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2 Year Old Wedding Taffy Makes Halloween Resurrection

This is a story from a customer who bought taffy for his wedding and how he discovered it's long shelf life. It was still fresh after 2 years! Recently, the new owner, John, emailed with a customer - we'll call him "Alex" - who had not ordered from us in a while. Since there have been so many changes since the new ownership took over this year, John wanted to see if Alex would try us again. Alex didn't believe that the actual owner of would reply to his first email. He figured it was a marketing scheme....

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6 Candy Stylists Give Top Tips for Making Your Own Candy Buffet

What's sweeter than a buffet of candy? Candy Buffets are really popular for all types of events, from weddings, birthday parties, and beyond. Did you know that there are Candy Stylists? We've gathered the top 6 in the world and asked them to share a few tips and tricks on how to build the perfect candy buffet.   Amber Housley - Amber Housley Nashville, Tennessee 1. What makes a candy buffet deliciously beautiful and complement the event? A beautiful candy buffet is created by arranging a variety of sweets in different shapes and sizes on a range of height levels...

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