Variable task bar
Suggested Key
Support Tasks
Carry out activities listed in Handover Strategy including Feedback for use
during the future life of the building or on future projects.
Updating of Project Information as required.
concluding the Building Contractwithsupporttasksfocusedonevaluating
(at stage completion)
Updated ‘As-constructed’ Information.
UK Government
The project team’s priorities during this stage
will be facilitating the successful handover
of the building in line with the Project
Programme and, in the period immediately
following, concluding all aspects of the
Building Contract, including the inspection
of defects as they are rectified or the
production of certification required by the
Building Contract.
Mapping to RIBA Outline Plan of
Work 2007
Stage 6 maps broadly to the former Stage
L services.
Other services may also be required during
this period. These will be dictated by project
specific Schedules of Services, which
should be aligned with the procurement and
Handover Strategies. Tasks in relation to the
Handover Strategy can be wide-ranging and
may include:
— attending Feedback workshops
— considering how any lessons learned might
be applied on future projects
— undertaking tasks in relation to
commissioning or ensuring the successful
operation and management of the building.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Stage 7
In use
Task Bar
Core Objectives
Undertake In Use services in accordance with Schedule of Services.
Variable task bar
Variable task bar
(Town) Planning
Variable task bar
Suggested Key
Support Tasks
Conclude activities listed in Handover Strategy including Post-occupancy
Evaluation, review of Project Performance, Project Outcomes and
Research and Development aspects.
Updating of Project Information, as required, in response to ongoing client
Feedback until the end of the building’s life.
(at stage completion)
‘As-constructed’ Information updated in response to ongoing client
Feedback and maintenance or operational developments.
UK Government
As required.
This is a new stage within the RIBA Plan of
Work. It acknowledges the potential benefits
of harnessing the project design information to
assist with the successful operation and use of
a building.
While it is likely that many of the handover
duties will be completed during Stage 6,
prior to conclusion of the Building Contract,
certain activities may be required or necessary
afterwards. These should be confirmed in the
relevant Schedule of Services.
Mapping to RIBA Outline Plan of
Work 2007
Stage 7 is a new stage which includes
Post-occupancy Evaluation and review of
Project Performance as well as new duties
that can be undertaken during the In Use
period of a building.
While the end of a building’s life might
be considered at Stage 7, it is more likely
that Stage 0 of the follow-on project or
refurbishment would deal with these aspects
as part of strategically defining the future of
the building.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
RIBA Plan of
Work 2013
To use the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Online
and to create your own project or practice
specific Plan of Work please visit
www.ribaplanofwork.com. The Online
version provides users with step by step
guidance on how to select the various
options available and includes definitions
of the terms used.
Project specific Plan of Work
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 template can
be used and be functional on a project
during Stage 0 and Stage 1, before
decisions have been made about the
selectable and variable task bars. During
Stage 1, a project specific Plan of Work
can be generated and the three generic
versions of the variable task bars will be
replaced with specific task bars.
Practice specific Plan of Work
A practice can select options in the
variable task bars to create a practice
specific Plan of Work that reflects the
common working methods of the practice
thereby creating a Plan of Work suitable for
all, or the majority, of their projects.
Read in conjunction with...
In order to be successful, the RIBA Plan of
Work 2013 needs to work in conjunction
with a number of supporting documents.
The ‘kit of parts’ required to assemble
a successful project team is outlined in
RIBA Publishing’s Guide to Using the RIBA
Plan of Work 2013 and detailed in RIBA
Publishing’s AssemblingTheCollaborative
Guide to Using the RIBA Plan
of Work 2013
In addition to providing further information
on the subjects set out in this document,
RIBA Publishing’s Guide to Using the RIBA
— explains the importance of the project
team and details the suite of documents
required to assemble a successful
collaborative project team
— underlines and considers the
importance of life cycle costs
— highlights the importance of Project
Outcomes and why they are an
essential briefing consideration
— clarifies how the RIBA Plan of Work
2013 enables the most progressive of
Building Information Modelling (BIM)
— considers how the RIBA Plan of Work
2013 engenders best practice in health
and safety, and
— demonstrates how the RIBA Plan of
Work 2013 assists the implementation
of sustainability measures.
