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Review Paper on Analysis of (UWB) Ultra Wide Band Printed Antenna

In the present-time communication, antennas cover a wide range of applications in different areas, such as mobile communication, satellite navigation, internet services, automobiles and radars. Especially they are applied to microstrip antennas, because of its characteristics like low profile, lightweight and low power handling capacity. However, gain and bandwidth are sometimes low and not sufficient in most of applications. Modification of shape and using special materials could be useful to solve such backlashes of this type of antennas. In case of dual polarization and dual band application, microstrip antennas have a good reputation. The design parameters of the antenna have been calculated using the transmission line model, and CST electromagnetic software has been used for the simulation process. In this work, the dual band antenna is designed by a slot being added to the top of the patch. In the beginning, the idea of dual feed antenna enjoyed a considerable attention, but the problem of matching makes the simulation and realization of this antenna a little hard. In summary, the antenna has been simulated and fabricated. This paper presents the parametric study, also contains the study of different techniques for optimizing the different parameters of antenna to get the optimum results and performance. The design and simulation of the antenna is carried out using CST microwave Studio simulation software.

ISSN: 2455-6203 International Journal of Science Management & Engineering Research (IJSMER) Web Site: Email:, Volume 01, Issue 03, June - 2016 Review Paper on Analysis of (UWB) Ultra Wide Band Printed Antenna 1 Rajeev Saraswat & 2Dr. L.S.Titare ME Scholar, 2Associate Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur 1 ABSTRACT In the present-time communication, antennas cover a wide range of applications in different areas, such as mobile communication, satellite navigation, internet services, automobiles and radars. Especially they are applied to microstrip antennas, because of its characteristics like low profile, lightweight and low power handling capacity. However, gain and bandwidth are sometimes low and not sufficient in most of applications. Modification of shape and using special materials could be useful to solve such backlashes of this type of antennas. In case of dual polarization and dual band application, microstrip antennas have a good reputation. The design parameters of the antenna have been calculated using the transmission line model, and CST electromagnetic software has been used for the simulation process. In this work, the dual band antenna is designed by a slot being added to the top of the patch. In the beginning, the idea of dual feed antenna enjoyed a considerable attention, but the problem of matching makes the simulation and realization of this antenna a little hard. In summary, the antenna has been simulated and fabricated. This paper presents the parametric study, also contains the study of different techniques for optimizing the different parameters of antenna to get the optimum results and performance. The design and simulation of the antenna is carried out using CST microwave Studio simulation software. 1. INTRODUCTION In now day’s the wireless system has become a part of human life. Most of the electrical and electronics equipment around are using the wireless system. An antenna is an essential element of the wireless system. Antenna is an electrical device which transmits the electromagnetic waves into the space by converting the electric power given at the input into the radio waves and at the receiver side the antenna intercepts these radio waves and converts them back into the Copyrights © IJSMER 2016-2017 electrical power. There are so many systems that uses antenna such as remote controlled television, cellular phones, satellite communications, spacecraft, radars, wireless phones and wireless computer networks. Day by day new wireless devices are introducing which increasing1 demands of compact antennas. Increase in the satellite communication and use of antennas in the aircraft and spacecraft has also increased the demands a low profile antenna that can provide a reliable communication. A microstrip antenna is one who offers low profile and light weight. It is a wide beam narrowband antenna can be manufactured easily by the printed circuit technology such as a metallic layers in a particular shape is bonded on a dielectric substrate which forms a radiating element and another continuous metallic layer on the other side of substrate as ground plane. Not only the basic shapes any continuous shape can be used as the radiating patch. Instead of using dielectric substrate. Some of the microstrip antennas use dielectric spacers which results in wider bandwidth but in the cost of less ruggedness. Microstrip antennas are low profile antenna and mechanical rugged and can be easily mounted on any planar and nonplanar surfaces. The size of microstrip antenna is related to the wavelength of operation generally λ/2. The applications of microstrip antennas are above the microwave frequency because below this frequency the use of microstrip antenna doesn’t make a sense because of the size of antenna. At frequencies lower than microwave, microstrip patches don't make sense because of the sizes required. Now a day’s microstrip antenna is used in commercial sectors due to its inexpensiveness and easy to manufacture benefit by advanced printed circuit technology. Due to the development and 2 ongoing researches in the area of microstrip antenna it is expected that in future after 19 | P a g e ISSN: 2455-6203 International Journal of Science Management & Engineering Research (IJSMER) Web Site: Email:, Volume 01, Issue 03, June - 2016 some time most of the conventional antenna will be replaced by microstrip antenna. 