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An extended isogeometric thin shell analysis based on Kirchhoff–Love theory

2015, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

An extended isogeometric thin shell analysis based on Kirchhoff-Love theory N. Nguyen-Thanha, N. Valizadehb , M.N. Nguyenc , H. Nguyen-Xuand , X. Zhuange, P. Areiasf , G. Zih , Y. Bazilevsg , L. De Lorenzisa , T. Rabczukb,h,∗ a Institute g of Applied Mechanics, Braunschweig University of Technology, Bienroder Weg 87, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany b Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Marienstrasse 15, 99423 Weimar, Germany c Institute of Structural Mechanics, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany d Duy Tan University, Da Nang 59000, Vietnam e Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China f Physics Department, University of Evora, Portugal Department of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0085, USA. h School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University Abstract An extended isogeometric element formulation (XIGA) for the analysis of through-the-thickness cracks in thin shell structures is developed. The discretization is based on Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS). The proposed XIGA formulation can reproduce the singular field near the crack tip and the discontinuities across the crack. It is based on the Kirchhoff-Love theory where C1 -continuity of the displacement field is required. This condition is satisfied by the NURBS basis functions. Hence, the formulation eliminates the need of rotational degrees of freedom or the discretization of the director field facilitating the enrichment strategy. The performance and validity of the formulation is tested by several benchmark examples. Keywords: Thin shells, Fracture mechanics, Isogeometric analysis, NURBS, XFEM, XIGA 1. Introduction IsoGeometric Analysis (IGA) was introduced by [1] in order to integrate Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). The idea is to use CAD basis functions also in numerical analysis. While the finite element method (FEM) with Lagrangian basis function is most popular in CAE, the most common CAD basis functions are Non-Uniform Rational BSplines (NURBS). Other recent approaches in IGA are based on other basis functions such as T-splines [2, 3, 4], polynomial splines over hierarchical T-meshes (PHT-splines) [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], hierarchical B-splines/NURBS [10, 11] and piecewise polynomial finite element basis functions over hierarchical T-meshes [12]. The isogeometric approach was first developed for solids [13, 14] and then extended to structural elements [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], fluids [20, 21, 22, 23], as well as to contact problems and cohesive fracture problems [24, 25, 26, 27]. ∗ Corresponding author. Email address: (Timon Rabczuk) 1 The analysis of thin shell structures is of vital importance in many engineering applications such as aircraft fuselages, storage tanks, ship hulls, pipes, etc. A variety of shell elements have been developed to analyze shell structures which can be classified by the thickness of the shell and the curvature of the mid-surface [28]. Depending on the thickness, shell elements can be categorized into thin shell elements [29, 30, 31, 32, 33] and thick shell elements [34, 35, 36]. Thin shell elements are based on the Kirchhoff-Love (KL) theory [37] where transverse shear deformations are negligible. The KL-theory requires C1 - continuity of the displacement field, which is difficult to achieve for free-form geometries when a Lagrangian-type basis is used. Thin shell theory requires the approximation of the deformation to have second-order square integrable derivatives. Using higher continuous formulations in the context of thin shell analysis based on KL-theory avoids the use of rotational degrees of freedom or discretization of the director field. A formulation that only discretizes the mid-surface position and naturally fulfills the KL-theory constraint by using a higher continuous formulation was first proposed in the context of meshfree methods by [38, 39, 40]. These formulations include modeling of fracture through partition-ofunity enrichment [41, 42, 43]. In the context of IGA,[44, 45] proposed thin shell formulations based on KL-theory taking advantage of the higher-order continuity of the NURBS basis functions. The formulation in [44] was extended by [8] to efficiently account for h-adaptive refinement. An approach combining the extended finite element method (XFEM) and IGA for fracture in continua was proposed by [46, 47, 48]. Instead of modeling the crack in IGA through partitionof-unity enrichment, Verhoosel et. al. [49] applied the concept of knot insertion to create a discontinuous displacement field. An XFEM-shell formulation (for thick shells) based on Lagrange polynomials was proposed by [50]. However, the formulation requires many degrees of freedom (DOFs) per node. A simpler approach based on overlapping paired elements and discrete KLtheory was suggested by [51] and applied to numerous