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Chapter 1 DENSE COMPONENTS IN GRAPHS Victor E. Lee, Ning Ruan, Ruoming Jin Department of Computer Science Kent State University Kent, OH 44242 {vlee,nruan, jin} Charu Aggarwal IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Abstract Should the chapter have an abstract? Keywords: Should the chapter have a keyword list? www 1. Introduction In almost any network, density is an indication of importance. Just as someone reading a road map is interesting in knowing the location of the larger cities and towns, investigators who seek information from abstract graphs are often interested in the dense components of the graph. Depending on what properties are being modeled by the graph’s vertices and edges, dense regions may indicate high degrees of interaction, mutual similarity and hence collective characteristics, attractive forces, favorable environments, or critical mass. From a theoretical perspective, dense regions have many interesting properties. Dense components naturally have small diameters (worst case shortest path between any two members). Routing within these components is rapid. A simple strategy also exists for global routing. If most vertices belong to 2 a dense component, only a few selected inter-hub links are needed to have a short average distance between any two arbitrary vertices in the entire network. Commercial airlines employ this hub-based routing scheme. Dense regions are also robust, in the sense that many connections can be broken without splitting the component. A less well-known but equally important property of dense subgraphs comes from percolation theory. If a graph is sufficiently dense, or equivalently, if messages are forwarded from one node to its neighbors with higher than a certain probability, then there is very high probability of propagating a message across the diameter of the graph [19]. This fact is useful in everything from epidemiology to marketing. Not all graphs have dense components, however. A sparse graph may have few or none. This begs the question, how are the words ‘dense’ and ‘sparse’ defined? We will address this question shortly. A uniform graph is either entirely dense or not dense at all. Uniform graphs, however, are rare, usually limited to either small or artificially created ones. Due to the usefulness of dense components, it is generally accepted that their existence is the rule rather than the exception in nature and in human-planned networks [35]. Dense components have been identified in and have enhanced understanding of many types of networks; among the best-known are social networks [48, 39], the World Wide Web [28, 17, 11], financial markets [5], and biological systems [25]. Much of the early motivation, research, and nomenclature regarding dense components was in the field of social network analysis. Even before the advent of computers, sociologists turned to graph theory to formulate models for the concept of social cohesion. Clique, K-core, K-plex, and K-club are metrics originally devised to measure social cohesiveness [48]. It is not surprising that we also see dense components in the World Wide Web. In many ways, the Web is simply a virtual implementation of traditional direct human-human social networks. Today, the natural sciences, the social sciences, and technological fields are all using network and graph analysis methods to better understand complex systems. Dense component discovery and analysis is one important aspect of network analysis. Therefore, readers from many different backgrounds will benefit from understanding more about the characteristics of dense components and some of the methods used to uncover them. In the next section, we outline the graph terminology and define the fundamental measuures of density to be used in the rest of the chapter. Section 3 categorizes the algorithmic approaches and presents representative implementations in more detail. Section 4 expands the topic to consider frequently-occuring dense components in a set of graphs. Section 5 provides examples of how these techniques have been applied in various scientific fields. Section 6 concludes the chapter with a look to the future. Dense Components in Graphs 2. 3 Types of Dense Components Different applications find different definitions of dense component to be useful. In this section, we outline the many ways to define a dense component, categorizing them by their important features. Understanding these features of the various types of components are valuable for deciding which type of component to pursue. 2.1 Absolute vs. Relative Density We can divide density definitions into two classes, absolute density and relative density. An absolute density measure establishes rules and parameters for what constitutes a dense component, independent of what is outside the component. For example, we could say that we are only interested in cliques, fully-connected subgraphs of maximum density. Absolute density measures can be viewed as relaxations of the pure clique measure. On the other hand, a relative density measure has no preset level for what is sufficiently dense. It compares the density of one region to another, with the goal of finding the densest regions. To establish the boundaries of components, a metric typically looks to maximize the difference between intra-component connectedness and inter-component connectedness. Often but not necessarily, relative density techniques look for a user-defined number k densest regions. The alert reader may have noticed that relative density discovery is closely related to clustering and in fact shares many features with it. Since this book contains another chapter dedicated to graph clustering, we will focus our attention on absolute density measures. However, we will have more so say about the relationship between clustering and density at the end of this section. 