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Call for Conference participation_Ceramics, People and Places

Dear colleagues! We kindly invite you to take part in the 9th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology entitled "Ceramics, People and places: the Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages", which will be held in Zagreb 6—7 June 2024. Please find more details in attached documents.

Call for participation in the 9th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology Ceramics, People and Places The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages Dear colleagues! We kindly invite you to take part in the scientific conference entitled Ceramics, People and Places: the Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages, organized by the Institute of Archaeology, which will be held in Zagreb 6—7 June 2024. During the last two decades, Croatian medieval archaeology has faced a large influx of information about sites from the Early, High and Late Middle Ages, which were obtained by protective archaeological excavations on highways and roads throughout the country. However, due to inadequate infrastructure and organizational challenges, the abundance of ceramic finds remained unpublished. As a result, we are deprived of access to valuable basic data, without which further comprehensive and specialist research into various aspects of medieval society is not possible. Since pottery is one of the most common types of archaeological finds, and often the only material evidence, its study is of exceptional importance for understanding the everyday life of people from the past. Therefore, by organizing this meeting, the Institute of Archaeology wants to offer a platform for exchanging knowledge and presenting the results of research into pottery, as well as technical and construction ceramics and various other ceramic objects. Participants are invited to present individual case studies of well-dated assemblages from a clear archaeological context from the area of Croatia and neighbouring countries. The proposed time frame is from 500 to 1500, but it is also possible to present topics that deal with the period of the Modern Age. The aim is to address specific research questions that are approached from different theoretical and interdisciplinary methodological perspectives (archaeometry, ethnoarchaeology, etc.). We want to encourage submission of topics which seek to present and interpret wider social relations through the analysis of material culture within the thematic period. Presentations of the results of fundamental research are also welcome in order to establish a discussion, exchange information and acquire new knowledge. We suggest presenting topics that address the following research questions: • pottery as an indicator of dietary habits, social circumstances and changes • technological innovation and/or tradition vs. social changes • workshop production and distribution – local vs. (trans)regional • kitchenware in the context of medieval households • tableware as an indicator of social status Participation in the conference is free of charge. The official languages are English and Croatian. Posters in English are also accepted (vertical length/horizontal width 100 x 70 cm). Croatian presentation holders are kindly requested to add visible information in English to their slides. We kindly ask you to send the title and summary of oral presentation / poster (max. 1800 characters, including spaces) to e-mail no later than 15 February, 2024. Summaries will be published in the Book of Abstracts. Please include complete information (title, affiliation, address, e-mail) along with your name so that we can correctly list them in the Book of Abstracts (Application form attached). The papers from the conference are going to be published in edited volume in the series Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici (publication planned for 2026). Please plan to hand in the manuscripts by December 31, 2024. All texts are subject to a peer-review procedure. Papers in English and Croatian are accepted. Papers in Croatian should be provided by a longer summary in English. The citation style and the guides for authors are identical to the academic journal Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu and are available at: More details on the submission of manuscripts will be provided later. Feel free to contacts us if you have any additional questions. We are looking forward to your participation in the scientific conference! With kind regards, Tatjana Tkalčec, scientific advisor Organizational Committee: Tatjana Tkalčec, Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, Juraj Belaj, Siniša Krznar Application form 9th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb, 6—7 June 2024 Ceramics, People and Places: The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages First name, family name, title: Institution: Address: (for Independent researcher private adress or place of residence) E-mail: Phone (optional): Participation mode: Choose your interest (double click on square and check) Lecture Poster (vertical length/horizontal width 1,00 x 0,70 m) Participation withouth lecture/poster Conference fee: free of charge Title of the lecture / poster (poster – only English; for lecture in Croatian please write both Croatian and English title): Abstract (max. 1800 characters; only in English): Please