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biosystems engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx Available online at ScienceDirect journal homepage: Special Issue: Agri Machinery Safety Research Paper Assessment of a ride comfort number for agricultural tractors: A simplified approach Maurizio Cutini*, Massimo Brambilla, Carlo Bisaglia CREA Research Centre for Engineering and Agro-Food Processing, via Milano 43, 24047, Treviglio (BG), Italy article info Farming activities cause operators to experience whole body vibration (WBV), which may Article history: result in back injuries. Studies have shown that despite a wide variability when operating a Published online xxx tractor, the accelerations arising from “ground input” have similar spectral trends making it possible to simplify and standardise the driver comfort testing procedures. Based on the Keywords: Safety recommendations of three standards on WBV measurement, a single scalar value (Ride Number e RN) has been defined and used to characterise the vibration comfort of agricultural tractors. The operation of ten tractors equipped with different damping systems on a Comfort Test track Whole-body vibration standard test track (ISO 5008:2002) at three speeds (10, 12, 14 km h 1) has resulted in the acquisition of accelerations along the x, y and z axes at the seat. The RN was calculated by averaging the overall total values of vibration (aw) calculated for each speed. Data processing has shown that machine settings (tyre size and pressure, tractor mass) significantly affect the RN so as to achieve the recommendations for proper tractor settings. It has been observed that at each speed, the relative contribution of the components (aw10, aw12 and aw14) ranged from 12% to þ11.5% showing that obtaining the RN by averaging them arithmetically was a suitable procedure. According to principal component analysis, great part of the accounted variance can be explained by accelerations acquired on the y and z axes, distinguishing between tractors with and without suspension. Thus the RN obtained can be used to compare a given tractor when provided with different equipment. © 2019 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Work injury statistics have shown the considerable hazard related to agricultural tasks: the fatality rate in agriculture is six times higher than that of all other industrial activities (EC, 2004; HSA, 2013). Work-related exposure to vibration is one of the most significant contributors to the onset of chronic diseases whose outcomes, even if not resulting in premature mortality, may lead to substantial disability, with significant costs from both the human and socio-economic standpoints (Litchfield, 1999; Hoy, Brooks, Blyth, and Buchbinder, 2010; EUOSHA and European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2005). The exposure of operators during agricultural tasks (both whole-body and hand-arm) has been already studied in depth by Cutini et al., 2017 (Cutini, Brambilla and Bisaglia, 2017). Nevertheless, the basic concepts are re-examined here, since operator exposure requires more attention. * Corresponding author. CREA Research Centre for Engineering and Agro-Food Processing, via Milano 43, 24047, Treviglio (BG), Italy. E-mail address: (M. Cutini). 1537-5110/© 2019 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Please cite this article as: Cutini, M et al., Assessment of a ride comfort number for agricultural tractors: A simplified approach, Biosystems Engineering, 2 biosystems engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx Nomenclature LBP LBPD WBV EAV ELV ANOVA PCA RMS aw Wi ai Lower back pain Lower back pain disease Whole body vibration Exposure action values Exposure limit values Analysis of variance Principal component analysis Root mean square Frequency weighted acceleration Weighting factor ith one third octave band Root-mean-square acceleration for the ith one third octave band kx, ky, kz Multiplying factors that account for the different sensitivity of the body for vibration on each axis Ride number RN Currently, there are many standards focusing the assessment of vibration exposure on the adoption of a frequencyweighting factor to take into considerations the different risk of damage occurring from different frequencies (Els, 2005; VDI, 2017; BS, 1987; Leatherwood & Barker, 1984; ISO, 1997). ISO 2631-1:1997 is one of the most widely adopted: it defines how to calculate the value for the assessment of periodic, random and transient vibration by considering human