2.2 Graph Terminology Let G(V, E) be a graph with |V | vertices and |E| edges. If the edges are weighted, then w(u) is the weight of edge u. We treat unweighted graphs as the special case where all weights are equal to 1. Let S and T be subsets of V . For an undirected graph, E(S) is the set of induced edges on S: E(S) = {(u, v) ∈ E |u, v ∈ S}. Then, HS is the induced subgraph (S, E(S)). Similarly, E(S, T ) designates the set of edges from S to T . HS,T is the induced subgraph (S, T, E(S, T )). Note that S and T are not necessarily disjoint from each other. If S ∩ T = ∅, HS,T is a bipartite graph. If S and T are not disjoint (possibly S = T = V ), this notation can be used to represent a directed graph. A dense component is an maximal induced subgraph which also satisfies some density constraint. A component HS is maximal if no other subgraph of G which is a superset of HS would satisfy the density constraints. Table 4 2.2 defines some basic graph concepts and measures that we will use to define density metrics. Table 1.1. Graph Terminology Symbol Description G(V, E) graph with vertex set V and edge set E HS subgraph with vertex set S and edge set E(S) HS,T subgraph with vertex set S ∪ T and edge set E(S, T ) w(u) weight of edge u NG (u) neighbor set of vertex u in G: {v| (u, v) ∈ E} NS (u) only those neighbors of vertexP u that are in S: {v| (u, v) ∈ S} δG (u) (weighted) degree of u in G : v∈N (u) w(v) G P δS (u) (weighted) degree of u in S : v∈N (u) w(v) S dG (u, v) shortest (weighted) path from u to v traversing any edges in G dS (u, v) shortest (weighted) path from u to v traversing only edges in E(S) We now formally define the density of S, den(S), as the ratio of the total weight of edges in E(S) to the number of possible edges among |S| vertices. If the graph is unweighted, then the numerator is simply the number of actual edges, and the maximum possible density is 1. If the graph is weighted, the maximum density is unbounded. The number of possible edges in an undirected n graph of size n is 2 = n(n − 1)/2. We give the formulas for an undirected graph; the formulas for a directed graph differ by a factor of 2. den(S) = denW (S) = 2 2|E(S)| |S|(|S| − 1) w(u, v) |S|(|S| − 1) P u,v∈S Some authors define density as the ratio of the number of edges to the number |E| of vertices: |V | . We will refer to this as average degree of S. Another important metric is the diameter of S, diam(S). Since we have given two different distance measures, dS and dG , we accordingly offer two different diameter measures. The first is the standard one, in which we consider only paths within S. The second permits paths to stray outside S, if it offers a shorter path. diam(S) = max{dS (u, v)| u, v ∈ S} diamG (S) = max{dG (u, v)| u, v ∈ S} 2.3 Definitions of Dense Components We now present a collection of measures that have been used to define dense components in the literature (Table 2.3). To focus on the fundamentals, we 5 Dense Components in Graphs assume unweighted graphs. In a sense, all dense components are either cliques, which represent the ideal, or some relaxation of the ideal. There relaxations fall into three categories: density, degree, and distance. Each relaxation can be quantified as either a percentage factor or a subtractive amount. While most of there definitions are widely-recognized standards, the name quasiclique has been applied to any relaxation, with different authors giving different formal definitions. Abello [1] first defined the term in terms of overall edge density, without any constraint on individual vertices. This offers considerable flexibility in the component topology. Several later authors [?] have opted to define quasi-clique in terms of minimum degree of each vertex. Li et al. [30] provide a brief overview and comparison of quasi-cliques. When the authorship of a specific metric can be traced, it is given. Our list is not exhaustive; however, the majority of definitions can be reduced to some combination of density, degree, and diameter. Table 1.2. Types of Dense Components Component Clique Reference Formal definition ∃(i, j), i 6= j ∈ S [1] den(S) ≥ γ [30] δS (u) ≥ γ ∗ (k − 1) K-core [40] δS (u) ≥ k K-plex [41] δS (u) ≥ |V ′ | − k Kd-clique [32] diamG (S) ≤ k K-club [34] diam(S) ≤ k Quasi-Clique (density-based) Quasi-Clique (degree-based) Description Every vertex connects to every other vertex in S. S has at least γ|V ′ |(|V ′ | − 1)/2 edges. Density may be imbalanced within S. Each vertex has γ percent of the possible connections to other vertices. Local degree satisfies a minimum. Compare to K-core and K-plex. Every vertex connects to at least k other vertices in S. A clique is a (k-1)-core. Each vertex is missing no more than k−1 edges to its neighbors. A clique is a 1plex. The shortest path from any vertex to any other vertex is not more than k. An ordinary clique is a 1d-clique. Paths may go outside S. The shortest path from any vertex to any other vertex is not more than k. Paths may not go outside S. Therefore, every K-club is a K-clique. Note that in unweighted graphs, cliques have a density of 1. Quasi-cliques are only defined for unweighted graphs. We use the term Kd-clique instead of Mokken’s original name K-clique, because K-clique is already defined in the mathematics and computer science communities to mean a clique with k vertices. 6 2 1 7 3 4 6 5 Figure 1.1. Example Graph to Illustrate Component Types Figure 1.1, a superset of an illustration from Wasserman and Faust [48], demonstrates each of the dense components that we have defined above. Cliques: {1,2,3} and {2,3,4} 0.8-Quasi-clique: {1,2,3,4} (includes 5/6 > 0.83 of possible edges) 2-Core: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} 3-Core: none 2-Plex: {1,2,3,4} (vertices 1 and 3 are missing one edge each) 2d-Cliques: {1,2,3,4,5,6} and {2,3,4,5,6,7} (In the first component, 5 connects to 6 via 7, which need not be a member of the component) 2-Clubs: {1,2,3,4,5}, {1,2,3,4,6}, and {2,3,5,6,7} 2.4 Dense Component Selection When mining for dense components in a graph, a few additional questions must be addressed: 1 Minimum size σ: What is the minimum number of vertices in a dense component S? I.e. |S| ≥ σ, for all S. 2 All or top-N ?: One of the following criteria should be applied. Select all components which meet the size, density, degree, and distance constraints. Select the N highest ranking components that meet the minimum constraints. A ranking function must be established. This can be as simple as one of the same metrics used for minimum constraints Dense Components in Graphs 7 (size, density, degree, distance, etc.) or a linear combination of them. Select the N highest ranking components, with no minimum constraints. 3 Overlap: May two components share vertices? 2.5 Relationship between Clusters and Dense Components The measures described above set an absolute standard for what constitutes a dense component. Another approach is to find the most dense components on a relative basis. This is the domain of clustering. It may seem that clustering, a thoroughly-studied topic in data mining with many excellent methodologies, would provide a solution to dense component discovery. However, clustering is a very broad term. Readers interested in a survey on clustering may wish to consult either Jain, Murty, and Flynn [23] or Berkhin [8]. In the data mining community, clustering refers to the task of assigning similar or nearby items to the same group while assigning dissimilar/distant items to different groups. In most clustering algorithms, similarity is a relative concept; therefore it is potentially suitable for relative density measures. However, not all clustering algorithms are based on density, and not all types of dense components can be discovered with clustering algorithms. Partitioning refers to one class of clustering problem, where the objective is to