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Development of Digital Storytelling-Based Hand Puppet Media to Improve Storytelling Skills

2023, At-Taqaddum

At-Taqaddum DOI: Development of Digital Storytelling-Based Hand Puppet Media to Improve Storytelling Skills Marisa Ana Tiara*, Trisni Handayani Primary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Kramat Pela, Kecamatan Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Indonesia 12130 *Correspondence email: ISSN: 1979-4703 (p) ISSN: 2527-9726 (e) Article history: Received: 10 June 2023 Accepted: 23 Dec 2023 Published: 25 Dec 2023 Keywords: Hand puppets; Digital Storytelling; ASSURE Model ABSTRACT This study aims to develop digital storytelling-based hand puppet media developed with the ASSURE model, learning Indonesian language material by observing characters in fictional texts in elementary schools, seeing responses, and improving the skills, and understanding of students. The subjects of this study were fourthgrade students of SDN Susukan 06, totaling 23 students in the 2023 school year. Data were collected using tests, questionnaires, interviews, observations, documentation, and field notes. The results of the study are (1) obtained the average score of expert validation with a percentage of 95% with the category "very feasible" (2) the average score of learner responses with a percentage of 93.67% which is included in the "very suitable" category (3) the average posttest score which has increased by 82.17 with the category "very good" so that it can be concluded that digital storytelling-based hand puppet media is feasible to use in the material of looking at characters in fictional texts for grade IV Indonesian language learning and can improve students' skills in telling stories as well as understanding to grade IV students in the material of looking at characters in fictional texts. Introduction The ability to tell stories at this time is considered lacking, this is evidenced according to Juliana et al., (2020) that the problems that occur in the classroom in storytelling activities are still lacking in the delivery of speaking correctly and precisely. This opinion is reinforced by Abbas & Asih (2020) that aspects of students' storytelling skills have decreased due to the limited media used in the learning process, the conditions in the classroom are less than optimal which causes the low learning outcomes achieved by students. (Ardhiani Chintia et al., 2021) argue that students' interest in storytelling is still low so that students 108 | P a g e feel afraid of being wrong, embarrassed, nervous, tense, and lack confidence when appointed to tell stories in front of the class. This is because according to Jenike and Mukhlis (2023), students are less expressive, tend to be shy about expressing the contents of the story they want to convey, that learning language skills in the classroom only emphasizes theory and does not require students to be able to use language as a tool for communication. According to Setiawati et al., (2023) 21st century, technology and information affect every aspect of life, Jenike & Mukhlis, (2023) Indonesia is slowly starting to implement 21st century learning in the realm of education. In 21st century learning using 4C, namely Critical Thinking and Problem At-Taqaddum Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023) Pg. 108-114 Solving, Creativity and Innovation, Collaboration, and Communication. Currently, there are many studies on "Hand Puppet Media Development". Anbarwati et al., (2021) explained that improving skills in various aspects such as pronunciation, intonation, courage, confidence can be developed with the help of hand puppet media. (Zuhriyyatul et al., 2022) argue that students can be enthusiastic in paying attention to learning and speaking skills that increase due to the effectiveness of learning outcomes with audiovisual-based hand puppet media, (Tambunan et al., 2019) argue that hand puppet media can improve students' storytelling abilities. From these results, there is a problem, namely that students are less fluent in communicating and are still hesitant to perform in front of the class. Because classroom assessment prioritizes cognitive assessment where students are less trained in their attitudes and skills. Preliminary studies have been conducted by researchers in Class IV elementary schools. Researchers get the results from observations that elementary school Indonesian learning has a very broad scope of material and is a subject that is difficult for students to understand compared to other subjects, especially in storytelling material. Nurzaman et al., (2023) stated that educators also find it difficult to adapt media to storytelling material due to the lack of understanding and skills of students in practicing. The solution to the problem is to create innovations in learning that make students interested in practicing. So, the researcher created hand puppet media as a tool to help students in telling stories. Hand puppet media was developed with digital storytelling because according to (Ong & Aryadoust, 2023) digital storytelling refers to a form of storytelling that utilizes technology for expression, (Mujahidah et al., 2021) students become interested and more enthusiastic in