New Jack City is a 1991 American crime thriller film, based upon an original story and screenplay by Thomas Lee Wright, and directed by Mario Van Peebles in his directorial debut, who also co-stars in the film. The film stars Wesley Snipes, Ice-T, Allen Payne, Chris Rock and Judd Nelson. The film was released in the United States on March 8, 1991.
Wesley Snipes plays Nino Brown, a rising drug dealer and crime lord in New York City during the crack epidemic. Ice-T plays Scotty Appleton, a detective who vows to stop Nino's criminal activity by going undercover to work for Nino's gang.
Nino Brown and his gang, the Cash Money Brothers, become the dominant drug ring in New York City once crack cocaine is introduced to the streets during the late 1980s. His gang consists of his best friend, Gee Money; enforcer Duh Duh Duh Man; gun moll Keisha; Nino's girlfriend, Selina, and her tech-savvy cousin, Kareem. Nino converts the Carter, an apartment complex, into a crack house. Gee Money and Keisha kill rival Fat Smitty, the CMB throws out the tenants, and Nino forces the landlord out onto the streets naked. Undercover detective Scotty Appleton attempts to make a deal with stick-up kid Pookie, but Pookie runs off with the money. Scotty chases Pookie and shoots him in the leg, but the police let him go.
choking the past
and all of the greed
subjecting myself
to all the wrong things
staying out late
with all of the team
committing the crimes that you would not dream
depraving myself
of what was in sight
and running around
like the world is mine
these idle hands
that i must destroy
never again
i won't be his ploy
and though the world has
all of these vices
it just isn't replacing my trust
everybody has their own convictions
i am annoyed at the way that you judge
He was there when you were devoted
He was there when you almost fell off
and even when we knew we made the wrong choices
He was there with a forgiving heart