assign every item to exactly one group. A k-partitioning requires the result to have k groups. K-partitioning is not a good approach for identifying absolute dense components, because the objectives are at odds. Consider the well-known k-Means algorithm applied to a uniform graph. It will generate k partitions, because it must. However, the partitioning is arbitrary, changing as the seed centroids change. In hierarchical clustering, we construct a tree of clusters. Conceptually, as well as in actual implementation, this can be either agglomerative (bottomup), where the closest clusters are merged together to form a parent cluster, or divisive (top-down), where a cluster is subdivided into relatively distant child clusters. In basic greedy agglomerative clustering, the process starts by grouping together the two closest items. The pair are now treated as a single item, and the process is repeated. Here, pairwise distance is the density measure, and the algorithm seeks to group together the densest pair. If we use divisive clustering, we can choose to stop subdividing after finding k leaf clusters. A drawback of both hierarchical clustering and partitioning is that even sparse regions are forced to belong to some cluster, so they are lumped together with the denser cores. Spectral clustering describes a graph as a adjacency matrix W , from which is derived the Laplacian matrix L = D − W (unnormalized) or L = I − 8 D 1/2 W D −1/2 (normalized), where D is the diagonal matrix featuring each vertex’s degree. The eigenvectors of L can be used as cluster centroids, with the corresponding eigenvalues giving an indication of the cut size between clusters. Since we want minimum cut size, the smallest eigenvalues are chosen first. This ranking of clusters is an appealing feature for dense component discovery. None of these clustering methods, however, are suited for an absolute density criterion. Nor can they handle overlapping clusters. Therefore, some but not all clustering criteria are dense component criteria. Most clustering methods are suitable for relative dense component discovery, excluding k-partitioning methods. 3. Algorithms for Detecting Dense Components in the Single Graph In this section, we examine first some basic and then a representative sampling of algorithms for finding subgraphs based on different notions of dense component. The algorithms can be categorized as follows: Exact enumeration (Section 3.2), Fast Heuristic Enumeration (Section 3.3), and Bounded Approximation Algorithms (Section 3.4). We review some recent works related to dense component discovery, concentrating on the details of several well-received algorithms. 3.1 Overview The table below gives an overview of the major algorithmic approaches and cites a few representative examples 3.2 Exact Enumeration Approach The most natural way to discover dense components in a graph is to enumerate all possible subsets of vertices and check if some of them satisfy the definition of dense components. In the following, we investigate some algorithms for discover dense components by enumeration approach, even using several new pruning techniques. 3.2.1 Enumeration Approach. One of well-known enumeration algorithms to generate cliques is proposed by Bron and Kerbosch [12]. This algorithm utilizes the branch-and-bound techniques in order to cut of the branch which is unable to generate a clique. The basic idea is trying to extend a subset of vertices which forms a clique by adding the vertex in a candidate set while not in a exclusion set. Let C be the set of vertices which already forms a clique, Cand be the set of vertices which are potentially used for extending 9 Dense Components in Graphs Table 1.3. Overview of Dense Component Algorithms Algorithm Type Component Type Example Enumeration Clique [12] Biclique [33] Quasi-clique [31] Quasi-biclique [42] k-core [7] Fast Heuristic Maximal biclique [28] Enumeration Quasi-clique/biclique [13] Relative density [18] Maximal quasi-biclique [30] Quasi-clique, k-core [47] Bounded Approximation Max. average degree [14] Densest subgraph, n ≥ k Subgraph of known density θ [4] [3] Comments min. degree for each vertex nonoverlapping spectral analysis shingling balanced noise tolerance pruned search; visual results with upper-bounded estimates undirected graph: 2-approx. directed graph: 2+ǫ-approx. 1/3-approx. finds subgraph Ω(θ/ log ∆) with density C and N Cand is the set of vertices which are not allowed to be candidates of C. N (v) are the neighbors of vertexv. Initially, C and N Cand are empty, and Cand contains all vertices in the graph. Given C, Cand and N Cand, we describe the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm as below: Algorithm 1 CliqueEnumeration(C,Cand,N Cand) Cand ← {v1 , v2 , · · · , vk }; if Cand = ∅ and N Cand = ∅ then output the clique induced by vertices C; else for i = 1 to k do Cand ← Cand \ {vi }; call CliqueEnumeration(C ∪{vi }, Cand∩N (vi ), N Cand∩N (vi )); N Cand ← N Cand ∪ {vi }; end for end if Makino et al. [33] proposed new algorithms making full use of efficient matrix multiplication to enumerate all maximal cliques in a general graph or bicliques in a bipartite graph. For different types of graphs (i.e, general graph, bipartite graph, dense graph or sparse graph), they developed different algorithms for them. Particularly, in the sparse graph such that the degree of each vertex is bounded by ∆ ≪ |V |, an algorithm with O(|V ||E|) preprocessing 10 time, O(∆4 ) time delay (i.e, the bound of running time between two consecutive outputs) and O(|V |+|E|) space is developed to enumerate all maximal cliques. Experimental results demonstrates the good performance of this algorithm for sparse graphs. 3.2.2 Quasi-clique Enumeration. Batagelj et al. [7] developed a efficient algorithm running in O(m) time for discovering k-core. The algorithm is based on the observation: given a graph G = (V, E), if we recursively eliminate the vertices with the degree less than k and their incident edges from the graph, the resulting graph is k-core. The algorithm is quite simple and can be considered as the variant of [27]. This algorithm attempts to assign each vertex with a core number to which it belong. At the beginning, the algorithm organizes all vertices based on their degrees in a queue. For each iteration, we eliminate the first vertex v (i.e, the vertex with lowest degree) from the queue. After then, we assign the degree of v as its core number. Considering v’s neighbors whose degrees are greater than that of v, we decrease their degrees by one and reorder the remaining vertices in the queue based on their degrees immediately. We repeat such procedure until no vertex in the queue. Finally, we output the k-cores based on their assigned core numbers. The enumeration approach incorporating with pruning techniques is introduced in [31]. They studied the problem for