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Influence of Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-Faire Leadership Styles Towards Nurse’s Job Satisfaction in Inpatient Room of RSU Bhakti Rahayu Tabanan

2021, STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan

STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v10i1.770 ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.10 No.1 May 2021 Page. 1017-1023 Influence of Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-Faire Leadership Styles Towards Nurse’s Job Satisfaction in Inpatient Room of RSU Bhakti Rahayu Tabanan Nina Rismawati Hakim*, I Gede Wirajaya STIKES Bina Usada Bali, Indonesia * Correspondent Author: ABSTRACT Nursing services have always been the health services quality standard by community and nursing being the largest workforce in a healthcare organization, therefore nurses are required to have the ability to provide optimal and quality nursing care. Optimal and quality nursing care cannot be separated from job satisfaction received by nurses. Satisfied nurses are likely to exert more effort in their assigned tasks and achieveed organizational goals. An effective leader motivates follower by its leadership style. Leadership style consists of autocratic leadership style, democratic leadership style and laissez-faire leadership style. The leadership of a nursing manager can create a work environment that decreases nurse turnover, further increases nurse retention and increases patient satisfaction. This study aimed at identifying the influence of the autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire leadership style towards nurse’s job satisfaction in inpatients room at the RSU Bhakti Rahayu Tabanan. Research design used cross sectional with quantitative approach. Data was collected through filling questionnaire of 30 nurses in April 2018 in RSU Bhakti Rahayu Tabanan. Data analysis is multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing using the F test and t test. The results showed that autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire leadership style have a linear influence to nurse’s job satisfaction with F test 86,99 and p value 0,000 was smaller than α = 0,05 (p<0,05) and democratic is the most dominant leadership style that influences towards the nurse’s job satisfaction in inpatient room of RSU Bhakti Rahayu Tabanan with t test 4,228. Keywords: Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction, Nurses Received March 17, 2021; Revised April 10, 2021; Accepted April 29, 2021 STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, its website, and the articles published there in are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Website: | Email: 1017 STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v10i1.770 ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.10 No.1 May 2021 Page. 1017-1023 BACKGROUND The development of knowledge and technology is as well impactful to the development of the practice of nursing in hand with the effort to give the top-quality nursing service. The quality of health service is dependent to the quality of the nurse. The qualified nursing staff be identical to the professional nurse; owning the capability in giving the nursing service in accordance with the standard - relevant to the ethical and moral principles in order to protect the community. As for one of the efforts initiating to fulfill the qualified nursing staff is to attend the higher education in nursing. Nursing education is an important required process every nurse has to take. The minimum education of professional nursing is to graduate from two stages of education program i.e. academic stage (Bachelor of Nursing) and thus continued to the stage of professional education (Professional Nurse). These previous stages are an obligatory regarding the integrated and inseparable educational stages (Lestari, 2014). The number of nurses taking further education in STIKES Bina Usada Bali in the recent three years has increased moderately significant. In reference to the database, 159 nurses were recorded in the admission of first-year students of transfer program at STIKES Bina Usada Bali in 2017, meanwhile 168 nurses were in the record of 2018, and in the year of 2019 the admission increased to 202 nurses being enrolled (STIKES Bina Usada Bali, 2019). This particular condition indicates that the nursing staffs of hospital and public health center are managing to enhance their competency. These nurses who take the further education are defined as students with multiple roles. Multiple roles include two or more different roles for domestic and public measure taken at simultaneous time (Afrida et al., 2017). Nursing students of transfer program indirectly take two or more roles in which the importance and responsibility between one role and another are overlapping and thus the performance of roles could be impacted. The students with multiple roles regularly encounter difficulty and become excessed in maintaining all the roles. The capability of adaptation in terms of the multiple roles i.e. student-profession-family is a requirement for nursing students of transfer program. Any different responsibility burdened to each role being taken is in the effort not to be neglected. This multiple state of roles tend to emerge conflict between one role and another (Hidayah, 2015). Should the students experience contradiction between their responsibility and the duty they had to manage, the conflict between these roles emerges. This particular conflict occurs in reference to the expectation of roles leading to a broken time-management and the abandonment of a certain role caused by the presence of another role. The conflict of roles happens to be encountered by either male or female. An existed research resulted in the fact that female nurses experience a profession-family conflict, anxiety, depression, and somatization significantly higher. The significant difference in terms of gender emerges in relation between the profession-family conflict and the nurses’ psychological health condition and moderating variable. A profession-family conflict