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Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Quaternary Science Reviews Manuscript Draft Manuscript Number: JQSR-D-13-00483R1 Title: Examination of Late Palaeolithic archaeological sites in Northern Europe for the preservation of cryptotephra layers Article Type: SI: Volcanic Ash Synchronisation Keywords: Tephrostratigraphy; Lateglacial; early Holocene; taphonomy. Corresponding Author: Dr. Rupert Housley, Corresponding Author's Institution: Royal Holloway University of London First Author: Rupert A Housley Order of Authors: Rupert A Housley; Clive S Gamble; RESET Associates Abstract: We report the first major study of cryptotephra (non-visible volcanic ash layers) on Late Palaeolithic archaeological sites in northern Europe. Examination of thirty-four sites dating from the Last Termination reveals seven with identifiable cryptotephra layers. Preservation is observed in minerogenic and organic deposits, although tephra is more common in organic sediments. Cryptotephra layers normally occur stratigraphically above or below the archaeology. Nearby off-site palaeoclimate archives (peat bogs and lakes <0.3 km distant) were better locations for detecting tephra however only indirectly can the archaeology be correlated with the cryptotephra. Patterns affecting the presence/absence of cryptotephra include geographic position of sites relative to the emitting volcanic centre; the influence of past atmospherics on the quantity, direction and patterns of cryptotephra transport; the nature and timing of local site sedimentation; sampling considerations and subsequent taphonomic processes. Overall, while tephrostratigraphy has the potential to improve significantly the chronology of such sites many limiting factors currently impacts the successful application. *Highlights (for review) Highlights      Cryptotephra study of 34 north European Late Palaeolithic archaeological sites. Seven sites have identifiable cryptotephra layers. Best preservation occurs in low-energy off-site palaeoclimate archives. Geographic position to emitting centre and past atmospherics are influential. In situ sediment record, preservation and taphonomy impact on outcomes. *Manuscript Click here to view linked References 1 Examination of Late Palaeolithic archaeological sites in 2 Northern Europe for the preservation of cryptotephra layers 3 4 Rupert A. Housley1*, Clive S. Gamble2 and RESET Associates3 5 1 Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK 6 2 Faculty of Humanities (Archaeology), Building 65A, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton, 7 Southampton SO17 1BF, UK 8 3 List of members in Supplementary Materials S1 9 10 * = corresponding author ( 11 12 Keywords: Tephrostratigraphy; Lateglacial; early Holocene; taphonomy 13 Abstract: We report the first major study of cryptotephra (non-visible volcanic ash layers) on Late 14 Palaeolithic archaeological sites in northern Europe. Examination of thirty-four sites dating from the 15 Last Termination reveals seven with identifiable cryptotephra layers. Preservation is observed in 16 minerogenic and organic deposits, although tephra is more common in organic sediments. 17 Cryptotephra layers normally occur stratigraphically above or below the archaeology. Nearby off-site 18 palaeoclimate archives (peat bogs and lakes <0.3 km distant) were better locations for detecting 19 tephra however only indirectly can the archaeology be correlated with the cryptotephra. Patterns 20 affecting the presence/absence of cryptotephra include geographic position of sites relative to the 21 emitting volcanic centre; the influence of past atmospherics on the quantity, direction and patterns 22 of cryptotephra transport; the nature and timing of local site sedimentation; sampling 23 considerations and subsequent taphonomic processes. Overall, while tephrostratigraphy has the 1 1 potential to improve significantly the chronology of such sites many limiting factors currently 2 impacts the successful application. 