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Zehbari, 2024, The Goldsmiths, Who Wrought the Gold, Those Were Medes and Egyptians: An Investigation of the Goldsmiths in the Achaemenid Period (in Persian) (زرگرهایی که بر طلا کار میکردند، آنها مادی و مصری بودند)

2024, Kār-nāmag ī Pārsa

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‪777..................................... ................................‬‬ ‫زهره زهبری‬ ‫سوزنیهای آرامی‪ -‬عبری نقشرستم‪ ،‬روی نگارة دیهیمستانی اردشیر پابگان ‪791......‬‬ ‫ابراهیم شفیعی‬ ‫فارس خاستگاه ایدئولوژیک هنر هخامنشی ‪241........................ ................................‬‬ ‫علیرضا عسکری چاوردی‬ ‫ﮔﺰارش اوﻟﯿﮥ ﻓﻌﺎﻟﯿﺖﻫﺎي ﻓﺼﻞ اول ﭘﺮوژة »ﻗﻠﻤﺮو ﭘﺎرﺳﻪ« ‪211..................................‬‬ ‫لوکا کلٌیوا‪ ،‬عماد متین‬ ‫نقشة شهری «اقامتگاههای سلطنتی» فارس هخامنشی‪ :‬پارسه‪ ،‬پاسارگاد و تموکّن ‪281‬‬ ‫عماد متین‬ ‫یادماننبشتههایی از دوران اسلامی در نقشرستم ‪179................. ................................‬‬ ‫محمدعلی مصلینژاد‪ ،‬محمدجواد اولادحسین‪ ،‬مجتبی دورودی‬ ‫دیوید برایان استروناخ‪ :‬کارنامة عمر ‪119................................... ................................‬‬ ‫مهرداد ملکزاده‬ ‫فهرست مطالب انگلیسی‬ ‫نکاتی در رابطه با «متون» میخی فارسی باستان بر فرشها ‪472 ............................‬‬ ‫رودیگر اشمیت‬ ‫روال های زبانی و نوشتاری در نظام اداری هخامنشی‪ :‬بازنگری برخی از دیدگاههای‬ ‫اخیر ‪414.................. ................................ ................................ ................................‬‬ ‫آدریانو رُسی‬ ‫عبارات رایج یا نقل قول از متون؟ مورد کتیبة کرتیر بر کعبة زرتشت (‪418... )KKZ‬‬ ‫اولیویا رَمبل‬ ‫فرهنگ مادّی پارس هخامنشی در برلین‪ :‬پژوهشهای اخیر ‪498...............................‬‬ ‫الکساندر ناگِل‬ ‫«شترا ِن شاه» بین پارسه و بلخ ‪215............. ................................ ................................‬‬ ‫راین کینگ‬ ‫کارگاه مهرسازی در پارسه ‪806................. ................................ ................................‬‬ ‫مارک گریسون‬ ‫چندزبانگی هخامنشی و راهبردهای ترجمه در کتیبههای شاهی ‪778..........................‬‬ ‫اِلا فیلیپونه‬ ‫بارِ دیگر عمارت معروف به معبد فرترکهها‪ ،‬تختجمشید‪ :‬معبد شمایل متعلق به اوایل‬ ‫دوران هلنی ‪740........................................ ................................ ................................‬‬ ‫پیِیر فرانچسکو کالیری‬  ɀ»ÁÉ{Z»ZŽM,|¿{€¯Ê»Z¯Z¸—€]įÊËZŀ³  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 =RKUHK=HKEDUL $EVWUDFW Countless smiths, both local and foreign, were active in producing metalwork in ancient Iran over the course of thousands of years. Most studies of metalwork have focused on the metal artifacts and not on the artisans who made them, chiefly because it is the artifacts themselves that have been found during excavations and uncontrolled diggings and because little evidence is available for the activities of their makers. In recognition of the important role of smiths in the ancient societies of Iran, the present paper seeks to shed light on these craftsmen, with a special focus on the