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CHAPTER 1 Introduction of the Study 1.1 Introduction of the Study This project TFVC Network Based Enrollment System (TNBES) is an enhancement of the existing enrollment system and it will be used in TFVC college department. The Enrollment system is a number one need the institution. Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to register on a particular school. The TNBES is a good example of a computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed by the school. The TNBES is a system designed to perform the process involving a registration, grading system including the displaying of printed grades, year curriculum in every course, evaluation features, prerequisites detections, CHED reports, calculating the payments of each students and scheduling of the student classes as well as the professors. This project will help to make TFVC enrollment process easier. The Fisher Valley College, a Christ Centered Institution is located at #5 M.L. Quezon St. Hagonoy, Taguig City. Providing an excellent performance in terms of education; having a well-rounded teacher, professor, and staffs; and continuing to give a high level of services the school has also to cope to the modernity of the world. Technology which is now widely used all over the world makes everything so easier and instant. . TNBES will provide an organized way of registering college students and also provides a secured way of keeping a database of each student. The TNBES also serves as information especially for the irregular students, freshmen, transferees, and professors in able to get access in course, and student enrollees but the system is designed to use by staff and other authorized user in the college office to enable them to easily produce information required by the different people in college. TNBES can be accessed by the following users; developer, administrator, staffs, cashier, students and professors. Before, manual procedure is a long process because it takes a lot of time finding the previous records of the students. The Proponents plan to use this technology to give a better assistance and services to the students. The idea behind TNBES is not a new concept because of manual registration in enrollment. The proponents gathered idea more features to add for the users in their most needed information to see online, like displaying a printed grade, names of their classmates, professor schedules and registration form together with their designated room. As a result, it will benefit not only the student but the administration as a whole. This will also be a big help to all the enrollment staff because they are the one who are entitled to touch and read the information from here. The project will also help the school institution to have a system that will upgrade the enrollment processes so as to meet the quality that the school institutions are trying to meet. TFVC implements Enrollment System for an easier way to be a part of its Community. 1.2 Background of the Study Nowadays, time, effort and money are such vital things that have to be used very efficiently to have a satisfactory outcome. TFVC is currently experiencing an old way process of Enrollment system. It will consume a lot of paper resources to provide thousand of students in TFVC. Our school doesn’t have an efficient Enrollment system to make the process faster. The current Enrollment System of TFVC is made up in Microsoft Access. It is a standalone system. The system is only for one person, it cannot be used by two staffs at the same time. It doesn’t have a log in or user authentication. It cannot have multiple levels of user to make the work faster. The current system doesn’t have an updated billing statement of matriculation. It cannot detect prerequisites subjects. It doesn’t have a Grading System. It cannot diagnose the maximum class size of each class room. The class scheduling always have conflicts. It doesn’t show CHED reports and the current system can only handle a single semester database. Because of these reasons the Proponents have decided to enhance the Enrollment System for TFVC. This project will allow students and staff to easily manage the Enrollment. An enhancement of enrollment system is such a big help for the administrator and staffs here in TFVC. This project came up to enhance the previous system, because it’s not just enrollment, the proponents add more features like printed registration form, permit, evaluation, year curriculum, class list, CHED reports, security assistance, master list and the grades of the students. Enrollment System of The Fisher Valley College provides and keeps the list of students, courses, room assignments, sections, professors and subjects. The proposed system caters to old, freshmen, transferees, and shiftees with the following services: subject evaluation, showing results of entrance examination, posting of grades, viewing of curriculum, adding and updating each profile. This study envisioned to provide TFVC more comfortable way of enrollment system. The0. advantage of this study is it reduces cost and paper works wherein the school can lessen the required printing and storing forms. The output of this system are accurate and reliable due to limited human involvement, dynamic and user-friendliness. 1.3 Objectives of the Study General objective The general objective of this study is to design, develop and implement an enrollment system that can hold a large number of records, can be access by multiple users at a time and a secure system that can be use by TFVC for long period of time. Specific Objective To design and develop a system that can provide a systematic and easier process of enrollment. To design and develop a system that can handle a vast amount of information. To design and develop a system that will show the evaluation of each student. To design and develop a system that can display the maximum class size in every room. To design and develop a system that can show their prerequisite subjects. To design and develop a system that will provide a secured way of keeping information. 