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Description of Career Women in Bontoa Village, Maros District

2023, Jurnal Sipakalebbi

Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak UIN Alauddin Makassar Sipakalebbi Vol. 7 /No. 1 /2023 DESCRIPTION OF CAREER WOMEN IN BONTOA VILLAGE, MAROS DISTRICT Asmirah Khusnul Yuliana1, Ahmad Afiif2, Eka Damayanti3 1,2,3 Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Email: asmirahkhusnul.yuliana@gmail.com1,, Abstract: The first care for children lies within the family. The main responsibility of caring for children is still borne by the father or mother even though they have other activities outside the home, such as working. Caring for mothers or working women is interesting to study because of the double burden that is carried out apart from being a caregiver as well as an employee at work. This article discusses caring for career women in the Bontoa Village. The data sources in this study were 5 housewives as well as career women who have children under the age of 5 in Bontoa Village, Maros Regency. The research instrument uses an interview guide. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Research results show that: (1) The parenting model applied by career women in Bontoa Village, Maros Regency, namely democratic, authoritarian, and permissive parenting. Democratic parenting by considering the rules, not imposing the will of parents which can make children depressed. Authoritarian parenting is where parents pressure children to do what parents want. Permissive parenting frees children in determining their desires. (2) Career women in the Bontoa Village, Maros Regency, in carrying out their roles as caregivers and also as career women have determined priority activities. Work problems can affect the home and children or vice versa. The most important thing is to build effective communication with family so that they can actualize themselves in their respective fields of work. Keywords: Parenting, Career Woman Abstrak: Pengasuhan pertama bagi anak terletak di dalam keluarganya. Kewajiban utama pengasuhan anak tetap dibebankan pada ayah atau ibu meskipun mereka memiliki aktivitas lain di luar rumah, seperti bekerja. Pengasuhan pada ibu atau wanita yang bekerja menjadi menarik diteliti karena beban ganda yang dijalani selain sebagai pengasuh juga sebagai karyawan di tempat kerja. Artikel ini membahas tentang pengasuhan kalangan wanita karir di Kelurahan Bontoa. Sumber data pada penelitian ini sebanyak 5 orang ibu rumah tangga sekaligus wanita karir yang memiliki anak dibawah umur 5 tahun di Kelurahan Bontoa Kabupaten Maros. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan pedoman wawancara. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif melalui tahapan berupa reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Model pengasuhan yang diterapkan oleh wanita karir di Kelurahan Bontoa Kabupaten Maros yaitu pengasuhan demoktratis, otoriter, dan permisif. Pengasuhan demoktratis dengan 83 Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak UIN Alauddin Makassar Sipakalebbi Vol. 7 /No. 1 /2023 mempertimbangkan peraturan, tidak memaksakan kehendak orangtua yang bisa membuat anak tertekan. Pengasuhan otoriter dimana orangtua menekan anak dalam melakukan sesuai dengan keinginan orangtua. Pengasuhan permisif membebaskan anak dalam menentukan keinginannya. (2) Wanita karir di Kelurahan Bontoa Kabupaten Maros dalam menjalani peran sebagai pengasuh dan juga sebagai wanita karir telah menentukan kegiatan prioritas. Permasalahan pekerjaan dapat berpengaruh ke dalam rumah dan anak atau sebaliknya. Yang terpenting membangun komunikasi yang efektif dengan keluarga agar tetap dapat mengaktualisasikan dirinya pada bidang pekerjaan masing-masing. Kata Kunci: Pola Asuh, Wanita Karir INTRODUCTION Advances in technology have contributed to the progress of the nation, including in the career field. This condition changes almost all women who have jobs, both in government and private offices. Women can work anywhere as long as there are career opportunities in any field according to their potential. Becoming a career woman is a decision for some women nowadays, and therefore it can cause conflict if one role is done well but one other role is ignored. Women as housewives have the right to pursue their careers based on their field or expertise. The Al-Quran An-Nahl/16:97 and Islam view that the degree of women is above men because the concept in Islam of women gave birth to a generation that is currently developing. This problem arises if the person working is a housewife who has children and still needs physical or spiritual care. For the majority of children, the damage to children comes from parents being negligent towards them, and not teaching children about religious obligations and sunnah. Children have potential that must be developed, children are always active with enthusiasm and always want to know about what they see, hear, and experience. Therefore, it is the role of parents to help children maximize their potential. For the majority of children, the damage to children comes from parents being negligent towards them, and not teaching children about religious obligations and sunnah. Children have potential that must be developed, children are always active with enthusiasm and always want to know what they see, hear, and experience, therefore it is the role of parents to help children maximize their potential (Desmita, 2013). Parents as the main educators, because of the large influence that is intertwined as a result of their upbringing in the formation of the child's character (Syarbini, 2014). These rights include the right to welfare, protection, non-discrimination, and