DIY: Another Crowd Pleaser for Your Wedding Dinner: Quiche Lorraine!

Finally something for my DIY brides again: a versatile, super-easy crowd-pleasing dish that 1.) can be prepared and frozen; 2.) can be served warm or cold AND 3.) is equally good as an appetizer and a first entree course! So, what’s this miracle dish? Quiche Lorraine, a staple of French cuisine, but an exception in that it is NOT at all difficult. Accompany with mixed greens or heirloom tomato salad – perfect!

Here we go:

1 unbaked 9 inch pie crust (home-made or store-bought)

12 slices bacon, 1 cup shredded Swiss cheese, 1/3 cup minced onion, 4 eggs, 2 cups heavy cream, salt (ca. 3/4 teaspoon) and cayenne (ca. 1/8 teaspoon) to taste; pinch of sugar.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Render bacon and chop. Cook onion in a little bit of the bacon fat until softened; sprinkle in bottom of pie crust together with bacon and cheese. Beat eggs, mix with cream and seasonings. Brush rim of crust with egg mixture, then pour mixture in crust (will be very full!). Set on rimmed baking sheet and bake in preheated oven for 15 min; reduce temperature to 300 degrees and bake until center is just firm, at least 30 min and up to 50 min (every oven is different, so check frequently – if rim becomes too dark, cover with strips of aluminum foil). Let sit at least 10 min before serving (or let cool, or freeze…), cut into wedges, and enjoy!

Yield: 6 dinner servings or 8 to 10 appetizer servings.


Posted in DIY

A Mid-autumn Night’s Dream: Actress Weds Playwright at Historic Forest Hill Clubhouse!

The playwright wrote his masterpiece.
The actress shone in her most brilliant performance.
And the best of it: it was all non-fiction!
Opening night at the historic Forest Hill Clubhouse on September 15, 2012, was for real – with an enthusiastic audience of friends and family – and the piece premiered will hopefully run for countless seasons: Anna & Daniel in Love!

Their performance of a lifetime

Anna leads a double life as a website designer (her day job) and an actress (at night). She and Daniel first met  5 years before our opening night in a theatrical capacity – he as a writer, and she as a performer, during a monthly event called Playground – writers have a few days to create a short play off a prompt, and then writers and actors all get together to rehearse and perform those plays on one Monday night per month.A short while later, the two met again – by utter coincidence – at a client they had in common for their day jobs: Daniel as a tech provider and Anna as a web designer.

They stayed friends through various relationships and long distances… until they suddenly found themselves single at the same time – and suddenly, finally realized that they were both done for. So sooner or later it was a foregone conclusion that their story would culminate in – a wedding!


The dress…

Ready to walk down the aisle

And while most brides are simply overwhelmed by the amount of organization, decisions, logistics involved in such an event, Anna was totally unfazed. “When you have a background in theatre,” she commented, ” you’re pretty well-equipped to handle weddings. First and foremost, you’re accustomed to the unexpected – in fact, you embrace it – and really, weddings can’t hold a candle to what you run into in theatre. What’s a caterer showing up late compared to an audience member who breaks her leg in the middle of the show (it really happened – don’t ask me how!)… or to finishing your heart-wrenching Act II monologue, only to hear someone let out a thundering snore in row 2… or to knowing that whatever you do that night is going to be judged publicly in a major metropolitan newspaper?”

Well said, indeed. So our actress-bride courageously sailed the ocean of wedding planning and preparation, keeping everything in line. Her rule was, “If it feels too expensive, it probably is. Keep looking.” This kept her budget in check. Clothes and photography? Totally worth every penny. Chairs? Um…who’s going to remember chairs? Anyone? Exactly. “No fuss, no muss” was the motto – the two worked hard to get things in order – but in the words of Anna’s mentor, “Grasp – lightly. Be prepared for the expected and the un- – and welcome them both!”

And when the unexpected happened… the bride did NOT freak out! Just hear her in her own words:  “When I handily wrecked my 2-hour old manicure (and pedicure – again, don’t ask) by arranging my flowers last-minute, I knew just the tricks to smooth things over (a slight layer of polish remover followed by a light application of a close-enough color and, yes, magic marker).”

Here comes the bride – and the groom!

