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2018, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders
10 pages
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Gross motor delay in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In E. Braaten (Ed.), Encyclopedia of intellectual and developmental disorders (pp. 724-727). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
BMC Pediatrics, 2023
Background Child psychomotor development and factors affecting it today is the subject of interest of many studies, in particular by the experts involved in the protection and improvement of children's health. There is limited evidence on developmental delay among under-five children in low-income countries like Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to assess gross motor developmental delay and associated factors among under-five children attending public health facilities of Dessie city, Ethiopia. Methods Facility based cross sectional study design was used among under-five children attending under-five OPD in public health facilities of Dessie town from July 1, 2020 to August 15, 2021. A total of, 417 under-five children were systematically selected based on their average number of clients in a month. A pretested structured questionnaire was used for data collection, and data was entered into Epi-data 3.1 version and it was exported to STATA version 14 for analysis. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with the outcome variable. Odds ratio with 95% confidence interval was used to show the strength and direction of association respectively and P-value less than 0.05 is used to declare statistical significance. Results The overall proportion of gross motor developmental delay among under-five children attending health facilities of Dessie city, Ethiopia was 16.31%, 95% CI: (13.05, 20.19). Increased age of the child [AOR = 0.97, 95% CI: (0.96, 0.99)], increased gestational age during pregnancy [AOR = 0.47, 95% CI: (0.37, 0.65)], being male [AOR = 5.26, 95% CI: (1.76, 15.67)], having history of alcohol intake during pregnancy [AOR = 7.40, 95% CI: (2.36, 23.25)], taking iron during pregnancy [AOR = 0.04, 95% CI: (0.01, 0.15)], facing fetal and/or maternal complication [AOR = 4.98, 95% CI: (1.20, 20.62)], having instrumental delivery [AOR = 9.78, 95% CI: (2.48, 38.60)] were significantly associated with gross motor developmental delay. Conclusions The gross motor developmental delay among under-five children was higher as compared to other literatures. This study indicated that, age and sex of the child, iron and alcohol intake during pregnancy, gestational
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1994
It is imperative that teachers utilize effective and efficient instructional strategies to teach task-analyzed gross motor skills in physical education activities to individuals with severe disabilities. The purpose of this paper is to describe the constant time delay procedure, which has been shown to be effective in teaching task-analyzed fine motor skills in daily living and safety activities. In this article, guidelines are presented for teaching task-analyzed gross motor skills to individuals with severe intellectual disabilities. These guidelines are based on a review of the constant time delay procedure reported in the special education literature and current research being conducted by the authors.
Chang Gung medical journal, 2002
Children with developmental delay (DD) have a variety of problems in developmental functions. The purposes of this study were to analyze the underlying diseases and risk factors in children with different functional delays. We collected data on 1048 children who underwent assessments of developmental function, related diseases, and risk factors. All children were classified into 6 functional delay groups: cognitive, speech, motor, pervasive, global, and non-specific DDs. Differences in related diseases and risk factors of the 6 functional delay groups were determined. Most children had global (51.2%), speech (21.9%), and motor (13.9%) delays. Approximately 62.8% of children were associated with biological factors (19% with genetic defects or congenital anomalies, 16.5% with central nervous system lesions, 13.9% with prematurity/low birth body weight, and 13.4% with neonatal insult). We could not identify the risk factors in 36.6% of the children. Most children with motor delay had b...
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 2013
The article presents the research results focused on comparing the level of gross motor skills in children with mild intellectual disabilities and intact children. The data collection used the standard test (Test of Gross Motor Development). The research sample consisted of a total of 114 students with an average age of 10 years. The results present the differences between the two groups of students in locomotor skills and object control skills. The presented results can serve as a basis for better targeting of special-pedagogical support for children with mild intellectual disabilities and as a basis for innovation of the curriculum for this group of children, as well as a basis for further research activities in this area. Keywords—Gross motor, mild intellectual disability, Test of Gross Motor Development.
The Journal of Pediatrics, 2000
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2007
This study assessed motor delay in young children 21–41 months of age with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and compared motor scores in children with ASD to those of children without ASD. Fifty-six children (42 boys, 14 girls) were in three groups: children with ASD, children with developmental delay (DD), and children with developmental concerns without motor delay. Descriptive analysis showed all children with ASD had delays in gross motor skills, fine motor skills, or both. Children with ASD and children with DD showed significant impairments in motor development compared to children who had developmental concerns without motor delay. Motor scores of young children with ASD did not differ significantly on motor skill measures when compared to young children with DD.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2011
The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and the most common risk factors of motor developmental delay in infants.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the age group of children aged 9 years old who have experienced delays in gross motor development. Instrument used in this study is TGMD (test gross motor development)-2, Ulrich, which was adopted at the international level. Gross motor development data were obtained by video recording (Sony DRC-SR42 with a 40× optical zoom capability, and software Ultimate Studio 14) on locomotors and manipulative skills. A total n = 64 persons, children of 9 years (9.30 ± 0.43) at Mutiara Perdana Primary School, Bayan Lepas, Penang were involved as the subjects. The result of the study found that children aged 9 years old experienced delays in age equivalent locomotor score (4.61 ± 0.69), age equivalent manipulative score (5.52 ± 0.62) and gross motor development quotient (7.26 ± 2.14).
