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Clinical Pharmacology of Endothelin Receptor Antagonists Used in the Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Marie-Camille Chaumais, Christophe Guignabert, Laurent Savale, Xavier Jaïs, Athénaïs Boucly, David Montani, Gérald Simonneau, et al. American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs ISSN 1175-3277 Am J Cardiovasc Drugs DOI 10.1007/s40256-014-0095-y 1 23 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer International Publishing Switzerland. This eoffprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at”. 1 23 Author's personal copy Am J Cardiovasc Drugs DOI 10.1007/s40256-014-0095-y REVIEW ARTICLE Clinical Pharmacology of Endothelin Receptor Antagonists Used in the Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Marie-Camille Chaumais • Christophe Guignabert • Laurent Savale • Xavier Jaı̈s • Athénaı̈s Boucly • David Montani Gérald Simonneau • Marc Humbert • Olivier Sitbon • Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014 Abstract Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a devastating life-threatening disorder characterized by elevated pulmonary vascular resistance leading to elevated pulmonary arterial pressures, right ventricular failure, and ultimately death. Vascular endothelial cells mainly produce and secrete endothelin (ET-1) in vessels that lead to a potent and long-lasting vasoconstrictive effect in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells. Along with its strong vasoconstrictive action, ET-1 can promote smooth muscle cell proliferation. Thus, ET-1 blockers have attracted attention as an antihypertensive drug, and the ET-1 signaling system has paved a new therapeutic avenue for the treatment of PAH. We outline the current understanding of not only the pathogenic role played by ET-1 signaling systems in the pathogenesis of PH but also the clinical pharmacology of endothelin receptor antagonists (ERA) used in the treatment of PAH. 1 Introduction M.-C. Chaumais Faculté de Pharmacie, Univ. Paris-Sud, Châtenay Malabry, France D. Montani  G. Simonneau  M. Humbert  O. Sitbon Faculté de Médecine, Univ. Paris-Sud, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France M.-C. Chaumais  C. Guignabert  L. Savale  X. Jaı̈s  D. Montani  G. Simonneau  M. Humbert  O. Sitbon INSERM UMR_S 999, LabEx LERMIT, Centre Chirurgical Marie Lannelongue, Le Plessis-Robinson, France O. Sitbon (&) Service de Pneumologie et Soins Intensifs, Hôpital Universitaire de Bicêtre, 78, rue du Général Leclerc, 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France e-mail: M.-C. Chaumais AP-HP, Service de Pharmacie, Département HospitaloUniversitaire (DHU) Thorax Innovation, Hôpital Antoine Béclère, Clamart, France L. Savale  X. Jaı̈s  A. Boucly  D. Montani  G. Simonneau  M. Humbert  O. Sitbon AP-HP, Centre de Référence de l’Hypertension Pumonaire Sévère, Département Hospitalo-Universitaire (DHU) Thorax Innovation, Service de Pneumologie et, Hôpital Bicêtre, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare condition characterized by severe remodeling of the small pulmonary arteries, leading to chronic pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension (defined by a mean pulmonary artery pressure C25 mmHg with a mean pulmonary artery wedge pressure B15 mmHg), right heart failure, and ultimately death. Development of therapeutic agents that modulate the three main dysfunctional pathobiologic pathways (endothelin [ET-1], prostacyclin [PGI2], and nitric oxide [NO]) have revolutionized our approach to the treatment of PAH and have changed the course of this devastating disease [1]. However, although the spectrum of therapeutic options for PAH has expanded in the last decade, available therapies remain essentially palliative. Since 2002, the dual endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA) bosentan has been avail- Author's personal copy M.-C. Chaumais et al. able for the management of PAH. Research on new ERAs has resulted in the development of two other drugs, ambrisentan and, more recently, macitentan. recognized as important modulators of endothelial dysfunction. 3 The Endothelin (ET)-1 Signaling Pathway in PAH 2 Pulmonary Endothelial Dysfunction in PAH The various conditions that make up PAH share a broadly similar pathobiology, leading to the establishment of a treatment-based classification of the disease that is endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Although the exact mechanisms of pulmonary vascular remodeling associated with PAH are still unclear, many contributing factors have been identified, including pulmonary endothelial dysfunction and excessive proliferation of pulmonary vascular cells. Indeed, pulmonary endothelial cells (ECs) are recognized as major regulators of vascular function through their production of vasoconstrictors (e.g. ET-1, serotonin [5-HT], angiotensin II [A-II]), vasodilators (NO and prostacyclin), activators and inhibitors of smooth muscle cell (SMC) growth and migration, prothrombotic and antithrombotic mediators, and proinflammatory signals [2]. In healthy individuals, a balance between these molecules is thought to mediate the low basal pulmonary vascular tone and homeostasis [3]. However, the dysfunctional endothelium displays, to varying degrees, an imbalanced production of several mediators, leading towards an excess of vasoconstriction, smooth muscle hyperplasia, and pulmonary vascular remodeling [4–7]. Furthermore, our group [8] and others [9] have clearly shown that both proliferation and survival of pulmonary ECs in PAH are enhanced not only in situ but also in vitro when removed from their in vivo environment. An autocrine fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2 activation loop is among the mechanisms that partly drive this abnormal hyper-proliferative and apoptosis-resistant endothelial phenotype [8]. In addition, we obtained evidence that pulmonary ECs from patients with idiopathic PAH (IPAH) release excessive amounts of soluble growth factors and cytokines able to act on different types of pulmonary vascular cells in the vascular wall (i.e. SMCs, myofibroblasts, pericytes). In this altered EC–mural cell