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Reprod Dom Anim 41, 241–246 (2006); doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2006.00676.x ISSN 0936-6768 The Effects of Cryopreservation on the Morphometric Dimensions of Iberian Red Deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) Epididymal Sperm Heads MC Esteso1,2, MR Fernández-Santos1,2, AJ Soler1, V Montoro1, A Quintero-Moreno3 and JJ Garde1,2 1 Grupo de Biologı´a de la Reproducción, Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos, IREC, (CSIC, UCLM, JCCM), Campus Universitario, Albacete, Spain; 2Sección de Recursos Cinegéticos y Ganaderos, IDR, (UCLM), Albacete, Spain; 3Unidad de Investigación en Producción Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad de Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela Contents Computer-automated sperm-head morphometry was used in this study to determine the effects of cryopreservation on red deer sperm-head morphometry. Epididymal sperm samples were collected from 40 mature stags and were divided. One portion was diluted at room temperature in a Tris-citrate egg yolk medium, containing 6% glycerol. A microscope slide was prepared from single extended sperm samples prior to freezing. The remainder of each sample was frozen in nitrogen vapours. After thawing, sperm smears were prepared as described above. All slides were air dried and stained with Hemacolor. The sperm-head dimensions for length, width, area, perimeter and shape factor (length/width), for a minimum of 135 spermatozoa were determined for each slide by means of the Sperm-Class Analyser (SCA). Firstly, our results show that cryopreservation substantially reduced (p < 0.001) sperm motility and plasma membrane and acrosome integrities. In addition, sperm heads were significantly smaller in cryopreserved spermatozoa than in the companion extended samples for area (32.05 lm2 vs 32.56 lm2; p < 0.05), length (8.46 lm vs 8.53 lm; p < 0.0001) and shape factor (1.833 vs 1.849; p < 0.0001) for all stags. These differences were found within 29 of 40 stags (75%) for at least three of the morphometric parameters. The individual variability (CV) of sperm head measurements from extended samples was negatively correlated (p < 0.005) with the per cent of change in sperm head measurements after cryopreservation for area (r ¼ )0.465), width (r ¼ )0.483) and perimeter (r ¼ )0.375). Thus, the lower the sperm head variability in the extended samples, the greater the sperm change as a consequence of the cryopreservation. These results suggest that the variability (heterogeneity) in sperm head dimensions of individual stags may be a good indicator of sperm freezability. Introduction The routine evaluation of semen, including normal sperm morphology assessment, has long been employed to evaluate the effects of freezing-thawing procedures on sperm cryosurvival. Poor semen morphology is an important indicator of decreased fertility in men (Kruger et al. 1993); stallions (Jasko et al. 1990) and bulls (Sekoni and Gustafsson 1987). Sperm head abnormalities have been associated with early embryonic loss, lowered fertility and embryo quality (DeJarnette et al. 1992) and reduced capacity to bind to the ovum (Kolt and Handel 1987). Although normal sperm morphology may be an indicator of the fertility potential of a given male, correlations have been based on subjectively performed analyses. However, large variations between technicians and laboratories in the subjective evaluation of semen characteristics are known to exist (Saacke 1982), making accurate interpretation of the resulting data difficult. The need for accurate objective assessment of sperm morphology has led to the development of computerassisted sperm morphometry analysis (ASMA) (Katz et al. 1986; Pérez-Sánchez et al. 1994). The precision of the ASMA system has been utilized to detect morphometric differences in sperm head dimensions of fertile and subfertile males (Casey et al. 1997) as well as subtle changes in human sperm head morphometry because of toxicant exposure when no morphological differences were detected by manual assessment (Davis et al. 1993). Previous studies utilizing ASMA have also demonstrated that cryopreservation affects head morphometry of bull (Gravance et al. 1998), human (Thompson et al. 1994), stallion (Arruda et al. 2002) and dog (Rijsselaere et al. 2004) cryopreserved spermatozoa. In these studies, sperm heads were significantly smaller in cryopreserved spermatozoa than in fresh-extended sperm. The differences in morphometric dimensions between fresh