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The Preface of the Second Volume ‘Courage must only be found to drive the money-changers out of the Temple... to confront the abstractions and things estranged from reality, to set against them full reality and therewith the spiritual reality’. The Modern Christ Experience and the Knowledge Drama of the Second Coming Volume 2: The Knowledge Drama of the Second Coming, Part 1 Contents Preface Introduction: The Second Mystery of Golgotha Chapter 1. The Spiritualization of Thinking Chapter 2. The Spiritualization of Sense-Perception Chapter 3. The Preparation of the Construction of the Bridge of Spiritual Memory and Continuity of Consciousness Chapter 4. The Construction of the First, Etheric-Cognitive Layer of the Bridge Chapter 5. The Construction of Second, Astral-Soul Layer of the Bridge Preface In this fifth post-Atlantean age he has the greatest possibility of making himself spiritual. No age has been so favorable to spirituality as this fifth epoch. Courage must only be found to drive the money-changers out of the Temple. Courage must be found to confront the abstractions and things estranged from reality, to set against them full reality and therewith the spiritual reality. Rudolf Steiner, Lecture of 8 January 1918 (GA 180) In the first volume, The Modern Christ Experience, we described the first, gracefully given meeting with the etheric Christ, taking place in three stages. Through His threefold appearance, words and deeds, the Christ plants three potent golden spiritual seeds in the human spirit, soul and body, and demonstrates their possible future cultivation. As we pointed out in the introduction to the first volume, Rudolf Steiner described the threefold meeting with the etheric Christ, using the Imaginative language of Revelation. He pointed out that the Christ is experienced ‘in three guises: once through Himself, then through His garment, and thirdly through the deeds He accomplishes for human beings on earth’. In the first stage of the meeting: ‘In us, in our own being He becomes this light — this gives the insight of the Christ-Being in our own self. It becomes an indwelling insight, an insight that dwells within the human being’. Then in the second stage, the indwelling ‘I’ of Christ reveals itself as the indwelling power of the creative word, the Logos in us, and in the third stage, it becomes the individualized power of creative love, working through the will. (Lecture of 14 September 1924, GA 346). These three stages of the given meeting were described in the fourth chapter of the first volume. In the given meeting, they are experienced as a given gift, which man can only develop further by means of his own free spiritual activity. In the two parts of The Knowledge Drama of the Second Coming (contained in volumes 2 and 3) we describe how they are developed in three stages of the bridge construction, by fully conscious spiritual scientific activity. Continue reading