interesting examples in [52]. In [53], a phantom node method [54] for fracturing thin structures was proposed. The computation of the interaction integral was derived for both Kirchhoff Love as well as Mindlin-Reissner theory. In contrast to the approach in [51], this formulation allows the crack tip to be located inside an element [55] allowing for much coarser discretizations. In this manuscript, we present an extended isogeometric analysis (XIGA) method for cracked thin shell structures. The method is capable of handling efficiently through-the-thickness cracks in thin shells. NURBS basis functions ensure the C1 -continuity of the generalized displacements. Since no rotational degrees of freedom are used, the complexity of the enrichment strategy and the computational cost is significantly reduced. The good performance of the method is confirmed by numerical examples. The content of the paper is outlined as follows. In Section 2, we describe the thin shell formulation. The XIGA thin shell formulation is derived in Section 3. Section 4 presents several benchmark examples before the paper closes with concluding remarks. 2. Thin shell formulation In thin shell theory, the three-dimensional continuum description is reduced to the shell midsurface, and the transverse normal stress is neglected. Furthermore, the Kirchhoff-Love theory assumes that the shell cross-section remains normal to its mid-surface in the deformed configuration, which implies that the strain is assumed to be linear through the thickness and the transverse 2 shear strains are zero. In this paper, we have adopted the thin-shell formulation for intact continua from [44, 8] and extended it to fracture problems. 2.1. Kinematics of the shell The deformation of a thin shell can be fully described by the deformation of its mid-surface, which is a two-dimensional manifold embedded in three-dimensional space. The mapping of the shell mid-surface is parameterized by curvilinear coordinates ξ 1 , ξ 2 ∈ A ⊂ R2 (see Fig. 1). Figure 1: Shell geometry in the reference and the deformed configurations. The displacement of the points of the shell mid-surface is defined by    u ξ 1, ξ 2 = x ξ 1, ξ 2 − X ξ 1, ξ 2 (1) where X is the position vector of a material point of the shell mid-surface in the reference configuration, and x is the position vector of the same point in the deformed geometry. The position vector of a material point in the reference geometry is given by    Φ ξ 1 , ξ 2 , ξ 3 = X ξ 1 , ξ 2 + ξ 3 G3 ξ 1 , ξ 2 , (2) and similar for the deformed geometry    ϕ ξ 1 , ξ 2 , ξ 3 = x ξ 1 , ξ 2 + ξ 3 g3 ξ 1 , ξ 2 . (3) F = ∇ϕ · (∇Φ)−1 (4) where ξ 3 denotes the coordinate in thickness direction, −0.5t 6 ξ 3 6 0.5t, with t as the shell thickness. The deformation gradient is given by 3 The covariant base vectors in the reference and current configurations are obtained from the derivatives of the respective position vector fields with respect to the curvilinear coordinates, as follows G α = X, α ; gα = x, α (5) where Greek indices take the values 1, 2 and refer to the parametric directions on the shell midsurface, and (·),α := ∂ (·) /∂ ξ α . The covariant metric coefficients of the surface are defined as Gαβ = Gα · Gβ ; gαβ = gα · gβ , (6) −1  . Gαβ = Gαβ (7) and the contravariant base vectors are computed by Gα = Gαβ Gβ ; The unit normal vectors of the middle surface are calculated by G3 = G1 × G2 = t0 ; |G1 × G2 | g3 = g1 × g2 =t. |g1 × g2 | (8) The Green-Lagrange strain tensor is given by E=  1 T F F−I , 2 (9) where I is the identity tensor. The covariant strain components are given by Eαβ = εαβ + ξ 3 καβ (10) The membrane strains εαβ are given by εαβ =  1 gα · gβ − G α · G β 2 (11) and the bending strains καβ , measuring the changes in curvature due to bending, are καβ = gα · g3,β − Gα · G3,β (12) Expanding Eq. (11) and Eq. (12) using Eq. (1) and omitting nonlinear terms, we obtain εαβ = and  1 Gα · u,β − Gα · u,α 2 (13)  G3 · Gα ,β  1  καβ = −u,αβ + p u,1 · Gα ,β × G2 + u,2 · G1 × Gα ,β + p [u,1 · (G2 × G3 ) + u,2 · (G3 × G1 )] j¯ j¯ (14) ¯ where j = |G1 × G2 | . 4 2.2. Weak form Applying the principle of virtual work, we seek u ∈ ϑ such that δ Π = δ Πint + δ Πext = 0 ∀δ u ∈ ϑ0 (15) in which  ϑ = u|u ∈ H 2 (Ω0 /Γc0 ) , u = ū on Γu0 , u discontinuous on Γc0 ϑ0 = δ u|δ u ∈ H 2 (Ω0 /Γc0 ) , δ u = 0 on Γu0 , δ u discontinuous on Γc0 where Γc0 is the crack surface (or crack boundary) in the initial configuration; Γu0 and Γt0 (introduced later) are the partitions of the boundary where the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are enforced, respectively. The internal virtual work can be expressed as δ Πint = Z Z t/2 Ω0 −t/2   σ : δ x,α ⊗ gα + δ t ⊗ g3 + ξ 3 δ t,α ⊗ gα det (∇Φ) d ξ 3 dΩ0 (16) where the prefix δ identifies the test function, and σ is the Cauchy stress tensor. The external virtual work is given by δ Πext = Z Ω0 /Γc0 ρ0 b · δ udΩ0 + Z Γt0 t̄0 · δ udΓ0 (17) where ρ0 is the initial density, b is the body force and t̄0 is the prescribed traction. Integrating the Cauchy stress tensor σ over the thickness yields 1 n = ¯ j α 1 m = ¯ j α Z t/2 σ gα det (∇Φ) d ξ 3 (18) ξ 3 σ gα det (∇Φ) d ξ 3 (19) −t/2 Z t/2 −t/2 where nα