mining maximal quasi-cliques with size at least min size from a single graph and a parameter γ ∈ [0, 1], such that the degree of each vertex is at least ⌈γ(|V | − 1)⌉. An efficient algorithm, namely Quick, is proposed to exact such maximal quasi-cliques. This algorithm integrates some novel pruning techniques based on degree of vertices with a traditional depth-first search framework to prune the unqualified vertices as soon as possible. Those pruning techniques also can be combined with other existing algorithms to achieve the goal of mining maximal quasi-clique. Some existing pruning techniques based on diameter, minimum size threshold and degree of the vertices are reviewed. Let NkG (v) = {u|distG (u, v) ≤ k} be the set of vertices that are within a distance of k from vertex v, indegX (u) denotes the number of vertices in X that are adjacent to u, and exdegX (u) represents the number of vertices in cand exts(X) that are adjacent to u. All vertices are sorted in lexicographic order, then cand exts(X) is the set of vertices after the last vertex in X which can be used to extend X. For the pruning technique based on graph diameter, the vertices which are not in ∩v∈X NkG (v) can be removed from cand exts(X). Considering the minimum size threshold, the vertices whose degree is less than ⌈γ(min size − 1)⌉ should be removed. Besides that, five new pruning techniques are also introduced. The first two techniques takes the lower and upper bound of the number of vertices that can be used to extend current X into consideration. 1) Technique 1: pruning based on the upper bound of the number of vertices that can be added to X concurrently Dense Components in Graphs 11 to form a γ-quasi-clique. In other words, given a vertex set X, the maximum number of vertices in cand exts(X) that can be added into X is bounded by the minimal degree of the vertices in X; 2) Technique 2: pruning based on the lower bound of the number of vertices that can be added to X concurrently to form a γ-quasi-clique. The third technique is based on critical vertices. If we can find some critical vertices of X, then all vertices in cand exts(X) and adjacent to critical vertices are added into X. Technique 4 is based on cover vertex u which maximize the size of CX (u) = cand exts(X) ∩ N G (u) ∩ (∩v∈X∧(u,v)∋E N G (v)). Lemma 1.1 [31] Let X be a vertex set and u be a vertex in cand exts(X) such that indegX (u) ≥ ⌈γ × |X|⌉. If for any vertex v ∈ X such that (u, v) ∈ E, we have indegX (v) ≥ ⌈γ × |X|⌉, then for any vertex set Y such that G(Y ) is a γ-quasi-clique and Y ⊆ (X ∪ (cand exts(X) ∩ N G (u) ∩ (∩v∈X∧(u,v)∋E N G (v)))), G(Y ) cannot be a maximal γ-quasi-clique. From above lemma, we can prune the CX (u) of cover vertex u from cand exts(X) to reduce the search space. The last technique, so-called lookahead technique, is to check if X ∪ cand exts(X) is γ-quasi-clique. If so, we do not need to extend X anymore and reduce some computational cost. The outline of Quick is depicted in Algorithm 2. Algorithm 2 Quick Algorithm Parameter: X is vertex set; Parameter: cand exts(X) is the valid candidate extensions of X; Parameter: γ is the minimum degree threshold; Parameter: min size is the minimum size threshold; find the cover vertex u of X and sort vertices in cand exts(X); for each v ∈ cand exts(X) − CX (u) do apply minimum size constraint on |X| + |cand exts(X)|; apply lookahead technique (technique 5) to prune search space; remove the vertices that are not in NkG (v); Y ← X ∪ {u}; calculate the upper bound and lower bound of the number vertices to be added to Y in order to form γ-quasi-clique; apply technique 1 and technique 2 to recursively prune unqualified vertices; identify critical vertices of Y and apply pruning technique 3; apply existing pruning techniques to further reduce the search space; end for return output final results; 12 3.3 Fast Heuristic Approach As we have mentioned before, it is impractical to exactly enumerate all maximal cliques, especially for some real applications like protein-protein interaction network with a very large collection of vertices. In this case, fast heuristic algorithms are proposed to address this problem. Those algorithms are able to efficiently identify some subgraphs which is close to clique (sometimes so-called quasi-clique) in the very large graph. 3.3.1 Shingling Technique. Gibson et al. [18] propose an new algorithm based on shingling technique for discovering large dense bipartite subgraph in massive graphs. In the paper, a dense bipartite subgraph is considered a cohesive group of vertices which share many common neighbors. Since this algorithm utilizes shingling technique to convert each dense component with arbitrary size into shingles with constant size, it is very efficient and practical for single large graph and can be easily extended for streaming graph data. We first provide some basic knowledge related to shingling algorithm. Shingling firstly introduced in [11] is widely used to estimate the similarity of web pages using a particular feature extraction scheme. In this work, shingling technique is applied to generate two constant-size fingerprints for two different subsets A and B from set S of a universe U of elements, such that the similarity of A and B can be computed easily by comparing fingerprints of A and B, respectively. Assuming π is a random permutation of the elements in the ordered universe U which contains A and B, it is interesting to see that the probability that the smallest element of A and B is the same, is the Jaccard coefficient. That is, P r[π −1 (mina∈A {π(a)}) = π −1 (minb∈B {π(b)})] = |A ∩ B| |A ∪ B| (3.1) Given a constant number c of permutation π1 , · · · , πc of U , we generate a fingerprinting vector whose i-th element is mina∈A πi (a). The similarity between A and B is estimated by the number of positions which have the same element with respective to their corresponding fingerprint vectors. Furthermore, we can generalize this approach by considering every s-element subset of entire set instead of the subset with only one element. Then the similarity of two sets A and B can be measured by the fraction of these s-element subsets that appear in both. This actually is a agreement measure in information retrieval area. Along this line, it is not hard to figure out that this is also equivalent to computing the Jaccard coefficient of s-element subsets As and Bs . We say each s-element subset is a shingle. Thus the motivated feature extraction approach is named as (s, c) shingling algorithm. Given a n-element set A = {ai , 0 ≤ i ≤ n} where each element ai is a string, (s, c) shingling algorithm tries to extract c shingles such that the length of each shingle is exact s. We start from converting Dense Components in Graphs 13 Figure 1.2. Simple example of web graph Figure 1.3. Illustrative example of shingles each string ai into a integer xi by a effective