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IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 2 | Issue 09 | March 2016 ISSN (online): 2349-784X Overview of Water Disinfection by UV Technology – A Review Abhijeet Ashok Paidalwar M. Tech. Student Department of Environmental Engineering G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, 440016, Nagpur (M.S.), India Isha.P Khedikar Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, 440016, Nagpur (M.S.), India Abstract Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is a common disinfection option for water treatment in the developed world. A sufficient dose of ultraviolet light inactivates most microorganisms. Ultraviolet light is produced by an electric arc struck in mercury, or more recently, xenon vapor much like ordinary florescent bulbs. The UV spectrum runs from 100 and 400 nanometers (nm) with the optimal wavelength for bacterial disinfection occurring between 200 and 280 nm. The most UV-resistant organisms are viruses, specifically Adenoviruses, and bacterial spores. The protozoon Acanthamoeba is also highly UV resistant. Bacteria and cysts of Cryptosporidium and Giardia are more susceptible. As with any disinfectant, the process consists of dose and contact time with different organisms being affected differently. The dose for UV is expressed in millijoules per square centimeter. To increase the dose, you can increase the output of the lamp, decrease the distance to the lamp, increase the transmittance of the water or slow the flow through the reaction chamber. The objective of this study was to review the literature on UV disinfection and extract quantitative information about the relation between the inactivation of micro-organisms and the applied UV fluence. The quality of the available studies was evaluated and only high-quality studies were incorporated in the analysis of water disinfection. The results show that UV is effective against all waterborne pathogens. Keywords: Disinfection, irradiation, pathogens, Ultraviolet ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I. INTRODUCTION Conventional methods of disinfection of water are not so effective and there are problems associated with the usage of very expensive instruments and chemicals. Diarrheal illnesses are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. In many analyses of interventions to reduce diarrhoea, improved water quality is shown to have a lower effect than other interventions such as sanitation and hygiene. The performance standards are a minimum 6-log reduction/inactivation of bacteria, 4-log reduction/inactivation of viruses, and 3-log reduction/inactivation of protozoan cysts. A number of point-of-use technologies have been evaluated including boiling, biosand filtration, chlorination, chlorination plus flocculation, solar disinfection (SODIS), and ceramic filters. Disinfection using ultraviolet radiation in the UV-C range may be a more favourable option for many applications. The key factor of a UV treatment system is the UV dosage which can be measured from the known UV intensity, exposure time and water flow rate. It does not utilize chemicals and disinfects at much higher rates than SODIS which utilizes temperature and radiation in the UV-A range. UV disinfection is a well-established disinfection technology that has been used in centralized water and wastewater facilities in developed countries for decades. UV radiation inactivates bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, with the benefits of no taste and odour issues, no known disinfection by products (DBPs), no danger of overdosing, relatively fast treatment rates compared to sand and ceramic filters, and low-maintenance requirements. Over the last ten years, small UV systems have become available, including commercially available household systems and the low-cost, locally manufactured UV-tube system that have become an appropriate treatment option for developing communities. Limited research has been conducted on the effectiveness of UV-LEDs for water disinfection. Most of the data available are for LEDs that emit light in the UVA range (320–400 nm), which is less efficient at disinfection than light in the germicidal range of UVC (200–280 nm) since it is poorly absorbed by DNA.     II. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF UV 1801: Johann Ritter, a pharmacist in Silesia (now in Poland) discovered UV light by demonstrating that silver chloride is decomposed most efficiently by the invisible rays beyond the violet. 1900: The Danish physician Niels Finsen, considered the founder of modern phototherapy, discovered a UV treatment for lupus vulgaris, a form of skin tuberculosis. For this discovery, he received the nobel prize in physiology or medicine 1903: Bernard and Morgan found that the most sensitive wavelengths for the inactivation of bacteria are around 250 nm. 1910: Henri et al described the first commercial UV facility that used UV light to disinfect water in Marseilles, France. All rights reserved by 213 Overview of Water Disinfection by UV Technology – A Review (IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 09 / 038)         1929, 1930: Gates (1929, 1930) was the first to carry out detailed investigations of the action spectrum of E. coli; he showed that the optimal wavelength for inactivation was about 260 nm. 1938: Westinghouse introduced the first fluorescent gas discharge lamp. 1955: The first modern installations of UV disinfection systems using low-pressure UV lamps in water treatment plants occurred in Switzerland and Austria. 