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Mitigating application-level denial of service attacks on Web servers

2008, ACM Transactions on the Web

15 Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers: A Client-Transparent Approach MUDHAKAR SRIVATSA, ARUN IYENGAR, and JIAN YIN IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and LING LIU Georgia Institute of Technology Recently, we have seen increasing numbers of denial of service (DoS) attacks against online services and Web applications either for extortion reasons or for impairing and even disabling the competition. These DoS attacks have increasingly targeted the application level. Applicationlevel DoS attacks emulate the same request syntax and network-level traffic characteristics as those of legitimate clients, thereby making the attacks much harder to detect and counter. Moreover, such attacks often target bottleneck resources such as disk bandwidth, database bandwidth, and CPU resources. In this article, we propose handling DoS attacks by using a twofold mechanism. First, we perform admission control to limit the number of concurrent clients served by the online service. Admission control is based on port hiding that renders the online service invisible to unauthorized clients by hiding the port number on which the service accepts incoming requests. Second, we perform congestion control on admitted clients to allocate more resources to good clients. Congestion control is achieved by adaptively setting a client’s priority level in response to the client’s requests in a way that can incorporate application-level semantics. We present a detailed evaluation of the proposed solution using two sample applications: Apache HTTPD and the TPCW benchmark (running on Apache Tomcat and IBM DB2). Our experiments show that the proposed solution incurs low performance overhead and is resilient to DoS attacks. Parts of this article titled “A Client Transparent Approach to Defend Against Denial of Service Attacks” appeared in the Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS) c IEEE 2006. This article is also based on the paper “A middlewave 2006 [Srivatsa et al. 2006a]  System for Protecting Against Application Level Denial of Service Attacks” which was presented at the ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware Conference 2006 [Srivatsa et al. 2006b]. L. Liu acknowledges partial support of grants from NSF CISE CyberTrust, and CSR, a grant from ASOSR, an IBM SUR grant, and an IBM faculty awards. Authors’ addresses: M. Srivatsa, A. Iyengar, and J. Yin, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown, NY 10598; email: {msrivats, aruni, jianyin}; L. Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332; email: Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies show this notice on the first page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, to redistribute to lists, or to use any component of this work in other works requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Permissions may be requested from Publications Dept., ACM, Inc., 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, NY 10121-0701 USA, fax +1 (212) 869-0481, or  C 2008 ACM 1559-1131/2008/07-ART15 $5.00 DOI 10.1145/1377488.1377489 10.1145/1377488.1377489 ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:2 • M. Srivatsa et al. Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.4 [Distributed Systems]: Client/Server—security and performance General Terms: Design, Experimentation, Performance, Security Additional Key Words and Phrases: DoS Attacks, Web servers, game theory, client transparency ACM Reference Format: Srivatsa, M., Iyengar, A., Yin, J., and Liu, L. 2008. Mitigating application-level denial of service attacks on Web servers: A client-transparent approach. ACM Trans. Web 2, 3, Article 15 (July 2008), 49 pages. DOI = 10.1145/1377488.1377489 1377489 1. INTRODUCTION Recently, we have seen increasing activity in denial of service (DoS) attacks against online services and Web applications in order to extort, disable, or impair the competition. An FBI affidavit [Poulsen 2004] describes a case where an e-Commerce Web site,, was subject to an organized DoS attack staged by one of its competitors. These attacks were carried out using sizable botnets (5,000 to 10,000 zombie machines) at the disposal of the attacker. The attacks began on October 6th 2003, with SYN floods slamming into, crippling the site, which sells digital video recorders, for 12 hours straight. In response, moved to more expensive hosting at could counter the SYN flooding attacks using SYN-cookies and superior bandwidth capabilities. However, the attackers adapted their attack strategy and replaced simple SYN flooding attacks with a HTTP flood, pulling large image files from At its peak, it is believed that this onslaught kept the company offline for a full two weeks, causing a loss of several million dollars in revenue. As we can see from this example above, sophisticated DoS attacks are increasingly focusing not only on low-level network flooding, but also on application-level attacks that flood victims with requests that mimic flash crowds [Kandula et al. 2005]. Countering such DoS attacks on Web servers requires us to solve two major challenges: application-level DoS attacks and client transparency. 1.1 Application-Level DoS Attacks Application-level DoS attacks refer to those attacks that exploit applicationspecific semantics and domain knowledge to launch a DoS attack such that it is very hard for any DoS filter to distinguish a sequence of attack requests from a sequence of legitimate requests. Two characteristics make applicationlevel DoS attacks particularly damaging. First, application-level DoS attacks emulate the same request syntax and network-level traffic characteristics as that of the legitimate clients, thereby making them much harder to detect. Second, an attacker can choose to send expensive requests targeting higherlayer server resources like sockets, disk bandwidth, database bandwidth and worker processes [CERT 2004; Leyden 2003; Poulsen 2004]. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:3 As in the case of, an attacker does not have to flood the server with millions of HTTP requests. Instead the attacker may emulate the networklevel request traffic characteristics of a legitimate client and yet attack the server by sending hundreds of resource-intensive requests that pull out large image files from the server. An attacker may also target dynamic Web pages that require expensive search operations on the backend database servers. A cleverly constructed request can force an exhaustive search on a large database, thereby significantly throttling the performance of the database server. There are two major problems in protecting an online e-Commerce Web site from application-level DoS attacks. First, application-level DoS attacks could be very subtle making it very hard for a DoS filter to distinguish between a stream of requests from a DoS attacker and a legitimate client. In Section 2, we qualitatively argue that it would be very hard to distinguish DoS attack requests from the legitimate requests even if a DoS filter were to examine any statistics (mean, variance, etc.) on the request rate, the contents of the request packet headers (IP, TCP, HTTP, etc.), and even the entire content of the request packet itself. Second, the subtle nature of application-level DoS attacks makes it very hard to exhaustively enumerate all possible attacks that could be launched by an adversary. Hence, there is a need to defend against application-level DoS attacks without knowing, their precise nature of operation. Further, as in the case of, the attackers may continuously change their strategy to evade any traditional DoS protection mechanisms. 1.2 Client Transparency An effective solution to defend against DoS attacks must be client transparent, that is, it should neither require any changes to the client software stack nor require the client to have superuser privileges. Additionally, a client, be it a human user or an automated script, must be able to interact with the Web server without requiring functional changes. However, there is an inherent conflict between using client authentication for defending against DoS attacks and client transparency. It appears that an effective defense against DoS attacks must operate at lower layers in the networking stack so that the firewall can filter a packet before it can consume significant resources at the server. Note that solutions that operate at higher layers on the networking stack are vulnerable to attacks from below. On the other hand, introducing changes into lower layers in the networking stack annuls client transparency usually by requiring changes to the client-side network stack and by requiring superuser privileges at the client. For example, let us consider message authentication codes (MAC)-based IP-level authentication mechanisms like IPSec [Kent 1998] that permit only authorized clients to access the Web server. IPSec with preconfigured keys allows packets from unauthorized clients to be dropped by the firewall. Hence, unauthorized clients cannot access even low-level server resources like socket buffers and transmission control blocks (TCBs). However, IPSec breaks client transparency in several ways: (i) installing IPSec requires changes to the clientside networking stack; (ii) installing IPSec Requires superuser privileges at the ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:4 • M. Srivatsa et al. client; (iii) IPSec permits both manual key set-up and key exchange using the Internet key exchange protocol (IKE) [Harkins and Carrel 1998]. The IKE protocol uses the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol. This protocol imposes heavy computational load on the server similar to that imposed by digital signatures, thereby allowing an adversary to target the IKE protocol for launching DoS attacks. (iv) Manually setting up shared keys circumvents the expensive IKE protocol. However, manual IPSec key set-up requires superuser privileges at the client. Challenge-based mechanisms provide an alternative solution for DoS protection without requiring preauthorization. A challenge is an elegant way to throttle the intensity of a DoS attack. For example, an image-based challenge (Turing test) [Kandula et al. 2005] may be used to determine whether the client is a real human being or an automated script. Several cryptographic challenges [Wang and Reiter 2004; Juels and Brainard 1999; Stubblefield and Dean 2001; Waters et al. 2004] may be used to ensure that the client pays for the service using its computing power. However, most challenge mechanisms make both the good and the bad clients pay for the service, thereby reducing the throughput and causing inconvenience for the good clients as well. For instance, an image-based challenge does not distinguish between a legitimate automated client script and a DoS attack script. In comparison, this article focuses on a client-transparent approach that neither changes the client-side software nor requires the presence of a human being on the client side. 1.3 Our Approach In this article, we propose a client-transparent mechanism to protect a server from application-level DoS attacks. The proposed solution to handle DoS attacks uses a twofold mechanism. First, we perform admission control to limit the number of concurrent clients served by the online service. Admission control is based on port hiding that renders the online service invisible to clients who are not admitted (or authorized) by hiding the port number on which the service accepts incoming requests. Second, we perform congestion control on admitted clients to allocate more resources to good clients. Congestion control is achieved by adaptively setting a client’s priority level in response to the client’s requests in a way that can incorporate application-level semantics. We exploit client-side computations made possible by JavaScripts to embed a weak authentication code and a client priority level into the TCP/IP layer of the networking stack in a client-transparent manner. Unlike most authentication protocols that operate between peer layers in the networking stack, our protocol is asymmetric: it operates between the HTTP layer on the client and the IP layer on the server. HTTP-level operation at the client permits our implementation to be client transparent (implemented using a standard Web browser), while IPlevel operation at the server allows packets to be filtered at the server’s firewall. Filtering packets at the firewall saves a lot of computing, networking, memory, and disk resources which would otherwise have been expended on processing the packet, as it traverses up the server’s networking stack. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:5 In particular, our admission control mechanism embeds a 16-bit authenticator in the port number field of TCP packets. This is accomplished at the client’s HTTP layer (Web browser) using client-transparent techniques such as JavaScripts [Netscape]. The server filters IP packets at the firewall based on the authentication code embedded in the destination port field of the packet. If the authentication code is valid, the server uses network address translation (NAT) port forwarding to forward the packet to the actual destination port (say, port 80 for HTTPD). Hence, an unmodified server-side application can seamlessly operate on our DoS protected Web server. Although a 16-bit authentication code may not provide strong client authentication, we show that using weak authenticators can significantly alleviate the damage caused by a DoS attack. Our protocol is designed in a way that permits the Web server to control the rate at which an attacker can guess the authentication code. This ensures that the Web server can tolerate DoS attacks from several thousands of unauthorized malicious clients. Our congestion control filter uses a similar client-transparent technique to embed a client’s priority level into all its HTTP requests. A client’s priority level is used to throttle its request rate at the server’s firewall (IP-layer filtering). This priority level is itself continuously updated in a way that mitigates applicationlevel DoS attacks as follows. Unlike traditional DoS protection mechanisms that attempt to distinguish a DoS attack request from the legitimate ones, our congestion control filter examines the amount of resources expended by the server in handling a request. We use the utility of a request and the amount of server resources incurred in handling the request to compute a score for every request. We construct a feedback loop that takes a request’s score as its input and updates the client’s priority level. In its simplest sense, the priority level might encode the maximum number of requests per unit of time that a client can issue. Hence, a high-scoring request increases a client’s priority level, permitting the client to send a larger number of requests per time unit. On the other hand, a low-scoring request decreases a client’s priority level, limiting the number of requests that the client may issue per time unit. Therefore, application-level DoS attack requests that are resource intensive and have low utility to the e-commerce Web site would decrease the attacker’s priority level. As the attacker’s priority level decreases, the intensity of its DoS attack decreases. An obvious benefit that follows from the description of our congestion control filter is that it is independent of the attack’s precise nature of operation. As pointed out earlier it is in general hard to predict, detect, or enumerate all the possible attacks that may be used by an attacker. Also, a mechanism that is independent of the attack type can implicitly handle intelligent attackers that adapt and attack the system. Indeed any adaptation of an application-level DoS attack would result in heavy resource consumption at the server without any noticeable changes to the request’s syntax or traffic characteristics. Further, our mechanism does not distinguish requests based on the request rate, the packet headers, or the contents of the request. We illustrate in Section 2 that it is very hard to distinguish an attack request from a legitimate one using either the request rate or the contents of the request. