- freak
- freakfreak1 [frēk]n.[Early ModE < ? OE frician, to dance (> ME freking, whim, capricious conduct)]1.a) a sudden fancy; odd notion; whimb) an odd or unusual happening2. any abnormal animal, person, or plant; monstrosity☆ 3. Slanga) a user of a specified narcotic, hallucinogen, etc. [an acid freak]b) a devotee or buff [a rock freak]c) HIPPIE4. Archaic capriciousness5. Philately a postage stamp with an error that occurred in the printing or perforation process and is unique to the one stampadj.oddly different from what is usual or normal; queer; abnormal [freak weather]vt., vi.Slang FREAK OUT (see phrase)(see phrase)——————freak out or freak Slang1. to experience, esp. in an extreme way, the mental reactions, hallucinations, etc. induced by a psychedelic drug2. to make or become very excited, distressed, disorganized, etc.freak2 [frēk]vt.[ult. < IE (s)p(h)ereg- > FRECKLE]Rare to streak or fleck
English World dictionary. V. Neufeldt. 2014.