3 4 1. Introduction 5 It has been observed that tephrostratigraphy and tephrochronology have the potential to be of 6 major significance to the study of the environmental history of the Last Termination, c.18-8 ka BP 7 (Davies et al., 2002; Turney et al., 2004, 2006). Tephra layers, once securely identified, provide the 8 means to accurately link and synchronize diverse sedimentary records including terrestrial and 9 marine palaeo-environmental and archaeological sites, with their archives of palaeoclimate and past 10 human behaviour (Lowe 2011). Developments in the detection, isolation and characterisation of 11 cryptotephra (Turney, 1998; Blockley et al., 2005) have allowed tephrostratigraphy to be applied to 12 more situations than hitherto was the case (Davies et al., 2002) including the application to 13 archaeological settings (Balascio et al., 2011). The new contexts open up interesting developments, 14 but as this paper demonstrates, do not come without attendant complexities for the taphonomy of 15 the depositional layers have an all-important influence. Recovery of trustworthy data is not always 16 straightforward and is dependent on multiple, sometimes interrelated, factors. 17 The focus of this paper is the application of tephrostratigraphy to distal Late Palaeolithic sites in 18 northern Europe which date from the Last Termination (i.e. the Oldest Dryas, Bølling, Older Dryas, 19 Allerød, Younger Dryas and Preboreal Chronozones). The research took place in the context of the 20 RESET research initiative, a 5-year Consortium funded by the UK’s Natural Environment Research 21 Council (NERC). The aim of RESET was to bring together archaeologists, volcanologists, 22 tephrochronologists and stratigraphers to investigate the chronology of major phases of human 23 dispersal and development in Europe in the past 100,000 years, and to examine the degree to which 24 these were influenced by abrupt environmental transitions ( A 25 survey of Late Palaeolithic sites from north of the Alps, Sudeten, Tatra and Carpathian mountains 2 1 reveals only one-fifth have identifiable cryptotephra. Tephra is detected in both organic and 2 minerogenic sediments, however depositional context, temporal duration of sediment accumulation 3 and site taphonomy appear to be important influencing factors. 4 5 2. Tephrostratigraphy in the context of the north European Late Palaeolithic 6 2.1 The Principles and Application of Tephrostratigraphy 7 Tephrostratigraphy is a method for correlating diverse sedimentary sequences, whether they are 8 palaeoenvironmental, geological or archaeological in nature. It has the advantage over many other 9 chronological tools in that the precision is commonly significantly better (Lowe, 2011). The use of 10 tephra is grounded in the principle that layers are deposited in a stratigraphic sequence and the 11 position is governed by the Law of Superposition (Feibel 1999). If a tephra layer can be identified and 12 characterised, it can be correlated to another tephra layer in another locality and this links the two 13 loci in time (Westgate and Gorton, 1981). Matching of tephra layers can be done by physical 14 properties in the field or using single grain geochemical analyses in the laboratory (e.g. electron 15 microprobe WDS-EPMA and LA-ICP-MS). In some instances the palaeoenvironmental or 16 palaeoclimatic context of a tephra in conjunction with its geochemical-signature may be significant 17 thus allowing correlation (the Borrobol and Penifiler, Vedde Ash and AF555 tephras are prime 18 examples of this, see Matthews et al., 2011). Where an existing age for the tephra is known, be it 19 from historical records, radiometric dating (e.g. 14C or Ar-Ar; Sarna-Wojcicki, 2000), or an 20 incremental archive (e.g. varves or ice core layers; Grönvold et al., 1995), the age may be transferred 21 from one locality to another provided compositional properties, e.g. chemical characteristics, are the 22 same. In such situations tephrostratigraphy becomes tephrochronology, a powerful tool for dating. 23 Many factors potentially limit the application of tephrostratigraphy (Lowe 2011). Those of most 24 relevance in the context of this investigation are: 3 1 (i) The possibility of tephra being reworked leading to the dissemination or remobilisation 2 of glass shards. This can significantly influence whether correlation is feasible as 3 reworked (remobilised) tephra form diachronous, rather than isochronous, surfaces. The 4 non-reworked part of a tephra deposit does provide an isochron of maximum age (the 5 date of the tephra eruption and primary deposition) but any reworked components are 6 always younger. 