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:6 • M. Srivatsa et al. In this article, we describe a detailed implementation of our DoS protection filters using a JavaScript capable Web browser1 (client) and the Linux kernel (firewall). We present a detailed evaluation of the proposed solution using two sample applications: Apache HTTPD [Apache 2005a] and the TPCW benchmark [TPC 2000] (running on Apache Tomcat [Apache 2004] and IBM DB2 [IBM 2005]). Our experiments show that the proposed solution incurs low-performance overhead (about 1-2%) and is resilient to DoS attacks. We demonstrate the drawbacks in traditional DoS filters, including violation of client transparency and vulnerability to application-level DoS attacks, and experimentally demonstrate the efficacy of our DoS filters against a wide range of attacks. 2. OVERVIEW 2.1 Application-Level DoS Attacks: Examples Example 1. Consider an e-Commerce Web site like The HTTP requests that pulled out large image files from constituted a simple application-level DoS attack. In this case, the attackers (a collection of zombie machines) sent the HTTP requests at the same rate as a legitimate client. Hence, a DoS filter may not be able to detect whether a given request is a DoS attack request by examining the packet’s headers, including the IP, the TCP, and the HTTP headers. In fact, the rate of attack requests and the attack request’s packet headers would be indistinguishable from the requests sent by well behaved clients. Example 2. One could argue that a DoS filter that examines the HTTP request URL may be able to distinguish DoS attackers that request a large number of image files from that of the good clients. However, the attackers could attack a Web application using more subtle techniques. For example, consider an online bookstore application like TPCW [TPC 2000]. As with most online e-Commerce applications, TPCW uses a database server to guarantee persistent operations. Given an HTTP request, the application logic transforms the request into one or more database queries. The cost of a database query not only depends on the type of the query, but also on the query arguments. For instance, an HTTP request may require an exhaustive search over the entire database or may require a join operation to be performed between two large database tables. This makes it very hard for a DoS filter to detect whether a given request is a DoS attack request by examining the packet’s headers and all its contents. In fact, the rate of attack requests and the attack request’s packet headers and contents would be indistinguishable from those sent by any well behaved client unless the entire application logic is encoded in the DoS filter. However, this could make the cost of request filtering almost as expensive as the cost of processing the actual application request itself. Indeed a complex DoS filter like this could by itself turn out to be a target for the attackers. 1 JavaScript is supported by most modern browsers including Microsoft IE and Mozilla FireFox ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:7 2.2 Threat Model We assume that an adversary is interested in launching a DoS attack on some Web server or application server or any generic Web service. An adversary might target its attack on either of two entities, the good clients and the Web servers. We do not consider DoS attacks directly on the clients in this article. However, the adversary may target its attack on the Web servers. We assume that the adversary can spoof the source IP address. We also assume that the adversary has a large but bounded number of IP addresses under its control. If an IP address is controlled by an adversary, then the adversary can both send and receive packets from that IP address. We assume that the adversary can neither observe nor modify the traffic to clients whose IP address are not controlled by the adversary. However, the adversary can always send packets with a spoofed source IP address that is not essentially controlled by the adversary. We also assume that the adversary has a large but bounded amount of network and computing resources at its disposal and thus cannot inject an arbitrarily large number of packets into the IP network. We assume that the adversary can coordinate activities perfectly to take maximum advantage of its resources, for example, all the compromised zombie computers appear like a single large computer to the system. We assume that the adversary can perform network-layer DoS attacks. Network-layer DoS attacks, include attacks directed on the TCP/IP layer such as a SYN-flooding attack. The network-layer attacks aim at exhausting computing, networking, and memory sources available at the Web server by flooding them with a large number of IP packets or TCP connection requests over a short duration of time. We assume that the adversary can perform application-layer DoS attacks in this article. Most modern application servers perform complicated operations such as running Web services that require heavy weight transactional and database support. Understanding the application semantics may help an adversary to craft a DoS attack by sending many resource intensive requests. For example, in a typical bookstore application, the adversary may issue frequent search requests that involve expensive database operations. Application-layer attacks are hard to detect at the traditional IP-layer DoS filters primarily because they lack application-specific semantics. We discuss some concrete examples of such application-level DoS attacks in the next section. 2.3 System Architecture We achieve resilience to DoS attacks using two layers of DoS protection, admission control and congestion control. Admission control limits the number of clients concurrently served by the server. The number of permitted concurrent clients can be adaptively varied depending on the server load. Admission control is implemented using destination port number as an authentication code for admitted clients. Without knowing the application’s port number, it is obviously much harder for unadmitted clients to launch a DoS attack. Most of the unadmitted traffic can be filtered at the IP layer itself based on its target port number. An unadmitted client would not even be able to launch a TCP ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:8 • M. Srivatsa et al. Fig. 1. System architecture. SYN-flooding attack. This prevents an unadmitted client packet from consuming computing, network, and memory resources at the server as it passes through higher layers in the network stack. In this article, we explore algorithms and present detailed security analyses for using weak (16-bit) authentication codes to defend against DoS attacks. The congestion filter operates on top of the admission control filter. Congestion control limits the amount of resources allocated to each admitted client. Congestion control is implemented as a trust token that encodes the priority level that a client is eligible to receive. A client’s priority level is adaptively varied by the server using application-specific knowledge on the nature of requests made by the client. For instance, one may choose to increase a client’s priority level if the client performs a buy transaction with the server and decrease a client’s priority level if the client performs resource-intensive operations on the server. A client’s priority level is used to rate limit the number of requests accepted from the client at the server’s firewall. Allowing the application to set a client’s priority level permits us to incorporate application-specific semantics (domain knowledge) and is thus highly flexible. IP-level (firewall) filtering for requests ensures that most application-level DoS attack requests are dropped before they can extensively consume server-side resources. In this article, we explore several algorithms to vary the client’s priority level and study their effect on the system. We also provide an API for application programmers to define application-specific solutions to update a client’s priority level. Our proposed solution is client transparent in the sense that it neither requires software installation nor human involvement at the client-side. A client (human being or an automated script) can browse a DoS protected Web server just as it browses any other server with standard Web browsers (e.g. FireFox, Microsoft IE, etc.). All our instrumentation is done at the server-side, thereby making the deployment very easy. Figure 1 shows our high-level architecture including the main components, challenge server, admission control filter, congestion control filter and the application. The figure also shows the order in which a client interacts with these components. Messages that originate from the client are labeled C, while those from the server are labeled S. Challenge Server. The challenge server is used to bootstrap our system. The challenge server is responsible for delivering port keys to admitted clients and initializing the client’s priority in a trust token. The port key is used by a client to determine the correct target destination port number. The trust token ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:9 encodes the initial client priority level. Note that the challenge server itself cannot be protected against DoS attackers using port hiding. Hence, we use a cryptographic challenge-based defense mechanism to protect the challenge server. When the client solves a cryptographic challenge correctly and if the system is capable of handling more clients, then the challenge server provides the client with the port key. We ensure that solving the cryptographic challenge is several orders of magnitude costlier than generating the port key and initializing the trust token. Server Firewall. The firewall (IP layer) at the server is modified to perform two operations: (i) filter packets based on the target port number and (ii) use the client’s priority level to filter HTTP requests sent by a client using weighted fair queuing [Stoica et al. 1998]. Application Server. The application layer at the server is modified to perform two operations: (i) implement the client’s response time priority and (ii) use application-specific rules to update the throughput priority level of the client. The response time priority is enforced by appropriately setting the request handling thread’s priority and network priority (say, using DSCP [Black RFC 2983] or IP precedence [Nichols et al. RFC 2474]. The client’s new throughput priority level may be computed using a utility-based model that considers the current request and the set of recent requests sent by the client. 3. DOS PROTECTION MECHANISMS 3.1 Admission Control Filter We implement admission control using the following steps. First, the client attempts to obtain a port key from the challenge server. The challenge server limits the number of active port keys issued to clients. A client can efficiently generate a correct authentication code only if it knows its port key. A client browsing a DoS-protected Web site has to be capable of interacting with the challenge server, and embedding an authentication code in the TCP packet’s destination port-number field. We achieve both these functionalities in a client-transparent manner using JavaScripts at the HTTP layer (Web browser). Although we operate at the HTTP layer on the client-side, our protocol allows IP-layer packet filtering on the server-side firewall. We use the server-side firewall to filter IP packets from unadmitted clients. The packet filter at the server drops all non-TCP traffic. Further, it drops all TCP packets that do not have the correct destination port number. Hence, most of the packets sent by clients that do not know their port key would be dropped by the firewall since the authentication check on the packet’s destination port number fails. Filtering packets at the firewall significantly reduces the amount of processing, memory, network, and disk resources expended on it. Processing power is saved because the packet does not have to traverse the server’s networking stack. Additionally, sending an illegal packet to the application layer involves an expensive kernel-to-user context switch (typically, the application runs in the user domain). Memory is saved because the dropped packet does not have to be allocated any space in the memory. Further, if the packet were ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:10 • M. Srivatsa et al. Fig. 2. Port hiding design. Fig. 3. Port-hiding control flow: square-with-sharp-corner, square-with-round-corner and oval denote operations carried out by the client, the server kernel (firewall), and the server application, respectively. a TCP ACK packet from an inauthentic client, then the Web server neither opens a TCP connection nor allocates TCBs (transmission control blocks). If the incoming packet is from an inauthentic client, network bandwidth is saved because the Web server neither receives nor responds to the packet. Finally, by not storing illegal packets in the main memory, the Web server may not have to swap pages in/out of the main memory and the hard disk. In the following section, we describe a detailed design of our admission control filter. We present a detailed qualitative analysis and several refinements on our proposal in Section 3.1.2. We present a client-transparent implementation for port hiding in Section 4. 3.1.1 Port Hiding. Figure 2 shows our architecture for port hiding, and Figure 3 shows the operational control flow for port hiding. The actual destination port (dest port) is transformed to an authenticated port (hide port) using a keyed pseudo random function (PRF) H of the client IP address (CIP), server IP address (SIP), and current time (t) (t is measured as the number of seconds that have elapsed since Jan 1st 1970, GMT) using the port key K as: hide port = dest port ⊕ HK (CIP, SIP, tnb ). To account for loose-time synchronization between the client and the server, we use tnb = t ≫ nb (instead of t); this allows a maximum clock drift of 2nb seconds. We describe our techniques to handle initial clock skew and clock drifts between the client and server in Section 4. Observe that the authentication code (and thus hide port) changes every tnb seconds. Hence, any adversary attempting to guess the authentication code has tnb seconds to do so. At the end of this time interval, the authentication code changes. Even if an adversary guesses the authentication code for one time ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:11 period, it has no useful information about the authentication code for its next period. We further make the authentication code nontransferable by ensuring that no two clients get the same port key. We construct a client-specific port key as K = HSK(t) (CIP), where the key K is derived from the client’s IP address (CIP) using a PRF H and a time varying server key SK(t). The time varying key SK(t) is derived from the server’s master key MK as SK(t) = HMK ( Tt ), where T is the time period for which a port key is valid. The master key MK is maintained as secret by the Web server. The admitted clients who possess the key K can send packets to the appropriate destination TCP port. Note that if hide port were incorrectly computed, then the reconstructed dest port′ = hide port ⊕ HK (CIP, SIP, tnb ) at the server would be some random port number between (0, 216 − 1). Hence, one can filter out illegitimate packets using standard firewall rules based on the reconstructed destination port number dest port′ (say using IP Tables [NetFilter ]). Note that port hiding only prevents unadmitted clients from accessing the service. However, an admitted client may attempt to use a disproportionate amount of resources at the server. We use fair queuing [Stoica et al. 1998] techniques to ensure that an admitted client would not be able to consume a disproportionate amount of resources at the server. Fair queuing ensures that as long as the client’s packet arrival rate is smaller than the fair packet rate, the probability of dropping the client’s packet is zero. Hence, only packets from clients who attempt to use more than their fair share are dropped. It is particularly important not to drop traffic from honest clients because honest clients use TCP, and dropped packets may cause TCP to decrease its window size and consequently affect its throughput. On the other hand, an adversary may be masquerading with TCP packets (say, using raw sockets); hence, a dropped packet would not affect an adversary as much it affects an honest client. 