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An analytical approach to the design of quiet cylindrical asymmetric gradient coils in MRI

2007, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering


An Analytical Approach to the Design of Quiet Cylindrical Asymmetric Gradient Coils in MRI LAWRENCE K. FORBES,1 MICHAEL A. BRIDESON,1 STUART CROZIER,2 PETER T. WHILE1 1 School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Tasmania, Hobart 7001, Tasmania School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD 4067, Australia 2 ABSTRACT: We consider the design of asymmetric gradient coils in a conventional cylindrical bore magnetic resonance imaging system. The gradient coils are switched on and off during the scan, and are therefore subject to Lorentz forces that cause them to buckle during the switching process. This in turn creates a pressure wave within the coil, and that gives rise to acoustic noise. We present a simplified linearized model for the deflection of the coil due to electromagnetic forces, which is amenable to solution using analytical methods. Closed-form solutions for the coil deflection and the pressure pulse and noise level within the coil are obtained. These are used to design new coil winding patterns so as to reduce the acoustic noise. Sample results are shown both for unshielded and shielded gradient coils. Extensions of this model are indicated, although it is suggested that the advantages of the present closed-form solutions might then not be available, and fully numerical solutions may be needed instead. Ó 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Concepts Magn Reson Part B (Magn Reson Engineering) 31B: 218–236, 2007 KEY WORDS: gradient coils; switching functions; Lorentz forces; elastic deformation; acoustic noise reduction INTRODUCTION The design of electromagnetic coils to produce a desired magnetic field is an important problem in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology, and has been the subject of a great deal of investigation. Conventional MRI equipment has cylindrical geometry, and the permanent magnet, gradient coils, and radio-frequency probes are arranged around the surface of the cylinder. The patient then lies within the cylinReceived 18 April 2007; revised 8 June 2007; accepted 15 June 2007 Correspondence to: Lawrence K. Forbes; E-mail: larry.forbes@utas. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering), Vol. 31B(4) 218–236 (2007) Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley. com). DOI 10.1002/cmr.b.20095 Ó 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. drical bore of the device. For imaging purposes, it is typically required to generate a magnetic field with (axial) z-component that varies linearly in the three orthogonal x-, y- and z-directions, over a certain region of interest within the coil. This is accomplished by the gradient coils, which are switched on and off repeatedly during the scan in many imaging applications. A description of MRI technology is given in the book by Jin (1). The design problem with gradient coils is therefore to arrange windings on the surface of the cylinder in such a way as to produce the desired linear gradient field with the region of interest, namely the DSV (diameter of the sensitive volume). It is now known that, in general, this is an ill-conditioned design problem, in the sense that two very different winding patterns on the cylinder can nevertheless give similar magnetic fields within the DSV; consequently, the inverse problem, in which the desired magnetic field is specified in advance, does not have 218 DESIGN OF ASYMMETRIC GRADIENT COILS IN MRI a clear unique solution for the required winding pattern. One method of overcoming this difficulty is the target-field approach suggested by Turner (2, 3). This method considers the MRI coil to be notionally infinite in length. The advantage of this approach is that Fourier transforms are then immediately available to solve for the required current density on the cylindrical coil, since the Fourier transform and its inverse are unique, and this avoids ill-conditioning. Of course, coils in practice are finite in length, but Turner’s technique can be modified to account for this, to some extent, by requiring the current density to vanish at points outside the actual coil (4). This is usually combined with the use of a damping function in the Fourier-transformed space, so as to guarantee the convergence of the transforms, and Jin (1) refers to this as ‘‘apodization.’’ Alternative solution methods are also available for this design problem, and likewise overcome the illconditioned nature of the task. Crozier and Doddrell (5) used a simulated annealing optimization algorithm to find the location of discrete coils of wire and the required current in each. This technique is extremely robust, although it takes much iteration to converge. Those authors applied it to the design of zonal coils, for which the geometry of the windings is relatively simple, but the method is expected to be more difficult to use in situations that demand more elaborate winding patterns around the cylinder. Forbes and Crozier (6–8) developed an inverse method for designing winding patterns on cylindrical coils, in which the finite length was accounted for explicitly in the formulation. Their method is a type of target-field approach, similar in some respects to that of Turner (2), and it treats the Biot-Savart law as a first-kind integral equation for the current density on the coil, once the desired magnetic field has been specified. It makes use of Tikhonov regularization to treat the ill-conditioned nature of the problem [see, for example, Delves and Mohamed (9) or Neittaanmäki et al. (10, p 62)] and can cope with designs for zonal or tesseral fields of a quite general nature, with coils that are either shielded or unshielded. Recently, a similar technique has been applied to the design of shielded biplanar coils (11). For many patients, an MRI scan can be a claustrophobic experience (12). Discomfort is no doubt exacerbated by the fact that the interior of the cylindrical coil is a noisy environment, caused by the fact that the gradient coils are subject to significant Lorentz forces [see Jackson (13)] that result from the interaction of the magnetic field in the coil with the currents on its surface. As the gradient current is pulsed in 219 time, the coil deforms accordingly, giving an acoustic pressure wave that is experienced as noise by the patient. A method for reducing the noise was suggested by Chapman and Mansfield (14). They relied on the concept of balancing the Lorentz forces on every conductor in the coil, by matching each individual wire with a segment carrying an equal but opposite current. Their model suggests that, for a sinusoidal current at 500 Hz, a reduction of 10 dB in noise output could be expected. A similar reduction occurs at higher frequencies also, but is regarded by Mansfield et al. (15) as less than satisfactory, since noise levels can be about 130 dB, which represents a dangerous situation. These authors have suggested active acoustic control using force-balanced gradient coil layers, in which extra coils are added with the sole purpose of opposing the deflections caused by the gradient set, although these coils will themselves affect the desired magnetic field. Mechefske et al. (16) have used a finite-element method to model the deformation of the gradient coil in response to Lorentz forces, and have shown that their predictions are in good agreement with experimental measurements. At frequencies of about 2 kHz they observe noise levels in the 120–140 dB range. More recently, Shao and Mechefske (17, 18) have used analytical methods in the analysis of noise within