denotes the resultant membrane stress vector and mα the result bending stress vector. Substituting equations Eq. (18)-Eq. (19) into Eq. (16), we obtain δ Πint = R α Ω0 (n  · δ x,α + mα · δ t,α ) dΩ0  z }| { z }| { R  αβ αβ αβ  = Ω0 n x,β · δ u,α + m t,β · δ u,α + m x,β · δ tα   dΩ0 = nα ·δ x,α   αβ · δ ε αβ · δ κ + m̃ ñ αβ αβ dΩ0 Ω0 R mα ·δ t,α (20) For a linear elastic material, the resultant effective membrane stress and bending stress can be 5 expressed by [56, 57] ñαβ = tDαβ γδ εγδ ; m̃αβ = t 3 αβ γδ κγδ D 12 (21)   E 1 1 = ν (X,α X,β )(X,γ X,δ ) + (1 − ν ) (X,α X,γ )(X,δ X,β ) + (1 − ν ) (X,α X,δ )(X,γ X,β ) D 1−ν 2 2 (22) Using Voigt’s notation one can write         ñ11 ε11 κ11 m̃11 3 t ñ =  ñ22  = t D̃ε ; m̃ =  m̃22  = D̃κ ; ε =  ε22  ; κ =  κ22  (23) 12 ñ12 2ε12 2κ12 m̃12 αβ γδ where D̃ is the constitutive tensor of the isotropic material, E is the Young’s modulus and ν is the Poisson’s ratio.   2  11 a22 + (1 − ν ) a12 2 11 a12 a11 ν a a 0 0 0 0 0 0  2 E  .. 22   (24) D̃ = . a0 a22 a12 0 0   2 h i 1−ν  2 1 11 22 12 symm ··· 2 (1 − ν ) a0 a0 − (1 − ν ) a0 αβ where a0 = X,α · X,β . Correspondingly, Eq. (20) can be rewritten in a compact form as δ Πint = Z Ω0 (ñ · δ ε + m̃ · δ κ ) dΩ0 (25) 3. Discretization 3.1. A brief review on B-Spline/ NURBS basis functions   Let Ξ = ξ1 , ξ2 , ..., ξn+p+1 be a non-decreasing sequence of parameter values, ξi ≤ ξi+1 , i = 1, ..., n + p; ξi are the knots governing the approximation, and Ξ is called knot vector. If all knots are equally spaced, then the knot vector is uniform; otherwise it is non-uniform. When the first and the last knots are repeated p + 1 times, the knot vector is called open. A B-Spline basis function is C∞ continuous in the interior of each knot span and C p−1 continuous at each unique knot. At a knot of multiplicity k, the continuity is C p−k . The B-spline basis functions Ni,p (ξ ) are defined recursively on the corresponding knot vector. The basis functions of order p = 0 are  1 if ξi ≤ ξ < ξi+1 Ni,0 (ξ ) = (26) 0 otherwise For p > 1, the basis functions are Ni,p (ξ ) = ξi+p+1 − ξ ξ − ξi Ni,p−1 (ξ ) + Ni+1,p−1 (ξ ) . ξi+p − ξi ξi+p+1 − ξi+1 6 (27) B-spline basis functions Ni,p possess important properties such as non-negativity, local support, partition of unity and linear independence. B-spline curves are defined by n C(ξ ) = ∑ Ni,p (ξ )Pi , (28) i=1 where Pi are the n control points and Ni,p (ξ ) are the pth-order B-spline basis functions. B-spline surfaces are defined by the tensor product of basis functions with parameters ξ ∈ Ξ1 and η ∈ Ξ2 expressed as n S(ξ , η ) = ∑ m ∑ Ni,p(ξ )M j,q(η )Pi, j (29) i=1 j=1 where Ni,p (ξ ) and M j,q(η ) are B-spline basis functions defined on the knot vectors and Pi, j are a n × m net of control points. Non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) are preferred to B-splines due to their ability to exactly represent conic sections such as circles and ellipses. A NURBS surface is defined as n S (ξ , η ) = ∑ m ∑ Ri, j (ξ , η )Pi, j ; Ri, j = i=1 j=1 Ni,p (ξ ) M j,q (η ) wi, j n ∑i=1 ∑mj=1 Ni,p (ξ ) M j,q (η ) wi, j (30) where wi, j are the weights. An example of the geometry representation of a free-form shape based on cubic NURBS is illustrated in Fig. 2. The figure also includes the control points. Figure 2: Physical mesh and control points for a cubic NURBS surface. 7 3.2. Partition-of-unity enrichment 3.2.1. In-plane enrichment The displacement and membrane stress components at a crack tip can be expressed in polar coordinates (r, θ ) as follows [58]:     r  r    1−ν KII KI r r + 2sin2 θ2 cos θ2 2 1+ sin θ2 1+4 ν + 2cos2 θ2 u1 ν   + = 1−ν 2θ u2 sin θ2 1+4 ν − 2cos2 θ2 2 µ 2π 2µ 2π − cos θ2 2 1+ ν − 2sin 2 (31)        θ θ θ 3θ 3θ 1 − sin sin sin 2 + cos cos σ  11  2 2  2 2 2  θ θ KII KI cos cos +√ σ12 =√ sin θ2 cos 32θ cos θ2 1 − sin θ2 sin 32θ     2 2 2π r 2π r σ22 1 + sin θ2 sin 32θ sin θ2 cos θ2 cos 32θ (32) where µ = E/2(1 + ν ) is the shear modulus, and KI and KII are membrane stress intensity factors (SIFs) of mode I and mode II fracture, respectively. The different fracture modes are illustrated in Fig. 3. Figure 3: Fracture modes. The membrane stress intensity factors are given by √ √ KI = lim 2π r (σθ θ (r, 0)) ; KII = lim 2π r (σrθ (r, 0)) r→∞ r→0 where σθ θ and σrθ are stress components in polar coordinates. It can be shown that the in-plane tip enrichment functions           √ √ θ √ θ √ θ θ , r cos , r sin sin (θ ) , r cos sin (θ ) ψ (r, θ ) = r sin 2 2 2 2 represent the asymptotic near crack tip solution [59]. 