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Policy and Practices of E-Waste Management in Nepal: An Emerging Challenge

2023, Journal of Lumbini Engineering College

LEC Journal 2023, 5(1): 28-37 ISSN: 2565-5205 (print) © LEC, Pokhara University Research Article Policy and Practices of E-Waste Management in Nepal: An Emerging Challenge Rewoti Ram Pantha1*, Yutthapong Pianroj, Kuaanan Techato, Saroj Gyawali Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkla University (Hat Yai campus), Hat Yai, Songkhla 90110 Thailand *Corresponding Received: April 4, 2023 Revised: April 12, 2023 Accepted: June 28, 2023 Abstract E-waste management is an immediate matter of concern for every country of the world as it not only pollutes the environment but also very toxic and hazardous to the health of living beings. Major challenges to its management come from lack of understanding of the scope and depth of the management methods, legislation relating to e-waste and socio-economic issues of the country. These challenges can be resolved only if publicprivate partnership goes hand in hand with knowledge of the consequences of improper disposal practices. The reuse and recycle of e-waste is to be disseminated backed by the proper Regulatory Framework. Keywords:E-waste, E-waste management, E-waste management in Nepal, E-waste Regulatory Framework, Ewaste in Nepal. 1. Introduction management 1.1 Background environmental restrictions in developed countries. As The world of today is characterized by strong a result, the cost of processing hazardous waste international competition and rapid technological increased. The so-called developed nations adopted a advancement [1]. Population growth, expansion of strategy to shift the burden of decaying e-devices to areas and economic activities are major inheritant the underdeveloped and developing countries with characteristics of urbanization resulting in the growth slight refurbishing as a result, illegal trading started volume of municipal solid waste (MSW) which to take place at cheaper prices in developing nations. creates an ever-increasing major global concern. In 1.3 billion tonnes of solid garbage are produced low-income nations, managing municipal solid waste annually in cities, which was 680 million tonnes a (MSW) is critical for protecting human health and the decade ago, according to statistics from the World environment. Kerere et al. (2018) claim that in the Bank [5]. Earth's generation of solid waste will have Guiyu region, people of surrounding settlements may been doubled by 2025, with 53 percent of the growth be exposed to significant quantities of hazardous coming from low- and lower-middle-income nations. compounds and soil contamination [2, 3]. South Asian countries generate 70 million tonnes of In order to enjoy a lavish life, people are heavily solid trash each year, ranging from 0.12 to 5.1 kg per dependent on electrical and electronic equipment person every day-1 [5,6]. Across the globe, the cost (EEE). The global Electronic-Web (E-Web) is thus of garbage management has constantly increased. It established as a result of increased demand and was valued at US$205 billion in 2010, and it is consumption for EEEs [3]. E-waste has beenoverrun, expected to be worth US$375 billion by 2025. and its handling has emerged as one of the world's Kathmandu has been facing waste management most pressing problems [4]. In the late 1980s, the issues since 1970, despite producing only 0.66 kg of dangers MSW per individual each day [6]. 64.24 percent of posed by e-waste development and 28 led to the issuance of strict R. R. Pantha et al. /LEC Journal 2023, 5(1): 28-37 the domestic waste in Kathmandu is made up of 1.3 Methodology plastics (15.96%), paper and paper products (8.66%), This paper is entirely derived using the various glass (3.75%), metals (1.72%), textiles (3.4%), relative articles and information available on the rubber and leather (1.12%), and others (1.15%) [6]. topic in public domain. The consideration has been (Asian Development Bank, 2013). In Kathmandu, towards various emerging nations, having e-waste commercial non-governmental management challenge such as India, China, and organizations, or NGOs, collect and transport 30% of Malaysia, and attempt has been made to identify the MSW, whilst informal scavenging handles 10% of major issues in dealing with e-waste. Finally, some SWM and formal recycling is non-existent (Nippon relative techniques have been presented that may be Koei Co. Ltd. and Yachiyo Engineering Co. Ltd., useful to limit the production of e-waste and 2007).Despite spending US$2.71 per capita per year maximize its amount that can be recycled. The on SWM, equivalent to 1.01 percent of GDP, the majority of relevant literature of the issue that majority of countries spend less than 1% of GDP on supports the review's purpose is studied, and a SWM. The results exceed those of their South Asian conclusion is reached based on that analysis to counterparts [6] and those suggested for low- and uncover the methods of solving these challenges for middle-income cities (i.e., spending no more than 0.5 e-waste disposal. percent of GNP on SWM) [7]. 