1966: Department of health, education and welfare (DHEW) issued guidelines for disinfection by UV. 1975: UV disinfection was introduced in Norway as a result of concern with the disinfection by-products from the use of chlorine disinfection. 1978: A full-scale UV system was successfully demonstrated at the N.W. Bergen wastewater treatment plant. 1985: There were over 1,500 UV installations in Europe. Most were for the treatment of groundwater and bank-filtered water. 1998: Bolton et al found that UV was very effective against Cryptosporidium (and later Giardia), contrary to the perception at that time that UV disinfection was not effective. Their paper, presented at the annual conference of the American water works association (AWWA), changed this perception. What Is UV Light The sun emits energy over a broad spectrum of wavelengths, visible light that you see, infrared radiation that you feel as heat, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation that you can’t see or feel. UV radiation has a shorter wavelength and higher energy than visible light. It affects human health both positively and negatively. Short exposure to UVB radiation generates vitamin D, but can also lead to sunburn depending on an individual’s skin type. Ultraviolet radiation is an invisible light emitted from the sun. Over 100 years ago European scientists from different countries discovered the top surface of lake-water was sterile when exposed to sunlight. Investigation led to the discovery of Ultraviolet light and to the invention of UV bulbs. Ultraviolet (UV) light is situated in the electro-magnetic spectrum between X-rays and visible light. UV light is split into four main categories, UV-A, UV-B, UV-C and Vacuum UV. The area between 240 and 280 nanometres (nm) is UV-C, commonly known as germicidal light. Fig. 1: electromagnetic spectrum (2, 3) UV Light Generaton Generation of UV light is similar to the generation of light in a fluorescent lamp. In general, a UV lamp contains an inert gas (e.g., argon) and a small amount of liquid mercury. When a voltage is applied to the lamp, some of the liquid mercury vaporizes. Free electrons and ions then collide with the gaseous mercury atoms, “exciting” the mercury atoms into a higher energy state. Excited mercury atoms have a tendency to return to their ground, or normal, energy state by discharging energy. The energy discharged is in the form of UV light. Mercury is advantageous for UV disinfection applications because it emits light in the germicidal wavelength range (200 – 300 nm). The UV light produced depends on the concentration of mercury atoms in the UV lamp, which is directly related to the mercury vapor pressure. Low pressure mercury vapor produces monochromatic (light at primarily one wavelength) UV light at a wavelength of 253.7 nm. Higher pressure mercury vapor produces UV light at several wavelengths (polychromatic). III. TYPES OF UV LAMP For water treatment systems, there are three general types of UV lamps typically used; low pressure (LP), low-pressure high-output (LPHO), and medium-pressure (MP). These terms are based on the vapor pressure of mercury when the lamps are operating. All three of these mercury UV lamps contain electrodes that facilitate in the generation of UV radiation. There is generally no difference in disinfection capability between these lamps. But there are advantages and disadvantages to each. For example, compared to LP lamps, MP lamps have a higher germicidal output, typically require fewer lamps for a given application, and All rights reserved by 214 Overview of Water Disinfection by UV Technology – A Review (IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 09 / 038) would likely be a smaller reactor. There are other types of lamps that can produce UV light such as metal halide lamps, microwave powered electrodeless mercury vapor lamps, and eximer lamps. Low Pressure Mercury Lamp (LP) The Low Pressure Mercury (LP) UV Lamp is the most efficient lamp for radiating UV light at the wavelengths required for disinfection. In LP lamps, the mercury is inserted into the filling as a single drop and remains in liquid state during lamp operation. The operating temperature is around 40 0C and the mercury is at its vapor pressure. Typically, with LP lamps operated at these conditions, about 60 percent of the power input results in resonance radiation at wavelengths of 185 nm and 254 nm, with three percent at other wavelengths. The remaining 37 percent of the input power is lost through elastic collision with argon molecules and with the walls of the lamp. Most of the 185 nm radiation is absorbed by the lamp walls and does not contribute to disinfection. A disadvantage of the LP lamp is that the achievable radiation intensity is low since the optimum discharge conditions can only be maintained at power loads below 0.5 watts per centimetre (W/cm). Low-Pressure-High-Output (LPHO) Low-pressure high output (LPHO) or amalgam lamps use an amalgam and decreased tube diameter, which allows the mercury pressure to remain the same with increased power input of up to 2 W/cm. This allows the specific radiant