goldsmiths of the Achaemenid period. For decades, researchers have referred only to the limited evidence regarding Achaemenid goldsmiths found in the foundation charter; however, the present article will discuss fresh evidence indicating that the Achaemenid goldsmiths were paid more than other contemporary metalworkers, had great knowledge of gold working technology, and made a range of artifacts for the Persian court. It will also demonstrate that among the non-Persian goldsmiths, Egyptians played a key role. .H\ZRUGV Goldsmiths, Smiths, Metals, Achaemenid Period, Foundation Charter, Persepolis Tablets   |¿{Â]ɀ»ÁÉ{Z»ZŽM,|¿{€¯Ê»Z¯Z¸—€]įÊËZŀ³  Ä»|¬» ½Zf‡Z]½YÁ{Y½MYÉ{ZˁŠz]į,{Y{Z̈]ɂ¸§ž]ZÀ»Á½{Z »½Y€ËY¾Ì»€‡ †»½| »,¾ÅM½| »,Z¸—½| »º¯d‡{ d‡YÄf§€³Y€«ÉY{€]ÀÆ]{» Momenzadeh,d‡YÃ|‹ÊËZ‡ZÀ‹½Y€ËY{ÉÁ/À¬¿/[€‡½| »YŠÌ]Á 2004, pp. 12, 15, 17, 18, Figs. 3, 5, 7; Nezafati et al, 2008, pp. 78, 81; ÁÊfyZÀ‹½Zf‡Z]ÉZÅʇ€]Helwing, 2018, p. 122; Stöllner, 2004, p. 45 {ª—ZÀ»¾Ì·ÁYY į,|Å{Ê»½ZŒ¿½Y€ËY{Yɀ³‚¸§Ê¿Z·Â— ÈÀ̌ÌaÊnÀ‡½Zf‡Z] ,Ê°‹Â» ¶e ,Š¯Ê¸ŸÄbe d‡Y Ã|‹ Z£M ½M { ɀ³‚¸§ ÉZÅdÌ·Z § į d‡ZÌ¿{ ÉZÅėÂv» Y Ŀ¼¿ |Àq –¬§ ZuÄbe Á ½Zf‡€^«Äbe ,ÊÌvËÄbe ,½Z¼ˆËY ,®¸Ì‡Äbe ,½Y€³‚¸§ d‡YÃ|»Md‡{Ä]ɀ³‚¸§ÉZÅdÌ·Z §|ÅY‹ZŽM{įd‡Y½Y€ËYÊ¿Zf‡Z] ž»YÂm d§€ŒÌa { ʼƻ ÃZ´ËZm ,ÉÁZÀ§ ‰€fˆ³ { ɀ³‚¸§ ÊeZÌu Š¬¿ ¶Ì·{ Ä] ½ZËY|yŠ¬¿{ÊÅZ³¦¸fz»ž»YÂm{Á½Â³Z¿Â³YÁ{Y{½Z¿M¾ËY€]ÃÁZ¸Ÿ,|¿YÄf‹Y{ Y½Z»€Æ«Š¬¿{€³‚¸§Ç|‹ÄfyZÀ‹ÁZ°‹Mȿ¼¿½Y€ËY{ |¿YÃ|‹€ÅZ›½Z¿Z»€Æ«Á  |Ë{½YÂeʻĻZÀÅZ‹{€´ÀÅMÇÁZ¯½Zf‡Y{{ Ã|̋Âaʈ¯€],½Zf‡Z]½YÁ{{,ʌÀ»ZzÅÊÅZŒÀÅZ‹{Ã|‹|Ì·Âeɂ¸§ZiMc€Æ‹ Ä]Y\̇M¾Ë€fŒÌ]ÊfyZÀ‹½Zf‡Z]ÉZÅÄf§ZË€ËZ‡¾Ì]{ÉYÀ¬¿ÁÊËZ¸—LZ̋Y dˆÌ¿ \¸£Y{ÂyÉ{Z»‰Y¶Ì·{Ä]ZiM¾ËY |ÀÌ]Ê»½Y€³Z¼¤ËÁ½ZËÂm{‡cZ£¶Ì·{ d·ÂƇÉY€]ZË{‹ʻ‰Á€§Á|ˀyZËį,d‡YZn»€Ì£ÉZÅÉZ¨uʸY¥|Å ¾Ì¼ÅÄ]-{‹ʻ{Â]Z¿Č̼ÅÉY€]½MÊeZ ·Z˜»È^Àm Á[Á}¶»Z¯—Ä] ‰Á€§{ Yʌz]–¬§,Ã|̇Z»d‡{Ä]ʌÀ»ZzŽYÁ{Yį,ÉYÀ¬¿ÁÊËZ¸—LZ̋Y¶Ì·{ ZiM ¾Ì¼Å µZu ¾ËY Z] |¿YÄfyZ‡ ʌÀ»ZzÅ ½Y€³‚¸§ į d‡Y ÊËZłÌq ½M ȼŠ xËZeYŠÌa½YÁ{{ɀ³‚¸§ÈÀ̌ÌaÄ]ʸ¯ÃZ´¿ÉY€] d‡YÃ|‹ʇ€]ZŵZ‡ZÅėÂv»¾ËY{ɀ³‚¸§|ÅY‹ 2 Forbes, 1964, pp. 78-82 478  Thornton, 2009, Table.1 ­½Y€ËY    |̌¼mdzeÊ¿ZÆmgY€Ì»ÃZ´ËZaʌÅÁ„aʼ¸ŸcZ·Z¬»ćZa²3»Z¿Z¯ Â“» į ,|Å{Ê» ½ZŒ¿ Y ÃÁ{ ¾ËY ½Y€³‚¸§ cZÆ» Ê]ÂyÄ] ‚Ì¿ Ã|»Md‡{Ä] {»{ZÅʇ€]Ê¿YÁY€§{ÂmÁZ] d‡Y Ã{Â]€ÌyYÉZÅÃ|‡{ÉZ̈]ÉZŊÅÁ„a {,ZÅÄfyZ‡d‡{¾ËY½Z³|¿Z‡,Zŀ³‚¸§{»{ŠÅÁ„a,ʌÀ»ZzÅÇÁ{ɂ¸§ZiM  {Y{Z̈]d̼ÅYʌÀ»ZzÅÇÁ{ÉZŀ³‚¸§dÌ “Áʇ€]Á¾ËYYÁd‡YÃYZ£M Zy—Ä]ÁʌÀ»ZzÅÃÁ{ÉZŀ³‚¸§Z¯–Ìv»Ä·Z¬»¾ËY{, Z‡Y¾Ì¼Å€] ÉZŀ³‚¸§ÂyÄ]Á½Y|À»€ÀÅdÌ “ÁY|f]Y ºËYÃ{€¯ʇ€]ÁɁZ‡Z]YZŀ³ Z]–^e€»ʸ¤‹¾ËÁZÀŸ,ʌÀ»ZzŽY€³†b‡ÁÊ·Z¼mYÁʸ¯—Ä]YÃÁ{¾ËY -ºËYÃ{€¯ʇ€]½Z¿MÉZ¯–Ìv»Á–ËY€‹YYɀ´Ë{cZÌW‚mÁ½Z¿M{‚¼f‡{,ZŽM \¸£Yį,d‡YÃ|‹Ã{ÁMÃÁ{¾ËYÉ|Ì·Âeɂ¸§ZiMY ÉYďZ¸y,½MYŠÌaZ»Y d‡YÃ|‹Ê»|Ì·Âe½Z´ËZa|À¸]‰Z¨‡Ä]ÁÄf‹Y{ÉZ]{¥Z»  ʌÀ»ZzÅÇÁ{ɂ¸§ZiMÄ]ÊÅZ´¿ LZ̋YÁÃ{Â]ÂÀf»ÉZÅ{€]Z¯Z]½Â³Z¿Â³cZ·Âv»dyZ‡ÉY€]Y|§€—€a{Y»Y‚¸§ ʌÀ»ZzÅÇÁ{{¾ÅMÁ[€‡,¡€¨»,†»,À¬¿,Z¸—|À¿Z»¦¸fz»cY‚¸§Y½Â³Z¿Â³  d‡Y€ËcÄ]LZ̋Y¾ËY{€]Z¯ÈËZa€]É{ZÆÀŒÌaÉ|À]Ĭ^— d‡YÃ|‹|Ì·Âe ,ZÅZn¿ ,Zŀ³‚¸§ ĸ¼mY ,½Y|À»€ÀÅ Z¯ Á ħ€u Y‚]Y |À¿Z» ½Â³Z¿Â³ Y‚]Y x  ɁÁZŒ¯Y‚]YÁ½Y€³d À€ËZ‡ÁZʼnY€e²À‡  Ê´ÀmcYÁ{YÁsZ¸‡ x  Zehbari, forthcoming ­ʌÀ»ZzÅÇÁ{ÉZŀ³‚¸§{»{ Schmidt, 1957, Pl. 80, 5, 81; Özgen and Öztürk, 1996, pp. 61, 231; Matin and Ŀ¼¿ÉY€]  Colliva, 2017, p. 261. Schmidt, 1957, Pl. 80Ŀ¼¿ÉY€]  Schmidt, 