8 (33) (34) 3.2.2. Out-of-plane enrichments The internal stresses due to bending can be computed by [60]     (3 + 5ν ) cos θ2 − (7 + ν ) cos 32θ    σrr  k1 x3 1 σrθ =√ − (1 − ν ) sin θ2 + (7 + ν ) sin 32θ    2h 3 + ν  2r σθ θ (5 + 3ν ) cos θ2 + (7 + ν ) cos 32θ   − (3 + 5ν ) sin θ2 + (5 + 3ν ) sin 32θ   k2 x3 1 +√ (−1 + ν ) cos θ2 + (5 + 3ν ) cos 32θ   2h 3 + ν 2r − (5 + 3ν ) sin θ + sin 3θ 2 (35) 2 where x3 is the out of plane component of the current coordinate vector. The out-of-plane displacement is given 3          1 5 + 3ν 1 7+ν 3θ 3θ θ θ k1 + k2 − − cos + sin cos sin 3 1−ν 2 2 3 1−ν 2 2 (36) where k1 and k2 are the bending and twisting stress intensity factors:     √ 3+ν √ h h k1 = lim 2rσθ θ r, 0, ; k2 = lim (37) 2rσrθ r, 0, r→0 r→0 1 + ν 2 2 (2r) 2 1 − ν 2 u3 = 2Eh (3 + ν ) The corresponding out of plane tip enrichment functions are given by [60]            √ 3 3 3 3 3θ 3θ θ θ θ , r 2 sin , r 2 cos , r 2 sin , r 2 cos F (r, θ ) = r sin 2 2 2 2 2 (38) 3.2.3. Discretization of the displacement field Similar to the enrichment strategy used in XFEM, the XIGA displacement field of the cracked shell surface can be expressed as  u1 u2  NI =∑R I=1 u3 = I  ûI1 ûI2  NJ J + ∑ R (H (x) − H (xJ )) J=1  âJ1 âJ2  NI NJ NK I=1 J=1 K=1 ∑ RI ûI3 + ∑ RJ (H (x) − H (xJ )) âJ3 + ∑ NK + RK K LK ∑R ∑ K=1 LK ∑ L=1 L=1  ψKL (x) − ψKL (xK )  FKL (x) − FKL (xK ) b̂L3K  b̂L1K b̂L2K (39) (40) where R are NURBS basis functions, û1 , û2 , û3 are the standard DOFs, â1 , â2 , â3 and b̂1 , b̂2 , b̂3 are additional DOFs, ψ and F are the tip-enrichment functions, and H is Heaviside function. There are two different procedures for choosing the tip enriched area [61]: topological enrichment and geometrical enrichment. Topological enrichment refers to the strategy in which the size of the tip enriched area is proportional to the mesh size. By contrast, in geometrical enrichment a constant tip enriched area independent of the mesh size is considered. In order to obtain optimal convergence rates in crack applications, it is crucial to use the geometrical enrichment [62, 63]. The quartic B-spline basis functions and the step-enriched shape functions affected by the crack are shown for a one-dimensional discretisation in Fig. 4. Fig. 5 presents the enriched control points and the 9  sub-triangulation needed for integration for a two-dimensional discretization. 1 0.8 0.9 N7,3 N1,3 0.8 N 0.7 2,3 N4,3 N3,3 0.6 0.4 N6,3 N5,3 0.2 N (ξ) 0.5 i,3 i,3 N (ξ) 0.6 0.4 0 −0.2 0.3 −0.4 0.2 −0.6 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 ξ 0.6 0.8 1 −0.8 0 0.2 0.4 (a) ξ 0.6 0.8 1 (b) (c) Figure 4: (a) Cubic B-spline basis functions with knot vector ξ = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1, 1, 1]. (b) Step-enriched basis functions for a crack at ξ = 1/2. (c) Step-enriched basis functions with N4,3 in 2D. elements Sub−triangles Physical mesh Heaviside enriched control points Crack tip Crack Crack Crack tip enriched control points Control points Gauss points (a) (b) Figure 5: (a) Illustration of enriched control points for a quadratic NURBS mesh. (b) Sub-triangulation and quadrature points for step-enriched and tip-enriched nodes. 3.2.4. Essential boundary conditions, numerical integration and compatibility enforcement Imposition of essential boundary conditions: As NURBS do not satisfy the Kronecker Delta property, direct imposition of essential boundary condition on control points can result in significant errors with deteriorated rates of convergence [64]. Consequently, specific techniques for imposing essential boundary conditions are needed. The penalty method, Lagrange multiplier method, Nitsche method (see [65, 66, 67] for a review and comparison of these techniques in the context of meshfree methods) and transformation method [64] are among the available techniques. A least-squares minimization method for the weak imposition of essential boundary conditions 10 in XIGA has been proposed in [47]. The main idea is to determine the boundary control point displacements q i by minimizing a least-squares error function F on a set of interpolating points x k defined on the essential boundary: 1 1 F = ∑ kuu (xxk ) − ūu(xxk )k2 = ∑ 2 k 2 k 2 ∑ Ri(ξk )qqi − ūu(xxk ) (41) i where u and ūu are approximated and prescribed displacement fields, respectively. Minimizing F with respect to q gives, ! ∂F (42) = 0 =⇒ ∑ ∑ Ri (ξk )qqi − ūu (xxk ) R j (ξk ) = 0 ∂qj i k which results in following linear system of equations: Aq = C    ūx (xxk )R1 (ξ k ) ūy (xxk )R1 (ξ k ) R1 (ξ k )R1 (ξ k ) · · · R1 (ξ k )Rnc (ξ k )     .. .. .. .. .. A = ∑ ; C = ∑  ; . . . . . k k Rnc (ξ k )R1 (ξ k ) · · · Rnc (ξ k )Rnc (ξ k ) ūx (xxk )Rnc (ξ k ) ūy (xxk )Rnc (ξ k )   qx1 qy1  ..  q =  ... .  y x qnc qnc (43) where nc is the number of control points located on the essential boundary. Numerical integration: In crack modeling, there are two types of elements where the standard Gauss integration could lead to inaccurate results and therefore special integration strategies are needed. For elements completely cut by the crack, partitioning the cut element into triangular, rectangular or polygonal sub-cells and employing standard Gauss quadrature in each sub-cell will significantly increase the accuracy. For elements containing the crack tip, an “almost polar integration” technique proposed in [62] can cancel the r−1/2 singularity at the crack tip and give very good results for high-order NURBS [47]. An alternative to the almost polar integration is the strain smoothing technique that does not require the integration of the singular terms since no derivatives of the shape functions need to be computed. We have employed the almost polar integration method [68, 69, 70, 71, 72] in this manuscript. Compatibility enforcement: In order to get optimal convergence rates in XIGA for problems in linear fracture mechanics, a special treatment of blending elements is essential [47]. Blending elements (partially enriched elements) in XFEM are posing two major problems: 1) Due to lack of partition of unity property in these elements, enrichment functions cannot be reproduced exactly. 