cylindrical ducts, assuming a monochromatic sinusoidal behavior with time. Their methods are similar in some respects to those presented here, and as they suggest (18), analytical methods are computationally faster and allow greater understanding of the solution. In the present article, we show that analytical methods have the added advantage that they may also be incorporated directly into optimization techniques in a reasonably straightforward way, and this is a great benefit in design. Nevertheless, this requires a physical model of sufficient simplicity to permit the use of these techniques, and further discussion of this point is given in concluding Section 5. THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL We consider a cylindrical duct of length 2L, with the z-axis of a Cartesian coordinate system lying along its axis. The coil is thus located over the interval L < z < L as shown in Fig. 1. The inner radius of the coil is a, and it is supposed that the primary windings are located at this radius. The coil is made of material of thickness h, Young’s modulus E, and Poisson’s ratio v. Its outer radius is denoted b ¼ a þ h, as indi- Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b 220 FORBES ET AL. field is specified on the surface of this cylinder, and also on a second cylinder with radius c2 (<c1) within the region of interest, for greater accuracy. These two inner target cylinders are shown in Fig. 1. When a shield winding is present on the outer surface r ¼ b of the coil, then a third target cylinder of radius c3 (>b) is also employed, and the intention is to make the magnetic field drop to zero on that surface. Given the cylindrical geometry of the coil and target zones shown in Fig. 1, it will be convenient to use cylindrical polar coordinates (r, y, z) according to the usual relations x ¼ rcos y and y ¼ rsin y. Magnetic Field Calculation Figure 1 A sketch of the cylindrical coil and target zones. The primary is located at inner radius r ¼ a and the shield is at r ¼ b ¼ a þ h. The coil mid-radius is rM ¼ a þ h/2. The inner target cylinders of radii c1 and c2 are located asymmetrically over the interval pL < z < qL. The field is minimized on outer radius c3. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at] From the Biot-Savart law, the magnetic induction field B at a field point r in the space surrounding the coil is found from m BðrÞ ¼  0 2p ZL Z2p L 0  ZL Z2p L In this expression, the functions jPy and jSy refer to the (azimuthal) y-component of the current density vectors on the primary and shield windings, respectively. Under steady-state conditions, they are related to the (axial) z-components jPZ and jSZ of the current density vectors by the continuity equations divjP ¼ 0 m0 2p krb 0  rk3 dA0 ½1 In this expression, the source points ra0 and rb0 lie on the inner and outer surfaces r ¼ a and r ¼ b of the coil, respectively. The two vectors jP and jS (A/m) are, respectively, the primary and shield current densities on conductors placed on the inner and outer surfaces of the coil. (It is assumed in the derivation of Eq. [1] that current flows on both sides of the conducting elements). The induction field B in Eq. [1] is related to the magnetic field H (A/m) through the constitutive relation B ¼ m0 H. We are primarily concerned with the axial component of this field, which may be obtained from Eq. [1] in the form ½a2 þ r 2  2ar cosðy0  yÞ þ ðz0  zÞ2 3=2 b 2p dA0 kra 0  rk3 ZZ ðr  rb 0 Þ  jS ðrb 0 Þ r¼b ½r cosðy0  yÞ  a jPy ðy0 ; z0 Þ  ðr  ra 0 Þ  jP ðra 0 Þ r¼a cated in the Figure, and the shield windings are located on this outer surface. The region of interest within the coil is taken to be a cylinder of radius c1 positioned co-axially with the coil. In this investigation, we allow this region to be located either symmetrically or asymmetrically with respect to the coil length, to account for situations in which the patient is positioned toward one end of the coil to overcome claustrophobia, for example. This is achieved by locating the region of interest over some interval pL < z < qL in which the dimensionless constants p and q have the relationship 1 < p < q < 1. When p ¼ q the region of interest is positioned symmetrically; otherwise an asymmetric gradient coil will be designed. The desired target a HZ ðr; y; zÞ ¼  2p ZZ 0 dy0 dz0 ½r cosðy0  yÞ  b jSy ðy0 ; z0 Þ ½b2 þ r2 0  2br cosðy  yÞ þ ðz0 2 3=2  zÞ  dy0 dz0 : ½2 on r ¼ a and divjS ¼ 0 on r ¼ b. It follows from a vector identity that the two components of each current density vector can be obtained from streamfunctions cP(y,z) and cS(y,z), on the primary and shield locations, respectively, by means of the expressions Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b DESIGN OF ASYMMETRIC GRADIENT COILS IN MRI jPy ¼ qcP ; qz jPZ ¼  1 qcP a qy on r ¼ a [3a] from which it follows that the azimuthal component must be and jSy ðy; zÞ ¼ jSy qc ¼ S; qz jSZ 1 qcS ¼ b qy [3b] þ Equally spaced contours of each streamfunction correspond to actual winding patterns on each coil, as shown in the tutorial article by Brideson et al. (19). As the axial current density components jPZ and jSZ are required to be zero at each end of the coil z ¼ 6L, it follows that this component on the primary surface r ¼ a may be taken to have the form jPZ ðy; zÞ ¼ N M X X 2mL m¼1 n¼1 npa þ N M X X ½PPmn cos my m¼1 n¼1 þ QPmn and cP ðy; zÞ ¼  N X 2L n¼1 þ np 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> : ; sin my cos> 2L PP0n np m¼1 n¼1 ½4b ½PPmn cos my 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> : ; þ QPmn sin my sin> 2L ½4c respectively. Similar arguments based on Eq. [3b] may be made for the shield windings on r ¼ b. The axial current density component may be taken to be jSZ ðy; zÞ ¼ M X N X 2mL m¼1 n¼1  npb QSmn ½PSmn sin my 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> > : ;; cos my sin 2L ½5b cS ðy; zÞ ¼  N X 2L 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> : ; PS0n cos> np 2L n¼1 M X N X 2L np m¼1 n¼1 þ QSmn ½PSmn cos my 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> > : ;: ½5c sin my sin 2L In these expressions [4] and [5], the integers M and N are to be chosen suitably large, and the primary coefficients PPmn , QPmn and shield coefficients PSmn , QSmn are as yet unknown. The algorithm for determining them will be outlined in Section 3. Deformation of the Cylinder 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> > : ; cos 2L M X N X 2L N M X X ½PSmn cos my and the streamfunction for the shield windings must take the form ½4a 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> : ; PP0n sin> 2L n¼1 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> > : ; sin 2L 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> : ; þ QSmn sin my cos> 2L þ From Eq. [3a], the azimuthal current density component and the streamfunction on the primary then become N X PS0n m¼1 n¼1 ½PPmn sin my 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> P > : ;:  Qmn cos my sin 2L jPy ðy; zÞ ¼ N X n¼1 on r ¼ b: 221 ½5a It is necessary now to consider the equation of motion for the deformation of the coil in response to Lorentz forces. In general this is a difficult task, as the governing Cauchy momentum equation is highly nonlinear, even for Hookean materials. To make progress with analytical methods, it is necessary to approximate under the assumption that the deformations are small relative to the radii of curvature of the coil itself, and that the material is elastically isotropic with density rC (kg/m3). For linearized elastodynamic problems, the momentum equation then becomes (20, p 102) rC 3 X qsji dvi ¼ rC fi þ ; qxj dt j¼1 i ¼ 1; 2; 3: [6] This vector equation has been written in component form, and the terms vi (m/s) are the components of the velocity vector in