A die in the context of integrated circuits is a small block of semiconducting material, on which a given functional circuit is fabricated.
Typically, integrated circuits are produced in large batches on a single wafer of electronic-grade silicon (EGS) or other semiconductor (such as GaAs) through processes such as photolithography. The wafer is cut (“diced”) into many pieces, each containing one copy of the circuit. Each of these pieces is called a die.
There are three commonly used plural forms: dice, dies, and die.
In philately, a die is the engraved image of a stamp on metal which is subsequently multiplied by impression to create the printing plate (or printing base).
Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure
Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure is an American documentary film hosted by Kirk Cameron. Directed by Duane Barnhart and written by Kevin Miller, Cameron's mission in making the film is to "search for the real treasure of America."
Monumental began its box office run on March 27, 2012 with a Tuesday night premiere. Reviews of the film have been nearly nonexistent, with only notable Christians such as Francis Chan and Joni Eareckson Tada praising it.
This is Kirk Cameron's partial description on the film's website:
Monumental is the name of a station in the Barcelona Metro network. It takes its name from the former La Monumentalbullring located in Eixample Dret, the northern part of the central Barcelona district of Eixample. It's served by L2 (purple line), and opened in 1995, along with the other stations of the first section of the line to be built (from Sant Antoni to Sagrada Família). It's situated under Carrer de la Marina between Consell de Cent and Diputació, and can be accessed from both sidewalks of Marina.
soldiers also died ... The marching crowd chanted "spilled blood will never be forgotten" and "hands off Panama" as they approached the monument of the eternal flame, built to remember those that died in 1964.
soldiers also died ... The marching crowd chanted “spilled blood will never be forgotten” and “hands off Panama” as they approached the monument of the eternal flame, built to remember those that died in 1964.
Sign up here ...Answer our poll here to let us know your thoughts ... “In an age of digitally retouched selfies, Bacon’s portraits come as a monumental shock.”. Bacon, who died in 1992 at the age of 82, is regarded as redefining the traditional portrait ... .
soldiers also died ... The marching crowd chanted “spilled blood will never be forgotten” and “hands off Panama” as they approached the monument of the eternal flame, built to remember those that died in 1964.
Related Articles. ‘That’ll do donkey’. Perry, inspiration for beloved ‘Shrek’ character, dies. Biden establishes 2 new national monuments in California. Point Reyes beach closed for elephant seal breeding season ...It’s a vicious predator ... .
Elon Musk's father says his billionaire son has expressed interest in buying English soccer club Liverpool... ___ ... AP ... Dangerously winds force Biden to move announcement of new monuments to ... Peter Yarrow of folk-music trio Peter, Paul and Mary dies at 86.
Other Big Tech companies such as Amazon have donated similar amounts ...Credit. AP. Credit. AP. Credit. AP. Credit. AP ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... Dangerously winds force Biden to move announcement of new monuments to ... Peter Yarrow of folk-music trio Peter, Paul and Mary dies at 86.
CARACAS ...The government’s centralized press office did not immediately respond to a request for comment ... Rep ... 20 ... AP ... 1 ... Dangerously winds force Biden to move announcement of new monuments to ... Peter Yarrow of folk-music trio Peter, Paul and Mary dies at 86.
“We are just a few steps from the finish line ...Flying taxis have made enough regulatory inroads with the U.S ...Credit ... Dangerously winds force Biden to move announcement of new monuments to ... Peter Yarrow of folk-music trio Peter, Paul and Mary dies at 86.