3.1.2 Port Hiding: Analysis and Enhancements. In this section, we present a qualitative analysis of our basic port hiding design. We then refine our basic design based on this qualitative analysis to arrive at our final design. Attacking weak authenticators. Since the size of our authentication code is limited to N = 16 bits, a malicious client may be able to discover the destination port corresponding to its IP address with nontrivial probability. Assuming an ideal pseudorandom function (PRF) H, all possible N -bit integers appear to be a candidate hide port for a malicious client. For any noninteractive adversarial algorithm, it is computationally infeasible to guess a correct hide port with probability greater than 2−N . Hence, a malicious client is forced to use an interactive adversarial algorithm to guess the value of hide port. The malicious client may choose a random N bit integer rand port as the destination port number. The client can construct a TCP packet with destination port rand port and send the packet to the Web server. If the client has some means of knowing that the packet is accepted by the filter, then the client has a valid hide port = rand port. One should note that even if a malicious client successfully guesses the value of hide port that value of hide port is valid only for the current time epoch. At the end of the time epoch, the malicious client has to again try to guess the new value of hide port. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:12 • M. Srivatsa et al. Also observe that using the valid hide port value for one epoch does not give any advantage to a malicious client that attempts to guess the hide port value for the next epoch. A practical attack. Assuming that the client cannot directly observe the server, the only way for the client to know whether or not the packet was accepted by the firewall is to hope that the Web server responds to its packet. Sending a random TCP packet does not help since the Web server’s TCP layer would drop the packet in the absence of an active connection. Hence, the malicious client has to send TCP SYN packets with its guess for hide port. If the Web server responds with a TCP SYN-ACK packet, then the client has a valid hide port. Port-hiding refinement I. Note that since all N -bit integers appear equally likely to the valid hide port, the malicious client does not have any intelligent strategy to enumerate the port number space other than choosing some random enumeration. Clearly, a randomly chosen hide port has a 1 in 2 N chance of succeeding, thereby reducing the adversarial strength by a huge order of magnitude. Cryptographically, a probability of one in 65,536 (N = 16) is not considered trivially small; however, our techniques can control the rate at which an adversary can break into our system. Observe that the only way a malicious client can possibly infer a valid hide port is by probing the server with multiple SYN packets and hoping to receive a SYN-ACK packet from the Web server. The server could flag a client malicious if it received more than a threshold r number of SYN packets per time unit with an incorrect destination port from the client. Note that one can use our fair queuing filter to rate limit the number of SYN packets per client. Attack on refinement I. The technique just described suffers from a drawback. Let us suppose that a malicious client knew the IP address of some legitimate client C. The malicious client could flood the Web server with more than r SYN packets per time unit (with randomly chosen destination port numbers) with the packet’s source IP address spoofed as CIP, where CIP is the IP address of client C. Now, the firewall would flag the client with IP address CIP as malicious. Hence, all packets sent from the legitimate client C in the future could be dropped by the firewall. Port-hiding refinement II. One can circumvent the problem described using SYN cookies [Bernstein 2005] as follows. The Web server now responds to all SYN packets (irrespective of whether or not they match the destination port number) with a SYN-ACK packet. The Web server encodes a cryptographically verifiable cookie in the TCP sequence number field. When the client sends a TCP ACK packet, the server verifies the cookie embedded in the TCP sequence number field before opening a TCP connection to the client. In addition, the firewall checks the destination port number for all packets except the TCP SYN packet. If a malicious client were to spoof its source IP address in the TCP SYN packet, then it would not be able to send a TCP ACK packet with the matching cookie (sequence number) if the IP address CIP is not controlled by the adversary. Recall that our threat model assumes that an adversary would not be able to observe or corrupt any packets sent to an IP address that is not controlled by the adversary. Hence, using SYN cookies eliminates all ACK ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:13 packets that contain a spoofed source address that is not controlled by the adversary. The Web server instead of limiting the number of SYN packets per time unit would limit the number of ACK packets per time unit. Clearly, the modified technique ensures that an adversary cannot coerce the firewall into dropping packets sent from a legitimate client C. Attack on Refinement II. The adversary could still flood the Web server with a unlimited numbers of SYN packets. The protocol expects the Web server to respond with a SYN-ACK packet for all SYN packets irrespective of whether or not the SYN packet matches the authentication code embedded in the destination port number field. One can mitigate this problem by putting an upper bound on the number of SYN packets accepted from a client to at most r SYN packets per time unit. However, as described previously, using a finite r permits the adversary to coerce the Web server to drop packets from a legitimate client. Clearly, as r increases, it becomes more expensive for an adversary to do so. However, as r increases, the bad clients would be able to flood more SYN packets to the Web server. Allowing more SYN packets per time unit permits a bad client to guess its correct hide port. Hence, the parameter r must be carefully chosen by the Web server. We use experimental techniques and analytical results to choose effective DoS defense strategies (see Section 5). 3.2 Congestion Control Filter The congestion control filter operates on top of the admission control filter. The fundamental idea behind congestion control is to adaptively vary the priority offered to a client depending on the client’s behavior in the recent past. For instance, we increase a client’s priority level if the client behaves well and decrease it on detecting an application-level DoS attack from the client. Our congestion control mechanism is analogous to the TCP congestion control mechanism with the priority level of a client analogous to the TCP window size. We use an additive increase and multiplicative decrease-style algorithm to manipulate the priority level based on a utility-based model of the client’s past behavior. A client’s priority level is embedded in a trust token which in turn is sent as a standard HTTP cookie in all responses from the server to the client. Using standard HTTP cookie semantics, a legitimate client would include the trust token in all its future requests to the server. A client presenting a valid trust token to the server would be served at the priority level encoded in the token. Otherwise, the client’s request would be served at the lowest priority level. This would motivate the clients to present their trust token and thus obtain better quality of service (e.g., better throughput and/or response time) from the server. The challenge server initializes a client’s trust token (along with its port key) when the client first accesses the Web server. The trust token includes a message authentication code to ensure that it would be computationally infeasible for a client to undetectably modify the token. We use an IP-level packet filter to filter HTTP requests from admitted clients. The packet filter implements the throughput priority using weighted fair queuing, that is, it ensures that a client ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:14 • M. Srivatsa et al. Fig. 4. Congestion control architecture. Fig. 5. Congestion control: control flow. with priority level 100 may send twice as many requests (per time unit) than a client with priority level 50. HTTP requests from clients attempting to issue a disproportionately large number of requests (relative to their priority level) are dropped at the IP layer itself, thereby significantly reducing the amount of processing/memory/network/disk resources. The application layer implements the response time priority, that is, it ensures that a client with a higher priority level experiences a smaller response time for its requests. The application layer is also responsible for varying the client’s throughput priority level using application-specific semantics and domain knowledge. 3.2.1 Trust Tokens. In this section, we describe how a trust token is constructed. Then, we describe techniques to use the congestion token to defend against application-level DoS attacks. A trust token (tt) is constructed as follows: tt = cip, sip, tv, priority, HMK (cip, sip, tv, priority), where cip (4 Bytes) denotes the client’s IP address, sip (4 Bytes) denotes the server’s IP address, tv (4 Bytes) denotes the time at which the trust token was issued (time is expressed as the number of seconds from Jan 1st 1970), priority (2 Bytes) denotes the priority, level assigned to the client by the server, MK denotes a secret cryptographic key used by the server, and E denotes a symmetric key encryption algorithm (like AES [NIST ] or DES [FIPS ]). The priority-level priority consists of two parts: a one-Byte throughput priority level and a one-Byte response time priority level. Essentially, this would permit 0-255 possible throughput and response time priority levels for a client. Figure 4 shows the architecture for congestion control and Figure 5 shows the operational usage of the token. A legitimate client operates as follows. A client obtains its first token tt when it solves a challenge, and the token is stored as an HTTP cookie in the client-side browser. The client includes the token tt in all HTTP requests to the server. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:15 On the server side, we perform two operations. First, we filter and rate control requests to the server at the IP layer in the kernel’s network stack (or the firewall). For similar reasons discussed under port hiding, it is important that packets are filtered as soon as possible in order to save computing and memory resources on the server. The server checks if the packet is a HTTP request and, if so, it extracts the token tt. It checks if tt is a valid trust token and, if so, it extracts the client’s priority level. A trust token is valid if the tt.cip matches the client’s IP address, tt.sip matches the server’s IP address, is some time in the past ( < current time). If so, the server extracts the priority level from tt; else the request packet is served at the lowest priority level. An adversary may behave benignly until it attains a high priority level and then begin to misbehave. Consequently, the server would issue a trust token with a lower priority level. However, the adversary may send an old congestion token (with a high priority level) to the server in its future requests. We prevent such attacks by computing the effective priority level. The server uses the request’s throughput priority level prioritythru , the time of token issue, and the client’s request rate to compute the effective priority level epriority as follows: 1 epriority = prioritythru * e−δ∗max(t−− r ,0) , where t denotes the current time, denotes the time at which the token tt was issued, r denotes the client’s request rate, and δ denotes a tuneable parameter for computing the penalty incurred when using an old trust token. The key intuition here is that if t − is significantly larger than the client’s mean interrequest arrival time ( 1r ), then the client is probably sending an old congestion token. The larger the difference between (t − and 1r , the more likely it is that the client is attempting to send an old token. Hence, the effective priority level epriority drops exponentially as the difference between (t − and 1r increases. Note that the fair queuing filter estimates the client request rate r for performing weighted probabilistic fair queuing. Once the request is accepted by the IP-layer packet filter, the request is forwarded to the application. The application server handles a request based on the request’s response time priority level ( priorit yresp ). The server can improve the response time to clients with higher response time priority levels by setting a higher priority for the threads that handle their requests. In general, the handling thread’s priority can proportional to the request’s response time priority level. In three-tiered systems, the application server may need to interact with other application servers or database servers to handle a request. In this case, the servers may use DSCP or IP precedence to decrease the network latencies for requests with higher priority levels. When the server sends a response to the client, it updates the client’s priority level based on several application-specific rules and parameters. For example, in an electronic commerce application, if the client were to complete a transaction by providing a valid credit card number, the server could increase the client’s priority level. We propose to use a utility-based cost function C(rq) = f (rt, tp, np, ut), where rq denotes the client’s request, rt is the time taken by the server to generate the response for request rq, tp denotes the thread priority that was used to handle rq, np denotes the network priority used to handle rq, and ut denotes the utility (in dollars for a credit card transaction) of rq. In ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:16 • M. Srivatsa et al. our first prototype, we use a simple cost function C(rq) = ut − γ ∗ nrt, where nrt denotes the normalized response time and γ is a tune-able parameter. The normalized response time nrt denotes the effort expended by the server to handle the request rq. nrt is derived as a function of the measured response time rt, the thread priority tp, and the network priority np. Note that the higher the value of tp (and np), the lower the response time. Finally, the normalized response time nrt denotes the effort expended by the server, hence it is subtracted from the request’s utility ut. The new priority level could be computed as priority = g (priority, C), where priority is the current effective priority level of the client. In our first prototype, we use TCP-style congestion control technique with additive increase and multiplicative decrease as follows: if C(rq) ≥ 0, then priority = priority + α ∗ C(rq), priority and priority = β∗(1−C(rq)) otherwise. The additive increase strategy ensures that the priority level rises slowly as the client behaves benignly, while the multiplicative decrease strategy ensures that the priority level drops quickly upon detecting a DoS attack from the client. In summary, we perform request filtering at the server-side kernel or firewall. As we have pointed out earlier, filtering out bad requests as soon as possible minimizes the amount of server resources expended on them. However, the parameter that determines this filtering process (the client’s throughput priority level) is set by the application. This approach, permits highly flexible DoS protection since it is possible to exploit application-specific semantics and domain knowledge in computing the client’s priority level. 