1.4 Conceptual Framework OUTPUT TFVC Network Base Enrolment System (TNBES) INPUT Software Server Side Ubuntu 11.10 OS MySQL Apache 2 Php 4 Client Side Windows 98 ODBC Connector VB 6.0 Runtime Environment Hardware Server Side Pentium 41.8 GHZ 512 MB RAM 90 GB HDD Client Side Pentium 3 650 GHZ 256 MB RAM 50 MB free HDD space Local Area Network People Ware Administrator Developer Staff Professor Cashier Student Student PROCESS Requirement Designing & Architecture Development & Coding Quality Assurance Software Testing Implementation Maintenance & Support WATERFALL MODEL 1.4.1 Input TNBES requires Ubuntu 11.10 OS (Operating System), Apache 2, php 4 and MySQL for server side, for client side TNBES also requires such as Windows 98, ODBC connector and VB 6.0 runtime environment. It also requires at least Pentium III Microprocessor, at least 650 GHZ or higher, at least 50 MB of free HDD space. The staff or the admin is also going to use an output device to facilitate TNBES and for input device such as like monitor, mouse, keyboard. People ware is the most important thing in this proposal. Every system needs programmer, web developer, analyst, consultant, Proponents and encoder for a better system. Every person involve is greatly important to perform or to create a resourceful and efficient system. 1.4.2 Process The waterfall model is the classical model of software engineering. This model is one of the oldest models and is widely used in government projects and in many major companies. As this model emphasizes planning in early stages, it ensures design flaws before they develop. These are the following steps: requirements gathering, design, strategy, implementation, verification and testing. In this software the following requirements needed and fulfilling all stages/phases of the software process, TNBES will be fully developed. First process is gathering requirements, the proponents are going to conduct or gather data to be prepared for your next process. Design or Designing phase, this step is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system. Third process is Implementation; the proponents are going to execute a plan, idea, model, design and application lastly testing, in this part the proponents are going to test our system whether if its working or the proponents are going to add some details for a better outcome. 1.4.3 Output When the following requirements needed and fulfilling all stages/phases of the software process, TFVC Network base enrolment System will be fully developed. I.5Statement of the Problem General Problem How to design, develop and implement an enrollment system for TFVC students, faculty, staff, cashier and administrator to reduce time and effort to make their works easier and faster? Specific Problem How to design and develop a system that can provide a systematic and easier process of enrollment? How to design and develop a system that can handle a vast amount of information? How to design and develop a system that will show the evaluation of each student? How to design and develop a system that can display the maximum class size in every room. How to design and develop a system that can show their prerequisite subjects? How to design and develop a system that will provide a secured way of keeping information? Statement of the Problem (after the implementation) 1. What are the results of evaluation of the system of the CollegeRegistrar with respect to: Efficiency Security Functionality Maintainability Accuracy User Friendliness What are the results of evaluation of the system of the TFVC students with respect to: Efficiency Security Functionality Maintainability Accuracy User Friendliness What are the results of evaluation of the system of the Faculty with respect to: Efficiency Security Functionality Maintainability Accuracy User Friendliness What are the results of evaluation of the system if the Staffs with respect to: Efficiency Security Functionality Maintainability Accuracy User Friendliness What are the results of evaluation of the system of the Cashier with respect to: Efficiency Security Functionality Maintainability Accuracy User Friendliness Is there any difference in the result of evaluation of the system of the College Registrar, Faculty, Staffs, Students and Cashier with respect to: Efficiency Security Functionality Maintainability Accuracy User Friendliness 1.6 Hypothesis of the Study A tentative conclusion at the rate on 0.05% level of significance, there is no difference between the result of evaluation of the TNBES for the students and staffs of TFVC in connection to efficiency, user friendliness, security, functionality, acuracy and maintainability. The proponents will use the slovins formula,weighted mean,likert scale and mean range scale to know the variable’s agreement and to discover and to prove that the said level of significant will be implemented to the proposed system’s statistical treatment. This will ensure that, there will be a marginal error but the proponents must hit the 0.05% level of significant. 1.7 Significance of the Project The school and staffs will make the procedure easier and. By doing so, our school will greatly save money by spending less in paper works and for the students they will no longer spend time and effort. 1.7.1 To the Institution This project will also help the school institution to have a system that will upgrade the enrollment processes so as to meet the quality that the school institutions are trying to meet. The TNBES will benefit the school in terms of speed and in terms of processing Immediate documents. And it will also serve as a guide to the future students of TFVC in developing application and properly writing documentation and this system will serve as an enhancement system for the technological advancement that greatly benefits the school especially the Registrar. This computerized system is intended to lessen the manpower which will lead to a faster and more accurate process which lead the profitability of the Registrar. 1.7.2 To the Administrator The TNBES will become efficient to the administrator of the school In terms of arranging and organizing files and forms of each student. The administrator can also do their works at home, in encoding registration form of the students to the system. Since the database of the system is online and it has an executable file. The administrator can do other works inside the registrar’s office. TNBES also have a feature which the administrator can do scheduling of subjects, assigning professors and rooms as well. It is a big help for the administrator to do things in a computerize way. 1.7.3 To the Staffs Finding files of the students quickly and putting it in more organize way is one of the problems of the school staffs that the proponents found out. TNBES provides more reliable way of searching and giving information to the students. So as a school staff it will be very helpful, all they have to do is access the TNBES and their work will become easier. 1.7.4 To the Students This project will also benefit the students of TFVC to have an easier way process in enrollment and being comfortable regarding on their private documents, because TNBES will provide a secured database. TNBES will also be a great system for the students because it is designed in many purposes such as; seeing grades online as well as those incomplete grades and withdrawal failure and for them to be aware in prerequisites subjects. 