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The Incomplete Foundation of Qantum Mechanics

2024, The General Science Journal

This paper discusses the incompatibility between the formal logic derived from quantum phenomenology and the ordinary logic that underlies the mathematics constituting the formal language of quantum mechanics. A new discrete scenario in which this incompatibility could be resolved is also proposed.

April 2024 The In omplete Foundation of Quantum Me hani s Antonio Leon Retired Professor. Independent resear her in the foundations of s ien e. Links to other author's works. Abstra t .-This paper dis usses the in ompatibility between the formal logi the ordinary logi that underlies the mathemati s s enario in whi h this in ompatibility Keywords derived from quantum phenomenology and onstituting the formal language of quantum me hani s. A new dis rete ould be resolved is also proposed. : EPR paradox, GHZ states, laws of ordinary logi , dis rete magnitudes, dis rete spa e, dis rete time, ellular automata. 1 From EPR to GHZ will analyze the reasons why this might not be the ase. As is well known, and a ording to the Copenhagen interpretation (CI), quantum me hani s assumes the oexisten e (superposition, merge) of mutually ex lusive states in quantum systems until a measurement is performed on them. It is also well known that in 1935 a famous arti le was published that pointed to the non- ompleteness of this interpretation of quantum me hani s [6, p. 780℄: But rst it is worth re alling the haoti use of (ordinary) language that hara terizes ontemporary physi s, a problem already denoun ed in 2015 by T. Maudlin [16, p. xiv℄: Unfortunately, physi s has be ome infe ted with very low standards of larity and pre ision on foundational questions, and physi ists have be ome a ustomed (and even en ouraged) to just shut up and al ulate, to ons iously refrain from asking for a lear understanding of the ontologi al import of their theories. Previously we proved that either (1) the quantum-me hani al des ription of reality given by the wave fun tion is not omplete or (2) when the operators orresponding to two physi al quantities do not ommute the two quantities annot have simultaneous reality. Starting then with the assumption that the wave fun tion does give a omplete des ription of the physi al reality, we arrived at the on lusion that two physi al quantities, with non- ommuting operators, an have simultaneous reality. Thus the negation of (1) leads to the negation of the only other alternative (2). We are thus for ed to on lude that the quantum-me hani al des ription of physi al reality given by wave fun tions is not omplete. Indeed, it is normal in today's physi s to nd ontradi tory uses of language. For example, the word something meaning the same as the word nothing; or the word empty the same as the word full. In the EPR-GHZ ase we are dealing with, it is very ommon to nd things su h as [1, p. 5℄: For example, on a subatomi s ale, individual parti les ommuni ate with ea h other instantaneously despite being far apart, whi h dees ommon sense. Whi h obviously does not o ur, sin e the subatomi parti les are not informed systems [11℄, they do not elaborate, nor transmit, nor re eive, nor interpret information. What orresponds to say is that, a ording to CI, there seem to be instantaneous inuen es between the entangled parti les; or a ausal ee ts, not lo ally deterministi , between those parti les. Some years later, in 1964, another famous paper was published [4℄ in whi h its author J. Bell ( loser to Einstein than to Bohr) proved the famous theorem that bears his name, and whi h makes it possible to test in experimental terms whether the inequalities in luded in the theorem are violated or not. The experiments took some time to arrive, but they arrived in 1982 [3, 2℄, 1998 [20℄, 2001 [9℄ and in all ases the violation of Bell's inequalities was onrmed, whi h gave the reason to Bohr's CI to the detriment of the previous argument of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR). It has also been said that ordinary logi is not the logi of quantum me hani s (e.g. [7, p. 60℄). In this onne tion it is worth re alling E. S hrodinger's (who was also not a supporter of CI) and his famous at [18, Ÿ5℄. We an indeed arm [14℄: P: There is a living being inside S hrodinger's box. Q: No living being an be at the same time alive and not In 1990 a remarkable simpli ation of Bell's argument was published that avoided its inequalities, a simpli ation also testable in experimental terms but avoiding Bell's statisti al umbersomeness [8℄: the GHZ states (by Greinberger, Horne and Zeilinger). Also in this ase the orresponding experiments ended up being arried out [5℄, whi h, again, gave the reason to Bohr's CI. Sin e these last experiments, most authors onsider the histori al Bohr-Einstein dispute to be over. Here we alive. Consequently: CI ∧ P Q =⇒ ¬ whi h implies the violation of the Se ond Law of ordinary logi . 