1957, Pl. 75, 76; Stronach, 1978, p. 218; Matin and Colliva, 2017, pp. Ŀ¼¿ÉY€]  220- 223 477     |¿{Â]ɀ»ÁÉ{Z»ZŽM,|¿{€¯Ê»Z¯Z¸—€]įÊËZŀ³  ÊfÀˁ€ZÀŸÁcY€ÅYÂm x  À°ÌaÁļˆn» x  ½Â³Z¿Â³¥Z»Z]Á¯ÁÄ·ZÌa|À¿Z»½Â³Z¿Â³¥Á€› x  ½Z¼¸^»ÁÉZ¼ »Ä]Äfˆ]YÁcZÀÌW‚e x  Ä^Ìf¯ x  Ä°‡ x   €Æ» x ÉZ¯Y‡¶ËZ‡ÁÁÂ‡{Ÿ,Ä¿Á|À¿Z»cÁZ¨f»ÉZÅ{€]Z¯Z]€´Ë{LZ̋Y x   Ŀ¼¿ÉY€]  Schmidt 1957, Pl. 45, 46; Kantor, 1957; Amandry, 1958; Stronach, 1965, Pl. XIa-d; Stronach, 1978, pp. 200, 210, Pl. 158-160; Reade, 1986, p. 82, Fig. 2, Pl. IIIa, Cat. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, 1992, p. 18; Harper et al, 1992, pp. 245-251; Rehm, 1992; 1993; 2014; IV a and g; Matin and Colliva, 2017, pp. 228- 230. Ŀ¼¿ÉY€]  Dalton, 1964; Moorey, 1988; Curtis, 2005; Tallis, 2005, p. 408; Mongiatti et al, 2010. Ŀ¼¿ÉY€] Herzfeld, 1937; Schmidt, 1957, Pl. 68; Dalton, 1964; Stronach, 1965, Pl. XII a-c; 1978, pp. 202, 205, 206; Reade, 1986, p. 81, Fig. 1; Moorey, 1988; Gunter and Jett, 1992, pp. 63-77; Cat. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, 1992, pp. 16-17; Özgen and Öztürk, 1996, pp. 83113; Simpson, 2005; Treister, 2010; Rehm,2010; 2013 Ŀ¼¿ÉY€] Schmidt, 1957, Pl. 39, 42, 43; Dalton, 1964; Curtis, 2005; Curtis and Razmjou, 2005, pp. 101102, Figs. 91, 94. Schmidt, 1953, p. 7; Curtis, 2005Ŀ¼¿ÉY€]  Head, 1877; Bivar, 1985; Stronach, 1989; Vargyas, 2000; Alram, 2012; Ŀ¼¿ÉY€]  Schmidt, 1957, Pl. 18, PT5 808, PT3 60, PT5 734Ŀ¼¿ÉY€]  .Meadow, 2005, pp. 194-195 :Ŀ¼¿ÉY€] ۸ Melikan-Chirvani, 1993; Özgen and Öztürk, 1996, pp. 114-120Ŀ¼¿ÉY€]  Tallis, 2005, pp. 218-219Ŀ¼¿ÉY€]  476     |̌¼mdzeÊ¿ZÆmgY€Ì»ÃZ´ËZaʌÅÁ„aʼ¸ŸcZ·Z¬»ćZa²3»Z¿Z¯ ¾Ë€elËY Á|Àf‹Y{ÊËZÀ‹MÊ]ÂyÄ]ɀ³‚¸§½Â³Z¿Â³ÉZÅÃÂ̋Z]ʌÀ»ZzŽY€³‚¸§ ,ÉZ¯Äfˆm€],Ã|Œ¼³¹Â»‰Á,ɀ³Äfz˶»Z‹ÃÁ{¾ËY{Ã{Z¨f‡Y{»½ÂÀ§ Ã|»Md‡{Ä]LZ̋Yʇ€] Z‡Y€]\¸£Yį,{Â]ÉZ¯ºÌv·Á,ÉZ¯Š°q,Ê¿‚¼¸« Ê¿Y|ÀqcZŸZ¸—YÊfyZÀ‹½Zf‡Z]ÉZʼnÁZ¯{Ä¿Z¨‡Pf» d‡YÃ|‹ÊËZ‡ZÀ‹ÃÁ{¾ËYY Z»Y,Ã|»ZÌ¿d‡{Ä]ɀ³‚¸§ÉZÅÃZ³Z¯ZËÃÁ{¾ËY½Y€³‚¸§Ç{Z¨f‡Y{» ÉZÅY‚]YY  d‡YÃ|‹‰Y‚³¾ËYYŠÌaʌÀ»ZzÅÇÁ{{ɀ³‚¸§|ÀËY€§Z]–^e€» É|ÅY‹ ÉZʼnÁZ¯ Y į d‡Y  ¶°‹ Ä·Z‡Â³ ÁZ³ €‡ Š¬¿ Z] Ê·Z¨‡ \·Z« ­|» ¾Ì·ÁY Schmidt, 1953, p. 174; 1957, p. 79, PT4 d‡Y Ã|»Md‡{Ä] |̌¼mdze įÊËZn¿MYÁÃ|‹Ê»Ã{Z¨f‡YÃ|‹º³¹Â»ÇÂ̋Ä]{ZˁµZ¼fuYÄ]\·Z«¾ËYY 585 {ÂmÁ µZ¼fuY È¿ZŒ¿ ºÌ¬fˆ»€Ì£ — Ä] ,Äf§Ê» Z¯ Ä] ɀ³‚¸§ ÉY€] ZÅ\·Z« ¾ËY €´Ë{­|»|ÀqZ]€œ¿¾ËY d‡Y½M¥Y€—Y ZË|̌¼mdze{ɀ³‚¸§ÉZÅÃZ³Z¯ µZ¼‹ { ɂ¸§ ÇZ]€‡ |Àq ĸ¼m Y ,Ã|»M d‡{ Ä] |̌¼mdze ¥Y€—Y { į {ɀ³‚¸§ YÉ|ÅY‹¾ÌÀr¼ÅÁEmami, 2015; 2018, p. 158|̌¼mdze Askari Chaverdi and Callieri, 2012, p. 234; |̌¼mdzeÊ]€£ ÉZŊz] Ä] |¸¨ˆe€Ådˆ¿YÈ»Z¿{¾ËY€]ÃÁZ¸Ÿ {‹ʻdˬe Emami, 2018, p. 162 ¶ËÁM  xËZe Ä] ,³Z°Ì‹ ʇZÀ‹©€‹ Ȉ‡R» d«Á €Ë|» ,|fˆË€] ɀÀÅ ‚¼Ìm  Gunter, 1995, p. 1546€fŒÌ]cZv̓ÂeÉY€]- Casting Armbruster, 2005, p. 135; 2010, pp. 397, 399€fŒÌ]cZŸZ¸—YÉY€], Lost wax technique Armbruster, 2005, p. 135; Mongiatti et al, 2010, p. 34chasingcY‚¸§ÉZ¯d^À»ZË Gunter and Jett, 1992, p. 252€fŒÌ]cZŸZ¸—YÉY€]-Repoussé Gunter, 1995, p. 1546; Armbruster, 2005, p. 135€fŒÌ]cZŸZ¸—YÉY€]-Hammering techniques Armbruster, 2005, p. 135; 2010, p. 400; Mongiatti et al, 2010, p. 32€fŒÌ]cZŸZ¸—YÉY€]-Soldering 7 Ernst Herzfeld. 