4. CLIENT-TRANSPARENT IMPLEMENTATION In this section, we present a sketch of our implementation of port hiding. Our implementation operates on both the client and the server. The client-side implementation uses common functionality built into most Web browsers and thus does not require any additional software installation. The server-side implementation consists of a loadable kernel module that modifies the IP-layer packet processing in the Linux kernel. Client-side. Port hiding on the client side is implemented entirely using standard JavaScript support available in standard Web browsers and does not require any changes to the underlying kernel. In fact, it appears that the destination port number is the only field in the underlying TCP packet that can be directly manipulated using the Web browser. We use simple JavaScripts to redirect a request to protocol://domain:hide port/path name instead of protocol://domain/path name (usually port numbers are implicit given the protocol, e.g., HTTP uses port 80). The port key is made available to the JavaScript by storing it as a standard HTTP cookie on the client browser. We compute hide port from d est port on the client side using a JavaScript method for MAC (message authentication code) computation. Later in this section, we present techniques to handle the initial clock skew and clock drifts between the client and server. Using JavaScripts makes this approach independent of the underlying OS; also, JavaScripts are available as a part of most Web browsers (Microsoft IE, Mozilla FireFox). ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:17 Server-side IP layer. The server-side implementation of port hiding works as follows. The port hiding filter at the server operates at the IP layer in the kernel. The server-side filter uses Network Address Translation (NAT) port forwarding to forward the request from hide port to the d est port. Note that the client-side TCP layer believes that it is connected to hide port on the server. Hence, in all server responses, we replace the source port from d est port to hide port. We also appropriately change the TCP checksum when we change the packet’s source or destination port. Note that updating the TCP checksum does not require us to scan the entire packet. We can compute the new checksum using the old checksum, dest port, and hide port using simple 16-bit integer arithmetic [Egevang and Francis 1994]. We implement these IP-layer filters using NetFilters [NetFilter ], a framework inside the Linux kernel that enables packet filtering, network address translation, and other packet mangling. Additionally, we need every Web page served by the server to include a call to the JavaScript that implements port hiding at the client side. One option would be change all static Web pages and the scripts that generate dynamic Web pages to embed calls to the port hiding JavaScript. However, we believe that such an implementation would not be feasible. We dynamically modify the HTTP response to insert calls to JavaScripts in a Web server using server-side include (SSI [Apache 2005b]). SSI permits us to efficiently inject small additions to the actual HTTP response generated by the Web server. Server-side application layer. We use Apache Tomcat filters to hook on to the processing of an HTTP request. We hook onto an incoming request before the request is forwarded to the servlet engine. This filter is used to record the time at which the request processing started. This filter is also used to implement response time priority embedded in the trust token, typically by setting the request handling thread’s priority in proportion to the response time priority level. Similarly, a filter on an outgoing HTTP response is used to record the time at which the request processing ended. This filter additionally provides an application programmer the following API which allows the programmer to use application-specific rules and domain knowledge to update the client’s priority level after processing a request rq: priority updatePrio (priority oldPrio, URL requestURLHistory, responseTime rt), where oldPrio denotes the client’s priority level before it issued the request rq, requestURLHistory denotes a finite history of requests sent from the client, and rt denotes the server response time for request rq. Additionally, this filter encrypts the trust token tt and embeds it as a cookie in the HTTP response. Sample API implementations. We now describe three sample implementations of our API to demonstrate its flexibility. — Resource Consumption. In Section 3.2, we presented a technique to update a client’s priority level based on its request’s response time and utility. Utility of the request can typically be computed from the requesting URL using application-specific semantics and domain knowledge. Note that client supplied parameters are available as part of the request URL. The response time for a request is automatically measured by our server-side instrumentation. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:18 • M. Srivatsa et al. Additionally, one could use several profiling techniques to determine lowlevel resource consumption such as CPU cycles, disk bandwidth, etc. — Input Semantics. Many e-commerce applications require input from users to follow certain implicit semantics. For example, a field that requests a client’s age would expect a value between 1 and 100. One can use the client supplied parameters (that are available as a part of the request URL) to estimate the likelihood that a given request URL is a DoS attack or not. Naive DoS attack scripts that lack complete domain knowledge to construct semantically correct requests (unlike a legitimate automated client-side script) may err on input parameter values. — Link Structure. In many Web applications and Web servers, the semantics of the service may require the user to follow a certain link structure. Given that a client has accessed a page P , one can identify a set of possible next pages P1 , P2 , · · · , Pk , along with probabilities tp1 , tp2 , · · · , tpk , where tpi denotes the probability that a legitimate client accesses page Pi immediately after the client has accessed page P . The server could lower a client’s priority level if it observes that the client has significantly deviated from the expected behavior. Note that tracking a client’s link structure-based behavior requires a finite history of URLs requested by the client. While heuristics like Input Semantics and Link Structure can guard the Web server from several classes of application-level DoS attacks, one should note that these heuristics may not be sufficient to mitigate all applicationlevel DoS attacks. For example, a DoS attacker may use requests whose cost is an arbitrarily complex function of the parameters embedded in the request. Nonetheless the Resource Consumption-based technique provides a solution to this problem by actually measuring the cost of a request rather than attempting to infer a DoS attack based on the request. Time synchronization. We tolerate clock skew and clock drift between clients and the server as follows. First, when the client contacts the challenge server to get the port key, we compute the initial time difference between the client’s clock and the server’s clock. We include this initial clock skew as a cookie in the HTTP response that includes the client’s port key. The client-side JavaScript that updates the authentication code periodically uses the initial clock skew to synchronize the client’s local time with that of the server. Assuming that clock drifts are negligibly small, accounting for the initial clock skew is sufficient. One can additionally tolerate small amounts of clock drifts as follows. The server can update the clock-skew cookie each time it sends an HTTP response to the client. Assuming that the clock drift between the client and server does not grow significantly between two successive HTTP responses from the client, a client would be able to compute the correct authentication code. However if the client’s think time between successive HTTP requests is very large, then it might be possible that the client’s clock drifts more than the permissible level. Even in this case, a client sending IP packets with incorrect authentication headers (destination port number) would be automatically redirected to the challenge server (see Section 4). On solving the challenge, the challenge server ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:19 Fig. 6. Challenge server control flow. would update the cookie that contains the clock skew between the client and the server. Challenge server. The challenge server operates at the IP layer on the server side. Figure 6 show the detailed control flow of the challenge server. The challenge server facilitates client-transparent port key delivery to the client. This is accomplished by ensuring that the URL of the Web site refers to the challenge server. In other words, a DNS (Domain Name Service) lookup on the URL’s domain name would return the IP address of the challenge server. Hence, a client’s first access to the Web site is automatically directed towards the challenge server. Additionally, when a client sends packets with incorrect port numbers, it is redirected to the challenge server. This is required to ensure that clients that experience large clock drifts can continue to access the Web server. The challenge server intercepts the packet at the IP layer. The challenge server uses a C program (operating at the IP layer) to send a cryptographic challenge to the client along with a JavaScript to solve the challenge bundled as a standard Web page. The client-side browser can use the JavaScript to solve the challenge. Note that performing client-side computation can significantly throttle the DoS attackers. We have implemented an adaptive challenge algorithm that is similar to the one described in Wang and Reiter [2004]. On solving the challenge correctly, the challenge server sends the port key and initial clock skew as standard HTTP cookies to the client-side browser. Further, the challenge server automatically redirects the client to the Web server using HTTP redirect. All further requests from the client are forwarded to the Web server by the server-side firewall after it verifies the authentication code (destination port number) on the IP packet. Note that the challenge server cannot be protected using port hiding. Hence, we need to ensure it is very hard to launch DoS attacks on the challenge server. For this purpose, we run the challenge server on top of raw sockets that partially emulate a TCP, connection [Kandula et al. 2005] using a stateless TCP/IP server approach [Halfbakery]. This makes our challenge server resilient to TCP-level attacks such as SYN floods and SYN+ACK floods that attempt to exhaust the number of open TCP connections on the Web server. Client-side implementation of the challenge solver uses Java applets, while the challenge generator and solution verifier at the server are implemented using C. Although using Java applets is transparent to most client-side browsers (using the standard browser plug-in for Java VM), it may not be transparent to an automated client-side script. However, a client-side script can use its own mechanism to solve the challenge without having to rely on the Java applet ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:20 • M. Srivatsa et al. framework. Our experiments showed that a client-side challenge solver using a C program and Java applet requires 1 second and 1.1 seconds (respectively) to solve a challenge with hardness m = 20. Our client-transparent challenge solver is fair to the legitimate clients since the attackers can use any mechanism (including a nonclient-transparent C program) to solve the challenge. The challenge server is implemented as a pluggable kernel module that operates at the IP layer (connectionless). Our experiments showed that the challenge server can generate about one million challenges per second and check about one million challenges per second. Given that the challenge server can handle very high request rates and serves only two types of requests (challenge generation and solution verification), it would be very hard for an adversary to launch a DoS attack on the challenge server. Further, one can adaptively vary the cost of solving the challenge by changing the hardness parameter m. For example, setting the challenge hardness parameter m = 20 ensures that a client expends one million units (=2m ) of effort to solve the challenge, and the server expends only one unit of effort to check a solution’s correctness. 5. EVALUATION In this section, we present two sets of experiments. The first set of experiments studies the effectiveness of admission control using port hiding. The second set of experiments demonstrates the effectiveness of trust tokens. All of our experiments have been performed on a 1.7GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor running Debian Linux 3.0. We used two types of application servers in our experiments. The first service is a bandwidth-intensive Apache HTTPD service [Apache 2005a] running on the standard HTTP port 80. The HTTPD server was used to serve 10K randomly generated static Web pages each of size 4KB. The client-side software was a regular Web browser from Mozilla FireFox [FireFox 2005] running on Linux. The Web browser was instrumented to programmatically send requests to the server using JavaScripts [Netscape]. We measured the average client-side throughput in terms of the number of Web pages served per second (WPPs). We also conducted experiments using Microsoft IE running on Microsoft Windows XP. The results obtained were qualitatively similar to that obtained using FireFox on Linux and amply demonstrates the portability of our approach and its compatibility across multiple platforms. The second service is a database-intensive Web transaction processing benchmark TPCW 1.0 [TPC 2000]. We used a Java-based workload generator from PHARM [2000]. We modified the workload generator to handle HTTP tokens. We used Apache Tomcat 5.5 [Apache 2004] as our Web server and IBM DB2 8.1 [IBM 2005] as the DBMS. We performed three experiments using TPCW. Each of these experiments included a 100-second ramp-up time, 1,000 seconds of execution, and 100 seconds of ramp-down time. There were 144,000 customers, 10,000 items in the database, 30 entity beans (EBs), and the think time was set to zero (to generate maximum load). The three experiments correspond to three workload mixes built into the client load generator: the browsing mix, the shopping mix, and the ordering mix. The TPCW workload generator outputs the number of Web site interactions per second (WIPs) as the performance metric. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:21 Table I. Port Hiding Overhead TPCW 1 (WIPs) TPCW 2 (WIPs) TPCW 3 (WIPs) HTTPD (WPPs) plain 4.68 12.43 10.04 100 port hiding 4.64 (0.80%) 12.41 (0.16%) 10.01 (0.30%) 98 (2.06%) IPSec 4.63 (1.0%) 12.41 (0.18%) 10.00 (0.37%) 98 (2.05%) Table II. Port Hiding Varying nb nb 0 1 2 3 HTTP (WPPs) 73.7 (26.32%) 87.6 (12.35%) 94.6 (5.37%) 98 (2.06%) TPCW 1 (WIPs) 4.60 (1.80%) 4.62 (1.30%) 4.63 (1.00%) 4.64 (0.80%) TPCW 2 (WIPs) 12.33 (0.80%) 12.37 (0.48%) 12.40 (0.27%) 12.41 (0.16%) TPCW 3 (WIPs) 9.92 (1.20%) 9.96 (0.76%) 9.99 (0.52%) 10.01 (0.30%) 5.1 Admission Control Filter We present two sets of experiment on port hiding, (i) measuring the operational overhead of port hiding and (ii) measuring the resilience of port hiding towards DoS attacks. 5.1.1 Performance Overhead. Table I shows the throughput with and without port hiding using nb = 3. The numbers in Table I are the absolute values, and the numbers in brackets show the percentage drop in throughput due to port hiding. The percentage overhead for TPCW is smaller than for HTTPD. TPCW, which is a Web transactional processing workload, incurs a lot of computing and database costs other than simple networking cost. The average traffic between the client load generator and the Web server was about 400– 600Kbps, while that for an HTTPD server was about 40–60Mbps. Table I also shows that our approach incurs comparable overhead to that of IPSec. A key advantage of our approach over IPSec is that our approach preserves client transparency. Table II shows the average throughput when we vary nb. Note that with port hiding, we vary the hide port at time period of 2nb seconds. The numbers in Table II are the absolute value, and the number in brackets show the percentage drop in throughput for different values of nb. We observed that the drop in throughput due to JavaScripts accounted for less than 12% of the total overhead. The biggest overhead in port hiding is due to TCP slow-start [DARPA 1981]. Note that each time the hide port changes, the client has to open a new TCP connection. Hence, a high bandwidth application like HTTPD suffers from a higher loss in throughput. However, for low bandwidth applications like TPCW, the overhead due to TCP slow-start is very small. 5.1.2 Resilience to DoS Attacks. We perform two sets of experiments to study the effectiveness of port hiding in defending against DoS attacks. We describe these experiments in the following. We have simulated two types of clients: up to 100 good clients and up to 104 DoS attackers connected via a 100Mbps LAN to the server’s firewall. The Web server is isolated from the LAN connecting the clients; all interactions between the clients and the Web server ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:22 • M. Srivatsa et al. 140 ‘port hiding’ ‘ipsec’ ‘syn cookie (syn flood)’ ‘syn cookie (syn+ack flood)’ ‘no dos protection’ Throughput (WPPs) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 Attack Rate (MBps) 8 10 Fig. 7. DoS attack on HTTPD. 6 ‘port hiding’ ‘ipsec’ ‘syn cookie (syn flood)’ ‘syn cookie (syn+ack flood)’ ‘no dos protection’ Throughput (WIPs) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 Attack Rate (MBps) 8 10 Fig. 8. DoS attack on TPCW. go through the firewall. All the clients compete for the 100Mbps bandwidth available to the firewall. The good clients were used to measure the throughput of the Web server under a DoS attack. The intensity of a DoS attack is characterized by the rate at which attack requests are sent out by the DoS attackers. We measure the performance of the server under the same DoS attack intensity for various DoS filters. Our experiments were run until the breakdown point. The breakdown point for a DoS filter is defined as the attack intensity beyond which the throughput of the server (as measured by the good client) drops below 10% of its throughput under no attack. Our experiments show that the breakdown point for the port-hiding filter is comparable to that of nonclient-transparent approaches like IPSec. In fact, we observed that the breakdown for port-hiding filters in most cases equals the request rate that almost exhausts all the network bandwidth available to the server. Under such bandwidth exhaustion-based DoS attacks, the server needs to use network-level DoS protection mechanisms like IP trace back [Savage et al. 2000; Yang et al. 2005] and ingress filtering [Ferguson and Senie 1998]. Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the effect of DoS attacks by malicious clients on the Web server. We measured the throughput of the Web server as we increase ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:23 the attack traffic rate. We compare port hiding with other techniques such as IPSec and SYN-cookie. For SYN cookies, we measured the effect of performing both SYN flooding and SYN+ACK flooding attack. In a SYN flooding attack, the attacker floods the server with many SYN packets. SYN cookies defend the server a from a SYN flooding attack by embedded authentication information in the TCP sequence number field. In a SYN+ACK flooding attack, the attackers flood the server with SYN packets, wait for the SYN-ACK packet from the server, and respond with an ACK packet. Hence, the TCP connection is completed at the server, causing the server to construct the state for that connection. Note that IPSec and port hiding are resilient to SYN+ACK floods since an ACK packet with an incorrect authentication code is dropped by the firewall. Observe that the throughput for HTTPD drops almost linearly with the attack traffic rate since HTTPD is a bandwidth-intensive application. This is because the incoming attack traffic and the Web server response traffic share the 100Mbps network bandwidth available to the Web server. On the other hand, for a less bandwidth-intensive application like TPCW, the drop in throughput is very gradual. Observe from the figures that the throughput of the server does not drop to zero unless the adversary soaks up most of the network bandwidth available to the Web server. Also the breakdown point for TPCW (9.5MBps) is higher than that for HTTPD (7.2MBps) since TPCW, which is a databaseintensive application, can operate at high throughput even when most of the network bandwidth is soaked up by the adversary. Observe that the ability of port hiding and IPSec to defend against DoS attacks is significantly better than SYN cookies. One should also note that IPSec requires changes to the client-side kernel and may require superuser privileges for turning on IPSec and setting up keys at the client. Port hiding, on the other hand, neither requires changes to the client-side kernel nor superuser privileges at the client. This experiment assumes that the adversary uses a randomly chosen authentication code for each IP packet. We study a clever port discovery attack wherein the adversary attempts to guess the hide port for bad clients in the next section. We have also studied the resilience of our challenge server against DoS attacks. The challenge server is largely resilient to TCP-layer attacks since we have implemented directly at the IP layer. The challenge server serves three Web pages: the challenge page, a JavaScript challenge solver, and the solution verify page directly from the IP layer on the server side. Challenge generation takes 1µs of computing power and generates a 280-Byte Web page that contains the challenge parameters. Challenge verification takes 1µs of computing power and generates a 212-Byte Web page that sets the port key cookie and the clock skew cookie and redirects the client to the Web server (using HTTP redirect). The size of the JavaScript to solve the challenge is about 2KB. We limit the rate of challenge requests per client to one challenge per second. We limit the download rate for the JavaScript challenge solver per client to one in 64 seconds. This ensures that an attacker cannot throttle the throughput of the challenge server by frequently requesting the JavaScript challenge solver. Note that the JavaScript challenge solver is a static file and can be cached on the client side for ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:24 M. Srivatsa et al. • 200 350 ‘N=12’ ‘N=16’ ‘N=20’ ‘N=24’ 150 ‘r=0.25’ ‘r=0.50’ ‘r=1.00’ ‘r=2.00’ ‘r=4.00’ 300 250 A’ A’ 200 100 150 100 50 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 nb 5 6 7 8 9 10 nb Fig. 9. Guessing the authentication code: A′ denotes the average number of attackers that have guessed their authentication code at any given time instant. improved performance. Our experiments show that the challenge server with 100Mbps of network bandwidth can serve about 44K challenges per second, 59K challenge verifications per second, and 6K JavaScript challenge solvers per second. 5.1.3 Attacks on the Port-Hiding Filter. As described in Section 3.1.2, an attack on our DoS filter could proceed in three steps. First, an unauthorized malicious client would attempts to guess its hide port. Second, those malicious clients that could successfully guess their authentication code send packets that are accepted by the server-side firewall. Hence, these malicious clients may consume some low-level OS resources on the server side including TCP buffers and open TCP connections. This may result in some packets from the legitimate clients being dropped by an overloaded server (at the fair queuing filter). Third, packet loss rate has different effects on the application’s overall throughput. For instance, a bandwidth-intensive application like HTTPD is affected more due to packet losses (that may result in a TCP window size reduction) as compared to a database-intensive application like TPCW. Figure 9 shows the number of malicious clients that may potentially guess their authentication codes for different values of nb (time interval between changing authentication codes), N (size of the authentication code), and r (maximum permissible rate for ACK packets per client). Note that the default values of these parameters are specified in Table III. Even using a weak 16-bit authentication code, the number of attackers who can guess their authentication code (among A = 104 attackers) is very small. This largely restricts the number of unauthorized malicious clients whose packets pass our DoS filter. Figure 10 shows the fraction of legitimate packets dropped by the fair queuing filter at the firewall for different values of nb, N and r. If we have 10 good clients, and A′ = 10 bad clients have guessed their authentication code, then the 10 = 50% of the server’s low-level resources bad clients may potentially use 10+10 such as TCP buffers and open TCP connections. This may consequently result in some legitimate packets being dropped by the firewall of an overloaded server. Observe that even with several thousand attackers (A = 104 ), the fraction of dropped packets is very small. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers 15:25 • Table III. Notation notation N nb description authentication code size time interval between port number change is 2nb seconds fraction of good clients known to the adversary number of good clients number of bad clients aggregate attack bandwidth size of TCP SYN packet p 1 Fraction of Dropped Legitimate Packets Fraction of Dropped Legitimate Packets G A B SY Nsize ‘N=12’ ‘N=16’ ‘N=20’ ‘N=24’ 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.8 default value 16 bits 6 0.25 100 1000 100 Mbps 320 bits ‘r=0.25’ ‘r=0.50’ ‘r=1.00’ ‘r=2.00’ ‘r=4.00’ 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 nb 5 6 7 8 9 10 nb Fig. 10. Fraction of dropped legitimate packets. These dropped packets have different impacts on the application-level throughput. Figures 11 and 12 show the application-level throughput for HTTPD and TPCW for different values of A : G (ratio of the number of attackers to the number of legitimate clients) and nb. For the HTTPD benchmark, the throughput first increases with nb since changing the authentication code infrequently reduces the TCP slow-start overhead. However, as nb increases, more attackers may be able to guess their authentication code. This consequently results in dropped packets for legitimate clients resulting in the potential reduction in TCP window size (and thus the application-level throughput). Even with several thousand (A = 1.2*104 in A : G = 120) attackers, our DoS filter ensures that the throughput of the legitimate clients for both HTTPD and TPCW (as measured under the default settings in Table III) is about 82% and 94%, respectively, of its maximum throughput (throughput is maximum when A = 0). 5.2 Port Hiding: Security Analysis In this section, we present an analytical model for modeling DoS attacks on our port-hiding framework. We use our refinement II on port hiding to study DoS attacks (see Section 3.1.2). We summarize the attack scenario as follows. The Web server controls the rate parameter r that limits the number of SYN packets accepted from a client per time unit. The adversary, on the other hand, launches two types of attacks using its available resources. First, the bad clients may use ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:26 • M. Srivatsa et al. Throughput (WPPs) 120 100 80 60 40 "A:G=0" "A:G=40" "A:G=80" "A:G=120" 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 nb Fig. 11. Application-level throughput under DoS attacks for HTTPD. 