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Thurston County, Washington Superior Court - West Coast Servicing, Inc. v. Heather Singleton - The declaration of Heather Singleton in support of Motions

Among other things Haether Singleton testifies: 2. I live in the house which I financed through the promissory notes which were associated with my first and second deeds of trust. I live in that home with my mother, Pearl, who is 74 years old and suffers from several health conditions and disabilities including: gait disorder, mobility impairments and vision impairment among others that I chose not to disclose here. I’ve been diagnosed with severe PTSD as a consequence of the ongoing lawfare and constant threat of having my home stolen from me and fear of becoming homeless. My life partner Justin Wood also lives with us. Justin also helps me as my disability advocate with regards to these and related judicial proceedings. I am not able to handle those matters because I become anxious with regards to these types of circumstances and cannot function in them and with regards to other matters in my life when I must do such things on my own. Justin has acted as my disability advocate since at least 2011. And Justin has been accepted as my disability advocate by courts since that time. 3. I closed the real estate purchase of my homestead, at issue in this litigation, on April 11, 2006. At that time I executed both the senior deed of trust and note and the subordinate deed of trust and note on the same day at the same closing. An unsigned copy of these Notes and associated deeds of trust that I received from the title company after closing are attached to Scott Stafne’s declaration as Exhibits 5, 6, 15 and 16. My loan as I understood it was being 100% financed by WEST VALLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. A WASHINGTON CORPORATION (hereafter referred to by the foregoing name or simply as West Valley). It is my understanding that West Valley went out of business shortly after my loan was made. I dispute that my loan was financed by NovaStar or that NovaStar was the Lender pursuant to either Note. My recollection is that NovaStar became a Servicer for two months (June and July of 2006) before Servicer rights were again transferred to Wilshire Credit Corporation. I had no idea who NoveStar is or was. I understand that NovaStar is also bankrupt and out of business. I also dispute that MERS is or ever was the agent for West Valley, my lender. And I’ve never been presented with any evidence that MERS had any relationship with West Valley. 4. It has always been my understanding that the Note agreement made clear that only the Note Holders are entitled to payments due under the Note. The named Lender in the Note provides that the Lender is WEST VALLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. A WASHINGTON CORPORATION. I believed this provision of the contract to mean that I would be responsible for paying my Lender or any subsequent Note Holder monies owed to the actual Note Holder as a result of the payment provisions as they were to be construed by applicable law. It’s my understanding and was my reasonable expectation that applicable law means the law in effect at the time I signed the contracts. I dispute that the phrase applicable law includes changes in the law intended to allow others than Note Holders to foreclose the DOT mortgages in order to enforce the payment obligations of those Note contracts I entered into in 2006. 5. When I read the boilerplate MERS contracts related to these loans it is my reasonable expectation that the payment obligations under the terms of the Note agreement to the Note Holder do not apply to the successor and assigns of “Lender”, i.e. West Valley and/or MERS unless it is an agent of West Valley. I assert that here, like any reasonable person would, that my reasonable expectations were that the deed of trust instrument could not modify or change the specified terms of the Note agreement consistent with applicable law. * * *

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF THURSTON WEST COAST SERVICING, INC. vs. Plaintiff, No. 22-2-02982-34 DECLARATION OF HEATHER B. SINGLETON HEATHER B. SINGLETON, Defendant/Counterclaimant/Cross Claimant, vs. WEST COAST SERVICING, INC., MATTHEW CLARK, and JOHN DOES, Cross Defendants. Declaration of Heather Singleton Stafne Law Advocacy & Consulting 239 N. Olympic Ave Arlington, WA 98223 360.403.8700 1. My name is Heather Singleton. I am over the age of 18 and competent to testify. I am an American Citizen and I make this declaration based on my personal knowledge. I declare that the following is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. 2. I live in the house which I financed through the promissory notes which were associated with my first and second deeds of trust. I live in that home with my mother, Pearl, who is 74 years old and suffers from several health conditions and disabilities including: gait disorder, mobility impairments and vision impairment among others that I chose not to disclose here. I’ve been diagnosed with severe PTSD as a consequence of the ongoing lawfare and constant threat of having my home stolen from me and fear of becoming homeless. My life partner Justin Wood also lives with us. Justin also helps me as my disability advocate with regards to these and related judicial proceedings. I am not able to handle those matters because I become anxious with regards to these types of circumstances and cannot function in them and with regards to other matters in my life when I must do such things on my own. Justin has acted as my disability advocate since at least 2011. And Justin has been accepted as my disability advocate by courts since that time. 3. I closed the real estate purchase of my homestead, at issue in this litigation, on April 11, 2006. At that time I executed both the senior deed of trust and note and the subordinate deed of trust