8 James Henry Breasted. Ê¿Zf‡Z]ÉZŲÀŀ§cZ ·Z˜»Ĉ‡Â»|Ë|m¹Z¿Z] The Oriental Institute of Chicagoª]Z‡ʇZÀ‹©€‹Ĉ‡Â». Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures of the University of Chicago³Z°Ì‹ÃZ´Œ¿Y{Ä]Äfˆ]YÁ 475     |¿{Â]ɀ»ÁÉ{Z»ZŽM,|¿{€¯Ê»Z¯Z¸—€]įÊËZŀ³ ÃZ³Z¯0Z·Z¼fuYįÃ|‹ÃZ‹Y|̌¼mdzeȨµZ¼‹{ÉZ¼ »ÉZÅÁZ‡Ä], ,ï|À¿Z»|ÅY‹Êy€]Šz]¾ËY‰ÁZ¯{į|Å{Ê»t̓ÂeÉÁ d‡YÃ{Â]ɀ³   d‡YÃ|‹d§ZËÊf¼Ì«Ä¼Ì¿ÉZŲÀ‡ÁZ¸—cZ ˜«  ʌÀ»ZzÅÇÁ{½Y|À»€ÀÅ ½Zf‡Z]½YÁ{{½Y€³d Àʸ¯—Ä]Á½Y|À»€ÀÅdÌ “Á{»{ŠÅÁ„aÉY€] ½YÁ{½Y|À»€ÀÅʟZ¼fmY–Ìv»Á Z¯–ËY€‹ Z]–^e€»¦ËZ e€´ŒÅÁ„a d‡Y¹Z· Á|]Z »d»|y{\¸£Y½Zf‡Z]½YÁ{{½Y|À»€ÀÅ |À¯Á{{Ây¾Å}YY€Z » {ÁRoot, 1994, p. 29 ­¾ÌÀr¼Å-Matthews, 1995, p. 456|¿{Â]½ZÅZ‹ ZŲÀ‡€§,€´Ë{ª—ZÀ»Ä]YZŽMYÊy€]ÊÅZ³ÁÄf‹Y{dÌ·Z §cÁZ¨f»ÉZ¯–ËY€‹ Bertman, 2003, p. |¿{€¯Ê»¹Y‚ŸYɀÀÅÉZÅZ¯ÉY€mYÉY€],½Z¿MÃZ³{YY€eÁ{ {Ê»Y‚ŸY¾ÌÀqZ°‹Mȿ¼¿ʌÀ»ZzÅÇÁ{{ 214; McIntosh, 2005, p. 233 Ä]į{‹ʻÃ|Ë{ŠÂz»|À»€ÀŽ|¿Y{€³€]ÉY€],€»_Y€eZ‡,¹Z‹MÂf‡{ Á½Y|À»€ÀÅʟZ¼fmYdÌ “Áį|Å{Ê»½ZŒ¿|ÅY‹ {Â]Ã|‹Ã{Zf‡€§ɀ´Ë{ÉZm ½MÄ]ZËZ¯Ä]µÂ¤Œ»½M{įÄf‹Y{Ê´fˆ]ɂ¯Y€»ÁZŽM½Z^ÌfŒaÄ]½Y€³d À d·‚À»ÁZ^fŸYʸY¶»ZŸ0Z»Á‚·ZŽMʐz‹Z¯d̨̯€´Ë{cZ^ŸÄ] |¿{Â]Äfˆ]YÁ {‚¼f‡{½Y‚Ì»ÊfuÁZ^fŸY¾¼”f»,|¿{€¯Ê»d»|y½M{įÊËZmÄ°¸],Ã{Â^¿ZŽM  1 Nagel, 2018, p. 384. ­|À‡¾ËYÈ ·Z˜»ÉY€] Grelot, 1972, p. 318, no. 70; Whitehead, 1974, pp. 84-89; Root, 1979, p. 23; Roaf, 1980, pp. 72, 74, n.3; Porten and Yardeni, 1986; Taylor, 2020, p. 41, TADAE A6.12; Tuplin, 2020a; 2020b; Zehbari, 2021. 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Ê¿Z´ËZ]Á{¾ËY{»{ÄËZacZŸZ¸—YÉY€] Cameron, 1948; 1958; 1965; Schmidt, 1957; Hallock, 1969; Henkelman, 2008; 2013; Azzoni et al, 2017. 473     |¿{Â]ɀ»ÁÉ{Z»ZŽM,|¿{€¯Ê»Z¯Z¸—€]įÊËZŀ³ Ȉ‡R» Ä] ÊfŒ¯ Z] Y ZÅÄfŒ^¿¶³ †b‡ -  , ,ɨ˜» |¿{Y{ ¦Œ¯Y †a µZ‡|Àq Henkelman, 2008, p.72|¿{Zf‡€§³Z°Ì‹ʇZÀ‹©€‹ ÉZʼnÁZ¯ʗ ,d̼‹Y®ËYYÄ¿Y‚yÊ¿Z´ËZ],Ze µZ‡Y,ÁZ] Ê¿Z´ËZ] ÁÄfˆ°‹Áº·Z‡ÈfŒ^¿¶³ ¶»Z‹į,{ÁMd‡{Ä]|̌¼mdzeÈ¿Y‚y½Z¼fyZ‡ Schmidt, 1953, p. 174; 1957, p. 5; Henkelman, 2013, {Â]€Æ4»¶³¾ÌÀr¼Å  p. 534 ,d‡Y ʌÀ»ZzÅ Ê»Z¸ËY ½Z] Ä] ½M €fŒÌ] į |̌¼mdze ÉZÅÄfŒ^¿¶³ ȟ¼n» ,\Å~» |À¿Z» ,ʌÀ»ZzÅ ÇÁ{ { ½Â³Z¿Â³ cZŸÂ“» ÇZ]{ ÊËZÆ^¿Y€³ cZŸZ¸—Y Á ÉY{Y ½Y|À»Z¯ ,ÉY{Y cZ¬^— ,½Â³Z¿Â³ ¶£ZŒ» ,ɀÀÅ ÉZŎze ,½Y|À»€ÀÅ Á ʌÀ»ZzÅ ½Z¿ ,½Â³Z¿Â³ ÉZÅd̻« ,Ã{Z¨f‡Y {» ÉZŀ̈» Á ZÅÃ{Zm ,ÉZ]{ Z»ZÅÄfŒ^¿¶³¾ËY,\Ìe€e¾Ì¼ÅÄ] {Y~³Ê»ZÌfyY{,€´Ë{–^e€»cZŸÂ“»ÉZ̈] Zŀ³¡€¨» Zŀ´ˆ»,ZÅZ¯Ã€¬¿,Zŀ³¶»Z‹½Â³Z¿Â³ÉZŀ³‚¸§dÌ·Z §Á”uYY {Y| e |À¿Z» ÊeZÌW‚m ,ZÅÄfŒ^¿¶³ ¾ËY { |À¯Ê» ÃZ³M ʌÀ»ZzÅ ÇÁ{ Y Zŀ´ÀÅM Á {‚¼f‡{ ǀÌmį ÊËZŶv»,|¿YÃ{€¯€¨‡įÊËZŀ̈»,{Y€§Y¾ËY d̈Àm,½Y€³‚¸§ Ã|»MÀÌm½Y‚Ì»ÁZ¯xËZe,|¿YÃ{Â]Z¯Ä]µÂ¤Œ»ZŽM{ZË|¿YÃ{€¯d§ZË{Y{Ây ½ZÌ»¾ËYYį,Ã|‹ÃZ‹Y½Y€³‚¸§Ä]|̌¼mdzeÉZÅÊ¿Z´ËZ]YÄfŒ^¿¶³{ d‡Y  µÁ|md‡Y½Y€³Ä]•Â]€»{»  ÉZ¯¾ËÁZÀŸÁŽzeʌÀ»ZzÅÉZŀ³ Ê·Z¼‹Šz]{ZŽM\¸£Yį ,d‡YÉY{€]ÀÆ]¶]Z«½Y€ËY{½| »Ã{‚̇{Z¸— ½YÁ{YZ¸—kY€zf‡YÁÉY{€]ÀÆ]YÉ|ÅY‹½{Z »¾ËYȼÅ{0Z^ˀ¬e {Y{Y€«½Y€ËY  ½Á€¼¯ kÂm Èf‹Â¿ |̌¼mdze È¿Y‚y ÉZÅÄfŒ^¿¶³ [Zf¯ Y ʌz] ɨ˜» ʬe|¼v» ¾ÌÀr¼Å  d‡YÃ{€¯€ŒfÀ»ɨ˜» ZaºÌ¸«Y[Zf¯{Áļm€eʇZ§Ä]Y(Cameron, 1948) 2 Erich Schmidt. 