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HyComp: An SMT-Based Model Checker for Hybrid Systems

2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science

H Y C OMP: An SMT-Based Model Checker for Hybrid Systems⋆ Alessandro Cimatti, Alberto Griggio, Sergio Mover, and Stefano Tonetta Fondazione Bruno Kessler {cimatti,griggio,mover,tonettas} Abstract. H Y C OMP is a model checker for hybrid systems based on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT). H Y C OMP takes as input networks of hybrid automata specified using the HyDI symbolic language. H Y C OMP relies on the encoding of the network into an infinite-state transition system, which can be analyzed using SMT-based verification techniques (e.g. BMC, K-induction, IC3). The tool features specialized encodings of the automata network and can discretize various kinds of dynamics. H Y C OMP can verify invariant and LTL properties, and scenario specifications; it can also perform synthesis of parameters ensuring the satisfaction of a given (invariant) property. All these features are provided either through specialized algorithms, as in the case of scenario or LTL verification, or applying off-theshelf algorithms based on SMT. We describe the tool in terms of functionalities, architecture, and implementation, and we present the results of an experimental evaluation. 1 Introduction Embedded systems (e.g. control systems for railways, avionics, and space) feature the interaction of discrete systems with the environment by means of controlled and monitored variables that evolve continuously in time. The validation and verification of embedded systems designs must often take into account a model of the continuous evolution of such variables. Hybrid systems [26] are a clean modeling framework for embedded systems because they exhibit both continuous transitions ruled by flow conditions and discrete changes represented with logical formulas. A fundamental step in the design of these systems is the validation and verification of the models, performed by checking specifications expressed e.g. as invariants, temporal-logic formulas, or scenarios. In spite of the undecidability of these problems, several verification techniques have been developed and have proved to be applicable in a wide number of cases. An emerging approach to the verification of hybrid systems is the application of techniques based on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT). The hybrid system is encoded into a symbolic transition system and reachability problems are represented by means of first-order formulas, which can then be solved with SMTbased techniques. Thanks to the strong progress in the field of SMT, these approaches are increasingly applied in real settings. ⋆ This work was carried out within the D-MILS project, which is partially funded under the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015  C. Baier and C. Tinelli (Eds.): TACAS 2015, LNCS 9035, pp. 52–67, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-46681-0_4 H Y C OMP: An SMT-Based Model Checker for Hybrid Systems 53 In this paper we present H Y C OMP, a symbolic model checker for hybrid systems. H Y C OMP is built on top of the NU X MV model checker [9], and implements various verification techniques based on SMT. H Y C OMP takes as input networks of hybrid automata specified using the HyDI symbolic language [15]. H Y C OMP relies on the encoding of the network into an infinite-state transition system, which can then be analyzed using various SMT-based verification techniques provided by NU X MV (e.g. BMC, Kinduction, IC3). The tool features specialized encodings of the automata network and can discretize various kinds of dynamics. H Y C OMP can verify invariant and LTL properties [14], and scenario specifications [16]; it can also perform synthesis of parameters ensuring the satisfaction of a given (invariant) property [12]. The tool has been used as a research platform for developing novel verification techniques, both for hybrid systems [8,16,14,33,17] as well as for more general infinite-state systems [12,13]. Moreover, it has been used in different projects, both industrial and research-oriented ones (such the ESA-funded projects IRONCAP and HASDEL, and the FP7 project MISSA). In these projects H Y C OMP turned out to be really useful to support the analysis of asynchronous systems (also in the discrete case, as a front-end to NU X MV) and to solve expressive verification problems (e.g. to verify temporal properties of real-time systems). The tool is freely available for non-commercial use and can be downloaded at In this paper, we focus on the technical details about H Y C OMP as a tool. Related tools. There exist several related tools and languages for the verification of hybrid systems. These tools are mainly focused on the verification of invariants and most of them compute an overapproximation of