The Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering has 98 tenure-track, research and teaching faculty members. Our award-winning faculty includes 27 Sloan Research Fellowship recipients, 50 recipients of NSF CAREER or Presidential/NSF Young Investigator Awards, three winners of Presidential Early Career (PECASE) Awards, eight TR35 Award winners, and two recipients of the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, also known as the "Genius" Grant. We have 14 Fellows of the ACM, 11 Fellows of the IEEE, and five members of the National Academies. Five of our faculty have received the University of Washington Distinguished Teaching Award, and we were the first unit on campus to receive the UW's Brotman Award for Instructional Excellence.
Computing for the developing world, health information systems, educational technology
Computer science education, educational technology, computing for the developing world
Distributed systems, networks, operating systems, security, parallel computing, education
Databases, cloud computing, big-data analytics, scientific data management, machine learning and data management, image and video analytics, data management for VR/AR
Computational complexity, proof complexity and satisfiability
Computer architecture, machine learning systems, programming languages, energy-efficient computing, molecular storage and computing.
Computer graphics, computer vision
Software engineering, programming languages
Computer vision, machine learning
Human computer interaction, ubiquitous computing
Robotics, artificial intelligence, activity recognition
Human-computer interaction, accessibility, ubiquitous computing, sensing
Computational health, AI for sound, networks, bio-robotics, wireless, mobile and ubiquitous computing, sensing, security and privacy
Programming languages
Data visualization and analysis, human-computer interaction and social computing
Machine learning, active learning, reinforcement learning
Software testing and program analysis, in particular efficient mutation testing, partial test oracles, and security testing.
Algorithms, algorithmic game theory
Computer vision, computer graphics, learning, augmented reality, virtual reality
Computer security and privacy
Distributed systems, networks, systems for machine learning
Design, implementation, and analysis of high-performance computing and communication systems; data-intensive discovery (eScience); information technology and public policy
Algorithms, complexity theory, probability, discrete analysis
Computational biology - precision medicine, network biology, genetics of complex traits; Machine learning - interpretability, feature selection, structure learning
Algorithms, convex optimization, convex geometry, spectral graph theory
Human-computer interaction, accessibility, 3D printing of custom assistive technologies
Health, ubiquitous computing, sensing, human-computer interaction, embedded systems
Scientific-discovery games, games for learning, computer graphics, animation, optimal control, natural locomotion, optimization
Computational neuroscience, artificial intelligence, brain-computer interfaces
Synthetic biology, biological control circuits
Computer vision, computer graphics
Computer vision, multimedia retrieval, biomedical informatics
Sensor systems; wireless power; sensing for robotics; ubiquitous computing; personal robotics
Robotic manipulation, motion planning, human-robot interaction, assistive robotics
Data management: uncertain and probabilistic databases, data privacy and security, complexity of parallel query evaluation, data pricing.
Liveness in programming environments, programming for virtual reality, educational technology, collaborative problem-solving environments
Computer architecture, hardware design and prototyping, dark silicon, cryptocurrency mining, ASIC Clouds