The 2012 BIM Overlay to the RIBA
Outline Plan of Work 2007 highlighted
the fact that 2D computer-aided design
(CAD) processes had developed without
Common Standards being adopted
throughout the industry. The varying CAD
manuals and standards in use by different
practices make it difficult for designers to
move seamlessly from one project team to
another. To ensure that the new emerging
standards relating to BIM gain proper
traction across the industry, clear guidance
is essential and this is covered in the Guide
to Using the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 which
also clarifies how the RIBA Plan of Work
2013 can be successfully harnessed on a
project using BIM.
Supporting RIBA appointment
The RIBA’s consultation on proposals
for the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 revealed
that nearly 50 per cent of architects’
appointments use RIBA Agreements, while
40 per cent are bespoke appointments,
with the remainder using other standard
forms of appointment.
In response to this finding, RIBA
Publishing’s AssemblingaCollaborative
which is fully compatible with the RIBA
Plan of Work 2013, defines the following
— Project Roles Table and the
Contractual Tree
— Schedule of Services
— Design Responsibility Matrix and
Information Exchanges
— Project Programme and Design
Programme(s), and
— Project Execution Plan
The RIBA is preparing these supporting
documents to act either as appendices
to the RIBA Agreements and/or as
appendices suitable for use with bespoke
or other forms of appointment, in a manner
that allows, where appropriate, documents
from different publishers to be used on the
same project.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
As part of the development of the RIBA
Plan of Work 2013, it has been necessary
to redefine the roles that will be contained
in the updated RIBA appointment
documents. These will now comprise:
— client
— client advisers
— project lead
— lead designer
— architect
— building services engineer
— civil and structural engineer
— cost consultant
— construction lead
— contract administrator
— health and safety adviser.
In addition to these core roles, specialist
input may be required in relation to
design or information management,
masterplanning, sustainability,
landscaping, planning, fire engineering,
external lighting, acoustics, interior
design, catering or other specialist and
support roles. Even on a small project a
specialist might be required (for example,
an acoustician to comment on particular
details adjacent to a boundary and
in line with comments arising during
planning discussions). RIBA Publishing’s
Team sets out how to successfully
incorporate these specialist advisors
into the project team.
asked questions
Q Is it possible for the RIBA Plan of
Work 2013 to be ‘all things to all
people’ and useable on small and
large projects alike?
A The consultation process undertaken
by the RIBA during summer 2012
suggested that traditional procurement
processes are used on most smaller
projects. The RIBA Plan of Work 2013
allows a practice specific Plan of Work
to be generated, based on traditional or
non-traditional procurement methods
but derived from the same template
format, facilitating flexibility within a
consistent overall framework.
Q How will the RIBA Plan of Work 2013
affect fees and what guidance will
the RIBA provide in relation to this?
A There are many aspects impacting
on fees, including BIM and market
conditions. In this context it is not
possible for the RIBA to advise on
appropriate fee levels, but these should
reflect the resources required to deliver
the agreed services. In this document
the strategic changes from the Outline
Plan of Work 2007 to the RIBA Plan
of Work 2013 have been mapped to
assist practices and clients to consider
how fees might be reapportioned
between stages.
Q How is a Plan of Work created if the
procurement strategy is not finalised
at the end of Stage 1?
A While it is recommended that a project
specific Plan of Work is created by the
end of Stage 1, the pull-down options in
the electronic version allow a degree of
flexibility. If the procurement strategy, the
(town) planning strategy or the Project
Programme has not been determined
by the end of Stage 1, a ‘holding’ bar
can be placed in the project specific
Plan of Work and a new Plan generated
when these items have been finalised.
Q Is the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 likely
to be amended in the future?
A The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 will need
to continue to respond and adapt to
emerging and evolving trends. Big Data,
Geodata and various initiatives around
harnessing information in an open
way will fundamentally change many
industries, including the construction
industry. These technologies will also,
for example, enable automated building
control tests and other tasks to be
undertaken, and the RIBA Plan of Work
2013 will need to respond to these
developments. From a construction
perspective, the transition from site and
craft based construction technologies
to an increase in offsite and modular
construction will continue, making
construction faster and safer.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Q Many of our projects are
international. How will the RIBA
Plan of Work 2013 affect our work
A Work has been undertaken to map
the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 to similar
project delivery plans in other countries.
In countries where the RIBA Plan of
Work 2013 is utilised, or where systems
are derived from the RIBA Plan of
Work 2013 – in certain commonwealth
countries, for example – this document
will act as a briefing tool. Many British
practices working overseas will be able
to act as ambassadors for the RIBA
Plan of Work 2013. Furthermore, work
is under way in partnership with UK
Trade & Investment (UKTI) to consider
how the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 can be
promoted overseas; particularly as many
countries are very interested in the UK
Government’s BIM strategy and how this
has been rolled out.