472     |̌¼mdzeÊ¿ZÆmgY€Ì»ÃZ´ËZaʌÅÁ„aʼ¸ŸcZ·Z¬»ćZa²3»Z¿Z¯ Momenzadeh, 2004, p. 17, Fig. 7; Helwing, 2018, p. {Y{{ÂmÁ½Zf‡Z] Ê^̯€e¾ÌÀq Á|ËMÊ»d‡{Ä]ºÅZÀ¯{†»ÁZ¸—ÊÅZ³į{€¯ÄmÂe|ËZ] 122 (Momenzadeh, 2004, p. 17, Fig. {‹ʻkY€zf‡Y½Y€ËY{½| »YŠÌ]{  †»/Z¸—€ËZy}ÁÊ Ì^—ÉZ¸—d‡Y €f‡{{½Y€ËY{Z¸—ž^À»Á{¾ËY€]ZÀ],7) Zv¿YÁZÌfyY{\¸£YZ¸— Ä¿ZÌ»‹M½YÁ{{į|Å{Ê»½ZŒ¿[Âf°»|ÅY‹ |¿YÄf‹Y|¿ʇ€f‡{Z¸—€ËZy}Ä]½Y|Àq d»Â°uÄ]Äfˆ]YÁ€Ì£{Y€§YÁÃ{Â]d»Â°u d‡{{ʌÀ»ZzÅÇÁ{Y­Y|»Á|ÅY‹Ŀ³¾ËYÄ¿Z¨‡Pf» Llop, 2018, p. 248 {ZˁµZ¼fuYÄ]į¾ËY{ÂmÁZ] d‡YÃ|Œ¿¾‹ÁZ»€]Z¸—Ä]ʇ€f‡{dÌ “ÁÁÃ{Â^¿ Êa È^Ìf¯{‰ÂËY{ ,Ã{Â]ÉY{€]ÀÆ]{»‚Ì¿ʌÀ»ZzÅ ÇÁ{{½Y€ËY ÉZ¸—½{Z » {,‰ÂËY{ |¿YÃ{ÁMx¸]Á{Z‡YY‰Â‹wZ¯ÉZ¸—į{‹ʻ€¯~f»‰Â‹ÉZÀ] ÁwZ¯{Ã|‹Äf§€³Z¯Ä]t·Z»,‰Â‹wZ¯dyZ‡|¿ÁYÉYÃ|Ì°qÄ] ,Ä^Ìf¯¾ËY įd‡Y€¯}½ZËZ‹ |¿YÃ{€¯Ê»dÌ·Z §wZ¯¾ËY{į|À¯Ê»ÃZ‹YÊ¿Y|À»€ÀÅd̻« ªÌ«{Áž»ZmÉ´·Y|ËZ^¿,Ã|»MÄ^Ìf¯¾ËY{įÉÂv¿Ä],Y½Y|À»€ÀÅÉZ°¼ÅÇÂv¿ —Ä]ʌÀ»ZzÅɁZ‡wZ¯ ÇÂ̋{Äf^·Y|Á‰Â‹.ÉZÅwZ¯dyZ‡ÉY€]Êfu Y~³Áʸ¯cÄ]cZÌW‚mÄ^Ìf¯¾ËY{įd‹Y{€œ¿{|ËZ] d§€³€œ¿{ʸ¯ ,{‹ʻÃZ‹Y€»YÀ¬¿¶¼uÄ]¾f»¾ËY{įÊ·Zu{Ŀ¼¿ÉY€]-d‡YÃ|‹½ZÌ] º¯Ä^Ìf¯¾ËY‰YYÄmÁpÌÅÄ]€»Y¾ËYÄf^·Y d‡YÃ|»ZÌ¿ÊÀz‡ZÅZ¯Ã€¬¿{»{ €œ¿{ÃÁ{¾ËY½Y|À»€ÀÅʇ€]ÉY€]ʸY­Z¸»Á­|»ZÆÀeY½M|ËZ^¿Z»Y,|À¯Ê¼¿  ºÌÀ¯ʇ€]‚Ì¿Yɀ´Ë{|ÅY‹Á­Y|»d‡Y¹Z·Ád§€³ É{Z»ZŽM,|¿{€¯Ê»Z¯Z¸—€]įÊ¿Y€³|À¯Ê»½ZÌ]YZ°‹MÄ^Ìf¯¾ËY{‰ÂËY{ cÄ]Ä^Ìf¯ʌÀ»ZzÅÊ»Z¸ËY Èzˆ¿{ {Y€§Y¾ËYÉZ¯Žze |¿{Â]ɀ»Á  d‡YÃ|»M€Ë 471     |¿{Â]ɀ»ÁÉ{Z»ZŽM,|¿{€¯Ê»Z¯Z¸—€]įÊËZŀ³ ‘DIŠLÚ lašda kazip akkabe AŠlašda hutašda’  d‡YÃ|»M¾ÌÀq,‚Ì¿Ä^Ìf¯¾ËY½Zf‡Z]ʇZaÈzˆ¿{,Ê»Z¸ËYÈzˆ¿€]ÃÁZ¸Ÿ ‘martiyƗ daraniyakarƗ tayai֐ daraniyam akunavaša’ (Kent, 1933, p. 8; Schmitt, 2009, p. 145).   |¿{€¯Ê»Z¯Z¸—ÉÁįÊ¿Y€³{‹ʻļm€e—¾ËYį ÁZŀ³{»{,‰Â‹ÉZÀ]ÊaÈ^Ìf¯{įd‡YÊeZŸZ¸—Y¶¯ž«YÁ{ºÌf¨³Är¿M ½|»MÊ°Ë,Ä^Ìf¯¾ËYºÆ»Èf°¿Á{ d‡YÃ|»MʌÀ»ZzÅÇÁ{ÉZŀ³‚¸§{»{¶¯{ wZ¯{įd‡YÊ¿Y€³YÊy€]d̻«½|‹ŽzŒ»ɀ´Ë{Á€³ʸ¤‹½YÂÀŸ { į ºÌÅ{Ê» t̓Âe Ä»Y{Y { |¿YÃ{Â] Z¯ Ä] µÂ¤Œ» ‰ÂËY{ ÇÁ{ { ‰Â‹ Ä] –^e€» ÉZÅdÌ·Z § Á Zŀ³ Ä] ɀ´Ë{ ½Z³ƒYÁ Z] ‚Ì¿ |̌¼mdze ÉZÅÄfŒ^¿¶³ ‰Â‹ÉZÀ]ÊaÈ^Ìf¯{Är¿M|À¿Z»,ɀ»ÉZŀ³įÃ|‹ŽzŒ»ÁÃZ‹Yɀ³  |¿YÃ{Â]Z¯Ä]µÂ¤Œ»‚Ì¿ʌÀ»ZzÅÊÅZŒÀÅZ‹\¸«{‰Â‹€]ÃÁZ¸Ÿ,Ã|»M  d‡Y kazza-¶ §YÄf§€³€],Ã|»M‰Â‹ÉZÀ]ÊaÈ^Ìf¯{ į lašda kazip ǃYÁ |̌¼mdzeÉZÅÄfŒ^¿¶³ȟ¼n»{cY‚¸§Z]–^e€»ÉZŎzeÊy€]{¶ §¾ËY Zŀ´ÀÅM, KÙ.BABBAR kazipZŁZ‡Ã€¬¿ ȌÌaÉY€],kazza- {‹ʻÃ|Ë{‚Ì¿ ½Z]Ä]Ã|»Md‡{Ä]½Âf»ȟ¼n»{KÙ.GI kazipZŀ³ÁAN.BAR kazip ½Â¼”»Z]ÉYÃZ f‡YÁ½{Y{¶°‹,ÉZ¯Š°qÉZÀ »Ä]ÁÄf§Z¯Ä]ʌÀ»ZzÅÊ»Z¸ËY  d‡Yɀ³‚¸§ zirnupasašÁ zarnupirra ,KÙ.GI kazipǃYÁć,|̌¼mdzeÉZÅÊ¿Z´ËZ]{ µÁ|md§Z˽YÂeÊ»ɀ³Z]–^e€»Y  cÄ]ÃZ^f‹YÄ]†fÀÌÅ€eŠÌaYŽze¾ËYÄf^·Y.Grillot-Susini, 1990, pp. 215, 218 (Hinz, 1950, p. 2){Â]Ã|¿YÂy“ DIŠLUMEŠ lašdatukip akkabe AŠlašda hutašda ” 2 Hallock, 1969, p. 712; Henkelman, 2017, p. 275/ fn. 6. 470     |̌¼mdzeÊ¿ZÆmgY€Ì»ÃZ´ËZaʌÅÁ„aʼ¸ŸcZ·Z¬»ćZa²3»Z¿Z¯   |̌¼mdzeÉZÅÄfŒ^¿¶³{ɀ³ Zŀ³Z]–^e€»cÁZ¨f»ʸ¤‹¾ËÁZÀŸ µÁ|m €¨‡ ¶v» {ÀÌmd§ZË{ d¼‡Ä] ‰Â‹ Ø Ø Z¯  ½3€ÌÅ,ćZa  ‰Â¿3€°Ìe Ø ÄfŒ^¿¶³{Ã|‹ÃZ‹Y Ê»Z¸ËYǃYÁ ʌÀ»ZzÅ PF 0872, PF 1519, PF 1805, NN 0448, NN 1913, NN 1984, KÙ.GI Fort. 0633-102, Fort. 1964kazira 101, Fort. 2293-101, Fort. 2293-103, Fribourg A NN 1361, NN 2515 zarnupirra PT 63 zirnupasaš Y¿Y ½Y€³ €³ Z¸— €³¾ÌW‚e . 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Muscarella, 1987µZj»ÉY€]  ­{Z»d»Â°u{ZË|ÌËPeÉY€]  Sancisi-Weerdenburg, 1988; 1994; Codella, 1992; DeMatran, 1993; Muscarella, 1994; Kienast, 1999.  ŠËZÅhv]€ËZ‡ÁRazmjou, 2005, p. 273 ­ 5 Parnakka. 6 Irdumartiya/Artavardiya. 7 Abazana (Aspacanā, Aspathines). 