participating in the learning process, (Ristiyani & Mulyono, 2023) students can express their thoughts through language so that others can understand what the child is thinking. (Maulana et al., 2022) argue that hand puppet media is a medium that can be used by both teachers and students in learning activities. Hand puppet media can develop the imagination, absorption power of students, and includes media that is easy to play and lasts for a long time. Hand puppet media is much liked by children (Fitriani et al., 2022), it can indirectly provoke students in issuing intonation and expression because students are interested in demonstrating it which will increase student participation in learning. Research Methods In this study, researchers chose to use the Research and Development method, because this research focuses on finding and developing learning media. The research procedure with the ASSURE model created by (Smaldino in Santoso et al. 2019). The trial design of digital storytellingbased hand puppet media goes through validity first by media experts and linguists to find out whether digital storytelling-based hand puppet media is suitable for use. The test subjects of this hand puppet media product were applied to 23 fourth grade elementary school students. Development data using reliability is expressed in the form of a questionnaire with a Likert scale, as well as using pretests and posttests to see improvements in student’s storytelling skills. Result and Discussion Based on the results of observations that have been made, researchers found that during Indonesian language learning activities in the classroom more often use conventional books only. Therefore, learning aids such as hand puppet media can be an alternative to stimulate students to participate more in creating active learning. This is in accordance with the theory of Yulinda Krisanti et al. (2020) that hand puppet media can show abstract things with the help of props that are used as a thought to help students in telling stories and the opinion of (Besty Fortinasari et al., 2022) that digital storytelling is able to visualize material and focus attention which can motivate students to be active in class. The development of this digital storytelling-based hand puppet media with the ASSURE model because according to the opinion of (Elena TrifBoia Assist, 2022), the assure model can renew teaching materials and integrate technology and media into the classroom, and (Muhammadiah et al., 2023), says the assure model has proven 109 | P a g e At-Taqaddum Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023) Pg. 108-114 effective for research. This development is packaged with a design that can attract the attention of students. The shape of the doll, the selection of sound, the background on the video is adjusted to the needs. The language used in this short story uses EYD V and language characteristics according to the age of learners so that the simple language presented can be observed and understood by learners easily. In addition, the preparation of teaching materials is in accordance with the material, namely "looking at characters in fictional texts" The following table shows the results of the media expert test, linguist test, learner response results, and comprehension tests. Table 1. Validity Test Results Validator Score Percentage Linguist 73 97% Media Expert 70 93% Based on the table above, the results of the validation of the two experts, namely linguists and media experts, state that the percentage of linguists is 97% which is included in the category very suitable for use, and media experts are 93% which is included in the category very suitable for use. Table 2. Reliability Test Results Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha .910 N of Items 15 The table above shows reliability using the Cronbach’s alpha method. Based on Yusup in Teni and Yudianto (2021), if the Cronbach’s Alpha value is > 0.60, the question items in the questionnaire are reliable. Based on the data table presented, it has met the composite reliability value and has a high reliability value because the composite reliability value is > 0.6. 110 | P a g e Table 3. Data Analysis of Learner Response Results Aspect Skill Language Comprehension Attractiveness Suitability Liveliness Score 314 333 216 337 216 212 Percentage 91% 96% 93% 97% 93% 92% The data analysis table proves that the digital storytelling-based hand puppet media is very good. This shows from the aspects of skill, language, understanding, attractiveness, suitability, and liveliness getting a percentage in the "very suitable" category with an average acquisition of 93.67% which shows that students are very enthusiastic about hand puppet media Table 4. Paired Samples Statistics The paired samples statistics picture shows an increase in students' storytelling skills where students have improved from the initial score before the hand puppet media is used in learning. Discussion The method of testing the effectiveness of digital storytelling-based hand puppet learning media with the ASSURE model created by (Smaldino in Mesra et al., 2023), the ASSURE model is formulated as a classroom-oriented model that integrates technology and multimedia. In the opinion of (Rorimpandey et al., 2023), the ASSURE