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1 July  2014  First Play: Destiny

First Play: Destiny

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Destiny Alpha
Developer: Bungie
Publisher: Activision
Platform: PS4
Rated: NA

Developer Bungie's ambitious new shooter, Destiny, was recently in alpha and we checked it out. This is Bungie's first game since Halo: Reach back in 2010 and they broke away from Microsoft to become Independent so it's a kind of a big deal.

Yes, it's apparently got the biggest budget of any game, ever; half a billion is what's being reported. And Activision has signed them on for a whopping decade long publishing deal for the series. Not to mention those hefty Halo-sized shoes to fill...

So, no pressure.

No pressure!

For anyone who hasn't heard about it, Destiny is basically an online, not quite MMO, mostly Co-Op but also singleplayer, FPS RPG. But I think a quicker way to describe it would be as the love child between Halo and Borderlands.

Yeah, there's that beautiful sci-fi art, the swelling choral music and the way the combat moves and feels, it's unmistakeably Halo-esque. Add in loads of guns, unlocks, levelling, different classes and numbers flying off guys heads, and you've got yourself Halolands through and through.

To start off with you get to pick between three classes with Titan, Hunter and Warlock. Each has a special grenade type and melee attack, as well as a powerful super charge move and upgrade trees to work through.

There's a few cosmetic options too, letting you choose between being a male or female human, awoken or exo, a long with a bunch of other options to tinker with.

There aren't the endless customization sliders you get in some RPGs, but there's enough there to make your character stand out a bit. But, I was disappointed I couldn't make him creepy and ugly like I usually do, though.

Yes, well thank goodness for that! The way the game tends to work is most things can be played solo, but it does match-making in the background so you occasionally find other players running around with you.

I think that background match-making is what they're hoping will set Destiny apart from the pack. It's a kind of worry free, passive take on co-op. And I like that you don't have to go find your friends, and actively create a match, it just does it all for you.

Yeah, and that is cool but it's hardly mind-blowing. I think what it does well is almost give the impression of being an MMO, without actually ever having a massive amount of players in any one world. But at the end of the day it's still just online co-op with an extra layer of pizzazz over the top.

The campaign mission we got to play sees you heading off to into an old radar station. On the way you take on groups of enemies and a scary room full of space zombies, before finally facing a boss, "Wizard". All while Peter Dinklage, aka Tyrion from Game of Thrones, chats away to you.

I didn't think it was particularly inspired mission design personally; it was very standard shooter fair...

Yeah, it's not reinventing anything, but it was fun. And I did like that you can pull out little Star Wars speeder bikes whenever you want! But you can't ram enemies with them; where's the fun in that?

Maybe it's an upgrade?

Maybe. Anyway, the alpha didn't give much away about the plot. But from what we've gathered; a long time ago, humanity spread throughout the solar system and prospered thanks to the arrival of this giant mysterious ball known as "The Traveller".

But the traveller apparently has a few enemies since a whole bunch of not so friendly aliens followed in its wake. Promptly smacking our blossoming civilisation down and leaving just one last bastion of Humanity on Earth where The Traveller now sits; closely guarding us.

I love the whole setup and universe they've built with this, I just instantly wanted to go out and explore it.

Yeah, it's an intriguing premise. But some of the writing we've seen so far hasn't been great. And, to be honest, I felt the same way about Halo games in the past. I think Bungie are really great at coming up with awesome concepts and story arcs, but some of their dialogue can just be painful.

Yeah, and some of the performances in Destiny are so bad that they've already inspired memes.

Still, it's all out of context at the moment so we'll have to wait and see if the story comes together in the final product.

Yes, it's quite possible there's a whole plot thread about a whole faction of Moon Wizards.

We can only hope!

I admit I was a bit sceptical going into this. From what little I played at E3, I didn't really get what all the fuss was about. But after spending some time with it, the hooks got in, and I'm officially excited now.

Yeah, it's that mix of instantly satisfying combat and those ever tempting carrot of better gear and loot. Add in breath-taking scenery waiting around every corner and it's hard to put down. I was impressed with how polished and final this felt for a game that's in alpha!

Yes, you can certainly feel those hundreds of millions of dollars at work. And outside of the campaign mission there's also a three man strike mission where you team up and deal with loads of guys and a few very tough bosses. I thought it felt a little bit like an old school WOW raid. Those bosses take some serious punishment and team work to go down.

If you're a little bit under levelled for the job prepare for a long grind. But an enjoyable, rewarding kind of grind that you want to see through!

There's also free roam mode where you wonder around the fairly large environment looking for mission beacons. Most missions are along the lines of killing a certain amount of enemies or going to a specific location. It's general busy work, but useful for killing time and grinding some xp.

I liked when you stumbled across other players and those big events kick off. They're pretty exciting!

Yeah, I loved it when those big ships warped in. Between missions you go to the Tower which is the games main hub. It's loaded with vendors offering new gear and missions. It's a nice looking place but it felt a little sterile. No NPC's are really moving around and it's crying out for some kind of mini-games.

It is the perfect place to bust some moves though.

I liked and was a little offended by how the NPCs just looked at us, they clearly weren't impressed with our moves.

There was also one competitive multiplayer mode that we could test out. It's a standard capture and hold the point mode, but I had a lot of fun with it. Kills come a fair bit quicker than in Halo but not as quick as COD.

Yeah, it's good fun and mixing in things like double jumps and super charge moves gives it a unique flavour and keeps it feeling lively and unpredictable. All up, I was impressed. They're not doing anything that new or out there, but I think they' re combining a lot of familiar ideas to make something that could be quite compelling.

Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how the final game comes together in September, but its got a lot going for it already. It's also worth noting that the Alpha is now closed, but the Beta begins in a few weeks.

An Alpha and a Beta, they really want a smooth launch don't they?

Yes, they do.