communication, many different endothelial factors have been found to be critical: paracrine overproduction of ET-1, FGF-2 [8], 5-HT [10], A-II [11, 12], and leptin [13]. Furthermore, recent evidence also suggests that pulmonary vascular cells, including ECs, exhibit a chronic shift in energy production from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis, a phenomenon that may participate in the pathogenesis [7, 14]. The initial trigger for endothelial injury is not known, although hemodynamic forces (as shear stress), reactive oxygen species, toxins, inflammatory mediators, and/or genetic predisposition are The endothelins (ET-1, -2, and -3) constitute a family of 21 amino acid peptides that are encoded by a 38-amino-acid precursor known as big-endothelins. Endothelins are expressed in many tissues, including lung, brain, kidney, pituitary gland, and placenta. ET-1 is one of the most potent vasoconstrictor proteins produced by vascular EC. ET-1 is a small peptide (21 amino acids with two disulfide bridges), with the free carboxy terminal function involved in the activity of the peptide [15]. It results from the secretion of the inactive pre-pro-endothelin transformed in big-endothelins through endopeptidase action and finally to ET-1 via the action of endothelin-converting enzyme (ECE). ET-1 biosynthesis is stimulated by different stimuli, including hypoxia, growth factors, cytokines, shear stress, thrombin, and A-II (Fig. 1). Among endogenous vasoconstrictors, ET1 is one of the stronger constrictors associated with a longer pharmacological effect [16, 17]. In addition to vasoconstriction, ET-1 induces cellular proliferation, collagen deposition, and inflammation. Although ECs mainly produce ET-1, pulmonary arterial SMC and lung fibroblasts [18] have been found to be a potential source of ET–1 [19]. ET-1 acts through two receptors, ETA and ETB. Both of these receptors are coupled to a Gq-protein and the formation of inositol triphosphate (IP3). Increased IP3 causes calcium release by the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which causes SMC contraction. In general, binding of ET-1 to ETA and ETB receptors on pulmonary arterial SMCs promotes vasoconstriction, whereas activation of ETB receptors on ECs causes vasodilation through an increase in PGI2 and NO levels [20, 21] as well as through circulating ET-1 clearance elevation [22] (Table 1). This duality is more complex because expression of ETA receptors on the endothelium of human peripheral pulmonary arteries in normal and IPAH lungs and in cultured pulmonary artery ECs has recently been shown [23]. Moreover, in physiological conditions, ETB receptors have a predominantly vasodilatory effect; while in PAH, ETB receptors are upregulated in pulmonary arterial SMCs, leading to vasoconstriction and proliferation [16, 24]. ET-1 and ETA (but not ETB) receptors are also found in the normal right ventricle (RV). Expression of ET-1 and ETA receptors is increased in PAH patients with RV hypertrophy (RVH), which could be explained as a compensatory mechanism to preserve RV contractility as the after-load increases [25]. ET-1 affinity for ETA receptors is 100 times higher than that of ET-3, whereas all three isoforms have the same affinity for ETB receptors. Author's personal copy Endothelin Receptor Antagonists in PAH Fig. 1 The endothelin-1 signaling system. ECE endothelin-converting enzyme, ET-1 endothelin-1, ETA endothelin-1 receptor A, ETB endothelin-1 receptor B, Ca2? calcium Table 1 Localization of ETA and ETB receptors and biological effects after binding with endothelin-1 ETA Localization Smooth muscle cells Heart (cardiomyocytes) Endothelial cells? Biological effects Vasoconstriction Cellular proliferation Tissue hypertrophy Fibrosis ETB Localization Smooth muscle cells Endothelium and lung ET-1 levels than control subjects. The high level of ET-1 could be due to increased production by the pulmonary vasculature, reduced lung clearance, or a combination of these two processes [26–28]. Importantly, these ET-1 levels are correlated with disease prognosis [29–31]. In addition, ET-1, ETA, and ETB expression has been observed to increase in experimental pulmonary hypertension [32–34]. All these observations have led to the development of effective oral treatments that are able to modulate the activity of ET-1 and that are currently used in the management of PAH. Heart (fibroblasts) Adrenal gland Biological effects Vasoconstriction 4 Endothelin Receptor Antagonists (ERAs) Vasodilatation Hypertrophy, fibrosis, apoptosis Aldosterone production ET-1 endothelin-1, ETA endothelin-1 receptor A, ETB endothelin-1 receptor B The pathogenic role of ET-1 for PAH pathophysiology has its roots in several crucial observations, including that PAH patients have been reported as having higher plasma Prospective clinical randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of three available active ERAs (bosentan, ambrisentan, and macitentan), leading to their approval for the treatment of PAH. The chemical structures of these ERAs are shown in Fig. 2. Before ambrisentan, sitaxsentan (Thelin) was the first selective ETA receptor antagonist made available by the European Regulatory Agency, in 2006 [35]. Multi-center, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials have Author's personal copy M.-C. Chaumais et al. Fig. 2 Chemical structures of the three available endothelin receptor antagonists demonstrated that sitaxsentan has beneficial effects on exercise capacity (i.e., 6-min walk distance [6MWD]), functional class (FC), and hemodynamic parameters in PAH patients [36]. However, cases of fatal liver toxicity led the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to withdraw marketing authorization for sitaxsentan in 2010 [37–40]. 