7 (ii) 8 9 The vertical spread (dissemination) of shards in a vertical profile may conceal the exact point in the sediments where a primary tephra layer was deposited. (iii) Patchy tephra distribution patterns in peat deposits have sometimes been attributed to 10 post-depositional processes associated with fallout on snow cover, including re- 11 deposition by wind and meltwater. Snow entrapment, wherein cold conditions with little 12 or no summer melt cause a significant lag between the initial deposition of ash and its 13 subsequent deposition into a lake, was identified by Davies et al. (2007) as another 14 factor that could lead to an incorrect interpretation of the true position of the 15 tephrostratigraphic isochron in cold environment lacustrine deposits. 16 (iv) Multiple profiles will sometimes document periods of erosion and reworking, revealing 17 differential effects even when distances are small. Within-site variability is a factor, 18 suggesting that local geographic and stratigraphic taphonomic processes may be 19 complex, requiring careful study and interpretation. Boygle (1999) and Pyne-O’Donnell 20 (2011) highlight the drawbacks of single profile crypto-tephrostratigraphic surveys. 21 (v) Repeated eruptions may sometimes result in chemically similar geochemical datasets. 22 Indeed many Icelandic tephra produced by different eruptions tend to have very similar 23 major element geochemical compositions (Larsen and Eiríksson, 2007). External dating 24 control may be required to differentiate temporally-separate, but compositionally 25 similar, tephra. 4 1 Tephra detection, albeit the crucial starting point in a tephrostratigraphical study, is not sufficient on 2 its own; there are many ancillary requirements if good chronological data are to come from the 3 presence of tephra on an archaeological site. 4 2.2 Linking Volcanic Ash Layers and Late Palaeolithic Archaeology 5 Association between Late Palaeolithic archaeology and tephra is most commonly observed in areas 6 proximal to active Late Pleistocene volcanoes. In such settings volcanic and archaeological layers 7 may be readily observed and characterised in the field. Association between archaeology and 8 volcanic eruption need not be direct, for volcanic sediments can overlie abandoned sites. Lateglacial 9 northern European examples of this include the open-air Magdalenian sites of Andernach- 10 Martinsburg and Gonnersdorf in the middle Rhine, which were discovered beneath thick Laacher See 11 tephra (LST) deposits (Baales et al., 2002); and the Grotte du Coléoptère in the Ardennes, a 12 Magdalenian cave site in which the occupation horizon was covered by tephra of the same east Eifel- 13 sourced eruption (Dewez 1975; Juvigné 1977). 14 More direct ‘Pompeii-like’ association between ash-fall and cessation of human occupation would be 15 expected but are not easily demonstrated in the Lateglacial of north Europe. The situation at l'Abri 16 Durif à Enval, a rockshelter in the commune de Vic-Le-Comte, Puy-de-Dôme excavated between 17 1969 and 1979 by Yves Boudelle, illustrates some of the complexities. On this site volcanic ash was 18 identified in layers I, II and IV in direct contact with a Magdalénien supérieur occupation horizon 19 (Boudelle 1979). The tephra originates from the French Massif Central and is dated to 12 010 ± 150 20 14 21 eruption of La Tephra des Roches. However direct contact is not enough to demonstrate a causal 22 connection between ash-fall and human abandonment since subsequent reworking may bring 23 remobilised tephra into contact with archaeological material. Layer Ia on l'Abri Durif à Enval « … 24 contained a large amount of volcanic ash. These ashes are in contact with the flints and bones found 25 in this level (0.02 m)». This would suggest direct association, whilst the ash in the underlying layers C yr BP (GifTan-91102). On the basis of geochemistry Vernet and Raynal (1995) correlate it with the 5 1 (Niveau Ib, II and IVa) could represent remobilised tephra. Residuality of archaeological material 2 needs to be considered. For these reasons, in the absence of compelling associations, direct linkage 3 of ash-fall to human abandonment is hard to prove. 