4.5 Throughput (WIPs) 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 "A:G=0" "A:G=40" "A:G=80" "A:G=120" 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 nb Fig. 12. Application-level throughput under DoS attacks for TPCW. the permissible r SYN packets per time unit to guess their hide port. Second, the adversary may spoof the source IP address of some legitimate client and flood it with SYN packets at a rate larger than r. From our design in Section 3.1.2, this would coerce the Web server to drop packets from a legitimate client. Note that as r increases, more bad clients would be able to guess their correct hide port. On the other hand, as r decreases, the adversary would be able to coerce the Web server into dropping packets from more legitimate clients. In the following portions of this section, we use a game theoretic approach to determine the optimal adversarial strategy and the optimal Web server strategy for defending against DoS attacks. Our analysis shows the effect of varying important parameters such as the authentication code size (for small-sized authenticators 0-32 bits), the time period between authentication code change, the number of bad clients, and the adversary’s total bandwidth on the effectiveness of a DoS attack on the server. In this section, we assume that the Web server owns separate upstream and downstream bandwidth. Our experiments on the firewall showed that the server can handle about one million packets per second. Note that computing ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:27 Table IV. Variables variable r G′ A′ Z ropt g opt aopt obj description maximum rate of SYN packets permitted by server’s firewall number of good clients attacked by the adversary number of bad clients that guess their hide port normalized good client packet drop rate optimal value of parameter r optimal value of parameter G ′ optimal value of parameter A′ optimal value of the objective Z one HMAC-SHA1 [SHA1 2001] using the OpenSSL library [OpenSSL ] on a 16-byte input takes less than 1µs. Given that each SYN packet is 320 bits, the firewall can handle 320Mbps before its computing power becomes a bottleneck. One might be able to improve the speed of cryptographic operations (MAC computation) at the firewall by 10–50 times using hardware cryptographic accelerators. Additionally, one can use multiple firewalls to distribute the incoming traffic without requiring any interaction among the firewalls. However, care must be taken to ensure that all packets from one client are sent to the same firewall so as to accurately compute the packet rate from that client. This can be easily achieved by routing packets to firewalls based on the prefix of the client’s IP address. In our analytical model we assume that the downstream bandwidth to the server becomes a bottleneck before the firewall’s computing resources are saturated. Table III and IV summarize the notation used in our model. The adversary’s goal is to partition its resources across two types of attacks, The first part of its bandwidth is used to coerce the Web server into dropping packets from a fraction of known legitimate clients. We characterize these two partitions using variables G ′ and A′ . Let G ′ ≤ pG denote the number of legitimate clients whose packets are dropped by the server-side firewall. Let A′ ≤ A denote the average number of bad clients who have guessed their hide port within one time period. We define the adversary’s objective function Z as the rate at which legitimate packets are dropped by the server-side firewall normalized by the capacity of the Web server. Let X denote the number of packets per time unit accepted from each legitimate client when there are G good clients and no bad clients, where G ∗ X denotes the total capacity of the Web server. In the presence of an adversary, all the packets from G ′ clients would be dropped by the server. This amounts to G ′ ∗ X dropped packets per time unit. Since packets from G ′ good clients are dropped by the firewall, the effective number of good clients served by the Web server is G − G ′ . Further, since A′ bad clients have guessed the hide port, they are capable of sending packets through the server-side firewall. In total, we have G −G ′ + A′ clients competing for the server’s resources. Note that low-level ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:28 • M. Srivatsa et al. resources (sockets, TCBs) cannot be protected from these A′ bad clients. Assuming that the server can fairly distribute its resources among all the admitted G − G ′ + A′ clients, each node gets G−G1′ +A′ fraction of the server’s resources. Since we have G − G ′ good clients, the total fraction of server resources availG−G ′ able to the good clients is G−G ′ +A′ . Hence, the total packet rate accepted from G−G ′ good clients is G−G ′ +A′ ∗ G ∗ X , where G ∗ X is the capacity of the Web server. Recall that the server accept a packet rate of G ∗ X from good clients when G−G ′ there is no DoS attack on the Web server. This amounts to G ∗ X − G−G ′ +A′ ∗ ′ G ∗ X = G−GA′ +A′ ∗ G ∗ X dropped packets per time unit. Hence, the drop rate ′ for good clients is G ′ ∗ X + G−GA′ +A′ ∗ G ∗ X . We normalize the packet drop rate by a factor G ∗ X to derive the normalized packet drop rate Z in Equation (1). A′ G′ + . (1) G − G ′ + A′ G Given the adversarial objection function Z , the game theoretic formulation of this problem is shown in Equation (2). The adversary controls the parameter G ′ , subject to the following two constraints. Since the adversary knows the IP address of only pG good clients, G ′ ≤ pG. The amount of bandwidth required to attack only good clients is SY Nsize ∗ r bits per second (bps). Recall that if the adversary sends r SYN packets per second with the source IP address spoofed using a good client C’s IP address, then it is very likely that the firewall would assume that the client C is malicious. Hence, to attack G ′ good clients, the adversary requires at least G ′ ∗ SY Nsize ∗ r bps. Hence, we have the second constraint G ′ ∗ SY Nsize ∗ r ≤ B. Now the adversary would use the residual bandwidth, namely Bres = B − G ′ ∗ SY Nsize ∗ r, for discovering the hide port corresponding to one or more bad clients. Using this residual bandwidth, the adversary can send Bs yn = Bres SYN packets per bad client. Since the firewall restricts the number of SY Nsize ∗A SYN packets from any client to r, it does not help if the adversary has infinite bandwidth (B). The attack rate useful for the adversary is Bsact yn = min(Bsyn , r). The total number of SYN packets that the adversary can send on behalf of nb one bad client during one time period is Bsact yn ∗ 2 . Given that the size of the authentication code is N bits, the probability that one bad client successfully Z = Bact ∗2nb discovers its hide port is Prdiscover = min(1, s yn2 N ). Hence, the total number of bad clients that discover their hide ports is given by A′ = A ∗ Prdiscover . G′ A′ + subj ect to ′ ′ G−G + A G G ′ ∗ SYNsize ∗ r ≤ B  ⎫ ⎧ ′ ∗SY Nsize ∗r ⎨ 2nb ∗ min B−G ⎬ , r SY Nsize ∗A A′ = A ∗ min 1, . ⎩ ⎭ 2N Minr≥0 MaxG ′ ≤ pG Z = (2) Solving the game theoretic model in Equation (2) yields the optimal Web server filtering parameter ropt, the optimal adversarial strategy gopt, and the optimal packet drop rate obj that quantifies the effect of a DoS attack by an adversary on our port-hiding framework. Using a game theoretic model allows ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers 0.6 0.35 ‘obj’ 15:29 ‘ropt’ 0.3 0.5 0.25 0.4 Optimal r Z (Packet Drop Rate) • 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0 0 10 15 20 25 N (Size of Authentication Code) 30 10 15 20 25 N (Size of Authentication Code) 30 Fig. 13. N : Authentication code size. us to study the worst-case adversarial strategy, namely, the attack strategy that causes the maximum damage to the Web server. In particular, one should note that if there were multiple adversaries acting independently, then their overall effect would be smaller than that of having one coordinated adversary. 5.2.1 Analytical Results. In this section, we present analytical results obtained from our described game theoretic model. In Table III, we show the effect of varying several parameters on the optimal adversarial strategy, the optimal Web server strategy, and the good client packet drop rate Z that quantifies the damage caused by a DoS attack on the Web server. The Y-axis in the Figures 13 to 18 show the optimal value of the packet drop rate Z (see Equation (1)). The Y-axis in the Figures 13 to 18 also show the optimal value for the rate parameter r in million packets per second. Authentication code size N . Figure 13 shows the effect of varying the size of the authentication code N on a DoS attack. Note that obj refers to the optimal value of the packet drop rate Z and ropt refers to the optimal value of the rate parameter r (see Table IV). When the size of the authentication code N is very small, the optimal strategy for the Web server is to use a very low value of optimal rate r. Having a small rate r makes it harder for the adversary to guess the authentication code. Nonetheless, when the authentication code size N is small, the adversary would be able to guess the authentication code with nontrivial probability for most bad clients. As the size of the authentication code increases, it becomes harder for the adversary to guess the authentication code. However, having a small rate r would allow the adversary to coerce the Web server into denying service to good clients whose IP addresses are known to the adversary. Hence, as the authentication code size increases, the Web server increases r, while not significantly increasing the chance for the adversary to guess the authentication code corresponding to bad clients. Observe from Figure 13 that the optimal value for r is very low when N ≤ 15; as N increases further, the Web server increases r. Observe that the adversary’s gain (obj in Figure) decreases steeply with N . Observe that with N ≥ 20 the packet drop rate is almost zero. This demonstrates the ability to use weak authentication codes to defend against DoS attacks. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:30 0.45 0.045 ‘obj’ 0.4 0.04 0.35 0.035 ‘ropt’ 0.03 0.3 Optimal r Z (Packet Drop Rate) M. Srivatsa et al. • 0.25 0.2 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.15 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.05 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T (Time Interval) 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T (Time Interval) 8 9 10 Fig. 14. T = 2nb : time interval. 0.3 0.02 0.018 0.016 0.2 0.014 ‘obj’ Optimal r Z (Packet Drop Rate) 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.05 0.002 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 p (fraction of Good Clients Known to Adversary) Fig. 15. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 p (fraction of Good Clients Known to Adversary) p: fraction of good clients known to adversary. 0.3 0.014 ‘obj’ 0.01 0.2 Optimal r Z (Packet Drop Rate) ‘ropt’ 0.012 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.05 0.002 0 0 0 200 400 600 G (# of Good Clients) 800 1000 0 200 400 600 G (# of Good Clients) 800 1000 Fig. 16. G: hgumber of good clients. In addition, these results are further corroborated by our experimental results that show packet drop rate versus N and r in Figures 9 and 10. We measured the precision of our analytical model against the experimental results as follows. We extracted the packet drop rates Z expt (from Figure 10) for parameter settings that match the optimal parameter settings. Using a set of 50 matching parameter settings, we observed that Z analytical was within 11% of Z expt for HTTPD and within 3% for TPCW. We attribute the higher error ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 0.3 0.07 0.25 0.06 0.15 0.04 0.03 0.1 0.02 0.05 0.01 ‘obj’ 0 0 20 40 60 80 A (# of Bad Clients) 100 Fig. 17. 0.3 0 20 40 60 80 A (# of Bad Clients) 100 120 A: number of bad clients. 0.018 ’obj’ ’ropt’ 0.016 0.014 0.012 Optimal r 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.05 0 1e+006 ‘ropt’ 0 120 0.25 Z (Packet Drop Rate) 15:31 • 0.05 0.2 Optimal r Z (Packet Drop Rate) Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers 0.002 1e+007 1e+008 B (Attack Bandwidth) 0 1e+006 1e+007 1e+008 B (Attack Bandwidth) Fig. 18. B: adversarial bandwidth. margin in HTTPD to the fact that our analytical model does not include the overhead due to TCP slow start (which most affects the bandwidth-intensive HTTPD application). Time interval 2nb. Figure 14 shows the effect of varying nb on a DoS attack. Observe that as we increase nb, the legitimate packet drop rate Z increases. A large value of nb allows more time for the adversary to guess the authentication code. However, for bandwidth-intensive applications, a small nb results in higher overhead due to TCP slow start. However, our analytical (Figure 14) and experimental results (Figures 9 and 10) show that one can achieve low packet drop rates for large values of nb by suitably decreasing the parameter r. In Figures (14–18), one should note that r never actually becomes zero. Observe that if r = 0, then no good client (for that matter no client) would be able to send a SYN packet to the Web server. However, a small value of r (e.g., r = 1) is sufficient for an authorized client to establish a connection with the Web server. Fraction of good clients known to the adversary p. Figure 15 shows the effect of varying the fraction of good nodes known to an adversary p on a DoS attack. Observe that the legitimate packet drop rate Z first increases with p and then saturates. As the value of p increases, the optimal value of r becomes very high. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:32 • M. Srivatsa et al. Using a high value for r would make it hard for an adversary to coerce the Web server into denying service for good clients. An interesting observation that follows from Figure 15 is that even if the adversary knows the IP address of all the good clients, it is no more useful than knowing the IP address of p = 0.28 fraction of good clients. Number of good clients G. Figure 16 shows the effect of varying the number of good clients on the packet drop rate. Observe that as the number of good clients increases, the packet drop rate decreases. This property follows from the fair queuing nature of our filter that attempts to distribute a server’s resources equally to all admitted clients (or weighted by their priorities). Hence, as the number of good clients increases, their fair share of server resources increases, and thus the packet drop rate drops. Number of bad clients A. Figure 17 shows the effect of varying the number of bad clients on the packet drop rate. Observe as the number of bad clients increases the packet drop rate increases and then saturates. As the number of bad clients increases, the optimal Web server parameter r is very small. Hence, this would make it very hard for an adversary to guess the authentication code for a large majority of the bad clients. Therefore, only a small number of bad clients are admitted into the system, and thus the fair queuing nature of our filter allocates most of the system resources to the good clients. Adversarial bandwidth B. Figure 18 shows the effect of varying the total adversarial bandwidth on the packet drop rate. Observe as the adversarial bandwidth increases, so does the packet drop rate. However, the optimal value for Z does not increase beyond a certain value of adversarial bandwidth B. When the adversarial bandwidth becomes very large, the optimal value for the Web server parameter r is very small. Observe from Equation (2) the factor ′ ∗SY Nsize ∗r min( B−G , r) evaluates to r for all sufficiently large values of B. SY Nsize ∗A 5.2.2 Summary of Main Results. We summarize the main results obtained from our experiments and analysis as follows: (1) Our analysis shows that using 14–18 bit authentication codes may be sufficient to defend against attackers with over 100Mbps of attack bandwidth. The metric Z (legitimate packet drop rate) drops below 0.02 for authentication codes of a size greater than or equal to 20 bits. This shows that one can indeed use weak authentication codes to defend against DoS attacks. (2) The metric Z (legitimate packet drop rate) increases only marginally when the time period between changes in authentication codes is increased from 8 seconds (nb = 3) to 1024 seconds (nb = 10). Hence, for network bandwidthintensive applications, one can indeed reduce the overhead due to TCP slow start by using larger nb without significantly compromising the Web server. (3) Even if the adversary knows the IP addresses of all the good clients, the Web server can tolerate DoS attacks by suitably setting the parameter r. In our analytical results, we have shown cases where knowing the IP addresses of all the good clients does not offer the adversary any more advantage than knowing only p = 0.28 fraction of the good client IP addresses. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:33 (4) The port-hiding framework can handle arbitrarily powerful adversaries (with high attack bandwidth) under the following conditions: (i) the firewall’s network bandwidth is not completely choked by the adversary and (ii) the firewall’s computing power is not a bottleneck. Our experiments on the port-hiding filter showed that it can handle over one million packets per second. Given that each SYN packet is 320 bits, the firewall can handle 320Mbps before its computing power becomes a bottleneck. One can further use hardware cryptographic accelerators to improve this throughput by 10–50 times. 5.3 Congestion Control Filter We have so far studied the effectiveness of port hiding against DoS attacks. In particular, we assumed that the attackers would send the same type of requests as a good client would. In this section, we demonstrate the lack of current mechanisms in defending against application-level DoS attacks wherein attackers use cleverly crafted resource-intensive requests, and we show the effectiveness of our congestion control filter in mitigating them. In rest of this section, we present two sets of experiments on trust tokens. The first set of experiments measures the performance overhead, and the second set of experiments demonstrates the resilience of trust tokens to application-level DoS attacks. 