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This article is an attempt to tell the story of action research as it has developed over the last half century. Action research has become an important part of a number of research programs, especially in the field of education. Action... more
The well-being of the rural population globally has been associated with the performance and resilience of the agriculture sector. The sector continually requires new needs-based knowledge and technologies. It has become necessary to... more
... Joshua M. Price a * pages 387-412. ... View all references). The management received our evaluation of the program with skepticism tinged with hostility and I almost lost my job. What follows is an ethnographic, even an... more
Traditionally developed and developing world non-profit organisations do not share their learning across the sectors. However, as technology provides an improving platform to share learning more easily, we explore how learning can be... more
LA PARTICIPATION ET LES METHODOLOGIES PARTICIPATIVES EN SERVICE SOCIAL: UNE APPROCHE SUR L’ACTION ET LA RECHERCHE Helena Neves Almeida La participation est une question récurrente dans toutes les approches et... more
This article offers a critical transdisciplinary heuristic as both a tool for critique of neoliberal reforms in schools, particularly in science and environmental education, and a springboard for the reconstruction of education along more... more
This evaluation provides an overall, independent assessment of coordinated and collective action to prevent bonded labour in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Since 2014, the Freedom Fund has been working with local partner non-governmental... more
Here we present research resulting from a tribal-academic collaboration between the Chickasaw Language Revitalization Program (CLRP) and the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). This collaboration began three years ago, with a UTA... more
Over the last twenty years, research on the impact of engaging children and adolescents in the generation of new knowledge about their lives, schools, and communities, has grown tremendously. This systematic review summarizes the... more
The purpose of the Leadership and Health System Redesign research study was to explore the leadership dynamics at play in Canadian health reform and to develop leadership capacity in the Canadian health system through applied research and... more
Après avoir dresser un état des lieux des évolutions de la Recherche Action Participative (RAP) et des Sciences Citoyennes (SC), cet article présente un dispositif innovant nommé Artivistes-atelier (AA) visant à accompagner les politiques... more
Background: The scientific literature on health care quality, health literacy, and chronic illness calls not for more data or innovative interventions but for a new paradigm that accounts for the importance of subjectivity and... more
Art is not created from standardization or schedules imposed from external forces, rather the artist determines the appropriate methodology and process. Children need the freedom and agency to experiment with alternative materials and... more
Before youth can be accepted as important players in school decision making, the concept of “student voice must gain acceptance among powerful stakeholders in the school. Using social movement theory as a lens, the paper examines the... more
Abstrakt: Przedstawiony artykuł jest sprawozdaniem z interpretatywnego badania jakościowego wykorzystującego strategię uczestniczącego badania w działaniu zrealizowanego w jednej ze szkół podstawowych działających w oparciu o pedagogikę... more
Title. Acknowledging communication: a milieu-therapeutic approach in mental health careAim.  This paper is a report of a study to develop milieu therapists’ acknowledging communication in their relationships with patients.Background. ... more
Download here: Heritage Conservation and Social Engagement is an edited volume that explores different kinds of engagement, participation,... more
When women from mainland China are newly arrived in Hong Kong, their first difficulty is usually environmental stress. Their socio-economic situation often limits their ability to express their expectations related to their living space.... more
This user-friendly book provides a step-by-step guide to using the five major approaches to research design: quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and communitybased participatory research. Chapters on each approach follow... more
Clinical engagement is often removed from everyday social processes familiar to Māori (indigenous people of Aotearoa [New Zealand]), as it can focus on health consumerism rather than communication and connection. The health encounter is... more
This article presents the participatory evaluation of four Community Communication Spaces (ECC for their initials in Spanish) that produce radio and video in the States of Oaxaca and Puebla, in Mexico. The ECC have been developed by Ojo... more
ABSTRACT Problem, research strategy, and findings: When Arnstein created the ladder of participation, local gov- ernments engaged predominately urban African-American neighborhoods through federally funded pro- grams. Fifty years later,... more
The various manifestations of the effects of divisive Apartheid city planning has resulted in the city itself becoming an urgent social question - one such manifestation is the mixed-use megaproject of Cornubia. Diverse and complex as... more
To challenge the current negative and disease-oriented view in the Western health science paradigm, researchers from the University of Alberta collaborated with the Yellowknives Dene First Nation's Community Wellness Program in a... more
In an effort to carve a distinct place for social facts without lapsing into a holistic ontology, John Greenwood has sought to define social phenomena solely in terms of the attitudes held by the actor(s) in question. I argue that his... more
Nilai-nilai lokal dan kearifan lokal di seluruh penjuru nusantara ini telah mengalami pengikisan, dari waktu ke waktu. Bahkan tujuan dari berdirinya NKRI sudah mulai simpang-siur, dan setiap kelompok memiliki tujuan yang berbeda dalam... more
Participatory research reverses the meaning of experience. It is carried out with the populations, for them, but not about them. It involves different relationships between people and researchers, research institutes and the state. It... more
Final report of the four-month Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services Field Support Activity in the Republic of Tajikistan. Implemented by the University of Illinois to support the US Government Feed the Future activity. Annexes to... more
Presentatie voor het seminar 'Steunend op eigen kracht: de narratieve methode in sociale interventies', University of Curaçao met het ministerie van Sociale Ontwikkeling, Arbeid en Werkgelegenheid Social (SOAW) 12 November 2018
Sumário Seguindo a perspetiva do projeto SoMus, “A Sociedade no Museu”, e com o objetivo de refletir sobre o conceito de participação cultural e sobre as práticas que lhe estão associadas, os seus impactes e consequências no campo da... more
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more