Q We are frequently commissioned
to undertake only the work up to
submitting a planning application.
How can we make the RIBA Plan
of Work 2013 relevant to our
A The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 sets out a
holistic process for briefing, designing,
constructing, maintaining, operating and
using building projects. It is not intended
to define the duties or obligations of one
particular party in the process. Project
specific Schedules of Services and
appointments would be required for
this purpose. However, the RIBA Plan of
Work 2013 does allow the specific town
planning requirements of a project to be
aligned to each project stage.
Q What happens if fabrication drawings
need to be reviewed as part of the
tender process?
A Fabrication drawings would typically be
reviewed during Stage 4. There may be
a need to review proposals prepared
by specialist subcontractors earlier. It is
crucial to remember that the RIBA Plan
of Work 2013 is a guidance document
only and that it cannot possibly deal
with the specific needs of every project.
Detailed Schedules of Services and
Project Programmes, as well as other
tools, are required to address each
project’s precise requirements.
Q Will the reduction from four to three
design delivery stages impact on the
quality of design produced?
A It is clear that the former Stage E
wording has been interpreted and
used in many different ways. The new
Stage 3 Developed Design and Stage 4
Technical Design, aligned with the use
of Information Exchanges, provide
clarity, but in different ways. The Stage
2 design should be coordinated and this
provides greater clarity regarding the
status of the overall design. Depending
on their working methods, the architect
may require the production of ‘exemplar’
or ‘key’ details, which are crucial to the
design at Stage 3. The core difference
is that the information to be produced
at Stage 3 will be strategically agreed at
Stage 1, along with the fee levels.
A number of new themes and subject matters have been included in the RIBA Plan of
Work 2013. The following table presents a glossary of all of the capitalised terms that are
used throughout the RIBA Plan of Work 2013. Defining certain terms has been necessary
to clarify the intent of a term, to provide additional insight into the purpose of certain terms
and to ensure consistency in the interpretation of the RIBA Plan of Work 2013.
Information produced at the end of a project to represent
what has been constructed. This will comprise a mixture of
‘as-built’ information from specialist subcontractors and the
‘final construction issue’ from design team members. Clients
may also wish to undertake ‘as-built’ surveys using new
surveying technologies to bring a further degree of accuracy
to this information.
Building Contract
The contract between the client and the contractor for the
construction of the project. In some instances, the Building
Contract may contain design duties for specialist subcontractors
and/or design team members. On some projects, more than
one Building Contract may be required; for example, one
for shell and core works and another for furniture, fitting and
equipment aspects.
Building Information BIM is widely used as the acronym for ‘Building Information
Modelling (BIM)
Modelling’, which is commonly defined (using the Construction
Project Information Committee (CPIC) definition) as: ‘digital
representation of physical and functional characteristics of a
facility creating a shared knowledge resource for information
about it and forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life
cycle, from earliest conception to demolition’.
Business Case
The Business Case for a project is the rationale behind the
initiation of a new building project. It may consist solely of a
reasoned argument. It may contain supporting information,
financial appraisals or other background information. It should
also highlight initial considerations for the Project Outcomes.
In summary, it is a combination of objective and subjective
considerations. The Business Case might be prepared in relation
to, for example, appraising a number of sites or in relation to
assessing a refurbishment against a new build option.
Change Control
Procedures for controlling changes to the design and construction
following the sign-off of the Stage 2 Concept Design and the Final
Project Brief.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Common Standards Publicly available standards frequently used to define project
and design management processes in relation to the briefing,
designing, constructing, maintaining, operating and use of
a building.
The strategy that sets out when the project team will meet, how
they will communicate effectively and the protocols for issuing
information between the various parties, both informally and at
Information Exchanges.
The period in the Project Programme and the Building
Contract for the construction of the project, commencing on the
site mobilisation date and ending at Practical Completion.
A strategy that considers specific aspects of the design that
may affect the buildability or logistics of constructing a project,
or may affect health and safety aspects. The Construction
Strategy comprises items such as cranage, site access and
accommodation locations, reviews of the supply chain and
sources of materials, and specific buildability items, such as the
choice of frame (steel or concrete) or the installation of larger items
of plant. On a smaller project, the strategy may be restricted to
the location of site cabins and storage, and the ability to transport
materials up an existing staircase.
Proposals presented by a contractor to the client in response
to a tender that includes the Employer’s Requirements.
