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Available online at ScienceDirect Unifying view of stem–loop hairpin RNA as origin of current and ancient parasitic and non-parasitic RNAs, including in giant viruses Hervé Seligmann and Didier Raoult Putatively, stem–loop RNA hairpins explain networks of selfish elements and RNA world remnants. Their genomic density increases with intracellular lifestyle, especially when comparing giant viruses and their virophages. RNA protogenomes presumably templated for mRNAs and selfreplicating stem–loops, ancestors of modern genes and parasitic sequences, including tRNAs and rRNAs. Primary and secondary structure analyses suggest common ancestry for t/ rRNAs and parasitic RNAs, parsimoniously link diverse RNA metabolites (replication origins, tRNAs, ribozymes, riboswitches, miRNAs and rRNAs) to parasitic RNAs (ribosomal viroids, Rickettsia repeated palindromic elements (RPE), stem–loop hairpins in giant viruses, their virophages, and transposable retrovirus-derived elements). Results indicate ongoing genesis of small RNA metabolites, and common ancestry or similar genesis for rRNA and retroviral sequences. Assuming functional integration of modular duplicated RNA hairpins evolutionarily unifies diverse molecules, postulating stem–loop hairpin RNAs as origins of genetic innovation, ancestors of rRNAs, retro- and Mimivirus sequences, and cells. Address Unité de Recherche sur les Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales Émergentes, Faculté de Médecine, URMITE CNRS-IRD 198 UMER 6236, Université de la Méditerranée, 13385 Marseille, France Corresponding author: Seligmann, Hervé ( Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 31:1–8 This review comes from a themed issue on Special section: megaviromes In addition, retrotransposons [3], which infest all living cells (including vertebrates as endogenous retroviruses [4,5]) are parasites that like viroids consist of short palindrome-forming sequences. Interestingly, parasitism by short palindromic sequences occurs in genomes of obligatory intracellular bacteria (Rickettsia Palindromic Elements, RPE [6]) and represent up to 35% of their reduced genome [7]. Short secondary structure forming palindromes occur in giant viruses and their virophages [8,9], where they probably function as transcription or RNA processing signals as known for tRNA genes in vertebrate mitochondria [10]. Reduced tRNA genes probably evolved into the short stem–loop hairpin-forming palindromes that function as replication origins [11,12,13–16], in line with the hypothesis of a primary replicational function for tRNAs [17]. Aminoacylation of rat mitochondrial replication origin [18], and euplotid nematode mitochondrial tRNAs reduced to simple stem–loop hairpins [19] are in line with this dual replication–translation role of stem–loop hairpins, strengthened by hints that presumed excised, isolated mitochondrial tRNA sidearms [20] function in translation [21,22]. Here, we aim at showing that short stem–loop hairpinforming palindromic RNAs are at the origins of genomes and the most common form of parasitism. This point is explored along two venues, based on taxonomic comparisons and comparisons between secondary structure properties of molecules with various functions and life histories. Edited by Didier Raoult and Jonatas Abrahao Genomic hairpin density increases with parasitism 1369-5274/# 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction Viroids, the smallest known parasites, are one of the most striking biological phenomena. They consist of secondary structure forming RNA palindromes of 300–500 nucleotides, some producing epidemic plant infections [1]. The smallest known viroid has also striking protein coding properties [2]. Our hypothesis assumes that short stem–loop hairpins have high abilities at integrating genomes and at being replicated/transcribed. This predicts that palindromes with hairpin-forming capacities associate with endocellularity/ parasitism. Our sample considers that virophages and giant viruses have parasitism levels ‘3’ and ‘2’, respectively (parasite of virus, also