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General Conference of the Charismatic Covenant Communities in Italy - Rome, 2-3 November 2019.

"In this we have known love, in the fact that he gave his life for us; therefore we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren" (1 Jn 3:16).

THE CHARISMATIC COMMUNITIES OF ALLEANZA IN ITALY General Conference Rome, 2-3 November 2019 Common reflection "In this we have known love, in the fact that he gave his life for us; therefore we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren" (1 Jn 3:16) Preamble On the occasion of the traditional General Conference of the Charismatic Communities of the Alliance in Italy, held in Rome on 2 and 3 November 2019, on the theme "The Charismatic Renewal and Christian Unity", in the presence of representatives of other Churches and Christian Communities from Italy and abroad, we Moderators and Presidents representing the aforementioned Communities reflected on our identity and mission. A. Who we are: our history 1. The Charismatic Covenant Communities arose in the 1960s in the United States of America, under the impulse of the Holy Spirit, in the Pentecostal current of grace that has been running through all the Christian Churches for over a century and whose expression in the Catholic Church is called "Catholic Charismatic Renewal". These communities spread rapidly throughout the world and in Italy starting from the 80s. They are characterized by a diversity of charisms, diversified apostolic activities and a plurality of organizations and denominations in various geographical, social and cultural contexts, both of their own Christian denomination and of various ecumenical realities. Although some Charismatic Covenant Communities prefer to associate freely with each other,1 there is no central body that represents them all. 2. The Charismatic Covenant Communities, in addition to sharing some peculiar traits of the same current of grace, including Baptism in the Spirit, the exercise of Charisms, the Prayer of Praise and Adoration and spiritual Ecumenism, are identified by a special call of their members to a particular commitment commonly called the Covenant, with the profession of certain promises, not infrequently before the diocesan Bishop (for Catholics), which stabilize the community and ecclesial journey according to a method of educational formation. 3. The Charismatic Covenant Communities in the Catholic Church welcome vocations from all states of life: priests, married and celibate lay people for the Kingdom of Heaven. Some of them welcome representatives of other Christian traditions among their members. Others have created community houses by pooling goods among their members. Therefore, the Charismatic Covenant Communities, in Italy and abroad, are characterized by a specific vocation aroused by the Holy Spirit (species) that distinguish them from other generic community realities of the same current of grace (genus). B. The reasons for our existence 4. The birth of the above-mentioned Charismatic Covenant Communities is due to a particular founding charism granted by the Holy Spirit to initiators, often Christefideles Laici, called "Founders" (cf. SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL, Apostolicam Actuositatem chap. IV, n. 19; Cf. CODE OF CANON LAW, can. 215) and by virtue of the right-freedom of association of the faithful which flows from Baptism, recognized and We do not know of a complete list of networks and associations of Charismatic Communities existing in the world. However, some of these are worth mentioning: European Network of Communities (Austria), Sword of Spirit (USA), The North American Network of Covenant Communities and Fellowships (USA), The Initative Ecumenical Covenant Communities (USA), Hermandad de Comunidad de Aliança (Mexico), Federation of Transparochial Charismatic Communities (Philippines), Federation of Paracleto Communities (Philippines). 1 1 guaranteed by the Second Vatican Council and by the Legislator, in the perspective of the communion and mission of the Catholic Church (cf. JOHN PAUL II, Christefideles Laici, n. 29; Cf. CODE OF CANON LAW can. 299). 5. Subsequently, some of these Communities from different Dioceses throughout the country were recognized as Private Associations of the Faithful or canonically erected into Public Associations of the Faithful with Juridical Personality, others as Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life by the competent Ecclesiastical Authority at both the diocesan and pontifical levels. approving its Statutes by reason of their charism of an ecclesial nature which translates into an authentic witness of faith lived and practiced. For these reasons, the Charismatic Covenant Communities maintain a close bond of filial, docile and obedient communion with the Supreme Pontiff and with the Bishops, "it is up to them above all not to extinguish the Spirit, but to examine all things and hold fast to what is good" (Second VATICAN COUNCIL, Lumen Gentium, n. 12). 