and cryopreserved spermatozoa have been explained by several possible mechanisms including osmotic changes, acrosome damage and alterations in chromatin condensation (Gravance et al. 1998). These observations, suggest that sperm head dimensions of individual sperm samples, may be an indicator of sperm cryosurvival. Thus, adopting methods previously utilized in other species (Sancho et al. 1998) and in red deer by us (Esteso et al. 2003), our objective was to determine the effects of cryopreservation on red deer sperm-head morphometry. To achieve this goal, we firstly evaluated the effects of cryopreservation on sperm motility and on acrosome and membrane integrities. Secondly, we evaluated the effects of cryopreservation on epididymal red deer sperm head size. In relation with this second general aim, we also carried out this study: (i) to determine whether the effects vary between individual stags and (ii) to determine which sperm head morphometric measurements, if any, are associated with changes that occur to the sperm during freezing and thawing. Material and Methods Materials With the exception of DPX (Fluka, Madrid, Spain), all other chemicals were of reagent grade and were purchased from Sigma or Merck (both of Madrid, Spain).  2006 The Authors. Journal compilation  2006 Blackwell Verlag 242 MC Esteso, MR Fernández-Santos, AJ Soler, V Montoro, A Quintero-Moreno and JJ Garde Preparation of testes and collection of epididymal spermatozoa For this study, we used spermatozoa recovered from the epididymides of 40 mature stags (age >4 years, weight >140 kg) that were legally culled and hunted in their natural habitat during the rutting season (September to November). The hunting of stags was performed in accordance with the harvest plan of each game reserve. The harvest plans were made following Spanish Harvest Regulation, Law 2/93 of Castilla-La Mancha, which conforms to European Union Regulation. Immediately upon removal, the testes with attached epididymides were placed into plastic bags and transported to the laboratory at room temperature (approximately 20C) within 2 h after being removed. Samples were processed as soon as they arrived at the laboratory. Epididymal spermatozoa were collected as described by Soler et al. (2005). Epididymal contents from both testicles of an individual stag were pooled for processing, because an ejaculate contains a mixture of spermatozoa from both testicles. Semen processing and cryopreservation The sperm mass was diluted at room temperature to a final sperm concentration approximately 400 · 106 sperm/ml with a Tris-citrate-20% egg yolk medium, containing 6% glycerol (Fernández-Santos et al. 2005). At this point, sub-samples were taken for sperm head morphometric dimensions evaluation. Then, the sperm diluted was placed in a 15-ml centrifuge tube (Iwaki, Tokyo, Japan) and was slowly cooled to 5C. For it, the tubes were placed in a beaker with water (75 ml at room temperature) and transferred to a refrigerator at 5C. Cooling down to 5C lasted for approximately 1 h and then extended samples were held for equilibration at that temperature for 2 h more. After the equilibration of the diluted sperm samples, the extended sperm was loaded into 0.25 ml plastic straws. Immediately, the straws were frozen in nitrogen vapours, 4 cm above the surface of the liquid nitrogen, for 10 min and then plunged into liquid nitrogen. The straws remained for a minimum period of 1 month in liquid nitrogen before thawing was carried out. Frozen semen was thawed in a water bath (37C) for 20 s and the content of the straws poured into a glass tube. Samples were evaluated for motility, viability, and acrosome and membrane integrities after 5 min of incubation at 37C, using the methods described below. At thawing, subsamples were also taken for sperm head morphometric evaluation. Semen evaluation Sperm concentration and subjective scores of motility were assessed shortly after collection. Sperm concentrations of the original suspensions were determined using a haematocytometer. Percentage of individual motile sperm (motility) was noted and quality of motility was assessed using a scale of 0, lowest, to 5, highest. A Sperm Motility Index (SMI) was calculated ¼ [% individual motility + (quality of motility · 20)] · 0.5. The sperm suspension was also used to assess acrosome integrity and viability. Acrosomal integrity was evaluated after a 1 : 1 dilution in 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.165 M cacodylate/HCl buffer (pH 7.3). The percentage of spermatozoa with intact acrosomes [% normal