2. LITRATURE REVIEW Sudeep Baudha and Dinesh Kumar V [1] a practical DTL characterization using a two-port VNA has been presented pointing out the origin of undesired glitches and minimizing the corresponding effect. Thus, this method is a valid and simple alternative for the characterization and further analysis of DTLs when no four-port VNA is available. Neither complex postprocessing of the reconstructed data nor damaging the prototype was required. Hyeonhyeong Choe and Sungjoon Lim [2] A printed slot antenna fed by 50-X microstrip line with parasitic slot and patch at the center for dual broadband operation has been designed. By embedding a parasitic patch and a slot at the center of the antenna, an additional resonance is excited to improve the impedance bandwidth. In addition, the size of the proposed antenna is miniaturized to 60%. From simulated results obtained in this study, the impedance bandwidth determined by 10 dB return loss can reach nearly 3.7 and 4.4 GHz for first and second band, respectively, which shows dual broadband naturen comparison to the reference antenna. The gain of the proposed antenna has increased to 2–3 dB in the second band. The proposed antenna exhibits stable radiation pattern over the entire operating band with small and compact structure. This gives a pure indication that the proposed structure might be suitable for 2.4/5.2/5.8GHz WLAN bands, 2.5/3.5/5.5-GHz WiMAX bands and other wireless communication services. Sudeep Baudha and Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma [3] a simple broadband planar monopole microstrip patch antenna with curved slot and partial ground plane is proposed. Bandwidth enhancement has been achieved by cutting a curved slot in the patch of the antenna due to excitation of higher-order modes and better impedance matching. From the results obtained in this study, the impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna determined by 10 dB return loss is 109%, which shows broadband nature and bandwidth enhancement of 26% in comparison with the simple Copyrights © IJSMER 2016-2017 monopole antenna. The gain of the proposed structure is maintained as compared with the simple monopole antenna with slight deviation of about 0.3 dB in the operating band. The proposed antenna exhibits stable radiation pattern over the entire operation frequency range. This suggests that the proposed antenna is useful for 2.4/5.2/5.8-GHz WLAN bands, 2.5/3.5/5.5GHz WiMAX bands, and other wireless communication services. Sajjad Ojaroudi,1 Yasser Ojaroudi,1 and Nasser Ojaroudi2 [4] A corner truncated broadband patch antenna with circular slots has been proposed. A prototype has been fabricated and measured. Bandwidth enhancement has been reported due to truncation of two corners and introduction of two circular slots. Due to introduction of circular slots, the resonating mode splits into two, and bandwidth enhances in the lower operating band whereas corner truncation results in better impedance matching. The fractional bandwidth (S11<10 dB) of the proposed antenna is 19%, showing an enhancement of 123% as compared to simple patch antenna (fractional bandwidth is 8.5%) and 47% as compared to corner truncated patch antenna (fractional bandwidth is 12.9%). The peak gain of the proposed antenna is 7 dB. Stable and directional radiation pattern have been observed at the entire operating band. The proposed antenna finds application in satellite communication, radar communication, and other alleged wireless communication services. Chia Ping Lee, Chandan Kumar Chakrabarty [5] The proposed antenna exhibits good UWB characteristics, with its simulated result operating from 3.28 GHz to 19.64 GHz, having fractional bandwidth of 142.76%, whereas the measured result displays frequency region between 2.01 GHz to 18.67 GHz, with fractional bandwidth of 120.68%. The antenna has successfully achieved enhanced UWB bandwidth, in which UWB frequency spectrum covers the range from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 Hz. Besides, it complies with the VSWR range from 1 to 2 throughout the impedance bandwidth. The phase angle is discussed in terms of its response linearity and distortion, whereas the radiation patterns are 20 | P a g e ISSN: 2455-6203 International Journal of Science Management & Engineering Research (IJSMER) Web Site: Email:, Volume 01, Issue 03, June - 2016 analyzed for its directivity. The proposed antenna, with good UWB characteristics and geometrically small nature, is suitable for wireless communication systems. Mustafa Abu Nasr1, Mohamed K. Ouda2 and Samer O. Ouda3 [6] In this paper, a design of new microstrip UWB antenna with good performance was proposed The antenna was designed and simulated using Ansoft’s HFSS electromagnetic simulation package. The effects of feeding shift technique and the truncation of the ground plan method were studied. Enhance the antenna performance