is significantly linked to anxiety and depression endured by the male nurses. The two genders experience somatization (Zurlo et al., 2020). A research on multiple roles (done by Khairiyah, Nur., Kusuma, Farida Halis Dyah; Rahayu, 2017) showed that most of nursing grantee students at the University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang are categorized as students with multiple roles. A situation in which not only did a person take role as student, but they also take ones as parent and nurse at once. Further stated that multiple roles are strongly related to the occurrence of stress on nursing grantee students at the University of Tribhuwana Website: | Email: 1018 STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v10i1.770 ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.10 No.1 May 2021 Page. 1017-1023 Tunggadewi Malang. (Batur & Nart, 2014) revealed in their research that a conflict of multiple roles is potentially impactful to working stress on primary school teachers. It was further declared that multiple roles conflict and working stress are moderately influential to the commitment of primary school teacher organization. (Jamadin et al., 2015) as well stated that a conflict of multiple roles becomes the predictor on working stress. Students with multiple roles under a certain condition of stress can lead to the degraded performance of nurse at the work place. Boles, Howard & Donofrio (2001) stated that a domestic conflict emerged in a family would normally give impacts on a person’s field of work. A home-problematic worker would influence the working performance (Roboth, 2015). This certain situation threatens the organization for it causes distraction to the working. Thus, this is contradictive to the organization’s objective in terms to allow the nurses in enhancing their nursing competency in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness of working in the organization. A student among many of being interviewed found it difficult in managing time for fulfilling the three roles being taken. Hospital nursing service is done with intact responsibility, while in the other hand, taking the role as a student to attend university major classes in the effort to get the academic duty well-finished. This current pandemic of Covid-19 period has as well been impactful to nurses who fulfill the role as a parent, the role of being a student builds up at home. This definite condition causes them exhaustion in prioritizing the taken roles. Based on the justification above, multiple roles could conclusively tend to trigger individual conflict that becomes the source of exhaustion. Uncontrolled exhaustion leads to stress on students with multiple roles, which seems appealing to the researchers to do research entitled the correlation between multiple roles and stress on Students of Transfer Program of 2019 STIKES Bina Usada Bali Nursing Study Program. Website: | Email: 1019 STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v10i1.770 ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.10 No.1 May 2021 Page. 1017-1023 METHODS a. Design of the Research This research implemented a correlational designed research along with cross sectional design of the research, which was a type of research emphasizing on observational measurement time of the independent and dependent variable data only once at a time. Of course, not all research subjects must have been observed on a same day and time, but both the independent and dependent variable were assessed only once (Nursalam, 2013). b. Population and Sample The population used in this research was executive nurses at Bhakti Rahayu General Hospital of Tabanan. Sampling was done the technique of total sampling. The amount of sample in this research was exactly the same with the amount of the population. The number of sample used in this research was 30 people. c. Instrument of the Research The instrument of this research was done to obtain information from the respondents, while the researcher used a tool of data collection in the form of questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted of a leadership-style-based questionnaire, contained with 9 questions and a job-satisfaction-based questionnaire, containing 5 questions, with the usage of Likert scale for the score category of: 4=Strongly Agree (SA), 3=Agree (A), 2=Disagree (D), and 1=Strongly Disagree (SD). The amount of score from the item question means X ≤ µ-0,5σ (low) and µ+0,5σ>X (high) (Azwar, 2009). d. Procedure of Data Collection and Data Analysis Data collection was done in April of 2018, located at Bhakti Rahayu General Hospital of Tabanan. The data analysis used in this research is Multiple Regression Analysis. This analysis was crucial in identifying the correlation route between the independent and dependent variable, whether each independent variable was positively or negatively correlated; and in predicting the value of dependent variable in the event the value of the independent variable increased or decreased. RESULTS The use of multiple linear regression analysis in this research was with the objective to prove the hypothesis regarding the influence of the variable of autocratic leadership style (X1), democratic leadership style (X2), and Laissez-Faire leadership style (X3), in a partial or cooperative way towards the job satisfaction (Y). Statistic calculation resulted as figured in the table below. Table 1. Result of Multiple Regression Analysis Unstandardized Coefficients Model B Std. Error (Constant) -.057 1.367 Autocratic .115 .088 Demokratic 1.007 .238 Laissez-Faire .900 .223 Dependent Variable: JOB_SATISFACTION Standardized Coefficients Beta .083 .514 .482 Website: | Email: t Sig. -.042 1.303 4.228 4.032 .967 .204 .000 .000 1020 STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v10i1.770 ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.10 No.1 May 2021 Page. 1017-1023 Based on the multiple linear regression test on the variable of autocratic, democratic, and Laissez-Faire leadership style towards the job satisfaction, it is revealed that the three leadership styles give linear influence to the executive