care. Loving parental care and learning about the quality of life, both spiritual and sociocultural, is conducive for children to prepare themselves to become good individuals (LN, 2006). The family is the initial place in the child's environment, a place to study as a social creature, and the basis for the formation of behavior, character, morals, and child learning. According to Sarwono (1997), the family is the primary area of almost everyone, a bond between humans that is very intensive and very early established in 84 Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak UIN Alauddin Makassar Sipakalebbi Vol. 7 /No. 1 /2023 the family According to Yuwanto, parenting is a method used by parents to educate and guide children to become useful and suitable people as expected. For the universal dictionary of the Indonesian language, the word pattern means model, system, working method, or form (the structure that is always), on the other hand, the word foster care has the meaning of protecting, guarding, and educating children so that they can stand on their own. Tim Penyusun Kamus Pusat Bahasa (2002) defines parenting as all the actions of parents concerned with physical and brain development and growth. If the parenting that parents teach their children is wrong, it can have an impact on the character of the child himself (Musaheri, 2007). The parenting pattern in question is the method given to children in education so that children can achieve their welfare (Walgito, 1989) and achieve their goals. In theory, the pattern of parenting that parents have to do has several parenting dimensions which consist of communication, discipline, attachment to relationships, problem-solving, emotional management, free time, and monitoring of activities. Parenting patterns greatly determine the behavior, character, and attitudes of children. Career women are aged women or girls who are involved or working and carrying out work or positions at home or outside the home in the hope of achieving progress, growth, and position in their lives (Iksa, 1998). Career women in this case can be referred to as women who work, this matter matches the definition of working women for Ihromi, working women are women who carry out certain activities to get progress and in conclusion, get monetary rewards. Both, together create rewards to achieve goals. The characteristics of career women according to Munandar (Dewi, 2015) include (1) Women who actively carry out work for progress. (2) Activities that are tried are activities related to their abilities, be it in the political, technical, social, cultural, learning, or other fields. (3) The field of work pursued is by early intentions or early goals, namely to obtain progress. Based on the results of observations of housewives in the Bontoa Village, it was found that housewives generally work in the formal sector, such as employees at the sub-district, sub-district office, teachers, and health workers at the public health center, this condition causes housewives to have a dual role as parents at home and as women who work in formal employment. In educating and caring for children, every parent has a different way even though with the same goal, but it cannot be denied that parents are too busy with work so that most parents spend time outside the home and are limited by time, meaning that they cannot be fully at home knowing what to do child and state of the child. Based on the results of research conducted in the Bontoa Village, Mandai District, Maros Regency from 13 July 2022 to 13 August 2022, it was found that 5 (five) families in the Bontoa Village, Mandai District, Maros Regency, consisting of 4 environments, namely the Tetebatu Environment, Bontoa Environment, Tamarampu Environment, and Sambotara Environment, are known that families apply different care based on 7 aspects of care, namely, communication, discipline, relationship attachment, problem-solving, emotional management, use of free time, and child monitoring. 85 Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak UIN Alauddin Makassar Sipakalebbi Vol. 7 /No. 1 /2023 There are several kinds of parenting patterns according to Ilahi quoted in Baumrid in Stewart 1983 (Ilahi, 2013) namely Democratic Parenting Patterns, Authoritarian Parenting Patterns, and Permissive Parenting Patterns. According to Baumrind, authoritative parenting or democratic parenting is a parenting model that applies maximum supervision to children but is not possessive but responsive, respects children, exchanges ideas, understands feelings between mother and child, and involves children in making decisions (Musman, 2020). Authoritarian parenting is a parental attitude. harsh on children and tends to be discriminatory. This is indicated by children feeling pressured to comply with all the rules and orders of their parents, very strict supervision of children so that children do not get the trust of parents, and children are often punished. Permissive parenting is the attitude of parents in giving complete freedom to children in making decisions and behaving according to what the child wants. As a result, children in the future will become aggressive and antisocial because from the start they have been given freedom in social regulations. Some aspects of early childhood care according to Ahmad Afiif (2018) in his book are communication, Raymond S. Ross defines communication as Intentional, namely the process of filtering and sending diverse symbols to help the listener improve his thoughts given by the communicator's intention. Deddy Mulyana (2001) discipline, attachment, Attachment is a term coined by John Bowlby in 1958 to describe the bond