apical ridge (NAR)] was assessed by phase-contrast microscopy. Only samples with an initial sperm motility and NAR >65–70% were used for freezing. In addition, samples were taken to assess the membrane integrity by means of the hypo-osmotic swelling (HOS) test. Plasma membrane functionality was assessed using a HOS test as described by Garde et al. (1998). The sperm membrane was considered functional in cases where the sperm tail was coiled and the result was expressed as HOS (%). Membrane integrity (viability) was also evaluated by using a nigrosin-eosin (NE) stain. The NE stain was prepared according to the method by Soler et al. (2005). Live spermatozoa remained unstained, while dead cells were dull pink. The percentage of live spermatozoa was expressed as viability (%). Two hundred sperm cells were assessed in each sample and for each sperm evaluation technique. Additionally, slides of extended and thawed semen were prepared from each sample for sperm head morphometric characterization. Morphometric analysis of sperm heads Microscopic slides were prepared from each extended (upon dilution) and cryopreserved sample by placing 5 ll of the sperm samples on the clear end of a frosted slide and dragging the drop across the slide. Semen smears were air dried and stained using a Hemacolor (Merck) procedure, originally described for staining of ram (Sancho et al. 1998) sperm heads; and recently adapted by our group to red deer spermatozoa (Esteso et al. 2003). Stained sperm samples were permanently mounted to the slide with a coverslip and dibutyl phthalate xylene (DPX). Stained slides were used to perform ASMA using the morphometry module of a commercially available system (Sperm-Class Analyzer; Microptic, Barcelona, Spain). The machine was equipped with a Nykon (Labophot-2, Tokyo, Japan) microscope with a ·60 bright-field objective and a Sony video camera (CCD AVC-D7CE; Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) connected to a Pentium 950 MHz processor. The illumination source was centred and the intensity of the bulb and the gain and offset of the camera were standardized for all samples. The configuration of the computer system included a PIP-1024 B video digitizer board (Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd., Quebec, Canada), the sperm image analysis software and a high-resolution assistant monitor Sony Triniton PVM-1443MD (Sony Corporation). The array size of the video frame recorder was 512 · 512 · 8 bits, digitized images were made up of 262 144 pixels (picture elements) and 256 grey levels. Resolution of images was 0.15 and 0.11 lm per pixel in the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. The morphometric dimensions for area (A), perimeter (P), length (L), width (W), and shape factor (L/W) were  2006 The Authors. Journal compilation  2006 Blackwell Verlag Sperm Head Morphometry and Cryopreservation acquired for 140–150 images. Acquiring 140–150 images assures that a minimum of 135 properly measured sperm heads are analysed after improperly measured sperm heads are deleted from the analysis. The sperm cells were randomly selected for the morphometric analysis. The measurements of each individual sperm head from each stag and sperm treatment were saved in an Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA) – compatible database by the software for further analysis. Statistical analysis Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for Windows, version 11.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). The effects of cryopreservation on sperm motility, viability, acrosome and membrane integrities and sperm head morphometric dimensions were compared within and across stags by General Linear Model analysis of variance (GLM-ANOVA) using a split plot design. Stags served as the main plot and sperm cryopreservation step (pre-freezing or post-thawing) served as the subplot. Group differences were compared by Fisher’s Least Significant Differences test. Effects were considered significant at p < 0.05. The effects of sperm treatment on sperm-head morphometry within stags, where effects were observed, were compared by Student’s t-test. The within analysis variation (CV) and between stags variation within morphometric measures were compared between sperm treatments by the Mann–Whitney twosample test. Correlations between sperm head measurements (values and CVs) and the standard semen parameters (motility, viability, HOS and NAR) after cryopreservation were performed by Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients. Data that did not follow