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A Study on the Contribution of Exercises, Etudes and Pieces Written in Maqam in Violin Education

2012, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences

Available online at Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 2367 – 2373 WCES 2012 A study on the contribution of exercises, etudes and pieces written in maqam in violin education Ozgur Egilmez a * a Faculty of Education, Uludag University, Bursa 16059 , Turkey Abstract The violin is a fretless instrument. Due to this reason, in violin education producing a good quality sound, which is known as ocess is essential. Especially during the beginning of violin education and also in the development phases, being unable to acquire the ability to produce the appropriate sound in the left hand is one of the most significant problems for some students. For this specific reason, it is assumed that during both phases, exercises and etudes written in maqam might facilitate the acquisition of the target behaviours and overcome the mentioned problem.The present study aims to introduce maqams that facilitate the acquisition of some certain behaviour in violin education, and also exercises, etudes and pieces appropriate to these maqams. In addition, it is aimed to discuss the usability of these exercises, etudes and pieces in violin education. In this research, firstly behaviours that are needed to be acquired in the left hand is determined and the musical characteristics of the maqams that are foresight to be used as a material to help students acquire the determined behaviours are analyzed. Maqams that are foreseen to be appropriate and used are also explained. Etudes and exercises that were written with the determined maqams are introduced. Moreover, the degree of the contribution of these behaviours to the development of the students that are will be discussed.The study is considered important in introducing and spreading the traditional music that reflects the rich culture of Turkey and is suggested to be used in violin education. 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Keywords: Violin Education, Pieces Written in Maqam, Traditional Music 1. Introduction Each human being, as an a natural (physical, chemical, and biologic) environment that is formed of social and cultural elements; besides the natural, social, and cultural elements in the environment that the individual is born, s/he also lives with them side by side, and keeps a rapid interaction with these more or less. The human, within this process of interaction, is formed and developed by socializing and acculturating. In light of this fact a hum -psychic, social, and , 1972). The alteration that occurs in the behaviours of the human being through music education affect the society, and the alteration in the society affect the individual; At that point, it would be expected that the communication and * . Tel.: +90-224-294-0961 E-mail address: 1877-0428 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.05.486 2368 Ozgur Egilmez / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 2367 – 2373 interaction between the individual and his/her natural, social, and cultural environment be systematic, healthy, efficient, and productive. In modern societies, everyone and every day is to face music of every kind, and any kind of musical instrument and techniques. So, music education should aim at helping the individual to keep a healthy connection with the musical environment within which s/he is; to contribute to the creation, production, interpretation, and use of music directly or indirectly, consciously and knowledgeably, and to help in de 1994). According to Schleuter (as nstrument education is an important aspect in music education. The process of learning to play an instrument consists of acquiring some certain skills systematically in order to be able to play the instrument. The technical skills of the instrument are named as high level skills, and being able to produce a musical sound and a unique expression of the instrument require that the user of the instrument possesses the musical talent that is formerly formed or comes by birth. Schleuter stated that each instrument requires different techniques and unique skills. The basic skills that are necessary for all instruments are as follows: There is need for a correct pose while playing the instrument. The hands, arms, and fingers should be placed correctly while playing the instrument. The tone of the instrument should be of good quality and distinctive. The intonation should be clear . One of the most significant methods that can be used in accomplishing the behaviours that are necessary for instrument education is beginning from the closest music (school music, traditional music, popular music) and continuing to universal music, which comprises all kind of music types, as a way that can improve success, and which is ba Violin, a stringed instrument whose sound possibilities are extremely rich, is one of the most common and favorite instruments used in many countries of the world. The emotive expression richness, which is capable of expressing changing moods of human through impressive beauty of tone, has made it reach an ideal solo instrument performers and audience with the warmth in its tone and the variety provided by the possibilities of performance has an important role in chamber music and orchestra. Due to the possibilities expanded by its qualities, it represents the tradition in international classical music, jazz music and even folk music (Say, 2002). urs and process depends on the taking effective measures, maintaining these measures throughout his/her learning life and knowing about and practicing . the fact that principles are important as well. The teacher is supposed to be able to apply the behavioral principles should be well-defined, explained, demonstrated and appropriate to students The violin is a fretless instrument. Due to this reason, in violin education producing a good quality sound, a long and disciplined practicing process is essential. Especially during the beginning of violin education and also in the development phases, being unable to acquire the ability to produce the appropriate sound in the left hand is one of the most significant problems