hashing function. Following that, given two random integer vectors R, S with size c, we generate a n-element temporary set Y = {yi , 0 ≤ i ≤ n} where each element yi = Rj × xi + Sj . Then s smallest elements of Y are selected and concatenated together to form a new sting y. Finally, we apply hash function on string y to get one shingle. We repeat such procedure c times in order to get c shingles for original set. Remember that our goal is to discover dense bipartite subgraphs such that vertices in one side share some common neighbors in another side. Figure 1.2 illustrates a simple scenario in web community where each web page in the upper part links to some other web pages in the lower part. Clearly, for each vertex in the upper part, there is a list of outgoing links which is incident to it. In order to put some vertices into the same group, we have to measure the similarity of the vertices which denotes to what extend they share common neighbors. With the help of shingling approach, for each vertex in the upper part, we can generate a constant-size shingles to describe its outlinks (i.e, its neighbors in lower part). As shown in Figure 1.3, the outlinks of the vertices in lower part is converted to a set of shingles (like s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 in the figure) with small size. Since the size of shingles can be significantly smaller than original 14 Figure 1.4. Recursive Shingling Step data, it means that much computational cost can be saved in terms of time and space. In the paper, Gibson et al. repeatedly employ the shingling algorithm for converting dense component into constant-size shingles. The algorithm is a twostep procedure: 1) recursive shingling step, the goal is to exact some subsets of vertices where the vertices in each subset share many common neighbors. Figure 1.4 illustrates the recursive shingling process for a graph (Γ(V ) is the outlinks of vertices V ). After the first shingling process, for each vertex v ∈ V , its outlinks Γ(v) is converted into a constant size of first-level shingles v ′ . Then we can transpose the mapping relation E0 to E1 so that each shingle in v p rime corresponds to a set of vertices which share this shingle. In other words, a new bipartite graph is constructed where each vertex in one part represent one shingle and each vertex in another part is the original vertex. If there is a edge from shingle v ′ to vertex v, v ′ is one of shingles for v’s outlinks generated by shingling approach. From now on, V is considered as Γ(V ′ ). Following the same procedure, we apply shingling algorithm on V ′ and Γ(V ′ ). After second ′′ shingling process, V is converted into a constant-size V , so-called secondlevel shingles. Similarly to the transposition in the first shingling process, we transpose E1 to E2 and obtain many pairs < v ′′ , Γ(v ′′ ) > where v ′′ is secondlevel shingles and Γ(v ′′ ) are all the first-level shingles that share a second-level shingle. 2) clustering step, it aims to merge first-level shingles which share some second-level shingles. Essentially, it is to merge some subsets of biclique into Dense Components in Graphs 15 one dense component. Particularly, given all pairs < v ′′ , Γ(v ′′ ) >, a traditional algorithm, namely U nionF ind, is used to merge some first-level shingles in Γ(V ′′ ) such that any two first-level shingles at least share one second-level shingle. To the end, we map the clustering results back to the vertices in original graph and generate one dense bipartite subgraph for each cluster. The entire algorithm is presented in Algorithm 3. Algorithm 3 DiscoverDenseSubgraph [18] Parameter: c1 , s1 , c2 , s2 are the parameters for two-step shingling algorithm; apply recursive shingling algorithms to obtain first-level and second-level shingles; let S =< s, Γ(s) > be first-level shingles; let T =< t, Γ(t) > be second-level shingles; apply clustering approach to get the clustering result C in terms of first-level shingles; for each C ∈ C do output ∪s∈C Γ(s) as a dense subgraph; end for 3.3.2 Visualization. Wang et al. [47] combine theoretical bounds, a greedy heuristic for graph traversal, and visual cues to develop a mining technique for clique, quasi-clique, and K-core components. Their approach is named CSV for Cohesive Subgraph Visualization. Figure 1.5 shows a representative plot and how it is interpreted. A key measure in CSV is co-cluster size CC(v, x), meaning the (estimated) size of the largest clique containing both vertices v and x. Then, C(v) = max{CC(v, x), ∀x ∈ N (v)}. At the top level of abstraction, the algorithm is not difficult. We maintain a priority queue of vertices observed so far, sorted by C(v) value. We traverse the graph and draw a density plot by iterating the following steps: 1 Remove the top vertex from the queue, making this the current vertex v. 2 Plot v. 3 Add v’s neighbors to the priority queue. Now for some details. If this is the ith iteration, plot the point (i, Cseen (vi )), where Cseen (vi ) is the largest value of C(vi ) observed so far. We say "seen so far" because we may not have observed all of v neighbors yet, and even when we have, we are only estimating clique sizes. Next, some neighbors of v may already be in the queue. In this case, update their C values and reprioritize. Due to the estimation method described below, the new estimate is no worse that the previous one. 16 Contains w connected vertices with degree 1 k. May contain a clique of size 123456k,w). w C_seen(vi) k Traversal Order Figure 1.5. Example of CSV Plot Since an exact determination of CC(v, x) is computationally expensive, CSV takes several steps to efficiently find a good estimate of the actual clique size. First, to reduce the clique search space, the graph’s vertices and edges are pre-processed to map them to a multi-dimensional space. A certain number of vertices are selected as pivot points. Then each vertex is mapped to a vector: v → M (v) = {d(v, p1 ), · · · , d(v, pp )}, where d(v, pi ) is the shortest distance in the graph from v to pivot pi . The authors prove that all the vertices of a clique map to the same unit cell, so we can search for cliques by searching individual cells. Second, CSV further prunes the vertices within each occupied cell. Do the following for each vertex v in each occupied cell: For each neighbor x of v, identify the set of vertices Y which connect to both v and x. Construct the induced subgraph S(v, x, Y ). If there is a clique, it must be a subgraph of S. Sort Y by decreasing order of degree in S. To be in a k-clique, a vertex must have degree ≥ k − 1. Consequently, we step through the sorted Y list and eliminate the remainder when the threshold δS (yi ) < i − 1 is reached. The size of the remaining list is an upper bound estimate for C(v) and CC(v, x). Dense Components in Graphs 17 With relatively minor modification, the same general approach can be used for quasi-cliques and k-cores. The slowest step in CSV is searching the cells for pseudo-cliques, with overall time complexity O(|V |2 log|V |2d ). This becomes exponential when the graph is a single large clique. However, when tested on two real-life datasets, DBLP co-authorship and SMD stock market networks, d << |V |, so performance is polynomial. 