4 Visible ash horizons may sometimes be observed in contact with archaeological material in distal 5 and mid distal settings. The early Upper Palaeolithic sites in Kostenki-Borshchevo (Sinitsyn 2001; 6 Anikovitch 2005; Anikovitch et al., 2007) are examples which have been known for many years 7 (Melekestsev et al., 1984). At Kostenki-Borshchevo aeolian reworking of the tephra together with 8 cryoturbation is believed responsible for making a 1-2 cm ash-fall into 10-30 cm in thickness horizons 9 (Pyle et al., 2006). Distance from source in this instance is 2250 km. Bettenroder Berg IX in the valley 10 of the River Leine in central Germany is a Lateglacial example of a visible volcanic layer on a mid 11 distal site located 280 km from source. Here layer 17a – an occupation horizon of the Federmesser- 12 Gruppen technocomplex is overlain by layer 16, a substantial 20-40 cm thick primary deposit of LST, 13 demonstrating thickness and distance from source are influenced by the dynamics of ash transport, 14 fall and sedimentation (Riede, 2008; Riede et al., 2011). This example would appear to represent the 15 rapid fallout of very fine ash occurring as ‘mass deposition’, the result of meteorological aggregation 16 processes a few hundred kilometres downwind of the emitting source. 17 In distal localities removed from the eruptive vent, recognition of tephra by the naked eye is rarely 18 possible. However, development of laboratory processing methods (Turney, 1998; Blockley et al., 19 2005) have allowed systematic screening for cryptotephra so that the ash ‘footprints’ of eruptions 20 have been significantly extended into new geographical regions. Bearing these points in mind, 21 attention now turns to cryptotephra, which are subject to additional constraints. 22 3. Cryptotephra associated with Late Palaeolithic sites 23 Between 2008 and 2012 thirty-four north European Late Palaeolithic sites were investigated for 24 cryptotephra (figures 1a and 1b). On- and off-site loci were sampled. On-site locations had in situ 25 Late Palaeolithic or early Mesolithic archaeology (table 1, figure 2), whilst off-site contexts were 6 1 natural sediments which accumulated concurrent with nearby human activity (typically c.10-300 m 2 distant). Tables 2 and 3 summarize the results, recording the presence/ absence of cryptotephra. 3 Supplementary Materials (S2) contains an individual site-by-site compendium, and (S3) details the 4 methodology used. Because individual site studies appear elsewhere (Brock et al., 2011; Housley et 5 al., 2012, 2013, 2014a, b, c; MacLeod et al., in prep.; Tipping et al., in prep.; Torksdorf et al., 2013; 6 Weber et al., 2010) this paper focuses on only the broad patterns. 7 Seven sites yielded identifiable analysable tephra, a success rate of 21% (table 4). Thirty-two 8 sampling localities were open-air sites, with only two caves / rockshelters. Neither of the latter 9 recorded cryptotephra but two is too small a sample to properly assess the viability of such 10 sediment traps. The low representation of caves and rockshelters reflects a sampling bias to the 11 North European Plain, where sites such as these are rare. 12 13 In the first stage of processing, where bulk 5-10 cm depth samples were examined, a few sites 14 yielded occasional isolated tephra shards. Such records may be accessed from the RESET database 15 (Bronk Ramsey et al., this volume). Bulk samples with isolated shards proved impossible to process 16 further or prepare for geochemical analysis and have been excluded from the 7 ‘successful’ sites. 17 Precisely what this ‘background’ level of tephra represents is difficult to define – very low input, 18 residual material, disturbance and reworking may all be responsible. 