the three orthogonal space directions. If quantities ui (m) represent the components of the displacement vector, then vi ¼ dui/dt. This time derivative, and that in Eq. [6], are material Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b 222 FORBES ET AL. derivatives, but in the linearized analysis to be presented here, the inertial contributions to these terms will be ignored. The symbols sij in Eq. [6] represent the nine components of the stress tensor in the coil. These are related to the components of the strain tensor eij through the generalized Hookean law (21, p 262) sij ¼ dij 3 X ekk þ 2Geij ; i; j ¼ 1; 2; 3 [7] k¼1 in which the two constants L and G are Lamé coefficients that are related to the Young’s modulus E and the Poisson ratio v for the coil material through the expressions G¼ E vE and  ¼ : 2ð1 þ vÞ ð1 þ vÞð1  2vÞ i; j ¼ 1; 2; 3 [9] and is thus symmetric, since it is invariant if indices i and j are interchanged. The body force vector f per mass, with components fi in Eq. [6], is obtained from the Lorentz force law in the form f¼ 1 ðj  BÞ: rC h q2 u 1 ¼ ðj  BÞ þ ð þ GÞrðr  uÞ þ Gr2 u: qt2 h [11] The two Lamé coefficients L and G in this relation are given in Eq. [8]. In view of the cylindrical geometry of this problem, it is appropriate to express the mechani- [12] where uR is the radial component of displacement in the outwardly directed radial direction given by the unit vector er and similarly for the other two components in the two other orthogonal directions. The three components of Eq. [11] may now be written in cylindrical polar coordinates by means of the relations given in Batchelor (22, p 602), for example. This gives rC rC q2 uR 2 q ¼ BZ0 jy þ ð þ GÞ ðr  uÞ h qr qt2 8 9 u 2 quy > :r2 uR  R  ; þ G> r 2 r 2 qy q2 uy 2 1 q ðr  uÞ ¼ BR jZ þ ð þ GÞ 2 h r qy qt 8 9 u 2 quR > : r 2 uy  y þ ; þ G> r 2 r 2 qy rC [13a] ½13b q2 uz 2 q ¼  BR jy þ ð þ GÞ ðr  uÞ þ Gr2 uz ; 2 h qz qt [13c] in which the divergence in polar coordinates is [10] (Other body forces, including gravity, are ignored in this analysis, since they are small in comparison to the Lorentz force). Equations [6]–[9] are now combined with this Lorentz term (Eq. [10]) and quadratic terms in the displacement are ignored. This results in the linearized deflection equation for the coil, which may be expressed in vector form as rC u ¼ uR er þ uy ey þ uZ eZ ; [8] The symbol dij is the Kronecker delta term, and it has the value 1 when i ¼ j and 0 otherwise. According to linearized elasticity theory, the strain tensor is given in terms of gradients of the displacement components according to the formula 9 8 1> qui quj > > eij ¼ : þ > ;; 2 qxj qxi cal deformation Eq. [11] in cylindrical polar coordinates (r,y,z), consistently with the approach taken for the magnetic Eqs. [2]–[5]. In these coordinates, the displacement vector u has the representation ru¼ 1 qðruR Þ 1 quy quz þ ; þ r qr r qy qz and r 2 uz ¼ 8 9 1 q > quz > 1 q2 uz q2 uz :r ;þ þ 2 r qr r 2 qy2 qr qz is the usual scalar Laplacian operator. It has been assumed in Eq. [13] that the current density flows on both sides of a conducting surface, giving the factor of two in the first terms on the right-hand sides of each equation; in addition, the (nonlinear) self-induced radial components of j  B are in opposite directions either side of the current sheet, and so cancel, leaving only the contribution from the large axial magnetic field component BZ ¼ BZ0 produced by the permanent magnets in the MRI equipment. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b DESIGN OF ASYMMETRIC GRADIENT COILS IN MRI Equation [11] and its component forms [13] represent a substantially simplified model of the deflection of the coil. However, these equations nevertheless still constitute a complicated vector system of equations, and further simplifications are desirable. In particular, we are primarily concerned with the radial component [13a] of this momentum equation, since this radial displacement component perpendicular to the surface of the cylindrical coil will be mostly responsible for the pressure pulses in the air inside the coil, and hence the noise experienced by the patient. The azimuthal and axial deflection components [13b] and [13c] are therefore ignored in this approximation. Furthermore, it is assumed that the radial component uR is approximately independent of radial coordinate r, and that the contribution from the term quy/qy in Eq. [13a] is small relative to the other terms. Finally, we make a quasi-equilibrium argument, in which it is assumed that elastic waves within the coil occur on a faster time scale than the intervals over which the current in the gradient coils changes. Under this approximation, the term q2uR/qt2 in Eq. [13a] is ignored, so that the coil is essentially regarded as adjusting rapidly to the changing conditions brought about by altering the current in the coil windings. With these additional simplifications, Eq. [13a] now takes the further approximate form 8 2 9 2 1 q uR q2 uR uR > > > 0 ¼ BZ0 jy þ G: 2 2 þ 2  2 > ;: h r qy qz r [14] This expression [14] is taken to hold along the coil mid-surface rM ¼ a þ h/2 indicated in Fig. 1. Making use of Eq. [8] and allowing for current density contributions from both the primary and the shield then gives 1 q2 uR q 2 uR uR þ 2  2 ¼ D0 ðjPy þ jSy Þ 2 qz rM rM qy2 [15a] in which it is convenient to define the constant D0 ¼ 4ð1 þ vÞBZ0 : Eh [15b] The two current density components on the right-hand side of Eq. [15a] are as given in the expressions [4b] and [5b]. Consequently, Eq. [15] may be used to determine the radial displacement component uR of the coil. Pressure Waves 223 movement of the inner coil wall. If rA and pA represent the density and pressure, respectively, of the air in the coil and vA is the air velocity vector, then the governing equations are conservation of mass qrA þ r  ðrA vA Þ ¼ 0; qt [16] conservation of momentum qvA 1 þ ðvA  rÞvA þ rpA ¼ 0 rA qt [17] and the isentropic gas relation pA ¼ KrgA : [18] The gravitational body force has been ignored in Eq. [17], since its effect is insignificant over the time scales at which acoustic effects occur inside the coil. The quantity K in Eq. [18] is a constant, and the exponent g ¼ cp/cv ¼ 1.4 is the ratio of specific heats for air. These well-known nonlinear equations of motion may be found in the book by Batchelor (22), for example. To make analytical progress with modeling the acoustic effects in the coil, it is again necessary to linearize Eqs. [16]–[18]. Thus it is assumed that rA ¼ rA0 þ rA1 vA ¼ 0 þ vA1 pA ¼ pA0 þ pA1 : [19] The terms with subscript 0 in Eq. [19] represent the ambient conditions, and in this paper we have used the values rA0 ¼ 1.226 kg/m3 and pA0 ¼ 1.013  105 N/m2. The perturbation quantities with subscript 1 are supposed to be small terms, of which quadratic and higher powers may be ignored. When Eqs. [19] are substituted into Eq. [16]–[18], the linearized mass conservation equation qrA1 þ rA0 r  ðvA1 Þ ¼ 0 qt [20] is obtained, along with the approximate momentum equation qvA1 1 þ rpA1 ¼ 0 rA0 qt [21] and the linearized isentropic relation To calculate the noise levels within the coil, it is necessary now to consider the response of the air to the pA1 ¼ ðgpA0 =rA0 ÞrA1 : [22] Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b 224 FORBES ET AL. These linearized Eqs. [20]–[22] are essentially the standard acoustic equations assuming small disturbances (23), and may be combined to give a single wave equation q2 pA1 ¼ c2A0 r2 pA1 qt2   8 9 1 q > qpA1 > 1 q2 pA1 q2 pA1 2 :r ;þ þ ¼ cA0 r qr r 2 qy2 qr qz2 ½23 for the pressure perturbation pA1. The constant cA0 is the isentropic sound speed, and may be calculated from c2A0 ¼ g pA0 =rA0 ¼ g RTA0 [24] after use has been made of the ideal