the set of the reachable states. H Y T ECH [24] is a model checker for linear hybrid automata, which represents the continuous part of the reachable states using polyhedra. P HAVER [21] and S PACE E X [22] model affine continuous dynamics with inputs. They check invariant properties computing an approximation of the set of the reachable states using different techniques (polyhedra and support functions). Other model checkers, HS OLVER [36], D / DT [3] and A RIADNE [6], F LOW * [10], verify invariants of non-linear hybrid systems. K E Y MAERA [35] is a theorem prover for hybrid systems. It can handle non-linear hybrid systems, with symbolic parameters and an unbounded number of components. Opposed to H Y C OMP, it may require a manual user intervention during the proof process and it supports a subset of LTL properties. HybridSAL [37] is very similar to H Y C OMP. The tool encodes linear hybrid systems as infinite-state transition systems, which can be verified using the SAL [32] model checker. HybridSAL also implements other abstraction techniques (e.g. See [40]), but it does not implement the quantifier free encoding for polynomial hybrid systems. The tool cannot prove LTL properties, it does not provide verification algorithms that exploit the hybrid automata network, and is not integrated with the efficient invariant verification algorithms of NU X MV (e.g. IC3). In the fragment of timed automata, the reference tool is U PPAAL [5]. It supports the model checking of a subset of TCTL (Timed Computation Tree Logic) properties. The reachability is explicit in the discrete states of the automata. The tool does not handle hybrid systems and LTL properties. Moreover, U PPAAL does not allow the user to model parametric designs. 54 A. Cimatti et al. ATMOC is an SMT-based model checker for invariant [30], LTL [28] and MITL [29] properties for symbolic timed automata. MCMT [23] and PASSEL [27] are two other SMT-based tools for verifying parameterized systems composed by timed or linear hybrid automata. They differ since the focus is on systems with an infinite number of processes, which H Y C OMP cannot handle. They cannot verify LTL and scenario specification, while only MCMT can synthesize parameters. Neither of them can analyze systems with complex dynamics. Outline. In §2, we give a brief overview of the HyDI modeling language. In §3 we describe the tool functionalities; we provide implementation details in §4, and in §5 we present results of an empirical evaluation of H Y C OMP wrt. related state-of-the-art tools. We conclude the paper in §6. 2 Modeling Language Overview. The input language of H Y C OMP is H Y DI [15] (Hybrid automata with DIscrete interaction). A H Y DI program describes a network of hybrid automata interacting with standard discrete synchronizations. H Y DI extends the language of the NU X MV model checker (which in turn extends the language of the N U SMV model checker with infinite domain types) with specific constructs related to the hybrid semantics and to the synchronization of asynchronous processes. The network is defined in the main module, which declares a set of processes (defined by instantiations of modules) and a set of synchronizations. The modules contain the definition of the hybrid behavior. The discrete-time part is described with a set of discrete variables (e.g., Boolean, integer, real) and a set of formulas representing the initial states, the invariant conditions, and transition relation. The continuous-time part is described with continuous variables, flow and urgent conditions. A simple example. Figure 1 shows a small example of communicating tanks specified in H Y DI. Each tank has an input and output flow of water. The input water flows only in one of the tanks and when this tank is full, a valve switches the water flow to the other tank. While one tank is being filled with new water, the other is being emptied since there is always a flow of water that goes out of each tank. More specifically, tank1 and tank2 are two instances of the module Tank, which is instantiated with different values of the parameters. These are a flag initial, which chooses which tank initially takes the incoming water, the maximum input flow, and the minimum output flow. The synchronizations connect the event noflowin of tank1, which represents the stop of flow in tank1, with the event flowin, which starts the flow in tank2, and vice versa. The discrete state space of each tank is described with two variables: state and flow. The state variable represents the condition of the tank to be empty, full, or half empty/full (either filling or emptying). The flow variable is a Boolean that represents if there is or not an input flow of water. The continuous variables q, inq, outq represent the quantity of water that is present in the tank, the incoming quantity and the outgoing quantity, respectively. H Y C OMP: An SMT-Based Model Checker for Hybrid Systems MODULE main VAR tank1: Tank(TRUE,2,1); tank2: Tank(FALSE,2,1); SYNC tank1,tank2 EVENTS flowin,noflowin; SYNC tank1,tank2 EVENTS noflowin,flowin; MODULE Tank(initial, maxin, minout) EVENT flowin, noflowin, tau; VAR state: {empty, half, full}; flow: boolean; inq: continuous; q: continuous; outq: continuous; INIT q=0 & (initial <-> flow) INVAR q>=0 & q<=100 & (state=empty -> q=0) & (state=full -> q=100) 55 TRANS (EVENT=flowin -> (next(flow)=TRUE & next(state)=state))& (EVENT=noflowin -> (state=full & next(flow)=FALSE & next(state)=state))& (EVENT=tau -> (next(flow)=flow)) & next(q)=q FLOW ((state=empty & !flow) -> der(q)=0) & (!