Anthony Ciccarello
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Posts tagged "nature"

  1. I still need to do a lot of work to post about our trip to Washington, but here’s a random texture from the trip I enjoyed. 🌲

    • texture
    • nature
  2. I would just like to wish everyone a #SuperbOwl day. Whooo needs Eagles when you have owls?

    • SuperbOwl
    • birds
    • nature
  3. Felt like posting a photo today. This was a fun one from the San Diego Safari Park. It’s a Great Blue Turaco.

    • birds
    • nature
  4. There are a lot of reasons I historically haven’t liked the beach: the sun burning my skin, the wind and water leaving me cold, sand getting on everything, social pressures from crowded beaches and exhausted people. But one of the gifts from this past year has been learning to enjoy...

    • nature
    • ocean
    • texture
  5. It’s been a busy last month. I had a lot of fun on the central California coast but I’m happy to have a couple weekends to rest too.

    • nature
    • animals
  6. A year later I finally got my Instagram photos backfilled. I hope to make it easier to upload photos in the future but it feels good to have combined the two collections.

    • nature
    • flowers
    • plants
    • IndieWeb
    • site changes
  7. Because I haven’t posted enough of either, here’s a yellow flower on a cactus

    • nature
    • plants
  8. The roses were in full bloom this weekend at the rose gardens. So many interesting varieties. Loved these “Love Song“ roses “Rock-n-roll“ roses I'm a little mesmerized by this animation

    • nature
    • plants
  9. I got a lot of sun this weekend, but I’d like to think it was worth it.

    • plants
    • nature
  10. I think plants just go crazy in Southern California 🤔

    • nature
    • plants
  11. Saw quite a few of these handsome California Quail out hiking this weekend.

    • nature
    • birding
    • birds
  12. I love that this is named a “Cobwebby thistle”. It’s so cool to look at.

    • nature
    • plants
  13. Even the desert can be beautiful. Often life still thrives in its own unique way.

    • nature
    • plants
  14. Photography has been a fun hobby to pick up. Though I may backfill older posts I wanted to start with something fresh. I’m looking forward to adding more content to my site.

    • nature
    • ocean
    • site changes
  15. Sometimes the camera captures the picture you want. Sometimes it captures something else. Pictured in background: Allen’s Hummingbird

    • photofail
    • photofailfriday
    • naturephotography
    • nature
    • birds
  16. Getting out on the water with extended family was a nice way to end a weekend saying goodbye to a loved-one. I enjoyed meeting more of Bekah’s family and talking birds with her uncles. I wish it could have been under better circumstances. Honestly the kayaking was a little frustrating,...

    • nature
    • personal
  17. We went camping in February!?! We stayed at Lake Skinner last weekend with some friends from church. Had lots of sun on Saturday, but we had our coldest day of the month when the weather shifted to cloudy, windy, and 50°F (10°C) on Sunday 😁 Even though we stayed in...

    • nature
    • camping
    • birding
    • birds
  18. Water in the desert

    • nature
  19. @bekahbugs and I really enjoyed walking down the beach and getting Shake Shack shakes at Crystal Cove state park near Laguna Beach. Saw quite a few new birds like this Black-bellied Plover down by the seashore. Totally worth getting sunburned 😎😬

    • birds
    • birding
    • digiscoping
    • beach
    • nature
  20. I love this little collection of plants against this tree trunk.

    • Guatemala
    • travel
    • plants
    • nature
  21. This is a cool plant sometimes referred to as a “sensitive plant”. It folds up when touched perhaps has a way to avoid being eaten. I remember seeing some back in Liberia. Apparently they are native in tropical parts of the Americas.

    • plants
    • travel
    • Mexico
    • nature