The Contractor’s Proposals may match the Employer’s
Requirements, although certain aspects may be varied based
on value engineered solutions and additional information may
be submitted to clarify what is included in the tender. The
Contractor’s Proposals form an integral component of the
Building Contract documentation.
Contractual Tree
A diagram that clarifies the contractual relationship between the
client and the parties undertaking the roles required on a project.
Cost Information
All of the project costs, including the cost estimate and life cycle
costs where required.
Design Programme A programme setting out the strategic dates in relation to the
design process. It is aligned with the Project Programme but
is strategic in its nature, due to the iterative nature of the design
process, particularly in the early stages.
Design Queries
Queries relating to the design arising from the site, typically
managed using a contractor’s in-house request for information
(RFI) or technical query (TQ) process.
A matrix that sets out who is responsible for designing each
aspect of the project and when. This document sets out the extent
of any performance specified design. The Design Responsibility
Matrix is created at a strategic level at Stage 1 and fine tuned in
response to the Concept Design at the end of Stage 2 in order
to ensure that there are no design responsibility ambiguities at
Stages 3, 4 and 5.
Proposals prepared by design team members. The level of
detail will depend on the stage at which the tender is issued to
the contractor. The Employer’s Requirements may comprise
a mixture of prescriptive elements and descriptive elements
to allow the contractor a degree of flexibility in determining the
Contractor’s Proposals.
Feasibility Studies
Studies undertaken on a given site to test the feasibility of the
Initial Project Brief on a specific site or in a specific context and
to consider how site-wide issues will be addressed.
Feedback from the project team, including the end users,
following completion of a building.
Final Project Brief
The Initial Project Brief amended so that it is aligned with
the Concept Design and any briefing decisions made during
Stage 2. (Both the Concept Design and Initial Project Brief are
Information Exchanges at the end of Stage 2.)
Handover Strategy
The strategy for handing over a building, including the
requirements for phased handovers, commissioning, training of
staff or other factors crucial to the successful occupation of a
building. On some projects, the Building Services Research and
Information Association (BSRIA) Soft Landings process is used
as the basis for formulating the strategy and undertaking a Postoccupancy Evaluation (www.bsria.co.uk/services/design/softlandings/).
Health and Safety
The strategy covering all aspects of health and safety on the
project, outlining legislative requirements as well as other project
initiatives, including the Maintenance and Operational Strategy.
The formal issue of information for review and sign-off by the
client at key stages of the project. The project team may also have
additional formal Information Exchanges as well as the many
informal exchanges that occur during the iterative design process.
Initial Project Brief
The brief prepared following discussions with the client to
ascertain the Project Objectives, the client’s Business Case
and, in certain instances, in response to site Feasibility Studies.
Maintenance and
The strategy for the maintenance and operation of a building,
including details of any specific plant required to replace
Evaluation undertaken post occupancy to determine whether the
Project Outcomes, both subjective and objective, set out in the
Final Project Brief have been achieved.
Practical Completion is a contractual term used in the Building
Contract to signify the date on which a project is handed over to
the client. The date triggers a number of contractual mechanisms.
Project Budget
The client’s budget for the project, which may include the
construction cost as well as the cost of certain items required post
completion and during the project’s operational use.
Project Execution
The Project Execution Plan is produced in collaboration
between the project lead and lead designer, with contributions
from other designers and members of the project team. The
Project Execution Plan sets out the processes and protocols to
be used to develop the design. It is sometimes referred to as
a project quality plan.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Project Information Information, including models, documents, specifications,
schedules and spreadsheets, issued between parties during
each stage and in formal Information Exchanges at the end of
each stage.
Project Objectives
The client’s key objectives as set out in the Initial Project Brief.
The document includes, where appropriate, the employer’s
Business Case, Sustainability Aspirations or other aspects that
may influence the preparation of the brief and, in turn, the Concept
Design stage. For example, Feasibility Studies may be required
in order to test the Initial Project Brief against a given site,
allowing certain high-level briefing issues to be considered before
design work commences in earnest.
Project Outcomes
The desired outcomes for the project (for example, in the case
of a hospital this might be a reduction in recovery times). The
outcomes may include operational aspects and a mixture of
subjective and objective criteria.
Project Performance The performance of the project, determined using Feedback,
including about the performance of the project team and
the performance of the building against the desired Project
Project Programme The overall period for the briefing, design, construction and postcompletion activities of a project.