(state=empty & !flow) -> der(q)=der(inq)-der(outq)); FLOW (!flow -> (der(inq)=0)) & (flow -> (der(inq)>0 & der(inq)<=maxin))& der(outq)>=minout Fig. 1. A small H Y DI example Any transition satisfying the transition and invariant conditions is valid. Therefore, the state variable can change only with an internal tau event; when q is 0 then it can pass from half to empty and backwards, while when q is 100 the state can pass from half to full and backwards; when the tank receives the event flowin the flow variable becomes true; when the tank is full, it triggers the event noflowin switching the flow variable to false. Note how the symbolic representation allows a compact definition of dis- Fig. 2. A possible execution of the tank1 process crete states (there are implicitly six in the tank example. The lower part shows the sediscrete states in the example) and dis- quence of transitions and discrete states. In the upcrete transitions (six in the example). per part, the quantity q is plotted against time (the The derivative of q is always given dash line represents the quantity in the other tank). by the difference between the rate of water flowing in and the rate of water flowing out. The water flowing in the tank is zero if the flow variable is false, otherwise it is positive and not greater than a maxin value that is passed as parameter to the tank module. The rate of water flowing out is instead always greater than another parameter named maxout. Intuitively, the system performs discrete and continuous transitions. In the former case, the variables evolve according to the invariant and transition conditions. In the latter case, the discrete variables do not change, while the continuous variables change according to the invariant and flow conditions (with an implicit elapsing of time). 56 A. Cimatti et al. For example, Figure 2 shows a trace of tank1 that starts from the state empty with flow=TRUE and q=0; then a tau transition changes the state into half ; then a timed transition makes q reach the value 100 and another tau transition changes the state into full; in this state, tank1 can synchronize with tank2 switching flow into FALSE. Now a tau transition change the state to half, and another timed transition makes q reach the value 0. The trace continues in this way oscillating the quantity q between 0 and 100. Supported continuous dynamics. H Y C OMP supports different types of flow conditions. Each type enables different kinds of verification. In particular, we distinguish among the following classes of hybrid systems: – Hybrid systems with linear constraints (see [26]), also known as linear hybrid automata, where the flow condition is given by symbolic constraints over the derivatives of continuous variables. – Hybrid systems with linear ODE (see [31,22]), also known as linear hybrid systems where the flow condition is defined by a system of linear Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). – Hybrid systems with polynomial dynamics (see [20]): hybrid systems such that the continuous evolution is described with a function over time, thus without using derivatives. In the first two cases, the flow condition is in the form φ(VD ) → ψ(VC , V̇C ) where φ(VD ) is a formula over the discrete variables defining where the flow is valid, while ψ(VC , V̇C ) is a formula over the continuous variables and their derivatives defining the actual dynamics. Both φ and ψ are restricted to linear arithmetic. In the case of hybrid systems with linear constraints, ψ is a conjunction of equalities or inequalities over derivatives only (thus, without occurrences of continuous variables). The tank example falls in this class. In the case of hybrid systems with linear ODEs, ψ is a conjunction of equalities over both derivatives and continuous variables. The case of hybrid systems with polynomial dynamics, are supported with another keyword EXPLICIT_FLOW, which must be followed by an equality defining the next value of a continuous variable after a timed transition as a polynomial of the delta variable representing the elapsed time. Supported synchronizations. Synchronizations specify if two events of two processes must happen at the same time. If two events are not synchronized, they interleave. Such