gas law in the form pA0 ¼ rA0RTA0. The ambient temperature is TA0 and R is the universal gas constant. The Helmholtz equation used by Shao and Mechefske (24) for modeling acoustic effects in the coil may be derived from the wave Eq. [23] under the assumption that a purely sinusoidal time dependence of the perturbation pressure field occurs. In this article, however, more general switching sequences in time will be considered. Boundary Conditions Finally, it is necessary to consider the boundary conditions for the air on the inner wall of the coil cylinder. As the coil starts from rest, pA1 ¼ 0 on r ¼ a at t ¼ 0: [25a] Similarly, the air within the coil is initially at rest, so that Eq. [20] and [22] give qpA1 =qt ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0: [25b] We suppose in addition that a steady-state current in the coils is established in some switching time tS. The radial component of the displacement vector is assumed to follow the time-dependant behavior uR ðy; z; tÞ ¼ fS ðtÞUR ðy; zÞ; [26] in which the quantity fS is a (dimensionless) switching function that starts at zero at time t ¼ 0 and rises to the value 1 at the switching time tS. For analytical modeling, it is desirable that fS should have a continuous second derivative for t > 0, and in this article we have therefore chosen it to be the cubic-spline function Figure 2 A sketch of the cubic-spline switching function fS(t) in Eq. [27], showing the switching time tS. 8 t<0 < 0; fS ðtÞ ¼ ðt=tS Þ3  3ðt=tS Þ2 þ 3ðt=tS Þ; 0 < t < tS : : 1; t > tS [27] A sketch of this dimensionless function is given in Fig. 2. By taking the radial component of the linearized momentum Eq. [21] and combining it with boundary condition [26], it follows that the perturbed air pressure in the coil must satisfy the second boundary condition qpA1 ¼ rA0 fS 00 ðtÞUR ðy; zÞ on r ¼ a: qr [28] Thus, the wave Eq. [23] is to be solved subject to conditions [25] and [28]. Noise Level The noise level within the coil may be estimated from the formula 9 8 jpA1 j> > > > [29] SPL ¼ 20 log10 : ; pref (see, for example Ref. 23, p 125), in which the reference pressure pref ¼ 2  105 N/m2 is assumed. The sound pressure level in Eq. [29] is measured in decibels. This quantity (Eq. [29]) is computed over the interior of the coil, but for ease of understanding, we show the sound pressure level (Eq. [29]) at the midpoint z ¼ (p þ q)L/2 of the larger target radius r ¼ c1 within the primary coil (in Fig. 1) at y ¼ 0, for the results in Section 4, to enable simple comparison of acoustic effects in different coils. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b DESIGN OF ASYMMETRIC GRADIENT COILS IN MRI THE SOLUTION PROCESS The current density and streamfunction on the primary surface r ¼ a and shield surface r ¼ b are given in Eqs. [4] and [5], respectively. The radial component uR of the coil displacement may now be calculated by solving Eq. [15a]. It is convenient to express the solution in the form 8 9 N X npðz þ LÞ> > : ; UR ðy; zÞ ¼ AM sin 0n 2L n¼1 þ N M X X As yet, however, the coefficients in the representations [4] and [5] are unknown. At first, it would appear to be possible to determine these coefficients PPmn , and so on, by specifying a desired target field HZ in Eq. [2] and solving the first-kind integral equations to obtain the current densities. Indeed, when Eqs. [4] and [5] are substituted into Eq. [2], after some algebra there results an equation of the form HZ ðr; y; zÞ ¼  ½30 þ in which the Fourier coefficients may be found from the relations D0 ðPP0n þ PS0n Þ 2 ½1=rM AM mn ¼ BM mn ¼ 2 þ ðnp=2LÞ   D0 ðQPmn þ QSmn Þ 2 þ ðnp=2LÞ2  ½ð1 þ m2 Þ=rM ZL Zp Umn ðr; z; aÞ ¼ a p 0 ZL Zp L 0 M X N X ½PSmn cos my þ QSmn sin myUmn ðr; z; bÞ: ½32 ; : ½31 In this expression, it has been convenient to define the intermediate functions ½r cos y0  a sinðnpðz0 þ LÞ=ð2LÞÞ ½a2 þ r 2  2ar cos y0 þ ðz0  zÞ2 3=2 dy0 dz0 ½r cos y0  a cos my0 cosðnpðz0 þ LÞ=ð2LÞÞ ½a2 þ r 2  2ar cos y0 þ ðz0  zÞ2 3=2 and these integrals may be evaluated numerically using the composite trapezoidal rule. The system of Eqs. [32] evaluated on an appropriate mesh of field points nevertheless represents a highly ill-conditioned system of linear equations for the Fourier coefficients. As has been observed elsewhere (6–8), it cannot simply be inverted with any degree of accuracy. Instead, we impose target fields HTZ (c1; y, z) and HTZ (c2; y, z) on the two inner cylinders shown in Fig. 1, and the additional target field HTZ (c3; y, z) ¼ 0 on the outer radius r ¼ c3. The aim is now to minimize the two functionals Ej ðPPon ; PPmn ; QPmn ; PS0n ; PSmn ; QSmn Þ ¼ ZqLZp ½HTZ ðcj ; y; zÞHZ ðcj ; y; zÞ2 dydz; j ¼ 1; 2 ½34a pL p m¼1 n¼1 QPmn sin myUmn ðr; z; aÞ N X PS0n U0n ðr; z; bÞ n¼1 m¼1 n¼1 2 þ ðnp=2LÞ2  ½ð1 þ m2 Þ=rM L  ; D0 ðPPmn þ PSmn Þ a U0n ðr; z; aÞ ¼ p PP0n U0n ðr; z; aÞ N M X X  ½PPmn cos my m¼1 n¼1 AM 0n ¼ N X n¼1 ½AM mn cos my 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> > : ;; þ BM mm sin my cos 2L 225 dy0 dz0 ; m  1; ½33 on the inner target zones, along with the additional functional E3 ðPPon ; PPmn ; QPmn ; PS0n ; PSmn ; QSmn Þ ¼ Z L Zp HZ2 ðc3 ; y; zÞdydz ½34b L p on the outer target zone, subject to the additional requirement that certain other penalty functions should be minimized simultaneously. The axial magnetic field component HZ in these expressions [34] is calculated from Eq. [32]. It is necessary to comment briefly on the condition [34b] used to reduce the strength of the magnetic field in the region r > c3 beyond the shielding coil. Here, only the axial component of the field is taken Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b 226 FORBES ET AL. into account explicitly, although it is also necessary for the shields to reduce the transverse components in order for shielding to be as effective as possible. It is possible to include all three field components in the integrand in Eq. [34b], although at the expense of significant additional calculation. We have found, however, that the axial components of the field are also reduced substantially by minimizing the quantity [34b] in comparison with the corresponding unshielded coil. This is discussed in more detail in (8), where it was shown that reduction of the total field could be done very effectively using shields that are substantially longer than the primary, although of course with the disadvantage of adding significantly to the effects of claustrophobia. In the attempted minimization of acoustic noise within the coil, an obvious choice for a penalty function is F1 ðPP0n ; PPmn ; QPmn ; PS0n ; PSmn ; QSmn Þ ¼ ZL Zp u2R ðy; zÞdy dz; ½35 L p in which the coil deflection function is as given in Eq. [30], with coefficients [31]. Following Forbes and Crozier (8), we also allow the option of additional streamline curvature functionals FP ðPP0n ; PPmn ; QPmn Þ ¼ ZL Z p ¼ qR ¼ 0; qPPjk qR ¼0 qQPjk qR ¼ 0; qPS0k qR ¼ 0; qPSjk qR ¼ 0; qQSjk j ¼ 1; . . . ; M: ½39 2 jr cP ðy; zÞj dy dz [36] on the primary coil r ¼ a, and ZL Zp qR ¼ 0; qPP0k k ¼ 1; . . . ; N; 2 L p FS ðPS0n ; PSmn ; QSmn Þ that here their value is not known in advance, and must be determined empirically. By minimizing the residual R in Eq. [38], then each of the positive-definite terms in Eq. [34]–[37] is also minimized, and the constants l1, lP, and lS should be chosen large enough to make the problem acceptably well conditioned, but still small enough to achieve the original aim of minimizing the squared-error terms in Eqs. [34]. This process is known as Tikhonov regularization (9, 10). It is usually sufficient to choose the smoothness coefficients lP and lS to be of order 1012. For materials appropriate to the construction of the coil former, the Young’s modulus is approximately E ¼ 1.3  1010 N/m2 and the Poisson ratio