power to be increased by up to three times that of the LP lamps (Heering 2004). This technology can be used to reduce the number of lamps needed or it can be used to provide much higher UV doses to the process water. The differences between high output and standard output is the operating current and the fact that it is dependent on water temperature. While there are up sides to this technology, you will see an increase in operating cost as well as a loss of effectiveness in UV output at higher temperatures. Medium Pressure Mercury Lamp (MP): For mercury lamps to efficiently convert electrical energy to radiation, they require either high electron temperatures or high mercury atom temperatures. At the pressures where LP lamps operate, electron temperature is relatively high. Medium Pressure (MP) UV lamps operate at a pressure region of 1 to 2 atm (Dussert, 2005). The plasma temperature for MP lamps is 5000 to 7000K (Phillips 1983). MP lamps have high radiative efficiencies and good spectral efficiency (Heering 2004). The gas fill in the MP lamp is the same as for the LP lamp, however the mode of operation differs considerably. As discussed previously, in the LP lamp operation the mercury remains in the liquid state and the pressure is controlled by the ambient temperature. In turn, the MP lamp operates with all the mercury evaporated and the pressure of the lamp is therefore controlled by the amount of mercury in the lamp. For this reason, the amount of mercury inserted in the MP lamp is critical and must be carefully calculated. To maintain the required pressures, the coolest part of the lamp must have a temperature in excess of 400 0C. A disadvantage of the MP lamp is that although the spectral efficiency is high, much of the radiation it emits is at wavelengths outside the germicidal range. Fig. 2: LP, LPHO and MP lamps (2, 3) Microwave Powered Electrodeless Mercury Vapor Lamps Microwave powered electrodeless mercury UV lamps are actually not a new source of UV light but were conceptualized over forty years ago for industrial processing applications (Cekic 2004). Microwave UV lamp curing systems for inks and coatings have been very successful due to their efficient production of UV light with less infrared heating than other conventional UV sources. One of the reasons for the commercial success of these lamps is its rapid restrike capability and the lack of influence of on-off switching on the life of the lamp. However, only recently has this technology been applied for the disinfection of water. Microwave powered electrodeless UV lamps differ from the electrode lamps in that there is “no direct electron flow from the external driving circuitry All rights reserved by 215 Overview of Water Disinfection by UV Technology – A Review (IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 09 / 038) through the discharge plasma”. Instead of utilizing electrodes, microwave energy is generated by magnetrons and directed through wave guides into the quartz lamp sleeves containing the gas filling. Electrodeless lamps operate at higher pressures than MP lamps, in the range of 5 to 20 atm compared to 1 to 2 atm for MP lamps. In high intensity discharge lamps, the arc tube is usually enclosed in an evacuated outer bulb which isolates the hot arc tube thermally from the surroundings, similar to the principle of a thermos flask. Metal Halide Lamps In discharge lamps, light is generated by a gas discharge of particles created between two hermetically sealed electrodes in an arc tube. After ignition, the particles in the arc are partially ionized, making them electrically conductive, and plasma is created. In contrast to low pressure discharge, there is high pressure and a high temperature in a discharge tube. In an arc tube, gas discharge works through excitation of the luminous additives (metal halide salts) and the mercury is excited by the current flow. In the operating state, the mercury evaporates completely. The other elements involved are present in saturated form at the given temperatures, i.e. they only evaporate in part; the rest is in liquid form at the coolest point in the arc tube. Changes to the temperature of the arc tube wall can change the composition of the metal halides in the discharge, thus also changing the colour properties of the lamp. Eximer Lamps Less research work has been done for eximer lamps. The eximer lamp has an outstanding 40 percent conversion efficiency, 40 percent of the input energy are converted into useable vacuum ultraviolet radiation. The quartz bulb functions as a dielectric barrier within a unique electrode system, which prevents the formation of an electric arc during the discharge phase. If xenon is the fill gas as in the eximer lamps and if a special pulsed voltage is applied across the electrodes, unstable xenon eximer molecules (Xe2) are formed from the xenon atoms. These molecules dissociate by emitting VUV radiation at 172 nm. The eximer lamps emit incoherent VUV radiation. The exceptional efficiency of this lamp means no cooling of the lamp is required, as the temperature of the radiator never exceeds 80 °C. UV Reactors In drinking water systems, UV lamps are contained in a UV reactor. UV reactors operate as either batch or continuous flow reactors. Several characteristics must be taken into account when designing, installing, and operating a