parasitic). Typical intracellulars, as the only known intracellular archaea Nanoarchaeum, and Rickettsia conorii (alphaproteobacteria), get level 1. Mitochondria and Wolbachia, related to Rickettsia, get levels ‘1.5’ and ‘1.25’, respectively, reflecting specialization levels to endocellularity. Various other bacteria and archaea get parasitism level ‘0’. Genomic palindrome density increases with endocellularity (palindrome density highest for virophages infecting giant viruses (e.g. Sputnik, virophage of Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 31:1–8 2 Special section: megaviromes Glossary hairpin: DNA/RNA with complementary palindromes forming stem– loop structures. miRNA: microRNA, small RNA (about 22 nucleotides) usually silencing mRNA expression. polinton: giant transposon encoding polymerases. quasispecies: self-replicating, non-identical but related entities forming a cloud of genotypes. repeated palindromic elements, RPE: parasitic DNA frequent in genomes of parasitic bacteria. replication origin: stem–loop hairpin-forming sequence at which replication initiates (Oh, Ol-on heavy, light strands). Some tRNA genes form Ol-like structures. ribozyme: catalytic RNA, including hammerhead ribozyme. riboswitch: mRNA segment regulating translation by binding a specific small molecule. rRNA: RNA components of ribosomes. tmRNA: transfer-messenger RNAs, bacterial RNAs regulating translation: stalled ribosome rescue, mRNA degradation, tagging unfinished polypeptides for proteolysis. transposable retrovirus-derived elements: DNA from RNA viruses changing genomic position. viroid: sub-viral pathogens: short, occasionally coding, circular, single-stranded, secondary structure forming RNA. virophage: satellite viruses inhibiting auxiliary/host virus reproduction. Mimivirus [23]) second highest their hosts (e.g. Mimivirus [24], Figure 1). Conceivably, parasite genomes tolerate more parasite sequences than genomes under greater constraints for functional efficiency. result from fusion after inverse duplication [44,45]. The hierarchical modular structure of the 23S rRNA suggests a similar genesis [46]. These examples indicate links between ribosomal RNAs and shorter functional RNAs [47], i.e. ribozymes (Tetrahymena’s rRNA intervening sequence is an autoexcising and autocyclizing ribozyme [48]) and the ribozyme-like tmRNAs [49], which have versatile functions (recycling stalled ribosomes at mRNAs lacking stop codons, tagging unfinished peptides for proteolysis and inducing degradation of dysfunctional mRNAs [50]). The ribosome’s functional core, the universal rRNA symmetrical pocket, a dimeric RNA assembly, also suggests that rRNAs evolved from protoribosome precursors that possessed tRNA-like stem–loop hairpin structures [51]. Viroids (some including hammerhead ribozyme structures [52,53]) mimic ribosomal structures, integrate ribosomal RNA and enhance its (and their own) transcription [1]. Their status as missing link between ribozymes and rRNA is strengthened by a 16-nucleotide consensus sequence and three sets of complementary sequences in group I introns from nuclear and mitochondrial rRNAs and chloroplast tRNAs that occurs in viroids and virusoids (plant satellite RNA) [54,55]. Viroids also resemble the hepatitis delta virus RNA [56], whose replication depends upon a ribozyme structure [57], suggesting common origins. Protogenomes, rRNAs and parasitic sequences Hypothetically, protogenomes from an early RNA world [25] were self-replicating rRNA-like with multiple functions, templated for translational RNAs (tRNA and rRNA ancestors), mRNAs [26], and created parasitic sequences, including viruses. We consider that undefined entities exchanged RNAs at high rates by lateral transfer [27,28] and that simple replication mechanisms with low accuracy produced numerous mutations. Hence, classical vertical genealogies only reflect small fractions of this mega-organic system’s evolution [29,30], requiring rethinking classical binary evolutionary processes [31]. This ancestral system reminds quasispecies clouds of related genotypes [32–34] with a touch of cooperativity [35]. The quasispecies