Estimated median house or condo value in 2022: $432,800 (it was $73,300 in 2000)
Mean prices in 2022:all housing units: $561,376; detached houses: $603,669; townhouses or other attached units: $425,635; in 2-unit structures: $555,372; in 3-to-4-unit structures: $326,563; in 5-or-more-unit structures: $397,708; mobile homes: $119,264; occupied boats, rvs, vans, etc.: $63,144
Median gross rent in 2022: $1,681.
March 2022 cost of living index in Buckeye: 99.8 (near average, U.S. average is 100)
Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2022: 11.3%
(6.6% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 15.3% for Black residents, 8.6% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 4.5% for American Indian residents, 12.6% for other race residents, 5.6% for two or more races residents)
According to our research of Arizona and other state lists, there were 114 registered sex offenders living in Buckeye, Arizona as of March 04, 2025. The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in Buckeye is 540 to 1. The ratio of registered sex offenders to all residents in this city is near the state average.
Crime rates in Buckeye by year
Murders (per 100,000)
1 (1.8)
1 (2.0)
0 (0.0)
3 (5.7)
1 (1.8)
1 (1.7)
2 (3.2)
2 (3.1)
4 (6.0)
1 (1.4)
2 (2.6)
1 (1.2)
4 (4.3)
1 (0.9)
Rapes (per 100,000)
6 (10.6)
0 (0.0)
1 (1.9)
1 (1.9)
1 (1.8)
4 (6.9)
1 (1.6)
2 (3.1)
28 (41.7)
30 (42.1)
26 (33.4)
41 (49.0)
46 (49.3)
53 (48.2)
Robberies (per 100,000)
15 (26.4)
13 (25.6)
11 (21.3)
11 (21.1)
17 (30.5)
7 (12.0)
7 (11.3)
15 (23.2)
16 (23.8)
16 (22.4)
10 (12.8)
18 (21.5)
9 (9.7)
7 (6.4)
Assaults (per 100,000)
47 (82.8)
29 (57.0)
31 (60.1)
39 (74.7)
30 (53.9)
17 (29.2)
18 (29.2)
16 (24.8)
38 (56.6)
78 (109.4)
69 (88.6)
85 (101.7)
113 (121.2)
144 (130.9)
Burglaries (per 100,000)
361 (635.8)
344 (676.2)
397 (769.4)
374 (716.3)
334 (599.5)
195 (335.5)
189 (306.2)
115 (178.1)
149 (221.9)
171 (239.8)
146 (187.4)
141 (168.6)
141 (151.3)
141 (128.2)
Thefts (per 100,000)
794 (1,398)
815 (1,602)
898 (1,740)
924 (1,770)
925 (1,660)
878 (1,511)
855 (1,385)
839 (1,300)
980 (1,459)
1,113 (1,561)
1,050 (1,348)
952 (1,139)
824 (883.9)
885 (804.5)
Auto thefts (per 100,000)
113 (199.0)
86 (169.0)
46 (89.2)
74 (141.7)
69 (123.9)
68 (117.0)
59 (95.6)
71 (110.0)
64 (95.3)
64 (89.7)
69 (88.6)
91 (108.8)
91 (97.6)
115 (104.5)
Arson (per 100,000)
3 (5.3)
11 (21.6)
5 (9.7)
1 (1.9)
8 (14.4)
6 (10.3)
12 (19.4)
2 (3.1)
3 (4.5)
1 (1.4)
1 (1.3)
2 (2.4)
10 (10.7)
5 (4.5) crime index
The crime index weighs serious crimes and violent crimes more heavily. Higher means more crime, U.S. average is 246.1. It adjusts for the number of visitors and daily workers commuting into cities.
- means the value is smaller than the state average. - means the value is about the same as the state average. - means the value is bigger than the state average.
Latest news from Buckeye, AZ collected exclusively by from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations
Ancestries: American (7.5%), Irish (4.7%), German (4.7%), English (4.2%), European (3.3%), Italian (2.1%).
Current Local Time: MST (no DST) time zone
Incorporated in 1929
Elevation: 869 feet
Land area: 145.8 square miles.
Population density: 724 people per square mile (low).
9,894 residents are foreign born (7.6% Latin America, 1.3% Asia).
This town:
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2022: $1,918 (0.4%) Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2022: $2,458 (0.6%)
Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Peoria, AZ (24.6 miles , pop. 108,364).
Nearest city with pop. 200,000+: Glendale, AZ (24.8 miles , pop. 218,812).