1.7.5 To the Professors Computing grades manually is not an easy way for all the professors of TFVC. TNBES has the current grading system with it. The professors can pass their computed grades of the student wherever they are as long as they have the executable file of the system. It will help them also to do tasks in more convenient way. 1.7.6 To the Future Researchers This project will greatly help fellow proponents and developers that have same objectives as the proponents do. It will help other proponents enhance projects that are same to the proponents research. It will also contribute to their knowledge in using open source to developing web applications such as Visual Basic 6.0 and MySQL. 1.8 Scope and Limitations The developed system covered the following: 1.8.1 Scope: File Maintenance: Students Information – This contains about the personal information of the students and education attained and specified information. Faculty Information- This pertains to the updates of the teachers handled section, teachers, schedules and some of their personal. Student Requirement Maintenance – This contains the requirements needs to be submitted by the students. It will also allow the user to add new requirement if needed. Miscellaneous fee – This edits and updates miscellaneous fees that can adjust for different year level. Other Fees – this edits and updates others fees that can adjust for different year level. Discounts – This adjust the rate and percentage of the discount depending to the school. Tuition Fees - This modifies the modes and all payments made for the whole semester; cash, two payments or installment it can also adjust the tuition fees according to different modes of payments. Transaction: Registration - This module is responsible for the personal information, records and data of students. Register New Students – This is focused on new applicants like new students and Transferees. It will also store their data on the data base. Register Old Students – This module focuses on students who are previously enrolled and retrieves all their information from the database. Assessments – This module is for newly registered students and automatically computes the corresponding tuition fees. Re-assess of Students – This module edits or re-assess their previous student’s assessment records. Display Registered Students – This module browses the list of students that are already registered in the system. Modes of Payment – This module determines the specific payments of the students like cash, two payments or installment. Terms of Payment – this module determines specific payment of the students like preliminary, middle term, pre final and final. Cashiering – This module would compute the student’s payment, discounts and balances; it will also provide official receipt. Generation of Official Receipt – a module that generates a list of payments received from the students. Student’s payments – accepts the student’s balance and updates the payments made by the students. Browsing Student’s balance – This module monitors the student’s balance to pay or settle their accounts. Scheduling/Class-sizing – This module inputs assigned schedules of subjects and room assignments for the professors. Grading – This module accepts grades and can compute the general weighted average (GWA) in every semester only. Inquiry: Student Information – This module views the information of the students. Faculty Information – This module views the information of the teacher such as subject handled, schedules and personal information. Student’s grade – This module displays the GWA of the students in the whole period. Tuition Fees – This module focuses on specifying the total cost of school payments for the whole semester. Requirement per Year Level – this module focuses on specifying the requirements needed for different year levels. Reports: Class List – This displays the list of old and new students enrolled in the class. Student’s Master list – This displays the whole list of old and new students officially enrolled. List of Subjects – This refers to the list of subjects for every year level. List of Schedules – This refers to the list of schedules of the students, teachers, sections and subjects. List of Students/Level – This refers to the list of students per level. Payment report – This displays the official payments for the student fees and other miscellaneous charges. Transferred Students – This displays the list of students that have transferred to another school. System Utilities: Back-up Database – This module is responsible if in case of system failure there is back-up database of the system. Restore Database – This module is responsible to restore and retrieve the database. Change Password – This allows the user of the system to change their password. Setting – This module allows user of the system to change themes and wallpapers. System Lock – This provides a security option in case the users leave the system and also for safety purposes. Audit trail– This module provide the history of the user information, including the IP address computer name date and time. 1.8.3 Limitation: The developed system did not include the following features: The TNBES didn’t handle the accounting system but the proponent’s project has an updated payment and only calculates the total billing of each student. Students cannot enroll via internet. 1.8.2 Scope and Limitation on Current System CURRENT SYSTEM SCOPE LIMITATION CURRENT SYSTEM It has scheduling of Subjects The current system is standalone system. Computing and displaying of tuition fees It cannot be seen or viewed online. Admin can edit, change and do all things into the system. It cannot recognize if the class list reached the maximum class size. It can display and print reports It cannot provide log in authentication. The current system cannot handle the database for the whole year. 1.9 Definition of Terms 1.9.1 Operational Terms Accuracy - the quality of being near to the true value. Administrator - is a person whose job involves helping to organize and supervise the way that an organization or institution functions. Audit trail - it traces the detailed transactions relating to any item in an enrollment system. Application – is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task. Automation – the automatic operation or control of equipment, a process or a system. Community – is a group of people who are similar in some way. Curriculum – is all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university. Data – individual facts, statistics or items of information. Developer – ia a person or a company that buys land and builds