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Paphos has been inhabited since the Neolithic period. It was a centre of the cult of Aphrodite and of pre-Hellenic fertility deities. Aphrodite's legendary birthplace was on this island, where her temple was erected by the Myceneans in the 12th century B.C. The remains of villas, palaces, theatres, fortresses and tombs mean that the site is of exceptional architectural and historic value. The mosaics of Nea Paphos are among the most beautiful in the world.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


Habité depuis les temps néolithiques, le site de Paphos fut un lieu de culte des divinités préhelléniques de la fertilité, puis d'Aphrodite elle-même, née selon la légende à Paphos. Le temple de la déesse, de construction mycénienne, remonte au XIIe siècle av. J.-C. Les vestiges de villas, palais, théâtres, forteresses et tombeaux confèrent au site un intérêt architectural et historique exceptionnel. Les mosaïques de Nea Paphos sont parmi les plus belles du monde.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


بدأ السكن في موقع بافوس منذ العصر الحجري وهو موقع عبادة آلهة الخصب في الحقبة ما قبل الإغريقيّة ومن ثمّ الإلهة أفروديت التي ولدت في بافوس بحسب الأسطورة. ويرقى معبد الإلهة المشيّد على النسق الميسيني إلى القرن الثاني عشر ق.م. وتمنح بقايا البيوت والقصور والمسارح والحصون والمقابر للموقع أهميّةً هندسيّةً وتاريخيّةً استثنائيّة. وتعدّ فسيفساء نيا بافوس من بين الأجمل في العالم.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0



source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Древний город Пафос

Пафос обитаем со времен неолита. Он был центром поклонения Афродите и догреческим божествам плодородия. Согласно легенде, Афродита родилась на этом острове, где в XII в. до н.э. микенцы возвели в её честь храм. Развалины вилл, дворцов, театров, крепостей и гробниц придают этому объекту особую архитектурную и историческую ценность. Мозаики Неа-Пафоса – одни из самых удивительных в мире.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


Habitado desde el Neolítico, el sitio de Pafos fue un lugar de culto a las deidades de la fertilidad en la época prehelénica. Luego, este culto sería reemplazado por el de Afrodita, nacida aquí según la mitología griega. El templo de esta diosa es una construcción micénica que data del siglo XII a.C. Los vestigios de villas, palacios, teatros, fortalezas y tumbas confieren a este sitio un excepcional valor arquitectónico e histórico. Los mosaicos de Nea Paphos figuran entre los más bellos del mundo.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ


Paphos wordt bewoond sinds de neolithische periode. Het was een centrum van de cultus van Aphrodite en pre-Helleense goden van de vruchtbaarheid. De legendarische geboorteplaats van Aphrodite was op dit eiland, waar haar tempel in de 12e eeuw voor Christus werd opgericht door de Mycenen. De overblijfselen van villa’s, paleizen, theaters, forten en tombes laten zien dat het gebied van uitzonderlijke architectonische en historische waarde is. De mozaïeken van Nea Paphos behoren tot de mooiste van de wereld. Er zijn opgravingen gedaan van spectaculaire 3e tot 5e-eeuwse mozaïeken van de Huizen van Dionysus, Orpheus en Aion, en de Villa van Theseus.


Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

Paphos, situated in the District of Paphos in western Cyprus, is a serial archaeological property consisting of three components at two sites: the town of Kato Paphos (Site I), and the village of Kouklia (Site II). Kato Paphos includes the remains of ancient Nea Paphos (Aphrodite’s Sacred City) and of the Kato Paphos necropolis known as Tafoi ton Vasileon (“Tombs of the Kings”), further to the north. The village of Kouklia includes the remains of the Temple of Aphrodite (Aphrodite’s Sanctuary) and Palaepaphos (Old Paphos). Because of their great antiquity, and because they are closely and directly related to the cult and legend of Aphrodite (Venus), who under the influence of Homeric poetry became the ideal of beauty and love, inspiring writers, poets, and artists throughout human history, these two sites can indeed be considered to be of outstanding universal value.

Paphos, which has been inhabited since the Neolithic period, was a centre of the cult of Aphrodite and of pre-Hellenic fertility deities. Aphrodite’s legendary birthplace was on the island of Cyprus, where her temple was erected by the Myceneans in the 12th century BC and continued to be used until the Roman period. The site is a vast archaeological area, with remains of villas, palaces, theatres, fortresses and tombs. These illustrate Paphos’ exceptional architectural and historic value and contribute extensively to our understanding of ancient architecture, ways of life, and thinking. The villas are richly adorned with mosaic floors that are among the most beautiful in the world. These mosaics constitute an illuminated album of ancient Greek mythology, with representations of Greek gods, goddesses and heroes, as well as activities of everyday life.