Nearest city with pop. 1,000,000+: Phoenix, AZ (30.5 miles , pop. 1,321,045).
Air Quality Index (AQI) level in 2022 was 84.9. This is about average.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) [ppm] level in 2022 was 0.247. This is about average.Closest monitor was 4.9 miles away from the city center.
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) [ppb] level in 2022 was 8.02. This is significantly worse than average.Closest monitor was 4.9 miles away from the city center.
Ozone [ppb] level in 2022 was 28.2. This is about average.Closest monitor was 4.9 miles away from the city center.
Particulate Matter (PM10) [µg/m3] level in 2022 was 39.2. This is significantly worse than average.Closest monitor was 4.9 miles away from the city center.
Earthquake activity:
Buckeye-area historical earthquake activity is significantly above Arizona state average. It is 2848% greater than the overall U.S. average.
On 6/28/1992 at 11:57:34, a magnitude 7.6 (6.2 MB, 7.6 MS, 7.3 MW, Depth: 0.7 mi, Class: Major, Intensity: VIII - XII) earthquake occurred 232.2 miles away from the city center, causing 3 deaths (1 shaking deaths, 2 other deaths) and 400 injuries, causing $100,000,000 total damage and $40,000,000 insured losses On 5/19/1940 at 04:36:40, a magnitude 7.2 (7.2 UK) earthquake occurred 180.0 miles away from the city center, causing $33,000,000 total damage On 10/16/1999 at 09:46:44, a magnitude 7.4 (6.3 MB, 7.4 MS, 7.2 MW, 7.3 ML) earthquake occurred 232.6 miles away from Buckeye center On 12/31/1934 at 18:45:56, a magnitude 7.1 (7.1 UK) earthquake occurred 190.8 miles away from Buckeye center On 10/15/1979 at 23:16:54, a magnitude 7.0 (5.7 MB, 6.9 MS, 7.0 ML, 6.4 MW) earthquake occurred 181.6 miles away from the city center On 7/21/1952 at 11:52:14, a magnitude 7.7 (7.7 UK) earthquake occurred 382.0 miles away from Buckeye center, causing $50,000,000 total damage Magnitude types: body-wave magnitude (MB), local magnitude (ML), surface-wave magnitude (MS), moment magnitude (MW)
Natural disasters:
The number of natural disasters in Maricopa County (16) is near the US average (15). Major Disasters (Presidential) Declared: 11 Emergencies Declared: 1
Causes of natural disasters: Floods: 10, Storms: 9, Fires: 3, Flash Flood: 1, Heavy Rain: 1, Hurricane: 1, Tornado: 1, Wind: 1, Other: 1 (Note: some incidents may be assigned to more than one category).
Hospitals and medical centers near Buckeye:
GOODYEAR DIALYSIS (FMC) (Dialysis Facility, about 13 miles away; GOODYEAR, AZ)
CARE PARTNERS HEALTH SERVICES, INC (Home Health Center, about 14 miles away; GOODYEAR, AZ)
WEST VALLEY HOSPITAL Acute Care Hospitals (about 15 miles away; GOODYEAR, AZ)
PALM VALLEY DIALYSIS (FMC) (Dialysis Facility, about 15 miles away; GOODYEAR, AZ)
PALM VALLEY REHAB AND CARE CTR (Nursing Home, about 15 miles away; GOODYEAR, AZ)
AVONDALE DIALYSIS (DSI) (Dialysis Facility, about 15 miles away; AVONDALE, AZ)
Airports located in Buckeye:
Buckeye Municipal Airport (BXK) (Runways: 1, Air Taxi Ops: 100, Itinerant Ops: 36,960, Local Ops: 15,840, Military Ops: 100)
Notable locations in Buckeye: Buckeye Substation (A), Liberty (B), Liberty Substation (C), Palo Verde Substation (D), Perryville Substation (E), White Tanks Proving Grounds (F), Town of Buckeye Wastewater Treatment Plant (G), Town of Tartesso Water Reclamation Facility (H), Southwest Regional Landfill (I), Buckeye Public Library (J), Buckeye City Hall (K), Buckeye Valley Museum (L), Buckeye Valley Fire District Station 327 (M), Buckeye Fire Department Station 706 (N), Buckeye Fire Department Station 705 (O), Buckeye Fire Department Station 704 (P), Buckeye Fire Department Station 703 (Q), Buckeye Fire Department Station 701 (R), Buckeye Fire Department Station 702 (S), Buckeye Valley Fire District Station 324 (T). Display/hide their locations on the map
Churches in Buckeye include: Grace Fellowship Church (A), First Southern Baptist Church in Buckeye (B), Community United Methodist Church (C), Buckeye Seventh Day Adventist Church (D), Buckeye Light and Life Church (E), Lifeway Church (F), Liberty United Methodist Church (G), White Tank Southern Baptist Church (H), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (I). Display/hide their locations on the map
Reservoirs: Henrys Tank (A), Hog Hole (B), New Tank (C), North Tank (D), Round Tank (E), Web Water (F), Wagner Tank (G), Broken Tank (H). Display/hide their locations on the map
Courts: Buckeye Town - Magistrate Court (100 North Apache Road) (1), Maricopa County Government - Justice Of The Peace (100 North Apache Road) (2), Maricopa County Government - Justice of the Peace- Buckeye Justice C (100 North Apache Road Suite C) (3). Display/hide their approximate locations on the map
Birthplace of: Kole Calhoun - Baseball player.