a normal distribution were transformed. Results In this work, epididymal spermatozoa from 40 stags were frozen and thawed. Because we used epididymal spermatozoa for this experiment, it was only possible to make single observations for each stag. After freezing and thawing, a decrease (p < 0.001) in all routine sperm parameters was observed. Thus, SMI decreased from 74.51 ± 2.2% in extended fresh samples to 63.88 ± 1.7% in thawed samples. Spermatozoa with normal acrosomes decreased (p < 0.001) from 82.15 ± 2.3% in extended samples to 62.79 ± 2.1% in thawed samples. The results found for the other parameters (HOS test and viability) were similar if not identical (data not shown). The results of the comparison of sperm heads dimensions between extended and cryopreserved samples are summarized in Table 1. This table shows the mean sperm head measurements and the CVs between stags for extended and cryopreserved samples. A total of 5,451 property digitized spermatozoa for extended samples, and 5,416 for cryopreserved samples were analysed. There were no differences in the number of properly analysed sperm heads between extended and cryopreserved samples (data not shown). The values for all measures of sperm heads dimensions were deter- 243 Table 1. Mean sperm head measurements of area (A), perimeter (P), length (L), width (W) and shape factor (L/W) for extended and cryopreserved sperm samples from 40 stags Parameters Sample 2 A (lm ) P (lm) L (lm) W (lm) EXT 32.56 (9.6)a 30.05 (7.9)a 8.53 (6.6)c 4.63 (7.2)a CRYO 32.05 (9.6)b 30.00 (7.7)a 8.46 (6.8)d 4.63 (7.2)a Shape factor N 1.849 (8.4)c 1.833 (8.8)d 5,451 5,416 EXT, extended sperm sample; CRYO, cryopreserved sperm sample; N, total number of sperm counted per treatment. Coefficients of variation (% CV) between stags are shown in parentheses. Values with different superscript letters in the same column were significantly different. a, bp < 0.05, c, dp < 0.0001. mined to be normally distributed by Kolmogorov– Smirnov normality test. Analysis of variance showed a significant (p < 0.001) within-stag effect on sperm head morphometric dimensions in the extended and cryopreserved samples. Besides, significant effects (p < 0.05) of cryopreservation were found among stags on sperm head dimensions. In this sense, sperm heads were smaller in cryopreserved samples than in the companion extended samples for area (32.05 lm2 vs 32.56 lm2, p < 0.05), length (8.46 lm vs 8.53 lm, p < 0.0001) and shape factor (1.833 vs 1.849, p < 0.0001) between all males. The variation (per cent CV) of the mean dimensions across all stags ranged from 6.6% (L) to 9.6% (A) for extended samples, and 6.8% (L) to 9.6% (A) for cryopreserved samples (Table 1). Our results also revealed that all sperm head measurements were significantly (p < 0.001) affected by the interaction individual factor-sperm treatment. In this sense, no significant cryopreservation effect was found between the extended samples and the thawed ones for sperm head dimensions within stags for all males. Thus, in 29 of the 40 stags (75%), differences (p < 0.05) were observed in at least three of the five morphometric parameters between extended and cryopreserved samples. The per cent change in sperm head measurements from extended and cryopreserved samples of the eleven stags that showed no differences (ND) and the 29 males where differences (DIF) occurred, were different (p < 0.0001) for area ()5.6 vs 3.53%), length ()2.1 vs 2.5%) and width ()3.7 vs 1.8%). No significant differences in any sperm head dimensions were detected in cryopreserved samples when the ND group of stags was compared with the DIF group. Contrary, significant differences were found in sperm head dimensions in extended samples when the ND group was compared with the DIF group for area (ND ¼ 31.43 lm2 vs DIF ¼ 33.13 lm2; p ¼ 0.026) and length (ND ¼ 8.41 lm vs DIF ¼ 8.66 lm; p ¼ 0.024). No significant differences in the variability of any sperm head dimensions were detected in extended or cryopreserved samples when the ND group of stags was compared with the DIF group. Finally, at thawing SMI (ND: 68.87 ± 3.1% vs DIF: 61.59 ± 2.0%, p ¼ 0.06) and sperm viability (ND: 70.25 ± 3.1% vs DIF: 63.22 ± 2.1%, p ¼ 0.06) tended to be higher for the stags that did not incur changes in the morphometric parameters of the sperm head than for those did it, but differences were not statistically significant.  