concept [36] fits modern viruses, in particular retroviruses (HIV [37]). Viruses presumably shaped this mega-organic system that created de novo systems and transferred sequence information [38]. For example, eukaryotic DNA polymerases resemble those of large DNA viruses, not bacterial polymerases [39]. The transition from the RNA world to DNA-based cells in all three ribosomal lineages (Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya) assumes that cellular DNA replication originated from DNA viruses [40]. Hairpin duplication and de novo creation of molecular species Presumably, tRNAs result from fusion of tRNA halves [41,42,43]. Similarly, the 5S rRNA molecule might Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 31:1–8 Structural similarities cluster RNAs Figure 2 hierarchically clusters RNAs according to variables in Table 1 (size excluded) into two main branches, A1 includes most small RNA metabolites, including the 5.8S rRNA and viroids. Unfortunately, analyses exclude giant virus and virophage secondary structure predictions because available methods remain inadequate for large sequences. This branch’s RNAs have high proportions of ‘out’ loops (unpaired nucleotides at the end of stems) compared to ‘inner’ loops (unpaired nucleotides in the midst of stems). Branch A2 includes most rRNAs. Its two sub-branches distinguish RNAs with high stem GC (all 23S rRNA domains, tmRNAs, retroviruses, and some other small RNAs) from those with low stem GC (all 16S rRNA domains, RPE, some small RNAs). Large 23S rRNAs cluster with 5S rRNA. Results reflect some RNA functional properties. High proportions of ‘out’ loops in small RNA metabolites indicate protein-binding ‘out’ loops, e.g. tRNA synthetase interactions with tRNA anticodon and sidearm loops [58] and DNA polymerase gamma with OL loop [59]. High inner loop proportions in larger RNAs probably reflect numerous degradation/splicing sites for endonucleases [60]. We repeated clustering analyses on each RNA structural subelement, for all structural subelements of RNAs in Table 1. Results (not shown) overall resemble Figure 2, however some subelements from Evolving parasitic stem–loop hairpin RNAs Seligmann and Raoult 3 Figure 1 0.01 Genomic palindrome density (ln) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 R2 = 0.5745 1 2 3 7 4 0.001 8 9 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 5 11 6 12 13 16 15 14 26 27 28 0.0001 Endocellularity/parasitism level Current Opinion in Microbiology Palindromes and intracellular life history (all species/genomes as empty circles unless indicated for specific taxa). Palindrome density increases independently with endocellularity in Archaea (Geoglobus + Pyrobaculum/Nanoarcheum,filled triangles); alphaproteobacteria (Pelagibacter/ Rickettsia; Wolbachia/mitochondrion), Gammaproteobacteria (Escherichia + Vibrio/Coxiella) and Megavirales (Mimivirus/Sputnik), but apparently does not occur for others (actinobacteria: Mycobacterium/Mycobacterium + Tropheryma; firmicutes Staphylococcus/Listeria; Cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus/Emiliana chloroplast, not shown). Giant viruses, filled circles 1. Yellowstone virophage; 2. Zamilon virophage; 3. Phaeocystis virophage; 4. Sputnik virophage; 5. Mavirus virophage; 6. Organic lake virophage; 7. Megavirus; 8. Mimivirus; 9. Pandoravirus. Bacteria: 10. Rickettsia conorii; 12. Coxiella burnetti; 13. Mycobacterium leprae; 14. Tropheryma whipplei; 15. Cimex lectularia Wolbachia; 16. Homo sapiens mitochondrion; 17. Listeria monocytogenes; 18. Staphylococcus epidermis; 19. Pelagibacter ubique; 20. Staphylococcus aureus; 21. Mycobacterium tuberculosis; 22. Streptococcus pneumonia; 23. Vibrio cholerae, chromosome 2; 24. Escherichia coli; 25. Yersinia pestis; 26. Vibrio cholerae chromosome 1. Archaea, filled triangles: 11. Nanoarchaeum sp.; 27. Pyrobaculum aerophylum; 28. Geoglobus ahangari. specific RNA types, cluster with those from other RNA types, suggesting exchanges of structural RNA subelements. in Figure 2. Hence, roughly 25% of the clustering in Figure 2 reflects evolution (presumed sequence homology). From