4.1 Structure and Specificity 4.1.1 Bosentan The discovery of ET-1 in 1988 led to the development of ERAs based on the pyrimidic sulfamide class, from which the Ro 46-2005 molecule, a dual ETA and ETB receptor antagonist, was selected [41]. In order to improve the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic properties, structural optimization was performed, leading to the development of a new molecule in 1991: Ro 47-0203 (bosentan) [16]. Bosentan is a non-peptide pyrimidine derivative that competitively antagonizes the binding of ET-1 to both ETA and ETB receptor subtypes and irreversibly blocks their activities [16]. Bosentan has a specific inhibition of ET-1 receptors, with non-binding to other receptors, and was the first ERA studied and approved in PAH. 4.1.2 Ambrisentan Selective ETA receptor inhibition has theoretical benefits in terms of preserving vasodilator and clearance functions specific to ETB receptors, while preventing vasoconstriction and cellular proliferation mediated by ETA receptors [42]. Based on these findings, ambrisentan, a highly selective ETA receptor antagonist, was developed [43]. Approved by the US FDA in 2007 and by the EMA in 2008 [44], it is the only selective ERA available for the treatment of PAH. Unlike bosentan (sulfonamide ERA), ambrisentan belongs to the carboxylic ERA group. 4.1.3 Macitentan Macitentan is a new potent non-peptide non-selective ERA with a 50-fold higher affinity for ETA than for ETB receptors. Development of macitentan led to a high level of tissue targeting and sustained receptor binding compared with other ERAs. The FDA (October 2013) and the EMA (December 2013) approved OpsumitÒ (macitentan) for the long-term treatment of PAH as monotherapy or in combination in adult patients of WHO FC II–III. 4.2 Pharmacokinetics 4.2.1 Bosentan Bosentan, like the other ERAs, is an oral medication. The usual dosage is 125 mg twice daily after a titration period of 4 weeks (62.5 mg twice daily). Bosentan is also available for children in a dispersible tablet formulation (32 mg) that has the same pharmacokinetic properties as the adult formulation [45, 46]. This formulation can also be used in adults with swallowing disorders. The pharmacokinetics of bosentan have mainly been studied in healthy populations. Data obtained from PAH patients indicate that exposure to bosentan is about twofold higher than in healthy populations, whereas the pharmacokinetics of bosentan in pediatric PAH patients is comparable to that in healthy subjects. The pharmacokinetics of bosentan is dose dependent and proportional until 500 mg daily. Higher dosages lead to a less proportional increase for maximum concentration (Cmax) and area under the concentration–time curve Author's personal copy Endothelin Receptor Antagonists in PAH (AUC). Following oral administration, bosentan reaches peak plasma concentrations in healthy subjects after approximately 3–5 h. The absolute bioavailability is about 50 % and is not significantly modified with food at the recommended dosage of 125 mg. Bosentan is highly bound to albumin (around 98 %) and does not enter erythrocytes. No dosage adjustment in adults is required based on sex, age, ethnic origin, or bodyweight. Steadystate concentrations are achieved within 3–5 days after multiple-dose administration, with a volume of distribution of 30 L and a clearance of 17 L/h [17]. At steady state, concentrations of bosentan are around 50–60 % of the observed concentrations after single administration, probably due to induction of its metabolizing enzymes leading to a twofold increase in its clearance. The metabolism of bosentan is mainly hepatic and involves cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9 and CYP3A4, with three identified metabolites eliminated by biliary excretion. Among these metabolites, Ro 48-5033 is pharmacologically active and contributes to around 20 % of the total response following administration of bosentan. Less than 3 % of the oral dose of bosentan is found in urine, therefore severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance 15–30 mL/min) has no clinically relevant influence on the pharmacokinetics of bosentan. No dose adjustment is required in mild hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh class A); however, moderate and severe hepatic impairment are contraindications for bosentan therapy. 4.2.2 Ambrisentan After oral administration (5 or 10 mg once daily), ambrisentan is rapidly absorbed into the systemic circulation with a bioavailability of about 90 % [47]. Food has no impact on this bioavailability. In a phase II trial in PAH patients, plasma levels of ambrisentan reached Cmax between 1.7 and 3.3 h after oral administration, and the mean elimination half-life at steady state ranged from 9 to 15 h, allowing for once-daily dosing [48, 49]. Ambrisentan is highly bound to albumin in the same range as bosentan and is sparsely distributed in erythrocytes. Steady state is obtained after 4 days of treatment. The main metabolic pathways of ambrisentan are glucuronidation (13 %), oxidation by CYP3A4 (and to a lesser extent CYP3A5 and CYP2C19), leading to 4-hydroxymethyl ambrisentan (21 %). Affinity of this metabolite on ETA receptors is 65 % less than that of ambrisentan and is not part of the pharmacologic activity of the drug. Due to metabolization, treatment with ambrisentan should be avoided in patients with severe hepatic impairment. Both biliary (around 80 %) and urinary (around 20 %) routes are involved in ambrisentan excretion. 4.2.3 Macitentan Selection of macitentan was based on inhibitory potency on both ET receptors and optimization of physicochemical properties to achieve a high affinity for the lipophilic environment [50]. The pharmacokinetics of macitentan are dose proportional and characterized by slow absorption due to low aqueous solubility. At a dose of 300 mg, macitentan has a median time to Cmax (tmax) of about 8 h and a half-life of 17.5 h, compatible with a once-daily dosing regimen [51, 52]. In vivo, macitentan is metabolized into a major and pharmacologically active metabolite, ACT-132577, which is formed by oxidative depropylation through CYP3A4. While ACT-132577 is fivefold less potent than macitentan, its long half-life (about 48 h) leaves it prone to accumulate upon repeated dosing and therefore significantly contributes to the overall effect. Urinary excretion is the most important route of elimination of drug-related material compared with feces in humans. In urine, four entities were identified, with the hydrolysis product of ACT-373898 the most abundant. In feces, five entities were identified, with the hydrolysis product of macitentan and ACT-132577 the most abundant [53]. Based on two prospective, singlecenter, open-label studies that evaluated the pharmacokinetics of macitentan and its metabolites in healthy subjects and in subjects with mild, moderate, and severe hepatic impairment or severe renal function impairment, Sidharta et al. [54] reported no clinical relevance and no requirement for dose adjustment in these populations treated with macitentan. The main pharmacokinetic features of ERAs are summarized in Table 2. 