6. In addition to the numerous works of apostolate that each individual Community carries out in Italy and abroad and the flourishing of numerous vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, there are in particular ripe fruits of Christian perfection in the lives of some of the founders and members of the aforementioned Communities who now rest in the Father's House. Some of these venerable "Servants of God"2 have left behind them a luminous trail of spiritual graces which are now being examined by the competent ecclesial authorities for their cause of beatification and canonization. 7. During the past years, the Italian communities have established fraternal relations with increasing intensity. They have committed themselves to support each other and to collaborate in various capacities. These relationships spring spontaneously from participation in the divine Koinonia (cf. 1 Jn 1:3b) - an indissoluble founding principle - and endure over time beyond historical circumstances and human organizations subject to periodic changes, because God's love is imperishable. This uninterrupted process, which began several decades ago, continues to this day, it is the undeniable and natural consequence of the human relationships and faith that have been established and that highlight the permanence of a grace of communion granted by the Holy Spirit to which it has been and is indispensable to respond with fidelity and perseverance. C. What Charismatic Covenant Communities Desire Today 8. In our day, the journey of the Charismatic Covenant Communities in Italy continues to arouse in many, in the Church and in civil society, sentiments of deep gratitude to God and sincere respect for the graces that the Holy Spirit has abundantly bestowed on them to many people, men and women, of every age and of all walks of life. 9. Aware of these graces accepted and shared, after an appropriate period of dialogue, discernment and prayer and in total freedom, humility and dedication, the above-mentioned Charismatic Communities of the Alliance in Italy, on 5 June last in Rome, expressed the desire to commit themselves constantly to preserving and multiplying the human and spiritual patrimony of fraternal relations that has accumulated over the years. The Italian communities yearn to consolidate and continue with ineluctable responsibility in this work of communion and collaboration, always respecting the fidelity and autonomy of the charisms proper to each of them, to consolidate their Catholic identity, to maintain international and ecumenical relations in obedience to the competent ecclesiastical authorities, for the sole purpose of building up the Church and uniting their efforts and apostolic zeal for the fulfilment of her mission in the Church. world. 10. In the desire to achieve these goals, in continuity with the now multi-year practice, the Italian communities participating in this Conference have confirmed their intention to continue to hold two 2 Servant of God Simona Tronci (Founder of the Primavera Community of Cagliari), Servant of God Alessandro Nottegar (Founder of the Regina Pacis Community of Verona), Servant of God Chiara Corbella (Member of the Heart of Jesus Community of Rome). 2 annual meetings: the General Conference and the Meeting of Presidents and Moderators, for the exchange of spiritual gifts, for formation and for mutual fraternal support. leaving other activities of mission and common collaboration to the free initiative of the same. 11. At the moment the current initiative wishes to express only a space of fraternity and mutual collaboration, in communion with the whole Church, without structures and on the basis of simple, solid, deep and authentic relationships that we hope will last over time. 12. Therefore, the above-mentioned Communities make themselves available for new developments of this grace of communion ad intra and ad extra, united to the irrepressible desire to want to grow towards ecclesial maturity on a path of holiness. The following Communities present at the Conference shared this reflection: Community of Jesus, Bari Community of Jesus, Turin Magnificat Dominum Community, Foggia Community of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Rome Emmanuel Community, Mestre (Ve) Sacred Heart of Jesus Community, Rome Amen Community, Rome Community Alliance Dives in Misericordia (A.D.I.M.), Trento Community of the RCC Spring Association, Cagliari Community of the Gift of Mary, Trani (Ba) Here I am, Montesilvano (Pe) Bethlehem Fraternity of Èfrata, Mazzara del Vallo (Pa) Apostolic Fraternity of Divine Mercy, Piazza Armerina (En) Community "Jesus Lord", Pineto degli Abruzzi (Te) Rome, 2 November 2019 3