is of order v ¼ 0.2, so that D0 in Eq. [15b] has a small numerical value; consequently, constant l1 can be taken to be large, so that the terms in Eq. [38] are all in balance. We have obtained good designs with this parameter as large as l1 ¼ 1017, as will be discussed in Section 4. The residual error (Eq. [38]) is minimized with respect to the unknown Fourier coefficients by requiring that jr2 cS ðy; zÞj2 dy dz [37] L p on the shield r ¼ b. Minimizing these expressions [36] and [37] is equivalent to smoothing the winding pattern designs on the primary and shield. The two streamfunctions in these expressions are given in Eqs. [4c] and [5c]. To create a well-conditioned system that can be solved for the Fourier coefficients, we combine Eqs. [34]–[37] to create the total residual error function R ¼ E1 þ E 2 þ E 3 þ l 1 F1 þ l P F P þ l S F S : [38] The three constants l1, lP, and lS in the expression (38) play a role similar to that of Lagrange multipliers in constrained minimization problems, except Each of these represents a linear system of equations involving the Fourier coefficients (because the original functionals [34]–[37] are quadratic in these quantities). Thus a matrix equation can be developed, from which the coefficients PPjk , and so on, can be found. In fact, there are very significant extra efficiencies available by exploiting the structure of these Eq. [39]. It turns out that the equations are strongly de-coupled, so that it is possible to compute the 2N coefficients PPjk , PSjk k ¼ 1, . . . , N independently at each value of index j. Similarly, the 2N coefficients QPjk , QSjk k ¼ 1, . . . , N can likewise be determined separately for each j. The details are similar to those presented by Forbes and Crozier (8) and so will not be repeated here. The de-coupled structure of the system (Eq. [39]) means that the present algorithm for obtaining these Fourier coefficients has optimal efficiency. Once these coefficients have been found, it is then straightforward to evaluate expressions [26] and [30] for the deflection of the coil in response to Lorentz forces. Finally, it is necessary to obtain the acoustic pressure perturbation pA1 within the coil, by solving the wave Eq. [23], subject to boundary conditions Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b DESIGN OF ASYMMETRIC GRADIENT COILS IN MRI [25] and [28] on the inner wall of the coil. This is somewhat difficult, but can be done with the use of Laplace transforms in time. We suppose that the pressure perturbation has the representation þ tively the modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind, of order zero (25, p 374). Here, it is convenient to define sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 8np92 8 s 92 > ; > : x ¼ : ; þ: 2L cA0 8 9 N X npðz þ LÞ> > : ; pA1 ðr; y; z; tÞ ¼ F0n ðr; tÞ sin 2L n¼1 N M X X ½Emn ðr; tÞ cos my m¼1 n¼1 8 9 npðz þ LÞ> : ;: ½40 þ Fmn ðr; tÞ sin my cos> 2L in 0 , r , a ½41a subject to on r ¼ a: Zt fs 00 ðtÞK0n ðr; t  tÞdt; [47] 0 [42] The sound speed in Eq. [41a] is given by the expression [24], and the coefficient AM 0n in Eq. [42] is defined in the relation [31]. The Laplace transform of the desired function is defined in the usual way as F~0n ðr; sÞ ¼ Z1 est F0n ðr; tÞdt [43] 0 and we denote the transform of the second derivative of the switching function in Eq. [27] as est fs 00 ðtÞdt 0 ¼ rA0 AM 0n in which the kernel function K0n is given by the inverse Laplace transform (26, p 406) as qF0n ¼ rA0 fS00 ðtÞAM 0n qr Z1 [46] in which D(s) is the transform defined in [44]. According to the convolution theorem for Laplace transforms (26, p 393), the original function F0n(r,t) may now be recovered from Eq. [46], and becomes [41b] and the condition DðsÞ ¼ DðsÞI0 ðrxÞ F~0n ðr; sÞ ¼ rA0 AM ; 0n xI1 ðaxÞ F0n ðr; tÞ ¼ F0n ¼ 0 and qF0n =qt ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 [45] The second-kind function K0, however, must be deleted from the solution since it becomes unbounded as r ? 0. The boundary condition [42] then yields the transform [43] of the solution in the form This form [40] is substituted into the wave Eq. [23], and yields partial differential equations for each coefficient function. The first coefficient in Eq. [40], for example, satisfies 8 9 8np92 1 q2 F0n 1 q > qF0n > : ; : ; r F0n þ ¼ 2L r qr qr c2A0 qt2 227 8 9 6 >1 1 t :  expðsts Þ  s > ; t3s s2 s2 s ½44 When the Laplace transform of Eq. [41a] is taken, using the initial conditions [41b], it becomes evident that the function F~0n (r; s) in Eq. [43] involves the two functions I0 (rx) and K0 (rx), which are respec- 1 K0n ðr; tÞ ¼ 2pi cþi1 Z est ci1 I0 ðrxÞ ds xI1 ðaxÞ [48] and x is the function of the transform variable s defined in Eq. [45]. The path of integration in Eq. [48] consist of a vertical line in the complex s-plane, as sketched in Fig. 3, on some path Re{s} ¼ c that lies to the right of all the singularities of the integrand. Although the integral in Eq. [48] notionally involves the function x, which is defined as a fractional power involving s, it may nevertheless be shown that the integrand does not possess branch-type singularities. There are only simple pole singularities present in the integrand of Eq. [48], and these occur at the infiðnÞ ðnÞ nite number of locations s ¼ 6ib0;1 and s ¼ 6ib0;k , k ¼ 2, 3, . . . , in which we have written ðnÞ np and 2Lffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi s 8np92 8j 92 : 1;k > ; ; ¼ cA0 : ; þ> 2L a b0;1 ¼ cA0 ðnÞ b0;k k ¼ 2; 3; . . . ½49 Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b 228 FORBES ET AL. Equation [47] now gives an expression for the original function F0n(r,t). A similar solution process yields the remaining Fourier coefficient functions in Eq. [40]. The convolution theorem of Laplace transforms again gives Rt 00 Emn ðr; tÞ ¼ rA0 AM mn fS ðtÞKmn ðr; t  tÞdt 0 Fmn ðr; tÞ ¼ rA0 BM mn Rt fS00 ðtÞKmn ðr; t  tÞdt ½51 0 with kernel function 2c2A0 a   1 X Jm ðr=aÞj0 m;k ðnÞ h i sinðbm;k tÞ: ½52 ðnÞ 2 0 0 k¼2 bm;k 1  ðm=j m;k Þ Jm ðj m;k Þ Kmn ðr; tÞ ¼ Figure 3 Contour in the complex transform s-plane, for evaluating the inverse Laplace transform. Simple poles occur along the imaginary axis. The symbol j1,k in Eq. [49] refers to the k-th zero of the Bessel function J1(z), following the notation in Abramowitz and Stegun (25, p 370). Thus the poles occur on the imaginary axis in the s-plane, as sketched in Fig. 3. The integral in Eq. [48] is therefore evaluated by summing the residues at each of the poles, to give the infinite series K0n ðr; tÞ ¼ " # ðnÞ 1 2c2A0 sinðb0;1 tÞ X J0 ððr=aÞj1;k Þ ðnÞ þ sinðb0;k tÞ : ½50 ðnÞ ðnÞ a b k¼2 b J0 ðj1;k Þ 0;1 pA1 ðr; y; z; tÞ ¼ 2rA0 0;k This result is again obtained using a contour similar to that shown in Fig. 3. In this expression, the quantities ðnÞ bm;k sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 8np92 8j0 92 > m;k ; > ¼ cA0 : ; þ: 2L a [53] have been defined, similarly to Eqs. [49]. The nota0 in Eq. [52] and [53] refers to the k-th zero tion jm,k of the derivative Jm0 (z) of the first-kind Bessel function of order m, again following the notation of (25). The final form of the perturbation pressure pA1 is obtained by combining Eqs. [40], [47], and [50]–[52] to yield 8 9 N c2A0 X AM npðz þ LÞ> ðnÞ 0n > : ; Sðt; b ; t Þ sin S 0;1 2L a n¼1 bðnÞ 0;1   ðnÞ 8 9 1 J ðr=aÞj N X c2A0 X npðz þ LÞ> 0 1;k Sðt; b0;k ; tS Þ M > : ;  2rA0 A0n sin ðnÞ 2L a n¼1 b0;k J0 ðj1;k Þ k¼2 8 9 N M X c2A0 X npðz þ LÞ> M M > : ;  2rA0 ðA cos my þ Bmn sin myÞ cos 2L a m¼1 n¼1 mn  ðnÞ 1 X Jm ððr=aÞj0 m;k ÞSðt; bm;k ; tS Þ h i : ½54 ðnÞ 2 k¼1 bm;k 1  ðm=j0 m;k Þ Jm ðj0 m;k Þ Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b DESIGN OF ASYMMETRIC GRADIENT COILS IN MRI In this expression, it has proven convenient to define the quantity Sðt; b; tS Þ ¼ Zt fS00 ðtÞ sinðbðt  tÞÞdt: 0 This integral can be evaluated easily, and takes the value 229 x-Gradient Coils To begin, we consider an x-gradient coil, so that in polar coordinates, the two inner target fields are taken to be HTZ ðc1 ; y; zÞ ¼ Hmax cos y HTZ ðc2 ; y; zÞ ¼ Hmax ðc2 =c1 Þ cos y; [55] for t > tS : in which Hmax ¼ Bmax/m0, which here has the value 1.59  104 A/m. Winding patterns for both the primary and the shield are shown in Figs. 4(a,b), respectively, for a coil designed with the choice of Tikhonov regularization parameter l1 ¼ 1 in Eq. [38]. The dashed lines in each picture correspond to windings in which the current is negative. Because of the highly asymmetri- In this Section, results are presented for gradient coils of half-length L ¼ 0.5 m, inner radius a ¼ 0.3 m, and outer radius b ¼ 0.4 m; the thickness of the coil material is therefore h ¼ 0.1 m. Its Young’s modulus is taken to be E ¼ 1.3 1010 N/m2 and Poisson’s ratio for the coil is v ¼ 0.2. The background magnetic field (in which the gradient coils are immersed) is assumed here to produce the constant axial field BZ0 ¼ 2 T and the gradient coil is taken to generate a maximum induction field of Bmax ¼ 0.02 T. These parameters have been chosen to correspond to actual coil geometries. The inner target region (illustrated in Fig. 1) is assumed to be positioned very asymmetrically, with parameters p ¼ 0.7 and q ¼ 0.1, and the two inner target radii are c1 ¼ 0.2 m and c2 ¼ 0.1 m. The outer target radius is generally taken to be c3 ¼ (3/2)b, where b is the outer (shielding) radius of the coil, although this value is sometimes varied to give better quality fields as will be seen presently, particularly when zgradient coils are to be designed. The minimization algorithm [39] was implemented in the FORTRAN language, and took about 25 min run time to produce a shielded design, using an AMD Athlon 1600þ CPU computer with 256 MB RAM memory. A significant advantage, in terms of computer run time, is gained by caching the functions Umn in Eq. [33] so that they are computed only once and then stored, and this has been done in our routines. For all the results shown in this Section, the two smoothness coefficients lP and lS in the residual Eq. [38] were chosen to be 1012. Figure 4 Winding patterns for an x-gradient coil with inner and outer radii a ¼ 0.3 m and b ¼ 0.4 m, for (a) the primary coil and (b) the shield coil. This system has been designed with regularizing parameter l1 ¼ 1. Dashed lines indicate reversed windings.   6 t sin bt  1 þ cos bt  Sðt; b; tS Þ ¼ 2 btS btS tS Sðt; b; tS Þ ¼ 6 bt2S  for t < tS  sinðbðt  tS ÞÞ  sin bt cos bt þ btS PRESENTATION OF RESULTS Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b 230 FORBES ET AL. cally located inner target regions, the windings are consequently asymmetrical in the axial z coordinate, and in fact, there is a small reverse winding present at the opposite end to the target regions, in the case of the primary coil shown in Fig. 4(a). The horizontal axis in each diagram corresponds to the azimuthal angle y around the circumference of the coil, so that each winding pattern in Fig. 4 is to be thought of as wrapped around the cylinder at the appropriate radius. Thus each winding pattern resembles a Golay coil [see Jin (1)], in which the direction of the current in the shield opposes that in the primary. The relatively small value of the parameter l1 ¼ 1 used in designing this coil represents a situation in which there is essentially no attempt to minimize the overall coil deflections that lead to acoustic noise. The winding patterns in Fig. 4 therefore correspond to coils in which noise effects are ignored, and resemble quite closely the designs obtained for gradient coils in the algorithm of Forbes and Crozier (8). By contrast, Figs. 5(a,b) show the primary and shield windings for an x-gradient coil designed with parameter l1 ¼ 1017. This value was chosen after careful experimentation, and represents about the optimum trade-off between being able to reproduce the target fields Eq. [55] faithfully on the one hand, and reducing the acoustic noise on the other. The winding patterns for this new coil are very different to those in Fig. 4, and it is clear that, at least in this instance, the ability to minimize acoustic noise within the coil is achieved by a large number of reverse windings on both the primary and the shield, particularly at the top of each picture, in the portion of the coil far from the target zone (which is located over the region 0.35 < z < 0.05 m). It is possible, however, that such a coil with a large number of reverse windings in close proximity may be inefficient in terms of its power use, and may also pose problems from the point of view of local Lorentz forces between different sections of the same coil. For each coil design, we have evaluated the perturbation pressure pA1 from the solution (Eq. [54]), using the MATLAB programming environment (which has library functions for evaluating Bessel functions). The coefficients PPmn , and so on, produced by the FORTRAN implementation of algorithm [39] are read into the MATLAB routine, and used to create the coefficients AM mn , and so on, in Eq. [31]. These are then used to evaluate expression [54]. The major practical difficulty to be overcome in implementing Eq. [54] is to generate a table of values of the zeros 0 j1,k and jm,k of the first-kind Bessel functions and their derivatives. This task has received significant attention in the literature, and includes techniques such as the use of a high-order Newton’s method Figure 5 Winding patterns for an x-gradient coil with inner and outer radii a ¼ 0.3 m and b ¼ 0.4 m, for (a) the primary coil and (b) the shield coil. This system has been designed with regularizing parameter l1 ¼ 1017. Dashed lines indicate reversed windings. (27), a tri-diagonal matrix approach (28) and global Newton-like methods (29). We have investigated a number of these techniques, but it is interesting and perhaps surprising that the most reliable results were obtained simply by using the bisection algorithm [see Atkinson (30, p 43)]. Good estimates for the zeros of Bessel functions and their derivatives are available from Abramowitz and Stegun (25, p 371) and from these it is reasonably straightforward to construct intervals that enclose each zero, thus guaranteeing that the simple bisection method will indeed converge to the desired root in each case. Once the perturbation pressure pA1 has thus been evaluated, the sound pressure level is then calculated using Eq. [29]. Figure 6 gives a comparison between the noise levels produced by the two different coils designs shown in Figs. 4 and 5, obtained with regularization parame- Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b DESIGN OF ASYMMETRIC GRADIENT COILS IN MRI Figure 6 Sound pressure level (in decibels) as a function of time, for the un-optimized coil in Fig. 4 (dashed line) and the optimized coil in Fig. 5 (solid line). The switching time is 0.25 ms. ters l1 ¼ 1 and l1 ¼ 1017. For convenience of comparison, sound pressure levels are shown at the point (r, y, z) ¼ (c1, 0, (p þ q) L/2), which is located at the midpoint on the outer surface of the inner target regions shown in Fig. 1. In each case, the switching time in Eq. [27] is tS ¼ 2.5  104 s (0.25 ms). Time t is shown on the horizontal axis, and the vertical scale gives the sound pressure level in decibels. For the coil design shown in Fig. 4, in which acoustic effects are essentially not taken into account, the noise history is drawn with a dashed line and indicates a peak level of about 124 dB. The solid line corresponds to the acoustic noise produced by the optimized coil in Fig. 5, for which l1 ¼ 1017, and shows peak noise levels in the first pulse of about 