466     |̌¼mdzeÊ¿ZÆmgY€Ì»ÃZ´ËZaʌÅÁ„aʼ¸ŸcZ·Z¬»ćZa²3»Z¿Z¯ ¾ËY{ºÅɀ´Ë{Z̈]{Y€§Y  Henkelman, 2008, p. 127 and fn. 283 |¿YÃ{Â] ÉZÅÊ¿Z´ËZ] { ÊËZÅd¼‡ Z] Z» Á ¾ËY Y ,|¿YÃ{Â] Z¯ Ä] µÂ¤Œ» ÉY{Y ºfˆÌ‡ ¾ËYʇ€] {Y{ZÀ »ÉY{YZfyZ‡Ád§Z]¾ËY{–¬§įºÌfˆÅÄmY»|̌¼mdze µZu¾ËYZ],d‡YkZyÄ·Z¬»¾ËY ȸÂuYÁ ¶¨»ʟ“»Zz‹YÁZÅd¼‡ / ɀ»½Y€³ÃÁ€³ ÊËY~£{Y»Ç|ÀÀ¯ŽÌy€e Ä3À3»3{½YÂÀŸÄ] Ã3{ÂXË36{‹Ä]ÃZ‹Y Hallock, PF 2040ÈfŒ^¿¶³ÃY³Ä]Žz‹¾ËY d‡YÄmÂe\·Zm/|‹€¯}€eZ·Z]į ,Ã|‹ d^i ‰ÂËY{ ÊÅZ‹{Za ¹Â‡ÁdˆÌ] µZ‡ ºÅ{YÁ{ ÃZ» { į,1969, p. 631 ÈfŒ^¿¶³YŠÌ]€]Ã3{ÂXË3{‹¹Z¿ d‡YÃ{Â]‚Ì¿€´Ë{.‰Z¬¿{€»ʇÈ3À3»3{¾ÌÀr¼Å Ä¿ZÌÅZ»ÉZÅÀÌmį/L1ÃÁ€³ÉZÅÄfŒ^¿¶³Ä]€fŒÌ]Žz‹¾ËY d‡YÃ|‹€¯}ÁZ]  d‡Y–^e€»ÁZ]Ê¿Z´ËZ]{/Ã{€¯Ê»d^iY É{€³Z‹ Ɂ»MZ¯ œÀ» Ä] Ê¿Y{€³Z‹ ʌÀ»ZzÅ ÇÁ{ ½Y€³‚¸§ ÉZÅÃZ³Z¯ { Yįʸ]Z]½Z]Ä]Ɂ»MZ¯½Âf» Z‡Y€] |¿YÃ{€¯Ê»dÌ·Z §½YZ¯{Zf‡Yd‡{€Ë µZ‡ ɀ³ÉY€]É{€³Z‹Á Ɂ»MZ¯½Z»c|» ,Ã|»Md‡{Ä]ʌÀ»ZzŶ]Z] ½Y€ˆa{»{Ê·ÁYd‡{|ÅY‹|̌¼mdzeÉZÅÄfŒ^¿¶³€],¾ËY€]ÃÁZ¸Ÿ d‡YÃ{Â] PF ÉZÅÄfŒ^¿¶³€]ĸ¼mY|¿YÃ{Â]Z¯Ä]µÂ¤Œ»½Y€³ZÀ¯{įÃ|»MÊ¿Y€fy{Á  1519, NN 0448, Fort. 2293-101   d‡Yž^À»¾Ì¼ÅY‚Ì¿Ä3¿3‚3]3YÁÄ3Ìe€3»Á{€ËY¹Z¿ɁZ‡Z]  2 Šuddayauda. 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Garrison “Camels of the King” Between Persepolis and Bactria .........................129 Rhyne King Contextualizing Achaemenid Persian Material Culture in Berlin: Recent Investigations ......................................................................................................143 Alexander Nagel Stock Formula or Textual Citation? The Case of Kerdīr’s Inscription on the Ka‘ba of Zoroaster (KKZ) ........................................................................183 Olivia K. C. Ramble Languages and Writing Practices in the Achaemenid Administration: Reconsidering Some Recent Views.................................................................207 Adriano V. Rossi Some Notes on Old Persian Cuneiform “Texts” on Carpets ....................229 Rüdiger Schmitt Persian Articles David Brian Stronach: A Bibliography......................................................262 Mehrdad Malekzadeh Monumental Graffiti From the Islamic Period at Naqš-e Rostam ...322 Mohammad Ali Mosallanezhad, Mohammad Javad Owladhussein, Mojtaba Doroodi The Urban Plan of “Royal Residences” of Achaemenid Fars: Persepolis, Pasargadae and Tamukkan ............................................................................356 Emad Matin The Preliminary Report of the “Land of Persepolis” Project First Season ........................................................................................................388 Luca Colliva, Emad Matin Fars: The Ideological Homeland of the Achaemenid Art ........................396 Alireza Askari Chaverdi Aramaic-Hebrew Graffiti at Naqš-e Rostam on the Investiture Relief of Ardašir I ..............................................................................................................448 Ibrāhīm Šafiʿī The Goldsmiths, Who Wrought the Gold, Those Were Medes and Egyptians: An Investigation of the Goldsmiths in the Achaemenid Period....................................................................................................................480 Zohreh Zehbari The Second Copy of the Babylonian