houses, offices, shops, or factories on it, or buys existing buildings and makes them modern. Dynamic – you approve of them because they are full of energy or full of new and exciting ideas. Efficiency – is the quality of being able to do a task successfully, without wasting time or energy. Encoder -is a device, circuit, transducer, software program, algorithm or person that converts information from one format or code to another, for the purposes of standardization, speed, secrecy, security or compressions. Enhancement – is the improvement of it in relation to its value, quality,or attractiveness. Enrollment – is the act of enrolling at an institution or on a course. Feature – is an interesting or important part or characteristic of it. Functionality – of a computer or other machine is how useful it is or how many functions it can perform. Institution - is a large important organization such as a university, church, or bank. Manual – done, operated etc. by hand and hand rather than by electrical or electronic device. Maintainability-Characteristic of design and installation which determines the probability that a failed equipment, machine, or system can be restored to its normal operable state within a given timeframe, using the prescribed practices and procedures. Methodology – a set or system of methods, principle, and rule of organization of a philosophical system or inquiry procedure. Programmer –is a person whose job involves writing programs for computers. Process – a systematic series of actions directed to someone end. Project – a is task that requires a lot of time and effort. Reliable – can be trusted to work well or to behave in the way that you want them to. Security – refers to all the measures that are taken to protect or to ensure that only people with permission enter it or leave it. Statistics – are facts which are obtained from analyzing information expressed in numbers. User Friendly – it is well-designed and easy to use. Waterfall Model - is a sequential design process, often used in software development processes, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards like a waterfall) through the phases of Conception,Initiation, Analysis, Design,Construction, Testing and Maintenance. 1.9.2 Technical Terms Database – is a collection of data that is stored in a computer and that can easily be used and added to. HardDisk – is a device for storing and retrieving digital information. Hardware – refers to the machines themselves as opposed to the programs which tell the machines what to do. IPO - Input process output is basically what one puts in and its outcome. It is an Information processing cycle that determines how the information is processed and handled with in a system. Keyboard – is a type-writer device, which uses an arrangement of buttons and key, to acts mechanical levers or electronic switches. LAN - Is a group of personal computers and associated equipment that are linked by cable. Memory - refers to the physical devices used to store programs (sequences of instructions) or data (e.g. program state information) on a temporary or permanent basis for use in a computer or other digital electronic device. Mouse – is a device that is connected to computer. By moving it over a flat surface and pressing its buttons, you can move the cursor around the screen and do things without using the keyboard. MySQL- is an open source relational database management system. ODBC- is a standard programming language middleware API for accessing database management systems (DBMS). Operating System – is a collection of software that manages computerhardware resources and provides services for computer programs. Processor-is the logic circuitry that responds to and processes the basic instructions that drives a computer. RAM - a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly; that is, any byte of memory can be accessed without touching the preceding bytes. Software – is a collection of computer programs and realated data that provides instructions for telling a computer for some reasons. Visual Basis 6.0 – is a programming language and integrated development environment (IDE). It derives from the much older basic programming language, and so is concedered a useful and relatively easy programming language for the beginner to learn. 1.10 UML (Unified Modeling Language) 1.11 ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) Chapter 2 Related Literatures and Studies 2.1 Review of Related Literature This chapter contains the features, capabilities and limitations of existing study and software that are related to the proposed system. It presents the different literature and studies that are related and relevant to this research. Through this chapter the readers can familiarized the study of the proponents. The related and previous studies presented in this chapter would give the developers and the future researchers the idea of the proposed system of the proponents. 2.1.1 Local Studies Year Published: September 2011 Proponents: Rosefil, Iyan, Debbiely Title: (Computerized Enrolment System).Ebenezer Montessori Christian School, Inc. Source: The technology today plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. It lessens error of work by using machines. It reduces costs to an organization from paper works up to computerized working system. Many manual transactions can be computerized by using software applications or computer systems to make work easier and efficient. Information technology can give a company ready access to improve product and service quality, reduce costs, increase productivity in smallest time possible, and communication between employees and to make things with lesser effort but having a better output and even improve company morale. The process of enrolment in schools nowadays requires information technology. The objective of Information Technology is to help humanity from doing loads of work over time. By having computerized system, the cost during enrolment will be cut down and much effort will be reduced. The project involves a series of studies that covers all the requirements of creating a computerized enrolment system. The goal of the study is to provide an efficient computer-based system that will easily update, retrieve, and maintain student records. In relation to this study, the proponents of TNBES and the developer of Ebenezer Montessori Christian School have same concerns, to make a system that will help the institution to speed up the process of enrollment. The study aims provide a system that will serve their Registrar accurately and with efficiency in matters related to their enrolment. Title: Local Enrolment database system for the College of Nursing, Western Mindanao State University