Emcee-ing their ceremony

As for the wedding itself, they decided to emcee their own ceremony. They wanted to tell their story in their own words to make it clear that this wedding was something they were very consciously and responsibly choosing to do. The groom’s father, a minister in real life, officiated the ceremony – it doesn’t get more “in the family” than that!

And our two theater stars kept their audience laughing, not crying, and celebrated it all with really good cocktails afterwards.

“You may now kiss the bride!”

The historic Forest Hill Clubhouse

 For their venue, Anna and Daniel had chosen the historic Forest Hill Clubhouse in San Francisco, a structure with a stellar architectural pedigree (Bernard Maybeck of Palace of Fine Arts fame) and a romantic charm to it that one wouldn’t expect in a metropolis.
Shaded by mature trees, it transported our “theatrical” couple, their real-world masterpiece performance and their guests to a time where things were simpler (or so we tend to think…) and where matters of the heart still counted. And so they couldn’t have imagined a wedding more suited to who they are.

As for their honeymoon, they had the blessings of their families and co-workers to escape entirely – and Anna had pictures from the late 70’s when HER parents had gone to French Polynesia. It didn’t take much convincing to choose that location – just google “Tikehau” to get a taste.

They went off the beaten track – most honeymooners flee to Bora Bora (understandably – it’s beautiful!), but they opted for a trip to the Tuamotos, a fairly unknown cluster of islands further north.

They spent three weeks in remote, picture-perfect islands, living in smaller (more affordable) pensions and eating fish three meals a day – weathering inclement weather and a civil aviation strike that left them stranded for a few days (and with the Western concept of schedules and deadlines unheard-of in Polynesia, they couldn’t hope for much understanding from the locals); they went swimming with humpbacks and trekking through the mountains – and it was the adventure of a lifetime.

Anna’s conclusion: “Opening your mind to the unexpected is the lesson, here. And there are ample rewards for that mindset – as well as strong suntans!”

Congratulations, Anna and Daniel!



Hip Design by A Day Like No Other: Centerpieces for a Historic Factory Venue

For a post-wedding dance party in a raw, historic industrial space with a somewhat gritty vibe, I designed centerpieces using very few florals – but instead lots of glow and reflection. I picked up the industrial history of the space with mirror bases and polished rocks (sprayed antique gold) and arranged dried branches and pods (some of them also discreetly gilded) together with grouped black/velvety-red roses. Antique-gold hurricanes and amber gems scattered on the mirrored bases lent extra reflection.

For smaller tables, I chose a variety of succulents in stark graphical shapes instead of vases:

The overall effect was one of intimate, golden light and retro-raw décor in the dimly lit dance hall – perfect!



Romantic Design by A Day Like No Other: Antique Books for Centerpieces

For a bride who, as a lover of literature in general and antique books in particular, had chosen an “antique books” theme for her wedding, I designed mismatched centerpieces containing beautiful antiques volumes and beautiful items to complement them. Since tables were not numbered, but named after the bride’s favorite authors, some of the centerpieces also contained poems by these respective authors, calligraphed on artificially aged paper scrolls:

While some arrangements contain fresh flowers…

others rely entirely on dried florals, moss, bird nests, and driftwood:

some are more masculine…

… others decidedly feminine with pastel wildflowers, a fan, and a perfume bottle.

Case in point: the possibilities of this theme are endless, and they are all attractive!

Sylvan Lake – a Hidden Gem in the Wine Country

Last weekend, I made an incredible discovery: a hidden gem of a wedding venue in the Bay Area Wine Country! It’s totally unknown, totally private and secluded, it’s a beautiful enchanted garden, it’s even dog-friendly… what else can I say? It’s simply a treasure.

Sylvan Lake is high up in the mountains above picturesque St. Helena, but even after having lived in the Bay Area for more than a decade, and – of course – having visited the Wine Country countless times, I had no idea that Sylvan Lake existed, or where it might be. And just driving by, you would never suspect what’s hidden behind this unassuming driveway. Nor would the owners want it to be any other way.

John and Luise bought the property fifty years ago. Yes, fifty. And they’ve been working on it every single day, making it better and more beautiful, modernizing it inside while keeping the romantic facade overgrown with ivy – a storybook house. And, of course, they’ve lovingly tended to the gardens, and – as you will see – it shows.