4.3 Drug Interactions 4.3.1 Bosentan Generally, multiple drug interactions with bosentan are reported due to its property of enzymatic induction of CYP2C9, CYP3A4, and probably also CYP2C19 and P-glycoprotein: bosentan decreases exposure to cyclosporine, glibenclamide, simvastatin, and warfarin by up to 50 % because of induction of CYP3A4 and/or CYP2C9. In terms of warfarin, which is often prescribed in PAH patients, no significant international normalized ratio (INR) modifications were reported; therefore, no systematic dosage adjustments are required. However, close monitoring of the INR is recommended. Pharmacokinetic induction of bosentan also renders hormone-based contraception ineffective. Women taking bosentan must be aware of the risk of pregnancy and the need to use another kind of contraception. Pregnancy is contraindicated for women with PAH Author's personal copy M.-C. Chaumais et al. Table 2 Main pharmacokinetic features of endothelin receptor antagonists Bosentan (dual ERA) Ambrisentan (selective ERA) Macitentan (dual ERA) Dosage schedule 65.5 mg for 4 weeks then 125 mg bid 5–10 mg od 10 mg od Bioavailability (%) 50 90 _ Time to peak, onset (hours) 3–5 1.5–3 9–10 Protein binding (%) [98 [98 [99 Metabolism Hepatic (active metabolite) Hepatic and extra hepatic Hepatic (active metabolite) Half-life (hours) 5.4 13.6–16.5 17 Excretion Biliary Biliary [ urinary Urinary  biliary Substrate for Inductor of CYP3A4/CYP2C9 (CYP2C19) UGT CYP3A4 OATP1B1/P1B3 CYP3A4/CYP2C19 CYP 2C8/CYP2C9 /CYP2C19 PgP OATP1 CYP3A4, CYP2C9 (CYP2C19) None None bid twice daily, CYP cytochrome P450, ERA endothelin receptor antagonist, OATP organic anion transporting polypeptides, od once daily, PgP P-glycoprotein because of a high risk of maternal mortality if the child is brought to term. Furthermore, bosentan is considered a teratogen, capable of causing fetal defects early in development. Metabolization of bosentan through CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 leads to other drug interactions: ketoconazole approximately doubles the exposure to bosentan because of inhibition of CYP3A4. Co-administration of cyclosporine and bosentan markedly increases initial bosentan trough concentrations, probably due to the inhibition of bosentan transport protein in hepatocytes. Concomitant treatment with glibenclamide and bosentan leads to an increase in the incidence of aminotransferase elevations. Therefore, combined use with cyclosporine is contraindicated, and combined use with glibenclamide is not recommended. Bosentan does not affect lopinavir and ritonavir exposure to a clinically relevant extent, but tolerability of bosentan should be monitored in patients with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy with lopinavir/ritonavir. All ritonavirboosted protease inhibitors are assumed to have a similar effect on bosentan pharmacokinetics [55]. Finally, in coadministration of bosentan and sildenafil in PAH, a decrease in sildenafil was associated with an increase in bosentan. However, many PAH patients combined these therapies and no clinical relevance was observed [56]. Finally, rifampicin is a potent inducer of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 but is also known to inhibit several members of the organic anion transport (OAT) protein family involved in elimination of bosentan. Chronic treatment with rifampicin led to a more than 50 % decrease in bosentan exposure. However, probably due to OAT inhibition, acute exposure to rifampicin led to high levels of bosentan plasma concentration, which could cause clinical concern with a higher risk of abnormal liver function. Therefore, it is recommended that liver function be assessed weekly for the first 4 weeks of concomitant administration [57]. 4.3.2 Ambrisentan Unlike bosentan, ambrisentan has a low potential for drug– drug interactions, explained by the small effect on hepatic CYP450 induction or inhibition [58]. It can be safely administered with warfarin or sildenafil without dose adjustment [59]. Similarly, no relevant pharmacokinetic changes were detected with combined administration of ethinyl estradiol/norethindrone and ambrisentan, leading to no requirement for dose adjustment [60]. Significant interaction was only reported with cyclosporine A, with a twofold increase in ambrisentan concentration leading to fixed dose adjustment at 5 mg daily [57]. 4.3.3 Macitentan Although macitentan metabolism is indeed affected by inhibition of CYP3A4, the changes are not considered clinically significant, and macitentan can be administered concomitantly with CYP3A4 inhibitors without dose adjustment [61]. Macitentan has a potency for induction and inhibition of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters that is similar to or higher than that of bosentan, and it seems to have the same interactions. However, its low plasma concentration and minimal accumulation in the liver suggest that it will be markedly less prone to drug– drug interactions than bosentan [62]. Concomitant treatment with cyclosporine A had no clinically relevant effect on exposure to macitentan or its metabolites at steady state. Concomitant treatment with rifampin (a strong inducer of CYP3A4) significantly reduced exposure to macitentan and its metabolite ACT373898 at steady state but did not affect exposure to the active metabolite ACT-132577 to a clinically relevant extent [63]. Regarding drug interactions with warfarin or Author's personal copy Endothelin Receptor Antagonists in PAH sildenafil, which are often used in the management of PAH, concomitant administration of macitentan did not lead to a clinically relevant modification for each drug. Therefore, no dose adjustment is required between macitentan and warfarin or sildenafil [64, 65]. Similarly, although specific drug–drug interaction studies with hormonal contraceptives have not been conducted, macitentan did not affect exposure to other CYP3A4 substrates such as sildenafil. Therefore, no reduced efficacy of hormonal contraceptives is expected. 