2006 The Authors. Journal compilation  2006 Blackwell Verlag 244 MC Esteso, MR Fernández-Santos, AJ Soler, V Montoro, A Quintero-Moreno and JJ Garde Table 2. Mean within analysis coefficients of variation (%) for area (A), perimeter (P), length (L), width (W), and shape factor of sperm heads of extended and cryopreserved sperm samples from 40 stags 10 Sample A P L W Shape factor N EXT CRYO 6.20a 7.02b 6.20a 6.48a 5.12c 5.50d 5.41a 5.50a 6.85a 6.80a 5,451 5,416 EXT, extended sperm sample; CRYO, cryopreserved sperm sample; N, total number of sperm counted per treatment. Values with different superscript letters in the same column were significantly different. a, bp < 0.005, c, dp < 0.05. CV (%) Parameters 8 6 Besides, significant differences (p < 0.05) in the means within analysis CVs were found between the extended and cryopreserved samples for area and length among stags (Table 2). In this sense, the variability of sperm heads measurements was lower in extended semen samples than in cryopreserved ones for area (6.20% vs 7.02%, p < 0.005) and length (5.12% vs 5.50%, p < 0.05) when all samples were analysed. Finally, the results of the ANOVA procedure revealed that within analysis CVs were significantly (p < 0.001) affected by the interaction between individual factor and sperm treatment. Overall, the results from the 40 stags showed a similar pattern of response, with higher (p < 0.05) variability (per cent CV) in cryopreserved samples than in the extended ones. However, when we analyses only the 11 stags of the ND group, no significant differences (p > 0.05) in the means within analysis CVs were found between the extended and cryopreserved samples for any sperm head measurements. The per cent difference in individual parameters of head measurements of spermatozoa from extended and cryopreserved samples for all stags was negatively correlated (p < 0.005) with the CVs of the corresponding measurements for area (r ¼ )0.465), width (r ¼ )0.483) and perimeter (r ¼ )0.375) of the initial extended sample. These results are showed in Fig. 1 for sperm head area. These relations were not found with the CVs of the sperm heads dimensions for the cryopreserved samples. Finally, the per cent difference in individual parameters of head measurements of spermatozoa from extended and cryopreserved sperm samples for all stags was not correlated (p > 0.05) with any sperm routine parameters determined in extended or cryopreserved samples. Besides, the variations (CV) of sperm head dimensions of spermatozoa from extended samples were not related to standard sperm parameters determined in cryopreserved samples when all stags were analysed. Discussion Firstly, we found a significant effect of cryopreservation on the head morphometry of red deer epididymal sperm, across a population of 40 stags. Sperm head measurements of cryopreserved samples were significantly lower than those of the extended samples for area, length and shape factor across all stags. Our results, thus, indicate that the extended spermatozoa, in addition to being the ones having higher sperm quality (determined by SMI, –10 0 10 Change (%) Fig. 1. The variability (% CV) of sperm head area in extended samples (unfrozen) is plotted as a function of the per cent difference in the corresponding measurement of head spermatozoa from extended and cryopreserved samples (solid points). The correlation coefficient is r ¼ )0.465 (n ¼ 40; p < 0.005) NAR, viability and HOS test), are also those with larger sperm heads, comparing with cryopreserved spermatozoa. Secondly, our results show too that, whereas significant freeze/thaw effects were found in the morphometric measurements across the population of 40 stags, significant differences were found only within some stags. Indeed, a low number of the stags (25%) in this study did not incur changes in the morphometric parameters of the sperm head. The detection of freeze/ thaw effects within individual stags indicates that some individuals may be more sensitive to cryopreservation. Besides, sperm head dimensions from extended samples were significantly lower in those samples that showed no changes in measurements. Finally, at thawing, SMI and sperm viability tended to be higher for the stags that did not incur changes in the morphometric parameters of the sperm head than for those that did it, although the differences were not statistically significant. Therefore, our results indicate that extended sperm samples with lower initial dimensions of sperm heads, in addition to being the ones where morphometric changes in sperm heads did not occur after cryopreservation, are also those with a tendency to higher sperm quality at thawing, with the opposite being true for spermatozoa with larger initial sperm