between mother and child (Desmita, 2013) problem-solving. According to Angraini (2020), problem-solving is a technique for solving problems that is used directly as a tool to help children understand the lessons they are learning. Emotional management, free time, and activity monitoring. Based on the background of the problems described above, the purpose of this study is to determine the application of career women's parenting of children in running their careers. The results of the study show that the most widely used form of parenting is 43.33% of the parenting style used, namely children who are handed over or entrusted to housemaids with family supervision, and the impact of career women can minimize negative impacts that occur due to limited time for their families. on focusing on three general patterns of parenting, versus research conducted focusing on multiple dimensions of parenting. (Rapini, 2013) The second study was entitled Career Mothers and Internalization of Career Values in Adolescents (Dewi, 2015). Conducting qualitative research by collecting data using an open questionnaire with a higher quantity of results that have positive views than negative ones. The formation of this perception depends on how the mother can manage her time and attention between family and work. Positive and negative impacts are felt by all subjects. The value for men who have positive perceptions and can process impacts well will allow their wives to have a career and vice versa. The third research (Safa, 2017). This study used library research methods and data collection methods with literature studies with the results of research on the role of the mother in shaping the child's personality. Forming a child's personality is carried out through religious education and fostering a religious soul, namely by fostering faith and 86 Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak UIN Alauddin Makassar Sipakalebbi Vol. 7 /No. 1 /2023 monotheism, developing morals, and cultivating worship from a young age. The similarity with research by researchers is that they both examine parenting styles. The difference from this research is that it discusses the mother's parenting in general. while this research is about the parenting style of career housewives. The fourth research is entitled The Role of Career Women in the Family, Parenting and Child Education (Rahman, 2018). The method used in this research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The results of the study show that career women can pass through this dual role well, even though they are busy outside the home, career women can still carry out their obligations as housewives who give full attention to their husbands and children. The difference in this study is that this study discusses parenting styles, while the research conducted examines parenting styles. The similarity of this research both examine career women. The fifth study is entitled The Effect of Parenting Career Women on Children's Religious Learning Achievement in Gampong Beurawe Banda Aceh (Jannah, 2016). This type of research uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach and the results of the research show that the parenting style of career women does not hurt children's learning achievement. Even though the mother has a career, almost all of the parenting styles that are applied still have a good influence on the achievement of children's religious studies. The similarity of this research is that they both examine career women who have early childhood. The difference in this study is that this study examines children's religious learning achievement while the research conducted is how the dimensions of parenting patterns are applied by mothers expecting children. The sixth study entitled Complexity of the Role of Women in Families with Multiple Career Patterns (Murtiana & Hidayah, 2017). This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods with the results of the research showing that the complexity of the role of women in families with multiple career patterns is divided into three domains, namely productive, reproductive, and social roles, as well as productive and social roles. Problems in the form of role conflict originate from the dimension of time, pressure on various issues such as difficulty managing time, reduced intensity of time with family, dilemmas of social relations and environmental sanctions, fatigue, too heavy workload, and problems at work. The difference in this study is that this research focuses on the role of career women in the family, while the research conducted focuses on the parenting style of career women to children. Based on the results of observations of housewives in the Bontoa Village, it was found that housewives generally work in the formal sector, such as employees at the sub-district, sub-district office, teachers, and health workers at the puskesmas, this condition causes housewives to have a dual role as parents at home and as women who work in formal employment. This career keeps them busy with housework so that little time can be spent caring for their children. Based on this description, the author is interested in studying Career Care for Career Women in Bontoa Village. The similarities between previous research and this research are that they both study career women who are already married. In contrast, the comparison of previous 87 Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak UIN Alauddin Makassar Sipakalebbi Vol. 7 /No. 1 /2023 research with this study is a different variable that examines several dimensions of Caring for Career Women in Bontoa Village, Maros Regency METHODE RESEARCH This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a