The  most amazing thing, however, is, that the two wish to share the beauty and romance of their hidden treasure with others, to make young couples’ special day – even more special. And so, for many years, they’ve opened their doors for weddings, but never more than just 15 a year – so they can focus on every single event. John has amassed a whole inventory of things that you’d expect to have to bring: he has heat lamps and props, he’ll string dozens of Chinese lanterns across the expanse of the lawn and hang them from the trees, he’ll provide bar tables, market umbrellas and small patio lights and, and… It’s his joy and pride to provide a beautiful setting for a young couple’s most beautiful event.

John’s and Luise’s house looks like straight out of a storybook:

… and this is from where the bride would walk down the aisle to where the ceremony would take place: under an enormous old olive tree:

… and when the couple is officially pronounced “husband and wife,” John will let the world know by ringing his historic bell:

whose sound literally carries throughout the valley. Talk about romance…

The wedding party can then begin on the big lawn:

….surrounded by towering trees, blooming flowerbeds and impeccably pruned boxwood hedges. When night falls, the scenery turns magical under the Chinese lanterns, and dancing starts – to whatever music you’d like, live, DJ – your choice! And with a few restrictions, you can party into the wee hours of the morning – a very rare treat! By the way, John, a trained concert pianist, keeps his Baldwin grand piano perfectly tuned at all times, and while he will not play himself – his fingers, he says, are not that nimble any more – he’ll invite whoever will play at the wedding, and with the living room windows wide open, its glorious sound fills the garden.

I begged John to play a little bit for me – and he obliged, right there – in the middle of his incessant gardening chores:

He hardly ever says no! Another thing he can’t say No to is – young couples bringing their beloved dogs to their wedding. As long as he or she is kept on a leash and supervised, John and Luise welcome canines at weddings. After all, their “Lady” and her daughter “Piglet” are the joy of their lives!

But John’s and Luise’s hospitality doesn’t stop here – for the newlyweds, they open their cute little cottage so they can spend their first night on the property:

…complete with living room, bathrooms, kitchen and bedroom under the eaves… and that is part of the package.

And even that is not all. On top of everything else, John and Luise invite the young couple to their historic farmhouse in Italy for a whole week of honeymoon! It’s a building from the 16th century, lovingly restored and modernized inside (by the indefatigable John himself, of course!), and it’s situated in a side valley of the Italian Alps, beneath Monte Rosa, in a region still untouched by tourism.

With such generosity, small wonder then that all the couples who have tied the knot under John’s and Luise’s olive tree over the years have remained friends – many of them returning to Sylvan Lake unannounced to show the two a tiny bundle, their own pride and joy. And that’s the biggest reward for John and Luise.

I am sure that by now you’re hooked! Contact me if you’d like to have your own wedding at Sylvan Lake – email [email protected]



Elegant Design by A Day Like No Other: Peacock Feather Escort Card Display

For a formal and elegant wedding with a “vintage glamour” theme, I designed a stunning escort card display of 200 peacock feathers, fanning out from a vintage wine crate:


Each escort card was hung from one feather, and the feathers were then arranged in alphabetical order in several rows, front to back.

This arrangement was not only a visual focus, but also a conversation piece for guests – and each guest arrived at their seat carrying a beautiful feather…

Luxurious Design by A Day Like No Other: Tiffany-themed Invitations and Favors

For a very elegant, Tiffany-themed wedding, I designed invitations to set the tone and the expectation for the guests: crystal-embellished ivory silk folders held custom-designed invitations. The folders were ordered directly from the manufacturer in Thailand.

The invitations themselves consisted of layered cards (pearlized ivory cardstock layered on matte chocolate and a wider rim of tiffany blue in a discreet sheen) custom designed for the square folders:

The side inserts in the folder flaps were used as RSVP cards and directions cards. Invitations were wrapped in ivory tissue paper and mailed in white square boxes embellished with custom tiffany-blue address labels matching those used on the – equally custom-made – favors.

For favors, the couple chose home-made organic limoncello in corked and wax-sealed artisan glass bottles, packed “luggage proof” in tissue paper and cardboard tubes and presented in tiffany-blue handlebags with custom labels.

An elegant presentation in keeping with the overall theme and elegance of the celebration – and a hit with the guests!