Maricopa County has a predicted average indoor radon screening level between 2 and 4 pCi/L (pico curies per liter) - Moderate Potential
Drinking water stations with addresses in Buckeye and their reported violations in the past:
FESTIVAL RANCH (Address: 423 ARIZONA EASTERN AVE , Population served: 4,687, Groundwater):
Past monitoring violations:
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JAN-2010 and DEC-2010, Contaminant: TTHM. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (JUN-27-2012)
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JAN-2010 and DEC-2010, Contaminant: Total Haloacetic Acids (HAA5). Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (JUN-27-2012)
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JAN-2008 and MAR-2008, Contaminant: Chlorine. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (JUN-26-2008), St Violation/Reminder Notice (JUL-14-2008)
Initial Tap Sampling for Pb and Cu - In JUL-01-2007, Contaminant: Lead and Copper Rule. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (APR-08-2008)
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JUL-2007 and SEP-2007, Contaminant: Chlorine. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (JAN-10-2008)
14 routine major monitoring violations
4 minor monitoring violations
2 other older monitoring violations
ASPC LEWIS COMPLEX WATER SYSTEM (Address: 26700 S HWY 85 , Population served: 4,300, Groundwater):
Past health violations:
MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In JUL-2014, Contaminant: Coliform
MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In JUL-2007, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (MAY-14-2008)
Past monitoring violations:
Monitoring, Source Water (GWR) - In JUL-26-2014, Contaminant: E. COLI
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between OCT-2013 and DEC-2013, Contaminant: Chlorine
Follow-up Or Routine LCR Tap M/R - In OCT-01-2013, Contaminant: Lead and Copper Rule. Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (DEC-23-2013)
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between APR-2013 and JUN-2013, Contaminant: Chlorine
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JUL-2012 and SEP-2012, Contaminant: Chlorine. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (MAR-14-2013)
8 routine major monitoring violations
2 minor monitoring violations
116 regular monitoring violations
19 other older monitoring violations
BUCKEYE TOWN OF (Address: 423 ARIZONA EASTERN AVE , Population served: 4,005, Groundwater):
Past health violations:
MCL, Average - Between APR-2009 and JUN-2009, Contaminant: Nitrate. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (OCT-14-2009)
MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In SEP-2006, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (FEB-06-2007)
MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In OCT-2005, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (AUG-14-2006)
MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In AUG-2005, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (AUG-14-2006)
MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In FEB-2005, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (AUG-14-2006)
Past monitoring violations:
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JAN-2011 and DEC-2011, Contaminant: TTHM. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (OCT-24-2012)
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JAN-2011 and DEC-2011, Contaminant: Total Haloacetic Acids (HAA5). Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (OCT-24-2012)
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JAN-2010 and DEC-2010, Contaminant: TTHM. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (OCT-24-2012)
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JAN-2010 and DEC-2010, Contaminant: Total Haloacetic Acids (HAA5). Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (OCT-24-2012)
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JAN-2009 and DEC-2009, Contaminant: TTHM. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (OCT-24-2012)
3 routine major monitoring violations
One minor monitoring violation
17 regular monitoring violations
16 other older monitoring violations
CLEARWATER UTILITY CO INC (Address: 20441 W CHEYENNE RD , Population served: 2,075, Groundwater):
Past health violations:
MCL, Average - Between APR-2011 and JUN-2011, Contaminant: Nitrate. Follow-up actions: State No Longer Subject to Rule (OCT-03-2011)
MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In OCT-2010, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (DEC-01-2010), St Compliance achieved (JAN-27-2011)
Past monitoring violations:
Monitoring, Source Water (GWR) - In OCT-25-2012, Contaminant: E. COLI. Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (JAN-22-2013), St Compliance achieved (FEB-20-2013)
Follow-up Or Routine LCR Tap M/R - In OCT-01-2009, Contaminant: Lead and Copper Rule. Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (2 times from FEB-12-2010 to MAY-10-2010), St Compliance achieved (SEP-19-2011)
Follow-up Or Routine LCR Tap M/R - In OCT-01-2005, Contaminant: Lead and Copper Rule. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (DEC-06-2006)
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JAN-2005 and DEC-2005, Contaminant: Total Haloacetic Acids (HAA5). Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (DEC-06-2006)
Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JAN-2005 and MAR-2005, Contaminant: Chlorine. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (DEC-06-2006)
5 minor monitoring violations
25 regular monitoring violations
2 other older monitoring violations
HOPEVILLE WATER COMPANY (Address: 1415 S PALO VERDE RD , Population served: 85, Groundwater):
Past health violations:
MCL, Single Sample - Between JAN-2014 and MAR-2014, Contaminant: Nitrate
MCL, Single Sample - Between JAN-2012 and MAR-2012, Contaminant: Nitrate. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (JUL-12-2013)
MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In DEC-2011, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (FEB-01-2012), St Compliance achieved (OCT-15-2012)
MCL, Average - Between APR-2011 and JUN-2011, Contaminant: Nitrate. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (FEB-04-2013)
MCL, Single Sample - Between JAN-2009 and MAR-2009, Contaminant: Nitrate. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (APR-07-2011)
Past monitoring violations:
Follow-up Or Routine LCR Tap M/R - In OCT-01-2013, Contaminant: Lead and Copper Rule. Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (DEC-23-2013)
Monitoring, Repeat Major (TCR) - In DEC-2011, Contaminant: Coliform (TCR). Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (FEB-01-2012), St Compliance achieved (OCT-15-2012)
Follow-up Or Routine LCR Tap M/R - In OCT-01-2010, Contaminant: Lead and Copper Rule. Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (FEB-01-2011)
Monitoring, Repeat Major (TCR) - In AUG-2008, Contaminant: Coliform (TCR). Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (SEP-18-2009)
34 routine major monitoring violations
2 minor monitoring violations
7 regular monitoring violations
GRANDVIEW WATER CO (Address: 11838 S 194TH DR , Population served: 50, Groundwater):
Past health violations:
MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In JAN-2006, Contaminant: Coliform. Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (MAY-25-2007)
Past monitoring violations:
Monitoring, Repeat Major (TCR) - In JAN-2006, Contaminant: Coliform (TCR). Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (MAY-25-2007)
19 routine major monitoring violations
Average household size:
This town:
3.2 people
2.6 people
Percentage of family households:
This town:
Whole state:
Percentage of households with unmarried partners:
This town:
Whole state:
Likely homosexual households (counted as self-reported same-sex unmarried-partner households)
Lesbian couples: 0.4% of all households
Gay men: 0.3% of all households
5,084 people in state prisons in 2010
10 people in residential treatment centers for adults in 2010
6 people in other noninstitutional group quarters in 2000
2 people in agriculture workers' dormitories on farms in 2000
Banks with branches in Buckeye (2011 data):
Bank of America, National Association: Yuma Watson Branch at 733 South Watson Rd, branch established on 2010/07/13; Verrado Banking Branch at 21084 West Main Street, branch established on 2004/07/28. Info updated 2009/11/18: Bank assets: $1,451,969.3 mil, Deposits: $1,077,176.8 mil, headquarters in Charlotte, NC, positive income, 5782 total offices, Holding Company: Bank Of America Corporation
JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association: Buckeye Branch at 402 Monroe Avenue, branch established on 1954/11/15; Watson And Yuma Banking Center Branc at 1240 South Watson Road, branch established on 2005/10/05. Info updated 2011/11/10: Bank assets: $1,811,678.0 mil, Deposits: $1,190,738.0 mil, headquarters in Columbus, OH, positive income, International Specialization, 5577 total offices, Holding Company: Jpmorgan Chase & Co.