Introduction. Proponent: Raquel Published by: api-3730987   Year Published: October 2008 Source: This project looks at an Enrolment Database for a college. It stores details of students, courses, year, and section. It may also be used as local assessment of the college of nursing for their college fees. The database is designed for use by staff and other authorized user in the college office to enable them to easily produce information required by the different people in the college. Objectives This study will help the Faculty and staffs of the College of Nursing of WMSU make enrolment easy by the help of the enrolment database system for the college of nursing. The database system will make the enrolment and collection of fees for the college of nursing easy and fast. In relation to this study, the proponents surely made a secured database for college fees and files to be able to make the system more reliable and easy to handle. The proposed system also covered the printed documents and it can easily search names and information. The enhance system will also help the staff to produce and print documents in easy way. Title: Computerized Enrollment System Proponent: Anieanieanie  Year Published: Jan. 2012 Source: In the conducted study of Charlene G. Bulao in their undergraduate feasibility study entitled “A Proposed Computerized Enrollment System for Pamantasan Lungsod ng Valenzuela”, the case study stated that the school’s enrollment process are time consuming, redundant student records, and has a slow retrieval of student records. Similar with the stated problem of manual enrollment system at Canumay National High School the only difference is that Pamantasan Lungsod ng Valenzuela (PLV) requires payment for the tuition fee. Both of the study aim to develop a system that will reduce the redundancy of students information, reduce the consumed time in enrollment process, and a fast retrieval of students records. In relation to this study, the proponents of TNBES decided to proposed a system entitled “TFVC Network Base Enrollment System (TNBES)” this system will indicate the enrollment of each student even if they are regular, irregular or transferee, it show a records of a student properly by using database to ensure the file and to secure the records of the enrollees. 2.1.2 Foreign Studies Year published: September 2011 Proponent: Jhovieellen Title: Governor Andres Pascual College (web platform) Source: A software development and IT service firm implemented its catalyst in Governor Andres Pascual College was integrated web platform to provide content management, transaction processing, marketing, and interactive community function to the two rice schools. Catalyst deliver on the Jones school’s two primary criteria for selecting a web-based platform: simplifying content management; and enabling user response to information such as event RSVP and course registration. The content management tools lets the Jones school staff edit, update or add to the volume of curriculum and event information without calling for technical assistance. They simply cut and paste document into the content management system audit for consistency and publish to the web. The school’s diverse audiences, which include MBA’s executive Mb As, executive education participants, and alumni, now receives prompt notification of news and events, and can RSVP for event or register online for Executive Education courses. In relation to this study, the TNBES is a Network-Based Enrollment System that will help to connect to the other department and to help to lessen the time for going to every department. From a simple system made in MS Access, that can only use by a single person. The enrollment system in TFVC will turned out into a network-based system and it can also access via internet with the use of MySQL as a database. The students can view their records through internet and they can be updated by the online reminders and notes for the upcoming events. Title: University at Buffalo the State University of New York Year Published: 2010 Proponent: Joseph Hindrawan Source: The Faculty Senate is responsible for setting the enrollment for all students at UB.  A number of factors went into their decision to reduce the amount of time for enrollment in the beginning of the semester. The first concern is related to student success.  Many instructors expressed concern about the academic success of students who enrolled in classes during the second week, with their first class attendance occurring in the third week of classes when substantial course material has already been covered. The second concern is related to course demand and availability.  The additional time allotted for students to add courses allows students to enroll in classes that other students have dropped.  Without this extra time for adding courses, seats in popular courses may go unfilled.  Additionally, the shortened drop/add period gives departments time during the second week of classes to ensure that all high-enrollment courses with waitlists are fully enrolled, ensuring that as many students as possible are able to enroll. The third concern is related to consistency between our registration and billing policies.  This change more closely aligns registration deadlines with those associated with financial liability.  Unfortunately, financial deadlines are set centrally by the State University of New York (SUNY), so the deadlines still may differ. This change brings them much closer, and the researchers hope that this will reduce confusion. Some students have expressed concern about being able to determine if a course meets their educational objectives during the first week of classes.  Instructors are required to distribute a final syllabus during the first week of class, which should enable students to make such an assessment.   If a syllabus isn’t distributed, students should contact the department chair or academic dean that oversees the course.  