structural similarities to RNA evolution This analysis, separately for each RNA molecule, estimates congruence between distance and alignment homology for all RNA molecules compared to one specific RNA molecule (Pearson correlation coefficient H in Table 1). Common ancestry (homology) explains secondary structure similarity when H is negative. Otherwise, other factors (random, adaptive convergence, de novo genesis) determine structural similarities. H is statistically significantly negative (P < 0.05, one-tailed test) for 21/44 Evolutionary interpretations of Figure 2 are unavoidable. BLAST analyses between each pair of RNA molecules in Figure 2 yield alignments whose lengths are divided by the total lengths of compared RNAs. This homology estimate, a proxy of evolutionary relatedness, correlates negatively (r = 0.50) with phenotypic distance between secondary structures, the squared Euclidean distance between RNA pairs used for the hierarchical clustering Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 31:1–8 4 Special section: megaviromes Figure 2 Ancestral? De novo? Viroids Retrovirus+23SrRNA S RPE+16S rRNA+tRNA Q U A 0 R E C1 C2 D 5 E U B1 B2 C D1 D2 L 10 I D High stem GC<->Low stem GC rRNA<->RPE ΔStem/loop GC 8 21 E A 15 Out loops<->In loops Low loop GC<->High loops GC ΔStem/loop GC 5 25 N D I 20 S T A A2 in loops rRNAs N 25 Out loops Small RNA A1 C E Current Opinion in Microbiology Ward clustering (y axis uses the squared Euclidean distance) of RNA (four structural properties in Table 1). Arrows connect mean differences between stem and loop GC contents for molecules on sister branches (high difference, presumably more ancient molecules). RNAs (10/13 rRNAs (confirms rRNA monophyly), both tmRNAs, two miRNAs, two among four ribozymes, three among eight RPEs, one retrovirus and one tRNA cloverleaf), not for most simpler molecules, candidates for ancestral structural RNAs and polyphyly by recent de novo genesis (OL, riboswitches, OL-like tRNA structures and viroids). Rickettsia conorii (genomic RPE copy numbers should increase with time (r = 0.715, one tailed P = 0.023, Figure 3)), confirming that loop GC depletion indicates time. For all Hs statistically negatively significant at P < 0.05, H (another indicator of RNA age) decreases with stem–loop GC content difference (for H < 0.23, r = 0.462, one-tailed P = 0.013). Hence loop GC decay and H reflect age, especially for ancient RNAs. GC content reflects RNA age GC contents are greater in stems than loops except in four RNAs. This indicates conservation of stem GC, but not loop GC (Table 1). Ribosomal RNA stem GC contents increase with optimal bacterial growth temperatures [61], rRNA loops are pyrimidine-depleted [62]. Arguably, high GC dipole moments favor replacement by A and T (U) [63]. Moreover, polymerases preferentially insert As and Ts [64]. Upon RNA de novo genesis, similar stem and loop nucleotide contents would reflect their environmental concentrations, stem/loop GC differences should increase with time. This explains the increase of differences in RPE stem– loop GC contents with RPE genomic copy numbers in Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 31:1–8 Re-examination of Figure 2 considering differences in stem/loop GC supports that branch B1 (the most diverse in terms of types of small RNAs) includes the most ancient RNA molecules, independently predicted by inclusion of the OL and tRNA cloverleaf secondary structures. Within branch A2, branch D1 includes 23S rRNAs and retroviridae, hence probably less ancient than branch B1. Branch D2 (primarily consisting of RPEs and 16S rRNAs), would be relatively recent, despite including tRNAs. Hence, bacterial parasitic RNA/DNA would be more recent than eukaryotic retroviruses. Viroids on branch C2 would be more recent than RPEs. It is notable that according to this criterion, branch B2 is the most recent branch. RNA types and diversity in branch B2 Evolving parasitic stem–loop hairpin RNAs Seligmann and Raoult 5 Table 1 Structural polynucleotide sequences and their secondary structure properties. N-sequence length; loop-percentage of nucleotides not in