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... Base de datos de artículos de revistas, ... la colocación de pastas de hidróxido de calcio con diferentes vehículos, como medicación intraconducto, sobre el sellado apical de la obturación endodóntica Autores: Alvaro Cruz, G.;... more
Aim To evaluate the incidence of root dentinal microcracks after two extraction techniques through micro-computed tomographic (micro-CT) analysis. Methodology Thirty pairs of premolars, extracted for orthodontic reasons, were assigned to... more
Introduction: The root canal treated teeth need an adhesive seal for coronal leakage prevention. Glass ionomer sealant is the usual interface used between the coronal restoration and dental hard tissue however when composite resin... more
This is a successfully managed clinical case report of a young lady whose tooth # 11 was root treated in 2010 which reinfected after three years. The root treatment was repeated but was iatrogenically perforated because of the operating... more
Objectives This study evaluated the danger zone (DZ) in mesial roots of mandibular molars and the correlation between anatomical references of the DZ and some anatomical landmarks including tooth/root length, depth of mesial and distal... more
Aim To evaluate the influence of ultraconservative endodontic access cavities (UEC) on gaps and void formation in resin composite restorations in extracted 2-rooted maxillary premolars after root canal treatment. Traditional endodontic... more
Introduction: This study evaluated the microbiological conditions of the apical root canal system of teeth with posttreatment apical periodontitis and correlated them with observations from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT),... more
Paciente masculino de 18 años de edad, sin antecedentes médicos o sistémicos que contribuyan al caso. Un examen clínico y radiográfico reveló una extensa lesión periapical, tumefacción intraoral, fístula; relacionada con una sobre-... more
RESUMEN Los incisivos centrales inferiores son las piezas dentarias más pequeñas de la arcada dentaria, sin embargo, debido a que su raíz es achatada en sentido mesio distal puede presentar dos conductos radiculares, un conducto... more
De la fisiología al metaboloma, de la etiología bacteriana al concepto del biofilm y la disbiosis en el microbioma humano. La caries y las enfermedades periodontales son infecciones donde el biofilm es un reconocido factor de riesgo... more
Improving the “Implications for Practice/Research” section of a Cochrane Review using a survey questionnaire Background: Irreversible pulpitis, characterized by acute and intense pain, is one of the most frequent reasons patients attend... more
Introduction: Root canal disinfection is critical for successful endodontic treatment. Objective: To evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of photodynamic therapy using different protocols in root canals infected with Enterococcus faecalis.... more
Cementoblastomas are benign lesions, of idiopathic etiology, generally asymptomatic, without gender predilection, more frequently in young patients, related to the root region of the teeth, mainly molars, radiographically they are... more
The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the influence of several methodological variables on the push-out resistance to dislodgment of root filling materials by a meta-regression analysis of the literature. A systematic review... more
The aim of this study was to evaluate age-related morphological canal changes in mesial root of mandibular first molars of know ages…….Concluded that there is a correlation between aging and morphological changes in the mesial root canals... more