responses such as health and comfort. As the human sensitivity to vibration is highly frequency dependent, different frequency weightings are required for the different axes of the body. The effect of frequency is reflected in weightings that are labelled Wk, Wd, Wf, Wc, We and Wj. According to the standard, vibration assessment follows the calculation of the weighted root-mean-square (RMS) acceleration (aw, m s 2) along the longitudinal (x), lateral (y) and vertical (z) axes (Eq. (1)) awðx;y;zÞ ¼ Tractor driving is significantly linked to an increased risk of lower back symptoms. Furthermore, the total vibration and awkward postures experienced at work were found to be the most predictive occupational factors for the occurrence of lower back pain (LBP) among tractor drivers (Bovenzi & Betta, 1994; Lings & Leboeuf-Yde, 2000). Correlating LBP with professional lower back pain diseases (LBPD) is somehow difficult, because of the various approaches that different countries have adopted for the definition of LBPD (Hulshof, Van der Laan, and Braam, 2002). From the regulation standpoint, European countries consider LBPD from overload and WBV differently. Despite this, the manual handling of materials, the frequent bending or twisting of the trunk and whole body vibration (WBV) exposure are important factors for the  et al., 2015; Lo € tters, Burdorf, LBPD diagnosis (Lastovkova Kuiper, & Miedema, 2003). Whole-body vibration (WBV) is defined as “the mechanical vibration that, when transmitted to the whole body, entails risks to the health and safety of workers, in particular, lowerback morbidity and trauma of the spine” (EC, 2004). To protect workers exposed during their work to risks arising from vibration, ‘exposure action values’ (EAVs) and ‘exposure limit values’ (ELVs) have been established together with obligations and preventative actions (EC, 2004) such that any employer, who requires tasks to be carried out that involve vibration exposure risks, must implement a series of protection measures before and during the work. The use of agricultural machinery exposes operators to risks arising from vibration (HSE, 2013; EU, 2006) and therefore manufacturers are continuously improving tractor comfort with active seats, suspended front axles and specially designed cab suspension systems. These efforts, on the one hand reduce operator exposure to vibrations, but on the other they suffer from the lack of a specific approach in defining tractor vibration comfort. There is no reference data that can make it possible to characterise the vibrational comfort of tractors, despite the European regulatory assessment requiring the implementation of appropriate actions to reduce the risk of mechanical vibration exposure. sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi n X ðWi $ai Þ2 (1) i¼1 where aw(x,y,z) (m s 2) is the frequency weighted acceleration; Wi (dimensionless) is a weighting factor i-th one third octave band as given in ISO 2631:1997 and ai (m s 2) is the root-meansquare acceleration for the i-th one third octave band. Therefore, aw values can subsequently define WBV risk conditions in compliance with the European Directive/44/EC (2002). Many studies have quantified WBV emission and estimated the exposure levels of operators under controlled conditions while carrying out various tasks (i.e. crossing ISO ride vibration test tracks or performing selected agricultural operations) as well as while carrying out identical tasks in different environments (e.g. on paved and unpaved surfaces). Yet, despite the wide variability characterising agricultural surfaces, the accelerations resulting from the ground input has shown similar spectral trends, which were found to be relevant at frequencies of less than 12 Hz (Oude Vrielink, 2012; Scarlett, Price, & Stayner, 2007; Anthonis, Vaes, Engelen, Ramon, & Swevers, 2007; Cutini et al., 2013) pointing out that the outcome of the forces exchanged between soil profile and agricultural tires doesn't follow a random pattern (Cutini, Costa, & Bisaglia, 2016; Mattetti, Molari, & Vertua, 2015). When a tractor runs over a cleat, the response of the hub acceleration to the effect of the cleat is to produce a sine function characterised by the same resonance frequency as that of the tyre (Jianmin, 2001; Pacejka, 2010) irrespective of the forward speed of the tractor or the randomness of the track profile (Cutini, Deboli, Calvo, Preti, Brambilla et al., 2017). These considerations confirm the need for an index in the range of frequencies of interest along the three orthogonal