model can combine the professional abilities of educators with technology, and (Wahyudi et al., 2023), argue that the application of the ASSURE model can increase creativity and good student character. At-Taqaddum Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023) Pg. 108-114 Figure 3. Digital Storytelling-based Hand Puppets Figure 1. ASSURE Model Diagram Analyze Learners, the researcher conducts a needs analysis to consider what is needed by students, such as looking at the general characteristics of students, initial abilities where students do not yet have knowledge and skills, and how students' learning styles from the way they interact and respond to their learning environment. State Objectives, this step determines the learning objectives supported by the results of the learner analysis. Researchers formulate standards and objectives that are in accordance with the competencies to be achieved in accordance with the material that students learn. Select Media and Materials, by finding and selecting media, methods, and materials so that the utilization of hand puppet media can run effectively and making storyboards so that the series in the product and the material to be given to students can be arranged systematically. Require Learner Participation, by engaging learners as a participatory learning role that aims to keep learners from becoming passive listeners and ensure that learners can practice and get feedback. Evaluate and Revise, the analysis method aims to determine the quality of learning media, assess the improvement of students' skills, and the media used will be evaluated including the improvement of storytelling skills produced during learning using digital storytelling-based hand puppet media supported by Indonesian language learning. The results of the analysis method are used as input or input to boost learning in the classroom so that this hand puppet media can be maintained and developed again. Digital storytelling-based hand puppet media was created in limited quantities, researchers conducted a media expert and linguist validation test to get a high feasibility test value with an average score of 95% through the media expert validity test and linguist validity test so that it got the "very feasible" category. Because with the help of hand puppets can increase the imagination of students, and increase self-confidence so that students are brave and skilled when telling stories. Figure 2. Hand Puppets Utilize Media and Materials, by utilizing technology to develop hand puppet media into digital storytelling, before students practice hand puppet media, students are asked to see digital storytelling shows as shadows so that students better understand and begin to imagine. 111 | P a g e At-Taqaddum Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023) Pg. 108-114 After the learning process using digital storytelling-based hand puppet media, researchers gave a response questionnaire to class IV students totaling 23 students. Based on the response results obtained by the Cronbach's Alpha method, the question items are very reliable, with a percentage of 91% in the skill aspect, 96% in the linguistic aspect, 93% in the understanding aspect, 97% in the interesting aspect, 93% in the suitability aspect, and 92% in the activeness aspect, so that an average value of 93.67% is obtained in the "very suitable" category. The results of the responses given by the learners stated that the highest percentage of attractiveness was in the aspects of language and attractiveness. This shows that learners are very interested in the hand puppet media delivered in digital storytelling and practicing the hand puppet media again. the linguistic aspect is also considered very interesting because it uses simple language in accordance with EYD V which is easy for learners to understand. Based on the test of students' understanding of the results of the development of digital storytelling-based hand puppet media, the average score is 82.17 on the comprehension test done by students, the lowest understanding result is 70 and the highest is 100. This is in accordance with the opinion of Hartati et al. (2021) that the use of storytelling methods with various media makes students not bored in participating in learning activities to listen to stories. Thus, in addition to improving the ability to tell stories, it also trains students' listening skills. With the development of digital storytelling-based hand puppet media on the material of looking at characters in fictional texts, it is hoped that it can help educators in learning activities in the classroom and help students to better understand the material in fictional texts, especially in class IV semester II. In addition, digital storytelling-based hand puppet media can also improve the quality of education in schools and can be a reference for teaching media in schools and can make a good contribution to improving learning conditions in schools. 112 | P a g e Conclusion Digital storytelling-based hand puppet learning media through validation of linguists and media experts, with the feasibility level of hand puppet learning media obtaining an average score of 95% which is included in the very feasible category. 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