4.4 Pharmacodynamics Several studies in animal models document that both selective and non-selective ERAs prevent or attenuate experimental pulmonary hypertension by inducing pulmonary vasodilation and a decrease in pulmonary vascular remodeling and RVH. contractions in isolated endothelium-denuded rat aorta (ETA receptors) and sarafotoxin S6c-induced contractions in isolated rat trachea (ETB receptors). Macitentan increased binding to receptors as compared with existing ERAs, indicating a more potent pharmacological activity in vivo: when administered to normotensive rats, macitentan increased plasma ET-1 concentrations, which occurred at a tenfold lower dose than with bosentan [50]. In pulmonary hypertension rats, macitentan prevented both increases in pulmonary pressures and RVH and improved survival without any effect on systemic arterial blood pressure [50]. 4.5 Efficacy of ERAs in PAH The use of ERAs in PAH management is relatively new. Bosentan (TracleerÒ), ambrisentan (VolibrisÒ), and, recently, macitentan (OpsumitÒ) have been approved within the last 12 years. 4.4.1 Bosentan 4.5.1 Bosentan In pulmonary hypertension models induced by chronic hypoxia or monocrotaline, bosentan attenuated the increase in pulmonary artery pressures, prevented pulmonary vascular remodeling, and decreased RVH [66–69]. In terms of cardiac tissue, bosentan inhibits RV collagen expression in rats exposed to chronic hypoxia [68]. In addition, bosentan has been reported to inhibit pulmonary arterial SMC proliferation of and inflammatory response in pulmonary tissue to injection of ET-1 in guinea pig and mouse lung [70– 72]. Moreover, in PAH patients, treatment with bosentan led to a reduction of intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 and plasmatic interleukin (IL)-6 levels that correlated with hemodynamic improvement [73]. 4.4.2 Ambrisentan Unlike other ERAs, no experimental data are available on the effects of ambrisentan in pulmonary hypertension. In terms of inflammation, treatment with ambrisentan decreases expression of pro-inflammatory genes in ischemia/reperfusion models, leading to a cytoprotective effect on vascular microcirculation [74]. 4.4.3 Macitentan Macitentan is a competitive ERA with significantly slower receptor dissociation kinetics than the other approved ERAs. Slow dissociation caused insurmountable antagonism in functional pulmonary arterial SMC-based assays; this could contribute to an enhanced pharmacological activity of macitentan in PAH [75]. In functional assays, macitentan and ACT-132577 inhibited ET-1-induced Bosentan was the first ERA and first oral medication approved for use in PAH. Its availability represents major progress in the management of the disease by improving clinical status, exercise capacity, and hemodynamic parameters, and delaying clinical worsening of PAH [26, 76, 77]. Moreover, bosentan significantly improves quality of life in patients with IPAH or PAH associated with connective tissue diseases [78]. Three pivotal studies led to the approval of bosentan for IPAH and heritable PAH as well as PAH associated with connective tissue disease [76, 77, 79]. More recently, it was also approved for PAH associated with congenital heart disease [80]. Table 3 summarizes the RCTs performed with bosentan and other ERAs. In the first pilot study, performed in 32 patients with IPAH and PAH associated with connective tissue diseases, 12 weeks of treatment with bosentan was shown to improve exercise capacity (6MWD) and pulmonary hemodynamics [76]. The pivotal study BREATHE-1 confirmed these findings, with bosentan leading to a significant improvement in exercise capacity as well as delaying time to clinical worsening in patients with FC III–IV PAH [77]. In patients with mildly symptomatic PAH (i.e., FC II), the EARLY study showed that bosentan prevented clinical deterioration (delayed time to clinical worsening) without significant improvement in exercise capacity [79]. In the RCT BREATHE-5, bosentan was shown to improve 6MWD without deterioration in oxygen saturation in patients with PAH associated with non-repaired congenital pulmonary-to-systemic shunt (Eisenmenger’s syndrome) [80]. Author's personal copy M.-C. Chaumais et al. Table 3 Pivotal randomized clinical trials with endothelin receptor antagonists NYHA FC at inclusion Study duration (weeks) Primary endpoint References 32 III–IV 12 6MWD [65] 213 III–IV 16 6MWD [66] 54 III 18 SpO2 and PVR [68] iPAH, hPAH, PAH-CTD, PAHHIV, PAH-CHD (repaired) 185 II 24 6MWD and PVR [69] ARIES-1 and -2 iPAH, hPAH, PAH-anorexigens, PAH-CTD, PAH-HIV 394 (202 and 192) I–IV 12 6MWD [36] SERAPHIN iPAH, hPAH, PAH-drugs and toxins, PAH-CHD (repaired) 742 II–IV Event-driven: 85 (PL) to 104 (10 mg) Morbiditymortalitya [76] Drug Study acronym PAH etiologies Bosentan Study 351 iPAH, hPAH, PAH-CTD BREATHE1 iPAH, hPAH, PAH-CTD BREATHE5 PAH-CHD (Eisenmenger’s) EARLY Ambrisentan Macitentan Pts (n) FC functional class, hPAH heritable PAH, iPAH idiopathic PAH, NYHA New York Heart Association, PAH pulmonary arterial hypertension, PAH-CHD PAH associated with congenital heart diseases, PAH-CTD PAH associated with connective tissue diseases, PAH-HIV PAH associated with HIV infection, PL placebo, pts patients, PVR pulmonary vascular resistance, SpO2 systemic pulse oximetry, 6MWD 6-min walk distance a In the SERAPHIN study, the primary endpoint was the time from the initiation of treatment to the first occurrence of a composite endpoint of death, atrial septostomy, lung transplantation, initiation of treatment with intravenous or subcutaneous prostanoids, or worsening of PAH Bosentan was also shown to be notably effective in other forms of PAH in open-label trials. In the BREATHE-4 study, performed in 16 patients with PAH associated with HIV infection, 16 weeks of treatment with bosentan led to a major improvement in hemodynamics and exercise capacity without any change in the control of HIV infection [81]. Patients with portopulmonary hypertension are usually excluded from RCTs with ERAs, and there is no approval for bosentan in this population. However, several non-controlled studies have shown that patients with portopulmonary hypertension with mild to moderate cirrhosis (i.e., Child-Pugh score A or B) or extra-hepatic portal hypertension (e.g., portal thrombosis) may benefit from bosentan, with an acceptable safety profile [82]. In long-term retrospective observational studies of bosentan in children with IPAH or PAH associated with congenital heart diseases or connective tissue diseases, bosentan was reported to be safe and effective in slowing disease progression [83, 84]. 