axes. Given the impossibility to define a “typical” scenario, help in overcoming such limit comes from the European Norm EN 13059:, 2002 þ A1:2008(E) standard (EN, 2002), which recommends to manufacturers the essential safety requirements in compliance with the Machinery Directive (EU, 2006). It makes it possible to compare industrial trucks of the same category or a given truck in different configurations: nevertheless, this standard cannot be used to assess the daily vibration exposure of operators in field conditions. Please cite this article as: Cutini, M et al., Assessment of a ride comfort number for agricultural tractors: A simplified approach, Biosystems Engineering, 3 biosystems engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx  Information provided by the work equipment manufacturers in accordance with the relevant Community Directives;  The existence of replacement equipment designed to reduce the levels of exposure to mechanical vibration. However, as mentioned earlier, it cannot be used to determine the daily exposure of the operator to vibration in field conditions. 2.2. When running the tractor, the operator typically sat in the vehicle and the vibrations were measured only at the seat (health method in ISO 2631) along the three mutually perpendicular axes: Fig. 1 e The ISO 5008 100 m test track at the CREA Research Centre, Treviglio, Italy (the agricultural tractor shown is merely an example). x-direction: back to chest; y-direction: right side to left side; z-direction: buttocks to head. The focus of this work is the definition and the calculation of a simplified index (hereafter the Ride Number e RN, Heissing, Ersoy, 2011, pp. 421e448) enabling the association of a vibrational comfort level for a given machine with different equipment (i.e. seats, suspensions, tyres). Results concerning the approach used, and the machine settings to be used are provided and discussed. 2. Material and methods 2.1. The standard test track Ride number definition The value used to describe the magnitude of vibration is the frequency-weighted acceleration in m s 2, expressed as root-mean-square (RMS) value in compliance with ISO 2631 and ISO 5008. The operator chosen to perform the test weighed 75 kg, in compliance with the ISO 5008 standard that recommends the body mass of the worker to be in the range 75 ± 5 kg and with the EN 13059 standard. The ISO 2631:1997 sets out the method for representing vehicle comfort in a single value; when assessing the effects on comfort, it recommends that all the relevant vibration directions shall be considered to obtain the overall total value of vibration (aw, Eq. (2)): The International Standards Organization (ISO) has issued the ISO 5008:, 2002 standard: “Agricultural wheeled tractors and field machinerydMeasurement of whole-body vibration of the operator” (ISO, 2002) to specify the instruments, measurement procedures, measurement site characteristics and frequency weighting that allow the WBV intensity of agricultural wheeled tractors and field machinery to be assessed. The standard defines two standard test tracks together with the relevant operating conditions. The standard test tracks are 100 m (smooth track) and 35 m long, consisting of two different parallel, non-deformable lanes (left and right) made of wooden beams (80 mm wide and with 80 mm spacing in the smooth track, without spaces in the 35 m track) of a different standardised height to induce vibrations (Fig. 1). This approach complies with the following requirements of Directive/44/EC (2002): 12  2 2 2 aw ¼ kx $a2wx þ ky $a2wy þ kz $a2wz (2) where awx, awy, awz are the weighted RMS accelerations along the x, y, z-axes respectively; and kx, ky, kz are the multiplying factors that account for the different sensitivity to vibration of the body on each axis. In this specific case, in compliance with Table 2 e Values of averaged weighted RMS accelerations (m s¡2) for each forward speed obtained for a give tractor. Speed (km h 1) awx awy awz aw 10 12 14 0.53 0.75 0.85 1.01 1.11 1.15 0.59 0.70 0.85 1.29 1.51 1.66 Table 1 e Complete dataset of the accelerations acquired running a tractor on an ISO 5008 smooth track (numbers from 1 to 5 represent the repetitions). Weighted RMS accelerations (m s 2) Parameters awx Track ISO 5008 (smooth) Speed (km h 1) 10 12 14 1 0.53 0.77 0.86 2 0.53 0.75 0.85 3 0.54 0.73 0.85 awy 4 0.53 0.75 0.85 5 0.54 0.75 0.86 1 1.03 1.09 1.14 2 1.02 1.13 1.15 3 1.02 1.11 1.16 awz 4 0.99 1.12 1.14 5 1.01 1.08 1.17 1 0.6 0.7 0.86 2 0.6 0.71 0.83 3 0.58 0.69 0.84 4 0.57 0.71 0.84 5 0.58 0.7 0.86 Please cite this article as: Cutini, M et al., Assessment of a ride comfort number for agricultural tractors: A simplified approach, Biosystems Engineering, 4 biosystems engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx y and z-axes. For each speed five runs were carried out and the obtained database is hereafter reported in Table 1. For each axis the mathematical average of the five acquisitions for each speed was calculated and the value was therefore used to assess the total value of vibration for each forward speed (aw10, aw12, aw14) in compliance with Eq. (2) (e.g. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi aw10 ¼ 2 0:532 þ 1:012 þ 0:592 ¼ 1.29 m s 2). Table 2 reports all these values. Entering the aw values in Eq (3) allowed assessing for each tractor the related ride number (RN). An example follows: Table 3 e The main elastic setting of the tested tractor. Tractor Suspension T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 Seat, Seat, Seat, Seat, Seat, Seat, Seat Seat Seat Seat cab, front axle cab, front axle cab, front axle cab, front axle front axle front axle RN ¼ ð1:29 þ 1:51 þ 1:66Þ=3 ¼ 1:49 m s 2.3. the standard's recommendations (ISO 2631:1997, comfort chapter), kx, ky, kz are all equal to 1. The frequency-weightings to be used are Wd and Wk (ISO 2631:1997): the former for x and y-axis, the latter for the z one. Vibration measurements should be made when the tractor is driven at speeds of 10 km h 1, 12 km h 1 and 14 km h 1 over the 100 m smoother track (ISO 5008). The effects of vibration on the comfort of a person exposed to periodic, random or transient vibration are assessed in the frequency range 0.5e80 Hz. The output of the test initially results in nine values of weighted accelerations: three speeds for three axes (awx10; awx12; …; awz14), then applying Eq. (2) it will be combined to one value for each speed (aw10; aw12; aw14). The arithmetic mean is the Ride number value (Eq. (3)): RN ¼ awx þ awy þ awz 3 (3) An example follows. Running a tractor on the ISO 5008 smooth track at 10, 12 and 14 km h 1 has resulted in obtaining the accelerations on x, 2 (4) The tested tractors The experimental plan envisaged testing ten tractors, hereafter labelled T1 to T10 and all the tractors had cabs. Usually cabs are provided with equipment (rubber mounts, air springs etc.) preventing them from being in contact with the frame: in the dataset, suspended cabs are defined as only such when they are equipped with air springs. Table 3 reports the suspension systems characterising the ten tested tractors. The nominal power of the tested tractors ranged from 60 to 250 kW (median value 86.5 kW): two of them (T9 and T10) had a nominal power lower than 76.5 kW; three were between 76.5 and 86.5 kW (T3, T5 and T7); two had a nominal power between 86.5 and 126 kW (T6 and T8) while the remaining three had a nominal power in the range 126e250 kW (T1, T2 and T4). The masses of the tractors were in the 3600e12,900 kg range. Table 4 reports a more detailed description of the features of the tractors when tested. In the first phase of the research some tractors were tested with tyres at the nominal pressure of 160 kPa to point out what was happening in the worst-case scenario with reference to tyre stiffness. Table 4 provides a more detailed description of tractor characteristics. Table 4 e Basic information on tractors characteristics and settings during the testing. Tractor label T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 Mass (kg) 12,710 7710 4720 7830 4475 7000 3665 5075 3720 5750 Front Rear Tyre size Pressure (kPa) Tyre size Pressure (kPa) 650/65/34 650/65/28 440/65/28 540/65/30 380/70/24 540/65/28 360/70/24 420/85/24 7.5/20 420/65/28 160 130 130 130 130 160 160 160 130 130 710/75/42 710/70/38 540/65/38 650/65/42 480/70/34 650/65/38 480/70/34 460/85/38 13.6 R38 540/65/38 160 130 130 130 130 160 160 160 130 130 Table 5 e The apparatus and equipment used. Instrument/material Data logger Speed wheel Cushion triaxial accelerometer Make/model Test type Rogadaq 16 (ROGA Instruments, Nentershausen, Germany) € benzell, Germany) Peiseler (Peiseler gmbh, Gro PCB 356 B 40 (PCB Group, Depew, NY, USA) Comfort Forward speed measurement Comfort Please cite this article as: Cutini, M et al., Assessment of a ride comfort number for agricultural tractors: A simplified approach, Biosystems Engineering, biosystems engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx Table 6 e The effect of adopting different tyres on the ride number. Run Label Tyre sizes T1_W1 T1_W2 T1_W3 T2_W4 T2_W5 T2_W6 Front Rear 650/65R34 650/65R34 650/65R34 600/60R30 600/65R28 540/65R28 710/75R42 800/70R42 900/60R42 710/60R42 710/70R38 650/65R42 RN (m s 2) Grouping (p < 0.05) 1.43 1.44 1.54 1.39 1.45 1.46 b b a b a a Table 7 e The effect of ballasting on the comfort value. Run Label T3_B1 T3_B2 T4_B3 T4_B4 T8_B5 T8_B6 Tractor mass (kg) RN Grouping (p < 0.05) 4720 6290 7830 10545 5075 6310 1.47 1.52 1.32 1.02 1.91 1.76 a a a b a b Table 8 e The effect of different tyre pressure on the comfort value. Run Label T2_P13 T2_P20 T8_P08 T8_P16 2.4. Inflation pressure (kPa) RN Grouping (p < 0.05) 130 200 80 160 1.46 1.54 1.47 1.91 b a b a Instrumentation Acceleration acquisitions were performed using the apparatus and equipment briefly listed in Table 5. 5 Five repetitions were carried out at the three standard speeds and the acceleration at the three axes were acquired with an acquisition frequency of 1250 Hz. 2.5. Defining machine operating condition The scientific literature reports that tyre pressure, tractor mass and its distribution between front and rear axles affects operator comfort (Cutini, Deboli, Calvo, Preti, Brambilla et al., 2017; Nguyen & Inaba, 2011; Sherwin, Owende, Kanali, Lyons, & Ward, 2004). Given the aim of defining an index that summarises all the effects arising from different factors (i.e. ballast, tyre pressure, size and model), there is the need to define which of these factors are important for the RN calculation. Tractors were therefore tested to verify the effect of each factor on the RN running by them on the ISO 5008 test track. In detail, three sets of tests were performed: T1 and T2 were tested differing in tyre size (six samples labelled W1 to W6) T3, T4 and T8 ran the test track in two mass settings: without ballast (Table 4) and with the mass increased respectively of 1,570, 2715 and 1235 kg T2 and T8 were tested with tyres with different inflating pressure (130 and 200 kPa for T2; 80 and 160 kPa for T8) In each test, the tractors ran on the ISO 5008 track at three speeds (10, 12 and 14 km h 1); five repetitions for each speed were performed (see section 3.4); by means of Pearson coefficient of correlation and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by post hoc comparison (Tukey test, p < 0.05) using the MINITAB 17.0 statistical software (Minitab, 2010). With the same software, to increase the knowledge attained from the variables under consideration and, according to them, try to make out as many differences as possible, the RMS resulting from the accelerations acquired at the tractor seat were processed by means of principal component Fig. 2 e The results of the RN assessment. Please cite this article as: Cutini, M et al., Assessment of a ride comfort number for agricultural tractors: A simplified approach, Biosystems Engineering, 6 biosystems engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx Table 9 e Loadings of the 9 factors on PC1 and PC2 on the whole dataset. Factor awx10 awx12 awx14 awy10 awy12 awy14 awz10 awz12 awz14 Loadings PC1 PC2 0.083 0.099 0.078 0.065 0.118 0.07 0.137 0.564 0.786 0.002 0.403 0.34 0.3 0.085 0.585 0.35 0.244 0.317 analysis (PCA) using the covariance matrix. PCA is a linear, unsupervised pattern-recognition technique that analyses, classifies, and reduces the dimensionality of numerical datasets in multivariate problems (Todeschini, 1998); it makes it possible to extract target information from the dataset, carry out an analysis of its structure and obtain a global correlation of the variables. Correlations between the considered factors were also explored in depth. 3. Results 3.1. Definition of the machine's operating condition Data processing pointed out that ballast, tyre pressure and tyre model affect the resulting RN: Tables 6e8 provide evidence of this. In detail, Table 6 shows that the tyre size can affect the RN significantly with variations of the ride number of þ7% and þ4% for T1 and T2. The same can be noticed for changes in tractor mass: in this case in two out of the three tested tractors, an increase of Fig. 3 e Loading plot (top) and biplot (bottom) of the PCA representing the distribution of the tested tractors (labelled T1 to T10) based on the accelerations acquired at 10, 12 and 14 km h¡1 on x, y and z axes. Please cite this article as: Cutini, M et al., Assessment of a ride comfort number for agricultural tractors: A simplified approach, Biosystems Engineering, biosystems engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx the mass resulted in a significant reduction of the RN ( 