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Poster: "Eyelashes of Inlaid Eyes - Technique and Meaning" 18.04.2018, XXth International Congress on Ancient Bronzes - Resource, Reconstruction, Representation, Role. University of Tuebingen, Germany

XX th International Congress on Ancient Bronzes 17.04. - 21.04.2018 Institute for Classical Archaeology Tübingen Resource, Reconstrution, Representation, Role Our understanding of ancient bronzes has grown signiicantly in the last decades through several studies and collaborative research projects – including the International Congresses on Ancient Bronzes –, but it is far from complete. We still need to explore questions concerning bronze(s) as resource, on their reconstruction, the motives and subjects represented, and on the function of bronzes in society. In the ancient world, bronzes – from over-lifesize sculptures to small-scale objects – were an omnipresent and integral part of public and private everyday life. Bronze was also a valuable resource. From a scientiic point of view, the last decades saw new methods of analyses to reconstruct the production processes of ancient bronzes. Besides modern analysis, research on ancient bronze sculpture is still relying on theories and methodologies developed in art history to discuss the style and chronology. Irrespective of the nature of the object – may it be sculpture, tool, or weapon – the role and function of the bronzes need to be studied in conjunction with the archaeological context with which the objects were once associated. The conference aims at addressing these four key topics and bringing together experts from diferent backgrounds in order to develop further the study on ancient bronzes. Organizers: Dr. Philipp Baas Dr. Dieta Svoboda-Baas Program Tuesday 17.04.2018 11:00 14:00 Registration open Welcome and Introduction Adress of Welcome by the President´s Oice Thomas Schäfer (Head of the Institute) Carol Mattusch (Chair of the Advisory Board) Philipp Baas (Organizer) 14:30 General Session I Chair: Philipp Baas (University of Tübingen) Paul Craddock (British Museum) Casting the Big Bronzes in Classical Antiquity: Thoughts from India and Egypt Rachel Nouet (French School in Athens) Who was in Charge of Fastening Bronze Statues on their Bases? A Case Study of two Classical Group Bases from Delphi Lisa Anderson-Zhu (Walters Art Museum) Medium-Sized Bronze Statuettes from Egypt at the Walters Art Museum Simone Killen (University of Vienna) Bronzegewicht = Standardgewicht? Anmerkungen zu griechischen Marktgewichten aus Bronze Gunvor Lindström – Daniel Steiniger (German Archaeological Institute) Bronze Statuary from Kal-e Chendar/Shami. From the Seleucid to the Parthian Period Fabiano Fiorello Di Bella (University of Messina) Greek Bronze Sculptures from Porticello: the Sage, the Athlete and the God 16:45 Break 17:00 Lecture: Gerhard Zimmer (University of Eichstätt) Innovation und Tradition – Anmerkungen zum antiken Bronzeguss 18:30 20:00 Guided Tour : “Collection Museum Alte Kulturen” Welcome Reception Rittersaal Museum Alte Kulturen Castle Hohentübingen Wednesday 18.04.2018 8:30 Session Reconstruction: Applied Science for Analysis of Bronze Objects Chair: Richard Posamentir (University of Tübingen) Jefrey Maish – David Saunders (J. Paul Getty Museum) – Nino Kalandadze (Georgian National Museum) Artful Illumination: Four Hellenistic Bronze Lamps from the Eastern Black Sea Site of Vani Emilia Banou (University of the Peloponnese) – Aikaterini Panagopoulou (Ephorate of West Attica) Bronze Circulation in the Aegean in the 2nd millennium B.C.: Technological Investigations of Bronze Finds from the Minoan Peak Sanctuary at Ayios Yeoryios sto Vouno, Kythera Elena Gagliano (Italian School of Archaeology at Athens) The Sybaris’ Bronze Bull and His Long Life. 3D Reconstruction Proposals. Uwe Peltz (Berlin State Museums) Berlins Kopf von Kythera - Betrachtung eines Meisterwerkes als ‚Meilenstein‘ spätarchaischer Gießerkunst Sophie Descamps (Louvre Museum) – Benoît Mille (Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France) – Nancy Psalti (Direction de l’Éphorie des Antiquités de Phocide) The Delphi Charioteer: The Technological Reexamination’s Project John Pollini (University of Southern California) – Alessandra Giumlia-Mair (AGM Archeoanalisi) The Bronze Statue of Germanicus in the Archaeological Museum of Amelia: An Analysis to Determine the Nature of Production and Relative Date of a Recycled Statue 10:45 Break 11:00 Session Reconstruction: Production, Manufacturing and Forgery Chair: Johannes Lipps (University of Tübingen) Carol Mattusch (George Mason University) Foundry Practices Then and Now Ilyas Özsen (TOPOI Berlin) Wire Drawing and the Associated Tools in Antiquity Nadezda Gulyaeva (State Hermitage Museum) Corinthian Helmets in the Hermitage Museum Rosemary Jefreys (University of Oxford) Copper Alloy Wreaths from Pergamon Ernst Pernicka (Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie), The Reliable Detection of Forgeries in Bronze 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Session Representation: Iconography of Small Scale Objects Chair: Eckhard Deschler-Erb (University of Cologne) Margherita Bolla (Civici Musei di Verona) “Funerary” Iconographies in Roman Small-Scale Bronzes Franziska Dövener (Centre National de Recherche Archéologique) – Sinclair Bell (Northern Illinois University) Circus Stars in Miniature: A Bronze Statuette of an African Boy Auriga from Luxembourg and Related Artifact Types Audrey Gouy (University of Pau and Pays de l‘Adour) Etruscan Bronzes in Action. Role and Representations of Dancers in Preroman funerary Contexts (6th-5th cent. B.C.) Jutta Ronke (Landesdenkmalplege Baden-Württemberg) A Bronze Bear: Decorative Item, Part of Chariot Fitting, or… Concerning the Function of a Small Bronze from the Limes Norbert Franken (University of Mainz) Scharnier, Tülle oder Zapfen: Hellenistische Bronzelampen mit Statuettendekor. Eine Spurensuche Trinidad Nogales Basarrate (National Museum of Roman Art Mérida) Roman Bronzes from Augusta Emerita (Hispania). Representation: Iconography and Models 16:15 Break + Poster Session 17:45 Session Ressource: Recycling, Trade, Repair and Reuse Chair: Despina Ignatiadou (National Museum Athens) Cristina-Georgeta Alexandrescu (Institutul de Arheologie „Vasile Pârvan“, Bukarest) Fragments of Large Scale Bronze Statues in Context of so-called Scrap Metal Deposits in Dacia and Moesia inferior Frank Willer (LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn) – Roland Schwab (Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie) – Manuela Mirschenz (University of Bonn) Recycling Economy in the Production of Roman Bronze Statues from the Limes Region Vana Orfanou (Aarhus University) – Thomas Birch – Rubina Raja – Achim Lichtenberger (University of Münster) Copper-Based Recycling Management and Technological Choices at Roman and Early Islamic Jerash, Jordan Mikhail Treister (German Archaeological Institute) Roman Bronze Vessels with Signs of Repair from Sarmatia David Michael Smith (University of Liverpool) The Metallurgical Landscape of Phylakopi, Melos: New Insights from the 1896-1899 Excavations of the British School at Athens 19:45 End of day Thursday 19.04.2018 8:30 Session Reconstruction: Investigations on Metallurgy, Production and Form Chair: Alessandra Giumlia-Mair (AGM Archeoanalisi) Maria Pia Casaletto (Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Palermo) X-Ray Investigations of Bronze Artworks Fabio Fazzini (Freelancer) – Fabio Milazzo (Soprintendenza delle Marche) – Maria Letizia Amadori (University of Urbino) The Kegs from the Celtic Graves of Santa Paolina di Filottrano: Metallurgical Aspects Ayla Lester (The Israel Antiquities Authority) Production Methods at the Workshop in Tiberias Francesca Morandini (Brescia Musei Foundation) – Annalena Brini – Andrea Cagnini – Monica Galeotti – Anna Patera – Simone Porcinai (Ministry of Heritage and Culture Florence) The Winged Victory of Brescia. Work in Progress from Diagnostic to Enhancement Omid Oudbashi (Department of Conservation of Historic and Cultural Properties, Art University of Isfahan) New Insights into the Metallurgy of Tin Bronze during the Iron Age of Luristan, Western Iran (First Half of First millennium BC) 10:30 Break 10:45 Session: Striking Evidence. New Approaches to Ancient Coin Production Chair: François de Callataÿ (Royal Library of Belgium) and Stefan Krmnicek (University of Tübingen) François de Callataÿ (Royal Library of Belgium) The Composition of Greek Bronze Coinages: Why it Matters for the Historian Thomas Faucher (CNRS, IRAMAT-CEB/Univ. Orleans) Producing Monetary Bronze in the Greco-Roman World: How Does Experimental Archaeology Help to Understand? Maryse