4.5.2 Ambrisentan Ambrisentan was studied in two phase III placebo-controlled trials, ARIES-1 (n = 202, doses of 5 mg daily or 10 mg daily for 12 weeks) and ARIES-2 (n = 192, doses of 2.5 mg daily and 5 mg daily for 12 weeks), in patients with IPAH or heritable PAH or with PAH associated with connective tissue disease, anorexigen use, or HIV infection [44]. The primary endpoint was change from baseline in 6MWD at week 12. The 6MWD increased in all ambrisentan groups with mean placebo-corrected treatment effects of 31–59 m. Improvements in time to clinical worsening, FC, quality of life (SF-36 score), Borg dyspnea score, and B-type natriuretic peptide were also observed. No patient treated with ambrisentan developed aminotransferase concentrations greater than three times the upper limit of normal. In the extension phase of these studies (ARIES-E) [85], 2-year treatment with ambrisentan was associated with sustained improvements in exercise capacity and a low risk of clinical worsening and death. Ambrisentan was generally well tolerated and had a low risk of aminotransferase serum level elevation over the study period. Another long-term study of ambrisentan in PAH reported similar sustained benefit in exercise capacity and pulmonary hemodynamics [86]. 4.5.3 Macitentan Macitentan was studied in a multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled, long-term, event-driven randomized study (SERAPHIN [Study with an Endothelin Receptor Antagonist in Pulmonary arterial Hypertension to Improve cliNical outcome]) [87]. This study, the first using a morbidity–mortality composite endpoint, was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of macitentan through the primary endpoint of time to first morbidity and all-cause mortality event in 742 patients with symptomatic PAH and treated for up to 3.5 years. Macitentan 3 mg daily and 10 mg daily has met the primary endpoint, decreasing the risk of a morbidity/mortality event over the treatment period versus placebo. This risk was reduced by 45 % in the 10-mg group (P \ 0.0001). At 3 mg, the observed risk reduction was 30 % (P = 0.0108). Worsening of PAH was the main event contributing to primary endpoint. Interestingly, macitentan 10 mg significantly reduced the risk of primary endpoint event versus placebo in both treatment- Author's personal copy Endothelin Receptor Antagonists in PAH naı̈ve patients and patients receiving background therapy at study entry (sildenafil in the vast majority of cases). Macitentan also significantly improved clinically important secondary endpoints, including 6MWD, New York Heart Association (NYHA) FC, and PAH-related death or hospitalization. Treatment with macitentan in the SERAPHIN study was well tolerated; the more frequently reported adverse events were headache, nasopharyngitis, and anemia. Elevations of liver aminotransferases greater than three times the upper limit of normal were observed in 4.5 % of patients receiving placebo, in 3.6 % of patients receiving macitentan 3 mg, and in 3.4 % of patients receiving macitentan 10 mg. In addition, no difference was observed between macitentan and placebo in occurrence of peripheral edema. A decrease in hemoglobin—reported as an adverse event—was observed more frequently in macitentan-treated groups than in those receiving placebo, with no difference in treatment discontinuation between groups [87]. Macitentan 10 mg has been recently approved by the FDA and the EMA as OpsumitÒ, based on the results of the SERAPHIN study. 4.6 Safety 4.6.1 General Side Effects General side effects of ERAs are related to vasodilator properties such as headache, peripheral edema, nasal congestion, flushing, or nausea and are dose dependent. Hypotension and palpitations have also been reported in treatment with ERAs. Of the ERAs available in PAH, macitentan seems to be the most tolerated in terms of vasodilation [51]. However, this observation could be explained by the limited use of macitentan, which has just obtained approval in the USA and the EU. 4.6.2 Elevation in Hepatic Aminotransferases Elevation of hepatic aminotransferase is the main side effect observed with ERAs. True hepatotoxicity was observed with sitaxsentan, another selective ETA receptor antagonist previously available in Europe, Australia, and Canada [35], leading to its withdrawal from the market after cases of fatal liver toxicity [37–40]. Bosentan is known to be associated with reversible, dose-dependent, and, in most cases asymptomatic, elevation of aminotransferases [88]. This increase in liver enzymes usually appears during the first 6 months of treatment with bosentan but could also occur later. In order to prevent this adverse event, a gradual dosage increase is recommended (62 mg twice daily the first month, and 125 mg twice daily thereafter). In the same way, aminotransferase elevation could normalize after decrease of bosentan dosage. The mechanism of this toxicity is actually not fully understood. It has been hypothesized that it could be a consequence of the cellular accumulation of bile salts due to impaired canalicular excretion as a result of bile salt export pump inhibition [89]. Another hypothesis resides in the demonstration that bosentan, but not ambrisentan, inhibits four human hepatic transporters, providing a potential mechanism for the increased hepatotoxicity observed with bosentan [90]. Genetic variability of enzymes involved in drug