This cross-sectional study examines differences in gross motor proficiency as a function of different intellectual functioning profiles. Two motor areas have been investigated as being equally essential to gross motor functions in everyday life: locomotion and object control. It aims to compare gross motor skills endorsed by children with Down syndrome (DS), children with borderline intellectual functioning (BIF), and typically developing children (TDC). Group 1 was composed of 18 children with DS (chronological age = 8.22), group 2 was composed of 18 children with BIF (chronological age = 9.32), and group 3 was composed of 18 children with typical development (TD) (chronological age = 9.28). Gross motor skills were measured through the test of gross motor development (TGMD-Test) composed of locomotion and object control tasks. Children with DS showed worse gross motor skills compared with children with BIF and typically developing children by underscoring both on all locomotion (e.g., walking, running, hopping, galloping, jumping, sliding, and leaping) and all object control tasks (e.g., throwing, catching, striking, bouncing, kicking, pulling, and pushing). In DS group strengths were found on run and slide skills, in BIF group strengths were on run, long jump and slide skills and in TDC group strengths were on run and slide skills. For all of the 3 groups the locomotor worst performed task was jump forward with arm swing. Findings suggest implications for further practice to develop evidence-based exercise programs aimed to rehabilitate gross motor skills through the regular participation in structured exercise activities. Abbreviations: BIF = borderline intellectual functioning, BMI = body mass index, BW = body weight, DS = Down syndrome, GMQ = gross motor quotient, ID = intellectual disability, IQ = intelligence quotient, L = locomotion, OC = object control, TD = typical development, TDC = typically developing children, TGMD-Test = test of gross motor development.
Importance of fundament motor skills
FMS form a critical set of skills that should be developed in the early childhood years. FMS are considered the "base camp" to the mountain of motor development and provide children with a skill repertoire they can apply to a wide variety of sports, games, and physical activities throughout the lifespan. FMS do not "naturally" develop and must be taught and reinforced through structured physical activity as part of physical education, sport, and play. If children fail to develop and learn proficient levels of FMS competence during the early years, they will be less likely to engage in physical activities. Moreover, young children with FMS delays may ultimately drop out of physical activity by adolescence putting them at a greater risk of unhealthy weight. Therefore, it is critical children develop FMS competence at an early age in order to set them onto a positive developmental trajectory with an active lifestyle. There is a growing body of evidence that supports this view suggesting motor competence in the preschool and elementary years is predictive of physical activity across childhood and adolescence. Limited opportunities for children to practice FMS during the early years is often associated with gross motor delay and an increased likelihood for sedentary behaviors.
Gross motor delay in disadvantaged children
Children from socioeconomically disadvantaged environments consistently demonstrate gross motor and FMS delay regardless of race/ethnicity and geographic location. Interestingly, there are gender differences in gross motor delay with boys having better object control skills than girls (both are still delayed), but with no gender differences in locomotor skills. Parents of children with gross motor delay speak to the significant barriers that exist in their disadvantaged communities for timely motor development. Lack of safe places to play outside, and high levels of sedentary behavior at home due to many hours of screen time (e.g. video games, television), are often associated with gross motor delay. Fortunately, children from disadvantaged settings often receive gross motor intervention through Head Start and school programs that can be successful in remediating gross motor and FMS delays.
Gross motor delay in children with developmental coordination disorder
A subgroup of children who experience delay with gross motor skills for reasons that are beyond lack of instruction and exposure may have a condition known as developmental dyspraxia or Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). DCD affects 5-6% of school-aged children with more boys than girls being affected (ratio of 2:1 to 5:1 depending on who is studied). Identification of DCD occurs when children demonstrate a delay in motor skills, or difficulty coordinating movements that results in a child being unable to adequately perform daily life activities. By definition, the gross motor delay in children with DCD is not solely attributed to any specific neurological or intellectual condition. Signs of DCD can present as early as the first six months of life with delay in suckling and swallowing, as well as motor milestones like pull to stand and walking. As children age, DCD signs shift to a clumsy appearance, a tendency to trip over his/her own feet, difficulty balancing, and gross motor delay in FMS. Skills that involve multiple limb coordination and rhythm such as skipping are particularly problematic. Although children with DCD have normal or above average intelligence, the challenges they face in gross motor skills can impact other domains such academic progress, socio-emotional development, and interaction with peers. Often, children with DCD will demonstrate fine motor delay as well as gross motor delay. Children with DCD do not simply outgrow their motor difficulties and early motor skill programs are key to assisting children with DCD to remain on a positive developmental trajectory and help reduce the physical, emotional and social consequences that are often associated with this disorder.
