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This work is concerned with a new class of functions called almost e-continuous functions containing the class of almost e-continuous functions. This notion is stronger than almost δβ-continuous functions and is weaker than both almost... more
Zkušenost těhotenství, během které uvnitř jednoho lidského těla žije jiné lidské tělo, může představovat nevšední zdroj, jenž nechává jasněji vyvstávat některé aspekty lidské subjektivity a tělesnosti. Článek vychází z fenomenologické... more
Neste trabalho construímos um painel visual enumerado usando fractais do tipo Sierpinski n-gons com o objetivo de analisar algumas sequências de números inteiros, principalmente a sequência dos números primos e algumas de suas... more
... A simple way to increase the output voltage of SE sources is to connect a number ... to a fixed voltage magnitude and fixed frequency for both stand-alone and grid-tie applications ... The proposed control method, which is utilized... more
The dimensions of space-time are discussed
The present work aims to demonstrate that a topological characterization of architectural space would amount to a presence and a participation of sound. In other words, the sound, itself and similarly to the human body, will be able to... more
The crisis of democracy – Third Part (Is it possible to innovate in the political subsystem of society?) Answer to the poetic question There are also illusions about the moral-transcendent integrability of society in some authors. I do... more
When a dynamic system undergoes a cyclic evolution, a geometric phase that depends only on the path traversed in parameter space can arise in addition to the normal dynamical phase. These geometric phases have profound impacts in both... more
The Mystic Power Generated by Prohets cannont be explained by classical Philosophy of Science, In this paper we assume that whole unknowable universe is a unique quantum entity possessing cosmic consciousnesses. This cosmic consciousness... more
В статье рассматривается новое для современного языкознания направление «когнитивная топология», предполагающее интеграцию когнитивного, топологического и формально-онтологического изучения языка и его трансформаций, которые обусловлена... more
An analysis of curvature in woven meshes, through understanding of basic properties of a triaxial or kagome lattice, a traditional basket weaving technique. Following a finite set of mathematical weaving rules, topologically distinct... more
My project "Mysticism and Neomysticism. Topologies of the Soul in the Writings of Teresa of Avila and Simone Weil" intends to highlight the links between two inflections of mystical thought. Teresa of Avila is a representative of early... more
In this paper, I propose to interweave narrativity and aspectuality by focusing on the internal temporality of narrated events. From a phaneroscopical point of view, I construct an aspectual characterization of the notion of event,... more
We describe the implementation and performance characteristics of various mesh network topologies using the OpenPiton framework. We provide a working implementation of an n-dimensional mesh topology (with an option for end-around) that... more
This work aims to demonstrate that as geometry or anthropology, topology can offer the architectural space a new form of dimensioning and spatiality, this would amount to a participation of natural light and sound ambiences. The... more
Economic infrastructure hubs, such as ports, are crucial sites for exploring new political geographies. In such environments, mobilities are enabled and rigidly channelled premised on the stasis of the port-as-checkpoint. Such nodes are... more
We define a class of so-called thinnable ideals I on the positive integers which includes several well-known examples, e.g., the collection of sets with zero asymptotic density, sets with zero logarithmic density, and some summable... more
The notion of weakly e-I-open sets is introduced and used to define the notions of weakly e-I-continuous functions, weakly e-I-open functions. Some characterizations and properties regarding these concepts are discussed.
In this work we present our recent results of the novel Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN)-based probabilistic routing approach to achieve reliable communication in Airborne Networking (AN) environment associated with intermittent... more