metabolism is a preponderant susceptibility factor for drug-induced liver injury and was hypothesized in bosentan liver toxicity: it can influence the metabolism of bosentan in a variety of ways. Recently, Markova et al. [91] identified CYP2C9*2 as a potential genetic marker for bosentan-induced liver injury, despite a modest effect on bosentan metabolism. However, results of this study were not marked and additional studies are needed to validate this hypothesis. Another study published in June 2014 did not support CYP2C9*2 as a genetic marker of bosentan-induced liver injury. Moreover, functional polymorphisms of genes involved in bosentan pharmacokinetics (SLCO1B1, SLCO1B3, and CYP2C9*3) or in hepato-biliary transporters affected by bosentan (ABCB11) were not found to be associated with bosentaninduced hepatotoxicity [92]. Other mechanisms could also be involved in this toxicity as accumulation of bosentan in hepatocytes leading to cytolysis or an immune-allergic pathway. In order to obtain further safety data for bosentan, European authorities required the introduction of a postmarketing surveillance system. Within 30 months, this system has assembled data from 4,994 patients, representing 79 % of those exposed to bosentan in Europe during that time period [93]. The reported annual rate of aminotransferase level elevation was 10.1, and 3.2 % of patients had to discontinue the drug for this reason. Elevation of aminotransferase levels was reversible in all cases, and no permanent liver injury occurred. In order to afford the best efficacy/safety balance for PAH patients, monthly monitoring of hepatic aminotransferase is mandatory in patients treated with bosentan. Similarly, in the case of dosage modification and/or potential drug–drug interaction, monitoring must be performed (after 2 weeks). Ambrisentan has not been shown to increase the risk of liver enzyme elevation over placebo [94]. Based on the data obtained from the risk minimization action plan, in March 2011 the FDA removed the requirement for mandatory monthly monitoring of liver function tests with ambrisentan therapy [95]. However, monitoring is still required by the EMA. Ambrisentan belongs to the group of carboxylic ERAs which, unlike sulfonamide ERAs, are devoid of hepatotoxicity. Ambrisentan is a safe alternative when bosentan has to be discontinued because of increased Author's personal copy M.-C. Chaumais et al. liver aminotransferase levels [94]. None of the 31 patients who discontinued bosentan had a recurrence of liver enzyme elevation necessitating ambrisentan discontinuation, and only one patient presented transient elevated aminotransferases, resulting in a dose reduction with no further elevations. However, elevations in liver aminotransferases induced by ERAs are typically seen after repeated dosing and sometimes only after months of treatment [93]. The results of the ARIES-E study, the longterm open-label extension of the ARIES-1 and ARIES-2 studies with ambrisentan, showed that the annual incidence rate of elevation of aspartate transaminase/alanine transaminase levels of more than three times the upper limit of normal was about 2 % [85]. Macitentan does not inhibit canalicular bile acid transport in rats, which could lead to a better liver safety profile than bosentan [96]. In the SERAPHIN study, the incidence of aminotransferase levels more than three times the upper limit of normal were similar to that of the placebo group [87]. However, due to the limited use of macitentan, these safety results need to be confirmed in coming years. need for prospective clinical trials to further characterize these findings [100]. 4.6.4 Anemia Decreased hemoglobin levels and anemia are other biologic side effects that could appear during ERA treatment. However, this adverse event is rare and usually manageable. The mechanism of the decrease in hemoglobin level is not fully understood. This decrease could be related to the hemodilution induced by vasodilation and intravascular fluid retention. A direct effect of ERAs on hematopoiesis has never been demonstrated. In clinical placebo-controlled studies, bosentan-induced decreases in hemoglobin levels have been stabilized after 4–12 weeks of treatment. Monitoring of hemoglobin is therefore recommended before initiation of the treatment: monthly monitoring for the first 4 months and then quarterly. Monitoring is also recommended with ambrisentan and macitentan therapies before and after its introduction and thereafter periodically depending on clinical practice. 4.6.5 Teratogenicity 4.6.3 Edema Peripheral edema is another side effects observed with ERA use. One recent explanation is the up-regulation of the myocardial ET axis in right heart failure during pulmonary hypertension, which could be a compensatory mechanism to preserve RV contractility, as the afterload increases. ERAs might therefore potentially worsen RV function, explaining some of the peripheral edema noted clinically with these agents [25]. Moreover, there is a higher incidence of peripheral edema observed in PAH patients treated with ambrisentan than in those treated with dual ERAs [97]. In studies comparing bosentan or macitentan with placebo, the occurrence of peripheral edema was similar in active-treatment and placebo groups [77, 87]. One possible explanation for different rates of edema with selective versus dual ERAs may reflect differences in affinities to the ETA receptor [97]. Another potential explanation may involve the renin/angiotensin system (RAS): selective ETA receptor blockade during early congestive heart failure causing sustained sodium retention by activating the RAS, resulting in edema [98]. Finally, a study in rats comparing bosentan and sitaxsentan suggested that ERA-induced fluid retention was occurring via activation of the vasopressin system via secondary stimulation by ET of the uninhibited ETB receptors [99]. Recently, Maron et al. [100] analyzed the association of spironolactone and ETA receptor antagonism in order to avoid edema as a side effect. This study reported that use of spironolactone may be clinically beneficial in PAH despite the Due to teratogenic effects reported in animals treated with