case study research type that focuses on the parenting style of career women in educating and caring for their children. a method with a descriptive approach that is explorative in nature, namely a method that aims to describe a situation or a phenomenon or a case just wants to know about the state of something (Arikunto, 1985). Researchers immediately went to the field to get information using interview techniques. Data is collected by the researchers themselves directly from the first source or where the object of research is carried out. The primary data here are career mothers in the Bontoa Village. While the secondary data referred to here are all data that are indirectly related to the issue of research focus and other books relevant to this research. Sources of research data come from informants. Resource persons are sources of human data. Where are housewives as well as career women who have underage children in the Bontoa Village, Maros Regency, as many as 5 families? This method is used by one of the opinions of research figures, a method with an exploratory descriptive approach, namely a method that aims to describe a situation or a phenomenon or case, just want to know about the state of something(Arikunto, 1985) data collection was selected taking into account housewives who are currently working and have early childhood (Subagiyo, 2017). In this section, the field data records obtained are in the form of interview transcripts. Second, interviews serve as a supporting strategy for other techniques, such as participant observation, document analysis, and photography (Syamsuddin A.R, 2006) As for those who will be interviewed by researchers, namely housewives who have careers in four neighborhoods in the Bontoa Village. The research instrument uses an unstructured interview guideline which is an interview guide that contains an outline of what will be asked. Interviewer expertise is needed, the results of interviews with this type of guideline depend more on the interviewer as for the instruments used, namely; Table 1. Interview Instruments 88 Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak UIN Alauddin Makassar Sipakalebbi Vol. 7 /No. 1 /2023 The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, triangulation, and conclusion. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on the results of interviews with career women, it was found that in the growth and development of children it is different, the role of housewives and career women in dividing time between children and busy work is not optimal due to limited time. Career women spend more time at work than with their children. In sharing time, career women experience fatigue because they divide their time between work and with children. As for the efforts of career women in caring for their children in the aspect of communication, they communicate with children not directly but via telephone or video call. The efforts made by career women in caring for children are related to closeness, that is, they maintain their closeness with children by calling or video calls during breaks, while some career women use spending time with children when at home by playing with children. As for the efforts of career women in caring for their children in the aspect of communication, they communicate with children not directly but via telephone or video call. The efforts made by career women in raising children are related to closeness, that is, they maintain their closeness to their children by calling or video calls during breaks, while some career women use this by spending time with their children while at home playing with them. Dh's mother often interacts with the child so that the child's activities are better known by the mother than the father, the mother also often invites the child to tell stories so that the child feels comfortable and open so that the child makes Dh's mother 89 Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak UIN Alauddin Makassar Sipakalebbi Vol. 7 /No. 1 /2023 a place to tell the story. shows a sad expression, therefore Ay's mother tries to approach the child when she is feeling sad, disappointed, or happy by approaching him so the one who communicates most often with the child is Ay's mother. The communication dimension that Um's mother applies is that Um's mother prioritizes comfort so that children can be more open with Um's mother as well and involve other children to develop communication with children. The child's communication is not only with the mother but with people at home because Mrs. H lives with her parents, 2 siblings, and one sibling who is already married, therefore the child does not only communicate with Mrs H but with other family members. The communication that exists between Ra's mother and the child is very lacking, as seen from the upbringing of Ra's mother, the one who communicates more often with the child, namely her grandmother, so to find out the child's feelings are disappointed, sad, happy, Ra's mother finds out only through her grandmother's intermediary. Dh's mother applies discipline to children by imposing sanctions by the agreement agreed upon by the children starting with small warnings, Dh's mother also teaches children from a young age about the phrases of apologizing, thanking, and asking for help. The discipline that Ay's mother applied this by not imposing child development but always teaching children about manners such as asking for help and thanking, Ay's mother also did not give severe punishment to children when children made mistakes. Discipline Um's mother teaches discipline to children from a young age so that children get used to being polite to others, the