19 20 With exceptions, most sites were associated with one of several lithics industries (techno- 21 complexes: Magdalenian, classic Hamburgian, Havelte, Federmesser and Ahrensburgian. However, 22 some sites had more than one industry (e.g. Dourges, Sowin 7). Approximate dating of the 23 archaeological techno-complexes is presented in table 1. Palaeoenvironmental archives could be 24 proximal to more than one Late Palaeolithic activity area (e.g. Węgliny) or featured both on- and off- 25 site archaeology (e.g. Lille Slotseng). Non-diagnostic lithics assemblages were encountered, 26 inhibiting typological classification (e.g. Strumienno). Selection of sites was sometimes deliberate – 7 1 to target key Palaeolithic sequences (e.g. Pincevent, Étiolles and Neuchâtel) – at other times 2 opportunistic, governed by access considerations (e.g. Wesseling-Eichholz, Lengefeld). Archived 3 sediment was used where advantageous, or where original deposits have been removed (e.g. 4 Reichwalde) or have become inaccessible (e.g. Neuchâtel). The degree of sampling in part reflected 5 availability of open sections, stored material or known taphonomic issues. Absence of reported 6 tephra from a site does not mean future cryptotephra sampling should be avoided if better 7 sequences come available. On some sites we only undertook limited sampling - for further details, 8 see the site compendium (S2). 9 10 What follows is an assessment of the factors which potentially influence the presence and 11 deposition of cryptotephra on north European Late Palaeolithic archaeological sites. 12 13 3.1 Influence of Sedimentary Context 14 Given the diverse sedimentary contexts from where archaeological material of this age is recovered, 15 it was deemed important to examine this variable to determine if this was indeed a governing factor. 16 To assess whether the nature of the sedimentary matrix was influencing the cryptotephra record a 17 simple classification system for describing the depositional matrix was applied. Sediments of this age 18 are varied and hence what is presented here inadequately describes the complexities, though a 19 simple grouping of broadly similar deposits helps identify common patterns in the data. Four 20 categorizations are recognised for sedimentary context of the tephra layers: 21 1. 22 Predominantly minerogenic sediments (i.e. sands, silts, clays, with/without larger stone clasts); 23 2. Predominantly organic sediments (i.e. peat, detritus mud, marl, gyttja); 24 3. Contexts where the zone of tephra extends over a stratigraphic boundary, thus the same 25 tephra is present in both a minerogenic and an organic sediment unit; 8 1 2 4. Mixed contexts, the result of either human activity or pedogenic processes. Soil micromorphology is often needed to establish this. 3 This classification informs tables 2-4. Although twice as many on-site contexts were sampled 4 (respectively, n=23 and n=11) the data show off-site contexts preserved cryptotephra layers better. 5 Of the off-site contexts 36% recorded one or more cryptotephra (n=4, t=11), only 13% of on-site 6 contexts had tephra (n=3, t=23). Organic and minerogenic sediments are represented in both 7 settings, although archaeological remains were commonly associated with aerobic minerogenic 8 sediments and anaerobic organic deposits were better represented in off-site locations. The pattern 9 is clear however, off-site organic contexts result in better cryptotephra preservation than on-site 10 minerogenic sediments. 11 3.2 Influence of Geographical Position 12 We observe a clear weighting to better tephra representation on sites from northerly latitudes 13 (table 4c). This conclusion is simplistic and misleading, however. Iceland is the major volcanic source 14 for northern Europe and prevailing winds carry the ash eastwards, with greater quantities of ash 15 falling in northerly latitudes. The study by Lawson et al. (2012) is particularly important in 16 understanding the spatial patterning of tephra originating from Iceland. Based on 22 eruptions in the 17 last 7 ka, the investigation observed that past ash plumes have shown a wide range of behaviour in 18 that they can be dense and widespread (e.g. Hekla 4); spatially patchy but widespread (e.g. Hekla 3); 19 restricted to one region but found at practically all sites within its bounds (e.g. Glen Garry); or 20 restricted to one region and patchily distributed within it (e.g. Hekla 1510). Based on space-, air- and 21 ground-based monitoring and research reported following the Eyjafjallajökull 2010 event, the 22 patchiness of tephra distributions would seem to be consequent on varying prevailing atmospheric 23 conditions. We believe this patchiness is particularly important to this study. 