stems; E-loop-percentage of nucleotides in the external loops among all nucleotides in the loops; GC stem–stem GC contents; GC loop– loop GC contents. H is the Pearson correlation between secondary structure similarity based on the four preceding columns, and alignment-based BLAST similarity (one tailed P < 0.05 underlined) Molecule Id and position N Loop E-loop GC stem GC loop H Replication OL tRNA-OL Ala Asn Tyr RPE1 RPE2 RPE3 RPE4 RPE5 RPE6 RPE7 RPE8 Viroid1 peach Viroid2 potato Viroid3 NC_001665: 5153–5184 NC_001665: 5010–5078 NC_001665: 5081–5152 NC_001665: 5256–5321 NC_003103: 738440–738588 NC_003103: 1143182–1143237 NC_003103: 580172–580232 NC_003103: 319964–320066 NC_003103: 249326–249451 NC_003103: 355012–355147 NC_003103: 1207290–1207425 NC_003103: 503584–503727 M83545 AY492082: 3–358 Y14700 30 70 72 65 141 104 116 103 123 134 136 144 329 336 398 33.33 37.14 55.56 38.46 31.54 55.77 39.66 28.16 38.21 28.36 39.71 22.22 27.05 29.17 31.16 100.00 19.23 52.50 72.00 12.77 51.72 26.09 34.48 31.92 42.11 35.19 18.75 60.67 66.33 62.90 80.80 31.82 28.13 45.00 45.10 43.48 37.14 41.89 40.79 38.54 45.12 20.54 53.33 58.40 62.41 30.00 23.10 40.00 40.00 36.17 37.93 36.96 24.14 36.17 18.42 25.93 37.50 46.07 48.98 42.74 0.07 0.11 0.10 0.05 0.35 0.28 0.16 0.26 0.20 0.01 0.04 0.23 0.13 0.05 0.11 Retrovirus Retro1 Retro2 Retro3 M14008, Avian carcinoma NC_005947, Avian EAV-HP NC_001618, UR2 sarcoma 2830 4302 3166 41.13 37.15 39.23 18.56 24.59 20.21 63.51 59.47 55.51 36.51 42.30 36.15 0.44 0.07 0.08 Translation tRNA cloverleaf Ala Asn Tyr miRNA1 miRNA2 miRNA3 Riboswitch1 Riboswitch2 Riboswitch3 Ribozyme1 Ribozyme2 Ribozyme3a Ribozyme3b tmRNA E. coli tmRNA NC_001665: 5010–5078 NC_001665: 5081–5152 NC_001665: 5256–5321 XM_005174677: 1035–938 NR_030650: 1–103 NR_039379: 1–103 AP012050: 401275–401190* * CP004870: 169080–169223* DQ680806: 56–3 * * * CP005998: 4284089–4283780 HG526588* 70 72 61 97 73 68 100 92 158 191 93 57 95 360 334 37.14 47.22 37.71 38.14 53.43 48.53 58.00 47.83 53.17 42.31 50.54 47.37 60.00 40.56 38.92 19.23 73.53 21.74 29.73 20.51 42.42 77.59 47.73 57.14 50.00 38.30 59.26 91.23 11.64 11.54 31.82 36.84 42.11 68.33 50.00 52.86 54.76 64.58 45.95 46.67 47.83 56.67 44.74 65.89 88.24 23.08 23.53 52.17 78.38 41.03 54.55 17.24 22.73 36.91 45.46 36.17 44.44 42.11 34.25 44.62 0.25 0.16 0.14 0.34 0.23 0.39 0.12 0.06 0.10 0.26 0.26 0.19 0.10 0.37 0.60 rRNA 5S rRNA 5.8S rRNA CP005998: 2761924–2761864 * 120 155 29.17 66.45 28.57 76.70 60.94 59.09 54.69 41.24 0.42 16S rRNA Dom 1 Dom 2 Dom 3 Dom 4 JQ951605: JQ951605: JQ951605: JQ951605: 1–561 562–916 917–1396 1397–1460 482 337 480 64 40.40 40.65 39.07 36.99 34.96 27.01 32.74 14.82 31.78 32.00 31.88 27.17 40.10 37.23 41.67 42.59 0.42 0.34 0.35 0.18 23S rRNA Dom 1 Dom 2 Dom 3 Dom 4 Dom 5 Dom 6 AF053966: AF053966: AF053966: AF053966: AF053966: AF053966: 1–561 561–1269 1271–1645 1646–2014 2015–2624 2624–2903 562 710 375 369 610 280 49.11 38.42 40.43 50.00 43.84 40.50 28.26 28.68 36.18 20.65 29.59 29.20 76.92 62.39 63.84 70.65 65.50 62.65 34.42 39.71 41.453 35.33 37.83 43.36 0.29 0.43 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.37 remind presumed ancestral branch B1. Hence, branch B2 would cluster recent de novo-generated small RNA metabolites. Accordingly, some RPEs are relatively recent (RPE2, as Figure 3 independently suggests), others are more ancient. The avian carcinoma retrovirus would be ancient compared to the two other retroviruses in Table 1 according to both GC content and H. Analyses suggest ongoing genesis of various structural RNAs and their Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 31:1–8 6 Special section: megaviromes Figure 3 Figure 4 20 RPE6 RPE7 RPE4 ancestral RNA hairpin Δ stem-loop GC contents viroids RPE1 ancestral rRNA-like genome RPE2 RPE5 RPE3 endogenous retroviruses y = 0.1138x - 1.7093 2 R = 0.5116 RPE 0 Prokarya: Rickettsia Eukarya Virophage: Sputnik Giant viruses RPE8 Current Opinion in Microbiology –20 0 100 Number of RPE genomic copies 200 Current Opinion in Microbiology GC contents difference in RPE stems and loops for different RPE families as a function of genomic copy numbers for these RPE families