Blet-Lemarquand (University of Orléans) The Composition of Greek and Roman Monetary Bronze: How it was Manipulated by the Greeks and the Romans. Case Studies Julia Farley (British Museum) Iron Age Coin Production in the East Midlands, UK Angela Berthold (Berlin State Museums) Groovy Coins. Scratches on Money from Roman Antioch Stefan Krmnicek – Christoph Berthold (University of Tübingen) – Raouf Jemmali (German Aerospace Center) New Insights into the Manufacturing Process of a Roman Bimetallic Medallion Using Non-Destructive Local Highly Resolved X-Ray Computed Tomography 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Session Representation: Gods, Emperors and Senators Chair: Thomas Schäfer (University of Tübingen) Carlos Marquez – David Ojeda (University of Cordoba) Bronze Portrait Head from Rute (Cordoba) Annemarie Kaufmann-Heinimann (University of Basel) Die Göttin und das Schif - Bedeutung und Funktionen eines Bildkonzepts Antonia Tzortzatou (Ephorate of Thesprotia) From the Roman Noblemen to the European Connoisseurs: The “Paramythia Bronzes” and the Allure of the Antique Dorel Bondoc (Museum of Oltenia) A Roman Emperor Representation as Hercules, Coming from the Roman Auxiliary Fort of Slaveni! Kosmas Dafas (King‘s College London) The Casting Technique of the Bronze Antikythera Ephebe Heather Sharpe (West Chester University of PA) Emulating the Ptolemies: A Bronze Head in the British Museum 16:15 Break 16:30 Session: Bronze objects in sacred contexts: their function and meaning in Archaic Greek culture Chair: Chiara Tarditi (University of Brescia) Giacomo Bardelli (Romano-Germanic Central Museum) Rod Tripods Revisited: From Anatolia to the Iberian Peninsula Raimon Graells I Fabregat (Romano-Germanic Central Museum) The Votive Bronze Weapons in Olympia: Diachronic Development Valeria Meirano (University of Turin) Contextualizing Bronze Objects in Sacred Spaces. The Role and Function of Vases and Instrumenta in the Archaic and Classic Periods: Some Case-Studies from Greece and Magna Graecia Azzurra Scarci (University of Pisa) Bronze Vessels from the Burned Layer of the Temple E 1 on the Eastern Hill of Selinunt Beat Schweizer (University of Tübingen) Bronze Vessels in Olympia. Representation and Ritual Chiara Tarditi (University of Brescia) Bronze Vessels Fragments from the Athenian Acropolis: From Sacred Oferings to Filling Materials 18:45 19:30 End of day Conference Dinner Restaurant Bootshaus am Neckar (Wöhrdstraße 25) Friday 20.04.2018 8:30 Session Role: Bronze(s) in Private, Public and Sacred Contexts Chair: Annemarie Kaufmann-Heinimann (University of Basel) Daphni Doepner (University of Bonn) The Ancient Exposition of Bronzes on the Outer Steps and Columns of Greek Temples Johanna Fuchs (German Archaeological Institute) A Bronze Foundry of Classical Times in the Sanctuary of Kalapodi (Greece) Zetta Theodoropoulou-Polychroniadis (Greek Archaeological Committee) – Vana Orfanou (University of Aarhus) Bronze Oferings from the Sanctuaries of Poseidon and Athena at Sounion: New and Past Evidence Adrian Hielscher (University of Kiel) The Insula of the Menander (I, 10) at Pompeii - Small Finds of Bronze and the Question of Furnishing Eva Riediker-Liechti (University of Zürich) Bronze Objects from the Roman Tavern on Monte Iato (PA) 10:30 10:45 Break Session Role: Reconstruction of Use and Contexts Chair: Nadezda Gulyaeva (State Hermitage Museum) Marina Castoldi (University of Milan) About Löwenkannen Despina Ignatiadou (National Museum Athens) Oversize Bronze Lion Paw from Athens Yorgos Brokalakis (Greece) Were there Lararia on Crete? In Search of the Original Context of Some Roman Bronze Statuettes from the Archeological Museum of Herakleion Hilde Hiller (Freiburg) What Do the Find Contexts of Archaic Bronze Volute Craters Tell about the Use, Function and Origin of the Vessels? Felix Kotzur (University of Frankfurt) Ambivalence of Value. Reconsideration of Mediterranean Metal Vessels within the so-called “Barbaricum” Silvia Paciico (MIBACT) – Rossella Luciano (Museo Archeologico Salerno) The Royal Tomb of Roscigno: Natives and Greeks in the Elites of Southern Italy 13:00 14:00 Lunch Session Role: Rare Objects in Context Chair: Norbert Franken (University of Mainz) Caludia Noferi (University of Florence) Etruscan Mirrors in Hellenistic Funerary Contexts: Typologies and Symbolic Meanings of the Specimens