Criterion (iii): Cyprus was a place of worship of pre-Hellenic fertility deities since the Neolithic period (6th millennium BC). Many of the archaeological remains are of great antiquity; the Temple of Aphrodite itself dates from the 12th century BC, and bears witness to one of the oldest Mycenaean settlements. The mosaics of Nea Paphos are extremely rare and are considered amongst the finest specimens in the world; they cover the Hellenistic period to the Byzantine period. One of the keys to our knowledge of ancient architecture, the architectural remains of the villas, palaces, fortresses, and rock-hewn peristyle tombs of Paphos are of exceptional historical value.

Criterion (vi): The religious and cultural importance of the cult of Venus, a local fertility goddess of Paphos that became widely recognized and celebrated as a symbol of love and beauty, contributes to the Outstanding Universal Value of this property.


All the elements necessary to express the Outstanding Universal Value of Paphos are located within the boundaries of the 291 ha serial property, including the remains of villas, palaces, theatres, fortresses, and the rock-hewn necropolis known as the Tomb of the Kings, as well as mosaics. There is no buffer zone, though the national Antiquities Law provides for the establishment of “Controlled Areas” in the vicinity of the archaeological sites. The property does not suffer unduly from adverse effects of development and/or neglect. Development pressures in the surroundings of the property that threaten to alter the landscape and setting are being dealt with through cooperation with other governmental departments and the local authorities.

The integrity of the property is related to the actions taken by the State Party to preserve the original condition of the ruins. Conservation work undertaken is oriented towards ensuring the structural safety of the ruins, while respecting the original material and its aesthetic value, without interfering with the integrity of the property. Special care is taken in the conservation of the mosaic floors, which benefited from a conservation project with the Getty Conservation Institute that ended in 2004. An extensive conservation programme for the mosaic floors was launched in 2011 by the Department of Antiquities to ensure their preservation. The aim is to continue efforts towards the scientific preservation of the archaeological remains and to further oppose development pressures in the environs of the property. 


Paphos is authentic in terms of its locations and settings, forms and designs, as well as materials and substances. The key elements of the property, such as the archaeological remains associated with the cult of Aphrodite, the rare mosaics, and the remains of civil, military, and funerary architecture, retain a high degree of authenticity with regard to the built fabric.

Protection and management requirements

Paphos is protected and managed according to the provisions of the highly effective national Antiquities Law and the international treaties signed by the Republic of Cyprus. In accordance with the Antiquities Law, Ancient Monuments are categorized as being of the First Schedule (governmental ownership) or of the Second Schedule (private ownership). Paphos (both the town of Kato Paphos and the village of Kouklia) is for the most part under government ownership, due to the policy by the Department of Antiquities to gradually acquire land within the sites and their vicinity. Listed Ancient Monuments of the Second Schedule are gradually being acquired according to the provisions of Section 8 of the Antiquities Law. Furthermore, the Law provides for the establishment of “Controlled Areas” within the vicinity around the sites to control the height and architectural style of any proposed building; such areas are in place for both the town of Kato Paphos and the village of Kouklia. Paphos was given “enhanced protection” status in November 2010 by UNESCO’s Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.

Management of the property is under the direct supervision of the Curator of Ancient Monuments and the Director of the Department of Antiquities. The District Archaeological Officer of Paphos is responsible for supervising the property, under the direction of the Curator of Ancient Monuments. The property has sufficient funding, which is provided by the Department of Antiquities from the yearly government budget. A Master Plan for Kato Paphos (Site I) was implemented from 1991 onwards. The second phase of this Master Plan, concerning the creation of shelters for the mosaic floors, is in progress. A Master Plan for Palaepaphos (Site II) has also been prepared and is under progressive implementation. The creation of a management plan for Paphos that addresses the conservation, promotion, and preservation needs of the property is one of the objectives set by the Department of Antiquities for all listed Cypriot World Heritage properties.

Sustaining the Outstanding Universal Value of the property over time will require completing, approving, and implementing a management plan for Paphos, aiming at the conservation, promotion, and preservation of the property’s unique values for future generations. It will also reinforce efforts undertaken within the framework of the national legislation to minimise dangers of encroachment and the erection of inappropriate buildings in this favoured tourist area.

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VSMM 2008: Digital Heritage 2.0
20 Oct 2008 - 26 Oct 2008