head dimensions. In relation with the effects of cryopreservation on sperm head morphometric measurements, our results agree with earlier findings reported for bull (Gravance et al. 1998), human (Thompson et al. 1994), stallion (Arruda et al. 2002) and dog spermatozoa (Rijsselaere et al. 2004), in which sperm head dimensions (length, width, area and perimeter) were smaller in cryopreserved samples than in fresh extended samples. These differences in morphometric dimensions between fresh  2006 The Authors. Journal compilation  2006 Blackwell Verlag Sperm Head Morphometry and Cryopreservation and cryopreserved spermatozoa have been explained proposing several possible mechanisms, including osmotic changes, acrosome damage and alterations in chromatin condensation (Royere et al. 1988; Gravance et al. 1998; Love and Kenney 1998; Blottner et al. 2001). However, our results only partially agree with those earlier reported for the effects of cryopreservation on head morphometry of goat spermatozoa (Gravance et al. 1997). These authors found no overall effect of cryopreservation on goat sperm head morphometry, but they observed an effect within a limited number of bucks. Contrasting results may be because of a certain species specific sensitivity for the freezing process or to different cryopreservation protocols (i.e. glycerol levels, freezing and thawing rates), resulting in a different effect on the post-thaw sperm head characteristics (Thompson et al. 1994; Gravance et al. 1998). Our results also show that the effect of cryopreservation on red deer sperm heads varies among individuals. However, in contrast to the previous findings of Gravance et al. (1997), the majority (75%) of the stags in this study incurred changes in the sperm head dimensions during the cryopreservation process. The average per cent change across all stags ranged from 0.5% for width to 12% for area. Although the average changes in dimensions were <12% for all measurements, they were still found to be significantly different, because of the precision of the SCA. This method of analysis was able to detect the very small changes in morphometric dimensions between extended and cryopreserved sperm heads. The CVs (variation) of sperm head measurements within and across stags (Tables 1 and 2), indicate that sperm head measurements from different stags are extremely heterogeneous. In fact, at least as heterogeneous as the sperm population within a sample of a given stag. Besides, our results show that the variability of sperm heads measurements was lower in the extended semen samples than in the cryopreserved ones for area and length when all samples were analysed. However, when this effect was independently studied in the two groups of stags (ND and DIF), these differences were only significant for the DIF group. These results suggest that sperm head area and length from different stags are more heterogeneous in the cryopreserved samples than in the extended ones, especially in the samples from DIF stags. Thus, our results show that the variability of sperm head dimensions between cryopreserved and extended samples was only significantly different in the samples that showed changes in measurements during the cryopreservation. Whereas cryopreserved sperm samples showed no significant differences in the sperm head morphometric dimensions of the ND and DIF populations, sperm head dimensions from extended samples were significantly lower in the samples that showed no changes in measurements. Taken together, our results indicate that extended sperm samples with lower initial dimensions of sperm heads, in addition to being the ones which less change their sperm head measurements between dilution and cryopreservation, are also those with lower variability of sperm head dimensions at thawing, with the opposite being true for spermatozoa with higher initial 245 dimensions of sperm head. Thus, these two groups of males differ in the dimensions of their sperm heads, and it is possible that these differences have an impact on sperm water volume and membrane permeability to water and cryoprotectants and, in turn, on sperm freezability (Curry 2000). Therefore, the lower the sperm head dimensions in the extended samples, the greater the sperm cryoresistance. Our results also show that the change (%) in sperm head measurements from extended and cryopreserved samples for all stags was negatively correlated with the CVs of the corresponding measurements for area, width and perimeter of the extended sperm heads. These negative correlations indicate that, regardless of the male group (ND or DIF), as the variability of the extended samples decreased, the per cent difference in individual parameters of sperm head measurements from extended to cryopreserved samples increased in a correlation fashion. Indeed, our results show that the greater the sperm head area variability (CVs) in extended samples (Fig. 1), the lower the sperm cryodamage (as revealed by the per cent difference from extended to cryopreserved samples). Therefore, the sperm head morphometric variability of an extended sample can be a good indicator of the sperm cryosurvival of the same sample. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating that sperm head morphometric dimensions and heterogeneity of individual extended samples may be used as good indicators of sperm resistance to freezing-thawing process. The examination of post-thaw spermatozoa with techniques such as partitioning in aqueous two phases systems to detect subtle differences in surface properties has demonstrated that heterogeneity is severely diminished after the freeze-thaw process (Ollero et al. 1998). Contrary, our results show that significant differences in the means within analysis CVs were found between the extended and cryopreserved samples for area and length among stags, being the variability (heterogeneity) of sperm head measurements lower in the extended samples than in the cryopreserved ones when all samples were analysed. These apparently conflicting findings could be accounted for in one of two ways. One of the explanations could be that the use of two different techniques to evaluate sperm heterogeneity might differentially affect results. Alternatively, when we analysed the effect of cryopreservation in the CVs separately for the two groups of males (ND and DIF), we only found significant differences (p < 0.05) in the means within analysis CVs between the extended and cryopreserved samples for DIF group. These results indicate that the variability of sperm head dimensions from cryopreserved samples was significantly higher than that from extended samples only in the samples that showed changes in measurements (i.e. samples that were more affected by cryopreservation). Therefore, in these stags the freeze-thaw process might affect an higher population of cells than in ND stags, originating a higher rate and extent of cellular damage. This higher degree of sperm lesion might be the responsible of the higher variability of sperm head dimensions from cryopreserved samples in this group of stags (DIF), giving the appearance of a more heterogeneous population.  2006 The Authors. Journal compilation  2006 Blackwell Verlag 246 MC Esteso, MR Fernández-Santos, AJ Soler, V Montoro, A Quintero-Moreno and JJ Garde In conclusion, sperm head morphometric dimensions were significantly smaller in the cryopreserved samples than in the extended ones, across a population of 40 males. The impact of the effects was variable across stags, with only 25% of the stags showing no significant change in morphometric dimensions. In addition, sperm freezability tended to be higher for the stags that did not incur changes in the morphometric parameters of the sperm head than for those did it, but the differences were not statistically significant. The variability (CV) of sperm head measurements from extended samples was negatively correlated with the per cent of change in sperm head measurements after cryopreservation. It appears that the variability of the sample prior to cryopreservation may be predictive of subsequent changes. Future work will utilize ASMA to identify possible relationships between sperm head dimensions and the fertility. Acknowledgements The authors thank Ibercaza and Cinegética Los Azores for their collaboration in the collection of the samples used in this work. This study was sponsored by Grant PBC-02–011 from the Consejerı́a de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (JCCM), Spain. A. Quintero-Moreno was sponsored by research funds of the International Cooperation Office from the UCLM (Spain). We thank Dr F. Martinez-Pastor for his suggestions and review of the manuscript. 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Submitted: 24.10.2005 Author’s address (for correspondence): Dr José Julian Garde, Grupo de Biologı́a de la Reproducción, IREC, Campus Universitario, sn, 02071, Albacete, Spain. E-mail: Present address: AJ Soler, CERSYRA de Valdepeñas, Consejerı́a de Agricultura JCCM, Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real, Spain.  2006 The Authors. Journal compilation  2006 Blackwell Verlag