1.4 Limitations of the Study firms and In Nepal, the average efficiency of collecting MSW is a. The paper is based on the secondary data. 62%; however, only 37% of it is actually disposed. b. Conclusion may not be valid for all, as this study is based on the literature review only. The efforts to organize SWM in Kathmandu were moved from the local government to the national 2. Literature Review government, to donor organizations, and then back to This chapter entails the finding and conclusion of the municipalities, according to a 2013 study by the different credible and published article, research, Asian Development Bank, or ADB. As a result, the study, reports conducted by various individuals and majority of e-waste in Nepal originates from institutions from countries that have a similar households, businesses, and the government, which demographic, socio-economic and environmental either import equipment with a short lifespan, background as Nepal to know exact scenario of the e- obsolete technology, or other similar items. waste management issues. 1.2 Objective of the study According The fundamental questions that are answered in this sustainable SWM should not only be given high review are: importance, but also must go beyond technical difficulties a. To investigate the challenges for e-waste to to Zurbrügg, incorporate integrated multiple and critical sustainabile components to ensure the success of any management in Nepal solid waste project by strengthening legislation and b. To suggest the Regulatory Framework that are norms and emphasizing waste transportation and feasible in Nepalese context However, the overarching goal of our investigation is disposal technology. to determine the ramifications of resolving these The Solid Waste Management National Policy was issues for e-waste management. passed by the Nepalese government in 1996. Every local authority, particularly municipalities, was 29 R. R. Pantha et al. /LEC Journal 2023, 5(1): 28-37 required by this program to establish a separate realistic, and measurable goals that could link to the sanitation unit that included SWM. The Kathmandu then existing SWM procedure. city and 15 municipalities have dedicated sanitation Even or SWM departments, according to Nippon Koei Co. developing Ltd. and Yachiyo Engineering Co. Ltd. (2005). The combining the then existing waste legislation, the remaining towns' public health and sanitation timing and influence on SWM National Policy, some departments, which are in charge of sweeping and foreign partner seemed interested in reviving waste collection, have merged. Many individuals previous projects, such as SWMRMC. The central have questioned the fundamental principle of government attempted to prepare this policy, ignoring improving SWM structure and effectiveness by earlier policies which remained unimplemented, establishing a centrally recognized body to support according to Joshi (personal communication, 21 July municipalities' efforts. 2007) and Thapaliya (personal communication, 21 According to Thapa and Devkota (1999), a new July 2007). national agency, as anticipated in the SWM National When SWMRMC was on the verge of bankruptcy it Policy 1996, would create a variety of difficulties in had 900 sweepers earning wages comparable to those managing local resources to handle SWM and would paid ultimately undermine efforts to promote resource implemented a new regulation as a backdoor attempt centralization and strengthen self-governance [8]. to save the company. Municipal officials in The GTZ offered Kathmandu Valley communities Kathmandu claim that although NR140 million was two options before stopping aid in 1993: clean and spent to retire these kuchikars from SWMRMC, collect rubbish or adopt SWMRMC and be crucial tasks outlined in the policy objectives, like reimbursed for sweeping and collection charges. The developing building-integrated SWM strategies, have Environmental Policy and Action Plan, 1993, which not yet been actually completed (Joshi, Mainali, and empowered municipal wards to collect waste and Manandhar, personal communication, 2007)[9,10]. dispose at fixed points or municipal landfills. In The government established the Kathmandu Valley Assessment Guidelines for SWM Projects in Nepal’s Development 39 Municipalities (NEIA Guidelines for SWM Projects three in Nepali Municipalities) were issued. According to representatives from local governments. Even though the guidelines, municipalities in Nepal should decentralization was the objective, SWM was given perform an initial environmental evaluations (IEEs) to the Ministry of Local Development (MLD) [9]. and environmental impact assessments (EIAs) before The Kathmandu administration, which was making commencing any SWM projects [10]. Even though an effort to control waste, made consistent progress there are regulations, Kathmandu has not yet without strategy. completely implemented SWM programs. The Recognizing the urgent need to regulate SWM in technical staff member for the GLS's building Kathmandu, the commission recommended a GTZ projects addressed to a query regarding the nature of Fact-Finding Mission to look into SWM in Nepal in the IEE and EIA conducted for the Gokarna Landfill 1996. The mission's findings revealed the need for a Site and Sisdol Landfill Site by claiming that it new national policy with broad, integrated, accurate, lacked the appropriate academic training to perform ministries Council, and fully which secretaries adopting the but comprised only previous 30 though to 2005, a the study comprehensive industrial the above workers, National recommended national the policy government Environmental Impact R. R. Pantha et al. /LEC Journal 2023, 5(1): 28-37 these examinations and evaluations (SLS). As a mixed with solid waste considering that should be the result, a Japanese expert was consulted for the GLS responsibility of the manufacturers or the retailers to technical assessment [11,12]. manage. The Swiss ICT Industry Association has Globally, 2050 million tonnes of e-waste are expected adopted a policy that specifies the invoice of any new to be wasted each year, whereas, Asia accounts for electronic item must include charge to cover the approximately recycling case from 1 to 20 euros as applicable. 