Anthony Ciccarello
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Posts tagged "texture"

  1. I still need to do a lot of work to post about our trip to Washington, but here’s a random texture from the trip I enjoyed. 🌲

    • texture
    • nature
  2. There are a lot of reasons I historically haven’t liked the beach: the sun burning my skin, the wind and water leaving me cold, sand getting on everything, social pressures from crowded beaches and exhausted people. But one of the gifts from this past year has been learning to enjoy...

    • nature
    • ocean
    • texture
  3. One of the things I like about learning photography is recognising cool textures in life that I used to ignore.

    • texture
    • plants
  4. I’m working on a blog post about our time in Orvieto last October. It’s been fun remembering everything we did together with my parents and siblings. I’m glad we could take that trip together.

    • texture
    • travel
    • Italy
  5. Stonework

    • texture
    • travel
    • Peru
    • ruins