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In the newborn, alveolarization continues postnatally and can be disrupted by hyperoxia, leading to long-lasting consequences on lung function. We wanted to better understand the role of heme oxygenase (HO)-1, the inducible form of the... more
As tumors continue to grow and exceed their blood supply, nutrients become limited leading to deficiencies in amino acids (AAD), glucose (GD), and oxygen (hypoxia). These alterations result in significant changes in gene expression. While... more
Serum and potassium (S/K) deprivation is a well-known apoptotic model in cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs), used to study the efficacy of potential neuroprotective drugs. The objective of this study was to determine the pathways involved... more
Over the past 15 years, fluorescence has become the dominant detection/sensing technology in medical diagnostics and biotechnology. Although fluorescence is a highly sensitive technique, where single molecules can readily be detected, ...
Mitochondrial diseases are heterogeneous disorders, caused by mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondria are not regulated solely by nuclear genomic DNA but by mitochondrial DNA. It is difficult to develop effective therapies for... more
The future application of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) for therapeutic approaches requires the development of xeno-free culture conditions to prevent the potential transmission of animal pathogens or xenobiotic substances to hESC. An... more
En este trabajo se presenta como un elemento estructural es sometido a esfuerzos internos y tensiones que actúan sobre una estructura que se quiere sea resistente, esto presentando un brazo como parte de un esqueleto de maquinaria. Para... more