Additionally, the former two-week add/drop period was established prior to the implementation of our current pre-registration period, which allows students ample time to review the course catalog and schedule, and to contact professors and departments about their courses prior to the beginning of the semester. Some students in TFVC add and drop subject according to their availability and to full there load in a semester. In some instances the professor let them choose if they want to stay in their first choice enrolled subjects or if they want to be on the other shift day which leads to unsettled class list of each class subject. TNBES will help them to be easily changed, drop and add subject according to want the students are requesting for by the permission of the registrar staffs. Like what the study have said, TFVC will also have an adding and dropping form. TFCV college office will post the submission deadline for adding/dropping policy so the registrar office will encode the information to the proposed system. In relation to this study, in billing policies TNBES includes the account system but not the whole accounting system. The proposed system will focus in tuition fees matter. Title: University Grants Commission (Higher education system) Year Published: 2011 Proponent: Jhovieellen Source: India’s higher education system is the third largest in the world, after China and United State. The main governing body at tertiary level is the University Grants Commission. Which enforces its standards, advises the government, and help coordinate between the Centre and the state? Accreditation for higher learning is overseen by 12autonomous institutions established by the University Grants Commission. As of 2009, India has 2 central university 215 state universities, 100 deemed universities, 5 institutions established and functioning under the state act, and 13institutes which are of national importance. Other institutions include 16000 colleges, including 1800 exclusive women’s colleges, functioning under these universities and institutions. In relation with this study, the proponents assured to measure or count the enrolled students in TFVC and in each college courses. TNBES will help them notice the dropped students and those who have failing grades. The system can inform the user if how many female and male students enrolled in TFVC. Sorting of information in TNBES database is surely secured. The proposed system also covered the summer enrollees and the staffs can view the previous records of the enrolled students in the system. 2.2 Review of Related Literature 2.2.1 Local Literature Date: Mar 07, 2010 Author: Jhovie Casinillo Title: Automated enrollment system (Governor Andres Pascual College) Source:http://www.studymode A new automated enrollment system was proposed and passed by the administration just recently. According to the chairperson of the department of information technology and systems, this enrollment system will push through on the 1stsemester of AY 2009-2010 according to source; the enrollment system will automatically get the student’s subject/section for hassle-free enrollment, this is for student without any pending back subject while for students with pending back subject, they still need to meet their department chairs/coordinator first for the advising of subjects before using the enrollment system. In a relation to this literature, the proponents can say that the proposed system is also a hassle free enrollment system especially in terms of waiting on the schedule result and computing the final matriculation. In the current system the enrollment process is a good way process but the enhance enrollment system that the proponent have proposed was a better way process. The TFVC Network Based Enrollment System is an enhance enrollment system in TFVC that will help the students and the registrar’s office to do tasks in easier process. Title: The Efficiency of Computers Source: Senior Student - Thesis (AMA) Author:  Ruvelle Jarabo,Emmalyn Ferrer Mercy,Honeylyn Abarca Year Published: 2010 They stated that computers today are now used as a substitute to manual processes and other past inventions like the radio, television, etc. It is now used by people for much simpler, easier and faster way to do things. Some used it as a hobby, and some use it as a job. Technology has never stopped from advancing through the years. Many people use computers in their daily lives. Some use it for transactions, some use it for educational purposes and others use it for data storage. With computers, it can help you simplify the process of storing and managing the files you need for future use and make finding files easier than the manual process. In a relation to this literature, all people uses computer for doing works in more reliable way. The proponents have proposed an enhanced computerized Enrollment System of storing data and information in a secured database. TNBES is a convenient system to search, add, edits and deletes any information that the admin needs to do. It is more convenient also in doing important tasks at home as well as checking and be updated in upcoming events with the use of our system. Title: Information Technology as a productive tool for the fast and easier way of recording student information. Author: Professor Rey Alvarado Year Published: 2009 Source: Stated that, Information Technology is widely used for faster and easier way of recording student information. It is also used in managing the operation undertaken by the school. It is a great help to every school that undergoes with different difficulties within recording the students information. Almost all schools and other institutions, computers have significant impact in their works. People rely on computer for efficient and effective way to handle different loads and tasks. When the researchers talk about the student’s record of the School, what do the researchers usually think? Well, student’s record is one of the most important files or documents that need to give way of attention because it is one of the hidden files of the school that was the record of the student needs to secure for their privacy. In a relation to this literature, the proponents have settled that the student records will remain private and secured by our database. It will also help the registrar to know those students that are not yet complete in their requirements. TNBES can update the subject curriculum that is already taken by any of the students. 2.2.2 Foreign Literature Title: Advancement of Knowledge Source: Encyclopedia M-Z Author: Martyn Shuttleworth Year Published: 2008 Stated that the descriptive scientific design is a scientific method which involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way. In the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. In a relation to this literature, the proposed system needs to gather data and information according to the students filled up form. The Staffs will going input those information’s of the students in the proposed system. It will also help in observing behavior of those students who have failing grade. Year Published: 2007 Author: Manali Oak Source: Computerization of every process reduces human errors and processing time, it can also boost up productivity. Computers are the best means for storage and management of data; they can serve as huge knowledge bases and can be harnessed for all sorts of financial transactions owing to their processing power and storage capacities. Computers are