12 million tonnes (Greenpeace International, 2005). Despite the fact that per capita Japan was the first nation to develop both the e-waste creation in India and China is less than 1 "Revised Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization kilogram per year, the total volume of e-waste of Resources" and the "Specifies Home Appliance generated and Recycling Law" (SHARL) for LHA was Japan. The industrialized countries are the main producers of e- consumer is obligated by these laws to pay collection waste. The United States is the world's largest e- and recycling fees after leaving the products at the waste generator, according to the USEPA (2009), collection station or retailer. Using a coupon system with 3.16 million tons created in 2008. where customers pay a fee for the waste, the E-waste Many metals are found in electrical and electronic recycling system for household appliances was goods, many of which are toxic to people and designed in Japan. ecosystems. Metal ions make up more than 60% of e- The Norwegian legislation provides a special waste, with hazardous metals accounting for only 2.7 procedure for dealing with e-waste, such as requiring percent. Because harmful compounds such as that the distributor or the local government entity aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), bismuth (Bi), cadmium handle it for free. The treatment of electronic waste (Cd), chromium (Cr), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), lead was (Pb), and antimony (As) are included in these wastes, (Management and Handling) rules up to 2010. effective waste management (collection, storage, Because there are important concerns and negative recycling, and disposal) is required (Sb). E-waste consequences of e-waste on the environment and collection in 2017 is expected to surpass 17,730 human health [13, 14]. metric tonnes, according to the Department of India campaigned for the development of a Environment (The Himalayan Times, 2017). comprehensive strategy to address the hazards International accords, like the Basel Convention, associated with e-waste and its growing concern. Stockholm Conference, and EU Directives (WEEE According to the Environmental Protection Act and Reduction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)), (EPA) of 1986, the Government of India started were developed to minimize the unlawful exports of enforcing the first E-waste (Management and hazardous waste due to the enormous consequences Handling) Rules in 2011. Everyone involved in of the increasing piles of e-waste. production, distribution, sale, purchase, or processing Switzerland has been found adopting coercive was subject to the rules. The guidelines were laid initiatives towards framing appropriate regulation to forth in order to reduce the amount of dangerous promote recovering of WEEE, take back approach waste that needed to be disposed of by collecting, and the ordinance on the return schemes and disposal disassembling, of EEE (ORDEA) in 1998 to ascertain that any sorting, and recycling materials. is enormous [12]. Developed defunct or outdated (e-waste) devices should not be 31 governed under handling, the Hazardous transporting, Trash storing, R. R. Pantha et al. /LEC Journal 2023, 5(1): 28-37 3. Characterization of waste of risk assessment and be able to discuss the In emerging economies, waste collection systems are evolution of the analysis' assumptions on an equal usually overcrowded, and dumpsites are unregulated footing. and poorly managed. The problem is becoming worse 5. E-Waste Management in Nepal: An Emerging [15, 16]. Due to inadequate institutions, increasing Challenge urbanization, and ongoing insufficient resources, Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to discarded waste management is a regular issue in many nations electrical or electronic devices or appliances that are and towns. Trash treatment is influenced by all of no longer usable to their owners. E-waste is these challenges as well as a lack of understanding of detrimental because, depending on their state and the many components of the waste management density, individual components of various electronic hierarchy [16]. Industrial waste management remains goods contain toxic substances. Simultaneously, the a challenge in the developed world even though global increase of end-of-life and near-end-of-life nearly all industrialized nations and communities ICT equipment is raising considerable worry. If not have established an appropriate waste management properly treated, the chemical substances they systems and