Exclusive GenNext Partner

In 2011, Canadian Grocer launched the Generation Next Awards to recognize up-and-coming leaders from all parts of the grocery industry – from retailers to distributors to foundation and CPG professionals.

"NEXT" stands for New Exciting Thinkers.

Calling all New Exciting Thinkers
We award individuals under the age of 40 who have demonstrated:
  • A commitment to a career in either the grocery or consumer packaged goods industries
  • Innovation through the work they are doing
  • Leadership (including the capacity to inspire and lead others, and a commitment to learn from others)
  • A commitment to getting involved in the industry (i.e., through associations) and helping out with charities or in the community.


If you know someone under the age of 40 (as of Dec. 31, 2024), you can nominate them by clicking on the button below. You can also nominate yourself!


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