in the Rickettsia conorii genome. Genomic copy numbers (x axis) are assumed proportional to time since infection, high differences between stem and loop GC contents presumably reflect sequence age. integration into genomes and cellular biomolecular machineries. Overall discussion and conclusions OL or ribozyme as ancestral RNA? Analyses confirmed links between parasitism and hairpins, and parasitic RNAs and rRNAs, suggesting common origins for retroviruses and 23S rRNA. Cluster B1 in Figure 2 fits best the ancestral structural RNAs. It is also the most diverse in terms of RNA types, including the OL, a riboswitch, a ribozyme, an rRNA, and tRNA as cloverleaf and Ol-like structure, molecules presumably close to ancestral RNAs. Its sister cluster B2 subdivides into C1 (also diverse, likely recent de novo generated small RNAs (miRNA, ribozyme, riboswitch)) and the viroids (C2). Branch A2 (especially D1, Figure 2) clusters retroviruses with 23S rRNAs. The 16S rRNA relates structurally with bacterial repeated elements (RPEs). Putatively, the latter in bacteria would play a role corresponding to that of retroviruses in eukaryotes. Results expand the network between viruses, transposons and other selfish elements, to rRNAs, tRNAs and other non-parasitic RNA metabolites. Structural similarities with rRNAs may reflect common ancestry, indicating that subelements from different origins generated rRNAs by integration. An ancestral RNA stem–loop hairpin integrated genomes and assumed various roles as a singleton Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 31:1–8 Schematic representation of hairpins in evolution. Hairpin-forming palindromes, likely primordial functional RNAs, occur in all life forms, and are over-represented in intracellular parasites, especially giant viruses and their virophages. (replication origin), doubleton (tRNAs) or more complex structures (ribozymes and rRNAs). This process also produced parasitic elements, from the short RPEs, viroids, to retroviruses, and in particular giant viruses and virophages (Figure 4). Furthermore, the immunity mechanism by genomic retrovirus integration suggests ongoing genomic integration of exogenous RNAs [65,66]. The cluster including the most probable ancestral RNA molecules is also the most diverse in terms of types of RNAs. Additionally, RNA molecules from most types apparently recently evolved de novo independently from the major RNA evolutionary axis (OL–tRNA–rRNA–viruses). Analyses strengthen previous hypotheses that the first functional RNAs were short stem–loop hairpins [67] (hairpins still play multiple roles [68]) and are a major source for gene creation, at life’s origins and in current evolution. They are congruent with the ribosomal protogenome hypothesis [26] and the view that viral RNA hairpins produced the translational machinery [69], and complement the similar-minded study based on protein 3D structure on polyphyletic, cellular origin of viruses [70]. Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests. Author’s contributions Both authors contributed equally to the manuscript. Appendix A. Supplementary data Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the online version, at 1016/j.mib.2015.11.004. Evolving parasitic stem–loop hairpin RNAs Seligmann and Raoult 7 Acknowledgements For HS, this work has been carried out thanks to the support of the A*MIDEX project (no. ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02) funded by the « Investissements d’Avenir » French Government program, managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR). References and recommended reading Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review, have been highlighted as:  of special interest  of outstanding interest 1. Ding B: The biology of viroid–host interactions. Annu Rev Phytopathol 2009, 47:105-131. 2.  AboHaidar MG, Venkataraman S, Golshani A, Liu B, Ahmad T: Novel coding, translation, and gene expression of a replicating covalently closed circular RNA of 220 nt. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014, 111:14542-14547. 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