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The contribution of slaves to the Athenian state is a debate linked closely with the evidence of slaves for Greece as a whole. This is because Athens, which included urban areas as well as villages within the territory of Attica, is one... more
Recensione a P. Vidal-Naquet, Atlantide. Breve storia di un mito, Torino, Einaudi 2006 (trad. it. di Id., L’Atlantide. Petite histoire d’un mythe platonicienne, Paris, Les Belles Lettres 2005). Recensione pubblicata in «RCCM» 50, 2,... more
This article calculates the public spending of classical Athens. The major public activities of this ancient democracy were festivals, politics and wars. There is hot debate about what was spent on these three activities. Ancient... more
IG V 1,1 should not be dated to the beginning of the Archidamian War. Connections with an allusion in Thuc. 2,8,4 and the explication of the beginning of the War in the Peace of Aristophanes are not very firm. Datation at the Decelean War... more
As it happens, my unique play is newly available in a fine new shape, thanks to Petite Plaisance. It now has an introductory note by Linda Napolitano Valditara and a short additional appendix. In the meanwhile, this play has been... more
Scholars have disagreed about whether the Great Dionysia was celebrated in 404 bce, despite the grim circumstances in Athens on the eve of the city’s surrender to Sparta. This article reconsiders the problem and reviews the positive... more
This article argues that the “hauling scene” (458–728) of Aristophanes’ Peace is modeled on a distinctive fishing technology, the beach seine, and not, as is commonly held, on the hauling of heavily freighted commercial vessels into port.... more
Este libro propone un análisis de las configuraciones políticas, las representaciones simbólicas y los valores afectivos que organizaron el accionar de los sujetos en la democracia ateniense. El desarrollo de la política democrática en la... more
The Phratries of Attica provides the first comprehensive account in English of a key institution in ancient Athens: the Attic phratries. These hereditary groups of citizens, linked to one locale or more in Attica, played a crucial role in... more
The paper (accessible here too: offers an interpretation of Solon's citizenship law (Plu. Sol. 24.4), focusing on its importance (the first of its kind) and its (occasionally misunderstood) meaning.... more
Ευρωπαϊκές Πολιτικές Ιδεολογίες τον Εικοστό Αιώνα: Η εξέλιξη της δημοκρατίας καλύπτει μία μακρόχρονη πορεία και ταυτόχρονα η θεωρία της και τα ιδανικά που πρεσβεύει αποτέλεσαν και εξακολουθούν να αποτελούν πεδίο συγκρούσεων αλλά και... more
The most ancient polis centre was located at the east slopes of the Acropolis. It served as the meeting-place of the citi- zens and housed the Town Hall, a lawcourt and the head- quarters of the authorities. About 510-500 BC the open... more
Short paper written for Phillips Exeter Academy's Liber Classics Magazine Volume 2: Women. This paper briefly explores how the perceived message of Lysistrata has changed as the cultural context around the play has changed. Edited by... more
An historical and post-structural examination of the philosophical debate of phusis (nature) versus nomos (convention) and its employment in two of Sophocles' Theban Plays which were written in late fifth-century Athens.
An examination of Plut. Cim. 13, 4-5 and Harp. Α 261 Keaney s.v. Ἀττικοῖς γράμμασιν suggests that fourth-century historians Callisthenes (FGrHist 124 F 16) and Theopompus (FGrHist 115 F 154) challenged the view of contemporary Athenians... more
It is commonly said that we know only a few verdicts of the forensic speeches preserved in the canon of the Attic orators. Moreover, the lists of successes and defeats drawn up by law specialists do not match. The survey of the known or... more
The battle of Marathon marked the end of the first Persian invasion of Greece (492-490 BC). It was a remarkable achievement of the 10,000 Athenians and 1,000 Plataeans, who without cavalry and archmen defeated the Persians who were 20,000... more
"Η ιστορική εξέλιξη του πολιτεύματος της αρχαίας πόλεως των Αθηνών μέχρι την κλασσική εποχή. Συμβολή στην ιστορία των πολιτειακών θεσμών και της μνημειακής τοπογραφίας των πόλεων της αρχαίας Ελλάδας".
The main purpose of the study is to draw a picture of the education system in terms of the curriculum, the physical condition of schools, the attitudes of the teachers and the perspective of the society towards education in ancient Athens... more
This work presents an in-depth study and reconsideration of early 5th-century BC Greek history. Focusing on Athens in the aftermath of the second Persian invasion, it reconstructs the chronology, events, and context of the first half of... more
La bataille d'Amphipolis (421 av. J.-C.) oppose les deux grands États-cité de Grèce continentale, Athènes et Sparte, en plein cœur de la guerre du Péloponnèse. Amphipolis est le théâtre de la lutte entre deux personnalités brillantes.... more
The objective of this chapter is to try to shed light on the length and the practical aspects of the allotment process , through several simulations.
La tragedia de la democracia actual nos ha abierto a una dimensión que aún no nos acostumbramos a habitar: la irrecuperable capacidad de representación de la voluntad popular que ya no logra ser disimulada por las contiendas electorales.... more
The purpose of my dissertation is to analyse the negative comments concerning Pericles; the 5th Century BCE Athenian statesman and general. This will involve an assessment of both ancient and modern writers. It will include an exploration... more
The book tells the story of the Athenian elite between 600 and 400 BCE on the basis of the imagery on the luxury pottery from which the wealthy drank at their banquets. The statistical evaluation of more than 6,000 representations lend... more
A new discovered base with a fragmentary choregic inscription from the great Dionysia on it was found at Tripods Street, in Athens. The inscription was possible to be reconstructed. The choregos was most probably Deinippos, son of... more
Издательский дом ВШЭ / / 73 В.Р. Гущин АФИНЫ НА ПУТИ К ДЕМОКРАТИИ: VIII-V ВЕКА ДО Н.Э. Серия «Монографии ВШЭ: Гуманитарные науки» ISBN 978-5-7598-2164-9 (в пер.) ISBN 978-5-7598-2220-2 (e-book) 456 с.... more
Published by Lexington Books (October, 2019). All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or... more
After the final defeat of the Persians in the mid-fifth century BCE, the Delian League was gradually transformed into an Athenian empire. The transformation was accompanied by an accumulation of power over other city states by Athens;... more
Course Description: This course offers an introduction to the history of ancient Greece from the Bronze Age to Alexander the Great, drawing on both source materials and modern works. This is a student-driven seminar based on readings and... more