3.3.3 Other Heuristic Approaches. Li et al. [30] studied a problem of discovering dense bipartite subgraph, so-called maximal quasi-biclique with balanced noise tolerance, such that each vertex in one part is allowed to at most disconnect the same number, or the same percentage of vertices in another part. This definition is capable of avoiding skewness of found dense bipartite subgraph in terms of connections. Li et al. observed that such kind of maximal quasi-biclique cannot be trivially expanded from traditional maximal biclique. Some useful properties such as bounded closure property and fixed point property are utilized to develop a efficient algorithm, namely µ − CompleteQB for discovering maximal quasi-biclique with balanced noise tolerance. Given a bipartite graph, the algorithm aims to figure out maximal quasibicliques where the number of vertices at each part exceeds a specified value ms ≥ µ. Two cases are considered in this framework. If ms ≥ 2µ, the problem to find maximal quasi-biclique is converted into the problem to exact maximal µ-quasi bicliques which has been well discussed in [42]. On the other hand, if ms < 2µ, a depth-first search for µ-tolerance maximal quasi-bicliques whose vertex size is between ms and 2µ is conducted to achieve the goal. A spectral analysis method [13] is used to uncover the functionality of a certain dense component. To begin with, the similarity matrix on protein-protein interaction network is defined, and the corresponding eigenvalues and eigenvectors are calculated. Particularly, each eigenvector with positive eigenvalue is identified as a quasi-clique, while each eigenvector with negative eigenvalue is considered as a quasi-bipartite. Given those dense component, a statistical test based on p-value is applied to measure whether a dense component is enriched with proteins from particular category more than would be expected by chance. Simply speaking, the statistical test is to make sure such the existence of such dense component is significant with respect to a specific protein category. If so, dense component is assigned with corresponding protein functionality. To the end, the approach is applied to analyze the protein-protein interaction network of budding yeast. Kumar et al. [28] focuses on enumerating emerging communities which have little or no representation in the newsgroups or commercial web directories. Kumar et al. consider the (i, j) biclique where the number of vertices in two parts are i and j respectively as the core of interested communities. There- 18 fore, this paper aims at extracting a non-overlapping maximal set of cores for interested communities. An stream-based algorithm combining a set of pruning techniques is presented to process huge raw web data, and eventually generate the appropriate cores. Some open problems like how to automatically extract semantic information and organize them into a useful structure are also mentioned. 3.4 Approximation Approach with Bound 3.4.1 Greedy Approximation Algorithm with Bound. In [14], Charikar described exact and greedy approximation algorithms to discover subgraphs which can maximize two different notions of density. Different definitions of density are considered for undirected and directed graphs. Simply speaking, the density notion utilizing for undirected graph is essentially the average degree of the subgraph, such that density f (S) of the subset S is |E(S)| |S| . For directed graph, the criteria first proposed by Kannan and Vinay [26] is applied. That is, given two subsets of vertices S ⊆ V and T ⊆ V , the density of subgraph HS,T √ )| . Here, S and T are not necessarily disjoint. is defined as d(S, T ) = |E(S,T |S||T | This paper studied the optimization problem of discovering a subgraph Hs induced by a subset S with maximum f (S) or HS,T induced by two subsets S and T with maximum d(S, T ), respectively. In the paper, authors show that finding a subgraph HS in undirected graph with maximum f (S) is equivalent to solving the following linear programming (LP) problem: max X xij (3.2) ∀ij ∈ E xij ≤ yi ∀ij ∈ E xij ≤ yj (3.3) (3.4) ij X yi ≤ 1 (3.5) xij , yi ≥ 0 (3.6) i From the viewpoint of graph, we assign each vertex vi with weight j xij and min(yi , yj ) is the threshold for the weight of all edges (vi , vj ) incidenting to vertex vi . Then xij can be considered as the weight of edge (vi , vj ) to which vertex vi distributes. In normalized fashion, the sum of threshold for edges P incidenting to vertexPvi , i yi , is bounded by 1. In this sense, finding the optimal solution of ij xij is intuitively thought as extracting a set of edges such that the weights of their incident vertices mostly distribute to them. In the paper, Charikar shows that the optimality of above LP problem is exactly equivalent to discovering the densest subgraph in a undirected graph. P 19 Dense Components in Graphs Intuitively, the complexity of such LP problem highly depends on the number of edges and vertices in the graph (i.e., the number of inequality constraints in LP). It is impractical for large graphs. Therefore, Charikar proposed an efficient greedy algorithm and prove that this algorithm produce a 2-approximation for f (G). This greedy algorithm is a simple variant of [27]. Let S is a subset of V and HS is its induced subgraph with density f (HS ). Given this, we outline this greedy algorithm as follows: 1 Let S be the subset of vertices and is firstly initialized as V ; 2 Let HS is the induced graph by vertices S; 3 For each iteration, we eliminate the vertex with lowest degree in HS from S and recompute its density; 4 We output one induced subgraph HS generated in above iterations with maximum density as resulting dense component. Similar techniques are also applied to finding densest subgraph in a directed graph. And a greedy 2-approximation algorithm is also proposed. This greedy algorithm takes O(m + n) time. According to the analysis, Charikar claims that we have to run the greedy algorithm for O( logǫ n ) values of c in order to get a 2 + ǫ approximation, where c = |S|/|T | and S, T are two subset of vertices in the graph. Another variant following similar idea is presented in [24]. Jin et al. developed a approximation algorithm for discovering densest subgraph by introducing a new notion of rank subgraph. The rank subgraph can be defined as follows: Definition 1 (Rank Subgraph) [24]. Given an undirected graph G = (V, E) and a positive integer d, we remove all vertices with the degree less than d and their incident edges from G, we repeat this procedure until no vertex can be eliminated and form a new graph Gd . Each vertex in Gd is adjacent to at least d vertices in Gd . If no vertex is left in the graph, we refer to it as the empty graph, denoted as G∅ . Given this, we construct a subgraph sequence G ⊇ G1 ⊇ G2 · · · ⊇ Gl ⊃ Gl+1 = G∅ , where Gl 6= G∅ and contains at least l + 1 vertices. We define l as the rank of the graph G, and Gl as the rank subgraph of G. Lemma 1.2 Given an undirected graph G, let Gs be the densest subgraph of G with density d(Gs ) and Gl be its rank subgraph with density d(Gl ). Then, the density of Gl is no less than half of the density of Gs : d(Gl ) ≥ d(Gs ) 2 20 The above lemma implies that we can use the rank subgraph Gl with highest rank of G to approximate its densest subgraph. This technique is utilized to derive a efficient search algorithm for finding densest subgraph from a sequence of bipartite graphs. The interested reader can refer to [24] for details. 