a daily utility; they have gained immense importance in day to day life. In a relation to this literature, the TNBES will be a big help to boost up the productivity in terms of managing and storing data of the professors, students, cashier and staffs. Computerized system will help the people minimize time and effort. Title: The Development of Technology Author: Ralph M. Stair Year Published: 2009 Source: The computerized world is a highly efficient one that which processing the big quantities of data and keeping. The expensive records will not be a problem to a post industrialized society, likewise the unreliable and slope processing and preparing student record and enrolment summary of report. Computer can be considered as another instrument for developing a system like enrolment in every school. This can be a great help to those students, teachers and school who are handling many task from providing easier and faster access. In a relation to this literature, the TNBES can calculate the total number of enrollees in every department it will be a big help because from time to time they need to know which department is rapidly increasing. The proposed system can view the database, like seeing summer enrollees and previous semester. 2.3 Synthesis All the studies and literature both foreign and local cited in this chapter helped the proponents of TNBES in developing the system. The proponents adopted the concepts of some various authors in enhancing the current enrollment system for the better purposes. The researchers applied the concept of different authors in literatures in choosing the better software process, research method and system requirements to use in developing the TNBES. Chapter 3 Research Methodology This chapter deals with the methods of research used whether it may be historical, descriptive, and experimental or a case study. The techniques used under Descriptive Research Method as well as the data gathering tools and analytical tools used will be further explained in this chapter as well as the methods used in developing the software and for evaluation. Due to the time to provide to develop this project the researchers are decided to use the Waterfall Model to develop the TNBES. This model allows the researchers to visually create the system effectively using models to create the proposed system. 3.1 Research Design The method of research used by the proponents is the descriptive research method. This kind of research was used because it describes the system based on the impression of the respondents. It describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. In addition, the descriptive survey as a type of descriptive research was used because it is appropriate in knowing the extent to which the different conditions of the present set up of the study. The descriptive survey method was used to achieve the purpose of the study. It is concerned with condition that exist, practices that prevail, belief or point of view or attitudes that are held and process that are going on. 3.2 Method used in Developing and Evaluating the Software Product The waterfall model is a classical model of software engineering. This model is one of the oldest models and widely used in government projects and in many major companies. As this model emphasizes planning in early stages, it ensures design flaws before they develop. These are the following steps: 3.2.1 Fig.1.0 Incremental (Waterfall Model) 3.2.2 Requirements (System hardware and software) TNBES requires Ubuntu 11.10 OS (Operating System), Apache 2, php 4 and MySQL for server side, for client side TNBES also requires such as Windows 98, ODBC connector and VB 6.0 runtime environment. It also requires at least Pentium III Microprocessor, at least 650 GHZ or higher, at least 50 MB of free HDD space. The users are also going to use an output device to facilitate TNBES and for input device such as like monitor, mouse, keyboard. People ware is the most important thing in this proposal. Every system needs programmer, web developer, analyst, consultant, Proponents and encoder for a better system. Every person involve is greatly important to perform or to create a resourceful and efficient system. 3.2.3 Architectural System It determines the software framework of a system to meet the specific requirements. This design defines the major components and the interaction of those components, but it does not define the structure of each component. This is the phase of System Architecture design modelling. With use of incremental (Waterfall Model) as one of the requirements, determines the feasibilities of the TNBES. 3.2.4 Detailed Design Examines the software components defined in the architectural design stage and produces a specification for how each component is implemented. This is the phase of Dataflow Diagram from UML. 3.2.5 Coding Implements the detailed design specification, with the use of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 in developing the system, the researchers will construct the codes structure of the said TNBES. 3.2.6 Testing Determines whether the software meets the specified requirements and finds any errors present in the code. This will reveal the systems error so that the researcher will debug the system before it implements the actual operation. 3.2.7 Maintenance Addresses problems and enhancement requests after the software releases. This will serve as a maintenance service for the said system program after the continuous implementation and actual operation. 3.3 Respondents Distribution Respondents Total Population Total Respondent Percentage CBAA 393 91 28.52% CCS 347 80 25.18% COE 321 74 23.29% COHM 274 63 19.88% 1335 308 96.87% (In this table we used Slovins formula) FACULTY 36 36 2.61% CASHIER 4 4 0.29% STAFF 2 2 0.15% ADMIN 1 1 0.07% 3.13% TOTAL 1378 351 100% 3.4 Data Gathering Procedures These are the procedures or techniques the proponents have used for gathering data in research used as basis for drawing conclusions or making inferences. These techniques are interviews, empirical observations, research and analysis used by the proponents as they conduct the proposed study. Data Gathering Procedure Participants Step 1 Focus groups, brainstorming techniques Group members Step 2 Individual responses; sharing of thoughts and ideas. Group members Step 3 Research through internet and books; Construct questionnaires Group members Step 4 Interviews and Observation Group members; Respondents Step 5 Group interpretation and discussions Group members 3.5 Instruments The proponents used the Questionnaire as their main instrument in gathering data in their study. Interview was also used to support the data and information gathered from the questionnaires. These were also supplemented by observations and documentary analysis. Questionnaire – This instrument is used by the proponents to know the different response and feedback of the respondents upon using the system. Interview – This instrument is used to sustain the data and information gathered from the questionnaires. Observation – This instrument is used to examine the different feedback and response of the respondents. Library Research – This is used to read books and magazines that may help in formulating questionnaires, conducting interviews and documenting results of the study. Internet Research – This is used by the proponents in searching for the standard questions that should be included in the questionnaires. 