UV reactor. Among them are water quality characteristics, distance between the lamp and the reactor wall, and the distribution of UV light. Additionally, continuous flow reactors must take into account hydraulic characteristics of water flowing through the reactor. Due to all these characteristics, all microorganisms will not receive the same UV dose. For example, UV lamp placement in a reactor influences UV dose delivery. If the distance between the lamp and the reactor wall is too large (i.e., a large amount of water between the lamp and the reactor wall), microorganisms furthest from the lamp will receive less UV intensity and subsequently a lower UV dose. Most UV-using water purification devices utilize a batch reactor system. UV Disinfection Reaction The degree to which the destruction or inactivation of microorganisms occurs by UV radiation is directly related to the UV dose. The UV dosage is calculated as: D=I· t Where: D = UV Dose, mW×s/cm2 I = Intensity, mW/cm2 t = Exposure time All rights reserved by 216 Overview of Water Disinfection by UV Technology – A Review (IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 09 / 038) Research indicates that when microorganisms are exposed to UV radiation, a constant fraction of the living population is inactivated during each progressive increment in time. This dose-response relationship for germicidal effect indicates that high intensity UV energy over a short period of time would provide the same kill as lower intensity UV energy at a proportionally longer period of time. The UV dose required for effective inactivation is determined by site-specific data relating to the water quality and log removal required. Based on first order kinetics, the survival of microorganisms can be calculated as a function of dose and contact time (White, 1992; USEPA, 1996). For high removals, the remaining concentration of organisms appears to be solely related to the dose and water quality, and not dependent on the initial microorganism density. Tchobanoglous (1997) suggested the following relationship between coliform survival and UV dose: N = f · Dn Where: N = Effluent coliform density, /100mL D = UV dose, mW×s/cm2 n = Empirical coefficient related to dose f = Empirical water quality factor. The empirical water quality factor reflects the presence of particles, colour, etc. in the water. For water treatment, the water quality factor is expected to be a function of turbidity and transmittance. Inactivation Kinetics of Micro- Organisms Inactivation by UV is based on the damage caused to the nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) of the cell or virus. Primarily the formation of pyrimidine dimers, but also of other photoproducts of nucleic acids and nucleic acid lesions, inhibit replication and transcription and hence, prevent the cell or virus from multiplying. The UV absorbance of DNA peaks around 260 nm; at lower and higher wavelengths the absorbance decreases. Below 230nm the absorbance increases again. Most studies used low-pressure mercury lamps with a major wavelength output (85%) at 254nm. The UV sensitivity of the selected micro-organisms is described by the parameters of the inactivation kinetics. Inactivation is defined as the reduction of the concentration of culturable micro-organisms N due to the exposure to a concentration disinfectant C during a specific contact time t. The inactivation kinetic for chemical disinfectants is most commonly described by the first-order disinfection model of Chick (1908) and Watson (1908) and the same model can be applied for UV disinfection. The inactivation of microorganisms is usually described by the log inactivation of N. Based on the first-order model, the linear relationship between log inactivation and the UV dose or fluence is described by: 10 log(Nt / N) = -k* fluence Where, Nt is the microbial concentration after contact time t. Fluence is the product of the UV fluence rate (mW/cm2) and the exposure t (mWs/cm2 ¼ mJ/cm2). Micro-organisms Bacteria Bacillus subtilis Escherichia coli Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas fluorescens Salmonella enteritidis Salmonela paratyphi - Enteric fever Salmonella typhosa - Typhoid fever Table Shows UV dosage for destroying micro-organisms (3) Dosage of Ultraviolet radiation (UV dose) in mWsec / cm2 needed to kill the selected microorganisms 90% 99% (1 log reduction) (2 log reduction) 5.8 11 3 6.6 5.5 10.5 3.5 6.6 4 7.6 3.2 6.1 2.1 4.1 8 19.7 2.2 15.2 26.4 4.2 Shigella flexneri – Dysentery 1.7 3.4 Shigella paradysenteriae Staphylococcus aerus Vibrio comma – Cholera Bacteriophage - E. Coli 1.68 2.6 3.4 90% (1 log reduction) 2.6 3.4 6.6 6.5 99% (2 log reduction) 6.6 Infectious Hepatitis Poliovirus – Poliomyelitis 5.8 3.15 8 6.6 Salmonella typhimurium Sarcina lutea Shigella dysenteriae – Dysentery Virus All rights reserved by 217 Overview of Water Disinfection by UV Technology – A Review (IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 09 / 038)                    Government Regulations Several countries have now established regulations for UV disinfection. In 1996, Austria was the first country to introduce UV regulations (initially as guidelines) by requiring that UV reactors to be certified, using biodosimetry testing involving challenging a UV reactor with a non-pathogenic microorganism to deliver a UV dose of at least 