2) Some undesirable terms are introduced in the approximations which cannot be compensated by the standard FE part of approximation. These problems can severely decrease the accuracy and rate of convergence in XFEM [61, 62, 63, 73]. In [47], the authors have investigated these issues and showed how two common techniques of shifting and blending can be used to ensure the compatibility between two different enriched sub-domains or between an enriched and an un 11 ξ2 1 0.8 Heaviside enrichment Tip enrichment 0.6 Blending elements for Heaviside enrichment 0.4 Blending elements for tip enrichment Blending elements between Heaviside and tip enrichment 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ξ1 1 Figure 6: Enrichment strategy [47] 0 Tip enrichment Heaviside enrichment 1 Crack Tip Crack 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ξ Figure 7: Heaviside blending function BH and tip enrichment blending function BT . enriched sub-domain. For the shifting technique, two different strategies called basic shifting and improved shifting were discussed. Super optimal convergence rates for high-order NURBS have been obtained by employing an improved shifting technique for enrichment functions and adding C0 lines along the boundaries of fully enriched and un-enriched sub-domains. These C0 lines are introduced by knot insertion. However, C1 continuity required for thin shell analysis no longer holds and therefore is not used in this manuscript for all shell problems (sections 4.3 to 4.6). De Lycker et. al. [47] have shown for a two-dimensional continuum that the convergence rates can be further improved by the use of blending functions BH and BT for the Heaviside and tip enrichment functions, respectively. The XIGA approximation in this 2D continuum formulation is given as:  u1 u2  χJ NI = ∑R I=1 I  ûI1 ûI2  NJ + BH ∑R J=1 J H (xx) − χ χK J   âJ1 âJ2  + BT  b̂1 b̂2  NK ∑ RK K=1 Ψ (xx) − χ K where = H(xJ ) and is obtained by a least-squares minimization of Ψ(x) − ∑K Fig. 7 represents a 1D illustration of blending functions. 12  (44) . RK χ K Remark. As in [74, 47], the tip enrichment function used here is the first term of the displacement expansion near the crack tip for a pure mode I crack with unit stress-intensity factor. This is originally based on the work [75] and known as vectorial enrichment in some references [76]. For the blending technique, a projected blending function which is compatible with high-order NURBS functions can give the best results [47]. The displacement approximation used in the projected blending strategy is given as  u1 u2  NI = ∑R I=1 I  ûI1 ûI2  NJ +∑ RJ BJH H(xx) J=1  âJ1 âJ2  NK + ∑ RK BK T Ψ(xx) K=1  b̂K 1 b̂K 2  (45) where BJH and BK T being projected blending coefficients associated with the Heaviside and tip enrichment, respectively. These coefficients are obtained by projecting a bilinear blending function on the NURBS basis functions in a way that ∑J RJ (ξ )BJH and ∑K RK (ξ )BK T closely approximates the blending functions BH and BT . For all shell problems presented in sections 4.3 to 4.6, we have not used a compatibility enforcement as the KL shell formulation requires C1 continuity. Only for the 2D benchmark problems in section 4.1 and 4.2, we will show the performance of the compatibility enforcement. 3.3. Discretization Substituting the discretization of the trial functions, Eqs. (39), (40), their derivatives, as well as the test functions which have a similar structure to the trial functions into the weak form, Eq. (15), the following linear system of equations is obtained: Ku = f (46) with the global stiffness matrix Ki j = Z A   t 3  b T b ¯ 1 m T m DB j jdξ dξ 2 B t (Bi ) DB j + 12 i (47) in which Bm and Bb are the membrane and bending-strain matrices, respectively. The standard membrane and bending strain matrices associated with node I are given by   RI,1 G1 · e1 RI,1 G1 · e2 RI,1 G1 · e3   RI,2 G1 · e1  RI,2 G1 · e2  RI,2 G1 · e3  Bm (48)    I =  I I I I I I R,1 G2 + R,2 G1 · e1 R,1 G2 + R,2 G1 · e2 R,1 G2 + R,2 G1 · e3 and   bI bI BbI 1 · e1 B1 · e2 B1 · e3 bI bI . BbI =  BbI 2 · e1 B2 · e2 B2 · e3 bI bI bI B3 · e1 B3 · e2 B2 · e3 13 (49) The terms e1 , e2 , e3 are the global basis vectors of an orthonormal coordinate reference frame, and  G3 · G1,1  I  1  I I I I p p R G × G + R G × G R G × G + R G × G BbI = −R G + + 1,1 2 1 1,1 2 3 3 1 3 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,2 1 ,11 j¯ j¯ (50)     G · G 1 3 2,2 I I I p BbI RI,1 G2 × G3 + RI,2 G3 × G1 2 = −R,22 G3 + p R,1 G2,2 × G2 + R,2 G1 × G2,2 + j¯ j¯ (51)     G · G 1 3 1,2 I I I p RI,1 G2 × G3 + RI,2 G3 × G1 BbI 3 = −R,12 G3 + p R,1 G1,2 × G2 + R,2 G1 × G1,2 + j¯ j¯ (52) The force contribution of the ith node is fi = Z 1 A 2 ¯ ξ dξ + bRi jd Z ∂A pRi kX,t kdlξ (53) where p are the forces per unit length on the boundary of the middle surface and dlξ is the line element of the boundary of the middle surface. 