punishment given to children is in the form of advice and understanding to children so that children are more comfortable and open to parents. The discipline applied by Mrs. H is to give punishment according to the severity of the child's wrongdoing and Mrs. H also emphasizes the child to say sorry, thank you, and ask for help. The discipline that Ra's mother applies to her child is unclear and inconsistent in terms of giving full responsibility to the mother to punish the child Ra's mother does not know what punishment is given to the child which will make the child less attention from parents but Ra's mother does not forget to pay attention to developments children in uttering certain sentences. The attachment that Dh's mother applies to children is that Dh's mother always tries to be close to the child and builds good communication with the child such as asking how the child is feeling today and making the child a storyteller so that attachment is established between mother and child. Mrs. Ay took the approach by being a storyteller with the child asking about feelings that seemed gloomy, and alone, and at that time Mrs. Ay made an approach with the child and then she told her about the problem so that she could be closer to the child and know the child's daily activities. The closeness of the relationship between Um's mother and her child way that Um's mother is open to her children provides comfort at home and meets the needs of the children. Solving problems Um's mother spends time with her husband discussing child development and Um's mother establishes communication with the school regarding child development. The closeness of the relationship that occurs between Mrs. H and her child is difficult for Mrs. H in building closeness children due to Mrs. H's busy earning a 90 Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak UIN Alauddin Makassar Sipakalebbi Vol. 7 /No. 1 /2023 living to help the family's economy so that the right time when she comes home from work, Mrs. H interacts with her children and husband. In solving problems, Mrs. H tries to be the first person to know about the child's problems, and Mrs. H is usually assisted by people who are at home, such as grandmothers and other relatives. The closeness of the relationship that exists between Ra's mother and the child does not interact directly with the child so there is a lack of direct attention that exists between mother and child, so that the child does not get good attention from the mother. The emotional management applied by Dh's mother is to explain the conditions that occur if it does not match the expectations of the mother and Dh's mother does not have a bad impact on the child when Dh's mother is tired or there are problems at work. Mother Ay lacks emotional control, as evidenced by the results of interviews, namely that the child is affected by Mother Ay when she is tired from work, but on the other hand, Ibu Ay always emphasizes that children can teach children what is right or wrong for what children do. Um's mother's emotional control is by solving problems that occur at the office before returning home. If Um's mother is tired, it doesn't affect the child because she takes the time to calm down and then meets the child at home. The emotional management that Mrs. H applied to her child had a very big impact on the child being pinched or punched when Mrs. H was tired from work while the child was fussy and Mrs. H emphasized that the child had to live up to her expectations so that the child could be under the control of Mrs. H and her husband. Emotional management of Ra's mother towards her child, namely the lack of direct interaction with the child, but on the other hand, when Ra's mother is in a mess when she comes home from work, it does not affect the child so that the child does not know about the problem or new problems do not arise. Mrs. Dh in spending time together is using the best possible time in childcare by involving the child in her activities such as taking the child to posyandu activities and taking a vacation every day off from work. Ay's use of spare time during work time Ay's mother usually takes the time to play with her children because when the child comes home from school she goes with Ay's mother to the office. Ay's mother also often takes her children on vacation by swimming every weekend and at the same time relieves the stress of a week's work. The forms of parenting found were taking the time to listen to children's complaints, considering punishment according to the size of the child's actions, making children storytellers, making activity plans, taking time to play with children, and always controlling children's activities. Spending time with the child by taking the child on vacation during work holidays, if the child is fussy, Um's mother takes the child to the office, usually Um's mother returns home as often as possible during working hours or rest hours just to see what condition her child is doing at home and Whom do you play with? Um's mother always takes time to rest by going home to eat with her family. Mother H's free time with her children is only when she comes home from work and occasionally takes her children out to shop at the mini market, Mrs. H rarely goes on holiday with her children and husband due to economic constraints, and at home, mother H does not only live in one family but three heads of household. stairs 91 Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak UIN Alauddin Makassar Sipakalebbi Vol. 7 /No. 1 /2023 and one sister is still a girl. Like Dh's mother, in monitoring children's activities through direct stories, the mother also tries to be a storyteller with the