and note on the same day at the same closing. An unsigned copy of these Notes and associated deeds of trust that I received from the title company after closing are attached to Scott Stafne’s declaration as Exhibits 5, 6, 15 and 16. My loan as I understood it was being 100% financed by WEST VALLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. A WASHINGTON CORPORATION (hereafter referred to by the foregoing name or simply as West Valley). It is my understanding that West Valley went out of business shortly after my loan was made. I dispute that my loan was financed by NovaStar or that NovaStar was the Lender pursuant to either Note. My recollection is that NovaStar became a Servicer for two months (June and July Declaration of Heather Singleton Page 1 Stafne Law Advocacy & Consulting 239 N. Olympic Ave Arlington, WA 98223 360.403.8700 of 2006) before Servicer rights were again transferred to Wilshire Credit Corporation. I had no idea who NoveStar is or was. I understand that NovaStar is also bankrupt and out of business. I also dispute that MERS is or ever was the agent for West Valley, my lender. And I’ve never been presented with any evidence that MERS had any relationship with West Valley. 4. It has always been my understanding that the Note agreement made clear that only the Note Holders are entitled to payments due under the Note. The named Lender in the Note provides that the Lender is WEST VALLEY ENTERPRISES, INC. A WASHINGTON CORPORATION. I believed this provision of the contract to mean that I would be responsible for paying my Lender or any subsequent Note Holder monies owed to the actual Note Holder as a result of the payment provisions as they were to be construed by applicable law. It’s my understanding and was my reasonable expectation that applicable law means the law in effect at the time I signed the contracts. I dispute that the phrase applicable law includes changes in the law intended to allow others than Note Holders to foreclose the DOT mortgages in order to enforce the payment obligations of those Note contracts I entered into in 2006. 5. When I read the boilerplate MERS contracts related to these loans it is my reasonable expectation that the payment obligations under the terms of the Note agreement to the Note Holder do not apply to the successor and assigns of “Lender”, i.e. West Valley and/or MERS unless it is an agent of West Valley. I assert that here, like any reasonable person would, that my reasonable expectations were that the deed of trust instrument could not modify or change the specified terms of the Note agreement consistent with applicable law. 6. In 2018, I became aware of the protections that are afforded to homeowners who register their property under the Torrens Act versus the Recording Act which allows for fraudulent filings and title theft as anyone can file anything into the County Auditor's Office regarding real property without any verification of authority to do so. Shortly after I began to understand the Torrens Act protections, I filed my petition to register my homestead on May 8, Declaration of Heather Singleton Page 2 Stafne Law Advocacy & Consulting 239 N. Olympic Ave Arlington, WA 98223 360.403.8700 2018. That case is titled In the matter of the application of Heather B. Singleton to register title to land v. John Doe, et al., Case No. 18-2-02412-34. 7. Because my Torrens application was not immediately referred to the Thurston County Examiner of Titles, as the Torrens Act requires, I filed a lawsuit in Mason County Superior Court which named all of the Thurston County Superior Court Judges, the Examiner of Titles, the County Auditor and private defendants, among others. That case is titled Heather Singleton, et al. v. West Valley Enterprises, Inc., et al., case no. 18-2-00358-23. All of the judges of Mason County recused themselves from adjudicating that case and the then Chief Justice of the Washington Supreme Court entered an order assigning that case to the Kitsap County Superior Court. So far as I know neither my attorney or I have been notified that that case has been finally decided. 8. I do not have the resources -- economic or personal -- to litigate Thurston County cases number 18-2-02412-34 and 22-2-02982-34 separately. Also I would be greatly perturbed and disadvantaged by inconsistent adjudications of these essentially the same judicial inquiries. 9. Based on my conversations with Justin and Scott Stafne, my COTG attorney, I am fearful that the judicial officers and clerical employees of Washington Courts have been compromised to the point where the individuals actually operating courts are not performing their tasks in an impartial manner. And I am fearful this will cause myself and my family grave consequences. I am fearful, for example, that my mother will not survive the homelessness that Washington’s united branches of government appear ready to subject her to, even though there is no constitutional authority to uphold such a result. I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. Declaration of Heather Singleton Page 3 Stafne Law Advocacy & Consulting 239 N. Olympic Ave Arlington, WA 98223 360.403.8700 Dated this 14th day of July 2024, at Yelm, Washington. By x /s/ Heather Singleton . Heather Singleton, Declarant. Declaration of Heather Singleton Page 4 Stafne Law Advocacy & Consulting 239 N. Olympic Ave Arlington, WA 98223 360.403.8700 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the DECLARATION OF HEATHER B. SINGLETON was served on opposing counsel electronically by way of email and by way of USPS mail upon: Joseph Ward McIntosh, WSBA No. 39470 Tomlinson Bomsztyk Russ 1000 Second Avenue, Suite 3660 Seattle, Washington 98104 206-399-5034 Attorney for West Coast Servicing, Inc. Dated this 17th day of July, 2024. By x s/ Justin Wood Justin Wood, Paralegal Declaration of Heather Singleton Page 5 Stafne Law Advocacy & Consulting 239 N. Olympic Ave Arlington, WA 98223 360.403.8700