24 In relation to the late Pleistocene previous research has shown the ash foot print of the Vedde Ash 25 extends south to the Alps (Blockley et al., 2007). This distribution is explicable however by different 9 1 atmospheric conditions in Europe during the Younger Dryas Stadial (Isarin et al., 1998; Brauer et al., 2 2009). A more accurate conclusion would be that two contributing factors influence the presence of 3 cryptotephra: proximity to a volcanic source is clearly important but so is location downwind of an 4 emitting centre – hence Scandinavia, the British Isles and northern Europe have a record of Icelandic 5 volcanic activity whereas the Balkans record eruptions originating in Italy. Regardless of other 6 influences, tephra must first be present in a region for it to be preserved. For this reason some parts 7 of Europe are more likely to be impacted by tephra than are others (Davies et al., 2010; Lawson et 8 al., 2012). 9 3.3 Influence of Site Taphonomy 10 We hypothesize that cryptotephra is less likely to be recognised on archaeological sites if ash-fall 11 occurs in periods of human occupation. This is because disturbance by humans and non-continuous 12 sedimentation will inhibit discrete accumulation and preservation of discrete cryptotephra layers. 13 Our open-air study sites have shallow stratigraphies with Lateglacial deposits commonly located 14 near modern ground surface; biological activity, land-use practices and pedological processes were 15 visible influences. Albeit weakly, the data in table 2 appear to support this contention for two of the 16 three sites with cryptotephra in on-site contexts (Ahrenshöft, Mirkowice) have cryptotephra over- or 17 underlying the archaeological layer; Lille Slotseng, in contrast, has archaeology and cryptotephra in 18 the same layer. However a 2:1 ratio does not make a compelling case and we conclude this 19 hypothesis needs more investigation. 20 This point requires further qualification for although in Slotseng archaeological material is present in 21 the same layer as tephra, no causal relationship can be demonstrated. Tephra is observed over 60 22 cm of vertical sedimentation in Slotseng, coinciding with the archaeological layer but also being 23 present in the sediments above. The geochemistry is complex, suggesting at least three different 24 rhyolite layers from Iceland, one of which has not been recognised previously (MacLeod et al., in 25 prep.). Nothing in the archaeological supports the contention that Palaeolithic humans took 10 1 particular account of the tephra to change their behaviour. The other study sites with in situ 2 archaeology and cryptotephra, i.e. Ahrenshöft LA 58D (Weber et al., 2010; Brock et al., 2011; 3 Housley et al., 2012) and Mirkowice 33 (Housley et al., 2014a) have their own accounts and factors. 4 The linking theme to all these sites is the need for careful evaluation of site processes. 5 3.4 Sampling Bias and Local Sediment Hiatuses 6 Many of our more southern sites date from the late Magdalenian period (approximately the Bølling 7 Chronozone). Geographically those in Germany and Poland could be expected to be situated within 8 the ash fall zone of the Laacher See Tephra, however we detected little presence of this tephra. It is 9 possible sample selection had a part to play, for example if sampling did not extend sufficiently high 10 in the stratigraphic sections to take in the end of the Allerød. However, this is unlikely to be true for 11 all sites in that, where feasible we extended sampling into the early Holocene. We can only conclude 12 that either this reflects an inherent patchiness to tephra distributions, or some of the sequences we 13 sampled have unrecognised periods of hiatus. This temporal ‘patchiness’ is perhaps more common 14 with the onsite aerobic sediments than the offsite anaerobic contexts. 