synchronization is quite standard in automata theory and process algebra. It has been generalized with guards to restrict when the synchronization can happen. Processes can share variables through the passage of parameters in the instantiations. However, they are limited to read the variables of other processes. This permits an easy identification of when the variables do not change even if the transitions are described with a generic relation (compared to a more restrictive functional description). In order to capture the semantics of some design languages, it is necessary to enrich the synchronization with further constraints that specify a particular policy scheduling the interaction of the processes. For this reason, it is possible to specify a scheduler in the main module of the H Y DI program in terms of state variables, initial and transition conditions. These conditions may predicate over the events of the processes. H Y C OMP: An SMT-Based Model Checker for Hybrid Systems HyDI file Parsing Hybrid Automata Network Discretization ITS network Interleaving encoding 57 ITS Fig. 3. Encoding process 3 Description of Tool Functionalities 3.1 Encodings H Y C OMP implements the encoding of a hybrid automata network into Infinite-state Transition Systems (ITSs). The encoding process, shown in Figure 3, is constituted of two main phases: the discretization and the interleaving encoding. The input of this process is a H Y DI program, while the resulting transition system can be exported into the NU X MV format. If the input H Y DI program is purely discrete, H Y C OMP supports an alternative flow in the encoding process, which can parse a discrete H Y DI file into a discrete asynchronous network of components, thus bypassing the discretization phase. The discretization phase encodes the continuous variables, the flow and urgent conditions of the hybrid automata network into a network of discrete ITSs. In the interleaving encoding, the tool translates the interleaving of the transition systems of the network and their synchronization constraints into a synchronous composition. We refer the reader to [15,34] for the formalizaion with proofs of correctness of the encoding process. Discretization of a process. The discretization phase translates each H Y DI process Pc into a discrete H Y DI process Pd (a process with no continuous variables, no flow and urgent conditions). Continuous variables are converted into discrete real variables and an additional real variable delta is introduced to represent the amount of time elapsed in the continuous transition. Moreover, Pc defines an additional event value timed, which labels the discrete transition of Pc that encodes the continuous transition of Pd . The definition of the timed transition ensures that all the discrete variables of Pc do not change, that the amount of time elapsed is non-negative, and that the continuous variables evolve according to the flow condition and the delta variable. The different types of supported dynamics described in Section 2 are handled in different ways. In the linear hybrid automata case, the predicate of the flow condition are a linear  combination of the first derivatives of the continuous variables (i.e. x∈X ẋ + a ≤ 0). The discretization encodes a linear combination as a formula Pd that relates the change of values of the variables to the amount of time elapsed delta. For the tank example, we have the following discretization: TRANS (EVENT = timed) -> ( (delta=0 -> (next(q)=q & next(inq)=inq & next(outq)=outq)) & ((state=empty & !flow) -> next(q)=q) & (!(state=empty & !flow) -> ( next(q)-q=next(inq)-inq-next(outq)+outq)) & (!flow -> (next(inq)=inq)) & (flow -> (next(inq)-inq > 0 & next(inq)-inq <= delta*maxin)) & next(outq)-outq >= delta*minout) 58 A. Cimatti et al. In the linear hybrid automata we just encode the invariant condition of Pc as INVAR in Pd . The encoding is correct due to the convexity of invariant conditions (that is enforced in the H Y DI syntax). In the polynomial hybrid system case, the input model already defines an explicit solution in function of delta. H Y C OMP can also compute a polynomial explicit solution in delta for some linear hybrid systems. The capabilities of the tool are limited to a very simple case, where the explicit solution can be obtained by substitution (e.g. given ẋ = y, ẏ = 1 we can easily compute y(t) = t + y(0) and x(t) = 12 t2 + y(0)t + x(0)). Due to the possible non-linearity of the solution the invariant may be violated for some value 0 < ǫ < delta, even if the invariant is convex and it holds on the interval points (0 and delta). For this reason, H Y C OMP implements a specialized encoding [17], which limits the duration of the timed transition in order to always observe the points where the invariant changes its truth value. For linear hybrid systems, H Y C OMP implements the time-aware relational abstraction encoding of [33]. The idea of relational abstraction is to obtain a formula R(X, X ′ ) such that, if there is a trajectory from v to v ′ in the linear system, then v, v ′ is a model for R(X, X ′ ). R(X, X ′ ) over-approximates the original hybrid system and thus the resulting encoding can be used to prove safety properties. The discretization process encodes the URGENT conditions that can be expressed in H Y DI. An URGENT condition is a formula U (V ), where V are discrete variables, such that if U (V ) holds time cannot elapse. H Y C OMP encodes the urgent condition as TRANS U(V) -> delta = 0. The discretization process can be controlled by two additional options. The first option automatically adds a clock variable time that keeps track of the total amount of time elapsed in the system. The variable may complicate some verification algorithms (e.g. the BMC algorithm for LTL properties is completely unuseful when using this encoding, since in the transition system there are no more infinite paths where the value of the time diverges), but it may be necessary for other algorithms (e.g. the one based on local-time semantic and K-zeno). The second option removes from the encoding the possibility to have a path with two consecutive continuous transitions1 . In this case the encoding adds an additional Boolean variable b, which records if the last transition was the time elapse (EVENT = timed -> next(b)) and forbids two consecutive time elapses (EVENT = timed -> !b). Discretization of the network. H Y C OMP can perform two different encodings of hybrid automata networks, one based on global-time semantics and the other on local-time semantics [4]. The global-time semantic captures the standard semantic of a network of hybrid automata: time elapses in all the automata in the network and for the same duration. Instead, in the local-time semantic each automaton keeps the total amount of time elapsed in a local clock variable, which is incremented independently by each automaton. In this way, time may elapse in one automaton but not in the others. The encoding also forces that, when automata synchronize, they must also agree on the value of their local time clocks. The same condition on clocks is also required at the end of a run. 1 The option is not sound for the encoding of polynomial hybrid systems. H Y C OMP: An SMT-Based Model Checker for Hybrid Systems 59 Global-time and local-time semantic are encoded using synchronization constraints. For the global-time semantic, H Y C OMP adds a strong synchronization constraint between each pair of automata in the network. For the tank example, it would add the following SYNC constraint: SYNC tank1,tank2 EVENTS timed, timed CONDITION =; The CONDITION constraint must hold when there is the synchronization. H Y C OMP encodes the local-time semantic changing each synchronization condition and invariant property of the system. The encoding forces that the local time variable of the automata must have the same value when there is a synchronization. In the tank example, H Y C OMP would create the following SYNC constraints: SYNC tank1, CONDITION SYNC tank1, CONDITION tank2 EVENTS flowin, noflowin tank1.time = tank2.time; tank2 EVENTS noflowin, flowin tank1.time = tank2.time; The same condition about time has to be enforced also on INVARSPEC properties. H YC OMP encodes each property INVARSPEC P as INVARSPEC S -> P, where S encodes the equality of all the local time variables of the network processes. Interleaving encoding. In order to convert the asynchronous composition of the processes into a synchronous composition, H Y C OMP adds to each process an additional event, stutter. This represents an additional transition where the process remains in the same state while the other processes move. Then, H Y C OMP encodes the synchronization constraints as an additional global TRANS constraints. The encoding of the first SYNC declaration of the tank example is: TRANS tank1.EVENT = flowin <-> tank2.EVENT = noflowin H Y C OMP provides two additional options. The step semantic relaxes the interleaving encoding allowing to execute in parallel several independent transitions. The other option allows to generate an encoding partitioned by the values of the EVENT variable. 3.2 Verification H Y C OMP provides the possibility to verify different kinds of properties, namely invariants, LTL, and scenario specifications. These are based on different verification algorithms, which work either directly on the network of asynchronous ITSs (scenario verification, BMC using shallow synchronization) or on the synchronous transition system (BMC, IC3, K-induction). Invariant Properties. H Y C OMP implements several algorithms to verify invariant properties. The property is expressed as a first-order formula over the state variables of the hybrid automata network. The tool can either prove or falsify the property and, in the latter case, construct a finite path that witnesses the violation. 