1 2 The In omplete Foundation of Quantum Me hani s It might then be true that ordinary logi is not the logi of quantum phenomena. But then a new problem arises be ause the two fundamental laws of ordinary logi (the Prin iple of Identity and the Law of Non-Contradi tion) are in fa t fundamental laws of the mathemati s with whi h quantum me hani s is onstru ted. Consequently, CI would imply the use of a logi in its mathemati al language that is not the logi of the phenomena it des ribes. One ould then speak of an in omplete foundation of quantum me hani s. Before proposing the new s enario in whi h this in omplete foundation of quantum me hani s ould be resolved, it will be ne essary to deal, albeit very briey, with some formal issues related, above all, to the nature of mathemati al innity and to the ontologi al nature of physi al spa e. 2 An innity never questioned Throughout the entennial history of quantum me hani s, there have been, and still are, intense debates about various aspe ts of the theory, but as far as I know, there has never been a dis ussion about what should have been the rst point to be dis ussed: the hypothesis of the a tual innity subsumed in the Axiom of Innity that underlies the mathemati s of quantum me hani s itself. Having been one of the most dis ussed hypotheses in the history of human thought, it is very strange that it has not been dis ussed for more than a entury, sin e it was axiomati ally assumed by modern set theories. These set theories have nally provided instruments that allow us to analyze the in onsisten y of the a tual innite, as is the ase of the ω order of the natural numbers, or the dense order of the rationals and the reals. The spa etime ontinuum is one of those innite sets whose elements are densely ordered and whi h allow us to onstru t proofs of their own in onsisten y, su h as the one in luded in this se tion. An in onsisten y that physi ists should be interested in, given the omnipresen e of the spa etime ontinuum in a good part of their theories, in luding quantum me hani s. But this is not the ase, nor an I think of what to do to make it so. At least I invite the reader to onsider the following proof, whi h will take only a ouple of minutes: (The next theorem is a very abbreviated version of the argument [12, p. 59-63 Link℄, where the reader an nd another 40 dierent proofs.) Theorem 1 The Axiom of Innity is in onsistent. Proof.-The interval of rational numbers Q01 = (0, 1) is denumerable and densely ordered. So, it an be put in one-to-one orresponden e f with the set N of natural numbers in their natural order of pre eden e; and Q01 an be rewritten as the set {f (1), f (2), f (3), . . . }. Let now x be a rational variable initially dened as f (1); and let (the urrent value of) x be ompared with the su essive elements f (1), f (2), f (3). . . so that x is redened as f (i) if, and only if, f (i) is less than the urrent value of x. Sin e, a ording to the Axiom of Innity, all elements f (1), f (2), f (3), . . . of Q01 are rational numbers whi h exist as a omplete totality, x an be su essively 1 Though ompared with all of them: ∀n ∈ N : x is ompared with f (n), and redened as f (n) i f (n) < x (1) On e ompared with all elements1 of Q01 , the urrent value of x is the smallest rational of that set. Indeed, if on e ompared with all elements of Q01 , the urrent value of x were not the least rational of Q01 , there would exist at least one element f (n) in Q01 su h that f (n) < x. But this is impossible a ording to (1). Therefore, it was ompared with f (n) and redened as f (n). So, it is impossible that f (n) < x. But it is also immediate to prove that: On e ompared with all elements of Q01 , the urrent value of x is not the smallest rational of that set. In ee t, on e ompared with all elements of Q01 , and whatsoever be the urrent value of x, ea h element of the innite set {x/2, x/3, x/4 . . . } is an element of Q01 less than x. This ontradi tion proves the Axiom of Innity legitimizing the existen e of Q01 as an a tual (not potential) innite totality is in onsistent. Or in other words: a omplete and ordered list, su h as the rational interval (0, 1), without a rst element that starts the list is in onsistent.  3 The reality of physi al spa e In 2007, and therefore 8 years before the rst empiri al dete tion of gravitational waves, R. Laughlin wrote [10, p. 158℄: Subsequent studies, arried out with large parti le a elerators, helped to understand that spa e is more like the glass of a window than Newton's ideal va uum: it is full of "stu"that is normally transparent but an be made visible if stru k with su ient for e to dislodge a part of it. In ontemporary physi s, the va uum of spa e is understood as a relative ether, a on eption that is onrmed every day experimentally but whi h does not re eive that name be ause it is taboo. From 2015 to date, there have been about 100 episodes of empiri al dete tion of gravitational waves in the global network of interferometers (LIGO, Virgo, GEO 600, TAMA 300, KAGRA). Of ourse, about these dete tions it is possible to say [15, p. 2℄: Of ourse, gravitational waves are real vibrations that produ e real ee ts in real instruments made of real ordinary matter. Consequently, the vibrating medium, spa e, must also be real. What does not exist an neither vibrate nor physi ally intera t with ordinary matter. In my opinion, this reality of physi al spa e is the most important onsequen e of the empiri al dete tion of gravitational waves, although, as far as I know, it has not even been onsidered. [...