116 dB. Thus the optimized coil of Fig. 5, while giving very differently shaped winding patterns to those in Fig. 4, nevertheless only generates a reduction of about 8 dB in overall noise level. The essential requirement for an x-gradient coil is, of course, that the field it generates should match Eq. [55] to a high degree of accuracy in the inner target zones. For a shielded coil, the field should also die away as rapidly as possible beyond the coil. To check that these key requirements are satisfied, the axial field components HZ generated by the coils in Figs. 4 and 5 are shown in Figs. 7(a,b) respectively, on the mid-plane z ¼ (p þ q)L/2 of the inner target regions, along the line y ¼ 0. In addition, the target field (Eq. [55]) is also drawn on each diagram, and appears as the diagonal dashed line appropriately labeled. The inner target region c1 < x < c1 is indicated in Figs. 7(a,b) with vertical dashed lines. For the shielded coil of Fig. 4, for which noise generation is effectively not penalized, Fig. 7(a) 231 shows that the target field (Eq. [55]) is indeed matched extremely closely over the entire target region and significantly beyond it. Likewise, the field exterior to the coil falls away to zero very rapidly. The portion of the field shown in Fig. 7(b), corresponding to the deflection-minimized winding pattern of Fig. 5, also indicates that this coil is capable of matching the target field (Eq. [55]) in the interior and is able to produce only small fields externally. However, it is clearly not as precise as in Fig. 7(a), and thus it is evident that the minimization of acoustic noise using winding patterns alone comes at the cost of slightly poorer quality magnetic fields. Although Figs. 7(a,b) have confirmed that coils designed here are indeed capable of replicating the target fields accurately in the required regions, Fig. 6 Figure 7 The axial field computed on a transverse line y ¼ 0, z ¼ (p þ q)L/2 through the centre of the inner zones, for (a) the regular shielded coil of Fig. 4 and (b) the deflection-minimized coil of Fig. 5. The computed field is shown with a solid line, and the target field with a dashed line. The edges x ¼ 6c1 of the target region are also indicated. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b 232 FORBES ET AL. Figure 8 The coil shape in response to Lorentz forces, for the x-gradient coil in Figure 5. Displacements have been magnified by a factor of 104 for ease of viewing. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at] showed reductions in noise levels inside the coil of about only 8 dB. We have experimented in detail with coil designs at higher values of the regularizing parameter l1 and we have observed that noise levels can, in fact, be reduced as much as desired, simply by increasing l1 as much as needed. However, the ability of the coil to produce a field that matches the target field (Eq. [55]) is seriously compromised by this process. Consequently, the value l1 ¼ 1017 used in Figs. 5–7 is about optimum for the x-gradient coil investigated here. Following Mechefske et al. (16) and Yao et al. (31), we show in Fig. 8 the deflection caused to the coil by Lorentz forces, for the design in Figs. 5(a,b). The radial deflection function uR has been computed from Eq. [30], and has been amplified by a factor of 104 so as to make it visible. The shape drawn in Fig. 8 is thus the surface r ¼ a þ 104uR, for some time t > tS at which the function fS in Eq. [27] has the value one. Clearly the greatest deflections occur in the asymmetrically located target region (at the left end of the coil), as a result of which the coil undergoes an overall lateral displacement towards the negative x-direction. Smaller deflections also occur at the end of the coil further from the target region, but these appear to be more circularly symmetric. The small undular deflections on the coil surface are indications of the patterns of reverse windings that feature in Fig. 5. The results for these shielded coils have also been compared against unshielded designs. Consistently with previous work (6–8), we have observed that the performance of the coil, in terms of its ability to match the target field faithfully, is actually enhanced slightly by the presence of the shields. In addition, shields con- tribute to a slight reduction in the noise level within the coil. For example, the optimized (shielded) coil with l1 ¼ 1017 in Fig. 6 generates a peak noise level of about 116 dB, but when shields are removed, this increases to 119 dB. The overall shape of the noise history profile is very similar to that of the optimized coil in Fig. 6, and so is not shown here. The winding pattern of the unshielded coil is displayed in Fig. 9, at the same values of the coil design parameters as for Fig. 5(a). The two patterns are quite similar over the target region at the bottom of each diagram, but the shielded coil in Fig. 5(a) possesses a region of more strongly alternating current directions at the top end of the diagram, far from the target zone. These are necessary in order for the field external to the shielded coil to drop more rapidly to zero, and are additionally responsible for the reduced overall deflection and consequent slight reduction in noise level. They may, however, constitute a difficulty in terms of practical manufacture of the coil. z-Gradient Coils We conclude this presentation of results with a brief investigation of the behavior of the z-gradient coil. This device is designed to produce a linear field in the axial direction, so that the target fields on the two inner radii have the forms HTZ ðc1 ; y; zÞ ¼ HTZ ðc2 ; y; zÞ 2Hmax h z p þ qi ¼  : ½56 2 ðq  pÞ L Figure 9 Winding pattern for an unshielded x-gradient coil with inner and outer radii a ¼ 0.3 m and b ¼ 0.4 m. This system has been designed with regularizing parameter l1 ¼ 1017. Dashed lines indicate reversed windings. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b DESIGN OF ASYMMETRIC GRADIENT COILS IN MRI As indicated by Forbes and Crozier (8), these zonal coils require less computational effort to design using this strategy, since they only require calculation of the coefficients PP0n and PS0n in Eqs. [4] and [5], and all the higher-order (tesseral) coefficients are zero. This means, in particular, that the axial current-density components jPZ and jSZ in Eqs. [4a] and [5a] are identically zero. The axial field HZ computed along the coil axis x ¼ y ¼ 0 is contrasted for an unshielded coil in Fig. 10(a) and a shielded coil in Fig. 10(b). In both cases, the regularizing parameter for the deflection was again taken to be l1 ¼ 1017. Unlike the case of the xgradient coil shown in Fig. 7, it turns out that the type of shielding imposed here does degrade slightly the ability of the z-gradient coil to match the target Figure 10 A comparison of the axial field on the centreline of a z-gradient coil for (a) an unshielded coil and (b) a shielded coil. Both results have been obtained with regularizing parameter l1 ¼ 1017. The vertical dashed lines in each picture indicate the positions of the coil ends and the asymmetrically located target zone. 233 Figure 11 Sound pressure level (in decibels) as a function of time, for the unshielded z-gradient coil (dashed line), the pure shielded coil (dashed-dot line, l1 ¼ 1) and the deflection-minimized shielded coil (solid line, l1 ¼ 1017). The switching time is 0.25 ms. field (Eq. [56]) accurately, as is evident from Fig. 10. Nevertheless, the unshielded coil in Fig. 10(a) clearly generates much larger fields at the ends of the coil, which is an undesirable feature in that case. The shielding condition of minimizing exterior fields was imposed on the cylindrical surface c3 ¼ 1.3b in Fig. 10(b), since it is found that moving this external