60 A. Cimatti et al. H Y C OMP verifies invariant properties by using several SMT-based algorithms implemented in NU X MV: IC3, K-induction, their combination with implicit predicate abstraction [38,13] and Bounded Model Checking (BMC). H Y C OMP implements specialized BMC encodings for networks of hybrid automata: the tool implements a BMC encoding that alternates continuous and discrete transitions [1] and the shallow synchronization encoding [8], which exploits local-time semantic to obtain shorter counterexample paths. We note that all the verification algorithms are enabled when the encoding is expressed in Linear Real Arithmetic Theory. This is the case if the hybrid automaton is linear or when using time-aware relational abstraction, but it is not the case for polynomial hybrid systems. The limitation is due to the integration of an SMT solver supporting the Theory of Reals (i.e. support for polynomials), since the tool only provides an experimental implementation of BMC that uses the Z 3 or I SAT 2 SMT-solvers3 . LTL Properties. The tool allows the user to verify LTL properties interpreted over discrete sequences of states. It implements a specialized algorithm, K-zeno [14], which is based on a reduction of liveness to the reachability of an accepting condition and excludes Zeno paths (unrealistic paths where time does not diverge) from the analysis. H Y C OMP allows the user to call the NU X MV BMC algorithms for LTL verification to find a violation to the LTL property. However, in this case the Zeno paths of the hybrid automata are excluded in the encoding of the hybrid automata network using a fairness condition (i.e. a condition that holds infinitely often) that enforces the divergence of time. Note that the BMC algorithms will only find lasso-shaped paths. Scenario Specifications. The last kind of specification verified by H Y C OMP are scenarios: a scenario allows a user to specify the exchange of messages in a network of hybrid automata. The scenario specifications supported by H Y C OMP are a variant of Message Sequence Charts (MSC). For all the automata in the network, an MSC defines a sequence of events (i.e. labels of the automata) and constraints evaluated when an event happens (e.g. the system must execute an event within a given amount of time). The MSC is feasible if there exists a path in the hybrid automata network that simulates it and that also satisfies the MSC constraints. Otherwise, the MSC is unfeasible. H Y C OMP implements two different approaches to verify scenario specifications. In one approach, the tool reduces the problem of scenario verification to a reachability problem, using an automaton to monitor the MSC feasibility. The other approach [16] exploits local-time semantic and consists of a specialized BMC encoding of the problem. The approach may either find a witness of feasibility or prove that a scenario is not feasible, using a variant of K-induction. 3.3 Parameter Synthesis The tool allows the user to synthesize the set of parameter values of the system that guarantee its safe behavior. For example, the tool may be used to automatically syn2 3, H Y C OMP does not link or distribute Z 3 or I SAT, which should be installed by the end user. H Y C OMP: An SMT-Based Model Checker for Hybrid Systems Parser Network Dynamics BMC Translate Scenario CMD LTL HyComp NuSMV nuXmv MathSAT 61 LAPACK Fig. 4. H Y C OMP architecture thesize timeout values or deadlines that the system must guarantee (e.g. the maximum timeout to send a packet in a communication protocol). In our framework, parameters are specified as FROZENVAR (a variable that never change its value during the system execution) and the safe behavior as an invariant property. The tool returns a formula of the parameters that represents the (possibly non-convex) feasible region of parameters. H Y C OMP uses the parameter synthesis algorithm implemented in NU X MV [12]. 4 Tool Architecture and Implementation Details 4.1 Architecture In Figure 4 we show the architecture of the tool. H Y C OMP uses as libraries the model checkers N U SMV and NU X MV [9] and the MathSAT [18] SMT solver. H Y C OMP uses several data structures and functions from N U SMV: its formula representation and manipulation package, its type system, its functions for flattening of hierarchical modules and its representation of transition systems. H Y C OMP uses the SMT-based algorithms implemented in NU X MV (e.g. IC3, Kinduction, BMC, parameter synthesis) and also the NU X MV front-end to MathSAT. The front-end exposes the MathSAT functionalities (satisfiability check, incremental interface, extraction of unsat cores and interpolants), provides an automatic declaration of the variables in the solver and an automatic conversion from different formula representations (NU X MV and MathSAT representations). Finally H Y C OMP also uses the linear