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Bakemonogatari - Complete Collection [UK] (Sub.Blu-ray-B)

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Title: Bakemonogatari - Complete Collection [UK]
Volume: Sub.Blu-ray-B
Running time: 357
Distributor: MVM

Release date: 2014-11-24
Suggested retail price: $49.99
Age rating: 15

SKU: MBR-7108
EAN: 5060067005764 5060067005764

Thanks to Meme Oshino, high school student Koyomi Araragi is able to remain a human after coming across a female vampire. However, since the incident Koyomi seems to meet girls who have apparition-related issues. Hitagi Senjyogahara doesn't weigh anything, Suruga Kanbaru's right arm becomes like that of a monkey's, and a young girl, Mayoi, cannot find her way home no matter how many times she tries. Koyomi, a "Mr. Nice Guy," ends up helping each and every girl solve her problem with the help of Meme Oshino.

(added on 2016-03-03, modified on 2016-03-03)

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