Project Roles Table A table that sets out the roles required on a project as well as
defining the stages during which those roles are required and the
parties responsible for carrying out the roles.
Project Strategies
The strategies developed in parallel with the Concept Design to
support the design and, in certain instances, to respond to the
Final Project Brief as it is concluded. These strategies typically
— acoustic strategy
— fire engineering strategy
— Maintenance and Operational Strategy
— Sustainability Strategy
— building control strategy
— Technology Strategy.
These strategies are usually prepared in outline at Stage 2 and in
detail at Stage 3, with the recommendations absorbed into the
Stage 4 outputs and Information Exchanges.
The strategies are not typically used for construction purposes
because they may contain recommendations or information that
contradict the drawn information. The intention is that they should
be transferred into the various models or drawn information.
Quality Objectives
The objectives that set out the quality aspects of a project. The
objectives may comprise both subjective and objective aspects,
although subjective aspects may be subject to a design quality
indicator (DQI) benchmark review during the Feedback period.
Research and
Project specific research and development responding to the
Initial Project Brief or in response to the Concept Design as it
is developed.
Risk Assessment
The Risk Assessment considers the various design and other
risks on a project and how each risk will be managed and the
party responsible for managing each risk.
Schedule of
A list of specific services and tasks to be undertaken by a party
involved in the project which is incorporated into their professional
services contract.
Site Information
Specific Project Information in the form of specialist surveys or
reports relating to the project or site specific context.
Strategic Brief
The brief prepared to enable the Strategic Definition of the project.
Strategic considerations might include considering different sites,
whether to extend, refurbish or build new and the key Project
Outcomes as well as initial considerations for the Project
Programme and assembling the project team.
The client’s aspirations for sustainability, which may include
additional objectives, measures or specific levels of performance
in relation to international standards, as well as details of specific
demands in relation to operational or facilities management
The Sustainability Strategy will be prepared in response to the
Sustainability Aspirations and will include specific additional
items, such as an energy plan and ecology plan and the design
life of the building, as appropriate.
The strategy for delivering the Sustainability Aspirations.
The strategy established at the outset of a project that sets out
technologies, including Building Information Modelling (BIM) and
any supporting processes, and the specific software packages
that each member of the project team will use. Any interoperability
issues can then be addressed before the design phases
This strategy also considers how information is to be
communicated (by email, file transfer protocol (FTP) site or using a
managed third party common data environment) as well as the file
formats in which information will provided. The Project Execution
Plan records agreements made.
Work in Progress
Work in Progress is ongoing design work that is issued between
designers to facilitate the iterative coordination of each designer’s
output. Work issued as Work in Progress is signed off by the
internal design processes of each designer and is checked and
coordinated by the lead designer.
RIBA Plan of Work 2013
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Review
Group included:
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Overview
was produced by:
Dale Sinclair
Dyer (chair)
Dale Sinclair
Dyer (Editor)
Ian Davies
DLP Design
Sarah Beck
RIBA Practice Department
Marianne Davys
Marianne Davys Architects
Alex Tait
RIBA Practice Department
Richard Fairhead
bblur architecture
Phil Holden
Pascall & Watson
Alistair Kell
John Orrell
DLA Design
Bill Gething
Sustainability + Architecture
Paul Fletcher
Through Architecture
Stuart Chalmers
RIBA Practice Department
Adrian Dobson
RIBA Practice Department
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 cannot
foresee or address every issue that
might arise and it is anticipated that early
revisions may be required. Your feedback,
queries and comments would therefore
be greatly appreciated and should be sent
to practice@riba.org, or you can provide
feedback using the electronic version via
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 organises the process of briefing, designing, constructing, maintaining, operating and using building projects
into a number of key stages. The content of stages may vary or overlap to suit specific project requirements. The RIBA Plan of Work 2013
should be used solely as guidance for the preparation of detailed professional services contracts and building contracts.
and Brief
and Close Out
In Use
Identify client’s Business
Case and Strategic Brief
and other core project
Develop Project Objectives,
including Quality Objectives
and Project Outcomes,
Sustainability Aspirations,
Project Budget, other
parameters or constraints and
develop Initial Project Brief.
Undertake Feasibility Studies
and review of Site Information.
Prepare Concept Design,
including outline proposals
for structural design, building
services systems, outline
specifications and preliminary
Cost Information along with
relevant Project Strategies
in accordance with Design
Programme. Agree
alterations to brief and issue
Final Project Brief.