child so that she knows the activities of the child or close friends of the child and makes a list of activities so that the child also has activities that have been arranged in the future so that the child is accustomed to doing positive things that can make child becomes independent. The forms of parenting found are democratic parenting, making children friends with stories to tell, making children a schedule of activities so that children become independent, always explaining to children situations and conditions that occur, and teaching children positive things from childhood. Taking care of the children when the mother is working, namely the grandmother, and monitoring activities through people who are at home. The form of parenting found is democratic parenting which proves that building good communication with children, giving children positive and negative views of children, and trying to be children's storytellers, make children feel comfortable in the home environment. lack of time with children only when they come home from work, requires children to be like the mother's wish which was expressed by Yy that being hard on children will make children obey their parents and problems that occur to children must be resolved quickly without knowing the child's feelings. Monitoring the activities of Ra's children pays enough attention to her children even though she provides full care to her mother, at this time Ra's mother knows about activities, friends, and what children need. The form of parenting used by career women is permissive seen from providing full care for their grandmother, lack of direct communication between mother and child, limited parental control over children Rarely giving advice and directions to children. Parenting used in career women's families in Bontoa Village, Maros Regency has different parenting styles, including democratic, authoritarian, and permissive parenting. not all career women use democratic parenting by giving children the freedom to do what they want but cannot be separated from parental supervision or approval democratic parenting applied by parents can have a positive impact on children, namely, children can be independent and have positive behavior towards the environment and develop the abilities possessed by children. Meanwhile, authoritarian parenting is parents who are supportive of children in things that they think are right but not necessarily with the ability and that are felt by children, in other words, authoritarian parenting is more concerned with the will of parents without paying attention to the child's condition. According to Pratiwi et al., (2020), the behavior of children who get authoritarian care tends to be irritable, moody, and moody, this type of parenting lacks love for children, is less sympathetic and children tend to be often blamed. Authoritarian parenting applied by parents has the advantage of making children more obedient to their parents while the weakness is that children become less confident and less free tend to be unable to express their opinions, and children have difficulty communicating with others (Hasanah, 2020). Permissive parenting carried out by parents is the opposite of authoritarian parenting, namely paying little attention to parenting or child development, parents are 92 Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak UIN Alauddin Makassar Sipakalebbi Vol. 7 /No. 1 /2023 indifferent to the development, growth, and care of children. According to Hazizah (2019), parents who apply permissive parenting patterns will only meet the needs of their children. Research reveals that children who are raised with permissive parenting will find it difficult to socialize with their environment (Juharta et al., 2015). Parents who use permissive parenting do not provide the right boundary structure for children. In addition to these three parenting styles, two factors influence a person's parenting, namely external factors and internal factors. Furthermore, the discussion of factors that influence parenting (Sumarni & Sofiani, 2019) are: culture, parents maintain the traditional concept of parental roles, continue to use the way of parenting patterns first because they are considered successful in educating them well, the level of parental education, parents have more knowledge in parenting, Socioeconomic status, parents from the middle class tend to be stricter in parenting. Based on the results of the research, researchers can reveal that each parent has a different parenting style, three parenting styles are democratic, one permissive, and one authoritarian so each parent needs to develop knowledge about parenting because it greatly influences the child's future as well as the child's development and growth. CONCLUSION According to research findings on a number of Career Women in the Bontoa Village, Maros Regency related to Caring for Career Women in the Bontoa Village, Maros Regency, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) The democratic, authoritarian, and permissive parenting styles used in Bontoa Village, Maros Regency, as practiced by career women. Each of these three parenting philosophies operates differently depending on the situation; (2) Career women in the Bontoa Village, Maros Regency, show an attitude in dealing with career and care matters for all subjects, whether working in the health sector or utility infrastructure and transformation, determine the priority of carrying out these two roles at the same time, especially when there is a collision between the two at the same time. These findings have implications for career women to have parenting awareness. 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