surface closer to the shield windings improves the quality of the interior magnetic fields. Figure 11 compares the sound pressure levels produced inside the shielded coil, the deflection-minimized shielded coil obtained with l1 ¼ 1017 and the unshielded coil also obtained with l1 ¼ 1017. The optimized coil is able to reduce the noise level by about 5 dB, when compared with the purely shielded coil (l1 ¼ 1), although an examination of the winding patterns indicates it does this by the use of several coil sections with reversed currents. Interestingly, the unshielded coil creates significantly less noise within the coil, as is evident from Fig. 11, although of course it produces a field which decays only slowly exterior to the coil. The winding patterns corresponding to the three curves in Fig. 11 are not shown here, as they consist simply of circular strips around the cylindrical former, for these z–gradient coils. To conclude this presentation of results, the deflections corresponding to each of the three curves in Figure 11 are shown in Figs. 12(a–c). The displacements are again magnified by a factor of 104 for ease of viewing, so that the surfaces shown represent graphs of r ¼ a þ 104uR. Each coil retains circular symmetry, as the windings are simply arranged circularly around the cylinder. The unshielded coil is Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b 234 FORBES ET AL. shown in Fig. 12(a), and it is characterized by fairly small displacements over most of the coil, except at the end furthest from the target zone, where the deflections are moderately large. This is consistent with the result shown in Fig. 10(a), for which the field becomes large at the far end z ¼ 0.5 m. This coil produces the lowest noise levels in Fig. 11, but of course, it cannot prevent field leakage beyond the coil, or equivalently, it cannot protect the interior field from stray influences external to the coil. The case of a purely shielded coil that is uncorrected for overall deflection is shown in Fig. 12(b). It is essentially the type of coil designed with the algorithm of Forbes and Crozier (8). It is evident that such a coil allows large deflections at the end furthest from the target zone, and thus is expected to be the noisiest of the three designs. This is confirmed by the results of Fig. 11. It must be recalled, however, that the radial deflections have been multiplied by a factor of 104, so that Fig. 12(b) represents a severe exaggeration of the actual shape. The deflection-minimized coil, obtained with regularization parameter l1 ¼ 1017, is displayed in Fig. 12(c). It has the smallest overall deflection of the three coils shown, and thus produces the smallest amount of noise, as shown in Fig. 11. Nevertheless, it possesses more undulations in its surface, corresponding to the regions of reversed current in the coil windings. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Figure 12 The coil shape in response to Lorentz forces, for the z-gradient coils in Fig. 11. The diagrams show (a) the unshielded coil, (b) the pure shielded coil (l1 ¼ 1) and (c) the deflection-minimized shielded coil (l1 ¼ 1017). Displacements have been magnified by a factor of 104 for ease of viewing. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at] A method has been presented in this article for computing the deflection of a cylindrical gradient coil because of Lorentz forces, and for incorporating this into an optimization strategy for coil design. The technique uses Tikhonov regularization, as in previous studies (6–8), to overcome the ill-conditioned mathematical structure of the problem. In addition, a closed-form solution for the acoustic noise within the coil has been presented, and by designing coils to minimize overall deflection, the noise level is thereby reduced. An approximate Eq. [15] has been derived for calculating the deflection of the coil. It has the advantage of being a relatively simple linear partial differential equation that can be solved in a reasonably straightforward manner, once a form for the current density in the coil has been chosen. Equation [15] approximates the coil deflection as being mainly radial, although the results, such as in Fig. 8, suggest that other displacement modes might also usefully be considered in a more complete model of the deforma- Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b DESIGN OF ASYMMETRIC GRADIENT COILS IN MRI tion. This could be done, in the present quasi-steady context, by solving an approximation to the full linearized steady-state Eqs. [13a]–[13c] with the time derivatives removed, although significantly greater complexity in the mathematics would occur. This approach is presently being investigated, however. A fuller theory of this type, in which all three components uR, uy, and uZ of the displacement vector in Eq. [12] are accounted for, may also allow the possibility of considering the precise manner in which the coil has been tethered in the MRI equipment; this detail has been overlooked in the present treatment based on the simplified Eq. [15]. It has been assumed in the present article that the coil is unloaded, so that the presence of a patient within the primary has not been considered. This could likewise be accounted for in a more complete theory, although at the expense of considerably more difficult mathematics. Indeed, it is likely that the present advantage of a closed-form mathematical solution that can be incorporated into optimization strategies, would be lost, and finite difference or finite element methods would be needed instead. It is to be expected, however, that the presence of a patient will modify the sound pressure level within the coil. The results presented here show that the noise within the coil may be reduced by shielding, and may be reduced further by redesigning the winding patterns using the technique in this article. There is, however, a trade-off between acoustic noise reduction and the accurate matching of the target field, so that a practical limit exists to the amount by which noise can be reduced within conventional coil geometry. Indeed, the present article possibly indicates the limits of noise reduction that can be achieved by optimizing coil windings alone. Further gains will at least involve a more complete analysis of the full deflection possibilities for the coil and the details of how it is tethered, but may ultimately require nonconventional coil geometries. In this analysis, it has been assumed that the coil moves rapidly to a quasi steady-state configuration, and that the noise within it is therefore caused by the primary pressure pulse associated with its deformation. It is possible to account for the unsteady nature of the coil deflection more fully, by including the time-dependent terms in the Eqs. [13a]–[13c], and a more realistic (periodic) switching sequence than that shown in Fig. 2. This, however, involves considerably more complicated mathematics than used here, and may in fact lose the advantages of the analytical approach adopted in this article, and as such is beyond the scope of the present work. 235 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported in part by Australian Research Council grant DP0343350. REFERENCES 1. Jin J. 1999. Electromagnetic analysis and design in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Biomedical Engineering Series). Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2. Turner R. 1986. A target field approach to optimal coil design. J Phys D: Appl Phys 19:147–151. 3. Turner R. 1993. Gradient coil design: a review of methods. Magn Reson Imaging 11:903–920. 4. Turner R. 1994. Electrical coils. U.S. Patent 5, 289, 151. 5. Crozier S, Doddrell DM. 1993. 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