℄ And like any real physi al entity, spa e will have its own substantiality, whi h, for simpli ity, I will all spa e matter. it is not ne essary, this is formally proved by indu tion in [12℄, and an also be proved by Modus Tollens and by supertask theory. T G he eneral S ien e J ournal April 2024 3 The In omplete Foundation of Quantum Me hani s It is surprising then that in spite of the overwhelming eviden e of its physi al reality, the majority of physi ists still think that physi al spa e is not real, that it is only a  tion useful to express ertain relations between material physi al obje ts. A  tion that, on the other hand, must be elasti , more rigid than metals, extensible, deformable, vibrating and propagating its own vibrations and the orresponding energies. The s enario in whi h the in omplete foundation of quantum me hani s introdu ed above ould be solved, in ludes the reality of physi al spa e, the existen e of a sort of spa e matter. A spa e matter that, a ording to everything we know about the physi al world, must be dierent from ordinary matter (baryoni old matter) and transparent to this ordinary matter (Prin iple of Inertia), whi h implies that both matters an oexist and ease to oexist in the same pla es. 4 Dis rete magnitudes Energy (of any kind), mass, ele tri harge and olor harge are dis rete magnitudes with indivisible minimum values (quanta). Consequently, any mathemati al fun tion whose output is one of those dis rete magnitudes must give a result ompatible with the dis reteness of the orresponding dis rete magnitude: the result (the output) of that fun tion an only be an integer multiple of the quantum (indivisible minimum) of that dis rete magnitude. As far as I know, physi ists have not paid attention to this requirement of dis reteness, and invariably they use ontinuous fun tions of ontinuous output when that output should be dis rete, be ause it must be the value of a dis rete magnitude. Naturally, ontinuous variables annot enter a dis rete output fun tion (the output would always be ontinuous). However, it happens that in many fun tions whose output is the value of a dis rete magnitude, for example energy, ontinuous variables su h as spa e, or time, or both (velo ity) intervene. In these ases it is not possible to obtain the dis rete outputs that should be obtained. It is only possible to obtain dis rete outputs of a mathemati al fun tion if all the variables of that fun tion are dis rete variables (see the last paragraph of this se tion). Therefore, any onsistent physi al theory must take this restri tion into a ount. An immediate onsequen e of this restri tion is that both spa e and time must be dis rete magnitudes, with indivisible minima (quanta), whi h ould be alled qseats for spa e and qbeats for time. In this model, whi h is dis rete and onsistent with the dis rete magnitudes (energy, mass, harge, ele tri harge, et .), the following requirements (among others) must be veried [13, p. 2℄: 1. Nothing an be smaller than a quantum of spa e (qseat). 2. Nothing an last less than a quantum of time (qbeat). 3. There is a maximum speed of a qseat per qbeat. 4. Any physi al obje t maintains its state for at least one qbeat. 5. All physi al pro esses, in luding motions, must be dis rete, not ontinuous, whi h is how we per eive The General S ien e Journal them. The strange thing about quantum me hani s is that it is a physi al theory about an essentially dis ontinuous physi al world, but developed with a ontinuous, nondis rete, mathemati al language. Whi h, for the reasons just given, is not formally a eptable: the dis rete outputs of mathemati al fun tions annot be ontinuous. Consequently, those dis rete output fun tions annot be fed with ontinuous variables, whi h is the ase in ontemporary quantum me hani s. An elementary example of this ( ontinuous-dis rete) in ompatibility never questioned by modern physi s is the elasti potential energy E (for example of a spring), given by: E= 1 k x2 2 (2) where k is a onstant (a real number) and x a real variable representing a spatial distan e. It is lear that the output of 1/2kx2 an only be dis rete if the values of the variable x are also dis rete, with a minimum indivisible unit (quantum), somehow related to the quantum of E so that the expression (2) is fun tional. It seems that a new dis rete mathemati al physi s will have to be onstru ted. As far as I know, this in ompatibility between ontinuous mathemati al fun tions and the ne essary dis reteness of their outputs has never been onsidered. Neither has the problem of the arithmeti ompatibility of the dierent quanta of the dierent dis rete magnitudes, a ompatibility ne essary for all the outputs of all the fun tions that relate them to be dis rete. A new and ex iting quantum problem to be solved. A very simple, and also very spe ulative, solution is that all quanta of all physi al magnitudes are integer multiples of a universal minimum magnitude. 