3.4.2 Others. Anderson et al. [4] consider the problem of discovering dense subgraph with lower bound or upper bound of size. Three problems including dalks, damks and dks are formulated. In detail, dalks is the abbreviation of densest at-least-k-subgraph problem aiming at extracting an induced subgraph with highest average degree among all subgraphs with at least k vertices. Similarly, damks is to find densest at-most-k-subgraph and dks focuses on finding densest subgraph with exact k vertices. Clearly, both dalks and damks are considered as the relaxed version of dks. Anderson et al. show that daks is approximately hard as dks which have been proved to be NP-Complete. More importantly, an effective 1/3-approximation algorithm based on core decomposition of a graph is proposed for dalks. This algorithm runs in O(m + n) and O(m + n log n) time for unweighted and weighted graph, respectively. We describe the algorithm for dalks as follows. Given a graph G = (V, E) with n vertices and a lower bound of size k, let Hi be the subgraph induced by i vertices. At the beginning, i is initialized with n and Hi is the original graph G. After that, we remove the vertex vi with minimum weighted degree from Hi to form Hi−1 . At the meanwhile, we update its corresponding total weight W (Hi−1 ) and density d(Hi−1 ). We repeat this procedure and get a sequence of subgraph Hn , Hn−1 , · · · , H1 . To the end, we choose the subgraph Hk with maximal density d(Hk ) as the resulting dense component. A local algorithm [3] is developed to find a dense bipartite subgraph near a specified starting vertex in the bipartite graph. Especially, for any bipartite subgraph with K vertices and density θ (the definition of density is identical to the definition in [26]), the proposed algorithm guarantees to generate a subgraph with density Ω(θ/ log ∆) near any starting vertex v within the graph where ∆ is the maximum degree in the graph. The time complexity of this algorithm is O(∆K 2 ) which is independent of the size of graph, and thus has potential to be scaled for large graphs. 4. Frequent Dense Components The dense component discovery problem can be extended to consider a dataset consisting of a set of graphs D = {G1 , · · · , Gn }. In this case, we have two criteria for components: they must be dense and they must occur frequently. The density requirement can be any of our earlier criteria. The frequency requirement says that a component satisfies a minumum support threshold; that is, it appears in at least a certain number of graphs. Obviously, if we say that we find the same component in different graphs, there must be Dense Components in Graphs 21 a correspondence of vertices from one graph to another. If the graphs have exactly the same vertex sets, then we call this a relation graph set. Many authors have considered the broader problem of frequent pattern mining in graphs [45, 22, 29];however, not until recently has there been a clear focus on patterns defined and restricting by density. Several recent papers have looked into discovery methods for frequent dense subgraphs. We take a more detailed look at some of these papers. 4.1 Frequent Patterns with Density Constraints One approach is to impose a density constraint on the patterns discovered by frequent pattern mining. In [50], Yan et al. use the minumum cut clustering criterion: a component must have an edge cut less than or equal to k. Note that this is equivalent to a k-core criterion. Furthermore, each frequent pattern must be closed, meaning it does not have any supergraph with the same support level. They develop two approaches, pattern growth and pattern reduction. In pattern growth, begin with a small subgraph (possibly a single vertex) that satisfies both the frequency and density requirements but may not be closed. The algorithm incrementally adds adjacent edges until the pattern is closed. In pattern reduction, initialize the working set P1 to be the first graph G1 . Update the working set by intersecting its edge set with the edges of the next graph: Pi = Pi−1 ∩ GI = (V, E(Pi−1 ) ∩ E(GI )) This removes any edges that do not appear in both input graphs. Decompose Pi into k-core subgraphs. Recursively call pattern reduction for each dense subgraph. Record the dense subgraphs that survive enough intersections to be considered frequent. The greedy removal of edges at each iteration quickly reduces the working set size, leading to fast execution time. The trade-off is that we prune away edges that might have contributed to a frequent dense component. The consequence of edge intersection is that we only find components whose edges happen to appear in the first mins upport graphs. Therefore, a useful heuristic would be to order the graphs by decreasing overall density. In [50], they find that pattern reduction works better when targeting high connectivity but a low support threshold. Conversely, pattern growth works better when targeting high support but only modest connectivity. 4.2 Dense Components with Frequency Constraint Hu et al. [21] take a different perspective, providing a simple meta-algorithm on top of an existing dense component algorithm. From the input graphs, which must be a relation graph set, they derive two new graphs, the Summary Graph and the Second-Order Graph. The Summary Graph is Ĝ = (V, Ê), where 22 an edge exists if it appears in at least k graphs in D. For the Second-Order Graph, we transform each edge in D into a vertex, giving us F = (V × V, EF ). An edge joins two vertices in F (equivalent to two edges in G) if they have similar support patterns in D. An edge’s support pattern is represented as the ndimensional vector of weights in each graph: w(e) = {wG1 (e), · · · , wGn (e)}. Then, a similarity measure such as Euclidean distance can be used to determine whether two vertices in F should be connected. Given these two secondary graphs, the problem is quite simple to state: find coherent dense subgraphs, where a subgraph S qualifies if its vertices form a dense component in Ĝ and if its edges form a dense component in F . Density in Ĝ means that the component’s edges occur frequently, when considering the whole relation graph set D. Density in F ensures that these frequent edges are coherent, that is, they tend to appear in the same graphs. To efficiently find dense subgraphs, Hu uses a modified version of Hartuv and Shamir’s HCS mincut algorithm [20]. Because Hu’s approach converts any n graphs into only 2 graphs, it scales well with the number of graphs. A drawback, however, is the potentially large size of the second-order graph. The worst case would occur when all n graphs are identical. Since all edge support vectors would be identical, the second order graph would become a clique of size |E| with O(|E|2 ) edges. 