bosentan, pregnancy is officially contraindicated [101]. Like bosentan, ambrisentan and macitentan are considered teratogens, capable of causing fetal defects early in development. In childbearing women, bosentan and ambrisentan could be prescribed if contraception is proved, along with a negative pregnancy test performed before initiation of the treatment and, thereafter, monthly. Type of contraception is particularly essential, notably with bosentan: estroprogestative contraception, regardless of administration route, is not reliable due to powerful enzymatic induction on CYP2C9 and CYP3A4. Consequently, double contraception is required. Similar to other members of its drug class, macitentan carries a boxed warning alerting patients and healthcare professionals that the drug should not be used in pregnant women because it can harm the developing fetus. In addition to the teratogenic properties of ERAs, pregnancy is a formal contraindication in PAH as it could be an aggravating factor in the prognosis of the disease. For each ERA available in PAH treatment, a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) has been implemented. REMS enables clinicians to go beyond product labeling to manage risks and thereby ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks. REMS goals for bosentan, ambrisentan, and macitentan are to inform the population about the serious risk of teratogenicity and to minimize the risk of fetal exposure. Another REMS objective for bosentan is to minimize the risk of hepatotoxicity in patients who are exposed to Tracleer. Author's personal copy Endothelin Receptor Antagonists in PAH 4.6.6 Male Fertility In general, development of testicular tubular atrophy in male animals has been linked to the chronic administration of ERAs. Whereas fertility studies in rats showed no effects on sperm parameters (sperm count, motility, and viability) or fertility with bosentan, hypospermatogenesis was observed in the life-long carcinogenicity study in rats and in repeat-dose toxicity studies in dogs for macitentan; decreases in the percentage of morphologically normal sperm were noted at 300 mg/kg/day for ambrisentan. The effect of ambrisentan and macitentan on male human fertility is not known. 5 Place of ERAs in the Treatment Algorithm for PAH In the past 15 years, the number of available specific therapies for PAH management has markedly increased. Today nine drugs are approved for the treatment of patients with PAH, including prostacyclin analogs (epoprostenol, treprostinil, iloprost), ERAs (bosentan, ambrisentan, macitentan), and drugs targeting the NO/cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) pathway (two PDE5 inhibitors, sildenafil and tadalafil, and the guanylate cyclase activator riociguat). ERAs have proven their efficacy with relatively few side effects, becoming an attractive option, either in monotherapy or in combination therapy with drugs targeting the other pathways. The three ERAs are currently recommended as first-line therapy in FC II and III PAH patients. The advantage of ambrisentan and macitentan over bosentan is the once daily oral dose, leading to improved quality of life and adherence of PAH patients to treatment regimens. Moreover, the reduction of hepatic adverse events compared with bosentan seems to be a clinical argument for the choice of therapy. However, more data are needed in the long term to confirm this observation, especially with macitentan. Regarding the general safety profile, macitentan appears to be safer and has a low propensity for drug–drug interactions. In addition, no dose adjustments are required in patients with renal or hepatic impairment. 6 Conclusions and Future Directions ERAs were the first oral therapy for PAH and remain a critical component of the therapeutic algorithm in the management of the disease. ERAs demonstrated improvements in pulmonary hemodynamics, exercise capacity, functional status, and clinical outcome in several randomized placebo-controlled trials, therefore representing a major therapy in PAH. Current clinical data suggest that both dual and specific ERAs have a similar efficacy in improving clinical outcomes in PAH patients, with differences in safety profiles. Recently, the randomized, doubleblind, multi-center, AMBITION study showed that firstline treatment with ambrisentan/tadalafil combination therapy in naı̈ve PAH patients is superior in terms of the primary endpoint (time to first clinical failure event) compared with monotherapy (ambrisentan or tadalafil) [102]. This result promotes arguments to treat de novo PAH patients with a combination therapy in order to improve clinical outcomes in PAH patients where ERAs could take a primary role. Conflict of interest M.C. Chaumais, C. Guignabert, and A. Boucly have no conflicts of interest to declare. L. Savale has relationships with pharmaceutical companies, including Actelion, Pfizer, GSK, and Lilly. Relationships include consulting services and fees for speaking. X. Jaı̈s has received honorarium for consulting services from Actelion, Pfizer, and GSK. D. Montani has received honorarium for consultancy services from Actelion, Pfizer, Bayer, and GSK. G. Simonneau has relationships with pharmaceutical companies including Actelin, Bayer, GSK, Novartis, and Pfizer. Relationships include consultancy services and membership of scientific advisory boards. M. Humbert has relationships with pharmaceutical companies including Actelion, Bayer, GSK, Novartis, and Pfizer. In addition to being investigator in trials involving these companies, relationships include consultancy services, membership of scientific advisory boards, fees for speaking, funds for research, and reimbursement for attending symposia. O. Sitbon has relationships with pharmaceutical companies including Actelion, Bayer, GSK, Pfizer, and United Therapeutics. In addition to being investigator in trials involving these companies, relationships include consultancy services, membership of scientific advisory boards, fees for speaking, and reimbursement for attending symposia. References 1. O’Callaghan DS, Savale L, Montani D, Jais X, Sitbon O, Simonneau G, Humbert M. 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