15 4. Conclusions 16 This is no more than a beginning. The parallel study by Swindles et al. (2013) is of particular 17 relevance in this context, albeit the focus of their investigation is re-deposited cryptotephra in 18 Holocene peats linked to anthropogenic activity. Whereas Balascio et al. (2011) report a single site 19 investigation of a distal cryptotephra found in a Viking boathouse in Iron Age Norway, our study 20 focuses on fisher-gatherer-hunter sites from the Last Termination. General lessons for future 21 cryptotephra research in the context of such sites are: 22  Cryptotephra do survive directly on Late Palaeolithic open-air sites, whether the sediments 23 are minerogenic (e.g. Mirkowice) or organic (Lille Slotseng). But the frequency of survival is 24 relatively low. 11 1  There appears to be a general patchiness to tephra distributions but it is not easy to resolve 2 if this is due to atmospheric factors influencing the availability of tephra in an area, the input 3 of tephra into a sedimentary environment, or hiatus periods within sediment accumulation 4 on particular sites. 5  Geographical position in relation to emitting volcanic centres is significant. 6  Detection may require the analysis of multiple profiles, from both on-site and off-site 7 8 contexts.  9 10 Site taphonomy is important, with local depositional conditions and subsequent processes appearing to play a crucial role in the preservation of recognisable tephra marker horizons.  Continuous low energy sedimentation favours preservation. Where concentrations of 11 cultural finds are high, sedimentary deposition is intermittent, and bioturbation is attested, 12 the probability of successful tephrostratigraphic study diminishes. 13  Although cryptotephra research may best be concentrated in lower energy sediments, to 14 permit integration with archaeological interpretations one ideally needs good stratigraphic 15 correlations between off-site contexts and the main human activity areas. 16  Making connections between human activity on dry land and anaerobic palaeoclimate 17 archives is challenging. However, future methodological developments, e.g. applying lipid 18 biomarkers to lacustrine environments (Holtvoeth et al., 2010) to detect the presence of 19 neighbouring human activity, may facilitate correlation of profiles thereby allowing for the 20 greater application of tephrostratigraphy within archaeology. 21 22 Acknowledgements 12 1 We thank J. Kynaston and G. Eades for assistance with the figures. 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Correlation Techniques in Tephra Studies. In S. Self and R.S.J. Sparks (Eds.), Tephra Studies, 73-94. Dordrecht: Reidel. 8 29 1 Captions 2 Figure 1a: Map of sampling localities, ‘circles’ represent sites with analysable cryptotephra, ‘plus’ 3 and ‘square’ symbols are respectively open-air and cave/rock shelter sites with no cryptotephra. 4 Figure 1b: Map of sampling localities showing the archaeological stone tool techno-complexes. 5 Approximate dating for these techno-complexes is shown in table 1. 6 Figure 2: Chronostratigraphical sequence of the Last Termination in relation to the NGRIP and GRIP 7 ice cores (δ18O per mil), Icelandic and Eifel volcanic eruption record from the RESET database (Bronk 8 Ramsey et al., this volume); INTIMATE events and episodes from Lowe et al. (2008); 14C dated sites 9 (human remain, cut-marked bone and bone/antler tool samples) by region and open-air site / rock 10 shelter or cave (updated S2AGES database of calibrated radiocarbon estimates from western Europe 11 in the period 25,000–10,000 years ago: Gamble et al., 2005). Saksunarvatn, Askja 10-ka, Abernethy 12 AF555, Vedde Ash, Laacher See Tephra, Penifiler and Borrobol Tephras have been highlighted in red. 13 Table 1: Chronostratigraphy of the Last Termination and the archaeological stone tool techno- 14 complexes for the regions sampled (after Reide et al. 2010; Terberger 2006; Weber and Grimm, 15 2009). 16 Table 2: Seven northern European sites analysed between 2008 and 2012, with Late Palaeolithic 17 archaeology and confirmed cryptotephra layer(s). 18 Key to table 2: ‘on-site’ – sediments where archaeology is present in the sampled profile; ‘off-site’ - 19 nearby palaeoclimate archives sampled; “(A)” – inferred position of archaeology where tephra is 20 detected in an off-site setting; (A) – direct in situ position of archaeology where tephra is detected 21 on-site; see colour key for sediment categorization. 22 Key to references: (1) Brock et al., 2011; (2) Housley et al., 2012; (3) Housley et al., 2013; (4) Housley 23 et al., 2014b; (5) Housley et al., 2014c; (6) Housley et al., 2014a ; (7) MacLeod et al. (in prep.); (8) 24 Tipping et al. (in prep.); (9) Torksdorf et al., 2013; (10) Weber et al., 2010. 