regulations. contain have the potential to harm both the According to the European Waste Catalogue, defining environment and human health. By repurposing, rubbish's it as refurbishing, or recycling this e-waste, it can be hazardous, or managed in an environmentally sustainable manner, completely non-hazardous are indeed the primary causing less harm to the ecosystem. As a result, in elements in defining garbage. Absolute hazardous compliance with evolving global best practices and entries are hazardous because of the method by standards, which they were produced, but non-hazardous essential. absolute entries are problematic because of the E-waste is classified as used electronics that are process by which they were created. required for recycling involving material recovery, 4. Risk assessment of Waste management re-sale, The systematic process of evaluating the potential Informal e-waste processing in underdeveloped risks associated with a planned waste management countries can have serious health repercussions and operation or attempt is referred to as risk analysis in contaminate the environment. Cadmium, beryllium, the field of waste management [4,17]. Successful lead, and brominated flame retardants, among other collaborations between corporations, the general things, public, state regulators, and other stakeholders components require environmental risk communication skills. As communities in both developed and developing more risk-based decisions are made in environmental countries have challenges with e-waste recycling and management, understanding the science behind risk disposal. To safeguard the environment and the well- assessment is becoming increasingly critical for all being of individuals and animals, offering quality for stakeholders the management and treatment of industrial waste composition completely hazardous, involved. and categorizing partially To encourage public responsible re-furbishment, may be such e-waste re-use, present as in CPUs. management or interested parties must understand the core concepts 32 destruction. electronic Employees must be implemented and maintained. participation in environmental decision-making, all is waste and R. R. Pantha et al. /LEC Journal 2023, 5(1): 28-37 Figure 1: Developing Countries E-Waste Classification/Management System [17]. E-waste is a sort of waste that is currently wreaking regularly exchanged across national borders. havoc on the global environment. Used electronics E-waste production is on the rise, especially in that are intended for reuse, refurbishing, or salvage developing countries that lack the financial and other recycling via disposal, or resources to properly dispose of it. Technology, on e-waste. In the other hand, is constantly improving; new developing nations, informal e-waste processing has technologies are faster, smaller, and easier to use than the potential to harm human health and contaminate ever before. What about that old phone, computer, or the environment. Hazardous substances such as camera you upgraded to a newer and better model. cadmium, lead, beryllium, and brominated flame We live in a consumerist world where new retardants may be present in electronic debris, such as technology, which is purchased, improved, and CPUs. developing replaced on a regular basis. Because of the appealing countries, the recycling and disposal of e-waste can economic incentives provided by increased electronic pose significant health dangers to workers and output and e-waste exports from wealthy to communities [18]. impoverished countries, the e-waste problem is abandonment The In words material are both recovery, referred to as industrialized "management," and "challenging," and rapidly expanding. "Nepal" spring to mind when thinking of e-waste. The total amount of e-waste produced in 2014 was Any electronic equipment or product that has reached anticipated to be over 41 million tons, with a 3-5 the end of its usable life cycle is referred to as percent yearly increase rate [20]. Because of the electronic garbage, or e-waste [17]. Trash Electrical presence of several harmful compounds in e-waste, it and Electronic Equipment, or e-waste, is a sort of is considered dangerous. These waste materials development trash (WEEE). According to Hotta et contain high levels of non-recyclable concentrated al., e-waste is one of the world's fastest-growing lead, cadmium, and beryllium. Burning this garbage waste streams, and "Asia has become the engine of is harmful to one's health and releases toxic world garbage generation" [19]. The problem of e- substances waste is no longer limited to domestic concerns cellphones, because electronic equipment and E-waste are refrigerators, air conditioners, and other electronic 33 into the radios, atmosphere. Cellphones, televisions, computers, R. R. Pantha et al. /LEC Journal 2023, 5(1): 28-37 devices are increasingly used, resulting in increased resources, e-waste creation in the country. As a result, effective management technologies, and infrastructure are all e-waste management seems essential for the nation. issues that affect waste management. In mid-2018, a 5.1 Nepal's current situation fast assessment of SWM procedures was carried out The right to live in a clean environment is guaranteed in several municipalities throughout seven provinces by the constitution of