for some students. For this specific reason, it is assumed that during both phases, exercises and etudes written in maqam might facilitate the acquisition of the target behaviours and overcome the mentioned problem. The beginning phase of violin training, as in those of other stringed instruments, is a difficult period especially for students at early ages. In general, the beginning phase of stringed instruments covers a difficult process compared to those of the percussion instruments like piano and the fretted ones like guitar. Besides the Ozgur Egilmez / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 2367 – 2373 2369 difficulties brought about by the playing of the violin with strings, its being a fretless instrument makes it difficult to produce proper sound especially at the beginning phase and it requires time and patience to achieve this. In violin methods used in the beginning phase of violin training, it is observed that training usually starts with A and D strings. According to this beginning system, when string A is considered, the left-hand fingers are placed on the fingerboard in a way that the 1st finger will produce the note of B, the 2nd finger the note C Sharp, the 3rd finger the note of D and the 4th f . Figure 1. Finger positions on A string In this initial phase, various difficulties might appear for some students, specifically the pinky finger of whose might be tiny, weak, and strengthless, and thus, cannot produce sufficient pressure on the fingerboard and ay used maqams that compr E on to the 4th finger (the pinky finger) in the beginning considering the A string. And, the best maqam that is the most suitable one for this . Saba maqam is formed of two different scales . Saba Maqam is a combined maqam formed by the combination of the (the note the note of (the note C). Since has been used in the specified method, the other scale of the maqam has not been used. For the implementation of the specified method, Saba Maqam ba maqam is most widely used and listened in Turkish Maqams. Many instrumental and vocal works written in Saba maqam could be given as an example. In Turkey, especially Ezan, sang in the morning prayers is sang in Saba Maqam . Saba Zir Scale 2370 Ozgur Egilmez / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 2367 – 2373 There are several positions related to the violin education. Each position covers a specific location on the finger board, and a specific area on the string, and thus, a violin is played by staying on the position and changing the position, in other words by passing between the positions. A violinist who masterly accomplishes the transition between the positions and unifies them ultimately can play it in an integrative w plays it on a single . In the transitions between the positions the most significant matter is to play the sounds precisely. and ear control. Touching and feeling is important, too. The hand should feel its correct place, and the fingers should feel when they touch the correct places. All these need to be under the control of the ear. Prior to the alteration and during the alteration the ear, together with the sense of touching, should listen carefully and feel the interval that is covered . selected, and sequenced by the feature of that location and its relations with the neighbouring positions. This determination, selection, and sequencing changes according to the positions as each new position is activated by trained and skilful fingers, which improve the tone and maqam feeling. While determining the initial conditions of the new location, besides other activities, the need and easiness of crosschecking the produced sounds and the sounds of the unoccupied strings play an active role , 2005). Because of the position of the fingers in the initial stage, the saba maqam is required due to the reasons explained above; and for other positions, it is possible to benefit from many maqams that can be converted to tonal sound system. The present study is goi Nikriz Maqam as examples. Maqam: Neva fret (Note D). In the etude below, the b flat 1 coma has been converted into the b natural sound that is the closest in the tempered system. This maqam has characteristics of ascending and descending , 2011). Ozgur Egilmez / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 2367 – 2373 This is formed of ascending and descending 2371 (Note A) and th . 4) The Nikriz Maqam: fret (Note G), the maqam has characteristics of ascending and descending. 2372 Ozgur Egilmez / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 2367 – 2373 Ozgur Egilmez / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 2367 – 2373 2373 2. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS As the interest in the ethnic music has increased together with the globalization, people who live in the countries, the musical cultures of which does not hold maqam elements, have found the opportunity to listen any kind of music through the audio and visual media, and most importantly through the Internet, and to learn about the characteristics of these music. The violin, the beginning phase of which is harder compared to other instruments, might be introduced in a way to ease the use of it for little children whose pinkie fingers are not strong enough by the method described above, so that they can place it on the touch and feel more comfortable in the following phases. Prior to starting violin education, in the education of the students whose close environment consist of maqam music types, using etudes that contain maqam melodies besides the tonal ones might create positive effect on their performances. It is assumed that the violin training approaches explained above might be applied easily by not only societies that contain maqam music in their culture but also all violin educators in the world. References . e 2nd Asian Conference on Education 2010, Osaka, Japan. p: 1970 ducation ]Ankara, Yelken Tepe Publication. . 9, 413. Dimensions of Education in Music and Instrument Training] Cilt 6 . ffective Learning- - 155 lion Fine Arts U . Keman Ders K , [High School 1 of Violin For Anatolion Fine Arts High . , [High School 2 of Violin For Anatolion Fine Arts High . Schools , [High School 3 of Violin For Anatolion Fine Arts High . . l Kavramlar Ilkeler - - Principles - Approach)"]