3.3.1. Membrane B-matrix for XIGA The Bm H associated to the Heaviside enrichment is given by BmJ H where  mJ mJ BmJ H1 · e1 BH1 · e2 BH1 · e3 mJ mJ  =  BmJ H2 · e1 BH2 · e2 BH 2 · e3 mJ mJ BmJ H3 · e1 BH2 · e2 BH3 · e3  (54) J x) − H (xxJ )) G1 BmJ H1 = R,1 (H (x J x) − H (xxJ )) G2 BmJ H2 = R,2 (H (x  J J x) − H (xxJ )) BmJ H3 = R,1 G2 + R,2 G1 (H (x (55) The Bm T associated to the tip enrichment is   mKL mKL BmKL T1 · e1 BT1 · e2 BT1 · e3 mKL mKL  =  BmKL BmKL T2 · e1 BT2 · e2 BT2 · e3 T mKL mKL mKL BT3 · e1 BT3 · e2 BT3 · e3 (56) where  K L   L K L BmKL T1 = R,1 ψK (ξ ) − ψK (ξK ) + R ψK,1 (ξ ) G1    K L L K L BmKL T2 = R,2 ψK (ξ ) − ψK (ξK ) + R ψK,2 (ξ ) G2    L L L L K K K (ξ ) G2 + ψK,2 (ξ ) G 1 ψK,1 BmKL T3 = R,1 G2 + R,2 G1 ψK (ξ ) − ψK (ξK ) + R 14 (57) 3.3.2. Bending B-matrix for XIGA The BbJ H -matrix associated with the Heaviside-enriched DOFs is given by   bJ · e bJ · e BbJ · e B B 1 2 3 H1 H1 H1  J  BbJ · e bJ · e bJ · e  B B ξ ) − H ξ BbJ = H (  1 2 H H2 H2 H2 3  bJ bJ bJ BH3 · e1 BH3 · e2 BH3 · e3 bJ bJ where BbJ H1 , BH2 , BH3 are the same as in the standard part. The contribution of the crack tip enrichment is calculated by   bKL · e bKL · e BbKL · e B B 1 2 3 1 T1 T1  bKL bKL · e  bKL · e B · e B B BbKL =  2 1 3  2 T2 T T2 bKL bKL bKL BT3 · e1 BT3 · e2 BT3 · e3 (58) (59) bKL bKL I I I I I where BbKL T1 , BT2 , BT3 are similar to the standard bending terms, but replacing R11 , R22 , R12 , R1 , R2 by the following terms  L L L I I L RI,11 → RK ,11 ψK (ξ ) − ψK (ξK ) + 2R,1 ψK,1 (ξ ) + R ψK,11 (ξ )  L L L I I L RI,22 → RK ,22 ψK (ξ ) − ψK (ξK ) + 2R,2 ψK,2 (ξ ) + R ψK,22 (ξ )  L L L L I I I L (60) RI,12 → RK ,12 ψK (ξ ) − ψK (ξK ) + R,1 ψK,2 (ξ ) + R,2 ψK,1 (ξ ) + R ψK,12 (ξ )  L L I L RI,1 → RK ,1 ψK (ξ ) − ψK (ξK ) + R ψK,1 (ξ )  L L I L RI,2 → RK . ,2 ψK (ξ ) − ψK (ξK ) + R ψK,2 (ξ ) 3.4. Domain form for J-integral calculation Consider a through-the-thickness crack with the crack front normal to the mid-surface of the shell model. The J-integral is defined as [77]  Z  ∂ ui fJ = σi j (61) −W δ1 j n j q̄dA ∂ x1 A where W = 1/2σi j εi j is the strain energy density, σi j are the stress tensor components, εi j are the strain tensor components, ui are the displacement components, n j are the components of the unit normal vector to the surface A of a volume V surrounding the crack front, δ1 j is the Kronecker delta and A is the cylindrical surface of V . The surface Ai (i = 1, 2, ε ) are illustrated in Fig. 8. Commonly, a smooth function q is introduced which is equal to zero on A and non-zero on Aε and f is the area under the q̄ function curve along the crack front. Applying the divergence theorem to Eq. (61), we obtain    Z Z  ∂ ui ∂ q̄ ∂ ui −W δ1 j −W δ1 j n j q̄dA dV − fJ = σi j σi j (62) ∂ x1 ∂xj ∂ x1 A1 +A2 V The cylinder around the crack front is limited by the upper and lower faces A1 and A2 , respectively. 15 V t Figure 8: Definition of the q̄ function for a segment of the crack front. Assuming that A1 and A2 are equal and orthogonal to the crack front, we have n1 = n2 = 0 , n3 = 1 on A1 n1 = n2 = 0 , n3 = −1 on A2 The q̄ function is taken to be constant through the shell thickness; f = t and equal to 1 on Aε . Eq. (62) can be rewritten as  Z Z  ∂ ui 1 ∂ q̄ ∂ ui − σi j εi j δ1 j n3 q̄dA (63) dV − tJ = σi j σi3 ∂ x1 2 ∂xj ∂ x1 A1 +A2 V The domain form of the J-integral of the two states is given by !  Z 1 + u2    u ∂ ∂ q̄ 1 1 i i − σi1j + σi2j εi1j + εi2j δ1 j dV σi1j + σi2j J (1+2) = t V ∂ x1 2 ∂xj  Z 1 2  1 1 2 ∂ ui + ui σ + σi3 − n3 q̄dA t A1 +A2 i3 ∂ x1 (64) Eq. (64) can be written as J (1+2) = J (1) + J (2) + I (1,2) where J (a) 1 = t Z  V ∂ ua σiaj i ∂ x1 1 − σiaj εiaj δ1 j 2  ∂ q̄ 1 dV − ∂xj t (65) Z A1 +A2 σi3a ∂ uai n3 q̄dA ∂ x1 (66) and the interaction integral is given by   Z  Z 2 1 2 1 ∂ q̄ 1 1 1 ∂ ui 2 ∂ ui 1 2 1 ∂ ui 2 ∂ ui (1,2) + σi j − σi j εi j δ1 j + σi j n3 q̄dA dV − σi j σi j I = t V ∂ x1 ∂ x1 ∂xj t A1 +A2 ∂ x1 ∂ x1 (67) 16 As the relationship between the interaction integral and the SIFs is given by     2π 1 + ν 2 1 2 (1,2) 1 2 k11 k12 + k21 k22 , I = KI KI + KII KII + E 3E 3 + ν (68) we can finally write the J-integral as J (1+2) =J (1) +J (2)  2π 2 1 2 KI KI + KII1 KII2 + + E 3E  1+ν 3+ν  k11 k12 + k21 k22  (69) 4. Numerical benchmark examples In this section, we present six numerical problems to test our XIGA-formulation. In section 4.1 and 4.2, we study two-dimensional examples and employ the compatibility enforcement as discussed previously. The remaining four examples are benchmark problems for fracture in thin shell analysis. 