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Consensual nonmonogamy (CNM) is an overarching term for relationship orientations that differ based on the degree to which consensual sexual and emotional needs are fulfilled outside of a dyad. Despite the diversity of CNM relationship... more
This article juxtaposes the discursive strategies of two groups of heterosexual men in the context of non-monogamous internet-mediated dating in Belgium, notably men who are open about their extra-dyadic sexual practices and ‘cheating’... more
Based on ethnographic research in the Republic of Benin, this article explores how Pentecostal teachings on marriage and the management of sexual pleasure contribute to shaping converts' moral selves. For Pentecostals, fidelity towards... more
In Love and Freedom, Jorge Ferrer proposes a paradigm shift in how romantic relationships are conceptualized, a step forward in the evolution of modern relationships. In the same way that the transgender movement surmounted the gender... more
Pionniers dans l’occupation des territoires africains, les missionnaires engagent très tôt dans ces espaces une œuvre d’évangélisation dans la laquelle la réalisation des projets sociaux trouve une expression particulière. Cette... more
Die Hofplätze in den bandkeramischen Siedlungen besaßen ein Generationen übergreifendes, landwirtschaftliches Eigentum (Garten, Feld- und Waldflächen mit Sammel-, Weide- und Jagdrechten). Die Gesellschaft war patrilokal, patrilinear und... more
This Article analyzes the recent covenant marriage movement in America, and its deep roots in biblical teachings. It shows that the Hebrew Prophets, especially Malachi, described the covenant between God and his chosen people of Israel as... more
In this paper, we utilize a critical feminist lens to analyze the advantages and disadvantages found within two different romantic relationship configurations: monogamy and polyamory. While visibility of polyamorous relationships has... more
This study looks at the representation of polygamous marriage in selected dramatic texts from Nigeria and juxtaposes it against global discussion on the acceptance of the "otherness" in society. It concludes that monogamy and polygamy... more
This paper analyses online texts concerning the supposed ‘rules’ and ‘etiquette’ of heterosexual casual sex, exploring how ‘ideal’ casual sex was constructed – as object and practice. We examine how casual sex was constituted by authors... more
This article investigates whether Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark 2015 same-sex marriage decision, supports or undermines a right to polygamous marriage. First, it shows that Obergefell defined marriage as a relationship that provides... more
Annukka Lahti is a Doctoral Student (Gender Studies) in the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland1. Before starting her doctoral studies, she taught psychology at The Open University of the... more
Theoretically drive by queer theory, this paper examines the rate of heteronormativity in the advertisements of a gay and lesbian lifestyle magazine, the Advocate, over three decades. The findings reveal that the advertisements... more
La rivoluzione proletaria deve servirsi del duro e cruento arnese dello Stato di classe, e servirsene a fondo, con una dittatura la cui utilità è in ragione del proclamato impiego, non mascherato da menzogne di tolleranze e democrazie,... more
Некогда я писал о внебрачных копуляциях у птиц какпобочном следствии дезорганизации процесса взаимного подбора партнёров , нападая на социобиологические представления о том, что внебрачные копуляции имеют адаптивное объяснение, ибо... more
המאמר מבקש להוכיח שאף שהתורה מתירה בבסיסה ריבוי נשים, האידיאל התורני מאז ומעולם היה אידיאל מונוגמי של נשיאת אשה אחת, כאשר המנהג וההלכה בהדרגה מיישרים קו אתו.
Frost and Gola (2015) offer empirical evidence that same-sex and different-sex relationship partners are similar in their experiences of intimacy and, as a result, the meaning of marriage will not fundamentally change with the... more
First project of 2022. #theater #performance #sexy #sex #love #domesticlife #monogamy Project Y Theatre And here we are officially announcing the playwrights in the MONOLOGUE SLAM: Suzanne Bradbeer Rachael Carnes Alexis Craig-Hart... more
Em memória de um grande e lendário amor "Põe-me como selo sobre o teu coração, como selo sobre o teu braço, porque o amor é mais forte que a morte". (Cantares 8:6a) Em uma padaria, tomando café, tratávamos sobre viagem de um dia a... more
This brief article shows that pair-bonding strategies of reproduction are best suited to human nature and lie at the foundation of the Western tradition's preference for monogamy over polygamy.
In this paper, we utilize a critical feminist lens to analyze the advantages and disadvantages found within two different romantic relationship configurations: monogamy and polyamory. While visibility of polyamorous relationships has... more
Monogamy is not a practice, but a system and a way of thinking. The monogamous mind extends from our romantic relationships with our national identities in a historic development linked to capitalism and colonialism. Monogamy is the... more
Resumo. O objetivo deste artigo é desenvolver hipóteses sobre as relações entre o desenvolvimento psíquico e emocional tal como descrito por Winni-cott e a monogamia. A monogamia pode ser interpretada como uma tentati-va de retorno à... more
A jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal firmou a impossibilidade de reconhecimento de uniões estáveis concomitantes ou paralelas, reduzindo a união estável que foi constituída em segundo lugar ao status de concubinato. A referida... more
This paper is a research proposal written for a masters-level research class investigating the lived experience of adult bisexual women and reviewing five recent empirical studies in the relevant literature. While it is difficult to... more
"More than just Monogamy" takes a serious look at traditional marriage forms in a variety of modern world cultures. Readers will discover that lifetime monogamy - or even serial monogamy - may not be the one true path for a lot of... more
The Canadian legal system engenders and polices embodiment by writing into the law what a normative Canadian body looks like and does. Analysing the constitutional reference question, Reference re: Section 293 of the Criminal Code, this... more
This chapter discusses the recent literature on “open non-monogamies,” or non-monogamous arrangements that are known-about by at the very least all the involved intimate partners. (This specifically excludes a consideration of the... more
Behavioral similarity between partners is likely to promote within-pair compatibility and to result in better reproductive success. Therefore, individuals are expected to choose a partner that is alike in behavioral type. However, mate... more
Poliamor é um nome dado à possibilidade de se estabelecer mais de uma relação amorosa ao mesmo tempo com a concordância de todos os envolvidos. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o ideal de conjugalidade dos pesquisados, as formas de... more
La singularidad/monogamia, entendida como el hecho de mantener una relación erótico- afectiva de convivencia singular1, excluye la multiplicidad de relaciones de la misma naturaleza en forma simultánea. Al ser acogida por las leyes... more
From a few scrolls found in Qumran, emerges the law that commands a strict monogamy. This law is considered by many scholars to be unusual in the polygamous Jewish tradition. This article shows that monogamy was an ideological stance,... more
This Article analyzes the recent covenant marriage movement in America, and its deep roots in biblical teachings. It shows that the Hebrew Prophets, especially Malachi, described the covenant between God and his chosen people of Israel as... more