22% and 8% for T4 and T8). The effect of tyre pressure on the ride number is reported in Table 8: changes in tire pressure results in significant variations of the ride number (from þ5% to þ29%) which reflect changes in operator comfort as well. Following these preliminary results, it has been established that, to achieve the aim of the research, and in compliance with ISO 5008 recommendations, when performing tractor runs: Mass setting: Tractors shall be run without ballast, with full fuel tank and radiator and any mounted implements. Tyre size setting: The model used shall be declared. Tyre pressure setting: Tyre pressures shall be set at the arithmetic mean of the ranges manufactures recommend. 3.2. 7 Ride number assessment The RN resulting from the described procedure of the ten tested vehicles is reported in Fig. 2 for each tractor. It must be strictly fitted on the tested model tractor and setting as different mass, cab or frame adoption, suspended cab supports, front suspension and tyres size, all affect the results significantly. It can be noticed that the RN tends to increase when the tractors' suspension devices are limited to the seat meaning that tractors with suspended cab and front axle provide better operator comfort (ride numbers from 1.32 to 1.47 m s 2). Following the application of Eq. (3), RN results from averaging the values of aw10, aw12 and aw14. Going deeper in this RN assessment pointed out that, with respect to the mean, the relative contribution of the three components to the resulting RN is 12.5% for aw10, þ1% for aw12 and þ11.5% aw14. This makes it possible to consider the arithmetic mean as valid. Fig. 4 e Loading plot (top) and biplot (bottom) of the PCA representing the distribution of the suspended tractors only (labelled T1 to T6) based on the accelerations acquired at 10, 12 and 14 km h¡1 on x, y and z axes. Please cite this article as: Cutini, M et al., Assessment of a ride comfort number for agricultural tractors: A simplified approach, Biosystems Engineering, 8 biosystems engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx Moreover, to better highlight the influence these factors have on the index, figures representing the results of the PCA, turn out to be more useful. PCA was performed using the RMS of the accelerations acquired on the three axes at the three speeds (Table 9 and Fig. 3). According to this multivariate processing, the 1st principal component (PC 1) represents 82.7% and the 2nd principal component (PC 2) represents 11.3% of the total variance. Overall, both components account for 94.0%. The analysis of the loadings (Table 9) pointed out that awz14, awz12, awz10 and awy12 are the factors acting the most on PC1, splitting the observations into two groups: unsuspended tractors (T7 to T10, in the right part of the biplot) and suspended ones (Fig. 3, below). This underlines the role vertical acceleration has on the comfort level experienced by operators running unsuspended tractors: adopting a damping system on the front axle and the cab, if on the one hand helped reduce the discomfort originating from vertical accelerations, on the other resulted in some issues related to the effect of lateral accelerations (along the y axis). Concerning PC2, the factors distinguish between two clusters of observations. T3 and T6 result in a single group and, following the analysis of the loadings this can be ascribed to two phenomena: Stresses occurring on the z axis at 10 and 12 km h 1 and on the x axis at 12 km h 1 which are higher than those measured on the other tractors. Stresses occurring on the y axis at 14 km h 1, which for these two tractors are lower. To better point out the role that suspension devices have on the vibrations perceived by operators, a further PCA analysis was performed on the data related to suspended tractors only (T1 to T6). This resulted in the biplot hereafter reported in Fig. 4 and in the loadings of Table 10. Overall the two components model accounted for 96.4% of the explained variance (89.9% on PC1 and 6.5% on PC2). Here the main factors affecting PC1 are accelerations acquired on the y and z axes highlighting how the different directions of the vibrations discriminate among observations. It is interesting to note that, for suspended tractors, the weight of awz10 and awz12 is higher than awz14. This can be related to the suspension damping effect that is higher at 14 km h 1. PC2 points out that Table 10 e Loading of the 9 factors on PC1 and PC2 on the suspended tractors' dataset. Factor awx10 awx12 awx14 awy10 awy12 awy14 