Prepare Developed Design,
including coordinated and
updated proposals for
structural design, building
services systems, outline
specifications, Cost
Information and Project
Strategies in accordance with
Design Programme.
Prepare Technical Design
in accordance with Design
Responsibility Matrix and
Project Strategies to include
all architectural, structural and
building services information,
specialist subcontractor
design and specifications,
in accordance with Design
Initial considerations for
assembling the project team.
Prepare Project Roles Table
and Contractual Tree and
continue assembling the
project team.
*Variable task bar
Establish Project Programme. Review Project Programme.
The procurement strategy does not fundamentally alter the progression
of the design or the level of detail prepared at a given stage. However,
Information Exchanges will vary depending on the selected procurement
route and Building Contract. A bespoke RIBA Plan of Work 2013 will set
out the specific tendering and procurement activities that will occur at each
stage in relation to the chosen procurement route.
Review Project Programme.
*Variable task bar
(Town) Planning
Pre-application discussions.
Pre-application discussions.
Review Feedback from
previous projects.
Prepare Handover Strategy
and Risk Assessments.
Agree Schedule of Services,
Design Responsibility
Matrix and Information
Exchanges and prepare
Project Execution Plan
including Technology and
Communication Strategies
and consideration of Common
Standards to be used.
Administration of Building
Contract, including regular
site inspections and review
of progress.
Undertake In Use services
in accordance with
Schedule of Services.
Conclude administration of
Building Contract.
The procurement route may dictate the Project Programme and may result in certain
stages overlapping or being undertaken concurrently. A bespoke RIBA Plan of Work
2013 will clarify the stage overlaps. The Project Programme will set out
the specific stage dates and detailed programme durations.
Planning applications are typically made using the Stage 3 output.
A bespoke RIBA Plan of Work 2013 will identify when the planning
application is to be made.
*Variable task bar
Key Support
Offsite manufacturing and
Handover of building and
onsite Construction in
conclusion of Building
accordance with Construction Contract.
Programme and resolution of
Design Queries from site as
they arise.
Prepare Sustainability
Strategy, Maintenance and
Operational Strategy and
review Handover Strategy
and Risk Assessments.
Review and update
Sustainability, Maintenance
and Operational and
Handover Strategies and
Risk Assessments.
Review and update
Sustainability, Maintenance
and Operational and
Handover Strategies and
Risk Assessments.
Undertake third party
consultations as required
and any Research and
Development aspects.
Undertake third party
consultations as required
and conclude Research and
Development aspects.
Prepare and submit Building
Regulations submission and
any other third party
submissions requiring consent.
Review and update Project
Execution Plan.
Review and update Project
Execution Plan, including
Change Control Procedures.
Review and update Project
Execution Plan.
Consider Construction
Strategy, including offsite
Review and update
fabrication, and develop Health Construction and Health and
and Safety Strategy.
Safety Strategies.
Review Construction
Strategy, including
sequencing, and update
Health and Safety Strategy.
Review and update
Sustainability Strategy
and implement Handover
Strategy, including agreement
of information required for
commissioning, training,
handover, asset management,
future monitoring and
maintenance and ongoing
compilation of ‘Asconstructed’ Information.
Carry out activities listed in
Handover Strategy including
Feedback for use during the
future life of the building or on
future projects.
Updating of Project
Information as required.
Conclude activities listed
in Handover Strategy
including Post-occupancy
Evaluation, review of Project
Performance, Project
Outcomes and Research
and Development aspects.
Updating of Project
Information, as required, in
response to ongoing client
Feedback until the end of the
building’s life.
Update Construction and
Health and Safety Strategies.
Checkpoint — 0
Checkpoint — 1
Checkpoint — 2
Checkpoint — 3
Checkpoint — 4
Checkpoint — 5
Checkpoint — 6
Checkpoint — 7
Strategic Brief.
Initial Project Brief.
Concept Design including
outline structural and building
services design, associated
Project Strategies,
preliminary Cost Information
and Final Project Brief.
Developed Design, including
the coordinated architectural,
structural and building
services design and updated
Cost Information.
Completed Technical Design
of the project.
Updated ‘As-constructed’
Information updated
in response to ongoing
client Feedback and
maintenance or operational
Not required.
Not required.
Not required.
As required.
(at stage completion)
UK Government
*Variable task bar – in creating a bespoke project or practice specific RIBA Plan of Work 2013 via www.ribaplanofwork.com a specific bar is selected from a number of options.
ISBN 978-1 85946 5196
9 781859 465196