algebra library LAPACKE4 for the computation of relational abstractions. The internal architecture of the tool is represented in the upper part of Figure 4. The tool is divided in packages that clearly separate different functionalities. The parser package is used to parse and type check a H Y DI file. The results of this phase is a network of hybrid automata. The data structures that represent networks of hybrid automata and of transition systems are defined in the network package. All the encoding process is contained in the translate package, which also provides the functions to discretize continuous dynamics. Different representations of a continuous system and functions used to manipulate them are defined in the dynamics package. The verification algorithms for LTL verification is implemented in the ltl package, while the specialized BMC algorithms are implemented in the bmc package. Finally, the package scenario 4 62 A. Cimatti et al. implements the scenario verification algorithms and the cmd package provides the user commands that directly call the NU X MV algorithms (e.g. IC3, parameter synthesis). 4.2 Implementation Details Network representation. H Y C OMP represents asynchronous network of processes, which can be either hybrid automata or transition systems. The data structure is agnostic of the process type and provides common functionalities to represent and manipulate synchronization constraints. One of these is the computation of the transitive closure of synchronizations (in H Y DI, if there is a synchronization between the event a of p1 and the event b of p2 , and another synchronization between the event b of p2 and the event c of p3 , then there is an implicit synchronization between a of p1 and c of p3 ). H Y C OMP represents the graph of synchronizations, where nodes are processes and undirected edges are synchronizations, and computes its transitive closure. Mapback of results. While the user is aware of the existence of the various encoding phases, the tool hides all the artifacts of the encoding. This is important to avoid misunderstanding and allows for modifying the encoding in the future. The encoding phases keep a map from a symbol in the source model to its correspondent symbol in the encoding (e.g. a continuous variable is mapped to the real variable used in the discrete encoding). Since we have several transformations (discretization and encoding of interleaving) we have several maps, which can be composed and inverted, to map the results obtained during verification (e.g. counterexample paths) to the original model. Symbolic enumeration of discrete locations. The discretization in the case of linear hybrid systems requires to reason on a system of ODEs. Since the input is symbolic, H Y C OMP has to enumerate the set of discrete locations and, for each one of them, compute the correspondent system of ODEs. For example, consider the following FLOW: FLOW der(x) = x & (b -> der(y) = 1) & (!b -> der(y) = 0); If b is true, then the linear system is der(x) = x & der(y) = 1, otherwise we have der(x) = x & der(y) = 0. H Y C OMP enumerates all the possible disjoint subsets of discrete locations using MathSAT. The idea is to use an additional Boolean variable for each discrete condition in the flow declarations (e.g. the variable f0 for TRUE, f1 for b and f2 for !b), encoding that the variable is true if and only if the condition is true (e.g. f0 <-> TRUE && f1 <-> b && f2 <-> !b). Then, MathSAT enumerates all the possible satisfying partial models formed by the Boolean variables (in the example they are f0 & f1 & !f2 and f0 & !f1 & f2). Each partial model identifies a symbolic discrete location where the FLOW is a system of ODEs. 5 Experimental Evaluation We show an experimental comparison on the verification of invariant properties on timed and linear hybrid automata. This comparison is novel and complements the comparisons for LTL, scenario verification, and parameter synthesis presented in previous papers [14,16,12]. H Y C OMP: An SMT-Based Model Checker for Hybrid Systems IC3-IA-ALT #p time 14 258.22 14 476.88 5 463.92 14 224.55 6 494.12 53 1918 U PPAAL #p time 6 18.50 11 312.48 11 356.49 14 2.21 11 416.69 53 1106 U PPAAL-RED #p time 6 251.96 11 401.67 11 451.35 14 3.07 11 534.05 53 1642 Fig. 5. Results on mutual exclusion properties. #p is the total number of instances solved and time the time in seconds took to solve them. 50 Number of solved instances IC3-IA #p time Csma-cd 12 2608.94 Fischer 8 1466 FischerSAL 6 258.15 HDDI 14 220.77 Lynch-Mahata 8 1710.81 All instances 48 6265 40 63 IC3-IA IC3-IA-ALT UPPAAL UPPAAL-RED 30 20 10 0.1 1 10 100 Total time (sec.) 1000 Fig. 6. Cumulative plot on mutex properties The main goal of the experimental evaluation is to position the tool with respect to the existing state of the art and not to evaluate the algorithms. For the latter goal, one would need more benchmarks and