National Bank of Arizona: Buckeye Branch at 219 North Fourth Street, branch established on 1979/05/04. Info updated 2008/09/11: Bank assets: $4,485.6 mil, Deposits: $3,731.3 mil, headquarters in Tucson, AZ, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 73 total offices, Holding Company: Zions Bancorporation
BMO Harris Bank National Association: Buckeye Valley Branch at 1160 South Watson Road, branch established on 2008/01/25. Info updated 2011/07/14: Bank assets: $97,264.0 mil, Deposits: $75,624.6 mil, headquarters in Chicago, IL, positive income, 717 total offices, Holding Company: Bank Of Montreal
Wells Fargo Bank, National Association: Yuma & Watson at 540 South Watson Road, branch established on 2007/08/27. Info updated 2011/04/05: Bank assets: $1,161,490.0 mil, Deposits: $905,653.0 mil, headquarters in Sioux Falls, SD, positive income, 6395 total offices, Holding Company: Wells Fargo & Company
U.S. Bank National Association: Buckeye Fry's at 1300 South Watson Road, branch established on 2010/07/12. Info updated 2012/01/30: Bank assets: $330,470.8 mil, Deposits: $236,091.5 mil, headquarters in Cincinnati, OH, positive income, 3121 total offices, Holding Company: U.S. Bancorp
West Valley National Bank: Buckeye Branch at 111 E. Monroe Avenue, Suite 100, branch established on 2008/04/14. Info updated 2007/01/03: Bank assets: $40.6 mil, Deposits: $28.0 mil, headquarters in Avondale, AZ, negative income in the last year, Commercial Lending Specialization, 3 total offices, Holding Company: West Valley Bancorp, Inc.
Religion statistics for Buckeye, AZ (based on Maricopa County data)
Evangelical Protestant
Mainline Protestant
Black Protestant
Source: Clifford Grammich, Kirk Hadaway, Richard Houseal, Dale E.Jones, Alexei Krindatch, Richie Stanley and Richard H.Taylor. 2012. 2010 U.S.Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study. Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. Jones, Dale E., et al. 2002. Congregations and Membership in the United States 2000. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center. Graphs represent county-level data
2003 - 2018 National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) incidents
Based on the data from the years 2003 - 2018 the average number of fires per year is 131. The highest number of fire incidents - 223 took place in 2013, and the least - 4 in 2006. The data has an increasing trend.
When looking into fire subcategories, the most reports belonged to: Outside Fires (47.4%), and Structure Fires (23.8%).
Fire incident types reported to NFIRS in Buckeye, AZ
#1 on the list of "Top 100 fastest growing cities from 2000 to 2014 (pop. 50,000+)"
#1 on the list of "Top 101 cities with most building permits per 10,000 residents (population 50,000+)"
#1 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the largest percentage population increase from 2000 (population 50,000+)"
#1 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the highest number of burglaries per 100,000 residents, excludes tourist destinations and others with a lot of outsiders visiting based on city industries data (population 50,000+)"
#1 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the highest number of auto thefts per 100,000 residents, excludes tourist destinations and others with a lot of outsiders visiting based on city industries data (population 5,000+)"
#1 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the largest differences between daily high and daily low temperatures (population 50,000+)"
#1 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the highest daily high temperatures (population 50,000+)"
#2 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the lowest number of murders per 100,000 residents (population 50,000+)"
#3 on the list of "Top 101 cities with largest percentage of males in occupations: law enforcement workers including supervisors (population 50,000+)"
#3 on the list of "Top 100 cities with the largest percentage of males (pop. 50,000+)"
#4 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the lowest percentage of workers working at home, population 50,000+"
#4 on the list of "Top 101 larger cities with the highest increase in household income from 2000 (population 50,000+)"
#4 on the list of "Top 100 cities with newest houses (pop. 50,000+)"
#6 on the list of "Top 101 cities with largest percentage of males in industries: utilities (population 50,000+)"
#6 on the list of "Top 101 cities with largest percentage of females in industries: retail trade (population 50,000+)"
#7 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the largest crime index increase from 2002 to 2012 (population 50,000+)"
#9 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the largest crime index per police officer (population 50,000+)"
#10 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the hottest summers (population 50,000+)"
#11 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the highest crime index, excludes tourist destinations and others with a lot of outsiders visiting based on city industries data (population 50,000+)"
#11 on the list of "Top 101 cities with the highest number of days clear of clouds (population 50,000+)"
#2 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the highest Nitrogen Dioxide air pollution readings in 2012 (ppm)"
#3 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the highest total withdrawal of fresh water for public supply"
#3 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the highest surface withdrawal of fresh water for public supply"
#4 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the most Other congregations"
#5 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the most Evangelical Protestant adherents (pop. 50,000+)"