parameters was achieved. An extreme antenna bandwidth of 18.6GHz was achieved using ground plan 7.1mm. Djamel ABED1 and Hocine KIMOUCHE2 [7] presents an overview of UWB antennas design an characterization, some novel designs were investigated and presented. The first class of studied UWB antennas is microstrip monopole antennas including the microstrip/CPW−fed modified – elliptical monopole antennas. The second class is for UWB slot antennas, where a novel stepped inverted cone slot antenna with different stub shapes is proposed for UWB applications. In the third class a notched band UWB antenna is presented; the proposed UWB have been developed to notch−band UWB antenna by inserting a U−shape slot into patch. The advantage of this approach is that the stop−band filter (slot) can directly integrated in antenna structure. The study includes detailed parametric analysis of the antennas performances with relation to the desirable properties for UWB antennas. Microwave and radar laboratory at Military Polytechnic School (EMP) in Algeria for his help in antenna prototypes realization measurement and his very useful discussions and motivation. D. Orban and G.J.K. Moernaut [8] the basic properties of linear and circular polarized patch antennas have been covered. We defined a basic set of specifications that allow the user to understand and write a set of requirements for a specific application. Besides the ones covered here, many more design options and different implementations of patch antennas are available. Coverage of these alternatives is beyond the scope of this article, but they should be Copyrights © IJSMER 2016-2017 considered during the specification and development phases of the antenna. 3. MOTIVATION Wireless operations enable services, such as longrange communications, which are impractical or impossible to implement with the use of wires. The term is frequently used in the telecommunications industry to refer to telecommunications systems (e.g. radio transmitters and receivers, remote controls etc.) which use some type of energy (e.g. radio waves, acoustic energy, etc.) to transmit information without the use of wires. Information is passed on in this manner over both short and long distances. Wireless networking (e.g., the various types of unlicensed 2.4 GHz WiFi devices) is used for many purposes. Perhaps the most common use is to connect laptop users who commute from location to location. Another use is for mobile networks that connect via satellite. A wireless transmission method is a practical choice to network a LAN segment that must frequently alter locations. The following situations justify the use of wireless technology :  To cover a distance beyond the capabilities of typical cabling,  To enable a backup communications link in case of normal network failure,  To connect portable or temporary workstations,  To overcome situations where normal cabling is tedious or financially impractical, or  To remotely connect mobile users and networks.Wireless communications can be via:  Microwave communication, such as longrange line-of-sight via highly directional antennas, or short-range communication, light, visible and Infrared (IR) for example consumer IR devices such as remote controls or via Infrared Data Association (IrDA).  Sonic, especially ultrasonic short range communication  Electromagnetic induction and short range communication and power  Wi-Fi technology  Radio communication 21 | P a g e ISSN: 2455-6203 International Journal of Science Management & Engineering Research (IJSMER) Web Site: Email:, Volume 01, Issue 03, June - 2016 Wireless communication includes various forms of fixed, mobile, and portable applications, such as twoway radios, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and wireless networking. Other applications of radio wireless technology include GPS units, wireless computer mice, garage door openers, satellite television, broadcast television, keyboards and headsets, headphones, radio receivers, and cordless telephones 4. MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA In its most basic form, a Microstrip patch antenna consists of a radiating patch on one side of a dielectric substrate which has a ground plane on the other side as shown in Figure 3.1. The patch is generally made of conducting material such as copper or gold and can take any possible shape. The radiating patch and the feed lines are usually photo etched on the dielectric substrate. Figure 3.1 Structure of a Microstrip Patch Antenna In order to simplify analysis and performance prediction, the patch is generally square, rectangular, circular, triangular, elliptical or some other common shape as shown in Figure 3.2. For a rectangular patch, the length L of the patch is usually 0.3333λo < L < 0.5λo , where λo is the free-space wavelength. The patch is selected to be very thin such that t << λo (where t is the patch thickness). The height h of the dielectric substrate is usually 0.003 λo ≤ h ≤ 0.05λo . The dielectric constant of the substrate (εr ) is typically in the range 2.2 ≤ εr ≤12 . Copyrights © IJSMER 2016-2017 Figure 3.2 Common shapes of microstrip patch elements Microstrip patch antennas radiate primarily because of the fringing fields between the patch edge and the ground plane. For good antenna performance, a thick dielectric substrate having a low dielectric constant is desirable since this provides better efficiency, larger bandwidth and better radiation [5]. However, such a configuration leads to a larger antenna size. In order to design a compact Microstrip patch antenna, higher dielectric constants must be used which are less efficient and result in narrower bandwidth. Hence a compromise must be reached between antenna dimensions and antenna performance. 