5 A quantum lo al universe It does not seem reasonable to assume one logi for quantum phenomenology, and a dierent logi for the mathemati al language with whi h this phenomenology is expressed. But that is exa tly what happens with some interpretations of quantum me hani s, as is the ase with the most ommonly a epted of them all: the Copenhagen interpretation (CI). If lassi al logi is not valid for CI, it should not be valid for its mathemati al language either. There should be the same fundamental logi for both. Until this situation is resolved, we will have to admit an in orre t foundation of quantum me hani s. About mathemati s, it is worth remembering that it is in onsistent due to the hypothesis of the a tual innity that axiomati ally founds it. Therefore, all bran hes of mathemati s should be nitist. With respe t to the CItype interpretations of quantum me hani s, a question seems inevitable: an a s ien e be in ompatible with the Se ond Law of logi ? A ording to that law, an atom annot be at the same time disintegrated and not disintegrated, nor an it be su essively disintegrated and not disintegrated, be ause on e it disintegrates it annot disintegrate again. It is important to remember that the violation of the Se ond Law of logi makes it possible to prove any proposition, so that the orresponding April 2024 Referen es 4 onsistent emergent from quantum me hani al events. [17, p. 97℄. Perhaps the only legitimate onsideration is the onsideration of the whole universe as a single obje t evolving dire tionally in the sense of its isotropization, i.e. in the sense of its entropy in reasing. A dire tional evolution that has been produ ing the same obje ts (galaxies, stars, et .) for billions of years, and has been doing so without observers ollapsing the state superpositions of the quantum obje ts involved. Perhaps experimental quantum strangeness only o urs in the realm of laboratory and thought experiments deta hed from the universe as a whole. The superposition of the living and non-living state of a living being is in ompatible with known organi nature. And if that superposition is linked to the disintegrated atom/nondisintegrated atom superposition, the latter would have to ollapse with the presen e of the at and the rest of the setup of S hr odinger's famous thought experiment, otherwise the Se ond Law of logi would be violated. From the perspe tive of emergentism, physi al laws are rules of olle tive behaviour that follow from more primitive behaviour rules. [10, p. 111℄ violating theory would be anything but a s ienti theory. A new perspe tive for quantum phenomena ould be oered by ellular automata (CAs), of whi h there is already at least one model developed along these lines [19℄, albeit with the same in onsistent mathemati s of the a tual innity. As in CAs, quantum obje ts ould somehow be present, and in periodi ally varying ways, in all qseats in the universe. Their presen e in qseats ould add and subtra t giving rise to onstru tive and destru tive interferen es. A new perspe tive to explain wave- orpus le duality. On the other hand, every observation is an intera tion that has to be in luded in the explanation, and that an ause hanges in the observed obje ts ( ollapse of the wave fun tion). The wave presen e of quantum obje ts would ollapse with observational intera tions. Moreover, the entangled obje ts ould be onsidered as a single obje t, so they would vary simultaneously. This ould be a new perspe tive to explain the instantaneous inuen e at a distan e and the quantum indeterminism linked to entanglement. The re ursive fun tioning of CAs and their evolution in unison, as a whole, ould also be the ause of the emergen e of nonlinear dynami s, of new obje ts, and of new laws governing their evolution. Thus, the fun tioning of a CA ould serve to explain ertain behaviors of the quantum world and of the universe that so far seem inexpli able to us. We would also have a CA version of Bhor's Prin iple of Complementarity: the behavior of individual qseats versus that of the obje ts of the CA dened by those qseats. And in addition to obje ts, the ontents of the qseats would also dene the dierent CA for e elds. Despite the CA proposal for quantum me hani s ited above, there is still mu h work to be done in this regard. 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