Une Grande Affaire – Virginia and Mick’s Wedding

Virginia – Jenna for short, and that’s how her friends call her – and Mick are a busy, quirky, upbeat young couple. They live in a loft, downtown. Jenna zips around on a baby-blue Vespa. When they decided to get married, one thing was clear: it would be “no-frills.” But it would be a great party with all their (many) friends, their parents, a lot of good food, a lot more good stuff to drink, and even more dancing. Very easy.

But even “easy” takes a lot of time, effort, and planning, and so the two turned to A Day Like No Other for help, and I was happy to jump right in! And as weddings go – their wedding, too, became bigger and better,  and – to speak with their French theme and their French friends – “une grande affaire!”

Jenna’s and Mick’s invitation became the theme for the party…

Jenna and Nick chose the brick patio of the historic Forest Hill Clubhouse for their wedding ceremony, and – literally – Heavens (the celestial Weather Department, to be precise) smiled on them: it turned out to be one of those perfect, golden October days when San Francisco is the most beautiful.

Bride and bridesmaids were made even more beautiful in an impromptu onsite beauty salon by Belle by Marine, hidden away from any advance glimpses by the groom, and then, to the  music of cellist Suellen Primost, the bride walked down the aisle on her Dad’s arm to meet her groom:

Friends and family had gathered from far and wide…

A truly romantic setting

Happiness – and a gorgeous dress

The ceremony was officiated by Amanda Bowman, a close friend…

who has just presented the two “for the first time – as husband and wife!”

Jenna and Mick held a champagne reception on site – and guests were invited to take their champagne flutes with them as keepsakes. The couple had lovingly inscribed every single glass with their initials.

From the Champagne reception, the bridal party took stretch limousines (with a surprise of “Just Married” soda cans clattering from behind the rear bumper…), and everyone else boarded a big tour bus to a reception and dance party downtown, at “The Box SF,” a hip urban event space located in a former factory building. Jenna and Mick loved the raw, industrial look and had opted for minimal  (I did not listen and added some nonetheless…). Here the party is already underway:

While DJ Chris took care of the music, everyone feasted on French delicacies by La Bonne Cuisine…

… beautifully presented on raw logs with moss and succulents, from which I took my cue for various centerpieces…

What would a French dinner be without dessert… and La Bonne Cuisine did not disappoint:

Macarons and Creme brûlée presented on suspended “floating” trays

Various performances by friends and family members were the highlights of the evening: the bride’s sister and Maid of Honor had written a song for Jenna and performed it  “en lieu” of the requisite toast- a huge success …

…as was the performance of Jenna’s friend Marie who sung a slightly “risqué” very French couplet “to Jenna and Mick” of her own composition, accompanying herself on the accordion:

And then the bride herself, accompanied by her bridesmaids, let it rip for her new husband… they are all terrific dancers!

… and the party was just HUGE! Everyone had a really good time – and me too…

… because this is why I love my job! Thanks, Jenna and Mick, for making me a part of your Great Day, and have a wonderful marriage!

Wedding Coordination and Design: A Day Like No Other

Many thanks to my Dream Team:

Kelli DeSeelhorst, my assistant

Suellen Primost, Ceremony music

Marine Vaisset, Hair and Makeup 

The Party Staff, Keith Linzey, Champagne Bar

Forest Hill Clubhouse, Ceremony venue

The Box SF, Reception venue, Danielle Amato and team

La Bonne Cuisine catering

Chris Dudzine, DJ, [email protected]

United Coach Tours, guest transportation

City Express Limousine Service, bridal party transportation

A True Fairytale Wedding: Michelle and Philipp

Michelle and Philipp did not only have a fairytale wedding – more of that in a moment – but just as much a fairytale courtship: born and raised at opposite ends of the world (Michelle in Inner Mongolia, Philipp in Germany), the two met in College, at the University of Southern California, literally during their first week in their first semester. Despite all that might have stood in their way, like having no language in common and coming from vastly different cultural backgrounds, they were inseparable from day one. They were truly made for one another! And they did everything together, studying, movies, playing sports:

And that’s why they decided to get married just out of College, and they made me their wedding planner. They entrusted to me the design as well as the organization of their wedding celebration, literally everything from their invitations to their Rehearsal Dinner, choice of venue to guest accommodations, from the dress to the groomsmen gifts, and, of course, the Great Day itself. They choose Tiffany blue as their wedding color – and this idea then carried through to all the details, the invitations, the bridesmaids dresses, the linens, the favors, the jewelry – and even the cake.