Inscription of Xerxes (XPf). Text, Commentary, and Translation........................................................................514 Soheil Delshad The Morghab Plain in the Neolithic Period: Tol-e Sangi ......................536 Morteza Khanipour, Hamid Karami, Farhad Zare Kordshooli, Hamed Molaee Kordshooli Survey and Identification of Sites in the Vicinity of Persepolis ................574 Vahid Barani, Ali Ahmadi, Ali Akbar Sadeghi, Vahid Younesi, Pegah Manouchehri Wastewater Management During the Achaemenid Period. Case Study: Building A of Barzan-e Jonubi in Persepolis...........................610 Ali Eghra` Excavation and Reconstruction of a Brick Drain in Courtyard 17 in the Persepolis Treasury..................................................................................640 Ahmad Ali Asadi, Majid Mansouri Preface The Persepolis World Heritage Site is one of the most prominent cultural heritage sites in Iran which meets three out of ten selection criteria set by the UNESCO World Heritage Convention: i. It represents “a masterpiece of human creative genius.” ii. It bears “a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living, or which has disappeared.” iii. It is “an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history.”1 As a world heritage site, Persepolis is a symbol of peace and empathy and a stage for demonstrating several critical developments in Ancient Near Eastern art, architecture, epigraphy, politics and ethics. Recent studies of Pārsa (Persepolis and its surrounding sites) have provided more evidence of the uniqueness of this city in the middle of the first millennium B.C. from historical, cultural and even ecological aspects. Therefore, scholars’ attention to the Persepolis Terrace and its surrounding buildings, which only cover 12 hectares, has expanded to a vast region of several thousand hectares. This broadened landscape of Pārsa was once the center of the Achaemenid Empire and the dwelling place for several significant Achaemenid elites, including the Great King and his royal family. More than five hundred sites and monuments have been found in such a vast region; among them, about two hundred monuments and sites from different periods (from prehistoric to Islamic periods) have been officially registered so far. Needless to say that preserving such a valuable region with several hundred monuments and 1 sites from different periods would not be possible without considering both tangible and intangible heritage aspects of the great city of Pārsa. Furthermore, rigorous studies of this cultural heritage can lead to novel interpretationsof identity and civilizations. Reaching appropriate interpretations can provide a suitable foundation for the study of economic development of our society. Needless to say, the historical and cultural values of Pārsa emerged out of historical interactions between humans and nature for millennia. In other words, the complexity of such a vast region results from the high number