4.1. Infinite plate with a center crack under remote uniform tension Let us consider an isotropic infinite plate with a center crack under remote uniform tension (Fig. 9). A unit square domain ABCD with an edge crack of length 0.5 mm is modeled. The plain strain state is assumed. The exact solution for this problem is given by   2(1 + ν ) KI √ θ 2θ r cos 2 − 2ν − cos ux (r, θ ) = √ 2 2 2π E   θ 2(1 + ν ) KI √ 2θ 2 − 2ν − cos uy (r, θ ) = √ r sin 2 2 2π E   3θ KI θ θ (70) 1 − sin sin cos σxx (r, θ ) = √ 2 2 2 2π r   θ θ 3θ KI 1 + sin sin cos σyy (r, θ ) = √ 2 2 2 2π r 3θ KI θ θ sin cos cos σxy (r, θ ) = √ 2 2 2 2π r √ where KI = σ π a is the stress-intensity factor. Here the following material properties, geometric parameters and loading conditions are considered: E = 107 N/mm2, ν = 0.3, a = 10 mm, and σ = 102 N/mm2. The exact displacement field is imposed along the boundary of the square domain using the least-squares minimization method. The approximation error in the H1 norm versus the number of DOFs and the element size are shown in Fig. 10 for different orders of NURBS. Optimal convergence rates are obtained in all cases. Note that for p=1, the XIGA formulation is identical to “standard” XFEM (based on linear Lagrange polynomials, provided the weights corresponding to the control points are all equal). 17 σ C D a a B A σ Figure 9: An infinite plate with a center crack under uniform tension 0 10 linear NURBS, m=−0.52 quadratic NURBS, m=−1.01 cubic NURBS, m=−1.63 −1 relative error in H1 norm 10 −2 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 −6 10 10 2 3 4 10 10 degrees of freedom (dof) Figure 10: XIGA H1 error norms for different orders. 18 5 10 4.2. Edge cracked plate under tension or shear loading Consider a planar plate of width b = 7, height L = 16, thickness t = 1 and crack length of a = b/2. The material properties used in the test are E = 3×107 , and ν = 0.25. Fig. 11a shows the problem definition for a plate with a tension loading σ = 1 and also for a plate with clamped boundary condition at the bottom edge while a shear loading τ = 1 is enforced at the top edge (see Fig. 11b). The analytical solution for the plate under tension is reported in [59]: √ KI = Cσ π a (71) with C = 1.12 − 0.231 (a/b) + 10.55(a/b)2 − 21.72(a/b)3 − 30.39(a/b)4 . For the shear loading, the KI and KII values are given in [78]: KI = 34.0 ; KII = 4.55 (72) Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 show contour plots of one displacement and stress component of the edge cracked plates under tension and shear loading, respectively. Fig. 14 and Fig. 15 present the normalized SIFs KI for the edge cracked plate under tension and shear loading, respectively. The normalized SIF KII under shear loading is displayed in Fig. 16. On the x-axis, the radius value rd = 2.5havg , and havg is the average value of the square-roots of the cracked element’s areas [59]. Note that the XIGA formulation is based on cubic polynomials while a (bi-)linear XFEM formulation is used. The results show that, as the mesh density increases, the stress intensity factors approach the reference solution and are independent of the domain sizes of the interaction integral. The XIGA results are more accurate with less elements than XFEM. (a) (b) (c) Figure 11: Geometry of edge cracked plates under (a) tension and (b) shear loading; (c) Refined non-uniform mesh. 19 (a) (b) Figure 12: Contour plots displacement of the plate under (a) tension and (b) shear loading. (a) (b) Figure 13: Contour plots stress of the plate under (a) tension and (b) shear loading. 20 1.14 1.12 1.1 xIgA, mesh1 (351 elem.) xIgA, mesh2 (903 elem.) xIgA, mesh3 (3741 elem.) XFEM, mesh1 (990 elem.) XFEM, mesh2 (24750 elem.) XFEM, mesh3 (80190 elem.) Normalized KI 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 1.5 2 2.5 3 Ratio r /h d avg Figure 14: Normalized KI for the edge cracked plate with a tension loading. xIgA, mesh1 (299 elem.) xIgA, mesh2 (903 elem.) xIgA, mesh3 (3741 elem.) XFEM, mesh1 (990 elem.) XFEM, mesh2 (24750 elem.) XFEM, mesh3 (80190 elem.) 1.08 Normalized KI 1.06 1.04 1.02 1 0.98 1.5 2 2.5 3 Ratio rd/havg Figure 15: Normalized KI for the edge cracked plate with the shear loading. 21 1.15 1.1 1.05 Normalized KII 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 xIgA, mesh1 (299 elem.) xIgA, mesh2 (903 elem.) xIgA, mesh3 (3741 elem.) XFEM, mesh1 (990 elem.) XFEM, mesh2 (24750 elem.) XFEM, mesh3 (80190 elem.) 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 1.5 2 2.5 3 Ratio r /h d avg Figure 16: Normalized KII for the edge cracked plate with the shear loading. 4.3. Central cracked plate subjected to pressure loading In the next example, we consider a square plate with a central crack under uniform pressure loading p = 1.0. The plate is simply supported on all edges. The geometry and material parameters are b = 1.0, Young’s modulus E = 1000 and Poisson’s ν = 0.3 (Fig. 17). Fig. 18 shows the contour plots of the displacement and stress components. Fig. 19 shows the good agreement between the XIGA-results and the reference solution. Figure 17: Geometry of central cracked plate subjected to uniform pressure and refined non-uniform NURBS mesh. 22 (a) Displacement z-direction (b) Moment Mxx (c) Moment Myy (d) Moment Mxy Figure 18: Contour plot distribution of displacement and moment components with crack length a/b = 0.1 and b/t = 10 23 Sosa and Eischen (b/t=10) xIGA (b/t=10) 2.5 2 J=G 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a/b Figure 19: J-integral values of the central cracked plate with uniform pressure loading. 