30 1 2 Table 3: Twenty-seven north European Late Palaeolithic sites sampled 2008-12 with no significant 3 tephra. Key: HRT/RT: Hauterive/Rouge-Terre; ‘On-site’ - sediments with archaeology; ‘Off-site’ – off- 4 site deposits believed contemporary with Late Palaeolithic archaeology; ‘brown’ - minerogenic 5 aerobic sediments; ‘green’ – peat / detritus mud / gyttja anaerobic sediments. 6 7 Table 4: Summary of cryptotephra presence/absence by type of site, associated sedimentation and 8 by latitude of location. 31 Table 1 Greenland stadial / interstadial Chronozone Holocene Pre-boreal Early Mesolithic GS-1 Younger Dryas Ahrensburgian GI-1a Bromme GI-1b GI-1c1 Allerød GI-1c2 Federmesser Groups (FMG) GI-1c3 GI-1d Older Dryas GI-1e Bølling (Meiendorf) Late Magdalenian Havelte Hamburgian Late Palaeolithic Techno-complex Table 2 Site Location Context Howburn Ahrenshöft LA58D Oldendorf / Lille Sloseng Schünsmoor Węgliny N Germany N Germany Denmark SW Poland NW Poland 55 40' 22" N 54 33' 57" N 53 00' 41" N 53 15' 28" N 55 16' 14" N 51 49' 57" N 52 46' 27" N 3 29' 1" W 9 6' 29" E 11 7' 00" E 9 14' 39" E 9 20' 5" E 14 43' 30" E 17 24' 18" E Offsite Onsite Offsite Offsite Onsite Offsite Onsite AD1875 / Glen Garry Askja Iceland Early Holocene Vedde Ash Katla Iceland Suðuroy / AF555 tephra / Vedde Ash Katla Iceland Glen Garry Askja Iceland Suðuroy / AF555 tephra / Vedde Ash Katla Iceland Hasseldalen Snæfellsness Iceland Vedde Ash Katla Iceland Late Allerød (GI-1a) LST Laacher See East Eifel Early Allerød (GI-1c) T642/655 East Eifel Borrobol / Torfajökull Iceland Bølling (GI-1e) Late Pleniglacial (GS2) Reference Mirkowice 33 Scotland UK N Germany Late Holocene Younger Dryas (GS-1) Grabow 8 1, 2, 10 aeolian fluvial / limnic minerogenic sediments organic organic & minerogenic sediments 'mixed' sediments 5, 9 4 7 Borrobol / Katla / Snæfellsness Iceland 3 6 Table 3 Country France Belgium Luxembourg Switzerland Germany Denmark Poland Site Dourges Alzette Valley Hasselø Łęgoń 5 49 43' 10" N Neuchâtel (HRT/RT) 47 0’ 40" N Tolk 50 26' 57" N Arendonk De Liereman 51 19' 45" N 54 34' 30" N 54 43' 54" N 51 46' 9" N 2 58' 27" E 5 2' 25" E 6 7' 2" E 6 58' 42" E 9 37' 22" E 11 52' 48" E 16 23' 19" E Context Onsite Onsite Offsite Offsite Offsite Offsite Offsite Site Étiolles WesselingEichholz 50 48' 10" N Lundby Mose Olbrachcice 8 48 38' 3" N Lommel Maatheide 51 13' 53" N 55 6' 11" N 51 46' 29" N 2 27' 52" E 5 15' 39" E 6 58' 54" E 11 51' 52" E 16 22' 24" E Onsite Onsite Onsite Onsite Onsite Site Pincevent Opgrimbie Breitenbach Location 48 22' 7" N 50 57' 13" N 51 33" N Siedlnica 17 & 17a 51 45' 47" N 2 53' 34" E 5 38' 52" E 12 5' 3" E 16 21' 58" E Onsite Offsite Location Location Context Onsite Onsite Site Lengefeld Strumienno Location 51 6' 49" N 52 3' 25" N 11 42' 18" E Onsite 15 2' 51" E Onsite Site Reichwalde Dzierzyslaw 35 Location 51 24' 11" N 50 2' 58" N 14 42' 14" E 17 59' 18" E Context Context Offsite Onsite Site Hohle-Fels Sowin 7 Location 48 22' 48" N 50 33' 18" N 9 45' 16" E 17 37' 48" E Onsite Context Context Site Location Context Site Location Onsite Hohlenstein48 Stadel 32' 58" N Cmielow 95 50 52' 58" N 10 10' 21" E 21 32' 5" E Onsite Onsite Podgrodzie 16 50 54' 00" N 21 33' 42" E Context Site Location Onsite Hłomcza 49 37' 46" N 22 16' 43" E Context Onsite Table 4 Table 3c Table 3a tephra no tephra Open sites 7 22% caves / rockshelters 0 Total no sites 7 21% 0% 25 total 78% 32 2 100% 2 27 79% 34 Table 3b tephra onsite organic onsite minerogenic offsite organic offsite minerogenic Total no sites 3 13% 4 36% 7 no tephra 2 18 6 1 27 total 87% 23 64% 11 34 Tephra Presence vs Site Latitude Latitude 55°N 54°N 53°N 52°N 51°N 50°N 49°N 48°N 47°N Sites with tephra 2 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Sites without tephra 1 2 0 1 9 7 2 4 1 Figures 1a & 1b Click here to download high resolution image Figure 2 Supplementary Data S1 Click here to download Supplementary Data: Supplementary S1 doubleSpaced RESET Associates.docx Supplementary Data S2 Click here to download Supplementary Data: Supplementary S2 doubleSpaced Site Compendium.docx Supplementary Data S3 Click here to download Supplementary Data: Supplementary S3 doubleSpaced Methods.docx KML File (for GoogleMaps) Click here to download KML File (for GoogleMaps): WP3 site locations.kml