properties. All the experiments have been performed on a cluster of 64-bit Linux machines with a 2.7 Ghz Intel Xeon X5650 CPU, with a memory limit of 4Gb and a time limit of 900 seconds. The H Y C OMP tool and the benchmarks used in the experiments are available at 5.1 Timed Automata We compared H Y C OMP with U PPAAL [5] on timed automata benchmarks obtained either from the U PPAAL or the MCMT [23] distributions, converting the benchmark in the H Y DI language. We selected the following benchmarks: the Fischer protocol, one of its variant, FischerSAL, the Csma-cd protocol, the HDDI protocol and the LynchMahata protocol. For each benchmark we checked the mutual exclusion property and we generated several invariant properties, which specify that a specific configuration of locations in the network is not reachable. We generated several instances of the benchmarks increasing the number of processes. For H Y C OMP, we run IC3 with implicit predicate abstraction (IC3-IA), the BMC implementation that alternates timed and discrete transitions (BMC) and IC3 on the encoding that avoids two consecutive timed transition (IC3-IA-ALT). In all the cases, we used the global-time semantic. For U PPAAL, we used two different configurations5: in the first one (U PPAAL) we used Different Bounded Matrices representation, while in the second one (U PPAAL - RED) we used the minimal constraint systems representation. In Figure 6 and Table 5 we show the comparison on the mutual exclusion properties. We see that U PPAAL is generally faster than IC3-IA-ALT and IC3-IA. In detail, IC3IA and IC3-IA-ALT outperform U PPAAL on two benchmarks, while they are worse on the other three: there are several instances that can be solved by U PPAAL and not by H Y C OMP and vice-versa. In Figure 7 we show the results verifying the automatically generated properties. U PPAAL solves more instances (325 in 14581 sec.) than IC3-IA-ALT (290 in 4776 sec). 5 In both cases we used the version 4.0.14 of U PPAAL with the options “-n 0, -o 0, -s 1”. 64 A. Cimatti et al. IC3-IA IC3-IA-ALT UPPAAL 250 UPPAAL-RED IC3-IA IC3-IA-ALT UPPAAL 120 UPPAAL-RED BMC-ALT 140 Number of solved instances Number of solved instances 300 200 150 100 50 100 80 60 40 20 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 1 Total time (sec.) 10 100 1000 Total time (sec.) (b) All the properties (b) Unsafe properties Fig. 7. Cumulative plot on the automatically generated properties IC3-IA-ALT #p time 14 451.08 5 558.49 14 96.67 28 1768.78 16 3198.29 28 4525.07 13 2438.36 118 13037 SPACEE X #p time 1 0.69 3 74.73 1 26.99 28 43.76 13 1599.16 28 43.74 14 2496.69 46 1745 120 100 # of instances IC3-IA #p time Distributed Controller 14 402.56 Fischer 5 905.82 Nuclear Reactor 14 783.02, Navigation safe 28 1823.25 Navigation-double safe 17 3213.59 Navigation unsafe 28 3280.17 Navigation-double unsafe 17 4722.68 All instances 123 15131 IC3-IA IC3-IA-ALT spaceex 80 60 40 20 0.1 Fig. 8. Results on LHA benchmarks. #p is the total number of instances solved and time the time in seconds took to solve them. 1 10 100 1000 10000 time Fig. 9. Cumulative plot for LHA benchmarks If we focus on unsafe properties, we see that IC3-IA (155 in 983 sec.) and IC3-IA-ALT (149 in 2274 sec.) are more effective than U PPAAL (146 in 3426 sec.). 5.2 Linear Hybrid Automata We compared H Y C OMP and S PACE E X [22] on the verification of invariant properties of the following linear hybrid automata benchmarks: an LHA version of the Fischer protocol [2], the control of nuclear reactor of [39] (Nuclear Reactor), the model of a robot controller [25] (Distributed Controller) and two LHA variants (Navigation, Navigationdouble) of the navigation benchmark [19]. Navigation models describe the movement of an object in an nxn grid of square cells, which will eventually reach a stable region. Navigation-double is a variant with two grids and two objects. For all the benchmarks, except the navigation ones, we checked a mutual exclusion property and we generated several instances increasing the number of components in the network. For Navigation and Navigation-double, we increased the number of cells in the grid and considered a safe and an unsafe property (the object is in the stability region after or before a given time). For H Y C OMP, we run IC3-IA and IC3-IA-ALT, while for S PACE E X we used the phaver scenario. We show the results of the comparison in Figure 9 and Table 8. H Y C OMP: An SMT-Based Model Checker for Hybrid Systems 65 6 Conclusion We presented H Y C OMP, an SMT-based model checker for hybrid systems. The tool features an expressive input language and a rich set of functionalities, such as verification of invariant and LTL properties, verification of scenario specifications and parameter synthesis. We demonstrated the potential of the tool, showing its competitiveness with the state of the art. 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