from Tuscania in Florence National Archaeological Museum Vittorio Mascelli (Sapienza University of Rome) Etruscan „Graioni“: Function and Role of a Bronze Instrument in Etruria; New Data and Relections Stamatis Fritzilas (Ephorate of Messenia) The Bronzes of Arcadian Orchomenos David Bartus (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary ) „In aes incidatur...” - A New Bronze Tablet with a Law of Philippus Arabs from Brigetio Nicoletta Frapiccini (Polo Museale delle Marche) The Kegs from the Celtic Graves of Santa Paolina di Filottrano Maciej Wacławik (Jagiellonian University in Kraków) Paphian Obstacle of Powerful Death 16:15 16:30 Break General Session II Chair: Sophie Descamps (Louvre Museum) Federica Grossi (University of Milan) The Victory of Calvatone: A Mystery Unveiled Giulia Bison (University of Verona) From the Sanctuary to the Rubbish Pit? Some Considerations on a Bronze Statuette from the Forum of Grumentum (Basilicata, Southern Italy) Gabriela Filip Bronze Phallic Representations from Southern Dacia Philip Kiernan (Kennesaw State University) The So-called Mithrassymbole in Context Giulia Morpurgo (University of Bologna) Bronze Vessels from the Etruscan Necropolis of Bologna (540-350 B.C.): Preliminary Notes Nova Barrero Martin (National Museum of Roman Art Mérida) Roman Bronzes of Augusta Emerita: Use and Function 19:00 End of day Saturday 21.04.2018 8:30 General Session III Chair: Carol Mattusch (George Mason University) Eva Falaschi (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa) Philological Problems with Greek Bronze Artworks Kseniya Polezhaeva (Moscow State University) Bronze as a Resource for the Reconstruction of Alkamenes’ Oeuvre Isabelle Warin (Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes Anciens) Hoplites Weapons as a Part of a Communication System in Ancient Greece Jean-Marie Welter (Luxembourg) Aes Corinthium: Just Wrought High-Tin Bronze? Andras Patay-Horvath (Eötvös Loránd University) Who, What and Why? The Dedication of Bronze Animal Figurines in Olympia 10:15 Break 10:30 Final Remarks 13:00 Excursion to Landesmuseum Württemberg and Altes Schloss Stuttgart Poster Session Philip Kiernan – Chloe Redstone – Savannah Winn (Kennesaw University) Hamlin’s Bronzes: Antiquity Collecting in an Early 20th Century American Universal Museum Benoît Mille (Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France) A Step Further in the Interpretation of the Berlin Foundry Cup Deana Ratkovic (National Museum of Serbia) Small Votive Bronzes: From Mass Production to Unique Works (Roman Provinces in theTerritory of Modern Day Serbia) Rafael Sabio Gonzáles (Museum of Roman Art Mérida) A Singular Brass Container from Augusta Emerita Rafael Sabio Gonzáles – Jose Murciano Calles – Macarena Bustamante Álvarez – Juan Pérez Macías – Cristina Mena Méndez (Museum of Roman Art Mérida) Evidence of a Bronze Workshop in the Birth of Augusta Emerita Mikhail Treister (German Archaeological Institute) A Unique Example of a Roman Bronze Vessel with Modiication from Sarmatia Mikhail Treister (German Archaeological Institute) – Irina Ravich (State Institute of Restoration Moscow) The Most Western Find of Chinese Mirror with T-shaped Hieroglyphs in Eurasia Isabelle Warin (Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes Anciens) The Images of Greek Warriors in Small-Scale Bronzes Fabio Fazzini (Freelancer) – Fabio Milazzo (Soprintendenza delle Marche) – Maria Letizia Amadori (University of Urbino) Methods of Production, Decoration and Reparation of Early Iron Age Italian “sanguisuga” Type Fibulae Achim Weidig (University of Freiburg) – Nicola Bruni (Museum of Spoleto) Bronze Cast on Decorated Iron Sheets. An Unusual Manufacturing Technique in the Iron Age of Italy Francesco Grazzi (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Firenze) Non Destructive Compositional and Microstructural Characterization of Sardinian Bronze Swords through Neutron Difraction Zeina Fani Alpi (Université libanaise, Beirut) Pot plastique de Bacchus au Musée national de Beyrouth Verena Hoft (University of Tübingen) Eyelashes of Inlaid Eyes – Technique and Meaning Venue Castle Hohentübingen Tübingen Main Station Restaurant Bootshaus Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen Institute for Classical Archaeology Castle Hohentübingen Burgsteige 11 72070 Tübingen Tel.: 0049-7071-29 78546 E-mail: