Heads Up (The Walking Dead)
"Heads Up" is the seventh episode of the sixth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead. It aired on November 22, 2015, on AMC, and was written by Channing Powell and directed by David Boyd. The episode reveals the unresolved fate of Glenn Rhee after the episode "Thank You".
Following the events of "Thank You", the walkers tear into Nicholas' corpse, which is on top of Glenn and dressed in the same colour shirt as Glenn. Glenn crawls underneath the dumpster, killing the walkers immediately next to him as a barricade, and stays there until the next day by which time the other walkers have dispersed. Someone throws Glenn a water bottle; it is revealed to be Enid. He follows her and she tells him she fled when the Wolves attacked Alexandria, and has no desire to go back. She runs off and Glenn loses her.
In Alexandria, Rick interrupts Morgan's meditative bo stick exercises and tells him they should talk later. He then interrupts Maggie who is standing vigil, looking for some signal from Glenn. Rick tells her that he believes Glenn and the others will come back, and that they should take time to think of a way to lure the walkers away, to "do it right" (suggesting he admits the failures of his previous plan). Rick then tears down Father Gabriel's notices for a prayer circle; Gabriel does not challenge Rick but continues posting notices. Rick and Carl give Ron handgun lessons; Carl advises Ron to be "strong enough to wait for your moment" so that his shots will hit their target. Rick lets Ron carry a handgun but won't let him touch any live ammunition. Later, Ron diverts Olivia's attention and sneaks into the armory to take a handful of bullets.