So riven was the faith that a church-wide council was called by Emperor Constantine. That convention, labeled the Council of Nicaea, brought about 300 church bishops together in A.D ... historic council.
Vasilopita, GreekNew Year’s cake ... He was responsible for the victory of Nicene orthodoxy over Arianism in the ByzantineEast, and the denunciation of Arianism at the Council of Constantinople in 381-82, was in large measure due to his efforts.
Expect some events to highlight the 1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, from which Christians received the NiceneCreed... date for Easter,” which was discussed in 325 at the Council of Nicaea.
There were persecutions under Nero, which led to the martyrdoms of Peter and Paul; and there were persecutions under Diocletian so severe that many of the bishops who attended the NiceneCouncil at ...
Councils convened by influential bishops aimed to reconcile theological disputes that threatened to fracture the faith ... The NiceneCreed, formulated at the FirstCouncil of Nicaea, became a unifying symbol amidst theological diversity.
An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes ... By Dr ... The date of Easter was established by the NiceneCouncil in the 4th century AD as the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal (spring) equinox ... Part of Dr.
If one examines the seven ecumenical councils ... As in any assembly of great minds but conflicting views, this first council resulted in the first consensus of Christian doctrine called the NiceneCreed.
In 381 he sent his legates to Council of Constantinople, and approved its decrees, making it the Fourth Ecumenical Council of the Church. Constantinople I promulgated the Nicene-Constantinopolitan ...
Jerome tells us, that mainly by the craft of Valens and Ursascius, was published a condemnation of the faith which had been taught by the NiceneCouncil, and thus the whole world grieved to find itself made Arian.