4.4. Pressurized cylinder with an axial crack Next, a thin cylinder with radius R = 20, thickness t = 0.25, and length L = 100 containing an axial through-the-thickness crack of length 2a is subjected to an internal pressure p = 1.0. The material parameters are: Young’s modulus E = 1000, Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3 and support open-end conditions. The geometry and the mesh are illustrated in Fig. 20. Fig. 21 shows the stress intensity factor KI for various axial cracks of lengths 2a = 2.46, 4.92, 9.84, 14.76, 19.682. The results from XIGA simulations agree well with the reference solution [79]. The relative error of the results for different number of elements is compared (see Fig. 22). It is observed that the expected convergence rate for XIGA is achieved. The convergence rate of the XIGA is higher than the convergence rate obtained with the phantom node method. However, linear triangular elements are used for the phantom node method while the XIGA is based on quadratic, cubic and quartic elements. Figure 20: Geometry of a cylinder under internal pressure with a longitudinal crack and refined non-uniform NURBS mesh. 24 2000 Folias xIGA (p=2) xIGA (p=3) xIGA (p=4) Phantom node 1800 1600 1400 KI 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Half of crack length 8 9 10 Figure 21: Stress intensity factor KI corresponding to membrane symmetric loading. xIGA (p=2) xIGA (p=3) xIGA (p=4) Phantom MITC3 Relative error of KI, log(e) 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 −1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 Element size, log(h) −0.2 0 Figure 22: Relative error of the KI versus element size of thin cylinder with crack of length 2a = 9.84. 25 4.5. Cylinder with a circumferential crack under tension Consider a thin cylindrical shell with radius R = 0.0529, thickness t containing a circumferential through wall crack of length 2a = 2θ R in the circular direction, where 2θ is the total included angle, tensile force of P = 90, see Fig. 23. The material parameters of the cylinder shell are E = 1000 and ν = 0.3. Table 1 presents the J integral obtained from the XIGA simulations for different crack lengths. The results are close to those calculated by [80] and to the analytical solutions reported in [79, 81]. Contour plots of the force and moment components are shown in Fig. 24. Figure 23: Geometry of a cylinder under tension loading and contour plot of displacement. Table 1: J-integral of circumferentially cracked cylinder under tension loading 2θ R/t 45o 90o 40 20 (p=2) 3.028×10−2 2.361×10−2 XIGA (p=3) 3.056×10−2 2.423×10−2 (p=4) 3.094×10−2 2.447×10−2 26 Ref. Sol. [80] 3.24×10−2 2.57×10−2 Ref. Sol. [81] 3.09×10−2 2.48×10−2 (a) Force Nxx (b) Force Nyy (c) Force Nxy (d) Moment Mxx (e) Moment Myy (f) Moment Mxy 27 Figure 24: Distribution of force and moment components of the cylinder with R/t = 40 and crack of length 2a = 2θ R, where 2θ = 45o . 4.6. Pressurized cylinder with an inclined crack The last example is a cylinder with an inclined crack of length 2a = 0.05 as shown in Fig. 25; the inclination angle is denoted by θ . The cylinder is subjected to a uniform internal pressure p = 10 and an axial tensile force P = 8.8 × 102. The J-integral value versus the angle θ for a ratio R/t = 40 is shown in Fig. 26. Contour plots of the force and moment components are shown in Fig. 27. Exact solutions are not available for this example. However, the results obtained with XIGA agree well with results obtained by the phantom node MITC3 method [60]. Figure 25: A cylinder with a crack inclined at an angle θ under uniform internal pressure. −7 7 x 10 XIGA(p=2) XIGA(p=3) XIGA(p=4) Phantom node 6 J−integral (R/t=40) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 β (degree) 60 70 80 Figure 26: J-integral value versus angle θ with R/t = 40. 28 90 (a) Force Nxx (b) Force Nyy (c) Force Nxy (d) Moment Mxx (e) Moment Myy (f) Moment Mxy 29 Figure 27: Distribution of force and moment components of pressurized cylinder with an inclined crack θ = 45o and R/t = 40. 5. Conclusions We presented an XIGA thin shell formulation based on the Kirchhoff-Love theory. The Heaviside and crack tip enrichment functions are introduced to the NURBS-based displacement field to capture the strong discontinuity along the crack and the singularity at the crack tips. The enrichment functions are defined on the parametric domain that is global to a patch. The thin shell elements adopting the Kirchhoff-Love assumption are used to exploit the C1 -continuity of NURBS basis functions in the framework of IGA and no rotational degrees of freedom are needed facilitating the enrichment strategy. The XIGA results are in good agreement with analytical and reference solutions. The authors believe that the present method is a very promising alternative to the ‘standard’ XFEM for analysis of cracked shell structures in practical applications. Acknowledgments Nhon Nguyen-Thanh and Laura De Lorenzis would like to acknowledge the financial support from the European Research Council Starting Researcher Grant “INTERFACES”, Grant agreement No. 279439. Xiaoying Zhuang gratefully acknowledges the support of NSFC (41130751), National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program: 2011CB013800), and Shanghai Pujiang Program (12PJ1409100). References [1] T. J.R. Hughes, J.A. Cottrell, and Y. 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