The wedding was held at Stonepine Estate, an equestrian estate in Carmel Valley – 330 acres of rolling hills and forests, vineyards and horse trails, and a French-Mediterranean chateau in the middle, surrounded by formal gardens.

Definitely an appropriately magnificent setting for a fairytale wedding!

Here is the dress (by Priscilla of Boston) displayed with gorgeous bouquets from Christine Cater Floral Design:

… and here is the bride getting ready for the great moment:

Bride and groom were transported to the ceremony in style: in a horse drawn carriage:

Guests arrived from all over the world – Germany, France, China, Canada, the East Coast – to attend their outdoor ceremony in the formal gardens of the Chateau:

“You may now kiss the bride!”

Now happily married, the two proceeded to cut their cake (by Cake Coquette) and enjoy their First Dance, but first the husband carried his young wife across the water…

… to the Pool Pavilion, where, serenaded by a String Quartet, the two proceeded to perform their official first task together: cutting the cake which not only resembled a stack of Tiffany boxes, but actually contained ONE real box, filled with a pearl bracelet (the cake had to be guarded until the bride found her special gift!)

Then it was time for their First Dance, traditionally to the tune of Johann Strauss’ “Blue Danube,” music that even Michelle’s parents had come to know and love in China. Videographer Andrew Hsu captured every precious moment.

While their guests enjoyed an al fresco reception under blue skies, the couple had a photo shoot with photographer Kevin Chin in the Stonepine park…

… some official ones…

… some right out of “Alice in Wonderland” – but also some riskier poses on the diving board:

The two did NOT take the plunge, but returned to join their guests on the lawn…

… where their beloved four-legged companion, Buzz, was already waiting for them.

Everyone then took a short break…


Buzz couldn’t wait to finally sit down with closest friends and family for the wedding dinner on the loggia (well, Buzz, seated with his dog walker, dined a little bit away from the party, but got to enjoy the same entree of Filet Mignon…)

It was a wonderful conclusion to a one-of-a-kind day:

Congratulations and best wishes, Michelle, Philipp and Buzz! Your wedding was a fairytale – may your married life be one, too!

Michelle and Philipp | Stonepine Estates from andrew msv on Vimeo.

Wedding Coordination and Design: A Day Like No Other

Thanks to my Dream Team:

Venue and Catering: Stonepine Estate

Invitations: The Desk Set

Dress: Priscilla of Boston

Jewelry: Tiffany

Cake: Cake Coquette

Hair and Makeup: Triple Twist

Flowers: Christine Cater Floral Design

Photography: Kevin Chin Photography

Videography: Andrew Hsu / Studio MSV

Ceremony and Reception Music: Karsten Windt String Quartet

Dinner Music: Matisse Freimark, ph. 831-722-8131

Transportation: City Express Limousine Service




Cultural Education plus Culinary Revelation at Cavallo Point: a WIPA Event

Today I attended another one of the fabulous professional education events that the Wedding Industry Professionals Association (WIPA for short), a professional organization whose member I am, is organizing several times a year, every time at a spectacular, one-of-a-kind venue. Today was no exception: we met at Cavallo Point Lodge in Sausalito, a short drive from San Francisco across the Golden Gate Bridge. And although I have made San Francisco my hometown for more than a decade, I had never been there – what a wonderful opportunity to finally visit this enchanted spot so close by! It was a Golden October day all over the Bay Area, sunny, warm, with a slight breeze from the water, showcasing the gorgeous venue to its best advantage:

A former military outpost guarding the Bay, this already looks like a world away from the hustle and bustle of the City, but turn around and look across the water…

…and turn still a little further and look again:

As you can imagine, in this setting the day already felt like a little vacation – I could have stayed there much longer! Just look at the Reception building:

And here are more rooms in romantic small houses scattered across an expanse of lawn overlooking the San Francisco Bay:

Isn’t that incredibly romantic? But here is the really, totally unbelievable good news for all us dog lovers on Wedding Woof: this property is dog-friendly! Without size restrictions, even… Cavallo Point Lodge is open for dog-friendly weddings with your beloved canine as  part of your ceremony (not only out on the lawn, but even in the chapel!), he/she is allowed around during your champagne reception, and during your festive dinner Fido is permitted to sit outside with his/her handler on the patio and indulge in whatever you want served to your pooch on your Great Day! After dinner, your darling can retire to a dog-friendly room (all the rooms on the first floor are dog-friendly, so take your pick!) with his/her dog sitter while Bride, Groom and guests are dancing the night away. It doesn’t get much better than this! And I can’t wait to put on a dog-friendly wedding (my specialty!) in this gorgeous place.