Gross motor delay in children with intellectual disability and Down syndrome
Children with intellectual disability (ID) and/or Down syndrome (DS) present significant delay in their gross motor skills, especially their FMS. The degree of delay is often associated with the extent of their ID. That is children with a more severe ID will have greater gross motor delay. Similar to children who are socially disadvantaged, boys with ID often outperform girls with ID in FMS. In a number of studies children with mild ID scored significantly lower on FMS than children with Borderline ID, this has been particularly true for locomotor skills. An interesting finding between FMS and sports participation is that children with ID who perform better in object control skills participated in more organized sport.
Children with DS also demonstrate the same findings as children with ID. Children with DS have hypotonia (low muscle tone) and hyper-mobility in joints such as the hip joint. The combination of low tone and substantial laxity makes it difficult for children with DS to stand, often resulting in walking as much as a year later than their typically developing peers. As a result, many children with ID/DS require adapted physical education (APE) services in addition to physical education with their typical peers in order to work on their gross motor delay.
Gross motor delay in children with cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is a condition caused by brain injury and/or malformation that affects girls slightly more than boys (1.2:1 ratio). Cerebral palsy may occur before, during, or immediately after birth affecting every 2.5 out of 1000 births with higher incidence in premature deliveries.
Cerebral palsy can affect intellectual and motor development differently based upon the size and location of the cerebral injury. For example, lesions in the cerebellum may cause ataxia (uncontrolled movements), hypotonia (low muscle tone), and significant delay in attaining motor milestones. In contrast, upper motor neuron injury in the brain stem or the cerebral cortex may result in spasticity or hypertonia (extensive muscle contraction). Spasticity severely affects flexibility, walking gait, grasping/releasing, and overall motor development.
There are multiple systems that classify the severity of motor impairment affecting children with cerebral palsy. The two most prevalent systems are the Gross Motor Functioning Classification System (GMFCS) and the anatomic classification system. The GMFCS focuses upon movements that can be voluntarily initiated and contains five levels (I-V) with class I containing the highest motor function (moving without assistance) and class V the most limited independent function (transport in a motorized wheelchair). The anatomic classification system focuses more on physical presentation than self-initiated movement capabilities. The four classifications of the anatomic system are diplegia (typically lower limbs affected more than upper), hemiplegia (one side of the body), quadriplegia (all limbs), and paraplegia (only the lower limbs). The different classification systems demonstrate the potential array of motor impairment for children with cerebral palsy. Early motor skill interventions (physical/occupational therapy, APE), along with specific medical or surgical treatments to reduce spasticity, are essential to maximize their motor function.
Assessment of gross motor delay
Most research conducted on gross motor delay has used one of the following assessments:
Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (M-ABC-2), Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) and Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2 (BOT-2). The M-ABC-2 measures three subscales of gross motor delay including ball skills, manual dexterity, and static/dynamic balance across three age bands (3-6, 7-10, 11-16 years). This assessment has been used in much of the work on DCD and some of the work on ID. The TGMD-2 measures locomotor and object control skills of children aged 3 to 10 years. The advantage of the TGMD-2 is the focus on qualitative aspects of motor skills (e.g., use of hands during ball catch; contralateral step during throw). The TGMD-2 has been used extensively to identify development delay in FMS and is generally used to qualify children for APE services. It should be noted that a third version of the test is being developed. The BOT-2 is also frequently used in research to measure both gross and fine motor skills. The BOT-2 has eight subscales (Fine Motor Precision, Fine Motor Integration, Manual Dexterity, Bilateral Coordination, Balance, Running Speed and Agility, Upper-Limb Coordination, Strength). The short form of the BOT-2 is often applied in practice since the complete form of the test is time consuming. All of these tests are normreferenced and are considered valid and reliable measures of gross motor delay in the populations described.
Fundamental motor skill intervention
Children who present gross motor delay can benefit from receiving motor skill programs that provided structured and developmentally appropriate activities, especially in the early years, which is considered a sensitive period for motor development. In the early childhood and elementary years, motor skill interventions should focus on developing competency in FMS and applying those FMS to simple sports and games with their peers. FMS interventions should preferably take place in physical education where children with gross motor delay interact with their typically developing peers. However, for some groups of children additional pull-out to work on target FMS will be necessary and valuable to help minimize gross motor delay.
Evidenced-based FMS intervention programs have identified pedagogical strategies that are effective for children with intellectual disability, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and other developmental disabilities. These pedagogical strategies include clear directions and consistent teaching cues (e.g. "hands ready, reach for the ball" in catching), specific feedback aligned to the performance of the skill (e.g., "I like the way you step and throw, next time step with opposition"), carefully designed instructional tasks that align to the current performance of the child, sufficient opportunities to practice, high quality demonstrations, and careful sequencing of tasks. It is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each individual with gross motor delay. The research evidence suggests that engaging children in structured FMS activities in at least 60 minutes per week can improve/remediate gross motor delay. One principle is clear for this population: the earlier the therapeutic intervention is started, the better the likelihood of remediating the gross motor delay. Thus, all children should be screened for gross motor delay at an early age (preferably by the age of 3 years) and should be adequately supported through welldesigned intervention programs.