3.6 Statistical Treatment of Data By attaining the best result, the gathered data will be analysed and tabulated by the proponents. The proponents will use the following formula and scale to get the accurate data. Step 1: Get the Sample Data out of Total Population: The proponents use the Slovins Formula to get the sample data out of total population. The result of this will be the total number of respondents out of total number of population. The Slovins Formula will be as follows: N 1+Ne² Whereas: n = Number of Sample N = Total Population e² = Desired Marginal Error Reference: Therefore: n = 1335 1 + (1335)(0.05)² n = 1335 1 + (1335)(0.0025) n = 1335 1 + 3.34 n = 1335 4.34 n = 307.60 or 308 (Total Number of Respondents) Step 2: Cluster Sampling It is a technique where the entire population is divided into groups or clusters and a random sample of these clusters are selected. This is used by the proponents in order to determine the number of respondents. n x 100% = total number of respondents ( 100% ) N Total number of population Therefore: College of Business Administration and Accountancy (CBAA) 393 x 100 = 28.52% 1378 College of Computer Studies (CCS) 347 x 100 = 25.18% 1378 College of Education (COE) 321 x 100 = 23.29% 1378 College of Hospitality Management (COHM) 274 x 100 = 19.88% 1378 Faculty 36 x 100 = 2.61% 1378 Cashier 4 x 100 = 0.29% 1378 Staff 2 x 100 = 0.15% 1378 Admin 1 x 100 = 0.07% 1378 Total: 100% Step 3: Use of the Likert Scale to get the range of the desire of respondent The third step is to analyze the responses using likert scale. This method is use to gather scale value in different responses. Categorically assigned to a numerical value of 5 which is Strongly Agree, 4 is Agree, 3 is Moderately Agree, 2 Disagree, 1 is Strongly Disagree. The gathered figure of 5 will be the Strongly Agree, and the 1 is the lowest for they do not like the said system. Rank Code Equivalent 5 SA Strongly Agree 4 A Agree 3 MA Moderately Agree 2 D Disagree 1 SD Strongly Disagree Questionnaire: Name: ______________________________ Course/Yr: __________ Objective: The Questionnaire serves as an evaluation of the proposed TNBES for the Fisher Valley College. The proponents would appreciate if you can answer the short test and evaluation system. Legends: 5 – Strongly Agree, 4 – Agree, 3 – Moderately Agree, 2 – Disagree, 1 – Strongly Disagree Efficiency 1. Organization of information per software content and output 2. Adequacy of software content and output 3. Effectiveness of interface layout and style 4. Helps to perform fast and reliable system information 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Functionality 1. Satisfaction of software features and capability 2.Suitability of software functions 3.Satisfaction of needs/requirements 4. Manipulates transaction effectively 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Security 1. Controlled access to software of unauthorized user 2. Level of access of authorized user 3. Safety of backup 4. System Security 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Accuracy 1. Completion of requirements 2. Precision of information per module 3. Precision of software performance 4. Fast and efficient in displaying information 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 User-friendliness 1. Ease of software installation 2. Easy to understand interface layout 3. Accessibility of application 4. Easy to use 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Maintainability 1. Ease of repair to software 2. Short time period for repair and maintenance 3. No unintended side effects upon repair 4. Manage more information that is needed by the administrator 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Comments/Suggestions: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 5 Summary Conclusion and Recommendation This chapter presents the summary of the research work undertaken, the conclusion drawn and recommendation made as an outgrowth of this proposed system. This study is on the profile and performance of the administrator and staff of the Fisher Valley College. The study conducted in the proposed system which is TNBES where taken and drawn from the outcome of the research, observation and evaluation of the proposed system in regards to the system, maintainability, accuracy, user friendliness, security, and functionality. Recommendations were based from the findings and conclusion of the study. 5.1 Summary The survey that the proponents will conduct has a capability to develop the system. We will be having a survey for TNBES of the Fisher Valley College using this questioner. Through the use of structural equations, they were being able to test and know the respondent’s level of satisfaction with the help of maintainability, accuracy, user friendliness, security, and functionality. The results of our survey or evaluation will give and provide ideas that will give us strong and good foundation in the development of the proposed system, TFVC Network Base Enrolment System. 5.2 Conclusion The proponents were able to develop and create a system for The Fisher Valley College that will make a TNBES in the TFVC that grants a user level access for customization and ensure the system as user friendly. This environment is applicable for the end users according to what they want to know or researched using the system. The proponents were able to develop a system to help the administration and staff of the TFVC. 5.3 Recommendation The proponents recommend this system for the TFVC for a better and advance services of the school. The system serve as an advantage to them for it is designed and customized based on the flow of their transaction for the future researches. The proponents recommend them to improve the functions of the system to make it reliability that will support the TNBES and they also expand the scope of the study by include the user that provide the reports in high performance. , The Fisher Valley College College of Computer Studies “A Christ-Centered Institution” 54