Now I got totally carried away by the spectacular venue – while at least one part of the purpose of today’s meeting was professional education (the other part was eating, fun, and meeting people!) The subject of today’s lecture was “Your Passport to Success in a Multi-Cultural World,” and who better to talk about it than Therese Cole-Hubbs who is, hands down, the authority on multi-cultural weddings, be it Indian, Thai, Hispanic, Jewish – you name it.

With 27 years of experience and more than 600 multicultural celebrations – many of them huge affairs – “under her belt,” Therese has an inexhaustible wealth of professional wisdom to share. And since the San Francisco Bay Area from Berkeley to Silicon Valley is such a vibrant melting pot of different cultures, all with their own customs, foods, ceremony traditions and so forth, Therese had her audience totally captivated. Core lessons: in many cultures, the fathers are still the decision makers when it comes to the budget; the mothers take pride in doing the “wedding planning” – so call yourself a “wedding designer” rather than a “planner” – be respectful of all cultural traditions, especially the wedding ceremony itself; and never forget: all the decor, design and entertainment, lavish as it might be, only serves the one purpose to create an environment where moments of deep emotion become possible for the couple who are committing to a lifetime with one another, and also for their guests. Therese is certainly a master of that art – and her slides showcased a selection of her extraordinary designs that make a celebration both meaningful and unique, transcultural and unforgettable. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise, Therese!

With our professional education done for the day, WIPA President Sharon Dexmier invited us all to a delicious lunch catered by the Cavallo Point Lodge, where – as always at WIPA events – industry professionals were sponsoring all the aspects of the event. Sharon’s own company, Napa Valley Linens, had contributed the beautiful tablecloths, and Ornamento had arranged the flowers:

Julie Kay Kelly of JK Life Stories Photography and Kevin Dennis of Fantasy Sound Event Services captured every moment of our meeting – and documented how we all enjoyed “Crab Cake Croquettes” (little balls with a crispy, golden crust holding the creamiest, most delicious crab cake filling), mixed greens in truffle vinaigrette, a vegetarian risotto (for me – among the best I’ve ever had, including Italy!) or chicken – and a dessert bar to die for… that alone would have made the trip worthwhile! But – what makes a great party is the great company, and that we certainly had! It was a wonderful setting to reconnect with cherished friends and colleagues and to meet new ones. Let’s see who was there – among many others, fellow wedding planners Isabelle of Bonjour Isabelle and Joyce Scardina Becker of Events of Distinction; Interfaith Officiant Yehudit Steinberg, Event Coordinator Molly Quinn of Palm Event Center and Baker Judy Chadwick of True Confections; Kelsey Pavao of Entire Productions Entertainment Company as well as Margret Scott of California Wedding Day Magazine. Plus, of course, the fabulous Jessica Winthrop, Catering Manager at Cavallo Point, who made it all happen!

It was a wonderful day – we learned something, we met friends, we ate well (very well!), and we enjoyed a venue so close and yet so far away from our everyday…  a mini vacation! Thank you!


Jessica Winthrop, Cavallo Point Lodge, [email protected]

Sharon Dexmier, Napa Valley Linens, [email protected]

Therese Cole-Hubbs, Electric Karma,

Julie Kay Kelly, JK Life Stories, [email protected]

Kevin Dennis, Fantasy Sound Event Services, [email protected]


Isabelle Adams, Bonjour Isabelle,

Joyce Scardina Becker, Events of Distinction,

Yehudit Steinberg, [email protected]

Molly Quinn, Palm Event Center, [email protected]

Judy Chadwick, True Confections,

Kelsey Pavao, Entire Productions, [email protected]

Margret Scott, California Wedding Day Magazine, [email protected]