40 mJ cm–2 using a specific challenge microorganism. Germany followed a year later with the Deutsche Vereinigung des Gas and Wasserfaches Standard. This standard is similar to that in Austria, in that it also requires a minimum UV dose of at least 40mJcm–2 using a specific challenge microorganism. The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has established several rules to address various issues of water treatment. The impacts on UV disinfection are as follows: Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) (USEPA 1989). A group of regulations collectively called the “Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection By-product Rule” (USEPA 1998). LT2ESWTR (USEPA 2006a). This rule lays out specific UV dose tables for Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and viruses. For UV disinfection applications, the companion Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidance Manual (USEPA 2006b) is a valuable source of UV information. Ground Water Rule (GWR) (USEPA 2006d). Advantages It is a very effective disinfection technology for Cryptosporidium and Giardia. It does not significantly alter the water quality; that is, no change in total organic carbon (TOC), pH, corrosivity, DBP formation potential, or turbidity. The technology is relatively inexpensive with low capital and operating costs, compared to other disinfection options for protozoa. It is relatively easy to operate (i.e., turn up or turn down) the UV equipment based on changes in water flow, water quality, etc. The UV equipment has a relatively small footprint and is usually amenable to retrofit into existing water treatment plants. No chemicals are needed for UV disinfection. Disinfection is very fast. Contact times are in the range of a few seconds. Disadvantage There is no residual disinfection capacity. Therefore, some level of chlorine or chloramines is usually added to maintain disinfection residual in the distribution system. At present, it is not possible to continuously monitor the UV dose, so operators have to rely on secondary measurements (sensor readings, UV transmittance, water flow rates, etc.). Most UV reactors contain mercury lamps, so breakage of UV lamps represents a possible mercury hazard. The electric power supply to the utility could be subject to interruptions, which could cause UV lamps to extinguish for time periods of 1–5 min. There are times when water could be under disinfected because of power interruptions or lamp warm-up. Research Items Based on this review a number of knowledge gaps are identified. More quantitative information is needed to estimate the effect of micro-organism-related factors like environmental species, DNA repair and differences in spectral sensitivity influencing the fluence requirement of UV disinfection under full-scale conditions. Biodosimetry is a powerful tool to determine germicidal effect of micro-organism. In the application of medium-pressure lamps with PC UV light, further development of fluence assessment is of importance using biodosimetry with proper weighting for spectral sensitivity in connection with fluence calculation models. Daily UV process control needs further research into accurate description of the distribution of water flows and UV intensity over UV reactors, using CFD, to obtain simple, reliable and cheap in situ process control systems. Independent verification with biodosimetry is still essential. Systems to measure the germicidal fluence on-site in water treatment practice, using microorganisms or compounds naturally present in the water would allow on-site verification of the efficacy of UV systems in practice. IV. CONCLUSIONS UV will become an even more powerful disinfection tool as researchers learn more about how the various microbes are affected, and manufacturers reduce the overall cost and power consumption of the lamps while zeroing in on the appropriate wavelengths. UV light does not kill microorganisms. Rather, it damages the DNA and RNA and prevents the microorganism from reproducing. When a microorganism cannot reproduce it cannot infect. UV light is least effective against viruses. Meanwhile, UV is at work disinfecting drinking water from large scale municipal plants and at each step of the way there are no chemicals or disinfection byproducts added to the water to make it safe. The accumulated literature data on the inactivation kinetics of disinfection with UV All rights reserved by 218 Overview of Water Disinfection by UV Technology – A Review (IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 09 / 038) irradiation demonstrate that the process is effective against all pathogenic micro-organisms relevant for the current drinking water practices. The most persistent organisms known are viruses, specifically Adenoviruses, and bacterial spores. From the protozoa Acanthamoeba was highly UV resistant. Biodosimetry is of great importance. In the case of MP lamps, more information about differences in spectral sensitivity between pathogens and potential biodosimeter organisms is needed to increase the precision of the fluence determination. Most UV lamps used in drinking water applications contain mercury. There is concern of adverse health effects to the consumer as a result of mercury exposure from UV lamp breakage during operation. 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