5.4 Performance Overhead Table V compares the overhead of our DoS filter (tt) with other techniques. pre-auth refers to a technique wherein only a certain set of client IP addresses are alone preauthorized to access the service. The pre-auth filter filters packets based on the packet’s source IP address. IPSec refers to a more sophisticated preauthorization technique wherein the preauthorized clients are given a secret key to access the service. All packets from a preauthorized client are tunneled via IPSec using the shared secret key. The pre-auth and IPSec filters assume that all preauthorized clients are benign. Recall that the trust token approach does not require clients to be preauthorized and is thus more general than pre-auth and IPSec. Nonetheless, Table V shows that the overhead of our trust token filter is comparable to the overhead of the less general pre-auth and IPSec approaches. The cryptographic challenge mechanism has significantly higher overhead than the other approaches since it requires both the good and the bad clients to solve cryptographic puzzles each time they send an HTTP request to the server. We also experimented with two implementations of the trust token filter: tt-ip uses an IP layer implementation of the trust token filter, while tt-app uses an application layer implementation of the same. tt-ip offers performance benefits by filtering requests at the IP layer, while tt-app offers the advantage of not modifying the server-side kernel. Table V shows that the overhead of these two implementations are comparable. However, in Section 5.5 we show that tt-ip offers better resilience to DoS attacks. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:34 • M. Srivatsa et al. Table V. Overhead TPCW 1 (in WIPs) TPCW 2 (in WIPs) TPCW 3 (in WIPs) HTTPD (in WPPs) No Filters 4.68 12.43 10.04 100 Pre-auth 4.67 (0.11%) 12.42 (0.06%) 10.04 (0.03%) 100 (0.5%) IPSec 4.63 (1.11%) 4.67 (0.18%) 10.00 (0.37%) 71.75 (3.2%) TPCW 1 (in WIPs) TPCW 2 (in WIPs) TPCW 3 (in WIPs) HTTPD (in WPPs) Challenge 1.87 (60%) 9.35 (24.8%) 6.19 (38.3%) 0.3 (99.7%) IP level tt Filter 4.63 (1.11%) 12.37 (0.49%) 9.98 (0.61%) 97.5 (2.4%) App level tt Filter 4.59 (1.92%) 12.32 (0.89%) 9.91 (1.33%) 96.25 (3.7%) Table VI. TPCW Servlet Mean Execution Time (ms), Servlet Execution Frequency (percentage) and Servlet Utility Servlet Name Latency (ms) Frequency Utility Admin Req 2.87 0.11 0 Admin Resp 4666.63 0.09 0 Best Seller 2222.09 5.00 3 Buy Conf 81.66 1.21 10 Buy Req 5.93 2.63 4 Exec Search 97.86 17.20 0 Servlet Name Latency (ms) Frequency Utility New Prod 14.41 5.10 0 Order Disp 9.75 0.69 2 Order Inq 0.70 0.73 1 Prod Detail 0.88 18.00 1 Search Req 0.55 21.00 0 Shop Cart 0.83 11.60 2 Home 2.93 16.30 0 5.5 Resilience to DoS Attacks In this section, we study the resilience of our trust token filter against application-level DoS attacks. We characterize an attack scenario along three dimensions: attack strategy S (Table VII), attack type T (Table VIII), and application A (Table IX). In Table VIII, request flooding models traditional DoS attacks wherein the attackers flood the server with requests, low utility requests model application-level DoS attacks wherein an attacker sends a small number of resource-intensive requests, old tt models the scenario wherein an attacker initially behaves well to attain a high property, and then launches a DoS attack with older trust tokens included in its HTTP requests, and invalid tt models the scenario wherein the adversary sends random bits as the trust token. The attack scenarios include all the elements in the cross product S × T × A. For example, a scenario S1, T 2, A1 represents: always attack using low utility requests on Apache HTTPD. Note that these attacks cannot be implemented using standard well-behaved Web browsers. Nonetheless, an adversary can use a nonstandard malicious browser or browser emulators to launch these attacks. For experimental purposes, we have assigned utilities to different TPCW servlets based on the application’s domain knowledge (see Table VI). For HTTPD we assign utilities to the static web pages as follows. We assume that the popularity of the Web pages hosted by the server follows a Zipf-like distribution [Yang and Garcia-Molina 2002]. We designate the utility of a request to be in proportion to the popularity of the requested Web page. A legitimate client accesses the Web pages according to their popularity distribution. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:35 Table VII. Attack Strategies S1 S2 always attack behave good and attack after reaching the highest Priority level Table VIII. Attack Types T1 T2 T3 T4 request flooding low utility requests old tt invalid tt Table IX. Applications A1 A2 HTTPD TPCW However, DoS attackers may attempt to attack the system by requesting unpopular Web pages. In a realistic scenario, low popularity Web pages are not cached in the server’s main memory and thus require an expensive disk I/O operation to serve them. Further, the adversary may succeed in thrashing the server cache by requesting low popularity Web pages. Trust token filter is resilient to the always attack strategy: S1, T 1, A1 and S1, T 1, A2 . Figures 19 and 20 show the performance of our trust token filter under the attack scenarios S1, T 1, A1 and S1, T 1, A2 , respectively. For preauthorization-based mechanisms, this experiment assumes that only the good clients are preauthorized. In a realistic scenario, it may not be feasible to a priori identify the set of good clients, so the preauthorization-based mechanism will not always be sufficient. If a bad client always attacks the system (strategy S1), then performance of the trust token filter is almost as good as the performance of preauthorization-based mechanisms (pre-auth and IPSec). This is because, when a client always misbehaves, its priority level drops to level zero, at which stage all requests from that client are dropped by the server’s firewall. Note that with 64K attack requests per second, all the DoS filters fail. The average size of our HTTP requests was 184 Bytes, hence, at 64K requests per second, it would consume 94.2Mbps, thereby exhausting all the network bandwidth available to the Web server. Under such bandwidth exhaustion-based DoS attacks, the server needs to use network-level DoS protection mechanisms like IP trace back [Savage et al. 2000; Yang et al. 2005] and ingress filtering [Ferguson and Senie 1998]. Trust token filter is resilient to application level DoS attacks: S1, T 2, A1 and S1, T 2, A2 . Table VI shows the mean execution time for all TPCW servlets. Some servlets like admin response and best seller are expensive (because they involve complex database operations), while other servlets like home and product detail are cheap. Figures 21 and 22 show an application-level attack on HTTPD and TPCW, respectively. In this experiment, we assume that only 10% of the preauthorized clients are malicious. Figures 21 and 22 show the inability of network-level filters to handle application-level DoS attacks and demonstrate ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:36 • M. Srivatsa et al. 1000 ’pre-auth’ ’ipsec’ ’challenge’ ’tt-ip’ ’tt-app’ Good Client WPPs 800 600 400 200 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 Attack Requests Per Second (x 1000) Fig. 19. 5 S1, T 1, A1 . ‘pre-auth’ ‘ipsec’ ‘challenge’ ‘tt-ip’ ‘tt-app’ 4.5 4 Good Client WIPs 64 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 Attack Requests Per Second (x 1000) Fig. 20. 64 S1, T 1, A2 . the superiority of our trust token filter. One can also observe from Figures 21 and 22 that HTTPD can tolerate a much higher attack rate than TPCW. Indeed, the effectiveness of an application-level DoS attack on a HTTPD server serving static Web pages is likely to be much lower than a complex database-intensive application-like TPCW. Several key conclusions that can be drawn from Figures 19, 20, 21, and 22 are as follows. (i) IPSec and pre-auth work well only when preauthorization for all clients is acceptable and if all preauthorized clients are well behaved. Even in this scenario, the performance of tt-ip is comparable to that of IPSec and pre-auth. (ii) Even if preauthorization for all clients is acceptable and a small fraction (10% in this example) of the clients are malicious, then IPSec and preauth are clearly inferior to the trust token filter. (iii) If preauthorization for all clients is not a feasible option, then IPSec and pre-auth do not offer a valid solution, while the trust token filter does. (iv) The challenge-based mechanisms incur overhead on both good and bad clients and thus significantly throttle the throughput for the good clients as well unlike the trust token filter that selectively throttles the throughput for the bad clients. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers 1000 15:37 ‘pre-auth’ ‘ipsec’ ‘challenge’ ‘tt-ip’ ‘tt-app’ 900 800 Good Client WPPs • 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 Attack Requests Per Second (x 1000) Fig. 21. 5 S1, T 2, A1 . ‘pre-auth’ ‘ipsec’ ‘challenge’ ‘tt-ip’ ‘tt-app’ 4.5 4 Good Client WIPs 64 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 Attack Requests Per Second (x 1000) Fig. 22. 64 S1, T 2, A2 . 5.6 Attacks on Trust Token Filter In Section 5.5, we have studied the resilience of the trust token filter against DoS attacks. In this section, we study attacks that target the functioning of the trust token filter. Additive increase and multiplicative decrease parameters α and β: S2, T 1, A1 and S2, T 1, A2 . Figures 23 and 24 show the throughput for a good client for various values of α and β using applications HTTPD and TPCW, respectively. Recall that α and β are the parameters used for the additive increase and multiplicative decrease policy for updating a client’s priority level (see Section 3.2). The strategy S2 attempts to attack the trust token filter by oscillating between behaving well and attacking the application after the adversary attains the highest priority level. The figures show that one can obtain optimal values for the filter parameters α and β that maximize the average throughput for a good client. Note that the average throughput for a client is measured over the entire duration of the experiment, including the duration in which the adversary behaves well to obtain a high priority level and the duration in which the adversary uses the high priority level to launch a DoS attack on the Web server. For ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:38 • M. Srivatsa et al. ‘s2-t1-a1’ Throughput (WPPs) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 alpha Fig. 23. 0.8 1 1 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 beta 1.2 2.2 S2, T 1, A1 . ‘s2-t1-a2’ Throughput (WIPs) 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 alpha Fig. 24. 0.8 1 1 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 beta 1.2 2.2 S2, T 1, A2 . HTTPD, these optimal filter parameters ensure that the drop in throughput is within 4–12% of the throughput obtained under scenario S1, T 2 , while the drop in throughput for TPCW is 8–17%. These percentiles are much smaller than the drop in throughput using preauthorization or challenge-based DoS protection mechanisms (see Figures 21 and 22). Figure 25 shows the average client throughput when the adversary is launching a DoS attack on the Web server. When the application is under a DoS attack, large values of α and β maximize the throughput for a good client. Note that a large α boosts the priority level for good clients, while a large β penalizes the bad clients heavily. This suggests that one may dynamically vary the values of α and β depending on the server load. Server resource utilization parameter γ : S2, T 2, A1 and S2, T 2, A2 . Figures 26 and 27 show the average throughput for the good clients under the scenario S2, T 2, A1 and S2, T 2, A2 , respectively. These experiments show the effect of varying the trust token filter parameter γ . Recall that we use the parameter γ to weigh a request’s response time against the request’s utility (see Section 3.2). If γ is very small, the filter ignores the response time which captures the amount of server resources consumed by a client’s request. On the other hand, if γ is large, the utility of a request is ignored. This would particularly harm high utility requests that are resource intensive. For instance, a high utility request like buy confirm has a response time that is significantly ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:39 ‘s2-t1-a2-dos’ Throughput (WIPs) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 alpha Fig. 25. 0.8 1 1 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 beta 1.2 2.2 S2, T 1, A2 1000 900 Throughput (WPPs) 800 700 600 500 400 300 ‘gamma=0.6’ ‘gamma=0.9’ ‘gamma=1.2’ ‘gamma=1.5’ ‘gamma=1.8’ 200 100 0 1 2 4 8 16 Attack Rate (x 1000) Fig. 26. 32 64 S2, T 2, A1 . larger than the median servlet response times (see Table VI). The figures show that one can obtain optimal values for the filter parameter γ that maximizes the average throughput for a good client. The optimal value for parameter γ ensures that the drop in throughput for HTTPD and TPCW are within 7–11% of throughput measured under scenario S1, T 2 . Attacking the trust token filter using old trust tokens: S2, T 3, A1 and S2, T 3, A2 . Figures 28 and 29 shows the resilience of our trust token filter against attacks that use old trust tokens. An attacker uses strategy S2 to behave well and thus obtain a token with a high priority level. Now, the attacker may attack the server using this high priority old token. These experiments capture the effect of varying the trust token filter parameter δ, which is used to penalize (possibly) old trust tokens. A small value of δ permits attackers to use older tokens, while a large value of δ may result in rejecting requests even from well-behaving clients. The figures show that one can obtain optimal values for the filter parameter δ that maximize the average throughput for a good client. Using the optimal value for parameter δ we observed that the drop in throughput for HTTPD and TPCW is within 3–7% of throughputs measured under scenario S1, T 2 . ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:40 • M. Srivatsa et al. 5 Throughput (WIPs) 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 ‘gamma=0.6’ ‘gamma=1.0’ ‘gamma=1.4’ ‘gamma=1.8’ 1 0.5 0 1 2 4 8 16 Attack Rate (x 1000) Fig. 27. 32 64 32 64 S2, T 2, A2 . 1000 Throughput (WPPs) 900 800 700 ‘delta=0.0’ ‘delta=0.4’ ‘delta=0.8’ ‘delta=1.2’ 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 4 8 16 Attack Rate (x 1000) Fig. 28. S2, T 3, A1 . Attacking the filter using invalid (spoofed) trust tokens: S1, T 4, A1 and S1, T 4, A2 . Figure 30 shows the effect of attacking the trust token filter by sending invalid cookies for both HTTPD and TPCW. Note that if the verification process for the trust token is expensive, an attacker can launch a DoS attack directly on the verification process itself. We have already shown in Table V that the overhead of our trust token filter is comparable to that of the network layer DoS filters. This experiment shows that the drop in throughput when sending invalid tokens is comparable to sending packets with invalid authentication headers using IPSec. Observe from the figure that the drop in throughput for the IP layer implementation of the trust token filter and IPSec is the same for both the applications HTTPD and TPCW. Observe also that the throughput for the application layer implementation of the trust token filter (tt-app) is significantly poorer than the IP layer implementation (tt-ip). Also, the application layer implementation for HTTPD and TPCW show slightly different impact on the throughput primarily because Apache HTTPD filters (written in C) are faster than Apache Tomcat filters (written in Java). ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:41 5 4.5 Throughput (WIPs) 4 3.5 3 2.5 ‘delta=0.0’ ‘delta=0.2’ ‘delta=0.6’ ‘delta=1.0’ ‘delta=1.4’ 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 4 8 16 Attack Rate (x 1000) 32 64 2 4 8 16 32 Attack Requests Per Second (x 1000) 64 Fig. 29. S2, T 3, A2 . 1 Normalized Throughput 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 ‘tt-ip-httpd’ ‘tt-ip-tpcw’ ‘tt-app-httpd’ ‘tt-app-tpcw’ ‘ipsec-httpd’ ‘ipsec-tpcw’ 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 Fig. 30. S1, T 4, A1 and S1, T 4, A2 . Based on our experiments on HTTPD and TPCW, we recommend the following values for parameters α, β, γ and δ. For HTTPD: α = 0.3 ± 0.1, β = 1.5 ± 0.2, γ = 1.2 ± 0.1, δ = 0.8 ± 0.2; For TPCW: α = 0.6 ± 0.1, β = 1.5 ± 0.3, γ = 1.0 ± 0.1; δ = 1.0 ± 0.2. Automated techniques for determining suitable parameters based on workload characteristics are outside the scope of this article. 5.7 Integrated DoS Protection So far we have demonstrated the effectiveness of our admission control filter and the congestion control filter. In this section, we present an evaluation of our system that contains both these filters: the congestion control filter (ccf) layered on top of the admission control filter (acf). The integrated acf + ccf filter implements an additional optimization: when a client consistently has low priority, the ccf filter notifies the acf filter to provide no future port keys to that client. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:42 • M. Srivatsa et al. In this experiment, we assume that there are two types of attackers, admitted attackers (attackers who have been granted valid port keys) and unadmitted attackers. The admitted attackers attempt to launch application-level DoS attacks on the Web server (which bypass the admission control filter and must be handled by the congestion control filter), while the rest launch network-level DoS attacks (which may be handled by the admission control filter). While the admission control filter blocks network traffic from unadmitted attackers, it is vulnerable to application-level DoS attacks. The congestion control filter (when not layered on top of the admission control filter) is vulnerable to network-level DoS attacks from unadmitted attackers. The integrated system proposed in this article offers superior DoS protection against a wide range of attackers. In this section, we compare our filters with IPSec; other DoS protection mechanisms described earlier in the article all perform worse than IPSec, and hence are not shown in Figures 31–34. Table X shows the performance overhead of these DoS protection filters. We observe that the overhead of the acf + ccf filter is lower than the combined overhead of the acf and the ccf filters. The integrated acf + ccf filter is implemented such that they share the fair queuing filter, hence, a client’s traffic incurs the fair queuing overhead only once. Nonetheless, the aggregate overhead of our filters is less than 3.17%. While IPSec offers lower performance overhead, we demonstrate the superiority of the acf + ccf filter in defending against DoS attacks. Figures 31 and 32 show application-level throughput when the Web server is under DoS attacks for different values of A : G (ratio of the number of attackers to the number of legitimate clients), assuming that 50% of the attackers are admitted. Evidently the acf filter is vulnerable to application-level DoS attacks and the ccf filter is vulnerable to network-level DoS attacks, while the acf + ccf filter can tolerate a wide range of DoS attacks effectively. However, we observe for the HTTPD application that the acf filter performs better than the ccf filter; the converse holds for the TPCW application. HTTPD is a bandwidthintensive application and more vulnerable to network-level DoS attacks, and thus more affected in the absence of the acf filter. TPCW is a compute (database)intensive application, and it is more vulnerable to application-level DoS attacks, and thus more affected in the and absence of the ccf filter. The figures also indicate that IPSec is only as good as the acf filter despite violating client transparency. Figures 33 and 34 show the application-level throughput when the web server is under DoS attacks with A : G = 5. However, we vary the percentage of attackers who are admitted. The admitted attackers launch application-level DoS attacks, while the rest launch network-level DoS attacks. Observe that as the percentage of admitted attackers increases, the effectiveness of the acf filter drops and that of the ccf filter increases. Using the acf + ccf filter, the throughput drop for HTTPD is 4%, and for TPCW, it is 13% when 100% of the attackers are admitted. This is primarily because application-level DoS attacks on a complex 3-tier application like TPCW are significantly more disruptive than those on a simple HTTPD application. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:43 Table X. Performance Overhead filter IPSec acf ccf acf + ccf HTTPD (WPPs) 98 (2.05%) 98 (2.06%) 97.6 (2.4%) 96.8 (3.17%) TPCW 1 (WIPs) 4.63 (1.0%) 4.64 (0.80%) 4.62 (1.11%) 4.60 (1.70%) TPCW 2 (WIPs) 12.41 (0.18%) 12.41 (0.16%) 12.37 (0.48%) 12.35 (0.60%) TPCW 3 (WIPs) 10.00 (0.37%) 10.01 (0.30%) 9.98 (0.61%) 9.96 (0.82%) 100 90 Throughput (WPPs) 80 70 60 50 40 30 ‘acf’ ‘ccf’ ‘acf+ccf’ ‘ipsec’ 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 A:G Fig. 31. HTTPD with 50% admitted attackers: IPSec and acf nearly overlap. 5 4.5 Throughput (WIPs) 4 3.5 ‘acf’ ‘ccf’ ‘acf+ccf’ ‘ipsec’ 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 A:G Fig. 32. TPCW with 50% admitted attackers: IPSec and acf nearly overlap. 6. DISCUSSION 6.1 Limitations and Open Issues Client-side NAT router and HTTP proxy. In this article, we have so far assumed that one client IP address corresponds to one client. However, such an assumption may not hold when several clients are multiplexed behind a network address translation (NAT) router or an HTTP proxy. In the absence of a DoS attack, there is no impact on the legitimate clients behind a NAT router or an HTTP proxy. However, a DoS attack from a few malicious clients may result in the blockage of all requests from the NAT router or the HTTP proxy IP address. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:44 • M. Srivatsa et al. Throughput (WPPs) 100 80 60 40 ‘acf’ ‘ccf’ ‘acf+ccf’ ‘ipsec’ 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage of Admitted Attackers Fig. 33. HTTPD: varying the % of admitted attackers. 5 4.5 Throughput (WIPs) 4 3.5 ‘acf’ ‘ccf’ ‘acf+ccf’ ‘ipsec’ 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 A:G Fig. 34. TPCW: varying the % of admitted attackers. A closer look at the client-side RFC 1631 for the IP NAT [Egevang and Francis 1994] shows that client-side NAT routers use port address translation (PAT) to multiplex multiple clients on the same IP address. PAT works by replacing the client’s private IP address and original source port number by the NAT router’s public IP address and a uniquely identifying source port number. We modify the per client key generation to include the client’s IP address and port number as K = HSK(t) (CIP, CPN), where CIP denotes the IP address of the proxy and CPN refers to the client’s translated port number as assigned by the proxy. The client uses key K to derive hide port from dest port. However, HTTP proxies do not operate using PAT. One potential solution is to allow requests only from cooperative HTTP proxies that identify a client using some pseudo-identifier. While such a solution retains client anonymity from the Web server, it requires cooperation from the HTTP proxies. An efficient proxy-transparent solution to handle DoS attacks is an open problem. Bandwidth exhaustion attack. Our approach to client-transparent DoS protection protects server-side resources including low-level OS resources (TCP buffers, number of open TCP connections) to higher-level resources (Web ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:45 server computation and communication, database) from unauthorized malicious clients. However, our approach is vulnerable to bandwidth exhaustion attacks wherein an adversary throttles all the incoming network bandwidth to the Web site using a SYN flooding attack. Wang and Reiter [2004] have proposed a technique to mitigate bandwidth exhaustion attacks using congestion puzzles. However, their technique is not client transparent (requires changes to the client-side TCP/IP stack in the kernel). An efficient clienttransparent solution to mitigate bandwidth exhaustion attacks is an open problem. Non-HTTP applications. The methodologies proposed in this article apply to a wide range of applications. However, our client-transparent implementation operates only on HTTP. Non-HTTP applications, such as DNS, ARP, etc, do not support client-side programmability (e.g., scripting). In such cases, one has to sacrifice client transparency. Dynamic and mobile IP. In the case of dynamic IP, a client’s IP address will remain the same throughout a session. Assuming that the client does not often connect and reconnect to the network, the overhead due to the challenge mechanism can be quite small. Using a mobile IP allows a client to use its permanent IP address (home address) even when the mobile user joins another network (care of address). Hence, mobile IP users can seamlessly interoperate with our proposed solution. 6.2 Related Work One way to defend from DoS attacks is to permit only preauthorized clients to access the Web server. Preauthorization can be implemented using TLS/SSL [Dierks and Allen] or IPSec [Kent 1998; Yin and Wang 2005] with an out-ofband mechanism to establish a shared key between a preauthorized client and the Web server. Now any packets from a nonpreauthorized client can be filtered at the firewall. However, current authorization mechanisms like SSL are implemented at higher layers in the networking stack that permits an attacker to attack lower layers in the networking stack. Furthermore, PKI-based authentication mechanisms are computation intensive; this permits an attacker to launch a DoS attack on the authentication engine at the Web server. On the other hand, IPSec-based authentication is lightweight, but it requires changes to the client-side kernel and superuser privileges at the client. Our approach simultaneously satisfies client transparency and presents a lightweight IP-level authentication mechanism. There are several network-level DoS protection mechanisms including IP trace back [Savage et al. 2000], ingress filtering [Ferguson and Senie 1998], SYN cookies [Bernstein 2005], and stateless TCP server [Halfbakery] to counter bandwidth exhaustion attacks and low-level OS resource (number of open TCP connection) utilization attacks. Yang et al. [2005] propose a cryptographic capability-based packet marking mechanism to filter out network flows from DoS attackers. There are several low-level DoS protection mechanisms including SYN tokens [Bernstein 2005] and stateless TCP servers [Halfbakery] to handle bandwidth exhaustion and low-level OS resource utilization attacks. ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. 15:46 • M. Srivatsa et al. These techniques are complementary to our proposal and could be used in conjunction with our solution to enhance the resilience of a Web server against DoS attacks. The paper by Savage et al. [2000] suggests using IP trace back to defend against spoofed source IP address-based DoS attacks. Their solution requires the IP routers to probabilistically mark IP packets. One could use ingress filtering [Ferguson and Senie 1998] to filter attack packets close to the origin of the attack (at the attackers ISP). However, IP trace back is not effective against DDoS attacks wherein an attacker compromises a large number of hosts scattered all over the Internet. None of the above network-level DoS protection techniques are capable of addressing application layer DoS attacks. Our experiments show that the inability of a challenge-based mechanism to selectively throttle the performance of the bad clients can significantly harm the performance for the good clients. Crosby and Wallach [2003] present DoS attacks that target application-level hash tables by introducing collisions. We have described other examples of application-level DoS attacks in Section 2. Jung et al. [2002] characterize the differences between flash crowds and DoS attacks. Their paper proposes using client IP address-based clustering and file reference characteristics to distinguish legitimate requests from the DoS attack requests. Siris and Papagalou [2004] suggest using request traffic anomaly detection to defend against DoS attacks. We have shown in Section 2 that an application-level DoS attack may mimic flash crowds, thereby making it hard for the server to detect a DoS attacker exclusively using the request traffic characteristics. Recently, several Web applications (including Google Maps [Google b] and Google Mail [Google a]) have adopted the Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) model [Wei 2005]. The AJAX model aims at shifting a great deal of computation to the Web surfer’s computer so as to improve the Web page’s interactivity, speed, and usability. The AJAX model heavily relies on JavaScripts to perform client-side computations. Similar to the AJAX model, we use JavaScripts to perform client-side computations for calculating hide port and solving cryptographic challenges. However, our article focuses on using an AJAX-like model to build a client-transparent defense against DoS attacks. Several papers have presented techniques for implementing different QoS guarantees for serving Web data [Chandra et al. 2000; Cherkasova and Phaal 2002; Cardellini et al. 2002]. A summary of past work in this area is provided in Iyengar et al. [2005]. These papers are not targeted at preventing DoS attacks and do not discuss application-level DoS attacks. Xu and Lee [2003] suggests a game-theoretic approach to model the relationship between a DoS adversary and the Web service as a two-player game. 7. CONCLUSION In this article, we have proposed application-specific client-transparent mechanisms to handle DoS attacks. First, we perform admission control using port ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol. 2, No. 3, Article 15, Publication date: July 2008. Mitigating Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers • 15:47 hiding to limit the number of concurrent clients being served by the online service. Second, we perform congestion control on admitted clients to allocate more resources to good clients by adaptively setting a client’s priority level in response to the client’s requests in a way that incorporates applicationlevel semantics. We have presented a detailed evaluation using two sample applications: a bandwidth-intensive Apache HTTPD and a database-intensive TPCW benchmark (running on Apache Tomcat and IBM DB2). Our experiments show that our techniques incur low performance overhead and are resilient to DoS attacks. We have studied several attacks that demonstrate the importance of choosing the port-hiding filter parameters and congestion-control filter parameters. Our techniques can be easily deployed into existing Web/application servers to improve their resilience to DoS attacks. Our future work is focused in two dimensions. First, we are working on techniques to embed longer authentication codes (more than 16 bits) in a clienttransparent manner. In particular, we are exploring techniques to embed an authentication code in different parts of the HTTP request message in a way that is resilient to IP-level fragmentation. 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