nurses’ job satisfaction at the inpatient rooms of Bhakti Rahayu General Hospital of Tabanan. The statistic calculation resulted in the value of F = 86.99 with the significance of p<0.000.. DISCUSSION This result is in line with the previous research done by Saputra (2015), which stated that a leadership style gave positive and significant influence to the job satisfaction. Job satisfaction of the employees would increase if there was a presence of an appropriate leadership style experienced by those employees. Ugwa (2014) in his research declared that there came a high level of job satisfaction among nurses at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, related to the leadership style rather than the other socio-demographic variables. Tjiptono (2001) revealed that a leadership style is a certain method used by leaders in interacting with their subordinates (Baihaqi, 2010). On the other hand, Vesterinen (2012) depicted that there was no correct leadership style, instead the similar result could still be achieved with various methods. A nurse manager could have various leadership styles, but they normally selected one style to be applied more than the rest styles. A nurse manager must consider their leadership style from the employees’ point of views, situational factor, and organizational goals to determine their leadership style with different employees in different situations. The most dominant leadership style in giving influence to job satisfaction of executive nurses at the inpatient rooms of Bhakti Rahayu General Hospital of Tabanan, is the democratic leadership style, being compared to the Laissez-Faire and autocratic leadership style. The variable of democratic leadership style is known to gain the value of t count = 4.228 with the significance rate of 0.000, followed by the variable of Laissez-Faire leadership style with the value of t count = 4.032 with the significance rate of 0.000, and the variable of autocratic leadership style obtained the value of t count = 1.303 with the significance rate of 0.204. A democratic leadership style illustrates the leaders who tend to involve employees in making decision, to delegate the authority, and to stimulate employees’ participation in deciding the work methods and work goals, and to use feedback as the chance to train the employees. In the world of nursing, leadership is a usage of a leader’s skills (nurse) in influencing other nurses under their monitor for the division of duties and responsibility in providing nursing care service to get the nursing’s goals achieved (Latif, 2008 as cited in Maryanto 2013). This research is in line with the previous research done by Ruslan (2014) which stated the presence of influence of autocratic, democratic, and Laissez-Faire leadership style, to the job satisfaction of the employees of PT. Bank Sulselbar Makassar, and the leadership style variable which owned the most dominant influence to the job satisfaction was the variable of democratic leadership style. In addition, Maryanto et al. (2013) concluded in their research that there was a correlation between the leadership style of a leader and the job satisfaction of nurses at Private Hospital in Demak. A room’s head of Private Hospital in Demak applied the three styles of leadership i.e. democratic, autocratic, and Laissez-Faire. The democratic leadership style was the most dominant style being applied by the room’s head of Private Hospital in Demak. In the style of democratic leadership, a leader is taking a role as a moderator or coordinator, unlike as in the leadership style of an authoritarian. Leaders provide the Website: | Email: 1021 STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v10i1.770 ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.10 No.1 May 2021 Page. 1017-1023 opportunity for their subordinates in filling or obtaining their egoistic needs as well as motivate them in completing their duties, stimulate them to participate in the matter of goals and methods, and lastly support the ideas and suggestions being aspired. Leaders with the democratic style of leadership would prioritize a good “human relation”. Executive nurses of Bhakti Rahayu General Hospital experienced a democratic leadership style applied by their leaders in the hospital environment that gave job satisfaction. Complete support, guidance, and direction were frequently provided by the leaders in giving supreme nursing service to the patients. CONCLUSION There is a linear influence of autocratic, democratic, and Laissez-Faire leadership style to the job satisfaction of the executive nurses of inpatient rooms at Bhakti Rahayu General Hospital of Tabanan. The most dominantly influential style of leadership to the job satisfaction of the executive nurses of inpatient rooms at Bhakti Rahayu General Hospital of Tabanan is the democratic style of leadership compared to the Laissez-Faire and autocratic leadership style. Hospital’s management is expected to carry out a reevaluation for the fulfilment of supporting factors of nurses’ job satisfaction to maintain or elevate the job satisfaction of nurses which leads to the increasing level of those nurses’ working performance. The head of the room is expected to serve guidance, development, and seminar for nurses in enhancing a democratic style of leadership in accordance with standard service procedure to stimulate nurses in doing certain activity or duty properly in order to achieve the desired goals. The result regarding this research is expected to become a nursing educational material for nursing students to bring them the comprehension of the importance of leadership style in nursing environment, which later the head of the room would apply an art in a memberfriendly style of leadership, so any direction would lead the nurses properly in the effort to give the nursing care. The future researchers are expected to develop researches regarding leadership styles applied by the head of the room, using the other theory of leadership style and add up the other indicators of job satisfaction to measure the nurses’ job satisfaction. 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