of monuments in Pārsa, the ecosystem of such a vast region, and the human connection to both of them. Without enough comprehensive studies and a deep perception of such a connection, preserving and managing Pārsa would not be possible. From the epigraphical point of view, the Persepolis World Heritage Site has benefited from a unique collection of evidence from different periods, i.e., from the Achaemenid empire to the contemporary era, and in different forms, from royal and private inscriptions and administrative tablets to graffiti in different languages and scripts. In fact, Pārsa is one of the exemplary regions where one can see the historical development of the scripts. For example, Darius’ Palace (Tachara) is a monument considered a museum of Iranian epigraphy. Recent epigraphical studies at Persepolis, also published in this volume, emphasize this significant aspect of the site. The history of archaeological expeditions, epigraphical and historical studies, and preservation and restoration projects in Pārsa is replete with the names of great scholars, many of whom are mentioned in several articles of this volume. Along with the scholars (archaeologists, epigraphers, and conservators), several hundreds of working staff were and still are active in Pārsa, who made the research and conserving projects possible. I take this opportunity to thank all the scholars and working staff who have taken part in field surveys in Pārsa, preserving monuments and conducting research. In the end, I would like to thank Dr Mohammad Hassan Talebian (the former deputy of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism), Dr Farhad Azizi Zalani (the former director of the World Heritage Sites, ICHTO) and Seyyed Moayyed Mohsen Nezhad (the director of the ICHTO of Fars Province) who supported us in multilateral research and field activities in the Persepolis World Heritage Site, some of which are reflected in the current volume. I would also like to thank Ms Mehrnaz Bordbar, Dr Soheil Delshad, Dr Mohammad Jawad Owladhussein, Mr Mojtaba Doroodi, Ms Shahrnaz Etemadi and Dr Rhyne King for their efforts in collecting and editing the articles of the current volume. I would also take this opportunity to thank Prof. Adriano Rossi, Dr Ahmad Ali Asadi, Dr Parsa Daneshmand, Dr Nima Jamali, Dr Shahrokh Razmjou, Dr Kurush Mohmmadkhani, Dr Farah Zahedi, Dr Azita Mirzaii, Dr Rhyne King and Dr Soheil Delshad who have kindly reviewed the submitted articles. I also want to thank Dr Ali Asghar Taheri Safiabadi, the director of “Parthua Publications” and his colleagues at the “Ravniz” atelier, who finalized the volume and prepared it for publication. Hamid Fadaei Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (Former Director of the Persepolis World Heritage Site) Kār-nāmag ī Pārsa Studies From the Persepolis World Heritage Site Edited by Hamid Fadaei Soheil Delshad Mehrnaz Bordbar Mohammad Jawad Owladhussein Editor of English Articles: Rhyne King 2024 Parthava Publications. Tehran