awz10 awz12 awz14 Loadings PC1 PC2 0.07 0.34 0.21 0.27 0.04 0.49 0.36 0.54 0.32 0.006 0.52 0.156 0.058 0.49 0.22 0.04 0.27 0.576 accelerations at 12 and 14 km h 1 can discriminate among observations: anyway, this accounts for a small part of explained variance meaning that acceleration directions retain great part of it. The analysis of the Pearson correlation coefficient pointed out that, as already shown in other studies (Cutini et al., 2016), a positive correlation exists between accelerations on x and z axis. Surprisingly, this analysis resulted also in a significant negative correlation between accelerations occurring on the x and z axes and those on the y axis. 4. Conclusions and recommendations The continuous restructuring of the agricultural machinery industry and the increasing complexity of agricultural and forestry tractors needs new standards for product development and testing. The research has combined the purpose of the EN13059 with the technical document for measuring vibration ISO 2631 and the specific standard for tractors ISO 5008 resulting in the definition of a simplified measurement protocol with the aim of obtaining an indication of tractor comfort with a single scalar number (ride number - RN). The index proved to be extremely sensitive to any setting modification and this, on the one hand, is an advantage of the procedure but, on the other, it is its main limitation as results may be closely linked to the tested model and related settings, leading to difficulties in considering the ride number as a value of homologation since every tractor has a wide range of possible settings. Moreover, this ride number cannot be used to assess the daily vibration exposure of operators in field conditions. Nevertheless, this index makes it possible to compare the adoption of different technical solutions: it can provide an evaluation of the effect technical improvements have on the operator's comfort. Concerning operators, further work aimed at pointing out significant perceived comfort levels due to variations in the index still needs to be carried out. The analysis carried out on the nine components of the index indicates that the efforts of manufacturers in equipping tractors with suspension systems has resulted in an effective reduction of the stresses occurring on the vertical axis, highlighting the role of lateral stresses in suspended tractors. Following this, the research has also pointed out the importance of considering the stresses occurring along the three orthogonal axes at different speeds: as a matter of fact: this can account for the different dynamic responses that vehicles have when varying the technical solution for vibration control they are equipped with. The introduced RN summarises all these issues. Conflicts of interest The authors declare to have no conflict of interest. The funding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results. Please cite this article as: Cutini, M et al., Assessment of a ride comfort number for agricultural tractors: A simplified approach, Biosystems Engineering, biosystems engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx Acknowledgments This study was performed within the INTRAC project (D.M. n. 12488/7303/11 of 09/06/2011) “Integrazione tra gli aspetti ergonomici e di sicurezza nei trattori agricoli”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, (MiPAAF). The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Tractor Codes Program provided further funding that made it possible further development of the study. The opinions expressed and the arguments are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the OECD or of its member countries. The authors are grateful to OECD delegates for the fruitful discussions during the OECD meetings. The authors are also grateful to Mr. Gianluigi Rozzoni and Mr. Alex Filisetti for the valuable help provided in accelerations acquisition and machinery set up. references Anthonis, J., Vaes, D., Engelen, K., Ramon, H., & Swevers, J. (2007). Feedback approach for reproduction of field measurements on a hydraulic four poster. Biosystems Engineering, 96, 435e445. Bovenzi, M., & Betta, A. (1994). Low-back disorders in agricultural tractor drivers exposed to whole-body vibration and postural stress. Applied Ergonomics, 25, 231e241. 0003-6870(94)90004-3. BS 6841:1987. (1987). Guide to measurement and evaluation of human exposure to whole-body mechanical vibration and repeated shock. London, UK: The British Standards Institution. 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