4.3 Enumerating Cross-Graph Quasi-Cliques Pei et al. [36] consider the problem of finding so-called cross-graph quasicliques, CGQC for short. They use the balanced quasi-clique definition. Given a set of graphs D = {G1 , · · · , Gn } on the same set of vertices U , corresponding parameters γ1 , · · · , γn for the completeness of vertex connectivity, and a minimum component size minS , they seek to find all subsets of vertices of cardinality ≥ minS such that when each subset is induced upon graph Gi , it will form a maximal γi -quasi-clique. A complete enumueration is #P -Complete. Therefore, they derive several graph-theoretical pruning methods that will typically reduce the execution time. They employ a set enumeration tree [38] to list all possible subsets of vertices, while taking advantage of some tree-based concepts, such as depth-first search and sub-tree pruning. An example of a set enumeration tree is shown in Figure ??. Below is a brief listing of some of the theoretical properties they utilize, followed by the main algorithm itself (Algorithm 4). 1 Given γ and graph size n, there exist upper bounds on the graph diameter 1 . diam(G). For example, diam(G) ≤ n − 1 if γ > n−1 k 2 Define N (u) = vertices within a distance k of u. 3 Reducing vertices: If δ(u) < γi (minS − 1) or |N k (u)| < (minS − 1), then u cannot be in a CGQC. Dense Components in Graphs 23 4 Candidate projection: when traversing the tree, a child cannot be in a CGQC if it does not satisfy its parent’s neighbor distance bounds NGkii . 5 Subtree pruning: apply various rules on minS , redundancy, monotonicity. Algorithm 4 Crochet: Cross-Graph Quasi-Clique Algorithm Parameter: graphs G1 , G2 ; completeness factors γ1 , γ2 ; minimum size mins ; 1: for each graph Gi do 2: construct set enumeration tree for all possible vertex subsets of Gi ; 3: end for 4: apply Vertex and Edge Reduction to G1 and G2 ; 5: for each v ∈ V (G1 ), using DFS and highest-degree-child-first order do 6: recursive-mine ({v}, G1 , G2 ); 7: end for 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 5. Function recursive-mine(X, G1 , G2 ); Gi ← Gi (P ), P = {u|u ∈ ∩v∈X,i=1,2 NGkii (v)} {Candidate Projection} Gi ← Gi (P (X)); apply Vertex Reduction; if a Subtree Pruning condition applies then return(FALSE); continue ← FALSE; for each v ∈ P (X)\X, using DFS and highest-degree-child-first order do continue ← continue ∨ recursive-mine (X ∪ {v}, G1 , G2 ); end for if not continue ∧ Gi (X) is a γi -quasi-complete graph then output X; return (TRUE); else return (continue); end if Applications of Dense Components Analysis In financial and economic analysis, dense components represent entities that are highly correlated. For example, Boginski et al. define a market graph, where each vertex is a financial instrument, and two vertices are connected if their behaviors (say, price change over time) are highly correlated [9, 10]. A dense component then indicates a set of instruments whose members are well-correlated to one another. This information is valuable both for understanding market dynamics and for predicting the behavior of individual instruments. Density can also indicate strength and robustness. Du et al. [15] identify cliques in a fi- 24 nancial grid space to assist in discovering price-value motifs. Some researchers have employed bipartite and multipartite networks. Sim et al. [42] correlates stocks to financial ratios using quasi-bicliques. Alkemade et al. [2] finds edge density in a tripartite graph of producers, consumers, and intermediaries to be an important factor in the dynamics of commerce. In the first decade of the 21st century, the field that perhaps has shown the greatest interest and benefitted the most from dense component analysis is biology. Molecular and systems biologists have formulated many types of networks: signal transduction and gene regulation networks, protein interaction networks, metabolic networks, phylogenetic networks, and ecological networks. [25]. Proteins are so numerous that even simple organisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a budding yeast, are believed to have over 6000 [46]. Understanding the function and interrelationships of each one is a daunting task. Fortunately, there is some organization among the proteins. Dense components in protein-protein interaction networks have been shown to correlate to functional units [44, 37, 49, 13, 6]. Finding these modules and complexes helps to explain metabolic processes and to annotate proteins whose functions are as yet unknown. Gene expression faces similar challenges. Microarray experiments can record which of the thousands of genes in a genome are expressed under a set of test conditions and over time. By compiling the expression results from several trials and experiments, a network can be constructed. Clustering the genes into dense groups can be used to identify not only healthy functional classes, but also the expression pattern for genetic diseases [43]. Proteins interact with genes by activating and regulating gene transcription and translation. Density in a protein-gene bipartite graph suggests which protein groups or complexes operate on which genes. Everett et al. [16] have extended this to a tripartite protein-gene-tissue graph. Other biological systems are also being modeled as networks. Ecological networks, famous for food chains and food webs, are receiving new attention as more data becomes available for analysis and as the effects of climate change become more apparent. Today, the natural sciences, the social sciences, and technological fields are all using network and graph analysis methods to better understand complex systems. Dense component discovery and analysis is one important aspect of network analysis. Therefore, readers from many different backgrounds will benefit from understanding more about the characteristics of dense components and some of the methods used to uncover them. 6. Conclusion We have seen that... 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