Nepal. The Environment of Nepal. Daily, 0.39 kg of municipal solid waste was Protection Act, 1997, was drafted and converted into generated per resident. law in 1997. The preamble of the legislation intends Organic waste accounted for 43.6 percent of MSW, to hasten the passage of legal requirements that will while paper and paper products accounted for 22.7 ensure a clean and healthy environment. Minimizing percent, plastic accounted for 13.8 percent, glass the negative impacts that environmental deterioration accounted for 6.4 percent, metals accounted for 2.7 is anticipated to have on humans, wildlife, plants, percent, textiles accounted for 3 percent, rubber and ecosystems, and physical artifacts. Protecting the leather accounted for 1.3 percent, and other environment through effective use and management accounted for 6.6 percent [18,21]. Waste recycling of natural resources, while keeping in mind that and energy recovery, according to this analysis, have sustainable development is only possible through greater promise. Despite its potential, trash recycling inescapable interdependencies. in Nepal is still in its infancy and controlled by the A proponent must complete an Initial Environmental informal sector. Scrap merchants and recycling Examination (IEE) and an Environmental Impact companies, which are part of the informal or small- Assessment (EIA) as required by law. The Act lays scale formal private sector, play an important role in out the rules for preventing and controlling pollution. recycling. Because just a few hundred of Nepal's The Act defines the position, responsibilities, and thousands of scrap merchants and small-scale powers of the relevant Environment Inspector. The recycling firms are registered, most recycling efforts Environment Protection Act, which includes, no and earnings go unnoticed. mention of e-waste remediation, has been used by the These recycling options are similarly limited to the Nepal government to deal with all environmental Terai region, allowing hill and mountain towns to challenges. In Nepal, there are currently no legal fend for themselves in terms of recycling. New systems in place to deal with the growing problem of recycling enterprises are springing up in Nepal, electronic waste disposal. Developing countries like which is a welcome development compared to Nepal are vulnerable due to lack of inventory data, e- previous arrangements that saw waste items collected waste improved and sent to Indian recycling organizations. As a technologies for environmentally sound management. result, Nepalese recycling methods should be Local governments in Nepal are responsible for waste formalized and scaled up, with the informal sector management, which includes planning, financing, being incorporated in recycling efforts. and implementing waste management services. Only The present improvement in electronics has expanded national institutions are responsible for creating the usage of technology, particularly in Telecom/ICT, waste management policies and providing technical and the low initial cost and unplanned obsolescence support. At the national and local levels, waste of electrical and electronic equipment has resulted in management is now a low priority. Financial a management policies, and 34 human problem with resource expertise, e-waste in waste Nepal. R. R. Pantha et al. /LEC Journal 2023, 5(1): 28-37 Telecommunication/ICT devices, as well as their and infrastructure needed for environmentally sound electrical and electronic components, are in high e-waste management is a matter of serious concern. demand and have a limited lifespan. The ubiquitous Most of the industrialized countries have legislation usage of electrical and electronic equipment in our requiring electronic manufacturers and importers to day-to-day operations, as well as the disposal of accept back outdated electronic equipment at their obsolete end-of-life based on the notion of extended producer equipment, is posing a growing environmental threat. responsibility. The implementation of EPR in 6. Expected outcome developing countries has become critical due to the Developing nations face significant challenges in current high level of transboundary e-waste migration addressing with e-waste, which is either domestically into developing countries and the lack of basic or produced or illegally imported as "used" equipment, state-of-the-art to close the so-called "digital gap." The lack of facilities. recycling and waste disposal policies, legal instruments, regulations, technology, Figure 2: Schematic chart showing different recycling patterns of solid wastes in Nepal [17] Sustainable urban mining of e-waste has expanded to The key causes of the growing trend of E-waste are be a considerable global issue in order to achieve the socio-economic Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda, improvement. especially Goal 3 (Water and Sanitation Health), Goal environmental concerns and hurdles to appropriate 8 (Decent Work & Economic Growth), Goal 11 management in Nepal are the rising trend of e-waste (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and Goal 12 generation and the lack of regulatory provisions. (Responsible Production)[9] Given the potential for harmful eco-toxicological (UNEMG, 2018). 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