5. Advantages and Disadvantages Microstrip patch antennas are increasing in popularity for use in wireless applications due to their lowprofile structure. Therefore they are extremely compatible for embedded antennas in handheld wireless devices such as cellular phones, pagers etc. The telemetry and communication antennas on missiles need to be thin and conformal and are often Microstrip patch antennas. Another area where they have been used successfully is in Satellite communication. Some of their principal advantages discussed by [5] and Kumar and Ray [9] are given below: • Light weight and low volume. • Low profile planar configuration which can be easily made conformal to host surface. 22 | P a g e ISSN: 2455-6203 International Journal of Science Management & Engineering Research (IJSMER) Web Site: Email:, Volume 01, Issue 03, June - 2016 • Low fabrication cost, manufactured in large quantities. hence can be • Supports both, linear as well as circular polarization. • Can be easily integrated with microwave integrated circuits (MICs). • Capable of dual and triple frequency operations. • Mechanically robust when mounted on rigid surfaces. Microstrip patch antennas suffer from a number of disadvantages as compared to conventional antennas. Some of their major disadvantages discussed by [9] and Garg et al [10] are given below: • Narrow bandwidth • Low efficiency • Low Gain • Extraneous radiation from feeds and junctions • Poor end fire radiator except tapered slot antennas • Low power handling capacity. • Surface wave excitation Microstrip patch antennas have a very high antenna quality factor (Q). Q represents the losses associated with the antenna and a large Q leads to narrow bandwidth and low efficiency. Q can be reduced by increasing the thickness of the dielectric substrate. But as the thickness increases, an increasing fraction of the total power delivered by the source goes into a surface wave. This surface wave contribution can be counted as an unwanted power loss since it is ultimately scattered at the dielectric bends and causes degradation of the antenna characteristics. However, surface waves can be minimized by use of photonic bandgap structures as discussed by Qian et al [11]. Copyrights © IJSMER 2016-2017 Other problems such as lower gain and lower power handling capacity can be overcome by using an array configuration for the elements. 6. OBJECTIVE OF THE WORK The common shapes of the microstrip patch are rectangular, square, circular, triangular, etc. All these have been theoretically studied and there are well established design formulae for each of them. Antenna design is an innovative task where new types of antenna are studied. So, here a new shape of microstrip patch antenna is designed which will cover the entire Ultra Wide Band. One of the major problem for UWB systems are electromagnetic interference (EMI) from existing frequency bands, because there are many other wireless narrowband application that are allocated for different frequencies band in the UWB band. Therefore it is necessary for the designer to design the UWB antenna they can reflect the interference from the other existing bands. To overcome this interference problem UWB antennas should have band notches therefore they can reject the existing frequency bands within the ultra-wide band. 7. CONCLUSION The goal of this work is to study how the performance of the antenna depends on various parameters of microstrip patch antenna. This is a simulation based study. CST Microwave studio software, one commercial 3-D full-wave electromagnetic simulation software tool is used for the design and simulation of the antenna. Then, the antenna parameters are varied to study the effect of variation of the antenna parameters on the antenna performance. A series of parametric study were done to find that how the characteristics of the antenna depends on its various geometrical and other parameters. The various geometrical parameters of the antenna are the dimensions of the patch and ground planes and the separation between them and it also includes the dielectric constant of the substrate material. The parametric study also contains the study of different techniques for optimizing the different parameters of antenna to get the optimum results and performance. This is a simulation based study. The design and 23 | P a g e ISSN: 2455-6203 International Journal of Science Management & Engineering Research (IJSMER) Web Site: Email:, Volume 01, Issue 03, June - 2016 simulation of the antenna is carried out using CST microwave Studio simulation software. REFERENCES 1. Sudeep Baudha and Dinesh kumar Vishwakarma BANDWIDTH ENHANCEMENT OF A PLANAR MONOPOLE MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, page 1 of 6. # Cambridge University Press and the European Microwave Association, 2014 doi: 10.1017/S175907871400141X. 7. Chitra, R.J, Karthik, B.R and Nagarajan, V. ,"Design of Double L-Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna for WiMAX and WLAN Application," in IEEE Conference Publications , 2012. 2. 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