send the Application form by February 15, 2024 Tatjana Tkalčec, Institute of Archaelogy Jurjevska ulica 15, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia tel. +385 (0)1 6151 905 Poziv na sudjelovanje na 9. međunarodnom znanstvenom skupu srednjovjekovne arheologije Instituta za arheologiju Ceramics, People and Places The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages Poštovane kolegice i kolege! Pozivamo Vas na sudjelovanje na znanstvenom skupu Ceramics, People and Places: the Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages / Keramika, ljudi i mjesta: značaj keramike u proučavanju društvenih odnosa u srednjem vijeku, koji će Institut za arheologiju organizirati u Zagrebu 6. i 7. lipnja 2024. g. Hrvatska srednjovjekovna arheologija suočila se tijekom posljednja dva desetljeća s velikim priljevom informacija o nalazištima iz razdoblja ranog, razvijenog i kasnog srednjeg vijeka koja su polučena zaštitnim arheološkim istraživanjima u okvirima velikih projekata na autocestama i cestama diljem zemlje. Ipak, uslijed neadekvatne infrastrukture i organizacijskih izazova, obilje keramičkih nalaza ostalo je neobjavljeno. Time smo uskraćeni za vrijedne temeljne podatke bez kojih daljnja sveobuhvatna i specijalistička istraživanja raznih aspekta problematike srednjovjekovnog društva nisu moguća. Budući da je keramika jedna od najučestalijih vrsta nalaza, a nerijetko i jedini materijalni dokaz, njezino proučavanje od iznimnog je značaja za razumijevanje svakodnevice ljudi iz prošlosti. Institut za arheologiju, stoga, organiziranjem ovoga skupa želi istraživačima ponuditi platformu za razmjenu znanja i predstavljanje rezultata istraživanja lončarije, ali i tehničke i građevinske keramike te raznih drugih keramičkih predmeta. Pozivaju se sudionici na prezentaciju pojedinih studija slučaja dobro datiranih cjelina iz jasnog arheološkog konteksta s područja Hrvatske i susjednih zemalja. Predloženi vremenski okvir je od 500. do 1500. godine, no moguće je i predstavljanje tema koje obrađuju razdoblje novog vijeka. Cilj je adresirati specifična istraživačka pitanja kojima se pristupa iz različitih teoretskih i interdisciplinarnih metodoloških perspektiva (arheometrija, etnoarheologija i dr.). Želimo potaknuti prijavu tema koje kroz analizu materijalne kulture nastoje prikazati i tumačiti šire društvene odnose unutar tematskog razdoblja, no dobrodošle su i prezentacije rezultata temeljnih istraživanja kako bi se uspostavila rasprava i razmjena informacija te stjecanje novih spoznaja. Predlažemo predstavljanje tema koje obrađuju sljedeća istraživačka pitanja:      lončarija kao pokazatelj prehrambenih navika, društvenih prilika i promjena tehnološke inovativnosti i/ili tradicije vs. društvene promjene radionička produkcija i distribucija – lokalno vs. (trans)regionalno kuhinjska keramika u kontekstu srednjovjekovnih domaćinstava stolna keramika kao pokazatelj društvenog statusa Sudjelovanje na skupu je bez kotizacije. Službeni jezici skupa su engleski i hrvatski. Prihvaćaju se i posteri na engleskom jeziku (dužina okomito/širina vodoravno: 100 x 70 cm). Molimo Vas da naslov i sažetak predavanja i postera (maksimalno 1800 znakova, uključujući razmake) pošaljete do 15. veljače 2024. na e-mail adresu Hrvatske predavače molimo da slajdovi budu organizirani s istaknutim informacijama na engleskome. Sažeci predavanja i postera će se objaviti u Knjizi sažetaka. U prijavi, molimo, uz Vaše ime priložite potpune podatke (titula, afilijacija, adresa, e-mail) kako bismo ih ispravno naveli u Knjizi sažetaka (ispuniti obrazac za prijavu – Application form). Radovi sa skupa će se objaviti u seriji Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici (objava planirana 2026. godine). Molimo da rukopise planirate predati do 31. prosinca 2024. Svi tekstovi podliježu recenzijskome postupku. Prihvaćaju se radovi na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku. Radovi na hrvatskom jeziku moraju imati duži sažetak na engleskom jeziku. Upute za pripremu rukopisa i načina citiranja iste su kao u časopisu Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, a dostupne su na: Detalje o predaji radova Uredništvo će dostaviti naknadno. U slučaju dodatnih pitanja, stojimo Vam na raspolaganju. Radujemo se Vašem sudjelovanju na znanstvenome skupu! U ime Organizacijskog odbora: dr. sc. Tatjana Tkalčec, znanstvena savjetnica Organizacijski odbor skupa: dr. sc. Tatjana Tkalčec, dr. sc. Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, dr. sc. Juraj Belaj, dr. sc. Siniša Krznar
Application form 9th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb, 6—7 June 2024 Ceramics, People and Places: The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages First name, family name, title: Institution: Address: (for Independent researcher private adress or place of residence) E-mail: Phone (optional): Participation mode: Choose your interest (double click on square and check) Lecture Poster (vertical length/horizontal width 1,00 x 0,70 m) Participation withouth lecture/poster Conference fee: free of charge Title of the lecture / poster (poster – only English; for lecture in Croatian please write both Croatian and English title): Abstract (max. 1800 characters; only in English): Please send the Application form by February 15, 2024 Tatjana Tkalčec, Institute of Archaelogy Jurjevska ulica 15, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia tel. +385 (0)1 6151 905